General characteristics of the color of pinto horses. What is color?

Piebald horse color is distinguished by the presence of large white spots (pejins)., as a rule, of irregular shape and large size, which can be chaotically scattered throughout the main color. Sometimes these spots are so large that they can merge into the horse's main color - white, and then it seems as if the horse itself is white.
There are also white spots on the legs, tail and mane of the animal, or the animal may be completely white. Spotted horses have a pronounced phenomenon called albinism, due to which the iris of the eyes is often blue. Eyes may also be blue.

According to experts, horse spotting is not a pattern , but a pigmentation disorder. But this problem did not stop horse breeders from breeding white horse breeds. Otherwise, today we would not be able to meet piebald handsome men and beauties in any corner of our world.

At all times, humanity has tried to establish the natural dependence of a horse’s temperament (performance) on color.
According to this opinion, dark bay horses are the most reliable and hardworking .
And gray and white individuals, and especially albinos, have a more pliable and gentle character. Red horses are characterized by weak endurance, and the behavior of black horses has angry and hot traits. An Arab proverb says that a horse breeder should never buy a red horse , if necessary, sell a black one, ride a bay horse himself and take care of a white one. In addition, there is a prejudice about horses of faded colors, which suggests that a red or bay horse has poor performance.

From time immemorial, white horses were highly valued by North American tribes , namely the Indians. They believed that horses of a light white color invariably brought their rider good luck and helped to avoid troubles on the path of life, being a kind of talismans.

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The presence of large white, irregularly shaped spots on the animal, unevenly scattered over the body, is a piebald color. It is impossible to predict what design nature will come up with and when. Sometimes the spots reach such a size that they completely cover the body of the individual. The iris of the eyes can be either dark or blue.

A gene mutation can trigger at any time. Such “gifts” lead to the development of new colored breeds of animals. They are especially valued in fur farming and in breeding ornamental species of pets.

Spectacular styling

Ashy curls can be beautifully styled, making a hairstyle for every day or a holiday. To make your hairstyle look elegant, you can decorate it with bright accessories, but they should not stand out from the overall style.

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An excellent option for everyday styling is a straight parting and long oblique bangs. The ends can be slightly curled with a hairdryer. This option is well suited for medium-length bobs and modern short cascade, bob and pixie haircuts.

For an evening event, cocktail party

When going to an evening event, you can decorate your curls with a silver hairpin. Long hair can be slightly curled and loosened under the shoulders or gathered into an elegant high ponytail; short hair can be fixed with hairspray to give additional volume.


The piebald color begins to form in the womb. Vertebrate cells called melanoblasts are responsible for the pattern. Before the process of differentiation (before a change in the function of the cell, its metabolic activity, size, shape) they do not contain pigment. They are the precursors of pigment cells that produce melanocytes in birds and mammals, and melanophores in cold-blooded animals.

Melanoblasts in vertebrates are formed in embryos in the neural crest. Subsequently, they move to the epidermis. Any disturbance during migration leads to non-standard coloration of the species. This can manifest as albinism and piebald hair color:

  • Melanism. With increased pigment formation, an excess of melanin gives a rich black color.
  • Chromism. The sequence of pigment formation is as follows: first, a red pigment is formed, and then it becomes black. A disruption in the transition chain leads to the appearance of “golden” individuals.
  • Piebaldism. A body condition that affects melanin production is manifested by the segmented appearance of white patches on the animal's skin.
  • Albinism. The complete or partial absence of pigment in the cell leads to the appearance of white individuals.

Sources [edit]

  • Schaible, R. H. (1969). "Clonal distribution of melanocytes in variegated and variegated mice." J Exp Zool
    (2):181–200. DOI: 10.1002/jez.1401720205. PMID 5372006.
  • Scheible, R.H. and Andrews, E.J. (editor) and Ward, B.C. (editor) and Alatman, N.H. (ed.) (1979). Chapter 146, Introduction to Hypopigmentation;
    Chapter 147, Albinism; Chapter 148, Piebaldism; Chapter 149: Vitiligo .
    Spontaneous animal models of human disease
    . New York: Academic Press. pp. 11–16.CS1 maint: uses the authors parameter (link)
  • Laboratory of Veterinary Genetics. "An Introduction to the Genetics of Coat Color". UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
    . Retrieved January 12, 2008.

Variants of piebald horse color

Horses are loved, valued and bred all over the world. The variety of breeds, sizes and colors is amazing. Uniformity of the livestock, including color, is one of the characteristics of the breed. Previously, and in some breeding farms to this day, horses with piebald, uncharacteristic coat color are culled. In the cavalry of the Soviet army, horses of similar color were selected for regiments. They never took piebald horses or animals with large markings. For example, whiteness on the legs above the hock resulted in culling.

Americans have their own view of such horses. The most valuable for them is the piebald horse. What color the future offspring will have depends on the presence of a certain combination of genes in its parents. Their classification is as follows:

1. Tobiano. White spots are located over the entire surface of the animal’s body, necessarily including the line of the spine. The head has a basic color; markings in the form of stars and blazes are acceptable. At maximum piebaldity, only the head and belly remain dark. The skin color under the spots is pink, under the main color is gray.

2. Overo. Homozygous foals die within the first three days; this lethal group also includes white-born babies. Heterozygous ones are covered with spots involving the abdomen and head, but they are not located on the line of the spine. Under the white color the skin is pink. This type often has different colored eyes.

  • overo frame (pejins on the neck and sides of the animal, enclosed in a “frame” of the main suit);
  • splashed white (the ears and part of the back remain dark, a rarer color);
  • sabino (marks on the legs, head, spots all over the body, roaning is present).

3. Tovero. A rare variant of piebaldity, when an animal carries both genes. This mixture gives the most unusual designs.

In the USA, there is a clear classification of piebald horses. The Pinto group (The Pinto Horse Association of America, PtHA) includes absolutely all (except heavy draft horses) pinto horses and ponies. Another group (The American Paint Horse Association, APHA) includes representatives of only two breeds: thoroughbred and quarter horses. Both groups are classified as “color” breeds, officially recognized only on the American continent.

An internationally recognized colored breed is the Appaloosa. What kind of piebald hair color the horse has can be seen in the photo in the text. Clearly defined dark markings are scattered across the white background. Such horses were in fashion back in the 16th-18th centuries among royalty and nobility in Europe.

EPISODE TWO, in which Piebald almost broke up with Vitya

Summer was in its last days. There was a catastrophic lack of money. Irina was thinking about selling Piebald. He seemed to feel that he tried hard in training and didn’t even give up in front of obstacles. He walked sadly and quietly.

Vitya spent the day and night in the stable. During this time he became close to Piebald. I talked to him, stroked him, and the horse turned his head and listened. It was hard to say goodbye.

“You have to be careful with people like that,” Aunt Manya whispered conspiratorially, glancing sideways in Vita’s direction.

- He’s looking at the piebald horse. “She’s trying to sneak past him,” Irina told her husband.

The buyer has arrived. Important, serious, he quickly jumped off the running board of the truck. Vitya looked at him and decided - “Mister”, and a “teapot” at that, in a suit, his shoes were polished. Yes, even with a cell phone. They decided not to take the gentleman to the stables. Before his arrival, Piebald was brushed, combed and tied outside. The gentleman from the side approached the horse, looked, clicked his tongue.

Vitya (gloomily): “Careful, he’ll kick.” The gentleman pulled back

The gentleman pulled back.

Irina (smiling): “No, no matter what, he’s calm. Hardy, ideal for children, affectionate...”

Mister: “Jumped?”

Irina: “Up to one and a half meters!”

Vitya: “His legs are weak, but he throws himself on routes. Lazy".

Irina (to Vitya): “Viktor Afanasyevich, call the company in the meantime, find out about the contract... (Smiling affectionately at the gentleman) Business. Business, you see.”

Vitya, grinning, trudged away. For the first time they called him by name and patronymic - Viktor Afanasyevich.

The conversation lasted about half an hour. During this period, Irina described the horse’s racing, hunting and other talents, and Piebald, no fool, managed to wipe his muzzle on the gentleman’s jacket and leave a hoof mark on the buyer’s patent leather boot.

- Rental horse. As far as I can see, nothing special,” muttered the victim.

So the gentleman left, but Piebald remained...

Color in the wild

Piebald color is found in the wild in various species of animals, birds, and reptiles. The most common is complete or partial albinism. Lack of pigmentation colors the individual's hair with incredible patterns. In natural conditions, where protective or camouflage coloration provides a chance for survival, such a “gift” of nature can be fatal.

An example of this is the red seal with blue eyes. It was discovered on Sakhalin. Rejected by the herd and his own mother, he was doomed to death. Human intervention saved the baby's life; he lives in a dolphinarium in Sochi.

What style of clothing does it go with?

Ash is a truly universal tone; it goes well with sports and casual clothing, as well as with romantic evening dresses. The main thing is that the suit has at least a few details that are in harmony in color with the curls; this could be, for example, a gray or silver bag, blue jewelry, a gray dark gray scarf.


It is not only in horse breeding that they engage in targeted breeding of “pegashi”. Fur farming also has its own preferences. Scandinavian breeders specially bred the Finnish Jaguar breed - piebald mink. This is a color reminiscent of the Dalmatian. This is one of the rarest and most unusual colors for representatives of this species. In rabbit farming, animals are bred not only for meat, but also to obtain fur with an unusual pattern. Popular breeds: German Pied Giant, Tricolored Stroka, Butterfly, Californian, Black and Brown, Russian Ermine.

In dog breeding, there are breeds named for a distinctive color, for example, the Russian piebald hound. What is acceptable in one breed is unacceptable in others. Deviations in the color of breeding animals can lead to their culling and exclusion from further breeding work.

Pet guinea pigs can please the owner with an incredible combination of colors. Two- and three-colored individuals are not uncommon among representatives of this species. There are also very special breeds - Russian or Himalayan guinea pig. The main body color is snow-white, and the fur on the legs, muzzle and ears have sharply limited dark pigmentation - black, brown or dark chocolate.

Recommendations from experienced stylists

Stylists recommend choosing an ashy color for those who want to lighten and revitalize their tone, but are afraid of radical changes. Natural coloring using the shatush or balayage technique will help highlight the natural color of the hair, slightly changing the shade of individual strands. Older ladies with gray hair should be especially careful when choosing a shade.

Ash curls look beautiful and noble. The main thing is to know the rules of compatibility of this color with the type of face, eye and skin color. If you choose the right shade, you can highlight the advantages of the appearance, and, in turn, hide the disadvantages. If in doubt, consult a professional hairdresser or stylist. Don’t be afraid of bold experiments, because ash color has not gone out of fashion for several years.

Rare colors

You can find very unusual colors in both domestic and wild animals and birds. For example:

  • Nicobar pigeon. The long mane feathers have a rainbow tint.
  • White and blue peacock (got its outfit due to gene mutations).
  • In domestic animals - horses, cows, cats, dogs - it is not difficult to detect absolutely all variants of piebaldity.
  • The peacock spider is considered the most beautiful spider in the world. Its abdomen may have markings of different shades - blue, orange, red, purple, light blue, yellow.
  • Mandarin duck. She has feathers of orange, red, green, olive-brown, brown, purple, yellow, blue, and black.
  • Blue lobster - occurs one in two million individuals.
  • The Indian bullfrog is bright yellow with blue cheeks.
  • Representatives of parrots and aquarium fish can boast the most rich and amazing combinations of colors.

Types of piebald horse colors

Piebald color is usually called any type of color on horses that have large white spots scattered in a chaotic manner on the body. Depending on the location, size, shape and types of the main color, several piebald types of horse color are distinguished: forelock horses are characterized by the presence of white markings of a regular oval shape of small diameter. In this case, the main type of color can be either black, brown or red. Somewhat less common are forelock horses with basic dun, savras, or more exotic hair coloring. Sometimes the “spot” can cover the entire surface of the horse’s body, in which case the white color acts as a background, and the pigmented hair dilutes the color:

  • silver bay. The color is obtained as a result of the work of diluent genes on the bay color. The body in this case has a characteristic brown tint, but the hair of the mane and tail acquires a characteristic silvery tint;
  • silver-black. The type of suit is characteristic of the previous one, only the base color is black. In this case, the influence of the gene increases, since it is the black pigment that is replaced. As a result, the animal’s body is strewn with white “apples,” and the base of the coat acquires a gray-silver tint.

Usually, when describing piebald colors, the name uses the main color - raven-piebald, red-piebald. In this case, the horse is spotted. The description of the color as “piebald” is not informative and does not fully reflect the color characteristics of the coat.


Often considered the main suit, although this is not entirely true. This color is also called gray. It occurs as a result of mixing black and white hairs. A distinctive feature of the gray color is the change in shade throughout life.

Over time, any horse can change color - turn gray, due to an increase in white hairs. It happens that a foal is born black, and then its color changes - it becomes lighter and lighter. As a result, upon becoming an adult, the foal acquires a light gray color, and then may even become white.

For gray horses, there are 4 patterns:

  • Light gray. This is the color of a horse that has turned gray over time. Moreover, she has almost white hair.
  • Dark gray (dark gray or iron grey). The entire body, with the exception of the head, is dark gray in color. The head, as a rule, has a light gray color. This suit has a second name - steel, and it is often confused with mouse.
  • Dapple grey. The body is covered with round spots that are lighter than the main background. These spots repeat the network of blood vessels.
  • Flea-bitten grey, if the buckwheat is dark brown/black, or trout (rose grey), if the buckwheat is red-cherry in color. The horse's body is strewn with tiny specks, like cereal. Some people say that the horse has “freckles”, implying this cue. With age, the first version of the “buckwheat” progresses, and the trout bait appears precisely after the first molt.

Light gray horse

Gray suit

Dark gray horse

Gray in the "apples"

Gray with buckwheat

Features of suit inheritance

Piebald coloring is recognized by a number of scientists as partial albinism. This is indirectly confirmed by the presence of blue eyes in some representatives. But modern genetic research shows a complex system of inheritance of color in a horse, and several alleles are responsible for the appearance of markings. Depending on the modifier gene and its position, the horse will show different variations in piebaldness.


Under the influence of the Tobiano (To) gene, horses have white, symmetrical markings of varying sizes, but usually symmetrical. The action of this diluent gene is characterized by the presence of white stockings on all limbs up to the hock joint or above. Markings on the body are characterized by smooth contours. Horses often have a two-colored tail color.

Piebald horses have a complex color inheritance system associated with varying degrees of influence of several genes.

Horses carrying the Tobiano gene are often called albinos with dark, colored spots. In fact, the opposite is true, white spots on the main color, although most representatives of the type are characterized by the presence of a shield - a large colored area on the neck, head and chest part of the body.

The manifestation of the suit is ensured by the gene in a dominant position - it is designated as To. In a recessive position, a piebald color may appear, although its intensity will be less. Also, a number of researchers suggest the presence of a suppression gene, which is located in a different allele. Without its influence, the coloring of the tobiano does not work out, which is often observed in the form of a monochromatic coloring of young animals obtained from piebald parents.


Piebald coloration, characterized by white spots over a dark color. There are three subtypes of the suit, as well as a mixed type, which occupies an intermediate position between overo and tobiano. At the same time, there are still no definitive data on the coloration of horses, since many models of inheritance and genes influencing phenotypic manifestation have not been studied.

The most common type is Frame, which is a distinctive feature of the American colored horse breed. If this gene is present, horses are covered with white markings with a pronounced border (frame) with the main color. Horses with this type often have a jagged edge to their markings. The main disadvantage of frame-overo is its association with lethal foal syndrome. The color gene is on the same allele as LWS (lethal white syndrome), causing early postnatal mortality or while still in the mare's womb.

The effect of the gene is manifested only in a dominant homozygous position, therefore, without genetic research it is impossible to identify carriers. In order to prevent the spread of the lethal syndrome, the American Association conducts mandatory genetic examinations. Otherwise, over 25% of foals die in the first three days due to pathologies of the digestive system .

Horses with the overo-splashed color type look completely different. With this type, white markings completely cover the lower part of the body. In this case, the degree of coloring can be any - from the distal parts of the limbs to the entire body. The horses look as if they have been dipped in white paint to a certain level. There are no separate spots on the body.

The term “Sabino” is often used to refer to the Overo color, but according to modern classification it is outdated. It is commonly used by American farmers to refer to horses with any type of white spotting. At the same time, sabino is characterized by the absence of lethal white syndrome.

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How to do the coloring yourself

You can dye your hair this color yourself, at home. The following must be kept in mind:

  • the paint must be of high quality;
  • if you are not sure whether the color is suitable, you can use tinted shampoo instead of permanent paint, it will not last long, and you don’t have to be afraid of experimenting;
  • It is strictly forbidden to keep the dye on your hair longer than necessary, this may change the tone of your hair, and sensitive people may develop an allergic reaction.

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Before using any paint at home, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a small amount of paint to the skin and wait a little; If itching or irritation occurs, coloring is strictly prohibited.


First of all, you need to open and prepare the product for coloring the strands according to the instructions. To do this, you need to mix the paint with the oxidizing agent in a ceramic bowl, after wearing gloves. It is strictly forbidden to use metal utensils for this purpose, as metal reacts with chemicals and the result can be unpredictable.


You can shade only individual strands or dye your entire hair. In the first case, part of the hair is carefully wrapped in foil or thermal film; in the second, the dye is evenly distributed throughout the hair by hand, and then you can comb the curls from top to bottom with a wooden comb. After this, you need to put on a special cap that comes with the paint and wait the required time (usually 40 - 45 minutes). Next, the paint is washed off with any usual shampoo.

Result evaluation

If you dye your hair ashy, changes in your hairstyle and appearance will not be noticeable immediately, but only as the curls begin to dry. On wet hair the tone will look slightly darker than on dry hair.

Origin story

The spotted horse began to arouse interest in ancient times - this is evidenced by ancient Egyptian historical documents. In addition, archaeological excavations have shown that this color was often found in the steppe herds of Mongolia and China.

But a spotted horse is an atypical phenomenon, this is not a color typical for horses, and therefore the question arises: where did it come from? Experts, through numerous studies, have established that these representatives have a gene anomaly that is transmitted hereditarily. It is this that leads to abnormal pigmentation of the horse’s skin.

In addition, it has been scientifically proven that different genes are responsible for the color of a certain area of ​​the horse's body. Piebaldity is partial albinism. For this reason, horses of this color may have blue irises in one or both eyes. There is also a theory of inbreeding with Mongolian horses, among which those same piebalds were often found. For this reason, piebald horses became common.

Attention! As a rule, horses with incredible colors are outbreds of unknown origin. For this reason, they can only occasionally be found among breeders.

Piebald horse: external features

Beginners often have a question: what color is a pinto horse? The question is quite common among people who want to purchase a stallion. A piebald foal can incorporate all existing colors. White fragments on the skin can be small in size, and sometimes cover almost the entire body of the animal, including the tail and mane.

In Russia there are 4 main colors. They are, in fact, classified based on suit:

  • The gray-piebald is not very common, or rather, it is generally difficult to meet. A characteristic feature of these horses is the shade of the mane is grayish-white, and the legs, as a rule, are also light. The shape, size and number of light spots may vary. There are also completely white horses that have small spots a little darker.
  • Red-piebald. These horses have a mostly red skin color; there are not many white spots and they have unclear outlines. Although rare, there are stallions with completely white limbs and mane.
  • Raven piebald has a beautiful bright contrasting color. The skin is black, there are white marks on them, their number is not very large.
  • Bay-piebald. The body of the horse is abundantly dotted with white spots; the limbs, mane and tail, as a rule, are also white. There may also be red and black strands on the tail and mane.

Attention! Despite all the efforts of breeders when breeding piebald horses, it is never possible to guarantee with 100% accuracy that the foal will have a specific type of piebald.

Who doesn't it suit?

There are very few ladies who are not recommended to dye their hair red. But if some of the above points are present, then you should think about changing the color of your hair:

  • gray hairs amount to more than half of all available ones, and also if the hair is overdried, there is significant damage to the hair structure;
  • there are many age-related wrinkles;
  • there are pigment spots, a large number of moles and freckles.

All other young ladies should devote more time to selecting a suitable shade, then such coloring will decorate the entire image.

Bad options for choosing red hair color

Piebald horse color: breeds

American horse breeders use their own classification of piebald horses.

Horses belonging to this type are usually called Pinto; they have one common characteristic feature - multi-colored color and blue eyes. Based on color, they are divided into the following types.


The name comes from the name of the abnormal gene - To. As a rule, horses have dark sides. White spots have round or oval shapes, most often located symmetrically to each other.

On a note. The color of the legs is white up to the knees. Body color usually includes two colors.

The gene can manifest itself in different intensities, so such offspring can even come from same-colored parents. There is an opinion that another non-allelic gene is involved here, which contributes to spotting.


Quite a large group of horses that have asymmetrical spots.

It, in turn, is divided into three more subgroups:

  • Frame-over. The stallion's head is usually monochromatic; it is rare to see white markings. On the body itself, white spots without edging can form in unlimited quantities. The light areas do not cross the back. But there are exceptions when the color of the horse is predominantly white. The limbs are painted in the main color, monochromatic. The tail is also monochromatic; albinism is caused by the F1 gene.
  • Overo-splashedwhite. A characteristic feature of such horses is that their color has no clear boundaries; one gets the feeling that the horse fell into the paint and stuck its muzzle there. White spots can be located on the face and sides. The dark color usually remains on the back and neck. Scientists believe that the reason for this piebalism is the SPL gene, and the intensity of the spots will depend on its concentration in the individual.
  • Sabino-overos are characterized by the formation of white spots on the limbs, quite often they stain the entire leg. Sometimes white spots can be found on the sides and stomach. Coloring the head is also acceptable - in this case, the white spot often touches the upper lip. On the markings, the coat is pure white; whitish hairs may also be present on the main part of the body.


A unique subgroup that combines the characteristics of Oveiro and Tabiano.

If two varieties are mated, the offspring will acquire the characteristics of both parents. As a rule, the cub inherits the color of the parent whose white spots are more pronounced. But there are exceptions; it is impossible to predict.

When mating, each parent shares their spotting gene, so the foal's white markings can be quite unusual. For this reason, there is often confusion in determining the type of stallion.

Selection of paint for dyeing curls red

Every time the choice of coloring products leads a woman to panic: choose a professional paint without ammonia or get by with a cheaper product. If the choice falls towards natural dyes like henna, then the hair not only acquires the desired red shade, but also receives additional care. When choosing a dye, most often, we are not talking about the benefits for hair.

It is recommended to choose the optimal paint based on the following points:

  1. Price. Although decent paints cost money, famous brands try to justify their products to the maximum, this applies primarily to the composition. Professional paints often contain natural ingredients. Palettes of such colors are seen in beauty salons, and the master can fully vouch for the results obtained.
  2. Compound. Do not overuse ammonia paint compositions. They deplete the hair, and if the red color requires regular touch-ups and toning, then the result will be clearly disastrous.
  3. Hue. The right shade is half the success. On the back of the package there is a small stretch of colors - the outgoing one and the one that will be obtained after the dyeing procedure. If you cannot choose it yourself, then it is better to seek the help of specialists and go to a beauty salon.

The expiration date should also be read on the packaging, because such a cosmetic product may be expired, and the result will most likely be disappointing.

Interesting Facts

Due to its unusual color, the piebald color has many assumptions regarding its origin and myths:

  • Only horses belonging to the Overo group have blue eyes. In fact, all representatives of the piebald color can become the owners of blue eyes. It is common for the area around the eyes to also appear white, which alters the perception of the true color of the eyes. Non-standard iris color does not affect the quality and acuity of vision. There are horses that are highly sensitive to sunlight, but vision and eye color have nothing to do with it.
  • Light spots on piebald horses are shaded. Some horses do have this feature, but it is quite rare. This is due to the dark skin tone of the horse, which is visible through the white hair.
  • In the course of numerous studies, a unique and only lightening gene was identified in the Pinto, which has no analogues with the pearl one. If he is in a homozygous state, then the red horse will acquire an apricot tint.

The piebald mare is a unique animal that, in addition to its power, gracefulness and breeding, demonstrates its unique and inimitable color. The animal is not very whimsical in its maintenance, but not everyone can afford to buy it.


Piebald horses can be fed with hay, as well as pasture, like all their relatives. The amount of food depends on the age and weight of your horse. You will find the necessary vitamins in herbs such as alfalfa and palmetto. You should also feed horses with oats, barley, beets, and grass hay.

The most favorite dessert for a pinto horse will be fruits and vegetables. Horses should be fed several times a day. But you shouldn’t overdo it with food, as this can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Don't forget to give your horse fresh, clean water. Required water consumption is 35–48 l. Change the water frequently, as these horses can get sick from dirty fluids.

Among other things, there are plants that are strictly prohibited for piebald horses. Such plants include milkweed, lily of the valley, yew, toadflax, oleander, and elderberries. Never give your animal the above products, otherwise it may later lead to death. These plants are poisonous to horses.


Overo is divided into 3 varieties:

  1. Frame (Frame Overo), which means “frame”. The horse has the same color tail and mane, the head is shapelessly colored, the white does not intersect the ridge line. A distinctive feature is a large lightish spot, which is surrounded by the main color, as if it were in a frame. The Fr gene, which determines this type of overo, appears only in a homozygous individual and is lethal. A white foal may have underdeveloped colon. The newborn animal does not have the function of defecation, colic appears, which lasts for several days, and the foal dies. The Americans have found a way out: they do a DNA test on the horse and, if the Fr gene is detected, they mate it only with a stallion that does not have it.
  2. Splashed white (aka Splashed White). A distinctive feature is the white color, which is necessarily present in the lower part of the animal and extends to the upper part. The back and crest are dark. The muzzle is white, but the ears are the main color of the coat. The Spl gene is dominant. It is detected depending on the amount of Spl in the horse's genotype.
  3. Sabino or "pied" (Spanish) is the most common breed among American horses. The main color is red, black, bay. A distinctive feature is the markings on the legs, stomach and sides. There are Sabino horses with blue eyes or heterochromic, when both eyes have a different color: blue and brown.


The suit was known to the ancient Egyptians. As with other ancient breeds, there is debate about the origin. It is known that piebald horses were found among the Mongols many centuries ago. They were also on the territory of ancient China.

Perhaps piebald horses spread widely due to crossing with the Mongolian breed. In artificial conditions at stud farms, the color is rarely obtained. Another thing is the herds in the Mongolian steppes, where horses, as a rule, reproduced themselves - according to natural laws.

Then piebald horses came to Europe. Here in the Middle Ages they were not liked, they were called “gypsy” or “plebeian”. The animals were used in harness for heavy work. There was no talk of selection.

The American Indians had a different opinion. They received these horses from the conquistadors - the Spanish invaders. By that time, the animals had already been mixed with European breeds.

Some of the livestock went wild. The Indians crossed piebald mares with local horses and carried out simple selection. Native Americans were fascinated by the unusual color. They believed that a piebald horse brings good luck and helps in battles.

In the 20th century, an association of piebald horse lovers was created. Today, horses of this association are used in sports and tourism.


Piebald horses are not picky in their use. In addition, their diet is similar to that of ordinary horses. Piebald horses need to be fed regularly, and also always remember that they need vitamins, and add as much healthy food as possible to their diet so that their health is strong and their offspring are good. If a pinto's diet contains enough vitamins, its coat and mane will shine and shine.

Remember that there should be no drafts in the room where you plan to keep horses, because piebald horses are heat-loving animals and they really need warmth.

These horses need daily walks to prevent them from developing cardiovascular disease.

Bathe, clean and shoe your horses regularly. You should bathe once a week, but not less often. To do this, you will need soap - you can replace it with a special shampoo - and a special brush (you can buy it at a pet store). After bathing, be sure to rinse your horse and dry the skin with a dry cloth. During the molting period, bathing should not be abused.

Only those animals that participate in races or at exhibitions should be shoed.

If your horse does not take part in such events, then it is not necessary to shoe it at all.

Horseshoeing is needed to protect animals' hooves from chips, damage and various diseases. Also remember to take your horse to the vet. It is advisable to do this at least twice a year as a preventative measure for any diseases or abnormalities.

Keeping and breeding piebald horses requires a lot of effort, time and money. If you decide to buy yourself such an extraordinary horse, be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a lot. However, the effort and money will pay off if you plan to have your animal participate in various themed exhibitions.

Features of appearance

Piebald color is found in different breeds of horses. There will be features in the appearance.

The color of horses most likely resulted from unnatural processes - mutation. Some researchers are confident that this color is a sign of partial albinism, which is also confirmed by the color of the iris. In piebald horses it is often blue. Sometimes only one eye has this iris shade.

When breeding, the “unpredictability” of the suit is taken into account. It is difficult to predict the color type of a foal in advance. Breeders are working with horses, but gaps remain in the genetics.

Horses at serious stud farms undergo DNA testing before breeding. In some individuals, the Fr spotting gene leads to pathologies in the offspring. About a quarter of foals die due to damage to the digestive organs. You won't be able to tell about the problem in advance by looking at your parents' appearance. Piebald horses also have other difficulties - dermatological diseases, paralysis.

Some believe that gray and blue eyes are found in only one type of horse (overo). In fact, this symptom occurs in other species as well. Eye color has nothing to do with the quality of vision.

Some people think that the white spots on the suit are always shaded. It's a delusion. For the effect, the white spots must be located on dark skin.

Health problems

For several decades now, experts have been studying the characteristics of the genes of piebald horses. Many theories have not been confirmed, so it is impossible to say with certainty what color the next foal will be born. Sometimes parents of colored colors give birth to a monochrome cub. If he also has spots on his body, this does not mean that he will be a copy of one of his parents. True, this fact is of little concern to breeders, who try to ensure that white foals prone to quick death after their birth do not appear among the Overo individuals. Piebald horse lovers treat their pets responsibly and carefully select pairs for breeding.

The piebald breed has a complex inheritance system, which has different levels of expression and influence of genes.

The weak link is the frame-overo color, since when crossing its representatives, there is a 26% chance that the cub will be born with gastrointestinal problems. Usually the problems are associated with an underdeveloped colon. This result is caused by the Fr gene, which provokes the formation of a lethal outcome. To discover a gene hidden in horses, they undergo DNA testing.

Among the popular genetic diseases of the piebald breed, epitheliogenesis and periodic paralysis should be noted.

Piebald horses are distinguished by their peculiar originality. Their colors are reminiscent of abstract paintings by artists. With asymmetrical patterns, the bodies of spotted horses look picturesque and unique. It was not for nothing that the ancient Indian tribes considered these animals special. In modern films about this people you can often see pinto horses used, so spotted animals are often associated with Indians

Horses of different colors with white markings always attract the attention of spectators not only in circuses, but also in competition stadiums

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