Remedy for bedbugs Get - review of the drug and instructions

Get tool, its description and purpose

Its basis is chlorpyrifos, which has a 5% concentration. The main component is placed in a small capsule, which is invisible to the naked eye. The number of capsules in the drug is very large. It has a fairly heavy weight, due to which it quickly settles on the floor and eliminates the possibility of inhaling the substance; poisoning is unlikely.

Efficiency and effect of the drug:

  1. Treatment is carried out by irrigation , trying to get to places where these insects are likely to appear.
  2. Bedbugs attach capsules to their paws and carry them to their nests, infecting others.
  3. When exposed to them , infection begins, the nervous system is affected, followed by paralysis and death of the insect.
  4. Typically, a bug affected by the drug dies within a few hours. But during this period of time, he manages to infect several more of his brothers.
  5. The product is active for several months , during which time all the bloodsuckers affected by its effect die.
  6. Get acts for a long time , up to 6 months, therefore, the younger generation of emerging bedbugs, born from surviving eggs, will come under the influence of this wonderful drug.
  7. Get effectively destroys the coating itself on the shell of insect eggs , and the larvae die under its influence. Those pests lucky enough to survive will die from the residual effects of the poison.
  8. The big advantage is that there is no need to look for places where pests nest; they themselves will bring it “to their home.”


Contact insecticide Get has a negative effect on the life of harmful insects. Upon contact with a solution containing chlorpyrifos, an active effect on the nervous system of parasites and pests begins. After paralysis, the insects die.

One of the advantages of a modern insecticide is its effect on all individuals that come into contact with an infected insect. From the legs, antennae, and body of the pest, the contact insecticide reaches other parasites, and gradually the entire colony dies.

In most cases, the long-acting drug does not require repeated use: one treatment of an apartment or private house is enough to destroy the population of cockroaches, fleas or bedbugs. Insecticidal activity persists for 40 days if a regular solution of chlorpyrifos is used. The use of Get microencapsulated emulsion extends the exposure time to 180 days.

How to remove midges from an apartment? Learn effective control methods using chemicals, traps and folk remedies.

Read about what the bark beetle looks like and how to deal with the voracious insect at this address.

Big pros and some cons of this product

Compared to other tools, Get has many advantages:

  1. Does not pose any particular harm to human health and the condition of domestic animals.
  2. Valid for a long period of time (up to a year).
  3. Does not leave a specific odor in the room.
  4. Microcapsules continue to act when exposed to moisture (meaning wet cleaning) or after treatment with ultraviolet rays (irradiation of hospital rooms).
  5. After using this product, there are no dirty marks or white marks left on the furniture and floor coverings.
  6. The product is easy to use.
  7. Can be used prophylactically to prevent the appearance of bedbugs.
  8. Very economical to use , a bottle of liquid is enough to treat 100 square meters. m. surface.

The product has some disadvantages:

  1. After constant and long-term use, the drug can cause addiction in this type of parasite.
  2. Adaptation to this composition occurs.
  3. The cost of the product is high (from 750 rubles and above).


Get appeared on the market relatively recently, but has already become known as a remedy that allows you to quickly and most effectively get rid of fleas.

If we talk about its advantages, it should be noted:

  • Thanks to the main active component, the substance has a wide spectrum of action;
  • Parasites are not able to develop immunity to the active substance;
  • Safe if safety standards are followed;
  • Simple and easy to use;
  • The ability to carry out independent processing without the help of specialists;
  • Prolonged action, which allows you to get rid of the young generation that emerges from eggs;
  • The effectiveness of the applied product is not affected by external factors;
  • Odorless;
  • Leaves no traces.

Instructions for use

When using a product to exterminate harmful insects, you must strictly follow the attached instructions.

To be productive, determine the approximate population of bedbugs per area, estimate how densely the room is populated by these insects.

Get manufacturers have indicated the population levels of these parasites:

  1. 1st degree : several bites are observed on the human body, therefore, bloodsuckers appeared in the room recently, the number is small.
  2. 2nd degree : there are many more red dots, but crawling ones can only be detected at night.
  3. 3rd degree: the number of bites increases, their presence brings real discomfort, and it becomes possible to identify bloodsuckers in the apartment. When consumed with other substances, no effect was observed.
  4. 4th degree : bites are permanent, pests can be seen even in the daytime, their “places of residence” are visible.

Depending on the degrees, according to the instructions, a certain number of bottles are spent per number of rooms.

According to the instructions, dilute a bottle of the mixture in 1.5 liters of liquid. In residential premises, it is recommended to make a more saturated and thick solution and thoroughly treat upholstered furniture with it (only on the frame!).

Pests can move freely to areas that have not been treated.


Reviews about the product:

  • I decided to buy the product when I noticed several cockroaches in the kitchen. I have two children, so I was looking for a safe drug and came across Get. The price, of course, is not small, but the effect amazed me. Literally a few days later, dead insects began to be detected. A week later there was no trace of them left. The children are healthy, no one was hurt.”
  • “I decided to buy Get because I tried a lot of other products, there was no effect. Let me note right away that there was a smell, and quite unpleasant. But on the second day I found the first victims. Three weeks passed, I didn’t see any live cockroaches anymore, which I’m very happy about.”

If cockroaches “rule” your house, be sure to start an active fight against them with the “Get” product!

How to use?

Before you start using this product, you need to carry out the following preparations:

  1. It is mandatory to remove food , dishes and personal belongings from the premises.
  2. Clean the rooms using a vacuum cleaner to remove eggs and other insects.
  3. Dilute the emulsion at the rate of one part of the mixture to 10 parts of water.
  4. Place the prepared solution in a suitable container with a spray bottle.
  5. Provide the necessary protection to people and pets living in the apartment and remove them from the apartment.
  6. The person carrying out the treatment must wear protective clothing.
  7. When processing , thoroughly pollinate the entire area where insects may be with the solution. These are cracks, baseboards on the floors, torn pieces of wallpaper, ceiling tiles, etc.
  8. Upon completion of treatment , ventilate the room well for several hours.
  9. General cleaning is not required , you only need to remove dead insects.

When processing, pay attention to the following places:

  • window frames and interior doors;
  • baseboards;
  • hanging furniture;
  • electrical sockets and switches;
  • sofas and beds, their frames;
  • paintings hung on frames and photographs placed in frames;

Apply the product in strips up to 20 centimeters wide around the pest locations.

Stages of room treatment

The use of GET against cockroaches requires compliance with a certain sequence of actions.

  • First you need to do a general cleaning of the house. Wipe all surfaces and make sure that cockroaches do not have access to food, put all food in tight bags.
  • Next you need to prepare the drug for spraying. You need to dilute 1 to 15 if the infestation is small, and 1 to 10 if the insects have already multiplied greatly. The mixture must be mixed and shaken well, since chemical capsules tend to settle to the bottom.
  • Then take a spray bottle and fill it with the prepared solution. Then we start processing the room. Pay special attention to the most affected areas, the sink, the trash can, the area under kitchen furniture, and cracks in the walls and floor. Also treat favorite places where insects gather.
  • Leave the treated room for several hours, after tightly closing all doors and windows.

Upon returning home, you need to ventilate the apartment for 2-3 hours. But in a month we need to do some general cleaning again. But this time you will already be ridding the apartment of the bodies of dead pests.

Places where the drug should not be used

You cannot process objects such as:

  • Kids toys;
  • decorative and sofa pillows;
  • bedding, sleeping pillows and blankets;
  • clothes;

Get has a hazard class 3 and is practically not dangerous for people and animals. Due to its water base, it does not affect the human respiratory tract and does not accumulate in the human body.

When using, you should follow simple safety precautions:

  1. Wear a protective mask and rubber gloves.
  2. Dilute the mixture strictly following the terms of the attached instructions.
  3. Do not process in the presence of other people and pets.
  4. after use .
  5. After handling , wash your hands with soap.


The owners positively evaluate the effect of the Get insecticide in the fight against cockroaches and bedbugs. The product has low toxicity for humans, there is no suffocating odor, it is easy to prepare a working solution, and the pest population dies in most cases. The fairly high cost is the only drawback noted by the owners who carried out the treatment of the apartment. Half or a whole bottle is enough to disinfest an apartment with an area of ​​70–80 square meters. Another plus is that re-spraying the product is rarely required.

Contact insecticide Get saves owners faced with an invasion of cockroaches, bedbugs, flies, fleas or wasps. The composition, created using modern developments, exhibits high insecticidal activity with low toxicity to humans.

Video - instructions and rules for using insecticide Get:

First aid for poisoning

Poisoning is unlikely; the mixture is practically harmless. But if toxicity suddenly occurs, it is necessary to provide medical assistance:

  1. Give a liquid to drink , in this case, water with a weak composition of potassium permanganate.
  2. Induce vomiting.
  3. Take activated carbon according to the dosage: one tablet per 10 kilograms of weight.

If necessary, call a doctor or ambulance.

How to distinguish an original from a fake?

original seal (left) and fake (right)
In order not to be deceived and not to purchase a fake, you need to know the distinctive features of the product.

Features of the originality of the product are:

  1. Opaque white bottle.
  2. The label contains signature shades of certain colors.
  3. When opening the main cover, there is additional foil protection with the logo of the manufacturer.
  4. The composition itself is a cream-colored liquid with a faint odor of orange and alcohol. There should be no smell of gasoline or organic liquids.
  5. When purchasing this product , you need to be aware of this nuance; the name must contain only one letter “T”.

Only when purchasing a product with the above tips can you be sure that the product is of high quality.

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