Foresight remedy for bedbugs and other insects: 4 advantages and 4 disadvantages of golden poison

Force Site is an emulsion concentrate in the form of a transparent liquid of light brown color, containing the organophosphorus compound fenthion (25%) as an active ingredient, as well as an antioxidant, stabilizer, fragrance, and solvent.

The product belongs to class 3 moderately dangerous.

The Force-Site product is used to destroy bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas, adults and larvae of mosquitoes and flies, and rat mites. It is allowed to be used on objects of various categories.

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Composition and principle of action

"Foresight" helps to destroy a number of insects: bedbugs, flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, fleas and ticks. The insecticide creates a lasting barrier to the emergence of new pests, its effect lasts for five months. Detailed instructions for use were created for self-treatment of residential premises from bedbugs.

The drug is presented in the form of a golden liquid with a pungent odor. The dosage depends on the type of pest. "Foresight" is classified as class four in terms of hazard level - moderate level of harmful effects. It is used for disinfection in schools, kindergartens and medical institutions. This confirms its safety for human health.

The composition of the drug is represented by the main substance and auxiliary components:

  • fenthion (25%);
  • fragrance;
  • stabilizer;
  • solvent.

Fenthion 25% is a poison that “kills” the insect’s nervous system. Paralysis sets in and the pest gradually dies. The larvae are also subject to the destructive effects of the product, but Forsyth does not destroy oviposition. To achieve the best effect, direct contact of the bug with the poison is necessary.

Store the drug in a hermetically sealed container at a temperature not exceeding 30 °C. Make sure that the product is inaccessible to children and pets.

Release forms

The product is produced in several types.

  • Liquid. Bottle volume 50 ml. The best option for treating a medium-sized apartment.
  • Trap. A paper box with a sticky bottom filled with poison. Traps attract insects with their scent. They crawl inside, stick to the poison-soaked base and die. By the way, small rodents also often fall into traps, so their use is relevant in a country house.
  • Gel. Presented in the form of a syringe filled with a gel-like mass. It has a delayed effect, bedbugs die after a few days.

“Foresight” is available to a wide range of buyers; it can be ordered in an online store or purchased in a specialized department of a supermarket. The price, depending on the region, ranges from 300 rubles per 50 ml bottle (data as of January 2018).

To combat scabies, head and pubic lice, you can use the drug “Forsyth Anti-Louse”. The product is sprayed onto clothing and bedding; after thoroughly airing, the treated items can be worn and used again.


Guaranteed results and safety are not the only positive aspects of the drug. There are four advantages.

  1. Effective impact. If a room is heavily infested, you can get rid of bedbugs in ten days.
  2. Long-term protection. After treating the apartment, there is no need to carry out general cleaning; it is enough to wipe the publicly accessible surfaces without touching the secluded places. This will preserve the effect of the drug for a longer period.
  3. Ease of use. The solution is sold ready-made; it is diluted with water in accordance with the instructions.
  4. Low toxicity class. The poison does not emit chemical fumes, so it can be used in the kitchen, in a home with allergy sufferers, and small children.


Like any drug, Forsyth also has its drawbacks, which you need to know about before starting treatment. Four disadvantages are noted.

  1. Does not destroy oviposition. To completely get rid of parasites, repeated treatment is required after a certain time.
  2. Has a high price. The cost of the drug is slightly higher compared to other insecticides, but this is justified by its low toxicity.
  3. Requires careful processing. Insects die only after direct contact with the poison, so all nooks and crannies of the apartment need to be treated.
  4. Does not have an immediate effect. After treating with an insecticide, it may take several days for the pests to die.

Cost of the drug

Forsyth can be purchased at specialized sales points. The price tag for it varies, depending on the packaging containers. The product is sold in the following forms:

  • Canisters with a volume of 1 and 5 liters.
  • Small bottles of 50 ml.

The required consumption for sanitation is calculated based on the area of ​​the living space and the number of surfaces to be treated.

For 30 sq. m, one small bottle is enough for 50 sq. m. m – 50 ml of the drug. Costs for soft items and fabrics double.

The cost of a bottle is 300-350 rubles, a large canister is 1500-1600 rubles. The drug cannot be found in the public domain, since it is mainly used by specialized services in their work. Sales to private customers are carried out through the official website of the manufacturer and distributors.

You can apply for this composition to the SES, where it should always be available. At the same time, they will give appropriate instructions for working with it. An analogue of the insecticide is the remedy for bedbugs Executioner.

Instructions for processing the premises

The instructions for the drug must be carefully studied before self-disinfestation of the apartment. It indicates in what dosage the product should be used, how to provide protective measures so as not to harm yourself and others. Strict adherence to the manufacturer’s recommendations will help get rid of annoying insects.

Preparing the apartment

Thorough treatment of the entire work area is another important detail to create an effective barrier against parasites. The algorithm includes five steps.

  1. Move the furniture away. Move cabinets and sofas that block access to the baseboards to some distance.
  2. Hide interior items. Remove paintings, wall clocks and other things and take them to another room for the duration of disinfection.
  3. Browse all textiles and clothing. Go through your items to check for parasites. Wash them thoroughly in hot water and pack them in sealed bags. The cabinets must be empty during processing.
  4. Free up your sleeping space. Disassemble the bed frame and remove the mattress. These are the favorite habitats of bedbugs.
  5. Remove food items. Food and utensils should not be in the disinfection area; take the food to another room for a while.

Repeated use of the product guarantees a more lasting result. Remember that fenthion is poisonous to fish and birds; do not forget to remove them from the room during treatment.

Features of application

Prepare a working solution: dilute 50 ml of product in 2 liters of cold water. This amount is enough to treat an apartment with an area of ​​50 m2 with an average degree of infection. Dilute the drug only in cold water, as it retains the toxic properties of the substance and fights off the unpleasant odor. Close windows and doors tightly. Using a spray bottle, apply the prepared composition to the parasite habitats:

  • walls and corners;
  • wallpaper joints;
  • slopes, cracks and doorways;
  • interior of carpets;
  • skirting boards and floors;
  • cabinets (inside and outside);
  • beds and sofas (on all sides);
  • fittings and all mechanisms.

Reviews from people

Reviews about Foresight on the Internet are mostly good. Here, for example, are two of them:

Since Forsyth for bedbugs can be purchased not so expensively and is quite effective, I decided to try it. I can say that the struggle ended in my victory: after about three weeks the pests died. The downside is that it does not kill bedbug eggs, so you will have to be patient. In addition, the drug is terribly smelly.

Natalya, Moscow

We tried to use Forsyth against the parasites that had infested our apartment, but we were not pleased with the results. A lot of money was spent, but the bedbugs were still there, they just became fewer. This product also has an unpleasant pungent odor. My wife developed an allergy and had to buy additional medicine. It would be better to immediately call the SES: the costs are almost the same, but no suffering.

Nikolay, Irkutsk

Precautionary measures

Foresight is a low-toxic drug, but compliance with certain safety precautions before disinsection of an apartment is necessary.

  • Cloth. Wear a thick sweatshirt or long-sleeve jacket.
  • Glasses. Be sure to protect your eyes with special glasses.
  • Gloves. Wear medical or household gloves on your hands.
  • Respirator. Use a respirator to protect your body from toxic fumes.

If the insecticide gets on your skin or eyes, rinse the affected area thoroughly with water and consult a doctor if necessary.

During the treatment of the premises, no strangers or pets should be present in the room. After the disinfestation is completed, the apartment must be left empty for at least ten hours. Then ventilate it for several hours, wipe the work surfaces with which there is daily contact. If necessary, the apartment can be re-treated in a week.

As a preventative measure, you can install Foresight adhesive tape in your apartment. It is non-toxic. Although it is designed to catch cockroaches, it also helps against other annoying pests.


Gel Forsyth for fighting Prussians
Produced in syringe tubes with a capacity of 30 ml. This quantity is enough to treat a room of up to 70 square meters. The active component is the insecticide prometrin at a concentration of 20%. Auxiliary ingredients - fragrances to attract the attention of cockroaches, flavoring additives. The gel also contains bitter ingredients that prevent pets from eating the poison. Prussians do not notice bitterness, so they eat poison with great pleasure.

The gel consistency allows you to maintain the properties of the drug Forsyth for 2 weeks. Renew the layer as it is eaten or 14 days after the first application.

Gel Forsyth against cockroaches acts gradually. The first insect corpses appear within 3 days. The rate of death depends on the dose of poison accumulated in the cockroach’s body. Also, the delayed effect was intended by the manufacturers so that cockroaches would continue to eat the poison without caution.

On a note!

In about a week, the entire family becomes infected. Mass death of black cockroaches or red cockroaches is observed within 2 weeks. To consolidate the result and kill newborn individuals, update the layer several more times.

The cost of one tube is about 80 rubles.


Even the most modern insecticide, when used independently, does not guarantee one hundred percent destruction of bedbugs. And this will not be the drug’s fault: insects and places where they accumulate are not easy to detect; this requires experience. It is even more difficult to find the eggs, which the cunning female carefully hides. High-quality treatment of an apartment can only be done by specialists from professional services.

Such a team will arrive at any address almost immediately. You don’t have to worry about confidentiality and guaranteed work results; the prices are also quite affordable for an ordinary family. Fighting bedbugs on your own can take months, but professionals will solve this serious problem in one or two visits.

Video - professional removal of bedbugs in an apartment

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Why do bedbugs appear in a person’s home?

Bedbugs are insects that cannot live without humans, as they feed on their blood. They go out hunting at night, when a person is fast asleep. After the insect drinks blood, it can safely stay in the shelter for almost a week. In connection with this fact, it should be noted that bites may not appear every night, but if there are a lot of insects, then it is not a fact that bites will appear at intervals of one week. Often there are too many bites.

In addition to food, ideal conditions for the life of bedbugs are created in a person’s home. Here you can always find where to hide and where to reproduce, since it is warm here and the humidity is at the proper level.

Where bedbugs can hide:

  • In upholstered furniture.
  • On the paths.
  • In carpets.
  • Under the bed.
  • Behind the paintings.
  • Behind the peeling wallpaper.
  • Behind the old baseboards.
  • In places where there are a lot of old unnecessary things.

The presence of bedbugs can be determined by the following factors:

  • Bite spots appear on the human body, which are accompanied by severe itching.
  • Bite marks form a kind of path. In other words, bedbugs do not make single bites. There may be several of them. The fact is that the bug drinks blood from several places that are located on the human body at a distance of several centimeters.
  • When bedbugs appear in a home, a rather unpleasant odor appears along with them, especially near those places where a person likes to relax.
  • Black spots appear on the wooden parts of the bed, which are a consequence of the activity of these parasites.
  • Many people believe that these are mosquito bites, so they do not pay serious attention to this fact for a long time. But mosquitoes make themselves known with a characteristic mosquito sound.

Features of the Foresight tool

Having examined the drug Forsyth in detail, we can highlight some of its features.


  1. Low toxicity, the effect of which on the human body is reduced to zero when using personal protective equipment.
  2. The concentrate is completely free of evaporation, which allows it to be used in residential areas.
  3. Long shelf life after treatment.
  4. Simple technology to use.


  1. The treatment should be carried out with special care, not avoiding cracks and corners, as this can lead to a quick re-infestation of the room with bedbugs.
  2. Forsyth does not affect bedbug eggs.
  3. The product has a low destruction rate.
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