PEDICULEN Ultra pediculicidal product (spray set with comb and magnifying glass), 150ml

What to look for when buying products for lice and nits

Release form

Treatment options for head lice:

  1. Spray. Provides uniform and comfortable application, easy to use, does not get into eyes and ears. Suitable for short and medium length hair.
  2. Shampoo. The product is effective for long and thick curls that cannot be treated with a spray. Shampoos do a good job of cleaning your hair from lice secretions; after using them, you don’t need to wash your hair a second time.
  3. Lotion. Liquid products contain increased concentrations of medicinal components, so they are more often used for advanced pubic and cephalic lice.

Active ingredients

Special preparations are used to kill lice - pediculicides. They are divided into 2 groups:

  • synthetic – surface active dimethicones, permethrin;
  • natural – anise and clove oil, neem tree extract, white mineral oil.

The drug should destroy adult insects and lice eggs (nits). In this case, the effect occurs after one use. If the composition fights only sexually mature individuals, it will not be possible to completely cure pediculosis - new parasites will appear from the eggs.


Effective anti-pediculosis products are available from the following manufacturers:

  • Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • "Pharmproekt" (Russia).
  • Pohl-Boskamp GmbH (Germany).
  • Fox and Co. (Russia).
  • "Twins Tech" (Russia).
  • Medgenix (Belgium).

Rating of sprays against lice and nits for 2022

1. The best among all Pediculen Ultra

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Why we liked it: an easy-to-use spray with herbal ingredients, which is prescribed to adults and children from 5 years of age. The product cures head lice in one use and does not cause adverse reactions. Editor's Rating:

The aerosol, developed by the Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor, contains anise oil, which clogs the respiratory tract of lice and causes the death of parasites. The product effectively kills insects in one application. The spray is used in adults and children over 5 years of age.

The product is easy to apply and distribute throughout the hair; a convenient spray bottle allows you to thoroughly treat the entire surface of the head. The Pediculen Ultra kit includes a thick comb, which needs to be used to comb the strands after 30 minutes of exposure to the drug. To find and remove small nits, the package contains a magnifying glass with 3x magnification.

The advantage of Pediculen Ultra is the absence of toxic pediculicides that can cause adverse reactions. The drug is well tolerated by children and does not cause skin irritation. Some customers complain about the pungent aroma of the spray, which causes coughing and a sore throat.


  • natural composition;
  • suitable for children and adults;
  • convenient method of application;
  • destroys lice in 1 application.


  • Strong smell.

2. The best premium remedy for lice and nits Nuda

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Why we liked it: an aerosol from a premium company from Germany that physically destroys lice - the product blocks the respiratory system of insects. “Nyuda” does not contain substances toxic to humans and is approved for use in children. Editor's Rating:

The spray from the German company G. Pohl-Boskamp GmbH consists of two-phase dimethicone, a silicon-containing substance that adheres to the surface of insects. The drug causes the death of lice from suffocation, is not a toxic insecticide and does not harm the human body. "Nyuda" destroys adults and nits. To treat head lice, a single application is required, and in advanced cases, the procedure is repeated again.

The product is used in adults and children over 3 years of age. After spraying the aerosol, comb the hair with a comb to evenly distribute the drug and leave for 45 minutes. The disadvantage of “Nuda” is the absence of a thick comb in the package for final combing out strands of nits. The comb will have to be purchased separately, so in the end the German product is more expensive than Pediculen Ultra.


  • destroys lice and nits;
  • non-toxic to humans;
  • prescribed to children from 3 years of age.


  • There is no comb for combing out nits.

3. Paranit Repellent

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Why we liked it: The best preventive product that provides 24-hour protection. Prescribed after anti-pediculosis treatment, to prevent the disease in family members or in organized children's groups. Editor's Rating:

The spray is produced by the Belgian company Medgenix. The composition contains white mineral oil, which creates an unfavorable environment for lice to reproduce. “Paranit” contains a perfume composition, so after its use there is no unpleasant odor left on the hair.

Please note that the aerosol is used only for prophylactic purposes. Its use is advisable to prevent infection with parasites among family members of a person with head lice, kindergarteners and schoolchildren. “Paranitis” is prescribed after treating the head with other anti-pediculosis drugs in order to consolidate the result. For maximum effect, the manufacturer recommends spraying the spray on your hair daily. The aerosol does not make the strands greasy and does not give a greasy shine.


  • effective prevention of head lice;
  • the aerosol is invisible on the hair;
  • has a pleasant aroma.


  • not suitable for the treatment of head lice.

Types of remedies for head lice

Modern pharmaceutical anti-lice products are available in various forms. And everyone can find the most convenient form of use depending on the length, thickness and other characteristics of the hair.

In pharmacies you can find:

  • Shampoos. Convenient for any hair length; depending on the composition, they not only destroy lice and nits (lice eggs), but also make combing easier.
  • Sprays . Convenient form of application for long and thick hair.
  • Ointments, creams and lotions. More suitable for short hair. It is more difficult to apply them on long and thick hair.
  • Combs for combing. These are special combs with fine teeth. Such devices should be used after treating the head to comb out dead insects, as well as nits.

There are no small details in the treatment of head lice; every detail and active substance is important. Therefore, when choosing funds, you need to take into account some parameters, which formed the basis for the rating below:

  1. Safety of use in children.
  2. Ease of use.
  3. The onset of the effect and the duration of treatment, because it is difficult for children to wait for the drug to take effect.
  4. Destruction of lice (adults) and nits (eggs).
  5. There is no need to repeat the head treatment procedure.

Rating of shampoos against lice and nits for 2022

1. The best natural remedy for lice and nits Leisner

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Why we liked it: an effective shampoo against head lice with a natural composition and a neutral scent. The product is suitable for children and adults, kills lice and nits in just 10 minutes. Editor's Rating:

The active component of the Russian drug from Pharmproject is Neem tree extract. The plant substances in Leisner shampoo make the outer shell of the parasites permeable to water, so the insects die from suffocation. The medicine acts on lice and nits, shows 100% effectiveness after a single shampoo. The peculiarity of the product is that it is not addictive, so it is used for treatment-resistant or repeated cases of head lice.

"Laisner" contains detergent components - it not only destroys lice, but also qualitatively cleanses the hair roots from greasy deposits and waste products of parasites. The product only needs to be left on for 10 minutes, which is important for children who find it difficult to wait 30-45 minutes for sprays to take effect. The shampoo is used in children over 3 years of age and in adults.

The product is non-toxic and has a neutral odor. One application is sufficient to treat head lice. The product kit includes a comb, which is used to comb the strands after washing and drying your hair.

The disadvantage of shampoo is that it is rarely presented in stores. Leisner is mainly sold online with delivery to the pharmacy closest to your home.


  • helps in 1 application;
  • 100% natural composition;
  • does not have a nasty smell;
  • rinses hair thoroughly.


  • difficult to find in pharmacies.

2. Hygiene

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Why we liked it: shampoo based on the chemical anti-pediculosis component (permethrin) quickly destroys lice, does not irritate the scalp and does not cause side effects. It has a pleasant smell and cleanses hair well. Editor's Rating:

Despite the name of the company, the product is intended for the treatment of pediculosis in humans. It contains 1% permethrin, a chemical insecticide that penetrates the nervous system of lice. The active component affects the membranes of nerve cells: it blocks impulse transmission processes, paralyzes insects and causes their death. The medicine mainly affects adults.

The composition of Hygienics is low-toxic for humans and does not cause adverse reactions in a standard dose. The shampoo is used in adults and children over 5 years of age. Buyers like the thick consistency and pleasant smell of the substance, and the good cleaning effect of the product. It is applied to the strands, left for 20 minutes, then washed off and combed through the hair with a comb. The manufacturer indicates that the drug “Hygienika” can be used to treat the intimate area when infested with pubic lice.

The disadvantage of shampoo is the need to re-apply after 7-10 days to destroy the remaining parasites and consolidate the result. A single use of the product will not give 100% results.


  • contains a chemical insecticidal substance;
  • provokes paralysis and death of lice;
  • does not cause adverse reactions;
  • has a pleasant aroma.


  • needs to be used 2 times;
  • ineffective for killing nits.

Contraindications and precautions

Each drug has its own contraindications; they are indicated in the instructions for each product. The main ones are:

  • the age of the child (usually less than three years);
  • pregnancy and lactation of a woman;
  • diseases of the scalp and respiratory system.

All other categories of people can use sprays, but precautions must be taken:

  1. The room in which the spray is processed must be well ventilated.
  2. A gauze bandage should be put on the face: the one who is infected and the one doing the treatment.

    A gauze bandage will help protect the respiratory system from spray getting into them.

  3. If a person infected with head lice wears contact lenses, they must be removed.
  4. It is better to tie some fabric rolled up around the head of the child being treated. This will help prevent the spray from getting into your eyes.
  5. The person applying the spray should wear rubber gloves.

    Rubber gloves will protect the skin of your hands from irritation

  6. If itching, burning or redness occurs after applying the drug, it should be washed off immediately.
  7. Eyes, nose or mouth that come into contact with the product should be immediately rinsed with warm water. If there is a burning sensation that does not go away, a trip to the doctor is required.

The components included in any cosmetic product can cause personal intolerance in certain people. To determine whether you have it, you need to apply a little spray to the inside of your elbow, wait thirty minutes and see how the skin reacts. If no changes are visible, then the product has passed the test and can be used.

Rating of lotions for lice and nits for 2022

1. The best remedy for lice pubis Medifox

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Why we liked it: a highly concentrated product with 5% permethrin, which kills head and pubic lice in one application. Despite the high percentage of insecticide, the drug does not cause side effects. Editor's Rating:

The concentrate for preparing the solution is produced by the Russian company Fox and Co. The composition contains permethrin in a high concentration - 5%, in contrast to Hygienic shampoo with 1% medicinal substance content. The kit includes ampoules and solvent, which are mixed to obtain a liquid emulsion.

A highly active anti-pediculosis agent suitable for the treatment of pubic lice, which are more resistant to insecticides than head parasites. In one application, Medifox kills nits and mature individuals.

The product is rubbed into the hair roots and skin of the affected area, left for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water and shampoo or soap. After treatment, you need to comb your hair to remove dead insects. The procedure does not last long, the concentrate does not damage the skin and does not cause adverse reactions. Medifox has a pungent odor, so treatment is carried out in a room with good ventilation.


  • helps cope with pubic lice;
  • 100% result after the first application;
  • the most concentrated product from the rating.


  • unpleasant smell.

2. The best budget remedy for lice and nits D-95 Pediculicidal product

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Why we liked it: an inexpensive drug containing dimethicone that quickly copes with the problem of head lice. Sold in convenient portioned sachets, which allows you to reduce product consumption. Editor's Rating:

The product from the Russian brand Twins Tech contains a mixture of dimethicones, which increase the permeability of the outer shell of lice and cause an acute lack of oxygen in insects. The substance ensures the death of nits and adults. The drug's mechanism of action is similar to Nyuda spray, but costs 4 times less.

"D-95" is used in patients over 3 years of age for the treatment of head lice. It is produced in portioned sachets and is used sparingly: for short hair you need 1 sachet, and for long strands – 3 pcs. The composition is applied for 45 minutes, after which you wash your hair with shampoo and comb the strands with a thick comb. After a single use, the effect is insufficient, so after 1 week the procedure is repeated.

The manufacturer warns that the composition “D-95” may cause redness and irritation of the skin, and allergic reactions. The likelihood of side effects increases if the instructions are not followed or if the substance gets into exposed areas of the skin.


  • the cheapest product in the rating;
  • destroys nits and lice;
  • economical consumption.


  • needs to be used 2 times;
  • may cause allergies.

3. Medilis-Bio

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Why we liked it: a ready-to-use lotion based on natural ingredients that works well against pubic or head lice. Requires one-time application. Editor's Rating:

A pediculicide has been developed. The composition contains 10% clove oil, which provokes paralysis and death of nits and adult insects. The concentrated product is suitable for the treatment of head and pubic lice. The result comes after one use.

The finished lotion is distributed over the affected area for half an hour, after which it is washed off with water. To increase efficiency, the manufacturer recommends rinsing your hair with 5% vinegar and combing it with a thick comb. When using Medilisa-Bio in the intimate area, treatment with vinegar is not required.

The drug can be used in children over 5 years of age, but doctors advise using the drug only in adults. "Medilis-Bio" often causes redness and rash; adverse reactions are more pronounced on the delicate skin of children.


  • herbal active ingredients;
  • high concentration of medicinal components;
  • destroys 100% of lice and nits in 1 use.


  • unpleasant odor;
  • causes skin irritation.


What types of lice are there and how can you get infected with them?

There are 3 types of pediculosis pathogens:

  • head louse - parasitizes the scalp, mainly on the temples and crown of the head;
  • pubic louse - affects the scalp of the intimate area, occasionally multiplies in the armpits or on the eyelashes;
  • body louse - lives in the natural folds of the body, as well as in the seams of underwear and clothing.

Infection most often occurs through direct contact with a person with lice. To become infected with head lice, hair contact is enough, and pubic parasites are mainly transmitted through sexual intercourse. Less commonly, a person becomes infected by sharing a comb, hats, or towels.

Is lice a sign of poor hygiene?

In society, the presence of lice is traditionally associated with antisocial behavior, which is true for pubic and especially body lice.

Head lice most often affect school-age children, regardless of hygiene or social status. There is a rule that insects “love” to move on to a clean head, so if one student in the class has lice, most likely all the children will encounter head lice.

How does pediculosis manifest?

The main symptom of the disease is painful itching, which occurs as an allergic reaction to the saliva of lice secreted by insects when sucking blood. This causes scratching and multiple blood crusts. Pediculosis is characterized by a rash in the form of pinkish-red spots that rise above the surface of the skin. When scratching, a person can get an infection - in this case, pustules appear, the affected area becomes covered with yellow crusts.

In the hair of a person infected with lice, small white “grains” (2-3 mm in diameter) are visible - nits. With an active parasitic process, the hair sticks together into separate strands and looks dirty.

Are lice dangerous to health or not?

Itching, scratching and psychological discomfort associated with parasitizing insects are not the only problems with head lice. Lice are carriers of dangerous diseases such as epidemic typhus, relapsing fever, and Volyn fever.

How to detect lice?

With severe head lice, lice are easy to notice on the hair even without a targeted search. When there are few parasites, they can be detected at the roots if you carefully separate and examine the strands. To verify the presence of head lice, doctors use a Wood's lamp - live nits glow pearly white.

How to treat pediculosis?

Therapy for the disease is carried out comprehensively: it is necessary to destroy lice not only on the patient’s body, but also on all objects with which he came into contact. In case of lice, headwear, clothing and bed linen must be disinfested. It is better to replace all combs and fabric hair ties with new ones. To prevent relapse of the disease, it is recommended to treat surfaces and objects in the patient’s place of residence with pediculicides.

If lice are found on one family member, the rest need to be examined for lice and undergo preventive treatment of the scalp.

Read more about the treatment and prevention of head lice in the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor.

How to properly apply lice and nit treatment?

For pediculicidal drugs to work, you must follow 3 basic rules:

  1. Apply the mixture thoroughly to the head or pubic area to completely cover the skin. If you save the product, some of the lice may survive and you will need to repeat the procedure.
  2. Observe the exposure time of the anti-pediculosis substance specified in the instructions, even if unpleasant tingling or itching occurs during use.
  3. After rinsing off the product, comb your hair several times with a thick comb (usually sold with the product) to remove dead nits. Combing is carried out from roots to ends, after each movement the teeth of the comb are wiped with a napkin.

Spray hair treatment method

The application algorithm for all sprays is the same, the only difference is the amount of time for which you need to leave the product on your hair:

  1. Apply spray to hair along the entire length. You should start from the roots and move to the ends.

    Apply the spray thoroughly so that no untreated areas are left.

  2. Lightly rub the product into the scalp.
  3. Wait the required time (it is indicated in the instructions for each product).
  4. Rinse off the product with warm water.
  5. Wash your hair with your usual cleanser.
  6. Dry your hair lightly with a towel.
  7. Comb out dead insects with a special fine-toothed comb.

    Combing will help get rid of dead lice, as well as nits, which are not affected by most chemicals.

If necessary, repeat the procedure, waiting for the time specified in the instructions (at least seven days).

Nyuda should be washed off only after combing out dead insects.

Final thoughts

Pediculosis is an unpleasant problem, but with the help of modern pediculicides it is easy to deal with. The drugs are aimed at destroying adults and nits, so the reproduction of insects stops, and they can be gotten rid of in one go. To ensure that efforts to treat the body with anti-lice products are not in vain, it is necessary to disinfect clothing and household items, which are an additional source of infection.

What to do if your child has lice? Doctor Komarovsky says:

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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