Common diseases of ficus "Benjamina": looking for salvation from problems

Ficus rubber - main diseases and their treatment

What to do if your rubber ficus is sick? Diseases of rubber ficus appear due to improper care of the plant. That is why the first recommendation of specialists on the way to overcoming plant diseases is balanced care, timely watering, proper fertilizing and replanting. There are diseases of ficus rubber that are caused by various parasites. These are spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs and many others. In this case, the main thing is to notice the disease in a timely manner and diagnose it correctly. Only specialists can understand the nature of the plant disease and recommend the correct treatment. So, diseases of rubber ficus with photos. Consultation with specialists and proper treatment of the plant.

Why are ficus diseases dangerous?

Diseases of Ficus Benjamin can significantly damage the plant, and in some cases even destroy it. What should you do if your ficus leaves turn red or have white spots, mites, aphids and white or red dots? You need to act immediately. If you do not purchase special medicinal products in time and do not rid the sick houseplant of pests and diseases, as well as white lumps, it may simply die.

In addition, what is dangerous about an invasion of parasites is that it increases the risk of a similar problem occurring in your other evergreens. Study the most common diseases of ficus, determine the source of the outbreak of the flower disease, and then proceed to full treatment.

Reproduction of Ficus Benjamin

My gorgeous ficus became the envy of my friends - flora lovers, and then I had to think about ways to propagate ficus Benjamin. The easiest way is to cut off the apical cutting with leaves and root it in water, and then plant it in the ground. But you can root the cuttings immediately in moist soil - thanks to its aerial roots, the ficus takes root very easily.

The method of propagation by air layering is also common among experienced gardeners: a circular cut is made on the ficus stem, which is tied with damp moss; the moss and part of the stem are hermetically sealed on top with a film or a transparent plastic bag so that the moss does not dry out, and after two months, when the bag with moss is full roots, the stem is cut below the layering and planted in the ground. There is one caveat: Benjamin's ficus needs to be propagated in the summer, since in other seasons it is busy either growing or resting. And, by the way, try to move the ficus as little as possible - most of all it loves peace.

Diet rich in nutrients

A nutrient-dense diet includes a variety of whole foods with a selection of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, lean proteins and fibrous carbohydrates. Food items include:

  • leafy greens, such as kale and spinach
  • fatty fish, including salmon
  • a variety of colorful vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, carrots, beets, and red, yellow and orange peppers
  • fruits, including berries, apples and bananas
  • healthy fats, including avocados and walnuts
  • lean proteins including tofu, eggs, nuts, beans and fish
  • fibrous foods, including legumes

Anti-inflammatory spices such as turmeric, ginger and garlic are also recommended.

Video on the topic: Diseases and pests of ficus

The presented video talks about how to save ficus from various diseases.

Ficus is a picky plant. Does not require special knowledge or care skills. But if you don’t pay attention to it at all, and don’t follow the basic rules of maintenance, the flower will begin to fade. Some ficus diseases can cause not only deterioration in appearance, but also its death.

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

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Ficus benjamina transplant

A plant brought from a store is usually transplanted from a shipping container into a permanent pot only after two to three weeks, giving the plant time to adapt to its new home. But sometimes the ficus still begins to lose leaves. Professionals say that this is how the tree reacts to changing conditions. If you don’t know how to transplant Ficus Benjamin, follow these rules:

  • You can replant a flower from a transport pot 2-3 weeks after purchase;
  • for replanting, use universal soil or a special soil mixture for ficus;
  • after transplantation, the plant is not fed for two weeks, although in general ficus Benjamin needs frequent feeding;
  • It is recommended to replant an adult plant once every two to three years, and this is best done in the spring, using a loose substrate for ficuses and not forgetting to place a drainage layer in the pot;
  • old ficus can be rejuvenated by removing dried branches.

Despite following these rules, the ficus may still lose leaves for several weeks when transplanted - but there’s nothing you can do about it, you’ll have to wait for the plant to take root.

Pruning: how and why it is done

The resilient tree is pruned to give the plant a more spectacular lush shape. Ficus pruning is carried out in the spring:

  • pruning the upper part - cut off a cutting at the highest part (small, 10–12 cm);
  • by planting several specimens in one large pot, but for rubber-bearing ficus, this method is rarely used.

How to form a beautiful ficus crown? The formation of the crown occurs through the removal of the apex, when the axillary (lateral) buds are able to develop. The time when the crown is formed is of great importance: spring is considered the best period. If the processing and formation of the crown is carried out in the autumn-winter period, the result will be an ugly, one-sided elastic ficus.

The formation of rubber ficus in an apartment can be done without pruning - you just need to fix some shoots. This method helps protect the plant from unnecessary injuries. Before forming a crown, you need to find out the age of the plant, since mature trees are more difficult to tolerate this procedure.

You can often find very unusual forms of plant crowns. To get an original specimen, you just need to plant 2 - 3 shoots in a pot, gradually removing the side shoots and developing only the trunk. Pruning and creativity will create an original green sculpture, you just need to figure out how to pinch the ficus at the top.

Signs of scale insect infestation

You need to start taking measures to save the ficus if:

  1. A sticky coating resembling syrup appeared on the leaves. This substance is called honeydew or honeydew. The scale insect, being voracious, often draws more juice from plants than it can absorb and releases its excess outside. Such an environment is fertile for the appearance of sooty fungus, which also causes damage.
  2. Upon careful examination of the ficus (preferably under magnification), you can see the larvae and females of the scale insects, which have a dirty gray or brown color.
  3. Damaged areas of leaves begin to be overgrown with new tissue, so bumps appear on its surface. Ultimately, the sheet plate takes on a deformed appearance.
  4. Ficus leaves turn red and gradually die.
  5. When the infection is advanced, individual shoots begin to die, and the growth of the entire plant stops.

If the pest’s “work experience” exceeds more than 2 years, then its parasitic activity leads to massive death of leaves and drying out of branches. The bark on the trunk and shoots begins to crack.

Common Causes

Aphthous stomatitis

Canker sores, also known as canker sores, are open lesions that occur anywhere in the mouth, including under the tongue. The sores appear suddenly, have no known cause, and are not contagious. Some researchers believe that canker sores are a type of immune system reaction.

Factors that can cause stomatitis:

  • injury or damage to the tissue under the tongue
  • exposure to spicy, sour or dairy foods
  • hormonal changes, such as during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause
  • gastrointestinal (GI) disorders such as celiac disease
  • nutritional deficiencies such as low iron, folic acid and vitamin B12
  • physical or emotional stress
  • genetics
  • infections

Most ulcers are minor and go away on their own within 4-14 days.

Cyst of the oral mucosa (Mucocele)

Oral cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop in the tissues of the fingers, toes, and mouth. A mucocele forms near one of the openings of the salivary glands under the tongue or on the lips, cheeks, or floor of the mouth. Mucoceles appear as soft, swollen lesions that range in color from flesh-colored to dark blue. Mucoceles tend to disappear periodically and reappear when irritated by saliva. Although cysts of the oral mucosa are usually observed at any age, they usually occur between the ages of 10 and 30 years.


Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is the most common sexually transmitted infection. Scientists have identified more than 180 subtypes of HPV.

HPV infections lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes; about 40 subtypes of HPV can lead to infection of the mouth and throat.

Symptoms appear:

  • small, hard bumps under the tongue or on the lining of the mouth
  • lumps that appear white, pink, red, or flesh-colored
  • painless, smooth and slightly raised bumps
  • single education or group

The body can get rid of HPV infection within 2 years without medical treatment. However, HPV is the leading cause of oropharyngeal cancer.

Lymphoepithelial cyst

Lymphoepithelial cysts

are slow-growing, non-cancerous growths that develop in the salivary glands and are often a symptom of HIV infection. These small, hard nodules are located just below the mucous membrane that lines the inside of the mouth. Lymphoepithelial cysts usually appear as fleshy, white or yellow growths under the tongue or on the floor of the mouth.


Sialolithiasis, also known as salivary stones, is a condition in which stones from crystallized minerals form in the ducts of the salivary glands. Sialolithiasis is the most common cause of salivary gland swelling. A stone that forms in the sublingual gland, located under the tongue, can cause pain.

Other symptoms of sialolithiasis include:

  • pain or discomfort in the mouth that gets worse with eating
  • pain or swelling under the jaw
  • infection in or near the affected gland
  • dry mouth

Salivary gland tumor

A salivary gland tumor that forms in the sublingual gland appears as a mass under the tongue or near the jaw. Less than 1% of salivary gland tumors develop in the sublingual gland; 70-90% of sublingual gland tumors are malignant. The malignant tumor grows quickly and can spread to other parts of the body.

Tumors of the salivary glands manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

  • a raised or painful lump under the tongue or in the jaw, ear, or neck
  • numbness or muscle weakness in part of the face
  • difficulty opening the mouth or swallowing
  • ear discharge

We analyze the reasons for the fall of ficus leaves

Let's start with the simplest answer to this question. The yellowness of the leaves is a consequence of the natural process of dying. The lifespan of each leaf can be about three years, and then it disappears. You may not pay attention to such episodes in your pet’s life.

But, if leaf fall has begun, this trouble requires analysis. Experienced gardeners know that massive loss of foliage is always associated with a stressful situation, and stress can be caused by various reasons.

A common reason for the appearance of yellow leaves is the movement of the ficus to other living conditions.

Let's say you bought a ficus in a store and brought it home. This is enough for a vulnerable plant to react by yellowing and dropping leaves. In this case, it is necessary to immediately create comfortable conditions for the plant. Provide the required temperature, humidity, lighting, and protect from drafts.

The remaining common causes of yellowing and dropping leaves are mainly associated with improper care of the ficus. Let's list them:

  • Excessive watering . Watering the ficus should occur at certain intervals, focusing on the condition of the top layer of soil. If it is dry enough, you can “water” the ficus, but if the soil remains wet the next day after watering, remove excess moisture. In a situation of excess moisture, not only can the foliage turn yellow and fall off, but the roots of the ficus may also begin to rot, which will force you to take even more efforts to save your pet.
  • Insufficient watering, dry soil and air in the apartment. This situation is especially typical in winter, when hot air can come from heating devices. Place the pot with the plant away from hot air currents.
  • Insufficient lighting. Ficus of this variety is a big lover of light. And when purchasing a flower, you should worry in advance about its additional lighting in the autumn-winter season, so as not to provoke the loss of foliage. Also, under the scorching rays of the sun, Benjamin's ficus cannot withstand it for long and sheds its leaves.
  • Presence of drafts in your home. When you ventilate the room, try to take the ficus pot out of the room or place it in a place where drafts do not penetrate. It is better to place the ficus away from balcony doors.
  • Low indoor temperatures . If the temperature drops below 12 degrees, the Benjamin ficus begins to freeze. You should move the plant to a warmer place as quickly as possible, or you can use a heater.
  • Insufficient humidity . The situation can arise both in the summer, when the hot rays of the sun penetrate, and in the winter, when heating devices are operating. Ficus needs constant spraying.
  • Insufficient feeding . It is necessary to feed the ficus every month and also maintain the balance of minerals by using fertilizers.

This is a basic list of possible causes of ficus leaves falling. But in Benjamin’s life, sometimes unexpected situations arise that require the experience, knowledge and additional thoughts of flower growers.

Symptoms of diseases

Ficus turns black

The leaves are covered with small black dots and specks, mainly on the inside.

This is how Cercospora fungal infection manifests itself. Subsequently, the leaves may change color, lose turgor and fall off.

How to revive a ficus?

To save the plant, it is necessary to remove all the affected parts and treat the plant and soil with fungicides - Fundazol, Kurzat, Oksikhom. The entire surface of the leaf turns black, then it falls off.

An oversight in care is to blame - the ficus suffers from excessive watering and constant soil moisture. In this case, you should change the humidification mode, reducing it by at least 2 times.

It is recommended to moisten the soil no more than twice a week.

Darkening edges indicate burns from direct sunlight.

Another reason is that the ficus is hot. It stands close to heating appliances or on a windowsill under the scorching sun.

It is enough to move the pot with the plant to the western or eastern window and remove it from heat sources.

The appearance of asymmetrical, varied black spots indicates improper soil or excess nutrients.

Help: the optimal composition of the soil is sand, leaf soil and peat in equal quantities.

The ficus "Benjamina" should be replanted in a fresh substrate and the addition of mineral complexes should be reduced.

As you can see, proper care of the Benjamin ficus is very important for the plant, so we have prepared several useful materials about the secrets of its propagation and the peculiarities of growing it at home.

Methods for treating fungal diseases

Fungal diseases can be treated in several ways.

They are:

  1. Spraying with fungicides. If simple methods (changing temperature, air humidity, etc.) do not help, then move on to fungicides. Spraying a flower with a solution makes it possible to get rid of almost all fungal infections.
  2. Trimming. Pruning is often carried out when fungicides can be dispensed with or they have not had the desired effect. This method is especially relevant for root rot, when some roots can still be saved. In this case, the ficus is taken out of the pot and the root system is carefully examined. Rotten roots are cut off and thrown away, and after that the plant is transplanted into new soil and a new flowerpot.
  3. Folk remedies. This technique is good when the disease has just made itself felt. In this case, the flower can be treated with soapy water, garlic or alcohol.

Why did spots appear on the leaves?

Most often, such problems appear as a result of the following actions:

  • improper watering;
  • unsuitable temperature conditions;
  • exposure to disease, insects or fungi;
  • cramped pot.

Brown dots

They often look like rust. The reason for the appearance may be the following:

  • damage by fungal spores;
  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • pest attack.

You need to carefully examine the leaves to determine what is causing the brown spots.


The reason for their appearance may be:

  • pest attacks;
  • fungal diseases.

An effective method of control is treatment with fungicides.

Yellow plaque

In this case, the plant was affected by fungal spores. They are usually found in the ground.

To fight you need:

  1. Inspect the plant.
  2. Transplant it into another pot, completely replacing the soil.
  3. Treat with fungicides.

Fungicide for the treatment of rubber

The fungicide solution helps control pests well. Today there are several biological poisons that help effectively fight ficus diseases:

  1. Copper-containing (iron sulfate, manganese, potassium). Effective against anthracnose, powdery mildew and a number of pests.
  2. Organic , based on a number of chemical compounds. Used against fungi. The effectiveness depends on the specific plant and the severity of its damage.
  3. Biological - fights diseases, rot and insects well.

In specialized stores you can always find the necessary drug to save the plant.

Thus, spots on ficus leaves are an alarm bell. This means that the plant has been attacked by pests, bacteria or fungi . It is urgent to understand what the reason is and begin to act. Untimely control methods can cause the death of the tree.

Ficus is a picky plant. Does not require special knowledge or care skills. But if you don’t pay attention to it at all, and don’t follow the basic rules of maintenance, the flower will begin to fade. Some ficus diseases can cause not only deterioration in appearance, but also its death.

Infections and fungal infections

Proper care will keep any plant healthy. But sometimes even he is not able to get rid of unwanted problems that arise due to the diligent care of the gardener. Ficus diseases also occur due to external factors: initially hidden diseases in newly purchased plants, cuttings, when replacing the soil mixture or transplanting into open ground.

Infections and fungal infections of ficus

Attention! Even prepared soil purchased in a store does not always guarantee that conscientious manufacturers have disinfected it from ficus pest larvae.

The most common diseases of any type of ficus genus include:

Powdery mildew

White spots that look like a fluffy coating that are easily erased.

Reason: from direct sunlight, places damaged by insects, subsequently infected with fungus. Treatment: The plaque is washed off with a sponge soaked in soapy water. Severely affected leaves are removed. The plant is treated with a fungicide.

Anthracnose or rust

Uneven, rusty spots with a brown border along the edge of the leaf. After some time, holes form in their place. Later the leaves completely darken and die. Cause: Fungus Colletotrichum orbiculare. Treatment: Diseased areas are cut off, the ficus is treated with fungicide and copper oxychloride.


Small brown or black dots at the bottom of the leaf, which gradually increase in size. After a couple of days, the leaf withers and dies. Reason: Dampness, waterlogging in the room. Infection with a fungus of the genus Cercospora. Treatment: spraying with a fungicidal preparation.

Harmful insects

Some plants are better equipped to handle pests, while others need a little extra help. Before purchasing a ficus tree, it is important to research what problems are common with these beautiful trees.

  • Mealybug. They are small white furry sucking insects that gather in large clusters. They may appear after watering as they crawl to the surface of the soil. They can be seen in areas of the plant where branches meet the main stem. There are several ways to treat insects. You can spray the foliage with horticultural oil or treat the soil with chemicals. If you don’t want to use chemicals, then spray a soap solution. The liquid is prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of soap per 4.5 liters of water.
  • Centipedes. These are brown insects with a long body and many legs. If they appear, it is likely that the soil was not sterilized before the tree was planted in it. The best way to combat this problem is to change the soil and sterilize the new one. The pot should also be cleaned - this is the only way to ensure that the grower is free of pests.
  • Shield. Like other insects, scale insects do not tolerate high humidity and soapy treatment. Saving a plant from it is not difficult, you just need to spend a little time on processing.
  • Thrips. This is an insect that is difficult to get rid of and even more difficult to see because it is so small. You can inspect the foliage for the appearance of small dark spots, that is, waste that they leave on the ficus. To get rid of them, you first need to water the plant from the shower, then spray it with neem oil.
  • Whiteflies . They often attack the flower. They immediately become visible due to their white coating. To prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to use neem oil sprays. Standard yellow sticky traps also work well.
  • Spider mites. You can get rid of them with a simple soap solution or a strong shower.
  • Aphid . When branches and leaves curl, this may be a sign that aphids have appeared, which, in turn, are also carriers of bacterial diseases. They get rid of it with an alcohol solution, which needs to be used to wipe the trunk and leaves.

Fungal infections

Gray rot or Botrytis: appears in flowers kept in a warm room with high humidity.

The ficus is covered in places with a gray coating. When shaken, dust rises up. The leaves begin to darken and then die.

To eliminate the disease, remove all affected areas of the flower and allow the soil to dry. Next, regulate watering and ensure frequent ventilation.

Sooty fungus: appears on the surface as a black coating. The precursor to the disease is the secretions of insect pests.

For small affected areas, treat them with soapy water, passing a sponge over each one separately. Severely affected units are removed and destroyed, and the stems and roots are sprayed with fungicide.

Pythium, late blight, rhizoctonia: fungi provoke rotting of roots and stems. The plant stops growing and gradually dies. It will not be possible to save it; it must be eliminated before other flowers become infected.

For prevention, moderate watering is needed, once a month with a weak solution of manganese.

Powdery mildew: appears as white powdery spots. Its appearance is provoked by high humidity and heat. For treatment, spray with a solution of copper sulfate and soda ash: dilute 10 g of soda, 2 g of laundry soap in a liter of water, stir 2 g of sulfate separately, pour the mixture into the main composition. Bring the volume to 2 liters and spray with it.

Rust (anthracosis): expressed by spreading yellow-brown spots, the edges of the leaves look burned, sometimes pitted with ulcers. To get rid of it, the plant is cleaned of affected areas and treated with a fungicide.

Advice! To make an accurate diagnosis, it is better to compare the identified signs of ficus disease with photographs, and then their treatment will be more productive, and other flowers will be protected from infection.

  • Spider mite. The presence is indicated by spots of a gray or brown tint, and in places a thin cobweb may be visible. The environment for development is dry and warm, this promotes rapid reproduction. Leaves damaged by it dry out and fall off. To avoid damage to the ficus, optimal humidity should be maintained in the room, the plant should be sprayed with water, and occasionally wiped with a solution of laundry soap. If affected, treat with an insecticide.
  • Aphid. The appearance of a sticky coating, yellowing and deformation of leaves is the result of aphid parasitism. Insect secretions become a breeding ground for fungal infections, which will lead to the destruction of the flower. Treatment with soapy water and insecticides will help.

  • Thrips. Small black bugs. They settle on the back side of leaves and drink plant sap. Infestation appears as brown, white and yellow spots. To get rid of the pest, they are treated with the following drugs: Actillic, Tanrek, Aktara.

  • Mealybug. Appears as white lumps. It can be found both on the plant itself and on the soil around it, quickly moving to nearby flowers. For treatment, insects are removed from the ficus and treated with tobacco or soap solution once a week. In advanced cases, Confidor is used, treatment is carried out twice every 10 days.
  • Nematodes. Small bead-like growths on the roots. They release toxins that cause the ficus to become faded and die if not treated in a timely manner. This requires replanting into new soil, with preliminary soaking of the roots in an insecticide solution for 3 hours.

Common problems

If you do not comply with the growing conditions, then the ficus will not look healthy. It is not necessary that the bush is affected by insects or disease; sometimes the problem is due to insufficient lighting. Pale and yellowing of the leaves indicates a lack of the required amount of light. In this case, you just need to move the pot closer to the window, and in winter add artificial lighting.

The appearance of brown spots is a sign of a burn from direct sunlight.

Chin hair removal for women

Many methods are available for women who want to remove chin hair. These include:


is a hair removal method that uses electric current to destroy the hair follicles, preventing any hair from growing in the area. This procedure is usually performed by a dermatologist and may require multiple treatments. Electrolysis has a longer lasting effect than other hair removal methods.

Laser hair removal

- This is also a method of combating hair on the chin.


- the name of laser hair removal. The procedure uses lasers to destroy hair follicles. However, this procedure may not be suitable for people with dark skin types as it causes complications that can affect skin pigmentation.

Plucking individual hairs with tweezers

temporarily deletes them. However, this procedure must be performed constantly.

Shaving can remove chin hair, but this can lead to irritation and pseudofollicles

that appear around the hair follicle.

Like plucking, shaving is a temporary method of hair removal.


involves applying a special wax to the skin area and using strips of cloth or paper to remove hair. The procedure may be painful. This approach is a short-term option and may also irritate the skin. Waxing can lead to ingrown hairs as they grow back.

Women with PCOS may benefit from lifestyle changes to maintain a moderate weight. Some examples include eating a healthy diet, quitting smoking, and exercising regularly.

Doctors may also prescribe treatments to reduce chin hair in women:

  • antiandrogen drugs
    such as spironolactone
  • Finasteride
    helps control enzymes that lead to hirsutism
  • gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, such as leuprolide acetate injections
  • metformin, a drug that may lower insulin levels in people with PCOS

Doctors usually recommend sticking to treatment for 6 months.

Plant pests

Large succulent leaves of ficus are attractive to many harmful insects. Pests of ficus "Benjamina" are: fungus gnats, true and false scale insects, nematodes, spider mites, thrips, mealybugs and aphids.

Spider mite

It is almost impossible to see microscopic pests without magnifying devices. But traces of their activity are very characteristic and easily recognized.

Light-colored dotted specks form on the leaves of an infected ficus, and all above-ground parts are covered with many fine cobwebs. Such plants stop developing, lose their decorative value due to yellowing and falling leaves, and begin to wither and become sick.


It looks like an oval plaque of beige, chestnut or gray color. It can be picked off with a needle from the surface of the sheet. Since the body is protected by a waxy shield, it can only be destroyed by systemic insecticides that penetrate the body through plant sap.

Photo: scale insect on ficus "Benjamina"


Small pests with an oval body that resemble flies. They are difficult to notice due to their inconspicuous coloring - steel, black or brown. They settle in large colonies and feed on the sap of the plant, severely inhibiting its growth.

In addition, they carry many viral diseases and stain the ground parts with their secretions, attracting fungus.


Small pests with an oval body covered with a whitish coating, reminiscent of starch or flour. They leave two types of discharge - a sweetish liquid that attracts sooty fungus and cotton wool-like lumps in which the eggs are placed.

Determining the type of disease

It is necessary to correctly identify a tree disease. This will allow you to correctly apply the remedy to save it:

  1. Infections are the result of exposure to bacteria. They may not be noticed immediately. The first sign of the disease is the appearance of dark spots, traces of rust, or yellowing of the leaves on the ficus leaves. For control, it is best to use fungicides. They must be applied taking into account the level of damage to the plant. In most cases, 2-3 waterings over 10 days will be sufficient.
  2. Fungal infection - can be detected by a characteristic odor and the appearance of rot on the stem or leaves. It is also possible for plaque to form in various colors. It is necessary to fight by removing the affected area. To prevent relapse, you should use fungicides.

Ways to combat insects without “chemistry”

You can try to deal with mealybugs without resorting to chemicals, especially if there are not too many insects. Amateur gardeners have tested many folk remedies for mealybugs, and some have shown high effectiveness.

Stages of work:

  1. First, the plant is isolated.
  2. Cut off the affected shoots and leaves, buds and flowers, ovaries and fruits.
  3. Using tweezers, a damp swab or a cotton swab (a toothpick or a match with cotton wool wound around it), remove lumps of fluff and insects from the stems and large leaves, penetrating into the leaf axils and folds, not forgetting to look under the leaves.
  4. All affected areas should be wiped with alcohol or a pharmaceutical alcohol tincture of calendula (vodka is not suitable due to the low concentration of alcohol). This will help remove the smallest wandering larvae, as well as sticky plaque.
  5. The bottom of the pot and under the rim should also be treated.
  6. The pseudobulbs of orchids are wiped with alcohol, having previously cleared them of dry scales.
  7. After these procedures, it is recommended to treat the plants three times at weekly intervals. For this, special solutions are prepared, choosing one of the convenient options; They are applied to plants by spraying or brushing. When spraying, cover the soil in the pot from getting the drug.

Folk remedies (optional):

  1. Lemon and/or orange peels - daily infusion of 50 g per liter of boiling water.
  2. Garlic (cloves) – chop 8 cloves, pour in a liter of boiling water, leave for 4-6 hours, strain.
  3. Tobacco decoction: 100 g is boiled in a liter of water for half an hour, after a day it is filtered and diluted 2-3 times with water. The product is poisonous and must be handled very carefully!
  4. Pharmaceutical oil extract of horsetail. An infusion of dry horsetail herb is also prepared: 100 g per liter of boiling water.
  5. Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l. for half a liter of water. The oil film interferes with the breathing of pests.
  6. Soap solution: 1 tsp. crushed laundry soap per 1 liter of water. You can use store-bought insecticide Green soap (1 tbsp per 1 liter of water). It is recommended to add 2 tbsp to the solution. l. vodka. This remedy is used several times every 3 days.
  • You can try to destroy the root bug with hot water. The roots are immersed for a quarter of an hour in a large container of water, the temperature of which is strictly +55 degrees.

After treatment, it is recommended to replant the plants. The pots are thoroughly washed with a strong soap solution, and the suspicious soil is fried in the oven.

What can cause a fever without increasing body temperature

Environment or lifestyle

Many lifestyle and environmental factors can cause a person to develop a fever, but there will be no fever. Factors include:

High air temperature

Hot or humid weather is hard on the body and can affect some people. In hot weather, a person may feel irritable, tired, or have difficulty concentrating. In some cases, extreme temperatures or prolonged sun exposure can cause sunburn, heatstroke, or sunstroke.

A sunburn occurs when the sun damages the skin, causing the skin to feel hot and sore. Heatstroke occurs when a person loses too much fluid and salt through sweating. Symptoms of heat stroke include:

  • heavy sweating
  • cold, clammy skin
  • nausea or vomiting
  • weakness
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • muscle weakness or cramps

A person with heatstroke should cool down, drink fluids, and stop exercising. If a person does not get better within 1 hour, they should seek medical help immediately.

Exercise or strenuous activity

Exercise or physical work can increase a person's body temperature, especially if they:

  • not used to exercising regularly
  • exercise or perform physical activity in a hot or humid environment
  • overexert themselves

Athletes who train in hot weather should monitor their well-being and stop training if they feel weak or faint.

Avoiding exercise during the hottest part of the day and drinking more water will help avoid fever during exercise.

Food and drink

Some foods and drinks can cause a fever. These include:

  • alcohol
  • caffeinated drinks
  • spicy food
  • hot food and drinks

People may feel warmth on their skin or sweat more than usual during and after consuming these products.


Tight, tight or dark clothing can increase body temperature and prevent air from circulating around the skin. Synthetic fibers can also trap heat and prevent sweat from evaporating. This can cause excessive heat production and increased sweating.

Prevention of diseases

Proper bush care will help minimize the risk of ficus disease. You should adhere to the watering schedule, feed with mineral components and cut off dry leaves and branches on time. The plant also needs to receive the daily norm of light and heat; the air in the room should not stagnate.

To protect the rubber ficus from infection and pests, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • The newly acquired flower must be kept in quarantine for some time. Typically, the isolation period is no more than a week. It is better to keep the ficus in a separate room so that the disease is not transmitted through the air. If after a week of quarantine no infectious diseases have been identified, the plant can be placed next to others.
  • It is advisable to inspect flowers every day. Particular attention should be paid to the lower part of the stem and the inner surface of the leaves.
  • Every month, ficus foliage should be treated with soapy water. This procedure is vital for bushes located on open loggias or growing outdoors.

Why do ficus trees get sick?

First of all, improper maintenance conditions lead to withering:

  • strong changes in air temperature in the room, or its constant overestimation;
  • dry air, drafts;
  • insufficient or, conversely, too bright lighting;
  • inconsistency with the watering regime: too frequent or, on the contrary, insufficient;
  • improper mineralization;
  • contaminated soil.

Having corrected these shortcomings, the ficus will quickly return to normal and reward it with bright colors.

But some diseases are caused by more serious reasons: ficus can be attacked by fungal diseases and pests, photos of which will be given below. They require more attention and time, and in some cases, disposal of the flower.

How to cure a rubber plant at home?

Problems usually arise while the plant is at home. In this case, many gardeners turn to colleagues for help, posting photos of affected leaves and stems. But it is not always possible to get the correct answer from other gardeners.

Typically treatment proceeds as follows:

  1. Diagnostics. It is necessary to understand what happened to the ficus.
  2. Locate the affected area and remove it if necessary.
  3. Treat the tree with fungicides.
  4. Continue proper care and monitor progress.

Fungicides usually really help. But in the presence of rot, more radical methods are required. The affected area is removed using a sharp knife, which must first be treated in an alcohol-containing solution . The cut area must be treated with activated carbon.

How to treat a tree against aphids?

It is recommended to use industrial poisons immediately. Ficus reacts painfully to any pests. If you don't kill all the aphids right away, they will kill the tree sooner.

There are three types of chemicals:

It is better to use contact chemicals as they provide an immediate effect . Systemic ones change the chemical composition of the plant juice, it becomes poisonous. There is a risk that the tree will begin to fade later.

How did she get on the ficus?

Scale insects appear on Ficus Benjamin in different ways. Among them:

  • purchasing an already infected plant, because at the initial stage it is not easy to detect a pest without a thorough examination, and in flower shops an epidemic of scale insects is not uncommon;
  • together with a bouquet of flowers brought into the house - purchased or collected independently;
  • Rarely does a scale insect enter a room through an open window if it is brought in by the wind;
  • a ficus moved to a balcony in the warm season can become infected with pests if there are pests on neighboring balconies;
  • if the house already has plants on which scale insects live.

Therefore, it is very difficult to protect plants from infection.

Scale insects on ficus - what to do when a pest appears?

Not a single plant is immune from the appearance of scale insects. The reasons for this can be varied: improper care, contaminated soil, diseases of other flowers that are transmitted.

The insect literally sucks nutrients and juices from the plant, so if the damage is not noticed in time, the plant will begin to dry out and die. Plant growers often notice scale insects on ficus - what to do if the pest appears?

Emergency aid and control methods

If you find harmful insects on the plant, do the following:

  1. Isolate the flower from other plants to prevent infection.
  2. Prepare a soap solution and use a soft cloth to remove insects and sticky residue from the leaves and stems.
  3. Rinse the foliage in the shower, cover the soil in the pot with film so that washed-off pests do not get into it.

You can fight insects using folk remedies intended for spraying:

  1. Pour 100 g of citrus peel into 1 liter of warm water and place in a dark place for 4 days.
  2. 1 head of chopped garlic per 1 liter of water, leave for a week. Add 50 ml of infusion to 10 liters of water.
  3. 1 chopped onion per 100 ml of water, leave in a closed jar for 8 days. For 10 liters of water, 20 ml of infusion is enough.
  4. Pour 150 g of onion peel into 10 liters of boiling water, after a day the infusion is ready.
  5. Grate 100 g of laundry or green soap and dissolve in 5 liters of hot water.
  6. 50 g of tobacco dust, 5 liters of water and a little soap solution.

If folk remedies turn out to be ineffective, it is necessary to use insecticides. You will notice the result immediately; a minimum number of repeated treatments will be required.

  1. "Aktara" is a systemic insecticide used to protect indoor plants from aphids, scale insects, scale insects, and thrips. It has a worse effect on whiteflies and ticks.
  2. “Fitoverm actellik” is one of the most powerful common drugs.
  3. "Arrivo" is an insecticide of contact-intestinal action, has high initial toxicity, and has a long period of protective action (up to 2 weeks).
  4. “Iskra” - several options made on the basis of different toxic substances. The most modern drug Iskra Bio (Akarin) is an environmentally friendly product that is harmless to people and animals.
  5. "Inta-vir" is an effective means for destroying adult individuals, but is not capable of destroying larvae and eggs.
  6. Etisso Blattlaus-Sticks are sticks that are placed in the ground. After watering, the active substance is released and distributed through the root system to all tissues of the plant.
  7. “Commander” is effective both when applied to the soil and when sprayed.

When processing with chemicals, follow the instructions and safety rules:

  • use protective equipment - gloves, a respirator;
  • process outdoors, on a balcony or in a well-ventilated area;
  • Keep chemicals out of the reach of children and animals.

Read the instructions carefully, adhere to the recommended dosages and processing times.

To avoid pests, inspect the plants, paying special attention to the back surface of the leaves, because this is a favorite place for insects. Follow the rules of care, do not disturb the watering schedule, feed indoor flowers in a timely manner. These simple measures will protect plants from pest invasion.

Diseases of indoor plants with sticky leaves immediately reveal their cause and pathogen.

A sticky leaf on any plant means that organic secretions with a large amount of carbohydrates are deposited on its surface.

In a healthy plant, this is only possible if something that sticks to the outer integument of the leaf gets onto the leaf blade from the outside. This happens rarely. And if all the leaves of a plant suddenly become covered with something sticky, these are signs of pathology, which develops so quickly that soon not only several leaves and the entire plant, but also the immediate area around it are covered with a sticky mass. This indicates the presence of a constant process of violating the integrity of the leaf blade.

This phenomenon has causes and consequences. The reasons are simple - microorganisms grow on the plant that damage the leaves. As a result, juice constantly flows from the leaf wound.

Having reached a certain number, the pest forms a sticky coating on the leaves. Because he drinks juice, his discharge is not only runny but also sticky. As a result, the leaf is covered with a continuous layer of a mixture of its own juice with secretions of the organisms that eat it.

Such a process may have the following consequences.

  1. 1. The plant loses water and nutrients.
  2. 2. Fungi, bacteria, and viruses can settle on permanent damage, which can cause a new disease.
  3. 3. The sticky cover clogs the stomata, making it difficult to breathe and evaporate water.
  4. 4. Since the plant is not provided with sufficient amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide, the formation of organic matter during photosynthesis becomes unproductive. This leads to leaf loss and gradual wilting of the entire plant.
  5. 5. The stomata, closed with an adhesive substance, stop evaporating water. As a result, the movement of water from root hairs to leaves slows down. For this reason, the supply of minerals to the plant’s ground organs also slows down. This is the cause of mineral deficiency. The intensity of bio and photosynthesis decreases. As a result, the plant stops blooming and bearing fruit, gradually dying.
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