Bedbug Executioner - instructions for using the product

When bedbugs appear, most of us immediately rush to the nearest household chemicals store. And what will we see there? An incredible variety of drugs against household pests will appear before your eyes: aerosols, dusts, concentrates. And at the same time, each product will have its own pros and cons, which, in turn, will only complicate the problem of choice. Today we will focus on one of the most popular insecticides - “Executioner”.

Why has this product gained such popularity among consumers? And there are several reasons for this:

  • firstly, “Executioner” is one of the latest developments, which, during its short stay on the household insecticide market, has managed to establish itself as a very effective weapon against bedbugs;
  • secondly, along with the fact that this drug contains a powerful insecticide that quickly exterminates pests, it is relatively safe for human health and domestic animals;
  • thirdly, it is convenient and easy to use.

Among the huge number of fairly effective insecticidal preparations, this one stands out for its accessibility. To get rid of bedbugs in your sofa using the Executioner product, you will need only one bottle costing 70 rubles. Since bloodsuckers settle in places where people relax, one treatment of the sleeping area is often enough, especially if bedbugs have just appeared in the apartment.

Description of the drug

The Executioner contains fenthion, which is a lethal poison for insects. The death of bedbugs occurs a few minutes after its use. For warm-blooded creatures, including humans, the product is relatively harmless, having received the characteristic of a moderately toxic substance.

Executioner is sold in transparent 5 ml bottles

The composition of the Executioner was developed by German chemists, maximizing the toxicity of the active substance for insects and reducing its danger to people.

Externally, it looks like a transparent liquid of a slightly yellowish color. Sold in transparent bottles containing 5 ml of the drug. A distinctive sign of the product’s authenticity is a protective holographic sticker.

For total treatment with Executioner against bedbugs in a one-room apartment, you will need 10-15 bottles of the product. For a two-room apartment - 20-25 bubbles.

The great advantage of this drug is that insects do not become accustomed to it. Thus, you can re-treat the room with the same product without fear that the bedbugs have developed immunity to it.

Advice! If several nearby apartments are infested with insects, then it makes sense to cooperate with neighbors for total disinfestation, especially since the manufacturer’s official website offers discounts for purchasing large quantities of the drug.

Effect on larvae and eggs

The drug kills young individuals much faster. This is due to the fact that the larvae have not yet had time to develop. Their body is still weak and some functions have not been developed. As the poison accumulates, the parasites die faster.

Moreover, the remedy Executioner for bedbugs

helps get rid of it at any stage of development. It even destroys individuals that have just emerged from eggs, despite the fact that the poison does not pass through the protective shell.

This is due to the length of the period during which the product exhibits a residual effect. It has been verified that after treatment, when the substance on the surfaces has already dried, the insecticide continues to act. Moreover, its effectiveness at this stage does not decrease, but remains at the same level. This allows you to get rid of insects at all stages of development; the need for repeated treatment disappears if all actions were performed correctly.

The insecticide acts on bedbugs at every stage of their development

Instructions for use

The contents of one bottle are diluted in 500 ml of warm water. It is advisable to immediately stir the drug in the container from which the treatment will be carried out. You can buy a set of special equipment offered by the manufacturer of the drug. However, for one-time use such a purchase is unlikely to be advisable.

The remedy for bedbugs Executioner is economical. The instructions say that one bottle is designed for 5 m2 of room area. Thus, to treat one room of 10 m2 you will need 2 bottles.

The room is treated over the entire area of ​​the apartment, not bypassing corners and hard-to-reach places.

Spray the following surfaces:

  • side and inner surfaces of sofas;
  • baseboards;
  • places for attaching shelves;
  • beds freed from bed linen;
  • gaps between laminate or parquet boards;
  • the surface of the wall behind the paintings;
  • interior space of cabinets;
  • bedside tables.

If you are carrying out such a procedure for the first time, then for greater confidence in a positive result, you should treat the balcony with the “Executioner”, regardless of whether it is glazed or not, window sills, ventilation hatches, a vestibule, if any, and even sockets, of course, first de-energized During the treatment process, bedbugs, “sensing something is wrong,” as a rule, run out of their secluded places and begin to look for “clean” territory. At this moment, it is not at all necessary to try to destroy them mechanically - the parasites will die in any case, even if they manage to hide in some crevice.

After treatment, the room is closed for 7-8 hours. Upon returning, the apartment is thoroughly ventilated for at least half an hour and wet cleaning begins. If repeated disinsection is required, it is carried out no earlier than 1-2 weeks after the previous one.

Advice! After the bug drinks blood, it goes to hard-to-reach places to digest it. If disinfestation is not carried out carefully, it will avoid exposure to the poison. Therefore, it is necessary to spray every crack and hole when treating an apartment with short-term preparations.

As practice shows, it is not necessary to use the “Executioner” for bedbugs more than twice. In addition, this product has one significant advantage: unlike many other similar insecticides, bedbugs do not develop addiction to this drug. Therefore, in the event of a second or third infection, you will not have to buy a new product, but use what is already available.

Precautions when using the drug

As mentioned above, “Executioner” is relatively safe for warm-blooded animals, which means that the possibility of poisoning still exists. Therefore, it is very important to follow certain safety precautions. These include:

  • all residents, except the handler himself, and pets must leave the treated premises;
  • the handler must use personal protective equipment, which includes a cotton-gauze bandage and gloves, while the legs and arms must also be completely covered with clothing;
  • the procedure for baiting bedbugs should not take more than three hours - after this period of time, the handler must definitely leave the area treated with the insecticide;
  • after carrying out work in the apartment, it is necessary to tightly close all doors and windows and limit access to it for at least 7-8 hours;
  • the clothes in which the treatment was carried out should be washed automatically at the maximum permissible temperature;
  • if the treatment is carried out in the summer, then it is advisable that after it the windows in the apartment are open for another day - this will guarantee that all toxic substances will completely disappear.

Safety precautions for use

Observe the following safety precautions when using the Executioner insecticide:

  • During processing, be sure to use safety glasses and latex gloves;
  • Isolate the treatment area from children and pets;
  • Do not exceed the dosage of the substance stated in the instructions;
  • Do not mix the drug with other insecticides;
  • Avoid contact of the insecticide with indoor plants and food;
  • Rinse treated surfaces thoroughly a few hours after the first treatment.

Help with accidental poisoning

The drug contains toxins and is therefore extremely dangerous if ingested. Symptoms of poisoning are as follows:

  • Dizziness and headache;
  • Seizure activity;
  • Sweating and lacrimation;
  • Vomit;
  • Acute abdominal pain;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Heat.

Important! In case of poisoning, it is necessary to give the victim activated carbon, and then take him to a medical facility for gastric lavage.

Where to buy Executioner?

You can purchase the remedy for bedbugs Executioner at specialized retail outlets that sell insecticides, hardware and garden stores.

You can buy the drug directly from the manufacturer by leaving a request on its official website. You can often find advertisements for the sale of the product on the Internet.

Advice! Before purchasing the Executioner, you must ensure its authenticity. The original packaging is protected from counterfeiting by a holographic sticker. It's unlikely to be labeled as a fake.

How to detect a fake

Stores and individual sellers sometimes sell counterfeit products. The Executioner poison is no exception here. Therefore, you need to know how to distinguish a counterfeit from the original:

  • real poison is sold in stores only in 6-milliliter containers.
  • The original must contain instructions for use.
  • the container with real poison is completely intact.
  • the main difference is the presence of a hologram.

The product itself, if it is real, should not violate the integrity of the surface being treated - it does not lead to the formation of chips, cracks and dents.


After the Executioner bedbug remedy has taken effect, the room should be washed with soap and water or another detergent. Dead insects are collected using a vacuum cleaner and burned; all surfaces with which people can come into contact are wiped with a damp cloth.

Despite its low toxicity, the drug can still accumulate in the human body, so cleaning is carried out carefully, especially if there is a small child living in the house.

You can return to the apartment immediately after the room has been ventilated. The few remaining bedbugs die within a few days after treatment.

Effect of poison against parasites

"Executioner" is a contact insecticide. Possessing a scent reminiscent of kerosene that is attractive to bedbugs, it lures insects out of their hiding places. Upon contact with the parasite, fenthion, entering the respiratory system, has a paralytic effect on nerve impulses, leading to blockage of the internal organs of adults and their larvae, and death occurs.

However, the product will not be able to neutralize eggs protected by a dense shell, but the prolonged effect of the drug, reaching 5 days, allows you to destroy the larvae that hatched after treatment. If an area is infested with parasites for more than 14 days, to ensure destruction, repeated treatment is recommended after 5 days.

What do the reviews say?

On the Internet you can find a huge number of reviews regarding the use of the drug “Executioner” and most of them are positive. People do not immediately identify bedbugs, which makes fighting them very difficult in the future. Over a short period of time, their numbers rapidly increase, and when residents realize that these little bloodsuckers have settled in their house, the problem can often no longer be solved with simple aerosols.

Judging by the reviews, the drug “Executioner” coped with the task perfectly well. The only drawback noted by users is the unpleasant odor after treatment. But at the same time, it disappeared very quickly, as soon as the windows were opened for a few hours. Consumers note its high efficiency and the fact that it often does not even require re-processing. Some were pleased with the versatility of the “Executioner” - upon returning to the apartment, the owners swept out not only a couple of kilos of dead bedbugs, but also cockroaches. In addition, the same reviews indicate that pest control workers also confirm the reliability of “Executioner” and are increasingly replacing previously used drugs with it.

Pros and cons of the product

Like any product, “Executioner” against bedbugs has two “flip sides of the coin,” so before you buy this product, dive into the problem and do some marketing. Do you want to end up with dead bedbugs and no more problems? Remember that working with poisons always requires a conscious and competent approach.

Advantages of the drug "Executioner"

  • With good ventilation, the active components of the poison disintegrate within 24 hours.
  • Upholstered furniture will not be damaged, the product does not leave stains.
  • Although there is a specific smell, it quickly disappears.
  • The manufacturer claims that if you repeatedly treat a home with Executioner, insects do not develop immunity to Fenthion.


  • You do not receive a ready-made form, you must first prepare the drug, dilute it in water
  • You will have to seriously spend money due to the high consumption of funds. Focus not on the price of 1 bottle, but on how many bottles you will have to buy.
  • The drug is hazardous to health and can cause allergies and breathing problems.
  • You will have a lot of preparation and general cleaning before and after the procedure.
  • “Executioner” does not guarantee the death of insect larvae and eggs.

Let's remember about prevention!

No one is safe from the appearance of bedbugs in the house, but you can still protect yourself. So, preventive measures look like this:

  • after visiting suspicious premises, always try to process your clothes in a clothes dryer at +60°C, in extreme cases, wash them at the maximum permissible temperature;
  • if you spent the night in a contaminated room, for example, in the summer at a dacha, then after such a trip your clothes and backpack should be dry-cleaned;
  • In summer, be sure to install mosquito nets on the windows;
  • It is advisable to periodically lubricate the ventilation holes with a vinegar solution or place tansy and wormwood in them.

Interesting facts from the life of bedbugs can be learned from this video:

Is the product harmful to humans?

The drug "Executioner" is classified as a medium toxic drug. If all precautions are taken, it does not pose a danger to humans. If they are neglected, symptoms of poisoning may occur - dizziness, vomiting, nausea. In this case, you must perform the following steps:

  • stop processing;
  • go out into the fresh air;
  • drink a couple of glasses of clean water;
  • take activated carbon;
  • lie down or sit quietly in the fresh air;
  • If you feel worse, call a doctor.
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