The drug "Regent" is the salvation of plants and houses from insect pests

"Regent" is a German-made drug against various types of insects. Has a contact-intestinal effect. Blocks the conduction of nerve impulses to cell membranes. Used at home and in summer cottages. The product is highly toxic, so caution must be exercised. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions.

"Regent" is fipronil

The main active ingredient is fipronil. Additional agents (with pest control properties) are chlorophos and permethrin. Of course, in the liquid form of the drug, water becomes another substance. Fipronil powder appears as colorless crystalline granules with a musty odor.

The molecule does not break down at room temperature, but begins to decompose when exposed to sunlight. It remains stable in a neutral or slightly acidic environment. In an alkaline environment it begins to decompose.

Regent 5g

Regent Culture: any cultivated plants.

from Colorado potato beetles and other pests of garden crops, as well as from cockroaches.

Preparative form: Water-dispersible granules (WG)

Active ingredient: Fipronil (800 g/l)

Advantages: Long period of protective effect reliable contact and intestinal action rapid initial action highly effective in a wide temperature range has a unique mechanism of action - a powerful means of combating pest populations resistant to insecticides of other chemical classes resistant to high temperatures in field conditions Recommendations for use against ground beetles Recommendations for use against the Colorado potato beetle The optimal time for using the drug REGENT™ is the period of mass hatching of Colorado potato beetle larvae. The drug does not lose its effectiveness in the southern regions of the country, where dry weather persists for a long time and daytime temperatures reach +40°C.


Against cockroaches and bedbugs

To kill bedbugs and cockroaches, the product is diluted, taking into account the number of pests in the room; the larger the insect population, the more concentrated the solution should be. For the first treatment with a large number of insects, 5 g of Regent must be mixed in 100-200 ml of warm water.

The finished mixture is poured into a container with a spray bottle. Treat the room by wiping or spraying the solution on the floor, baseboards, and walls. You should remove furniture and household appliances and treat all possible habitats and paths of movement of insects, as well as the underside of mattresses and upholstered furniture. Thorough treatment of cracks and cracks in the walls using a solution that is drawn into a regular syringe will help increase the effectiveness of pest control.

Processing should be carried out with windows and doors tightly closed. The premises cannot be used for several hours. After the time has passed, the room should be thoroughly ventilated. After treatment, you should wipe the most accessible areas with a soap-salt or soda solution to remove any remaining product and minimize the likelihood of contact with it. Any detergent should be added to the floor cleaning water to protect people and animals from possible contact with the toxic chemical. To completely remove cockroaches from the house, you need to re-treat the room after a week, since during this time new individuals will hatch from the eggs. Only through proper processing and cleanliness can you get rid of unwanted six-legged neighbors forever.

Against the Colorado potato beetle and mole cricket

Against the Colorado potato beetle and mole cricket The Colorado potato beetle is more susceptible to chemical elements than the cockroach. Therefore, to treat the above-ground parts of potatoes, the concentration of the product can be reduced and the drug can be diluted in 5 liters of water. The prepared solution is sprayed on infected plants. This will help get rid of the striped leaf borer for a month. Treatment should be carried out no more than twice per season in dry, windless weather. The last treatment should be at least 30 days before the potato harvest. Among garden pests, the mole cricket is particularly voracious. To the delight of summer residents, Regent can also fight such an underground pest.

To do this, make bait based on porridge from barley, rice, oats or wheat. The fresher the bait, the more actively the mole cricket will absorb it. Therefore, there is no need to prepare porridge for future use. Add 5g of Regent to the cooked porridge and mix thoroughly. To attract mole crickets, add 2 tablespoons of unrefined “fragrant” sunflower oil to the resulting mixture. The bait is laid out near the mole cricket burrows or oblong holes several centimeters deep are made in the ground, the porridge is placed in them and sprinkled with earth. It’s better to put a board or piece of plywood on top so that birds don’t get to the poison. If there is a large population of mole crickets in the area, then watering the area with a solution will be more effective. To do this, 5g of Regent must be dissolved in 5 liters of water.

Release form

The drug "Regent" is available in the form of an emulsion and dry granules.

The liquid form (“Regent, CE”) is bottled in ampoules of 1.5 and 5 ml or in sealed bags. This type is rare. The concentration of the active substance in the emulsion is 2.5%.

The dry substance (“Regent, VDG”) is available in several packages:

  • packages of 20, 50 or 100 milligrams;
  • plastic opaque bottles of 0.1 or 1 kg.

In granules or powder, the concentration of the active substance reaches 80%.

"Regent" is a product that works only in liquid form. Therefore, first prepare the solution.

Basic information about the insecticide Regent

The main component of the Regent insecticide is fipronil, a synthesized compound from the class of phenylpyrazoles. Its concentration in the composition of the drug is very high - 80%. It is thanks to fipronil that Regent has not only an insecticidal effect, but also a fungicidal one.

Regent is produced in the form of water-dispersible granules, which are packaged in packages consisting of 48 bottles weighing 100 g. In addition, the Regent insecticide can be purchased in ampoules in the form of a concentrated solution.

Principle of operation

The main active ingredient is fipronil. The compound blocks the functioning of gamma-aminobutyric acid and the conduction of impulses in the membranes of nerve cells. As a result, paralysis of the entire muscular system occurs and the insect dies. Effective on all types of pests: ants, mole crickets, bedbugs, Colorado potato beetles, fleas.

The substance penetrates the insect body in two ways:

  1. Through the intestines when eaten. In this case, the insect dies within an hour.
  2. Through the chitinous cover. In this case, the insect lives longer, but has time to carry the drug directly into the nest.

Usually both methods of poisoning are combined at once. You can expect that after 3-5 hours the insects will stop feeding, and within a day they will all be dead. The drug acts only on larvae and adults, but does not destroy eggs. Therefore, after the first treatment, it is recommended to repeat disinfestation after 2-3 weeks to kill the second generation.

Operating principle of "Regent"

The drug works on the contact-intestinal principle of influencing the insect - when the substance comes into contact with the legs or chitinous membranes, or when the drug is eaten with food. Fipronil blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and subsequent death of the insect.

The insecticide "Regent" is characterized by a high speed of action; in the first 3-5 hours after application of the drug, the pest stops feeding, and irreversible paralysis occurs within 24 hours.

The protective effect of fipronil-based drugs is about 14 days.

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug has quite a lot of advantages:

  • the product smells quite pleasant to insects;
  • the substance quickly begins to act;
  • the drug works at any temperature;
  • kills even those insects that have become resistant to other drugs;
  • it is easy to use;
  • it is used sparingly;
  • affects all types of insects;
  • does not destroy plants;
  • chemically neutral.

However, there are also some disadvantages:

  • the substance has a moldy odor, which is unpleasant for humans;
  • the product kills not only harmful, but also beneficial insects;
  • it is also toxic to mammals (pets and humans);
  • Over time, insects develop resistance to the substance. Therefore, it must be alternated with other drugs.

Preparation of the solution

Each package has a different amount of the drug and a different concentration of the substance. For example, to destroy the Colorado potato beetle, a package of Regent 800 (80% concentration) is dissolved in 20 liters of water, 500 milligrams each. And the product in 12.8 ml bags in the form of an emulsion (with a concentration of 2.5%) is diluted in 8-9 liters. Therefore, in each case you need to look at the ratio separately.

In general, we can say that 0.5 g or 0.5 ml of active substance per 10-20 liters of water is enough.

In addition, the concentrations for the Colorado potato beetle and other insect species are very different. To destroy household pests (cockroaches, bedbugs, ants), the same packet of Regent 800 is diluted in 200-250 milliliters of water. This difference in concentration is due to the fact that the product was originally developed as an insecticide against Colorado potato beetles, but later began to be used against all pests.

Composition and chemical properties

Regent 800 VDG is one of the most toxic compounds used to control insect pests: 1 kg of the drug contains 800 g of a potent substance - fipronil. That is why the number 800 appears in its name. Additional ingredients are permethrin (15%) and chlorophos (10%).

The regent cannot be mixed with other pesticides that do not have an alkaline reaction.

Fipronil decomposes quickly in soil. Excess of the drug, even when adding granules directly into the soil, spreads to a depth of no more than 30 cm.


The drug is used only in liquid form. Dry powder must first be dissolved in water. The substance is applied using a spray bottle. Please note that the powder does not dissolve well - about a liter of water is required for 2 mg of active substance, so do not ask for liquid. Only fresh solution is suitable for use.

In room

According to the instructions for the Regent insecticide, for proper treatment it is necessary:

  1. Do some general cleaning.
  2. Seal all utensils, hygiene products (toothbrushes, etc.), personal items and food in bags. You can simply take them out of the apartment being processed.
  3. Using a spray bottle, you need to thoroughly spray the entire room, not missing the space under the bathtub, cracks in the boards, the gap between the wall and the laminate, baseboard. To treat fabrics and carpets you need 2-3 times more product. Mattresses in beds need to be treated on all sides.
  4. After treatment, you cannot enter the room for about an hour.
  5. Next, you will need to ventilate the apartment.
  6. After that, you need to wipe all surfaces with which people will come into contact with a salt solution.

Location on

Most often, Regent is used in agriculture. Typically used to kill insects from the order Coleoptera and Orthoptera. Typical targets for the product are ants, mole crickets, Colorado potato beetles, locusts, ground beetles and others.

The product tolerates rain, frost, heat and bad weather well. However, it is destroyed faster by UV rays, so it is advisable to spray the solution in cloudy weather, in the evening. After the first treatment, you will need to do a second one 2 weeks later to destroy the larvae that hatched from the eggs.

Read more about using Regent-800

Regent-800 has a pronounced insecticidal effect against cockroaches, bedbugs, and fleas. The death of insects occurs 8 hours after the insecticide enters the body.

For self-treatment, use a pump sprayer or a household sprayer.

To prepare working emulsions, the product is diluted with water at room temperature, stirring evenly.

100 g of powder is diluted in 1 liter of water.

To destroy cockroaches , the working solution is used to treat places where insects accumulate, nest and move, paying special attention to the following places: cracks and holes in floors and walls, door frames, thresholds, floor and ceiling skirting boards, ventilation holes, pipe joints, cladding, kitchen furniture . If there are a large number of insects, the entire room should be treated at once (even those rooms where there were no insects). This is carried out in order to prevent the migration of cockroaches to other territories and their further spread. When insects appear, re-treatment is carried out.

When treating bedbugs , the entire room is often not treated. If the number of parasites is insignificant, only their habitats are treated with the working solution. If there is a high infestation of bed bugs, the areas where wallpaper has peeled off, baseboards, window frames, door frames and ventilation holes, cracks in walls, back walls of furniture, carpets, and mattresses should also be treated. It is not recommended to treat bed linen with the working solution; it must be washed at high temperatures. After 5-7 days, it is recommended to re-treat, as young offspring may appear from the larvae that you may have missed.

When treating fleas , the working solution should expose walls (up to a height of 1 meter from the floor), the entire floor surface, various floor coverings, baseboards and cracks. When processing basements, it is necessary to get rid of garbage and clutter and thoroughly treat the entire room. Pet beds should also be treated and washed well after 24 hours.


To destroy agricultural pests, you need to follow the instructions for using “Regent”:

  1. Colorado potato beetle (potatoes during the growing season). To prepare the mixture, you need to dilute 5 grams of the substance in a liter. 4 liters are consumed per hectare.
  2. Bread ground beetle (wheat during the germination period). To create poison, you need to dilute 30 grams of the active substance in a liter. Consumption is about 2 liters per hectare.
  3. Bug bug (wheat in milky ripeness). To form the mixture, 8 grams of the active substance must be diluted per liter. The consumption of the prepared preparation is 4 liters per hectare.
  4. Pijavitsa (wheat, barley during the growing season). To create the mixture, you need to add 10 grams of poison per liter. For treatment, it is enough to spray 2-4 liters per hectare.

Instructions for use against the Colorado potato beetle

How to properly use the Regent insecticide directly depends on which insects its action is directed against and what the threshold of their harmfulness is.

If there is a need to protect potato plantings from the harmful Colorado potato beetle, then the first step is to determine the area of ​​the area that needs to be treated against the Colorado potato beetle. Manufacturers of the insecticide Regent recommend using 1 ampoule of insecticide for an area of ​​2 acres. However, if the threshold of harmfulness is very high, you can prepare a more concentrated solution - 1 ampoule per 1 hundred square meters. The amount of water is 10 liters.

Spraying should be carried out with a hand sprayer if the area is small, or with an industrial sprayer for large farmlands. The work is carried out on a clear, windless day, preferably in the morning or evening. The optimal air temperature is from +15°C to +25°C.

The crop is sprayed no more than 2 times during the growing season. The consumption of the working product per 1 ha is from 200 liters to 400 liters - depending on how much the potato tops are affected by the Colorado potato beetle.

Safety precautions

The product belongs to toxicity class 2. This means that although it can be bought in the public domain, you must handle it as carefully as possible and read the instructions for use of the Regent drug. Do not use food containers to prepare the solution. When spraying the drug, you must use personal protective equipment: gloves, a respirator, protective clothing. You cannot eat, drink or smoke during the process. After work, you should thoroughly wash your face, hands, and rinse your mouth.

The product is specially packaged in opaque containers, since Regent must be protected from light.

The product is stored at room temperature away from light, away from food and medicine. "Regent" is a rather dangerous drug, so it should be kept away from children. Do not mix the product with other insecticides.

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