Vanillin with vodka against ticks - a remedy for dogs and people

It would seem how dangerous a small tick can be. In fact, it is a carrier of various diseases in both humans and dogs. When bitten, there is a very high probability of infection. The main danger of this is inflammation of nerve endings, heart muscle, tissues, even paralysis and death. Therefore, when going out into nature with or without an animal, you need to take care of protective equipment. You can use repellents offered by the industry or resort to natural remedies. One such remedy is vanillin. Does vanillin help against ticks? Read further in the article.

The basis of folk remedies for ticks

Most often, the basis of a folk remedy for ticks for people and pets is one of the following elements:

  1. Birch tar – has a pungent odor that repels ticks.

  2. Vanillin – a harmless natural preparation against blood-sucking parasites. Its smell is almost unnoticeable to humans, but it effectively fights attacks by blood-sucking insects.

  3. Essential oils – have a strong odor and are used in deterrents. The essential oils of eucalyptus, geranium, palmarosa, lavender, mint, rosemary, thyme, basil, and tea tree have a pronounced scent.

  4. Garlic – insects and ticks, and some people cannot stand its smell. Mixtures with added garlic will protect your body. But you should not use it for rubbing in its pure form, this can lead to burns.


There are several recipes for anti-tick products, the main component of which is vanillin (not to be confused with table-grade vanilla sugar). Below is the most effective way to use the concentrate.

  1. Vanillin tincture with vodka is extremely simple to prepare. 200 ml of vodka is poured into a small jar, then 4 grams of vanillin are poured inside (which corresponds to 2 full sachets).
  2. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved. In this form, the product is almost ready, and in conditions of time shortage it can already be applied to the pet.
  3. The consistency is infused for 2-3 days.

The finished product can be poured into a sprayer for indoor plants and treated with the dog (withers, paws, belly) before a walk.

Folk remedies for ticks for animals

Pets are less at risk of infection from ticks, but some diseases can be dangerous for them too. In addition, it is difficult to notice insects in thick fur, and they can move onto a person.

Almost all methods used to protect people are also suitable for the safety of animals. It is not advisable to use preparations with vinegar, since animals lick their fur, and vinegar is harmful to their body.

Infusion with vanilla


  • 2 g. vanillin;
  • 100 ml vodka.

Preparation and use:

  1. Leave the mixture of vodka and vanillin for 7 days.
  2. Rub the animal's withers, belly and paws before walking outside.

Vanillin is also used in its pure form to repel ticks from pets. Cover your pet completely with vanilla powder and thoroughly rub it into the fur and skin - this method will protect the animal until the next bath.

scented collar

You will need 15-20 drops of any essential oil (effective against ticks). Usage:

  1. Lubricate the animal's collar with essential oil.
  2. Use the scented collar only for outdoor walks.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the animal’s reaction to the essential oil.

The remedy with wormwood is also very effective.

"Perfume" with wormwood


  • 20 g of dry wormwood leaves or 50 g of fresh leaves of the plant;
  • 400 ml water.

Production and use:

  1. Pour dried or finely chopped fresh leaves with water and boil.
  2. Cool and pour into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray the animal's fur if necessary.

It is important to know! Natural preparations against tick attacks quickly disappear and are washed off with water when swimming. During long walks, apply protection every 2-3 hours.

Mode of application

In fact, the application technique completely depends on the composition of the product: the liquid is usually rubbed into the skin or sprayed, and it is more rational to treat the wool with powder. Particular attention is paid to the withers, paws and belly. Do not worry that your pet is trying to lick the treated areas; the product will not cause harm, since the composition does not contain harmful components.

Despite the fact that the tincture has only a temporary effect, it has clear advantages over similar formulations. There are several advantages to note:

  • safety for the animal, since the composition contains only natural ingredients;
  • ease of preparation and minimum ingredients;
  • rapid evaporation of the alcohol base, which does not leave behind a persistent alcoholic odor.

Many dog ​​breeders are afraid to use chemical compounds, believing that they can harm the pet, especially if it is an older animal. And the use of vanillin against ticks is absolutely safe.

How to detect ticks on your property

In order to make sure that “bloodsuckers” have appeared in your garden plot or dacha, you need to sit down and carefully examine the soil, grass and shrubs. These arachnids are quite small in size (1-4 mm), but they can be seen with the naked eye.

If ticks are not visually noticeable, then you can conduct a small experiment with a piece of white fabric measuring 40-100 cm. It should be tied to a long stick and walked around the area in the morning, passing such a “flag” over the growing grass. To make a “white flag”, it is recommended to take fabrics with a rough surface or a waffle towel, then the parasites will quickly cling to it with their paws. If there are ticks in the area, they will definitely get caught on the fabric, which will be clearly visible on the snow-white surface.


The use of strong insecticidal and acaricidal preparations in a summer cottage causes severe harm to plantings, animals and people - toxic substances penetrate the stems, leaves and fruits, which become unsuitable for food. Poison from food can enter the body of animals and people, which is dangerous to health, so not everyone is ready to treat the area with acaricides.

Now you should think about how to repel ticks from your summer cottage without using strong chemicals. The easiest way is to plant various fragrant plants and flowers in the tick-free area.

Additional tips and tricks

To achieve maximum effect and increase the safety of the prepared products, you need to pay attention to some details, namely:

  • Places where spray or ointment is applied. Parts of the body that ticks especially love require special treatment. Such areas are the armpits and popliteal fossa. Also, additional pollination may be required if there is heavy sweating, since folk remedies quickly erode.
  • Walking area. Fields with tall grass and damp areas should be avoided as they harbor large numbers of ticks and other pests. A coniferous forest or a clean park will be much more favorable areas for a walk. If it is possible to plant flowers on the territory, then you should choose those that repel insects with their smell: these could be marigolds, sage, lavender, pink geranium or Persian chamomile.
  • Choice of clothes. The material must be dense, otherwise the tick will be able to bite through it. Wearing a skirt or shorts is strictly not recommended. It is better to choose blouses and shirts with long sleeves. The presence of a headdress also reduces the likelihood of ticks being sucked on (once they are on the hair, they try to get to the top of the head). Open shoes are not allowed.

It is important to understand that none of the traditional methods will be useful if you do not follow safety rules. Such folk remedies for ticks are extremely easily washed off the skin with water or by rubbing against any objects.

Use of essential oils

It cannot be said that parasites are specifically “afraid” of the smell of essential oils, but strong aromas repel them. This phenomenon can be used for preventive purposes.

The following oils are effective against ticks:

  1. Cedar.
  2. Mint.
  3. Tea.
  4. Lavender.
  5. Clove.
  6. Rosemary.
  7. Wormwood.

Oils can be used as a single agent, and various formulations can be prepared based on them. As a rule, ethereal compounds are combined with alcohol - it allows the fatty component to combine with water or vinegar - to enhance the smell.

Pharmacy products

Even if you follow all safety rules in the forest, there will still be a risk of getting bitten by a parasite. To be absolutely sure, it is necessary to treat clothing and exposed parts of the body with a tick repellent.

Acaricidal agents include the insectoacaricide alphamethrin. The aerosol preparation provokes paralysis in pests, and they simply fall from things. According to reviews, the most effective means are:

  • Taiga-Anti-mite spray;
  • Milbiol;
  • Anti-Tick Picnic;
  • Allergof;
  • Tornado;
  • Reftamide;
  • Gardex Extreme.

The drugs are extremely active and harmful, so it is recommended to apply them to clothes, wait until the clothes dry, and only then put them on.

Repellents help prevent contact with pests. Having sensed diethyltoluamide, they crawl away. The drugs will protect against parasites for 5 days. They are not very toxic, so they can be applied to clothing and exposed parts of the body. The most common:

  • Extreme;
  • Gardex;
  • DEFI-taiga;
  • Gal-RET;
  • Reftamide.

These products can be used to protect yourself not only from ticks, but also from mosquitoes and other harmful insects. They can last more than 7 days.

Insecticidal and repellent components retain the properties of 2 groups:

  • Gardex Extreme;
  • Medilis-comfort;
  • Moskitol Special protection against ticks;
  • Kra-Rep;
  • Kaput tick.


The problem with ticks in our city is quite acute. This season we decided to abandon the usual drugs from the pharmacy in favor of a natural product. I feel sorry for the dog, I don’t want to stuff him with all sorts of chemicals. For 4 walks (before each one we applied vanilla tincture to the withers, the recipe was found on the Internet) we did not find a single tick. The result is pleasing.

Alexander, Yaroslavl

Vodka with vanillin protects against bloodsuckers and small midges. We often travel as a family outside the city, because we love outdoor recreation. He smeared the tincture on his paws, withers, and belly. What in fact? There are no ticks, the dog ran around a lot, and was not bothered by flies and mosquitoes at all.

Evgeniy, Kostroma

I only used vanillin powder. I read that tincture is most effective, but have not yet decided to conduct similar experiments with my beloved dog. We don't have any serious tick infestations, but isolated incidents do happen. I do everything possible to protect not only myself, but also my shepherd from these nasty ticks. For now I limit myself to sprinkling with vanilla powder. Everything is working.

Mark, Dolgoprudny

What should I do if bitten by a tick?

If you notice a tick crawling on you, you need to shake it off as quickly as possible. When the parasite has attached itself, you need to remove it, place it in a jar or other sterile container, and take it for laboratory testing.

The tick wound should be treated with an antiseptic solution. Miramistin or Chlorhexidine are suitable for this. When signs of an allergic reaction appear - hyperemia at the site of the bite, swelling, you need to take an antihistamine.

The arthropod parasite attaches itself quite firmly to a person, since saliva acts as a kind of “bond” strengthener. The proboscis digs deep into the skin, so the tick is removed carefully.

Recommendations for tick removal:

  1. Using medical tweezers, pull it out of the skin in a counterclockwise circular motion. The main thing is that the head does not come off during this procedure.
  2. If a tick has clung to you in nature and you don’t have tweezers, you can use regular thread. They tie the proboscis near the very surface of the cover, and remove the parasite with light jerks.

After removing the tick, place it in a sterile container and take it to a specialized laboratory as soon as possible for analysis.

Many sources recommend lubricating the affected area with vegetable oil, gasoline or kerosene to remove a tick. But these measures are ineffective; on the contrary, after such treatment the parasite sinks even deeper.

Ointment "Vinilin": description, composition

The drug "Vinilin" is often called Shostakovsky's balm. Available in the form of an ointment. The main component is polyvinyl butyl ether (synonym: polyvinox). Physically it is a thick solution with a specific aroma. Available in bottles of 50 or 100 g.

The product has an antibacterial effect, inhibits inflammatory processes, stimulates tissue restoration and wound healing, and gives an enveloping effect.

Dehydrates bacterial cells, destroys their proteins, which leads to the death of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, the affected cells in the body are restored faster due to the appearance of connective tissue.

Store Shostakovsky balm in normal room conditions, in the absence of sunlight. Should be kept away from children. The shelf life is 5 years from the date of production - after this time the medicine cannot be used.

How dangerous is a tick to humans?

Ticks are carriers of a number of infections that lead to various diseases, fraught with decreased ability to work, disability and death.

Diseases that occur due to a tick bite:

How to quickly wash windows without streaks and effective folk remedies

  • Lyme pathology . The disease is manifested by fatigue, headache, rash on the body and other symptoms. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, it is possible to avoid serious health problems.
  • Spotted fever is manifested by increased body temperature, severe headache, dyspeptic disorders, muscle pain, rash and other phenomena similar to an allergic reaction.
  • Tularemia is an acute infection that affects the lymph nodes, skin and mucous membranes (not always). Most often it manifests itself as symptoms of intoxication, a polymorphic rash.

A tick bite can lead to relapsing fever, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis and other diseases.

A tick bite poses a danger not only to humans, but also to domestic animals, causing fatal diseases - borreliosis, granulocytic anaplasmosis, etc.

Indications, contraindications and side effects

The ointment is used externally as a primary or additional remedy for the treatment of the following skin diseases:

  • burns;
  • mastitis;
  • boils;
  • ulcers of trophic origin;
  • frostbite;
  • inflammation, including with ulcers;
  • carbuncles.

In some cases, a thick solution is taken orally to treat ulcerative lesions of the DCT organs and gastritis, as well as for colitis. The use of the product must be agreed with a doctor.

The product has almost no contraindications - the ointment can be used by all patients, including children, with the exception of infants. It is also prohibited to take during pregnancy (any period) and breastfeeding. External use is allowed, but only in consultation with a doctor, when the expected benefits clearly outweigh the possible risks.

Use should be avoided in the presence of chronic renal and liver dysfunction. However, cases of overdose have not been registered: if you follow the instructions, the ointment is safe for health.

In the presence of individual intolerance, allergic reactions may occur. In this case, you should stop taking it immediately and consult your doctor about a possible replacement of the drug.

Where to buy Vinilin: price, analogues, reviews

The product can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription at an affordable price of 80 rubles for a 50 g pack or 130-150 rubles for a 100 g pack. Reviews about this ointment are extremely positive - almost 100% of buyers recommend it.

Among the positive aspects, they note the real effect, safety, almost complete absence of contraindications and side effects. Wounds and ulcers heal very quickly, while the skin is restored and looks attractive. Some patients successfully use the ointment to treat stomatitis in children. However, in such cases it is better not to risk it and consult a doctor.

One of the disadvantages is sometimes the sticky consistency associated with the fat base. The ointment may leave marks on clothing. Therefore, it is better to use it at home. Or make compresses with plastic bags to protect clothes.

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