Get Express against bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas and other insects

Get Express is a drug for the emergency extermination of bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas and other synanthropic insects. Tested at normal operating concentrations, kills all bed bugs in 41 minutes when sprayed directly. After insects move across surfaces on which the product has dried, they die after 2 days.

This is how bedbugs die when a liquid preparation comes in contact with them:

And this is how he kills red cockroaches in 20 minutes:

Get Express can be used as an independent remedy and as an addition to the drug Get Total. When used with Get Total, it allows you to significantly speed up the extermination of insects - Get Total itself poisons them more slowly, but retains its effectiveness longer when dry on surfaces. Thus, when used simultaneously, Get Express destroys the bulk of insects within a few hours, and Get Total later “finishes off” those parasites that survived in shelters or entered the premises from neighbors.

The drug is highly effective against insects, but is quite safe for people and pets due to the microencapsulated structure of the active substance. These same microcapsules allow it to remain active on surfaces for a long time and kill insects even after drying.

One bottle of the product is enough to treat an entire one-room apartment. From one bottle, when diluted, you can get from 2 to 10 liters (in accordance with the instructions for killing specific insects) of a working solution that is highly effective against bedbugs, cockroaches and fleas.

Active ingredient: lambda-cyhalothrin

The active ingredient of Get Express is lambda-cyhalothrin, one of the most effective insecticides of the pyrethroid group. In the professional environment, it is known as a poison, which, when used in a hot fog generator, poisons not only all insects and other arthropods, but even rats and mice.

The drug has an acute nerve-paralytic effect on insects, ticks, centipedes and spiders. No more than an hour passes from the moment the substance enters the insect’s body until it dies. Specifically, bed bugs die in the period of time from 15 to 41 minutes after spraying with the drug.

There are no known populations of synanthropic insects resistant to lambda-cyhalothrin, and therefore to Get Express. This means that when used in domestic conditions, it is guaranteed to destroy those insects that come into contact with it.


The first result after using Get bedbug repellent is noticeable after a day. Bedbug attacks at night practically stop, but in order to completely eliminate the population, the substance must destroy the eggs and the beetles that survived the treatment.

You can calculate how much money will be needed to eliminate all insects using the classification of home infestation by parasites:

  1. In the morning, bite marks were noticed on the skin, but no bedbugs were found during the inspection of the room. This is the first stage. To treat an average apartment of 1-2 rooms, 1 bottle of the product is enough.
  2. Bite marks cover 1/4 of the body, but no bedbugs are visible upon a superficial examination. It is recommended to increase the dose of the substance (3 bottles are enough for a 3-4 room standard apartment).
  3. A person constantly wakes up bitten. Upon examination, signs of insect life are revealed. Neighbors can't find pests either. This is the third degree of infection, in which a thorough treatment with Get should be carried out, using a bottle for each room.
  4. Bedbugs are detected during a thorough examination; the use of toxic substances gives temporary results. The fourth stage, when the use of other means causes the insects to become accustomed to the poison. As a result, insects become immune to the poison. It is recommended to treat the apartment with a high concentration of the substance Get, which is not addictive.

Important! A greater effect is achieved after simultaneous disinfestation of the neighbors’ apartment. This prevents the development of immunity in surviving insects to the toxic substance.

The product poisons insects both during and after treatment

Lambda-cyhalothrin has a pronounced contact effect. Even if the substance gets onto the integument of the insect’s body, and not just into its digestive tract, it passes through the chitinous membranes and enters the hemolymph, with which it is already distributed throughout the body and reaches the nerve ganglia. It already has an effect on them.

On those surfaces on which the drug has dried, its microcapsules remain, which stick to the legs of insects as they move. Due to this action, Get Express is effective for several weeks after treatment.

Get Express works most effectively in conjunction with Get Total - the latter retains insecticidal activity on surfaces for 6 months. If the product is not washed off on at least some of the surfaces in the room, it will protect the room from insects all this time.

Composition and release forms

The drug Get for bedbugs is available in 100 ml bottles. The concentrated, white or slightly pinkish liquid consists of one type of toxic substance - chlorpyrifis. The top of the neck is covered with metal foil with the letter G in a figured frame. The name of the remedy for bedbugs is written in Latin font: Get total.

The concentration of chlorpyrifis in the original packaging is 5%. It is recommended to shake the bottle thoroughly before use. When opening the bottle, a faint aroma of orange alcohol tincture appears due to the added fragrance. The toxic substance itself is enclosed in polymer microcapsules, the integrity of which is disrupted upon contact with the pest.

Capsules up to 20 microns in size cannot be distinguished with the naked eye. Therefore, the liquid in the bubble appears uniform. The substance is heavier than water by weight. To ensure the effectiveness of the treatment, the bottle should be shaken vigorously several times before diluting with water.

On a note! To destroy 1 bug, one microcapsule of Get is enough, of which only 1 ml contains about 750 pieces.

The anti-bedbug suspension Get is used to combat bed parasites that prevent people from getting a good night's rest. The drug acts against adult insects, for which it is enough to wait 20-30 minutes. Pest eggs are also destroyed when a toxic substance gets on the masonry. The process of egg death continues for up to 3 hours.

After treatment, no traces of Get remain on wooden parts of furniture, upholstery, wallpaper, plastic, or tiles. The water base dries and the microcapsules are small enough to be noticeable.

Get Express works on all arthropods

Experiments show that Get Express is most effective against bed bugs and all synanthropic species of mites. It can be successfully used against:

  • Cockroaches - black, red, furniture;
  • Bed bugs at all stages of their development;
  • All types of ants;
  • Bloch;
  • Dust mites;
  • Spider mites;
  • Moths, both adults and caterpillars;
  • Synanthropic beetles - grinders, longhorned beetles, weevils, beetles;
  • Woodlice;
  • Spiders;
  • Flies and their larvae;
  • Centipedes - nooses, flycatchers, drupes.

To kill different arthropods, the concentrate in the bottle must be diluted with varying amounts of water. The package with the bottle contains instructions for use, which indicate how much water you need to take to dilute the contents of one bottle against certain arthropods.


Reviews about the drug:

  • “I discovered bedbugs by accident when I noticed bites. And then the household found the pest itself. I decided to call the processing service, but then I changed my mind and wanted to try to act on my own. I read about the drug “Get” and went to the store to buy it. The price is quite high, but the consumption is low. I prepared the composition according to the instructions and began processing. In the very first days, the insects began to die. After a couple of weeks I cleaned and didn’t find any more bedbugs.”
  • “I was advised to buy the Get product by a friend who had already removed bedbugs. I was pleased with the lack of odor and safety. After the first treatment, the pests remained, so it was necessary to carry out a second and more extensive one. But after it all the bugs died. A month later I cleaned up and forgot about the problem.”

Review from a customer with the nickname Amore

Buy Get and evaluate its effectiveness in the fight against bedbugs.

The drug is not poisonous for people and pets

The effect of lambda-cyhalothrin on people and domestic animals is much less pronounced than its effectiveness against invertebrates.

There is not a single case of fatal poisoning with drugs based on this substance, either at home or even in agriculture, where it is used in much larger quantities.

There are also no known cases of serious poisoning by Get Express itself. There is not a single documented visit of people to hospitals about feeling unwell after treating the premises with this drug.

At the same time, the appearance of unwanted symptoms when using Get Express is possible. These symptoms may occur when an aerosol of the drug enters the respiratory tract, eyes, skin, or accidental ingestion of the working solution. When they occur, it is enough to take relatively simple measures (go out into fresh air, rinse your skin or eyes with water) for them to end.

However, situations where such consequences develop are very rare.

First aid for poisoning

Poisoning is unlikely; the mixture is practically harmless. But if toxicity suddenly occurs, it is necessary to provide medical assistance:

  1. Give a liquid to drink , in this case, water with a weak composition of potassium permanganate.
  2. Induce vomiting.
  3. Take activated carbon according to the dosage: one tablet per 10 kilograms of weight.

If necessary, call a doctor or ambulance.

One bottle of Get Express is enough to kill insects in a one-room apartment

For example, to exterminate cockroaches and bedbugs, 2 liters of working solution are obtained from one bottle of the drug. This amount is quite enough to treat insect hiding places and movements. And to exterminate ants and skin beetles, a bottle of the product must be dissolved in 10 liters of water.

In particular, to exterminate bedbugs with a working solution, you need to treat sleeping areas, baseboards throughout the infested room, the back walls of furniture and individual elements of household appliances that may contain bedbug nests. In a one-room apartment, one liter of Get Express working solution will be enough to treat such surfaces.

For each additional room you need to purchase one additional bottle of Get Express.

Instructions for use

When using a product to exterminate harmful insects, you must strictly follow the attached instructions.

To be productive, determine the approximate population of bedbugs per area, estimate how densely the room is populated by these insects.

Get manufacturers have indicated the population levels of these parasites:

  1. 1st degree : several bites are observed on the human body, therefore, bloodsuckers appeared in the room recently, the number is small.
  2. 2nd degree : there are many more red dots, but crawling ones can only be detected at night.
  3. 3rd degree: the number of bites increases, their presence brings real discomfort, and it becomes possible to identify bloodsuckers in the apartment. When consumed with other substances, no effect was observed.
  4. 4th degree : bites are permanent, pests can be seen even in the daytime, their “places of residence” are visible.

Depending on the degrees, according to the instructions, a certain number of bottles are spent per number of rooms.

According to the instructions, dilute a bottle of the mixture in 1.5 liters of liquid. In residential premises, it is recommended to make a more saturated and thick solution and thoroughly treat upholstered furniture with it (only on the frame!).

Pests can move freely to areas that have not been treated.

The packaging with the product contains instructions and gloves.

The Get Express package includes:

  • 1 bottle of concentrated emulsion;
  • Instructions for use;
  • Mask.

To effectively kill insects, the handler will additionally need a respirator and a spray bottle. As a spray bottle, you can take a bottle of any household cleaning product with a spray bottle. You can buy a spray bottle that fits onto standard plastic bottles...

How to distinguish an original from a fake?

original seal (left) and fake (right)
In order not to be deceived and not to purchase a fake, you need to know the distinctive features of the product.

Features of the originality of the product are:

  1. Opaque white bottle.
  2. The label contains signature shades of certain colors.
  3. When opening the main cover, there is additional foil protection with the logo of the manufacturer.
  4. The composition itself is a cream-colored liquid with a faint odor of orange and alcohol. There should be no smell of gasoline or organic liquids.
  5. When purchasing this product , you need to be aware of this nuance; the name must contain only one letter “T”.

Only when purchasing a product with the above tips can you be sure that the product is of high quality.

A room can be treated with Get Express in an hour and a half

Before processing, you need to try to find all the hiding places and breeding places of insects in the room. For example, if you plan to poison bedbugs, then you need to open and disassemble the sofa or bed, move the furniture away from the walls, remove the baseboards and check the gaps between them and the walls.

Then the windows and doors in the room are closed, all people and pets leave the room, and the handler sprays the working solution on the areas where the insects hide or regularly move.

In particular, when baiting bedbugs, the solution is used to treat:

  • Beds, sofas and armchairs;
  • Mattresses;
  • Skirting boards, corners between floors and walls;
  • Carpets hanging on the walls;
  • Paintings, bookshelves;
  • Rear walls of furniture;
  • Walls to a height of 60 cm from the floor;
  • Rear walls of household appliances.

After treatment, the room is closed for 3 hours, then ventilated, and those surfaces that people come into contact with especially often are wiped with a damp cloth. Those surfaces that are not in contact with anyone should be left unwashed for as long as possible. The longer the drug remains on them, the longer it will poison insects here.

Precautionary measures

Don't forget about safety precautions

Be sure to wear a respirator, goggles and gloves when handling to protect yourself from particles getting onto your mucous membranes and into the digestive tract. Food poisoning is almost impossible (unless you drink the entire bottle), since the substances are quickly eliminated from the body. If inhaled, intoxication is also unlikely, but it is still better to protect the lungs. Skin reactions are rare. And if it gets on the mucous membranes, a burning sensation may begin. They should be washed immediately with water.

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