Drops against fleas and ticks AVZ BARS for dogs

Dogs that live in apartments and houses need regular walks. On the street, an animal can pick up various dangerous parasites - fleas, ticks, lice eaters.

An effective remedy for combating these blood-sucking insects is Bars spray. The official name is Bars Forte. The drug is used to eliminate any ectoparasites that parasitize the fur of dogs and other animals.

Description and composition

The medicinal spray solution has a slight specific odor and is transparent in color. The main active ingredient in the composition is fipronil; hydrochloric acid, isopropyl alcohol, glycerin, castor oil and distilled water are used as auxiliary components.

Fipronil destroys larvae and adults of insects. It acts almost instantly, entering the body of parasites through the spiracles, by contact.


Having a wide range of actions, Bars spray is considered low-hazard for cats and other woolly animals.


Bars remedy for cockroaches

The result of poisoning can be seen 2 hours after disinfestation. Insect corpses will continue to be seen throughout the week. Mass death of the family occurs within a month. Reviews of the Bars remedy for cockroaches confirm this fact.

I bought Bars for a cat. Treated periodically against fleas and ticks. When cockroaches appeared in the apartment, there was nothing suitable. Then I thought that Prussians were insects like fleas. Sprayed the room. I found several corpses within a week. I had to repeat it 4 more times, but I managed to get rid of the cockroaches.

Anna, Moscow

Fipronil is included in many effective cockroach medications. But for some reason only Bars works. It's all about concentration. It helps, I’ve seen it myself. It just turns out to be a little expensive if you carefully treat the apartment.

Andrey, Tver

Sprays do not help with severe infection of the apartment. Bars is no exception. But you can carry out disinfestation with an average number of cockroaches. Then there is a point. A gel containing toxic substances or a bait with boric acid can help increase the effectiveness of the product. They act very quickly in tandem. You can remove the Prussians in a month.

Marina, St. Petersburg

Spray Bars is sold in a veterinary pharmacy. The cost of the product is about 400 rubles. It differs depending on the regional location of the veterinary pharmacy and the pricing policy of the institution. Analogs containing fipronil - Dohlox, Regent, Domovoy.

Operating principle

Fipronil acts on adult insects. Diflubenzuron has an inhibitory effect on the vital activity of parasite larvae and eggs, and dicarboximide helps enhance the activity of other components.

When the parasites come into contact with the fur or skin of a dog or cat treated against fleas with Bars, they are first paralyzed and then die without having time to make a single bite. Eggs and larvae can live a little longer: the pesticide in the veterinary preparation helps destroy the chitin (the basis of their capsules), and when the pet begins to molt, the larvae die, and the eggs are “frozen” - the insect will no longer be able to hatch from them.

Important! The aerosol retains its properties after absorption for another 30 days, in the case of ticks - 14 days. But its effectiveness will decrease if you bathe using detergents.

How to use the drug correctly

If we talk about the use of this product, it is similar to the use of insecticidal sprays and aerosols. It is very important to follow the processing steps, since the effectiveness of the procedure will depend on them.

You will need to properly prepare the room, for this you need:

  • You will need to move furniture away from the walls to gain access to baseboards and the backs of cabinets.
  • Sweep the entire room and remove dust everywhere.
  • Next comes wet cleaning. It is necessary so that when applied the substance does not mix with dirt, as this reduces its effectiveness.
  • Be sure to hide food in the refrigerator, bags, containers. Dishes and all kitchen utensils are also hidden.

Before treatment, you must wear clothing that completely covers your body and prevents the substance from coming into contact with your skin. Be sure to use protective equipment, gloves and a respirator. After these simple steps, you can proceed directly to applying the leopard. The result will be influenced by how correctly the substance is applied, namely whether all surfaces on which cockroaches appear are affected.

Pay attention to the following surfaces:

  • In the kitchen, you will need to treat all the baseboards, since it is in the voids that cockroaches make their home. The back walls of cabinets, refrigerators, and household appliances are a must. Walls behind the radiator and niches under the window sill. Don't forget about ventilation openings, door and window openings. Pipes under the sink.
  • In addition to the kitchen, it is necessary to treat the bathroom and toilet. Insects such as cockroaches can go without food for a long time, but they cannot live without water. Therefore, most often their nests are located near water. It is necessary to apply the product to all corners, to the joints of tiles and pipes. Pay attention to the cracks in the walls near the pipes.

As soon as the procedure is completed, it is necessary to remove protective equipment, wash your hands, and wash your face. Next, you need to leave the room, preferably for several hours. Upon returning, the apartment is well ventilated and there is a draft. Then gloves are put on and exposed surfaces that people come into contact with are washed. Wet cleaning is carried out using a soap solution to remove the effect of the pesticide.

Most often, in order to rid an apartment of Prussians, repeated treatment is required, which is carried out after 2 weeks. This happens because the harmful effect is on adults, while the larvae remain untouched. Therefore, young individuals soon appear, which must be immediately destroyed, without giving them a chance to reproduce.

Doses and rules of use

The animal must be processed in a ventilated room with the windows open. Before starting the procedure, cages with birds are removed from the room, and aquariums with fish must be covered.


Shake the aerosol before use. Holding it in a vertical position, press the spray head, pointing the nozzle at the treated areas from a distance of 25-30 cm. One press on a 100 ml can gives 0.25 ml of product. If the volume is 200 ml, then one press equals a dose of 0.25 ml.

Under no circumstances should you allow the flea and tick medication to be licked off until it has completely dried.

When using Bars spray for cats against fleas or other ectoparasites , to prevent infection of the animal with ixodid ticks, treat its entire body, but only against the growth of the fur, slightly moisturizing it. If the hair is long, you should lift it with your hand and apply the solution at the roots of the hair and on the skin.

When calculating the required dose, the condition of the animal’s coat is taken into account: per 1 kg of body weight, use from 0.5 ml to 1 ml of the drug. Covering your pet's eyes with your hand, apply the product to the ears, chest, rub a little with your fingers around the nose and eyes. Next, the neck, torso, all paws, belly and tail are treated. 20 minutes after the procedure, the animal is combed with a brush.

The product can be reused if indicated, but this can be done no more than once every 30 days when getting rid of insects and no more than once every 2 weeks to combat ixodid ticks (during their active season).

In order to prevent re-infestation by fleas, it is necessary to follow the instructions for using the spray and treat all animal care items, bedding, etc. Calculation: 2 ml per 1 m2 of surface, after which the cat or dog should not come into contact with these things for 3 days. They must be washed with detergent before use after treatment.

When a dog is affected by sarcoptic mange and a cat is affected by notoedrosis, veterinary medicine is applied to the affected areas of the body, previously cleared of scabs, covering the borderline unaffected skin at a distance of up to 1 cm at the rate of 1 ml of product per 1 m2 of the affected area of ​​the body.

The procedure is repeated 2 to 4 times with an interval of 7-10 days until recovery. When large areas are affected, the veterinary drug is used in two stages with an interval of one day, applying it first to the infected areas of one half of the body, then to the second.

To treat ear scabies, clean the external auditory canal from crusts and scabs, then direct the sprayer to the inner surface of the auricle and spray the product 1-2 times. Next, fold the auricle in half lengthwise and gently massage its base. All manipulations are repeated 2-3 times every 5-7 days.

Attention! Even when only one ear is affected by otodectosis, the second one must also be treated.

If otodectosis is complicated by otitis, the veterinarian simultaneously prescribes anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. The course can be repeated as necessary.

Indications for use

As indicated in the instructions for use of the drug "Bars", it is intended for the destruction of domestic four-legged ticks, fleas, lice and lice. It contains substances that have a detrimental effect on the nervous system of pests, causing paralysis and subsequent death. There is also a deterrent effect. In addition, it was found that this drug works well against cockroaches. It not only kills insects, but also repels them. This product is recommended for use in cases of low infestation.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of an aerosol is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the active ingredients. It can be expressed by an animal's skin allergies, nausea and vomiting, increased lacrimation or salivation, and spasms. Such symptoms rarely occur, but if they occur, you should immediately wash off the product with warm water and soap.

There are contraindications

The drug should not be used in the following cases:

  • there are open wounds on the body;
  • if the cat or dog is weakened or recovering;
  • if your pet has an infectious disease.

Bars is not suitable for puppies less than 10 weeks old, kittens, lactating and pregnant females.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

Spray Bars is prohibited for use by puppies who have not reached the age of 8-10 weeks. Also, the drug is not used for pregnant and lactating bitches. This is due to the fact that when sprayed onto the fur, particles of the aerosol can enter the dog’s respiratory system.

For adults and strong individuals this does not pose a danger, but for fragile cubs it can result in death. Using a spray for pregnant and lactating bitches, particles of the active substance can also penetrate the body of the mother dog and negatively affect the offspring.

To minimize the inhalation of toxic vapors of the drug, the hair of an adult animal should be treated outdoors or in a room with good ventilation. Do not spray the product into the dog's nose, ears, eyes or mouth. You need to wear gloves to carry out the procedure.

The dog should not be bathed 2 days before and after applying the spray. But, if after using the product the dog begins to behave restlessly, it is better to wash off the spray immediately, as this may be a signal of the onset of an allergy.

Combination with other means

The simultaneous use of aerosol and other drugs intended to rid dogs and cats of fleas and ticks, including Bars drops and collars, is unacceptable. This can cause an overdose and side effects in the animal.

The advantages and disadvantages of the product are as follows:

The advantages of the spray are:

  • more affordable price compared to other drugs of similar effect;
  • ease of use;
  • duration of the positive effect.

Disadvantages include the smell of the product, the risk of accidental contact of the active component in the pet’s mouth and mucous membranes, and restrictions on use due to age.

Pros and cons of Bars spray

The product became popular due to several factors:

  • price - on average in Russia, a spray with a volume of 100 ml costs 250 rubles;
  • availability - sold in all pet stores;
  • no greasy stains remain on the surface after use;
  • the repellent is ready for use immediately after purchase;
  • one can is enough for 30-40 m².

The disadvantages include the ability of cockroaches to adapt to the toxic substances contained in Bars, after which it ceases to be fatal to them.

In order to prevent cockroaches from becoming accustomed, it is necessary to thoroughly treat the areas where pests were noticed from the first use. It is recommended to purchase cockroach traps and chalk to kill the remaining insects.

Analogs from other manufacturers

Spray Bars has many direct analogues. All of them are produced for animals and help fight blood-sucking parasites. When using Bars for cockroaches, absolutely all sprays and aerosols with insecticidal substances can be called analogues. The following drugs have an identical mechanism of action:

  • Dichlorvos;
  • Raptor;
  • Raid;
  • Baron;
  • Clean house.

The price starts from 150 rubles, and the bottle capacity starts from 250 ml.

Bars dog spray can be used against cockroaches, but its effect is similar to many other products that are designed to kill cockroaches. You need to think about expenses. A small bottle is enough for one full treatment; a bottle costs 400 rubles. You need to spend at least 2, that’s the same amount. The cost of the product will cost 800 rubles.

Why is the spray so popular?

Its popularity is quite simple to explain, because when we make a choice in favor of one product or another, we primarily focus on efficiency and safety indicators. Our main goal is to get rid of the Prussians as quickly as possible, but at the same time, we do not want to harm those living in the apartment. Speaking of specialized insecticides, the most effective products usually have a high hazard class.

What does the leopard offer:

  • This is a specialized veterinary product, which means it is safe for people and animals.
  • Efficiency due to the active substance, which shows high results for many years.
  • No “aroma”, because the drug is designed for pets who have a very developed sense of smell.
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