Vectra 3D drops against ticks and fleas for dogs

Only those who have a dog know the value of friendship and devotion. It’s not for nothing that they say that a faithful dog is the only living creature capable of loving its owner more than itself. If a dog appears in the house, then along with it comes responsibility for the life and health of the four-legged friend. Every spring, dog owners try to protect their pets from tick bites. The main problem is not the bite itself (which, of course, is also unpleasant), but the dangerous disease that ixodid ticks carry. Timely prevention will allow you to avoid unpleasant experiences, and will also save you from significant costs of treatment, which, unfortunately, is not always successful.

Doses and method of administration

Directions for use: remove the pipette; hold the pipette vertically with the thumb and forefinger of one hand under the large applicator disc, with the other hand take the applicator tip over the small disc and press firmly downwards until it stops in the large disc to pierce the membrane that seals the pipette. Having parted the dog's fur, apply the drug to dry, intact skin at one or two points near the spine so that the dog cannot lick off the drops. Repeated treatment of the dog with Vectra 3D drops is recommended to be used regularly no more than once every 1 month throughout the year.

To prevent re-infestation (infestation) of fleas in your dog, it is necessary to replace the bedding or treat it with an insecticidal agent.

Do not apply Vectra 3D drops to wet or damaged skin. Vectra 3D should not be used simultaneously with other insectoacaricidal drugs.

Do not wash your dog for 48 hours after using Vectra 3D.

Vectra 3D should not be used for productive animals.

Application procedure

The drug is applied to the dry skin of the animal, if there are no injuries or ulcers. The product should be applied pointwise, spreading the fur, directly onto the dog’s skin. As a rule, drops are applied to the withers. The main thing is that the application site is inaccessible for licking. In this regard, it is convenient to use pipette-shaped dispensers: the long “spout” at the end has a rounded tip, which prevents damage to the animal’s skin during application.

Vectra 3D drops must be applied to the dog’s withers so that he cannot lick them off.

In order for the pipette to “work”, you need to connect the two locking rings with a little force and pierce the protective aluminum membrane. An open pipette cannot be stored, as it is designed for single use.

When working, you should follow the rules to ensure safe use:

  • use gloves;
  • do not eat or drink or smoke during or immediately after treatment;
  • wash your hands with soap after using the product;
  • Dispose of used packaging hermetically;
  • Do not allow small children to come into contact with the treated animal for two days.

Important! It is not recommended to bathe your dog for 48 hours before and after treatment. If less than two days have passed after washing your pet, a sufficient fat layer may not form on the animal’s skin, then the drug will not be distributed correctly and will not work. The drops should be used throughout the season, but the treatment can be repeated no more than once a month. To avoid re-infection with fleas, you should additionally treat your pet's bed with some kind of insecticide.

Video: applying Vectra 3D drops to a dog

Restrictions on the use of the drug

The dosage and composition of the product are designed for a healthy animal. If the rules of use are strictly followed, it will not cause harm to the pet.

In certain cases, the use of Vectra 3D drops should be limited or discontinued:

  • the drug should not be used for sick, elderly or weakened animals after illness;
  • if the dog suffers from allergies, consultation with a specialist is necessary before starting use;
  • not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating bitches (only in exceptional cases as prescribed by a veterinarian);
  • Do not use on puppies under 7 weeks of age and dogs weighing less than 1.5 kg;
  • do not use simultaneously with other insectoacaricidal agents;
  • The use of the drug for cats is strictly prohibited!

Overdose and side effects

When using the drug on a healthy animal and strictly following the dosage, no side effects were observed. In rare cases, redness of the skin at the application site and slight drooling may occur. These symptoms do not require treatment and go away on their own within a few hours.

In case of an overdose, depression of the dog’s central nervous system and tremors may occur. If an allergic reaction or symptoms of overdose occur, the drug should be washed off with soap and plenty of running water. For allergies, you can give your dog a tablet of Suprastin, Claritin or Tavegil. Further treatment, if necessary, should be prescribed by a veterinarian.


The drops should be stored in a dry, dark place out of reach of children. Storing an opened pipette is not allowed. The remaining product is sealed in a plastic bag and disposed of with household waste.

Pharmacological properties of Vectra 3D

Vectra 3D is intended for external use and belongs to the group of insectoacaricidal drugs. Vectra 3D contains dinotefuran, permethrin, pyriproxyfen. Permethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid. Permethrin leads to paralysis and death of parasites, blocking the passage of nerve impulses, changing the permeability of membranes to sodium ions.

Dinotefuron is a guanidine derivative. Dinotefuron belongs to the neonicotinoid class of neurotoxins. Dinotefuron causes the death of insects by acting on postsynaptic acetylcholine receptors in the nervous system of parasites. Dinotefuran is especially active against hemipteran insects.

Pyriproxyfen is an analogue of juvenile hormone that regulates the growth and development of insects, incl. fleas Pyriproxyfen disrupts the normal cycle of insect metamorphosis: egg, larva, pupa, adult.

After using the drug, the active components of Vectra 3D accumulate in the epidermis, hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the dog and have a long-term contact insectoacaricidal effect, preventing parasite bites.

In terms of the degree of impact on a dog, Vectra 3D is classified as a moderately hazardous substance (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). If in contact with the eye, it causes moderate irritation.

Anti-tick drops for dogs Ceva Vectra 3D

Long walks in nature are the key to the good condition of a dog of any breed.

In order not to spoil the pleasure of being outside, your pet needs to be protected. Vectra 3d drops against ticks for dogs is a drug whose effectiveness has been repeatedly confirmed in our country and abroad.

Chemical properties of Vectra 3d drops

The insecticidal activity is due to several main components that are part of the drug along with the auxiliary compound and filler.

  • Dinotefuran is the trivial name for a new derived class of nicotinoids.
  • Permethrin is a well-known broad-spectrum insecticide from the pyrethoroid group.
  • Pyriproxyfen is a pyridine derivative that is effective even in minimal concentrations. The content in the mixture does not reach 0.5%.

Similar product - Sentry Natural Defense Dog Flea Spray for Dogs

In an even smaller amount of Vectra 3D tick drops contains an auxiliary heterocyclic compound that is poisonous to insects. The filler is nitrogen-containing organic matter.

How does Vectra 3D work?

The liquid suspension is evenly distributed over the surface of the dog’s skin, in the undercoat, and hair follicles. Once in the insect’s body, the components:

  • are involved in metabolism
  • disrupt the ability of vital ions to penetrate cell membranes.

A similar remedy is Drops against ticks and fleas “Mr. Bruno"

As a result, the activity of enzymes responsible for the propagation of nerve impulses decreases. Insects die from paralysis.

Pipette - drops for dogs Vektra 3D

Instructions for use

Correct use of Vectra 3D drops against ticks is very important. The instructions recommend an algorithm of actions.

  • Carefully remove the pipette with the drug from the packaging box;
  • Pierce the closing membrane:
  • Gently part the fur on your dog's back;
  • Apply along the spine at several points.

After this, it is useful to pet the dog. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in such a way that the animal does not understand anything at all.

The effectiveness of the drug Vectra 3D drops against ticks has been confirmed. Reviews come from all over the world. After treatment, the animal will not suffer from insects.

Article on the topic - What does a tick look like when it has drunk blood?

Precautionary measures

Apply the product only to dry, healthy dog ​​skin. After treatment, she does not need to be bathed for 2 days. During this time, do not walk your pet in the rain.

The product contains chemically active substances. Wash your hands well after applying the drops. Before this, do not touch the mucous membranes of the eyes and nasopharynx.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The Vectra 3D anti-tick product, which has extremely positive reviews, can theoretically cause allergies in both the animal and the owner if the liquid gets on his hand. No allergic reactions were reported. If necessary, consult a doctor.


Cats are strictly prohibited from using Vectra 3D!

Vectra 3D is contraindicated for use in dogs that may have individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. If allergic reactions occur in a dog, Vectra 3D should be thoroughly washed off with soap and the fur should be rinsed with plenty of running water, and if necessary, symptomatic treatment should be carried out by prescribing antihistamines.

With an overdose of Vectra 3D, sometimes (rarely) some disorders of the central nervous system are observed, such as depression, tremor, ataxia. You should immediately wash off with Vectra 3D soap, rinse the dog’s fur with plenty of running water, and prescribe symptomatic treatment.

Vectra 3D should be used by puppies under 7 weeks of age, dogs weighing less than 1.5 kg, weakened and old dogs, as well as pregnant and lactating bitches only after consultation with a veterinarian.

Table: comparison of popular insectoacaricidal drops for dogs

NameManufacturerDescriptionActive substanceDuration of protection
Vectra 3D / Vectra 3DCEVA Sante Animale (France)
  • Insectoacaricidal repellent agent of non-systemic action.
  • It acts on different types of parasites: fleas (as well as flea eggs), lice eaters, various types of ticks, mosquitoes, mosquitoes, etc.
  • Recommended for the prevention of dermatitis caused by flea bites.
  • Low toxic.
  • It has restrictions: the drug is not allowed to be taken by animals under 7 weeks of age and weighing less than 1.5 kg.
  • Contact with children is not allowed for the first 2 days after treatment.
  • Do not use on cats!
  • Repeated treatment is required after 1 month.
  • permethrin,
  • dinotefuran,
  • pyriproxyfen
1 month
Advantix / AdvantixBayer (Germany)
  • Insectoacaricide of non-systemic action (does not enter the bloodstream).
  • Active against ticks, fleas, mosquitoes and other parasitic insects.
  • It accumulates in the subcutaneous fat layer and acts when the insect comes into contact with the skin: most often the tick dies before it has time to bite, or immediately at the moment of the bite.
  • Low toxic.
  • Safe for pregnant and lactating bitches.
  • Valid for up to 4 weeks.
permethrin1 month
Frontline ComboMerrill (France)
  • Non-systemic insectoacaricide.
  • Acts against fleas and ticks.
  • The drug accumulates in the subcutaneous fat layer and is evenly distributed throughout the body.
  • Upon contact with skin, the nervous system of insects is damaged and they die. Fleas die within 24 hours, ticks - 48 hours after treatment.
  • Low toxic.
  • Protection against ticks will last 4 weeks, against fleas - up to 12 weeks.
  • Safe for pregnant and lactating bitches.
  • fipronil,
  • S-methoprene
1 month
HartzHartz Ultra Guard (USA)
  • Non-systemic insectoacaricide.
  • The drug accumulates in the subcutaneous fat layer.
  • Active against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes.
  • Effective 24 hours after use.
  • Available in different dosages (according to the weight of the dog).
  • The protection will last 30 days.
phenothrin1 month
LeopardAgrovetzaschita (Russia)
  • Non-systemic insectoacaricide.
  • Active against ticks, fleas, lice eaters, etc. Effective against sarcoptic mange and ear mites (otodectosis).
  • Distributed over the skin, accumulates in the sebaceous glands.
  • Causes paralysis and death of insects.
  • Available in different dosages.
  • Low toxic.
  • It has restrictions: the drug should not be taken by animals under 8 weeks of age and weighing less than 2 kg.
  • The effect of the product lasts 1–2 months. Repeated treatment no more often than after 1 month.
  • fipronil,
  • diflubenzuron,
  • dicarboximide
1–2 months
InspectorCJSC NPF Ecoprom (Russia)
  • Insectoacaricidal and anthelmintic drug.
  • Active against various types of ticks, fleas, lice eaters, intestinal nematodes, heartworms, etc.
  • Effective against otodectosis, sarcoptic mange and demodicosis.
  • Available in different dosages (depending on the weight of the dog).
  • Treatment once every 4–6 weeks during the season.
  • Moderately toxic.
  • If the dosage is observed, it does not cause allergic reactions or side effects.
  • It has restrictions: the drug should not be taken by animals under 8 weeks of age and weighing less than 2 kg.
  • Contact with children is not allowed for the first 2–3 days after treatment.
  • fipronil,
  • moxidectin
1 month
CelandineCJSC NPF Ecoprom (Russia)
  • Insectoacaricidal antiparasitic agent of non-systemic action.
  • Effective against otodectosis, sarcoptic mange.
  • Active against ticks, fleas, lice eaters, etc.
  • Protection against fleas lasts 3 months, against ticks - 1 month.
  • Low toxic.
  • Can be used from the age of two months on dogs weighing more than 2 kg.
  • Limit contact with children for 48 hours after treatment.
  • fipronil,
  • permethrin
1 month

Comparison with popular drugs from other manufacturers and further reviews from animal owners will help you make the right choice. Reviews from those who have tested Vectra drops on their pets are different . The choice always remains with the owner: use a proven remedy or test the effect of a new drug. Don't forget that the main factors in your pet's health are your care and attention.


1. Trade name of the medicinal product: Vectra 3D™. International nonproprietary name: dinotefuran, permethrin, pyriproxyfen.

2. Dosage form: solution for external use.

Vectra 3D™ in 100 ml contains as active ingredients: dinotefuran -4.95%, permethrin - 36.08% and pyriproxyfen -0.44%, and as excipients: I-octyl-2-pyrrolidone - 6%, N-methyl pyrrolidone - up to 100%. In appearance, the drug is a transparent liquid of light yellow color.

3. The drug is released packaged in 0.8; 1.6; 3.6; 4.7; 8.0 V pipettes made of polymer material with an aluminum layer. Pipettes are packaged in 1, 3, 6 and 36 pieces in a cardboard box along with instructions for use.

4. Store the medicinal product in the manufacturer’s sealed packaging, in a dry place, protected from light, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 0 °C to 25 °C.

The shelf life of Vectra 3D™, subject to storage conditions, is 3 years from the date of production. It is prohibited to use the drug after its expiration date.

5. Vectra 3D™ should be stored out of the reach of children.

6. Unused drug with expired expiration date is disposed of in accordance with legal requirements.

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