Why vaping (electronic cigarettes) is harmful to human health

Vapes began their “march” across the planet at the beginning of the 2000s and were positioned as a safe replacement for cigarettes. In Russia, they gained popularity after the adoption of an anti-tobacco law in 2013, prohibiting smoking in public places.

But most likely, vapes will suffer the same fate as regular cigarettes. Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Health are calling for amendments to the legislation to regulate the use of electronic cigarettes and ban their smoking in public places. A similar project is already under consideration by the Government of the country.

Proven harm

Manufacturers claim that cigarettes use a completely safe substance, similar to pure water vapor. But that's not true. Let's try to find out why vaping is harmful to human health by studying its composition.

Studies have shown that the aerosol contains nicotine (not always), glycerin, flavoring components, propylene glycol, acetaldehyde, formaldehyde and other carcinogenic (provoking the formation of malignant tumors) substances.

Propylene glycol is used in the production of household chemical products. Once in the body, it affects the kidneys and brain, disrupting their functioning.

Natural nicotine in vapes is replaced with chemical nicotine, which poses an even greater danger to the body.

Chemical substitutes include nicotine sulfate. It was previously used as a pesticide to kill agricultural pests and control plant diseases, but was banned due to increased toxicity.

How is vaping harmful to human health if it does not contain nicotine? The flavors contained in the aerosol penetrate into the lungs and damage them at the cellular level. Exposure has a cumulative effect and over time provokes the development of pneumonia, asthma, and congestive cardiovascular failure. In addition, even pure steam, constantly affecting the mucous membranes, causes them significant harm.

What substances are used to produce consumables?

In Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union, 4 active components are most popular. They are added as a basis for mosquito control. What kind of drugs are these and how dangerous they are for people and animals.


A relatively new insecticide, but not the latest generation. Used in the production of plates and liquids. Examples include Raptor, Moskitol and more.

Esbiotrin has a rather mild effect on humans and pets. However, it has a powerful effect on its primary target - mosquitoes. The use of Esbiotrin allows you to destroy blood-sucking insects in a matter of hours.

For more effective use, the substance should be sprayed for 2-4 hours. The ideal option is before bed. Even pregnant women are not prohibited from being in the room while the device is running. Since the product has no mutagenic or other dangerous effect. On the other hand, prolonged inhalation of Esbiotrin vapor may irritate the eyes and nasopharynx. The development of allergic reactions is possible.

Whether a fumigator that vaporizes Esbiotrin is harmful to humans depends on the duration of exposure to the chemical. In general, no. But you shouldn’t neglect the simplest safety rules.


Sometimes manufacturers indicate exactly this name of the active ingredient on the packaging. In fact, it’s still the same Esbiotrin. The only difference is in the names. In terms of dosage, the amount of the main substance may differ from one manufacturer to another.


A slightly less secure analogue. But it is used just as actively. Has moderate toxicity. In reality, this means that poisoning is possible, but it will be relatively mild.

Mosquitoes die in 20-30 minutes. The processing rules are approximately the same: the fumigator must work in a closed room without people. An hour or two is enough. Prallethrin practically does not cause allergic reactions. Does not have carcinogenic or mutagenic properties.

There is no harm from the fumigator for an adult. But whether a fumigator with Prallethrin is harmful for children is determined by the concentration of the product and the features of using the device. For use in children's rooms there are special plates and liquids with smaller volumes of the active ingredient.

As for animals, they are more sensitive to this compound. Moreover, the lower the body weight, the more aggressive the effects of intoxication and the lower the dangerous dose.

Is a fumigator with Prallethrin dangerous for cats? Yes. For dogs - to a lesser extent. If we talk about medium and large breeds. It is important to ensure that your pet does not stay in the room for too long, and even more so that he does not lick the container with liquid or plates.

Both Prallethrin and Esbiotrin are dangerous for aquarium fish. It is prohibited to turn on devices near the aquarium.

A common trade name for Prallethrina is Etok. It is the same.

Natural pyrethroids

A generalized name for a group of compounds that are used in their pure, unmodified form. Allethrin, Prallethrin and other analogues are synthetic in nature. They were created artificially.

Natural pyrethroids are used to produce mosquito coils.

Mosquito coils are disposable products. They have a characteristic shape. Method of application: ignition. Thanks to the combustion, acrid smoke with volatile pyrethroid compounds disperses around.

When using, two points should be taken into account:

  1. The concentration of the substance in the smoke is much higher than when the compound is slowly sprayed through plates or liquid. Therefore, the likelihood of poisoning is initially higher.
  2. Also, when the spiral burns, a source of open flame appears. This is dangerous due to possible fires.

If used incorrectly, or used indoors, such a fumigator is dangerous to humans. It is important to follow safety precautions.

Composition of toxic substances in the fumigator

The main difference between fumigators and all other mosquito repellents is their degree of effectiveness. Repellents simply repel mosquitoes with a smell or block the smell of a person for insects; traps, on the contrary, lure bloodsuckers with the same smells, and fumigators are aimed specifically at exterminating them.

An insecticide is placed inside the fumigator in liquid form or in the form of a plate, which, when heated, releases fumes that are toxic to cold-blooded creatures. As a rule, DEET or prallethrin is used as a toxic substance. This is a nerve-paralytic substance that blocks the nerve endings of mosquitoes and flies, which soon leads to their death.

Composition of mosquito repellent plates

It is not enough to read the chemical composition of the mosquito plate; you also need to understand the meaning of each of these substances and what effect it has. Depending on the manufacturer and type of mosquito repellent, you can find the following substances included in their composition:

  1. Esbiotrin (allethrin). A substance used in everyday life to combat flying and crawling insects. Under different names it is included in the plates of arthropods. How do mosquito repellent plates with such filling work? The drug affects the sodium channels of the nervous system, in which nerve conduction is gradually disrupted. The functioning of the nerve and then the muscular system of the mosquito changes. The following processes occur one by one: the insect is immediately hyperactive for several minutes, then its coordination of movements is impaired, involuntary muscle contraction appears, then muscle weakness follows, paralysis and death occurs.
  2. The composition of mosquito repellent liquids and plates often includes prallethrin and its analogues - a synthetic insecticide from the pyrethroid group, the action of the product is aimed at killing insects.
  3. Repellents often contain DEET (N,N-diethylmethylbenzamide), a substance that has a repellent and destructive effect on small animals. Effective against not only mosquitoes, but also flies, ticks, midges, fleas, horseflies. Affects the olfactory organs and the nervous system.
  4. Aerosols contain isopropanol, an alcohol. In small doses it does not cause much harm, but since it has a depressant effect on the nervous system, it can easily be classified as an active repellent substance. Isopropanol is 3.5 times more toxic than regular ethanol, so such mosquito repellents cannot be called safe for children.
  5. In addition to the active substance itself, perfume and plant extracts are added to the plates and repellents for scent.

How do mosquito repellent plates work? The main effect on animals is inhibition of the nervous system and an effect on the sense of smell, while insects cease to smell human odors (this is carbon dioxide that a person exhales and lactic acid in sweat). But many substances do not have selective activity and can also affect humans.

Proper use of the fumigator

When purchasing, choose a model that comes with instructions in Russian. It should indicate what active ingredients are used in the device. The fumigator must be equipped with a fire certificate, since a product made of flammable materials can cause an accident.

Before using the fumigator, study the instructions and take into account contraindications. In order not to harm people in the room, observe the following rules:

  • The electric fumigator is placed away from the beds on which people sleep, as there is a high concentration of insecticides around it.
  • The device is turned on only for the time specified in the instructions.
  • If someone experiences an allergic reaction while using a repellent, the product should be discarded immediately.
  • Do not allow water or other liquids to come into contact with the device.

The drugs used in repellents act on cold-blooded representatives of the animal world, so cover the aquarium with fish before use. If lizards, turtles or frogs live in the apartment, they are removed from the room where the fumigator is turned on. Insecticides will not kill these animals, but they may be harmed. Repellents are not dangerous for cats, dogs and other warm-blooded animals.

The fumigator reliably protects the room from mosquitoes and other harmful insects. When used correctly, it will not harm people. To avoid troubles, before using the devices, carefully study the instructions and follow their instructions.

How to use plates and repellents correctly

  1. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
  2. Read carefully for whom these drugs are contraindicated.
  3. When applying the aerosol to children, try not to get it in the eyes or on bare skin.
  4. Do not turn on the device near beds.
  5. Do not use the plates for more than the specified time.
  6. In unventilated areas, do not leave mosquito repellent plates on for longer than the specified time. If you turn on the fumigator, then try to always open the window or balcony door.
  7. If you experience an allergic reaction to a substance, try not to buy plates with this composition in the future.

Are mosquito repellent plates harmful to humans? Not if you spend a little time reading everything on their packaging. How to protect your family from possible complications? It is important to follow all safety precautions and remember to turn off the device on time.


Damage from a fumigator turned on all night

First of all, you need to carefully read the instructions for your fumigator. They say whether the fumigator can be left overnight. Some types can be turned on all night, while others can only be turned on for a few hours. It all depends on the concentration of insecticide in it. Also strictly follow the instructions regarding the supply of clean air. As a rule, you should not run the fumigator all night in a small room with closed windows. By morning, the concentration of insecticide in the air can become dangerous even for humans.

Also, having decided whether you can sleep with a fumigator, do not lie too close to it, as there will be the strongest concentration of toxic substances around the device.

Of course, any chemical can cause harm to humans, especially in high concentrations and used in violation of operating conditions. You shouldn’t overuse fumigators and keep them on around the clock. On the contrary, reasonable use will protect you and your children from painful bites and annoying mosquito squeaks.

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