The best cockroach traps: glue, electronic and insecticidal

You can fight cockroaches in your home using various sprays and crayons, but they are not safe for people and pets. As an effective and safe method of exterminating insects in the house, we recommend special traps. These devices are similar in design, they differ only in the principle of operation, they have the same effect - the destruction of cockroaches.

Sticky trap

Electric cockroach trap

Bait with poison

Homemade cockroach traps

Glue trap - sticky death

Sticky traps or house traps are compact cardboard boxes with holes in the sides. Inside the “house” there is a bait that attracts with its strong aroma. The bottom of the trap is covered with a special adhesive tape coated with starch glue. Sensing a pleasant smell, cockroaches head straight into the trap, where they stick tightly. It is almost impossible to get out of such a house.

Using sticky traps is not difficult at all. It is enough to separate the layer of paper that covers the bottom, give the structure the shape of a house and place it in places where cockroaches actively live - under the sink, near ventilation ducts, behind furniture, under the refrigerator, etc.

Another important advantage of this method of fighting insects is its absolute safety for people and pets. House traps can be safely used where there are small children and people prone to allergic reactions. You can buy them in hardware stores, supermarkets, and at the market. The cost is quite affordable - from 70 to 100 rubles.

Important! Traps have certain capacity indicators. Be sure to change them as they become full of cockroaches, otherwise they will simply stop working!

Unfortunately, sticky houses are unable to control large colonies of insects and have absolutely no effect on eggs or larvae. The most popular brands of sticky houses are:

  • “Foresight” – remains active for up to 3 months, costs from 55 to 65 rubles;
  • “Mashenka” is one of the most budget-friendly means - it costs about 25 rubles;
  • “Obstacle” – for 2 sq. m. you will need 1 such house, it costs from 50 to 60 rubles;
  • "Argus" - available in packages of 1 to 5 pieces, the cost of a package is about 30 rubles.

Each of these products can be used where food is stored.


Svetlana: “There have been cockroaches in our house for years, but they have become especially fond of our apartment. The fact is that there is often food left in the cat’s bowl, which they enjoy with great pleasure. I didn’t really want to use any poisons - they were afraid that the cat might get poisoned. We decided to use sticky traps. We bought several pieces and placed them throughout the apartment. They very quickly filled with parasites, so I had to buy another batch, since the traps are quite inexpensive. As a result, the number of cockroaches became smaller every day, and then they disappeared completely.”

"Raptor" - with Velcro for attaching to the wall

These products from a popular brand are insecticidal traps based on synthetic poison with contact-intestinal action. Individuals that have tasted the bait in the trap quickly infect their fellows, carrying poison on their paws into the cockroach nests.

In appearance, the Raptor trap is a small plastic box. It has holes for insects to penetrate, and inside there is tasty poison. The product is sold in the form of a package with 6 traps. The manufacturer also has a stronger version of “Raptor” - “Double Strength”, with two poisons.


  • There is Velcro for attaching to the wall;
  • destroys pests rather than repels them;
  • mass distribution of poison;
  • does not leave stains;
  • valid for six months;
  • ease of use;
  • compactness;
  • Sold in almost all hardware stores.


  • poses a danger to children and animals - must be installed in places inaccessible to them;
  • one package is only enough for 25 sq. m;
  • Only effective against small populations.

Price: 200 rub.

Electronic trap - an effective device against domestic parasites

An Electric Cockroach Trap is a small metal box containing insect bait. It needs to be changed regularly. Attracted by the pleasant aroma, the insects enter the box, where they die from a strong electric discharge. This trap comes with a special brush, which can be used to remove the remains of dead parasites. This trap also needs to be cleaned very often.

The advantages of Electronic Cockroach Trap include:

  • No toxicity;
  • Safety for people or pets;
  • Long service life.

The use of such traps requires great care. Since the device is powered by electricity, it should not be placed in places with high levels of humidity or where it can be easily reached by a child. Electric traps are sold at specialized retail outlets. If desired, it can be ordered online. Price – from 700 rubles and above.


Natalya: “There was a period when I had a lot of trouble with these insects. And she poisoned them with gels, and sprayed them with aerosols, and outlined them with crayons. At first it seems like nothing, and then the cockroaches start creeping away from the neighbors again. Having seen an electronic trap in a store, I decided to try it in practice. The price is not very high, and it can work for a long time. I’ll say right away – the method is really effective. The cockroaches die immediately, rather than wallowing inside, as is the case with a glue house. In addition, this method is harmless, which is also good news. In general, I got rid of cockroaches in just a few days. I can’t be happier!”

"Lethal force" - with delayed lethal outcome

Contact-intestinal trap based on chlopyrifos. The poison first suppresses the nervous system of insects, and then other organs. As a result, they die within 24 hours from asphyxia. Infected individuals “share the poison” with their relatives. The trap is no different in appearance from its competitors.


  • ease of use;
  • cheapness.


  • Before installing traps, you need to thoroughly clean the entire room;
  • cannot be used simultaneously with contact insecticides;
  • It is recommended to install at least 6 traps at the same time;
  • does not give 100% results.

Price: 75-100 rub.

Insecticidal traps - strong poison for cockroaches

An insecticidal trap is a round box containing poisoned bait for cockroaches. The trap is equipped with several holes through which insects can not only get inside, but also get out. This is necessary so that a cockroach that has tasted the insecticide can infect other individuals.

Modern poison traps have several advantages:

  • Thanks to the Velcro located on the reverse side, they can even be attached to vertical planes - away from children and pets;
  • The appearance of these devices will not spoil the interior. Many companies produce traps in beautiful, stylish colors;
  • They have affordable prices;
  • Are freely available;
  • Traps with insecticides do not need to be plugged in - this allows them to be placed near kitchen sinks, in bathrooms and other places with high humidity levels.

Let's look at the best traps based on chemical insecticides. You can buy them in any supermarket and store. The maximum effect can be expected in about 1-2 weeks.


This bait is based on chlorpyrifos, a powerful poison that paralyzes the central nervous system of cockroaches. Having eaten the bait or simply touched it with its paws, the insect becomes a carrier of poison and successfully infects its relatives. The Raptor package consists of 6 traps. Its approximate cost is about 150 rubles.


Victoria: “I have always trusted the Raptor company and managed to try more than one of their products. And this time she did not let her reputation down. Cockroaches appeared unexpectedly. The neighbors started harassing us, so they rushed towards us. The store recommended several products, but I decided to buy the one I trust. Raptor helped get rid of the parasites in just a couple of days - she rushed in just in time. I didn’t notice any effect on my well-being, so I can say for sure that this product is safe.”


The Raid discs are based on lambda cyhalothrin, a powerful insecticide with an intestinal-contact effect. This drug ensures a chain reaction, infecting even those insects that did not come into direct contact with the bait.

Raid packages have several configurations - from 4 to 12 traps. The price of the smallest is about 180 rubles.


Andrey: “I bought Raid in a supermarket near my house. I put the records on in the apartment and forgot about them while doing business. A few months later, my wife was doing some spring cleaning and found a lot of dead cockroaches under the refrigerator and behind the kitchen cabinets. It turns out that this product works just fine. I recommend him to everyone!”

“Combat” and “Combat Superbyte”

Traps of this brand are among the most powerful. Thanks to hydramethylnon, a new generation insecticide, Combat Superbyte allows you to significantly expand the range of insects and kill an entire colony of cockroaches as quickly as possible. A package, which includes 4 traps, costs about 180 rubles.

Read the article here on how to use Kombat for cockroaches.


Marina: “Cockroaches appeared in our house only once. Then I removed them with a very strong remedy - Combat. It truly cannot compare with any other drug! Only a couple of days passed, and not a trace remained of the cockroaches. All I have to do is vacuum up the dead ones. Simple, easy, effective!”

The product “Kombat” is also available in the form of gels and aerosols. Which remedy is the most effective?

“Dohlox” and “Brownie”

In these traps, the main active chemical is fipronil, which is included in the category of insecticides of low toxicity to humans. The downside of these traps is resistance (cockroaches get used to the chemical). That is why both Dohlox and Domovoy need to be used together with other drugs - gels or sprays. In this case they will be more effective. The package consists of 6 records. The cost is 120 rubles.


Alena: “I noticed this living creature in my house about a year ago. I immediately went to the store, planning to buy the strongest chemical. But when I read the composition of the spray, I was horrified! The fact is that I have two purebred cats and I didn’t really want to poison them with all sorts of nasty things. I decided to try the Brownie trap. I bought several pieces and glued them along the walls. The product really helped - the cockroaches disappeared after a few days. Not a single cat was harmed in the process of baiting insects))).”

By the way, one of the best remedies for cockroaches is boric acid. Try making this bait and the result will surprise you:


This trap has a proven formula and will help remove cockroaches in the shortest possible time. However, the presence of a long-known insecticide in this product is fraught with consequences - there is a risk of resistance developing in several generations of insects. The package contains 6 records. The cost ranges from 35 to 80 rubles.

Important! The manufacturer states that aerosols cannot be used with Taiga traps!


Inna: “Having encountered cockroaches, I immediately rushed to the Internet to find out what remedies there are for this evil spirit. I found a lot of good reviews about Taiga traps, so I bought them. I have a young son, so safety is paramount. These traps have fully justified themselves. They completely rid my home of parasites and did not harm anyone.”

"Clean house"

The main active ingredient of this insecticidal trap is chlorpyrifos, which penetrates the cockroach’s body in two ways - contact and food. “Clean House” has a pronounced toxic effect, but can be addictive. In this case, it is better to switch to another drug (there are 6 plates). The cost is approximately 50 rubles.


Oleg: “In my student years, we poisoned cockroaches in the room with the Clean House. The traps really work - cockroaches, of course, appeared, but immediately got to the right address and died. Thanks to the manufacturers for such an effective product.”

Prevention measures

As a rule, cockroaches appear in conditions where there is free access to water and food, otherwise they will not be interested in the apartment. It is believed that the symbol of unsanitary conditions is cockroaches, although under certain conditions they can appear in an apartment where cleanliness and order reign. Therefore, cockroaches do not appear where:

  • The kitchen is perfectly clean.
  • There are no leftover food or sweet liquids on the table.
  • Bulk products are stored in special containers.
  • Water does not drip from water supply systems.
  • The rags in the kitchen and bathroom are washed, dry and clean.
  • There are no gaps between walls, baseboards and platbands.
  • There are no gaps under the window sills.
  • The sink and work surface are always clean.
  • Ventilation systems are equipped with grilles.
  • The presence of cockroaches in an apartment is a fairly common phenomenon, which indicates unsanitary conditions in a person’s home. If the apartment is clean and tidy, then this is most likely visual, but if you delve into the living conditions more specifically, then all the conditions for a comfortable stay for insects such as cockroaches will appear.
  • Catching cockroaches with traps has its undeniable advantages, and it is permissible to use both purchased products and homemade ones.

The main condition for their effectiveness is timely application, before the cockroach population reaches alarming proportions. Then it is unlikely that it will be possible to deal with them using traps, and who wants to get involved with toxic substances.

Home remedies for cockroaches and ants - Everything will be fine - Issue 78 - 11/13/2012

Top 2. DOHS Containers for cockroaches

Rating (2021): 4.62

19 reviews taken into account from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik

Durable body The product has a plastic body that can withstand high humidity and will not deform if stepped on.

  • Characteristics

    Price: 86 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredient: fipronil
  • Consumption: 1 piece/5 sq. m.
  • Features: chain effect on insects

The domestic product is distinguished by the most durable body among its analogues. It can withstand the weight of a person, as it is made of strong plastic. The kit comes with double-sided tape. With its help, the box is attached to any surface, including in a vertical or inverted position. At the same time, the adhesive from the tape does not damage the surfaces and does not leave sticky marks after removal. The effect of use is noticeable within a few hours: infected cockroaches stop moving. Upon contact with them, other individuals are also poisoned. The chain reaction affects the entire colony in 1–2 days. It will not be possible to reuse new traps of the same product, since insects adapt to the poison used.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Does not harm surfaces
  • Robust housing
  • Adhesive tape included
  • Cockroaches adapt to poison

Criterias of choice

According to the opinions of many people who have resorted to using various cockroach traps, as well as the conclusions of experts, the main selection criteria when purchasing the best device are:

  1. High efficiency - the higher the number of parasites destroyed, the better the quality of the device used.
  2. Time period - over what period of time the structure will completely get rid of harmful insects. And the shorter it is, the more effective the product.
  3. Safety is one of the important selection criteria when there are small children or pets in the room.
  4. Ease of use - the simpler the design of the device and the operating process, the more attractive the product.
  5. Cost also has its own audience, which in most acquisitions focuses specifically on this component.

Therefore, by identifying the most important criteria for each individual situation, you can significantly narrow the search for the most suitable products.

Top 9. Raptor Express system

Rating (2021): 4.11

67 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Market, Otzovik

The most popular Set is the top product of a famous manufacturer, which has the national awards “Product of the Year”, “People’s Brand”, “Brand No. 1 in Russia”, etc.

  • Characteristics

    Price: 310 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredients: fipronil, emamectin benzoate, lambda-cyhalothrin
  • Consumption: 2-3 pcs./10 sq. m.
  • Features: gel included, incompatible with aerosols

A universal product designed to combat cockroaches and house ants. The kit includes gel and a trap. As a bait, they contain a substitute for trace pheromones - this is the most attractive aroma for insects. It contains 3 active ingredients, which means pests have less chance of adapting to the drug. The protection begins to work within a few hours after installation. It will only be ineffective if combined with insecticidal aerosols. The gel does not have a lid; the edge is cut off with scissors. The entire tube must be used at once. Otherwise, the gel will dry out in 2 days at best, as users warn about in reviews.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Complex composition
  • Performance
  • Effective bait
  • The gel dries quickly

Top 6. Help Boyscout

Rating (2021): 4.32

13 reviews from resources taken into account: Ozone

Ease of use Due to the compactness and safety of the composition, the box with Velcro can be installed anywhere, including in narrow crevices where insects hide most often.

  • Characteristics

    Price: 31 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredient: fipronil
  • Consumption: 1 piece/5 sq. m.
  • Features: odorless

The Russian-made insect trap is non-toxic and odorless. It complies with all Russian standards and certificates. At the same time, it has an effective attractant - the delicacy does not leave either cockroaches or house ants indifferent. The house can be placed horizontally or vertically, which allows you to place traps in narrow openings between furniture. At the same time, the design provides several entrances and slots for unimpeded access for pests. True, because of this, the house is not suitable for use by impressionable and squeamish people, because the excessive openness of the body leaves all the catch in sight. For the same reason, reviews do not recommend leaving the product on open surfaces.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Installation in 2 positions
  • Certified product
  • Powerful attractant
  • Content openness

See also:

  • 10 best ant repellents

Top 3. Your farm Blockbuster 3 in 1

Rating (2021): 4.54

365 reviews from resources taken into account: Otzovik, Ozone

Economical consumption One package contains 4 houses. This is enough to neutralize a room of more than 20 square meters. m. for 3 months.

  • Characteristics

    Price: 192 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredient: polyisobutylene
  • Consumption: 4 pcs/20 sq. m.
  • Features: Perforated design

The product is part of an extensive line of creeping pest control products that can be used as part of a comprehensive program. The product is famous for its simplicity and ease of use. Inside the house there are partitions that divide the trap into 3 sections. This design makes it easier to monitor the fullness of the adhesive tape. The product is non-toxic and absolutely safe for humans and can be installed near food products. Does not irritate the skin upon contact. If used carelessly, glue residues can be easily removed with a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil. The product is resistant to temperature changes and does not lose its properties in the range from +40 to -40 °C, but is afraid of moisture, as it is made of cardboard.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Comfort to use
  • Does not cause skin irritation
  • Sectional design
  • Resistance to temperature changes
  • Soaking from moisture

See also:

  • 10 Best Tips for Getting Rid of Cockroaches

“Clean House” - toxic and inexpensive

Budget trap with the poisonous substance chlorpyrifos. It is a plastic box into which cockroaches, attracted by the smell of the bait, climb. Insects that have visited the house spread the poison to the cockroach nests. Validity period: 2 months.


  • long term;
  • affordable price.


  • a poison with an unstable effect - it has a destructive effect on some cockroaches, while others quickly get used to it;
  • limited effectiveness - not suitable for homes with mass infestation.

Price: 150 rub. per package (6 traps).

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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