The difference between a tarantula and a tarantula - Tarantula Spider Fans Club. Terrarium.

Keeping pink tarantulas in a terrarium

Several individuals of avicularia can live in one terrarium, but provided that they are all approximately the same size, they must also receive plenty of food, otherwise cannibalism is possible. These spiders are more tolerant of their relatives, compared to other tarantulas. They are considered excellent pets because they do not bite.

The entire body of the tarantula is covered with long bright hairs.

Juveniles can be kept in a clear plastic container with holes to allow fresh air to enter. And adult tarantulas need a vertical terrarium. For 10 individuals there should be at least 140 liters of terrarium. Light the terrarium using a red incandescent lamp.

Inside the terrarium with spiders there should be a large number of secluded places, so driftwood, stones are placed, plants with wide leaves are planted, and the like.

To keep pink tarantulas in captivity, good ventilation must be created in the terrarium. They need high humidity - at least 70-90%. To maintain such humidity, it is enough to place a shallow saucer of water in the terrarium; in addition, the substrate is moistened twice a week. It is better not to spray spiders from above.

A spider can bite if it has nowhere to run, but its bite is not dangerous to humans.

For tropical tarantulas, a temperature of 24-29 degrees is suitable; the higher the temperature in the spider’s home, the faster the metabolism occurs in its body, that is, the pet will have to be fed more often. In the evening the temperature drops by about 5 degrees.

5-8 centimeters of humus, peat moss, vermiculite, wood chips, and coconut shavings are poured as a substrate. The substrate is carefully monitored so that it does not rot. For young spiders, a mixture of peat, moss and vermiculite is used as a substrate. Good ventilation is extremely important for young people, as they are most likely to develop fungi and pathogenic bacteria. The substrate is completely changed approximately once every six months.

To keep a tarantula, you should equip a terrarium.


All insects and animals that are smaller than the tarantula are at risk of being eaten. They do not stray far from their burrow to hunt. They draw in their victim and are already having their meal at home. This happens somewhat unusually for them.

Spiders do not have teeth, so when they approach their victim, they pierce a hole in it, through which they inject their special agent to dissolve all the insides of the victim. And after that they suck out the dissolved contents without any problems.

What does a tarantula bite look like?

After a tarantula bite, the following signs may appear at the site of the lesion:

  • redness of the skin and the appearance of small lesions, from which clear liquid is released;
  • the bite site has a higher temperature than other areas of the body;
  • touch causes severe pain symptoms;
  • there is pronounced swelling around the bite;
  • There may be a red halo around the bite.

Good to know! After a bite, a person may feel dizzy and have an increase in body temperature.

Bite danger

A tarantula bite most often causes unpleasant symptoms, but does not pose a threat to human life. In some cases, if there is individual sensitivity to tarantula venom, allergic reactions and prolonged pain may occur.

Very often, bites are accompanied by high fever, nausea and dizziness. Such symptoms appear especially often in childhood.

What to do if you are bitten by a tarantula?

If arthropods attack, the following measures must be taken:

  • treat the bite site with soapy water;
  • apply an antiseptic to the bite;
  • apply a cold object;
  • drink large amounts of fluid to quickly remove toxic substances from the body;
  • use antihistamines.

Let's celebrate! If unpleasant symptoms increase in intensity, you must immediately contact a medical facility.

Prevention of bites

In order to reduce the likelihood of a spider attack, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • do not walk between stones and dry grass unless necessary at night;
  • when using tents outdoors, the entrance must be tightly closed;
  • after walking outdoors, carefully inspect clothes and shoes;
  • when meeting a spider, you should avoid irritating it and attacking it;
  • do not try to remove the tarantula from the hole on your own;
  • use special preparations to repel arthropods.

During the daytime, arthropods very rarely appear on the surface of the earth on their own. To prevent attacks, it is necessary to spend a long time at night in open areas where poisonous arthropods may be found.

Let's celebrate! When meeting arthropods, you must remember that the spider has the ability to jump high and hit its prey. If a spider attacks, it is necessary to quickly treat the damaged area to prevent infection. After providing first aid, you must visit a doctor to eliminate the possibility of complications.

Tarantula Spider Conservation

Photo: Tarantula spider from the Red Book

The South Russian tarantula, which has the second name Mizgir, is listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Tatarstan and classified as category 3 of species that are reducing their numbers; in the Red Book of Udmurtia, where it was assigned category 4 with an uncertain status; Red Data Book of the Nizhny Novgorod Region in category B3.

Limiting factors are active human agricultural activity, natural enemies, destruction of characteristic habitats, loss of dry grass, changes in groundwater levels, trampling of wet biotopes, military operations in semi-deserts, and an increase in plowed areas.

The species is protected by the Zhigulevsky Nature Reserve, the Prisursky Nature Reserve on the territory of the Batyrevsky site and the Samarskaya Luka National Park. Conservation measures include educational work among residents to limit the catching of arthropods. There are farms for breeding tarantulas in Mexico.

Conservation measures that need to be implemented include identifying the arachnid's natural habitats and providing the protection required for the species. The dry grass has stopped falling in the spring. Organization of NP "Zavolzhye". Restriction or cessation of economic activity, limitation of chemicals for spraying plants, suspension of livestock grazing.

The tarantula spider is not an aggressive animal. He will prefer to escape than attack a person. An attack can be provoked by the actions of people who touch the spider or get too close to the hole. Fortunately, the bite of a predator is comparable to a bee sting, and the blood of the spider itself can best neutralize the effect of the poison.

Tarantula bite

Tarantulas - stunningly beautiful spiders - are among the largest spiders in the world, and they are quite dangerous. More than 1,500 species of tarantulas live throughout the world.

Doctors in primary care departments more often encounter patients who keep beautiful animals in terrariums at home.

Tarantulas belong to the orthognathic suborder of the Therapsophidae family. These are large (their body is 2.5-7.5 cm) arachnids that move slowly. Females in captivity can live up to 35 years, while the lifespan of males is usually 5-7 years. They have poor eyesight and sense prey through vibration. The largest species, the Latin American tarantula Theraphosa Blondie, can have fangs of 2.5 cm and long legs up to 30 cm.

Most tarantulas sold in pet stores belong to the species Aphonopelma, Psalmopoeus, Cyclosternum Brachypelma, Lasiodora, etc.

Although tarantulas often cause panic and disturbance on site, these hairy, long-legged spiders are generally non-aggressive and rarely bite.

If forced to defend itself, the tarantula is very good at jumping, hissing, sinking its teeth, or spraying sharp, spiky hairs from its abdomen onto its enemy (shown in the images below). They can affect the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. The density of stinging hairs on the abdomen is approximately 10,000 per mm2.

  • The tarantula can bite, but first it hisses angrily and takes a characteristic fighting stance;
  • human injuries are limited mainly to eye and skin damage, sometimes with respiratory symptoms;
  • tarantula spider venom is rarely toxic to humans;
  • the bite may be painful, but is not considered dangerous. No more dangerous than a bee sting. The most common reaction in the human body is an allergic response to histamine;
  • Australian tarantula bites can be dangerous, even fatal

Toxic hairs can penetrate multiple layers of skin or eye tissue and cause mechanical irritation. The size of the itchy blisters that form depends on the type of hair. Some hairs can penetrate up to 2 mm deep into the tissue, causing inflammation and a local reaction. Although not common, inhaling the hairs can cause allergic rhinitis.


Unprovoked bites are rare, and tarantulas are generally docile pets; patients usually report that they have injured their pet.

Most patients bitten by a tarantula complain of moderate, sting-like pain. Some tarantula bites can cause severe pain, swelling, local reaction and numbness, and joint pain that lasts for days or weeks.


Symptoms at the site of hair penetration include irritation, itching, severe swelling, and erythema.

Rarely, prolonged exposure to hairs may cause anaphylaxis.


Eye contact with tarantula hairs may result in red, itchy or gritty eyes.

Patients do not always associate these symptoms with their games with the tarantula.

First aid

  • give an antihistamine;
  • rinse the wound on the skin or eyes with running water;
  • tape the eye so that the patient does not rub it and rub the hairs even deeper;
  • if the patient loses consciousness, then he must be laid down, raise his legs higher and urgently call an ambulance;

Treatments in the medical office include;

  • pain relief, antihistamines, corticosteroids;
  • treatment of anaphylaxis;
  • tetanus vaccination;
  • ophthalmologist treats eyes

Here are just 3 cases: tarantula spider bites from life.

Description of the tarantula

Tarantulas are large in size; the abdomen is larger than the cephalothorax. Females are larger than males, but males have brighter and more saturated colors. The weight of individual individuals reaches 150 g. Many people keep them as pets. It is necessary to study the description of the tarantula spider in order to know how to handle it.

  • The entire body of the animal is covered with hairs. They are connected to the nervous system and are very sensitive. Using the hairs, the spider detects the slightest vibrations emitted by objects around it.
  • The animal has 4 pairs of moving eyes on its head, but its vision is poor. He can see some colors, determine the silhouette and shape of an object.
  • It receives its main information thanks to the hairs on its body and pedipalps. They are located on the front of the cephalothorax, similar to limbs.
  • Chelicerae are located near the oral cavity. These are claws. At their base there are sacs with poison. Spiders release venom into a victim during a hunt or into an opponent during a fight. It is often discussed on forums that chelicerae can break.
  • The tarantula's hairs are also poisonous. When he wants to scare away an animal or person, he cleans the hairs from his abdomen with his paws. They fly away, getting into the mouth and nose, causing an instant allergic reaction. Hairs are one of the spider's defenses.
  • In addition to the chelicerae and a pair of pedipalps, the tarantula animal has 4 pairs of limbs. The span can reach 30 cm.
  • At the end of the abdomen there are arachnoid warts. Mucus is released through them, which quickly hardens in air and turns into thin threads. They're sticky. The tarantula spider, lining its home with a web, throws hairs from its abdomen into it. This is an additional protection and means of neutralizing the victim; The poison paralyzes insects and small rodents. All terrestrial individuals have this feature.


Female tarantula spiders differ from males both in external characteristics and in body structure. Distinctive characteristics appear in arachnids during puberty. In males it occurs at 1.5 years. Females mature later.

  • Males have thinner and more graceful limbs than females.
  • They are smaller in size.
  • The chelicerae are straight and have the same shape along their entire length. In females, the chelicerae are large and barrel-shaped.
  • If you examine the spider's abdomen, you can see the epigastric glands in the upper part. In the male they are covered with hairs of different lengths and form an arch. Females do not have an arch, instead there is a straight line. All hairs are the same length.

The adult male tarantula has special containers, cymbiums, on its pedipalps. They contain seminal fluid. The genital organs are located in the 2nd segment of the abdomen. The spider weaves a web, saturating it with sperm. It looks like a pyramid.

Then, it saturates the containers on the pedipalps with it. After this, he wanders in search of a female. He follows her trail: the female leaves a web covered with endorphins along her path.

She may be in a hole, which is the best option for the male. The spider lifts her cephalothorax as she emerges from her hiding place. It touches the epigastric groove several times with the pedipalps, in which the genital opening opens. Fertilization has occurred. The male releases the female and quickly runs away so that she does not eat him.

From this moment on, the spider begins to weave a dense cocoon in which it lays eggs. The number of eggs is from 50 to 2 thousand. The eggs are in the cocoon for 7 weeks.

The female constantly moves and turns the cocoon with her paws so that the eggs do not stick together and the offspring develop normally. Nymphs appear and molt, transforming into larvae. They can be called spiders, but they will become full-fledged animals only after puberty.

The significance of tarantulas in nature and in human life has not been fully studied. Spiders regulate the balance of the animal world in nature. The poison is used in the pharmaceutical industry. Scientists continue to study its characteristics, hoping to find cures for cancer.

Is it possible to reproduce

Sexual maturity in females occurs 1.5-2 years later than in males. If for males this is 1.5-2 years, then for females it is 4-5 years. The mating period begins at the end of summer. After mating, the male usually dies, and the female begins to prepare for the winter. Female tarantulas lay eggs and place them in a silk cocoon, which is attached to the outside of the abdomen. “Gestation” lasts 40-50 days. During this period, under natural conditions, the female tries to be in the sun more often in order to speed up the incubation process, but at home it is worth increasing the temperature in the terrarium to +30...+32 °C.

A clutch can contain from 50 to 500 eggs. After the incubation period is completed, the little spiderlings remain with their mother for another month, sometimes covering her entire body. After the expiration of a month, the babies leave the female and begin to lead an adult lifestyle. There are cases when the female herself drives away the young or even eats some part of it, so the babies need to be weaned on time.

Well, now you have the necessary knowledge on how to properly keep a tarantula at home, let this knowledge be useful to you, and remember: we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Among the wolf spiders there are interesting, surprising representatives. For some, their appearance is terrifying, while for others, on the contrary, they seem incredibly beautiful. Large araneomorphic venomous spiders called tarantulas

They are an incredibly beautiful furry creature, which in the old days was considered poisonous and dangerous to humans.

Tarantula tarantula

A lot has changed since then. It has been proven that tarantulas are not too dangerous for humanity, but this does not stop some people from looking at them with caution. Just the sight of it makes you shiver involuntarily, even in the photo of a tarantula.

Tarantula bite

although not fatal, it can cause some trouble. After it, the victim may experience a feverish state.

Sometimes, judging by numerous literary descriptions, the aggressive behavior of these spiders was noticed. But this does not mean that such behavior is characteristic of all their representatives.

Tarantula bite

In fact, they live more according to the law - “don’t touch me, and I won’t touch you.” And to a greater extent they can bite only for the purpose of self-defense. By the way, according to eyewitnesses, the bite of these spiders resembles a wasp bite. They do not produce such a large amount of toxins that could negatively affect the health of a person who has been bitten.

Types of tarantulas

The spider family includes many representatives, including 13 subfamilies with a large number of varieties. In total, scientists count about 143 species of tarantulas. All of them have characteristic features, but some varieties are distinguished by their original appearance, and therefore are worthy of a detailed description.

Goliath tarantula

This animal has become widely known due to its impressive size. Taking into account the legs, the body length reaches 28 cm. Until recently, the goliath was considered the largest spider on the planet. But at the very beginning of the 21st century, Heteropoda maxima was discovered - a species belonging to the same order, the body size is a couple of centimeters larger than that of the goliath.

Black and white Brazilian tarantula spider

The animals are inferior in size to the goliath, body length is no more than 23 cm. Distinctive features are rapid growth and striking black and white color. The nature of the spider is aggressive and unpredictable. Often arthropods hide under the roots of trees or among stones, and from time to time they crawl out into the open.

Metallic (woody) tarantula

Distributed in the southern regions of India. Among its relatives, this representative does not stand out at all in size, since it grows only up to 21 cm. Its color is very interesting - the body and legs are bright blue with a metallic tint, as if decorated with fascinating patterns

The spider looks like some kind of fantastic creature that attracts attention with its extraordinary beauty

Metallic tarantulas prefer to form small groups and settle among old rotten trees.

Brachypelma Smitha

Found in Mexico, South America and Australia. The size of spiders does not exceed 17 cm. The colors can be varied: dark brown or black with the addition of orange and red tones, sometimes there is a white or yellow border. The hair on the body turns light pink.

Smith's brachypelma are calm in nature and their venom is non-toxic. As they grow older, after molting, the color of the spiders changes.

Pink Chilean tarantula

This species of arthropod is considered one of the most attractive. It is not surprising that this is what arachnid lovers dream of having at home.

The size of the body together with the paws reaches 26 cm. The color contains various shades of brown: brown, chestnut, and in places there are pink hairs. A lot of light hairs grow on the paws and body.

Features of choosing a pet

In order to choose a healthy spider, you need to use a few simple tricks that will help protect yourself from wasting money:

  • the arthropod must be active and playful. In the case when the specimen you have chosen lies alone on the sidelines, is passive and constantly hides in the house, the animal is most likely sick, and you should not buy such a pet for home;
  • A healthy spider's abdomen should be even and smooth. If the abdomen is wrinkled or there are other pathologies on it, the spider suffers from dehydration and may soon die;
  • open wounds or ulcerative defects on the body of a tarantula are another reason to refuse to purchase such a spider;
  • It is best to purchase small spiderlings , since it is almost impossible to determine the age of a tarantula by appearance;
  • It is important to pay attention to the hairs that cover the abdomen. If they are not evenly distributed throughout the body or vary in size, the animal has health problems;
  • the absence of paws in most cases is not a pathology , since they will instantly grow back after the next molt. This only means that the animal was not transported properly.

Important! When choosing a tarantula, you need to pay attention especially to females, since males do not have longevity and live several times less.

Reproduction and offspring

At the end of summer, the Mizgiri mate; the males lure the female with special movements. The answer is the same movements of the partner if she is ready for mating games. They often end tragically; excited females simply kill the Mizgiri if they do not have time to escape.

The female makes a cocoon from the web, into which, with the onset of spring warmth, she lays fertilized and mature eggs. In the warmth of human habitation, the female tarantula may not hibernate. She is able to lay eggs almost immediately, and then carry the cocoon with her attached to her abdomen, waiting until the babies - spiderlings - are formed.

Feeling movement, the female helps the babies get out. But for some time she carries the offspring attached to her abdomen, helping to obtain food. One pair can have up to fifty cubs. As soon as the babies become able to survive on their own, the mother begins to tear them off her abdomen with her paws, scattering them away from her own home. Young tarantulas build their burrows according to their size, gradually enlarging them.

Where did the name come from?

There is no exact data regarding the name of the spider. There are only scientists' assumptions. It is believed that the name was given to the tarantula back in the Renaissance. At that time, any feverish conditions were associated with arachnid bites.

The largest number of bites was seen in one Italian town - Taranto. This is in the south of Italy. This is how the tarantula got its name, according to one of the most common hypotheses. At that time, in order to eliminate a feverish state in a patient, doctors prescribed a certain dance - the tarantella - to dance until exhaustion.

Description of the South Russian tarantula

Araneomorphic spiders, which include the South Russian tarantula, are large in size, poisonous and beautiful. Looking at these creations of nature, it is impossible not to be surprised.


The wolf spider's body consists of two parts: a large abdomen and a smaller cephalothorax. There are eight attentive ocelli on the cephalothorax. Four of them are located below and look straight ahead. Above them there are two large eyes, and two more on the sides, almost “on the back of the head,” providing an almost 360-degree view.

The body is covered with small black-brown hairs. The intensity of the color depends on the tarantula’s habitat; it can be very light or almost black. But the South Russian Mizgir definitely has a “trademark” - a black spot that is very similar to a skullcap.

The tarantula has four pairs of legs covered with fine hairs. These bristles increase the area of ​​support when moving, and they also help to hear approaching prey.

The powerful mandibles with which spiders bite their prey have ducts for poison; they are a means of both attack and defense.

Males reach 27 mm in length, females – 30-32. At the same time, the record weight of a female Mizgir is up to 90 grams. On the abdomen there are arachnoid warts with a thick liquid, which, when frozen in air, turns into a strong network - a cobweb.

Image and life expectancy

Tarantulas are typical loners and only tolerate their relatives during the mating season. Males are quite tolerant of females, but they constantly quarrel with each other.

Each individual lives in its own home, a burrow up to 50 cm deep. They spend time in it during the day, from which they monitor approaching prey; a cobweb becomes a net for unwary insects, which seals the entrance to the burrow. Even when hungry, Mizgiri rarely go far from their habitat; in general, they prefer to catch food from home

Tarantulas are clever hunters. Having noticed prey or the shadow of an insect by the vibrations of the web, they make a powerful jump, grabbing and biting the victim, injecting poison and depriving the ability to resist.

Mizgiri rarely live longer than 3 years. The age of males is shorter than that of females. In winter they hibernate, carefully sealing the entrance to the burrow with grass and cobwebs. As soon as warm days arrive, suspended animation stops.

Poisonousness of Mizgir

Spider venom kills insects and can paralyze a mouse or a frog. A tarantula can cause acute pain to a person; swelling occurs at the site of the bite, and inflammation occupies a large area. Only an allergic reaction is very dangerous, so it is best to take antihistamines with you on hikes and excursions to places where tarantulas live.

The tarantula never attacks those who are significantly larger than it; humans are not interesting to it. But if he felt threatened and decided that he was being attacked, he would definitely bite.

Therefore, you should not wander barefoot through the sand near bodies of water where there are Mizgiri minks; you should carefully inspect your things and tent before going to bed in order to detect the hidden “predator” and resting place in time.

Danger to humans

Formally, the Mizgir is a poisonous spider, but its poison does not threaten human life and health. The bite of this tarantula is similar to the bite of a hornet. Causes swelling, redness, aching.

The poison is weakly active and does not contain protein toxins that cause paralysis of the nervous system. The skin at the site of the bite may turn yellow. Swelling and pain sometimes persist for about 2 months. But no reaction from the nervous or other systems will follow.

Due to summer droughts in 2013, the spider migrated to the Southern Urals, where local authorities issued a warning about the danger. The South Ural tarantula is no more poisonous than its relatives, but it has been reported that a small child may not survive its bite.

The first actions in case of a bite: kill the biting spider, squeeze its blood into the wound, sprinkle it with ashes or burn it with charcoal (cigarette). Then you should take an antihistamine (anti-allergy) and seek medical help.

Precautionary measures:

  • in potentially dangerous areas, you should not walk barefoot near water bodies or on loose areas of land;
  • when camping before going to bed, you need to carefully inspect tents and sleeping bags;
  • Don't tease the tarantula. Mizgir, sensing danger, will definitely bite. He doesn’t run away, but immediately takes a stance. It attacks suddenly, striking the victim at a distance of 20 to 30 cm on a horizontal surface, jumping up to 20 cm in height.

The big Mizgir itself is non-aggressive. The person is of no interest to him. He won't just bite. An attack can be provoked by grabbing the abdomen, irritating with various objects or hands.

It is not recommended to keep such animals in homes where there are children.

Some interesting facts about the Goliath tarantula

  1. In the habitats of these largest spiders, many residents eat them as food, not only mature individuals, but also their eggs. As a result, the population of these animals in nature is gradually decreasing.
  2. The goliath spider can survive without food for about 6 months.
  3. The most difficult period in the life of this animal is molting. The goliath tarantula moves little at this time and does not eat anything.
  4. The web of these spiders does not serve as a trap for their prey, like other representatives of the species. Tarantulas are real hunters; they themselves track down their prey and attack it.
  5. There are cases - after mating, the female eats her partner.


It is important for people who decide to keep this animal at home to know how long tarantula spiders live in captivity. Females, regardless of conditions, can live up to 30 years. As for males, their life expectancy is much shorter. They usually stop molting after reaching reproductive age, in most cases they die in the same year or after mating.

When maintaining a home, it is important to choose an arthropod suitable nutrition system and optimal temperature. If fed infrequently, the spider will live longer. Cold causes the metabolism to slow down, so the birder's development will slow down.

What does it eat in the wild?

The goliath spider eats other arachnids and insects.

Also in the diet of arthropods are:

  • chicks;
  • lizards;
  • rodents;
  • crickets;
  • frogs;
  • zoophobes;
  • spiders;
  • mealworms.

Next to their own burrow, arachnoids stretch a signal web. If prey steps on the thread, the tarantula gets out of the home and pounces on it.

Next, the goliath injects poison into the victim, dissolving its insides. The tarantula does not eat bone tissue, skin or chitinous shell.

Theraphosa blondi can survive for 2-3 months without food. Moreover, hunger does not have a negative impact on his health.

Tarantula - description of a spider

  • The spider has a body covered with a large number of hairs.
  • The body of the arthropod is divided into the abdomen and the head, which smoothly transitions into the chest and is one part.
  • There are 8 eyes on the spider's head, the largest eyes are located in the shape of a trapezoid, the remaining four smaller eyes are located in one line.
  • This arrangement of the eyes allows arthropods to observe 360 ​​degrees.
  • The size of the spider can reach up to 10 cm; most often the arthropods have a brown body color with minor impurities of a gray tint.
  • The spider has 8 legs covered with hairs and special bristles, with the help of which the arthropod can move on various surfaces.
  • On the front of the head there are mandibles that secrete poisonous substances, with the help of which the spider paralyzes its prey and also defends itself during an attack. In winter, spiders sleep; males and females contact only during the fertilization period.

Is the tarantula poisonous or not?

The autumn spider rarely attacks a person on its own. Most often, bites occur as a result of defense or accidental contact with a person.

Good to know! When a spider bites, poisonous saliva is released, which can cause unpleasant symptoms in humans. An arthropod bite does not cause death, but may cause long-term pain.


Arthropods prefer a nocturnal lifestyle; most often during the day, spiders hide from prying eyes. After fertilization, the female leaves the male, so it is almost impossible to meet several adults in one nest.

The most suitable place to live is deep burrows in the ground, which protect them from external factors.


Spiders begin mating at the end of August; the fertilization procedure has the following stages:

  • the male weaves a web on which he deposits seminal fluid;
  • the male immerses the pedipalps in the seminal fluid until the substance is completely absorbed;
  • the male finds a female who reciprocates his advances and plunges his toes into the cloaca;
  • after fertilization, the male disappears, since females can show a high level of aggressiveness and attack the tarantula;
  • the female weaves a cocoon in the hole where the eggs will be laid.

Females are distinguished by a high level of fertility; arthropods lay up to 500 eggs per fertilization.

Note! After hatching, small individuals are located on the back of the female until the moment when they can independently obtain food. After growing up, young individuals begin to live independently.

Species of spider

Tarantulas can be of different types:

  1. Alpine tarantula - spider has a red color with white lines on the abdomen. Tarantulas are most often found in mountainous areas.
  2. Mizgir is a brown or brown colored spider, which most often depends on the type of soil. Most often found in the vicinity of rivers and fields. There is a dark spot on the head of the tarantula, and the rest of the body may contain spots of varying shades. You can meet such a tarantula in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.
  3. Tarantula Lycosanarbonensis - the tarantula has a light brown color with black impurities, long brown legs are large. Most often found in Africa, Italy and France.
  4. Spanish tarantula is large in size, has a gray body color and a specific black pattern on the body.
  5. The Brazilian tarantula is a dark brown spider of small size. The body size reaches up to 3 cm. From the head to the middle of the abdomen there is a light yellow stripe. Most often you can find such an arthropod in America and Argentina.

Good to know! At the moment, the most frequently encountered are the Alpine and South Russian (Mizgir) tarantula.

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