An effective remedy for mice and rats in a private home

Mice are carriers of dangerous infections. When they appear in a house, country house, or storage area, you should immediately take measures to cleanse the space. Pests eat food supplies, spoil crops, and cause material damage. If the problem is ignored, the rodent population can quickly grow in size.

Today, there is a wide range of rodent repellents on the market. They come in a variety of forms - traps, poisons, baits, etc. Everyone chooses the best option for themselves. Some drugs and methods can be used together, complementing the effectiveness of each and enhancing the effectiveness of the event itself.

Basic requirements for drugs aimed at exterminating household pests:

  • affordable price;
  • high quality - the product should have the most neutral odor, not leave stains or streaks after use;
  • safety - this is especially important for facilities where children and animals live. The drug should not cause allergic reactions, irritation of the mucous membranes, or respiratory tract, subject to full compliance with safety precautions;
  • speed of action - the faster the drug helps get rid of mice, the better;
  • ease of use - the easier it is to work with the composition, the better. The kit should contain instructions with a detailed description of the properties and rules of use.

Depending on the composition, manufacturer, and form of the product, they show varying effectiveness. The most effective include:


Ready-made grain poison for mice with a mummifying effect. Produced in Russia. The active ingredient is brodifacoum. The drug is recognized as one of the most effective in its category. It is poured onto a substrate in places where rodents live or frequently move. After eating the poison, the pest dies within 4-7 days. The carcass does not decompose, does not emit an unpleasant odor, and is mummified. The average cost of the drug is from 20 rubles for 1 sachet (100 g.)

The benefits of mouse repellent include:

  • affordable price;
  • efficiency;
  • economical consumption - 200 g container. enough to treat an area of ​​20–30 square meters;
  • is minimally pulled around the area;
  • easy to use.

The mouse repellent in the house is safe for people and animals. The poison contains a bitter additive, which reduces the risk of ingestion of the drug by pets.


Using this bait I got rid of rodents in my dacha. The mice spoiled the harvest, ran on the tables, and ate the food. I was looking for a safe option, since children often visit the dacha. Of course, the results from it are not instant, but they are really effective. There is no foreign smell or prints on surfaces. Rodent carcasses do not smell later and do not decompose, which is a huge advantage. And, of course, the price is pleasing. It is more than accessible to everyone.

Precautionary measures

Attention! When using anti-rat and mouse repellents, it is imperative to follow safety precautions.


  • It is prohibited to eat, drink or smoke while installing baits.
  • It is necessary to use gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after installing baits.
  • If the drug is accidentally swallowed, induce vomiting in the first half hour, take 10 or more tablets of activated carbon and drink 1-2 liters of water.
  • It is better to use poisons indoors that lead to the mummification of rats and mice.
  • If there are colonies of rodents, it is better to increase the number of bookmarks.
  • Remains of poisons and corpses of pests must be removed by burning or buried to a depth of half a meter.

If the results from performing self-liquidation are small, then you can order the services of specialists. They use products that give 100% results.


An effective rodent repellent with a long shelf life. Sold ready-made in the form of dough-shaped briquettes. The drug contains flavorings and food additives with the taste of malt, which increases the interest of rodents in the product. The components are not addictive and quickly penetrate the bloodstream, leading to immediate death. The active ingredient is bromadiolol (an intestinal poison).

The remedy for mice in the country is absolutely safe for people and animals. The composition includes bittering additives that reduce the likelihood of the poison being absorbed by the animal. It is recommended to follow safety precautions when using. The average cost of the composition is 500 rubles per 0.5 kg.

Advantages of the drug:

  • ease of use;
  • affordable price;
  • the product is approved by professional services;
  • safe use in domestic conditions.

To use the drugs, no prior preparation is required. The product is placed in places where pests accumulate and live. The death of the pest occurs 5-10 days after ingesting the chemical.


There are mice infested in a private house. The drug helped get rid of it after the first treatment. Very convenient to use - sold ready-made. I quickly placed it in the pest habitats and that’s it, I waited for the result. The house was completely cleaned in about 2 weeks. Yes, this may not be the fastest method, but it is safe and effective. I was very pleased. Now I sometimes use the product as a preventive measure.

Plastic container with two keys

This container serves to effectively fight against mice not only in the open air, but also inside buildings. Due to a special container with a station, bait with poison can be placed everywhere - in shopping centers, cottages, and in production. The bait is fixed on a rod; the kit includes a small container for powders and granules.

Reasons to use this type of bait:

  • Safety for pets and the human body.
  • Suitable for all types of poison.
  • The container prevents the poison from spreading throughout the room.
  • It has an aesthetic appearance.
  • Keeps bait from moisture and dust

We advise you to purchase drugs that have been tested in practice and have a good price-quality ratio. You will protect your facility from rodent infestation with our products.

Poison clean house

Mice poisoning is considered one of the effective methods of pest control. Available in granule form. The composition includes brodifacoum, flavorings, food additives. The product attracts rodents; mice cannot pass by it and eat the poison. The average price is from 30 rubles per 100 g bag.


  • economical consumption;
  • affordable price;
  • the result is noticeable after the first treatment4
  • no sharp, unpleasant odor;
  • ease of use.

Poison for rodents prevents blood clotting. After its absorption, the mouse dies in the first days as a result of internal bleeding, which can be caused by any even minor damage.

To work with poison, you must follow safety precautions. Use gloves. The product should not be used by persons under 18 years of age. The drug should be sprinkled in places where rodents gather, in their habitats, near burrows. It is necessary to check the integrity of the portion daily, updating it until all rodents disappear.


Using the “Clean House” poison, we were able to control mice in our dacha in a very short period of time. Before this, I had been fighting them unsuccessfully for several years, but they kept coming back. I've already tried a bunch of remedies, but nothing helped. With this product everything went easily and quickly, I didn’t even expect it. Several months have passed since the treatment and the rodents have not returned. I am very glad. And the best thing is that there is no pungent odor, the processing is very simple and easy.


Poison for mice

Among the various control methods, poisons and toxic chemicals are used quite often. The principle of action is that an animal that has consumed food with poison begins to bleed internally. There is a disruption in the functioning of the kidneys, liver and other organs. The rodent dies. The pest does not always die immediately after the “deadly meal”, so it is important to provide round-the-clock access to the bait.

Important! Mice do not go to a distant place to die. They die in the same place where they found food with poison, and the process of decomposition of rodent corpses occurs quickly.

Along with the unsightly sight, this also provides a nauseating aroma. Mouse carcasses should be disposed of without delay. The advantages of the method are that the poison can be purchased at any hardware store.

Important! Use the drug carefully, using all means of protection. Also keep it away from the kitchen, children, and pets.

Please note that if a rodent eats the bait and goes to die in its hole, then you will have to feel the unpleasant smell that the decomposing corpse of the mouse will emit. In addition, rodents have the ability to quickly adapt to poisons, so they will have to be changed from time to time.

Here are some of the most effective substances with poisonous properties:

  1. "Mouse Death"
  2. "Rat Death"
  3. "Storm".
  4. Ratron.
  5. Havoc Rat & Mouse Bait.


When using them, it is recommended to adhere to hygiene rules, in particular, thoroughly wash your hands and use protective clothing. Smoking, drinking and eating are prohibited in the room or barn where they are used. Such means include:

  1. "Rodentoff".
  2. "Otkrys."
  3. Ratron.
  4. Euroqand.
  5. "Nutcracker".

Aerosols and sprays

The peculiarity of this method is that it sprays an aroma that small rodents cannot tolerate. Sprays contain toxic substances that repel rats and mice. The contents of the aerosols are applied to wires, plastic and other surfaces for 14 days. After two weeks, the treatment process must be repeated. The advantage is that the method does not harm the surrounding nature and animals.

The peculiarities of the spray are the need for repeated use. After a certain period, re-processing will be required. Known drugs:

  1. Marder-Schutz-Spray.
  2. Pestro.

Glue alt

Mouse glue is widely used in rodent control. Has a viscous consistency. Upon contact with the composition, rodents instantly lose the ability to move. One tube is enough to prepare 20 traps. The composition includes polybutylene, polyisobutylene. Average cost – 170 rubles (135 g.)

Advantages of glue trap for mice:

  • ease of use;
  • affordable price;
  • increased security;
  • high efficiency.

After gluing (without human intervention), the rodents die within a few days from lack of water, food, and immobilization. The product is safe to use and does not cause interest in animals. No special skills are required to install the trap. Everything is as simple and fast as possible. To attract rodents, it is recommended to place a small piece of food in the center of the trap, which will attract them. Glue is applied to a plastic or cardboard surface in a strip of 1-2 cm. Placed in habitats where mice gather. The trap needs to be updated once every few days.


Glue mouse traps really work. I bought a product to treat a private home. I used it together with chemicals, it helped a lot. Really catches mice. They stick to it very firmly. Not a single pest could get out of it. There are cats living in the house; they showed no interest in the trap, which made me very happy. The product is good, working, and most importantly, inexpensive.

Folk remedies for mice: the most effective

To eliminate rodents, you can use folk advice. Below are mice repellents and recommendations for their use.


The herb contains essential oils that have a strong aroma. Mice do not like this smell, and they leave the occupied territories. There are several ways to use wild rosemary:

  1. Ledum should be planted in pots and placed in all rooms of the house.
  2. You can use essential oil, add a few drops of it to the aroma lamp and distribute it throughout all rooms. It will quickly repel mice.
  3. In dried form, wild rosemary should be placed in different places in the house and in mouse holes. The grass should be renewed periodically to saturate the rooms with aroma.
  4. You can use dried herbs to fumigate your home.

Attention! Before you start using it, you need to be sure that wild rosemary does not cause allergies in family members.


For humans, this plant has a pleasant aroma, but for mice, on the contrary, it is extremely unpleasant. Must be used in the following ways:

  1. Place fresh mint leaves in the corners of the house where there is a concentration of mice.
  2. Using a spray bottle, spray the mint decoction. To do this, boil a few mint leaves in water, cool, and pour into a spray bottle.
  3. Balls are made from essential oil. To do this, take cotton wool, roll it into small balls, soak it in oil and place it in the corners.


In the fight against mice, the use of spices and herbs is suitable. They are effective and are good at repelling rodents. Coriander has a pungent aroma. You can use grains, twigs or make aromatic powder.

The material used should be placed in rooms where mice appear.


Medicinal Blackroot is good at repelling rats and mice. It is common among summer residents and has been found effective. There are several ways to use the plant:

  1. A decoction of the leaves or prepared freshly squeezed juice should be sprayed on areas where mice accumulate.
  2. You can put grass in rodent burrows.
  3. Sprinkle the powder prepared from the roots into the cracks in the floor.
  4. Place the spines of the plant seeds in rodent burrows, and they should stick to the animal’s skin. The roots and seeds of the plant are poisonous to humans and animals.


The plant has a poisonous root that helps get rid of rodents. The hydrocyanic acid contained in the roots will drive rats out of the house forever.

How to use:

  • used as a decoction to treat corners of the house;
  • a powder is made from the roots, which is placed in the corners of the house;
  • A few twigs should be placed in animal holes.

Attention! Elderberry is not recommended for use in homes with small children as it is toxic.


Has a tart smell. It has long been used in the fight against rodents as an effective means. Previously, dried grass was placed in chests with grain to control rodents in the house.

Vinegar with added ammonia

Vinegar with added ammonia should only be used in open areas of the site. The use of such a product at home is prohibited.

Ammonia and vinegar are mixed in equal proportions, bay leaves are added. After they absorb the solution, they should be placed around the perimeter of the area, which will scare away rodents from the area for a long time. You can replace this solution with boric acid; it should be placed in containers and placed along the fence.


Tansy has a specific camphor aroma that mice do not like. Tansy is used to kill insects and rodents.

To get rid of rats, you need to prepare several stems with a number of inflorescences, tie them into bunches and place them where mice live.

Vegetable oil

You need to choose a container whose neck a mouse can easily penetrate. You need to pour a small amount of oil into the bottle itself (olive, corn or vegetable - it doesn’t matter). The bottle should be shaken so that the oil spreads to the walls of the container.

The container is installed at an angle with the neck up, so that the rodent can get inside on its own. He will no longer be able to crawl back out, since the walls will be slippery.

Butter, granulated sugar and gypsum

This method can be considered blasphemy, because the animal’s violent death occurs. You should mix 500 grams of gypsum, 200 grams of flour, the same amount of granulated sugar and add 100 ml of vegetable oil.

Place this mixture in disposable plates and place it in several places around the house. The mouse eats this mixture, the plaster in the stomach dries up and the animal dies.

Bucket with water

If it is not possible to use other methods, this method gets rid of hated rodents. Using the product you can get rid of several animals at once.

You need to cut a circle out of cardboard and place it on top of a bucket of water. Place bait (cheese, lard or bread) on the circle, and a sheet of cardboard should be placed on the side of the bucket so that mice can climb.

The bucket is placed in a place where there are a large number of mice. As soon as they reach for the bait, the cardboard will fall through and the rodents will end up in the water.

Directional adhesive

For a number of reasons, glue is considered a folk method for pest control. It is sold in hardware stores and large hypermarkets. You need to apply a little glue to the cardboard and put a small bait.

When a rodent stands on the sticky glue, it will stick, but will not be able to come off and will die in a few hours. The product is absolutely safe for pets and children.


The poison is widely used to cleanse premises of rodents. It has an unusual “gnawed” shape. The notched edges encourage rodents to eat the bait. The composition is based on: flocumafen, a poison with an anticoagulating effect. The drug quickly affects the body, causing immediate death of mice due to numerous internal bleeding. The average price is 20 rubles per briquette 4 grams.


  • affordable price;
  • convenient form - the drug is available in different forms. You can choose the option that is most comfortable for you;
  • quick effect;
  • suitable for treating premises of any type and purpose;
  • safe, non-toxic.

Storm is a safe drug, hazard class 3-4. Non-toxic. Does not require the use of special skills and knowledge. To work with the composition, determine the habitats and concentrations of mice. Place 1-2 briquettes. Renew the poisons periodically until the mice disappear completely.


The storm helped me get rid of the mice. I live in a private house and mice are not uncommon here. They spoil vegetables, chew walls. We tried a lot of poisons and poisons, nothing helped. Friends recommended Storm. And what a surprise we were when this drug really helped us. The rodents ate it very quickly. In just two weeks, the mice completely disappeared. Now we use the remedy as prevention. Separately, I would like to note that I was very pleased with the price. The drug is available to everyone. It leaves no stains or odor behind and does not corrode surfaces. I'm very pleased with the result.

Features of the house mouse

General description:

  • The size of the mouse does not exceed 7-9 cm, the tail is the same length.
  • The dorsal color is gray or slightly yellowish, the belly is slightly lighter gray.
  • Weight 19 grams.
  • They are mammals.

They reproduce in a residential building year-round, in outdoor conditions in the summer, during the warm season. The ability to reproduce appears at one and a half to two months of life. The gestation period lasts up to 28 days. The female arranges her nest, placing pieces of newspapers and wool there. Due to the frequent birth of mice, the population is rapidly increasing.

Before the cubs appear, the mouse becomes aggressive and can attack a person, bite or scratch. If this happens and the mouse scratches you, go to the hospital immediately for medical attention.

Mice eat food of plant and animal origin. They are most active at night or during twilight hours. They make warm nests for their little mice, and they always have food supplies in their holes.

Rodents easily adapt to any conditions. If there is no food in one human dwelling, they quickly leave and emigrate to another dwelling.


An ultrasonic mouse repeller that will help you quickly and effectively get rid of rodents. Has a power of 10 W. Produces sound signals that are inaccessible to human hearing. The area of ​​influence of the device reaches 200-800 square meters, depending on the type of repeller. The average price of the device is 1,600 rubles.

Advantages of the rat and mouse repeller:

  • complete safety for people and animals;
  • can be used indoors with children and animals;
  • long service life;
  • efficiency;
  • can be used to control rodents or for preventive purposes.

The mouse repeller causes severe discomfort in rodents, forcing them to immediately leave the area. They panic and try to escape from the place. The device can be used in combination with chemicals. It is important to remember that ultrasound devices can be addictive. It is recommended to alternate frequencies or use the equipment at intervals of several weeks.


I have been using the Tornado ultrasonic mouse and rat repeller for several years. Very satisfied. I live in a private house, so mice appear here periodically (they run away from the fields). This tool is simply irreplaceable. It really repels rodents, and most importantly, it is safe for ourselves and our pets. No problems or worries. Turn on the device and forget about the problem. Everything works great. I'm happy.

Physical methods

The method has been used for a long time and is available for any budget. Thanks to their positive qualities, they gained fame and popularity.


This design was also used by our great-grandfathers. There are two types of traps: open and closed. To make a potential victim want to visit one of them, it is recommended to place bait in the mousetrap. This could be a piece of cheese, sausage or any other product with a strong smell. The aroma will attract the animal; when you touch the mechanism, the spring will work and the mouse will be caught.

Trap Disadvantages: A mouse trap alone will not be enough to permanently eliminate rodents. You'll have to buy several traps.

In case of a false triggering of the mechanism, the trap must be reloaded. A mousetrap doesn't always kill. Rodents can get into it with their tails or limbs.

There will be no such troubles with a crocodile mousetrap. It only works when the mouse or rat is already inside. Careless operation of the structure may result in injury. Therefore, you need to be more careful.

Important! Children should not be allowed to play with such items. Do not leave mousetraps where they could harm your pets.

Electrical traps

This is a new development and it is only gaining popularity among users. The method belongs to the category of humane. Once inside, the rodent is shocked and dies instantly. The structure emits light signals. They help determine whether someone is in the mousetrap or not.

The advantage of the trap is that it can be used repeatedly. The disadvantages are that the mousetrap depends on mains power. Those owners who keep pets need to be especially careful with it.

Attention! The possibility of small animals falling into the trap together with rodents or instead of them cannot be ruled out.

We offer a list of the most famous devices:

  1. RatZapper.
  2. Victor Electronic Rat Trap.
  3. Multi Kill system.
  4. RAT Trap Victor.
  5. Rat Killer Yutec.

It is advisable to place the device where pests are most often found, for example, next to walls. You can stop setting mousetraps when there is no droppings or fur of small pests in the room. This means you managed to remove the mice, and you can celebrate your victory.

Glue traps

The adhesive strips work like mousetraps. Such paths are impregnated with a special aroma that attracts rodents. It could be the smell of seeds, bacon, peanuts. Having stepped on such a surface with its paws, the animal cannot leave it without outside help. Making efforts to break free, he only loses strength and becomes even more stuck.

Important! The disadvantages of this type of trap are that they are cruel to rodents. The mice become exhausted and die painfully from dehydration and hunger.

In addition, it is unpleasant to remove half-dead pests from the sticky tape. The advantage of Velcro is that they can be placed anywhere. Together with mice, it is possible to catch cockroaches, snakes and other creatures that you do not want in your home. Device rating:

  1. Rat & Mouse.
  2. "Rodentoff".
  3. "Kotofey"
  4. Expert Catch.
  5. "Force site".

"Live traps"

Despite the creepy name, this type of trap is the most humane, since the animal remains alive. The structure is designed in such a way that once a rodent gets into it, it cannot get out on its own. If your plans do not include killing the pest, then this option is for you. The animal will not enter the cage voluntarily, so it needs to be lured with something tasty. Considering that mice and rats are wary of new things, a clever approach with food bait will lull their vigilance.

Attention! To free the trap from a pest, you first need to place it in a bag, then open the door, and when the animal jumps out, you can safely take it out and release it.

The only downside is that mice can come back. You will have to check the device quite often so that the animal inside does not die.

Best Ultrasound Devices

These models are usually made in China. The bottom line is that they repel rodents. Due to ultrasonic waves, mice are affected. They become uncomfortable being in the range of the device. That is, they independently leave this region. You can buy these priors in many specialized stores. It is also possible to purchase them on thematic platforms such as AliExpress or Ebay. However, it is highly recommended to read reviews in order to purchase a truly high-quality product.

Important . Such devices have a limited range. It is also necessary to periodically change the batteries if they do not operate on 220 V. Gadgets have a limited range, so to protect a large area from mice you need to buy quite a lot of devices. They are really effective.


This device allows you to get rid of not only mice, but also insects. There is a fairly large operating area here, which is a very important advantage. The useful area is 200 sq. meters. However, items such as curtains, carpets and other furnishings that absorb sound can reduce the usable area by almost half. Manufactured in China. It is safe to use in an apartment. The device does not have a negative effect on cats, dogs or people. You may also be near a pacemaker. This is true for all models operating on ultrasound. However, if you have other rodents at home: hamsters, guinea pigs, it is recommended to abandon this device. The gadget works from the mains. However, the energy consumption is small. There is an indicator that allows you to understand whether the gadget is working normally. The price does not exceed 500 rubles.



  • made in China;
  • up to 200 sq. meters;
  • work from 220 V.


  • can be used at home;
  • low price;
  • compact gadget;
  • there are indicators;
  • really effective device;
  • works up to 3 years.


  • depends on the electrical network.

PEST REJECT RIDDEX PLUS ultrasonic rodent repeller

REXANT 71-0007

A very good gadget that is suitable for repelling rodents in the country. It has a large usable area and is very convenient to use. A built-in solar battery allows you not to waste electricity. However, during prolonged bad weather, the device may stop working. The manufacturer has provided a water protection level of IP68. To use, you just need to leave the gadget in the ground. It will get rid of rats, mice, moles and other rodents. Ultrasonic radiation extends to 30 meters. Durable plastic is used in production.

REXANT 71-0007


  • for street use;
  • there is a solar battery;
  • radius 30 meters;
  • IP68.


  • adequate price;
  • easy to find on the market;
  • effectiveness has been proven experimentally.


  • If the weather is bad for a long time, the efficiency decreases.


This is a product from a Russian manufacturer, which is considered one of the most popular today. It is used at home and in the garden. With its help, you can forget about the existence of mice and rats for a long time. Operates on voltage 220V. Capable of protecting against rodents over an area of ​​up to 150 square meters. meters. However, with the presence of sound suppression elements, this area is reduced.


Important . In the first days it may seem that there are more mice. But that's not true. The ultrasound causes them to become more active as they begin to experience discomfort. That is, they come out of their holes more often. However, after a few days there will be almost no pests left on the site.


  • made in Russia;
  • up to 150 sq. meters;
  • works from the mains.


  • easy to find in many stores;
  • works efficiently;
  • large area of ​​action;
  • uses energy economically.


  • depends on the electrical network.

A way to control mice in the house and country house

A way to combat mice in the house and in the country When autumn comes and many summer residents close the season and take their cats to the city for “winter apartments,” field mice get an excellent chance to take over your country house and set up their winter quarters there.

Mice in your home are attracted not only by the possible food supply, but also simply by a warm place.

After all, even in an unheated house the temperature is 10-15 degrees higher than outside. And there’s more than enough insulation of any kind. And even if you don’t have any supplies of cereals and other foods loved by mice there, you’re unlikely to like heaps of mouse droppings, worn-out blankets, chewed-up seeds, etc. In general, you need to fight mice.

One of the simplest and most accessible ways to catch mice is to use special glue (“ALT”, “Clean House”, etc.). Unlike a mousetrap, for example, a trap with glue can “accept” several mice at once. And holding mice is more reliable.

There have been cases where a mouse literally crawls out of its skin (at least from its own tail), but they could not tear themselves away. The glue never dries out and remains functional in the tube for many years, and the adhesion is already “in place” - for many weeks, until it becomes dusty or exposed to direct moisture.

Just a revolution in catching small rodents. But catching mice with glue also has its own characteristics, which I want to talk about based on personal experience. The glue must be applied to some flat and hard object, preferably as smooth as possible.

Attention! The fact is that the mouse, once stuck in the glue, will naturally try to get out of it. If you apply glue to something that she can cling to with her paw claws, it may come off. This is only a small and weak mouse in appearance, but its specific muscle strength is an order of magnitude stronger than that of a human.

A bad option is polystyrene foam pallets, for example. An even worse option is material that absorbs glue, i.e. kind of porous. For example - plywood, board, fabric... A good option is PET or other hard plastic.

I usually use all sorts of smooth plastic trays for all sorts of food products. Here they are unrivaled in all respects, plus the fact that they retain the smell of food, which serves as an additional bait for mice.

Speaking of bait. Mice are not such stupid animals as they seem. They do not wander around the house aimlessly, but in general they “jackal” in search of food and a place where they can build a nest. Well, in search of food, they focus on food that is familiar to them.

And these are mainly various plant seeds, cereals, dicotyledons, cotyledons, etc. Unfortunately, the stereotype from stupid cartoons that the best food for a mouse is cheese is firmly rooted in the minds of the average person.

Well, think for yourself, what kind of cheese can an ordinary Russian mouse encounter in the wild?! Cheese is a completely new and unknown food for a mouse; it will think 100 times before throwing itself at it, and then only out of extreme hunger.

How to get rid of mice

The best bait is one that is completely familiar to the mouse and does not arouse any suspicion in it. Those. that from cereals, grains. And this is just bread! It is desirable to be more fragrant, so that it smells from afar and contains some kind of bran, grains, etc.

There's a lot of this in bakeries now. And to enhance its alluring effect, it is better to flavor it with a few drops of sunflower or other oil. Of course, unrefined, but with a smell. After all, it conveys the smell of ripe grain or seeds like nothing else.

Advice! And the craving for this smell is “hardwired” into the mouse’s mouse undercoat, at the genetic level. Mice rush to this smell like the Nazi Germans crossed the border in 1941 - in a crowd and in full force. I must say that in the process of searching for the ideal bait, I came across sesame oil.

We don’t grow sesame, but it has such a strong “grainy” and appetizing smell that the result exceeded all expectations. This oil is sold in small bottles and is added to salads or baked goods literally drop by drop, it is so aromatic.

The “seedy” smell of sesame oil has a simply hypnotic effect on mice, like the magic pipe of Nils or the Pied Piper of Hamelin. During the experiments, two trays stood nearby, both with identical pieces of bread.

Only one was moistened with unrefined sunflower oil, and the second with sesame oil. So, 2-3 mice were stuffed into a tray with sesame oil, and the “sunflower” oil was ignored. Although in fairness it must be said that the mice even climbed the tray with sunflower oil if there was no sesame oil nearby.

This experiment just showed me how much mice prefer the smell of sesame to sunflower. After the “discovery” of this bait and the “glue” fishing method, the fight against mice turned into a real routine. All the mice that had already “registered” in the living space vacated after the cat’s departure were recaptured within a couple of days.

Traps, like fishing rods, had to be checked every hour in order to free them for the next comers. After a couple of days there was complete calm, no rustling or traces of mice. And the rare “tourists” stupidly stomp in marching steps towards the nearest trap where their favorite “Big Mac on a sesame bun” is already waiting for them.

Important! The trap is easy to make. A little glue is squeezed onto the tray (like toothpaste on a brush, roughly). Spread evenly over the tray with some sliver. And a cube of bread moistened with a few drops of sesame oil is placed in the center. That's all.

There can be as many mice in this tray as there are places that can live there. And no “false positives” or misses, like in a mousetrap. If several mice are packed into the tray, it’s easier, of course, to throw it away. And if there are only one or two, it’s better to tear them off somehow (I use large tongs) and reuse the tray and bait.

Rating of the best mouse baits

Best Ultrasound Devices

CLEAN HOUSE⭐ 4.95 / 5Find out the price

REXANT 71-0007⭐ 4.9 / 5Find out the price

PEST REJECT RIDDEX PLUS⭐ 4.85 / 5Find out the price
The best glue-type baits

Kotofey⭐ 4.95 / 5Find out the price

Rodentoff⭐ 4.9 / 5Find out the price

ALT⭐ 4.85 / 5Find out the price
The best edible baits

Clean House Granules⭐ 4.95 / 5
2 - votes
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RATRON⭐ 4.9 / 5Find out the price

Rodentoff⭐ 4.85 / 5Find out the price

EUROGARD⭐ 4.8 / 5
1 - voice
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Despite the wide range, this rating contains the 10 highest quality products that allow you to get rid of rodents. The cost and principle of operation differ. However, it is these mousetraps that allow you to effectively catch parasites and get rid of them.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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