Treating bees with “Bipin” in the fall: instructions and dosage

basic information

Treatment of insects against varroa is an important process in modern beekeeping. The life of bee colonies in winter and their development throughout the season depend on this.

The Varroa mite not only causes great harm to insects, but is also a carrier of viruses and diseases, for example, acute or viral paralysis.

This pest appeared in the USSR about 50 years ago. It began to develop rapidly, causing a lot of harm to beekeeping. But after some time, a way was found to cope with this scourge. But since beekeepers were unable to completely get rid of the mite, they constantly prevented the spread of the disease.


Among the treatments for variotosis, the following types of drugs can be distinguished:

  • Chemical emulsions – “Amitrazine”, “Apitak” (analogues of “Bipin”), “Bisanar” (thymol + oils), “Aqua-flo” (fluvalinate);
  • Natural remedies – fir essential oil (wet the tompons and place them in frames), pine flour (sprinkle on insects), acids – oxalic, formic acid (“Ant”, “VarroNet”);
  • Cardboard strips with acaricidal impregnation - “Akarasan”, “Amipol-T”, “Apides”, “Varrosan”, etc. (they burn and treat the hives with smoke);
  • Gel (put a bag of medicine at the bottom of the hive) - “Apigel”.

All these medications are aimed at removing ticks. Natural remedies work effectively, but not immediately.

Chemicals destroy quickly and cleanly. In addition, each beekeeper chooses a convenient method of application.

Signs of illness

The Varroa mite infects the brood. In a bee colony with many parasites, during an inspection you can find many damaged insects. Autumn gatherings of bee colonies also often occur. As can be seen from the statistics, the main reason for this is this mite and viral diseases.

Therefore, it is advisable to perform prevention several times a year. When the autumn gathering of insects begins, it will be too late to do this, since the mite will cover the seeding, and the individuals preparing for winter will weaken and become infected. Therefore, bees are treated with “Bipin” in the fall.

Treatment methods for ticks

Currently, 3 methods are used to treat bees against mites:

  1. Biological. This method allows insects that fight parasites to get rid of them faster. For this, oxalic or formic acid is used.
  2. Chemical. Used by those who eliminated parasites in other ways, but they were ineffective.
  3. Physical. This method includes heat treatment.

If you use chemical or biological methods, then you need to buy aromatic powders, chemicals, preparations, and a spray bottle. In this case, processing is carried out outside the hive in special cassettes. After treatment, the mites fall off the bees and die due to lack of air.

Varroatosis disease

The real misfortune of the beekeeper is the infestation of the inhabitants of the hives by the Varroa Jacobsoni mite (Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans), which spreads at high speed and in just one summer can cause irreparable damage to the apiary. Dealing with the parasite is not easy - even with timely treatment, a small number of mites will remain in the hive, but will not harm the family. However, under favorable conditions, Varroa mites will quickly spread, causing the disease varroa.

They are dangerous for the following reasons:

  • suck blood and hemolymph from insects;
  • Once in the cells with the brood, the female mite lays eggs there, which feed on the bee, making it weak and incapable of normal honey production;
  • They are carriers of viruses that are dangerous to both bees and people.

Varroatosis is one of the common diseases that must be dealt with in a timely manner, otherwise the whole family will very quickly become infected.


As already mentioned, the treatment of this disease is carried out with the drug “Bipin”. It was created in the USSR, so there is no doubt about the quality of the drug.

The instructions for it indicate the dosage of treating bees with “Bipin” in the fall and that the active ingredient is 12.5 amitraz. The product is packaged in 0.5 or 1 ml ampoule and is a yellow or colorless liquid. The drug has a persistent specific odor, similar to naphthalene.

No more than 10 mcg of the substance should be spent on 1 individual. It is important to follow the dosage of treating bees with “Bipin” in the fall. Only then can you expect excellent results without side effects, otherwise there is a huge risk of causing great harm to the insects, since the medicine is considered toxic.


Treating bees with “Bipin” in the fall allows you to eliminate pest mites, which is helped by the distinctive properties of the described drug:

  1. It reduces the risk of varroatosis.
  2. Does not harm bee colonies when used correctly.
  3. The result appears after about 3 hours.
  4. Effective in treating different stages of infection.
  5. Use does not affect the quality of honey products.
  6. Processing is easy and does not require additional equipment. Used with heat treatment of hives.

Thanks to this effect, the drug is in demand among beekeepers. They carry out the treatment regularly, which helps prevent many problems.

When to process?

Processing can be done at any time of the year, except winter. In summer, at high temperatures, favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of mites, which can cause the death of bee colonies.

Treatment with bipin in autumn and spring is recommended as a preventive measure, since brood production at this time is minimal.

The preventive effect of bipin is designed for a year, which will ensure maximum protection of bee colonies.

When to treat bees against mites in the fall with bipin? Autumn treatments are recommended before wintering. In spring, spraying is best done after the first pumping of honey.

Some beekeepers treat their hives before honey harvest, while others believe that the use of bipin at this time will affect the quality of honey. But studies have shown that the drug does not affect the properties of bee products at all.

Under what weather conditions?

The instructions for use of bipin recommend using the drug only at above-zero air temperatures.

Otherwise, the development of diseases and even the death of bees is possible. You should not carry out disinfection at too high temperatures or in windy weather.

The best time to disinfect hives is autumn, when temperatures begin to drop steadily.

In such conditions, insects actively prepare for wintering and do not leave their homes. Another good time for treatment is spring, after the start of cleaning flights.


Treatment of bees with “Bipin” in the fall can be carried out not only for treatment, but also for prevention. It often happens that drones bring some kind of disease into the hive, which is not so easy to cure.

Experts believe that this product is one of the best in this area. It is safe and easy to use. In addition, the treatment will be effective. The treatment is not difficult, you just need to follow the instructions for “Bipin”, properly dilute the drug and irrigate the bees.


There are some processing rules. So, the dosage is the main nuance that must be observed. This will allow you to complete the procedure safely. The instructions for “Bipin” will help you carry out the processing correctly:

  1. The solution must be taken using a syringe. Each bee requires a certain amount of medication, but the entire bee colony should be treated.
  2. Before diluting Bipin to treat bees, pay attention to the proportions. Mix 0.5 ml of the drug in 1 liter of water. Treatment is performed once a year. And autumn is the most favorable time for this. Spring is rarely chosen for this.
  3. Remember, when treating bees with “Bipin” in the fall, at what temperature this can be done. The thermometer column should not fall below +5 °C. The procedure should never be performed in cold weather, as insects quickly become ill and die.

Oxalic acid

Another treatment for varroa is oxalic acid. Unlike formic acid, oxalic acid is more gentle, but no less effective. There are several processing methods: using a spray or steam.

Before using oxalic acid, you must prepare a solution. For this you need 20 grams. Dilute the powder in one liter of water. The result is a 2% concentrated solution. The finished solution is sprayed using special devices, for example, a smoke gun.

You can also use the oxalic acid steam method. This is the most common and very simple method. To build the necessary heating apparatus, you will need a tin box 20-10-1.5 cm (approximate size), inside which an electric coil is placed. An asbestos solution will help you provide electrical insulation. Approximately 2 grams are placed on a ready-made box placed in the hive. oxalic acid and the device is connected to the heating element. After some time, the acid begins to melt and evaporate.

Such treatment with oxalic acid is carried out twice, with an interval of ten days, and only in the fall.

Important to remember:

  • the products used to treat bees against diseases are very caustic substances, therefore you need to work with them carefully and only in special clothing and gloves;
  • During work, smoking, drinking and eating is strictly prohibited. After work, you must wash your hands thoroughly;
  • read the instructions carefully;
  • use only the indicated dosages, do not increase them in any case;
  • Bipin treatment cannot be carried out in the cold season; spring and autumn are best

Effect of the drug

If everything is done correctly, the results will be visible after 3-4 hours. Usually at this time the ticks are in poor condition, and the females die first. As a preventative measure, the product is used twice a year. The main procedure is performed in the fall. Repeated treatment of bees with “Bipin” is possible in the spring, which is necessary for additional protection.


Since the drug described is toxic, processing must be carried out carefully. It is important to comply with the following rules:

  1. The procedure must be performed in special clothing (gown, goggles, mask, gloves) so that the drug does not come into contact with the skin, especially the face.
  2. The treatment must be carried out against the wind, so it is important to ensure that the product does not splash clothes.
  3. After work, you should wash your hands several times with soap.

Although the drug is not considered very dangerous for people, it should still be taken into account that it is a substance with an average level of toxicity and still has some threat. Therefore, it is necessary to use protective equipment during work. A respirator with chemical protective cartridges and gloves are suitable.

When using an RPG respirator, it is advisable to use “B” cartridges from 4 classes, which are needed for protection against acids and poisons. It is not advisable to take products of the “petal” or U-2 type, as there is a risk of poisoning with it.

Safety measures during work

It is necessary to treat hives with “Bipin”, taking precautions as when working with moderately toxic pesticides. Avoid contact with treated insects for up to 24 hours

During the first treatment, do not immediately apply the substance to the entire hive. First you need to check it for safety for insects and therapeutic effect. To do this, first, several families of bees are treated and the reaction is observed throughout the day.

To ensure your own safety, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Use protective gloves and an RPG respirator with “B” cartridges.
  2. Do not drink or smoke during manipulations.

"Bipin" is an effective acaricidal drug. It is highly effective in combating mites parasitizing honey bees

When carrying out treatments, the main thing is to observe proportions and precautions. -pchelami/3869-obrabotka-pchel-bipinom.html

Preparation and storage

The solution should not be used in its original form as it is highly concentrated. Before starting work, it is diluted in warm water: 1 ml of medicine is required for 2 liters of water. Water should be no more than 40 °C. If you follow the instructions, the product will be homogeneous, with a milky color.

It is necessary to pay attention to how the drug is sprayed. It is advisable to use a measuring machine and an automatic syringe, but you can use a 1.5 liter container and a needle from a dropper. The needle should be connected to one side of the container with a tube that is part of the dropper. Then you need to pour the prepared solution into the container. This method is considered the simplest.

To start treating bees with “Bipin” in the fall, you need to lift the lid of the hive, and then the pillows of the streets with which you need to perform the procedure. If the ampoule is opened before using the medicine, it will not be effective. The solution can be used only once, immediately after opening the ampoule.

Pay attention to the manufacturing date; the drug should not be more than 3 years old. When using expired products, you should prepare for the fact that the effect of the procedure will be minimal.

How to breed Bipin?

An ampoule (1 ml) is diluted in 2 liters of warm water. The result is a whitish emulsion with a pungent odor. One ampoule has 20 doses, meaning that it should be enough to treat 20 hives of 10 streets each.

Bipin is diluted in 2 liters of warm water

It is important to breed Bipin for bees according to the instructions. A leaflet with detailed instructions is included in the package, or brief information is printed on the package.

Exceeding the dose can be disastrous for the apiary. You need to take warm water so as not to catch the bees, but not higher than 40 degrees.

Using a smoke cannon

As stated in the instructions, the drug is used for heat treatment of hives. For this, a special smoke cannon is used, which every beekeeper has. Creating a solution for it is no different from the usual procedure, but there are some nuances. To do everything correctly, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Create a spray solution.
  2. Assemble all elements of the smoke cannon based on the instructions, fill with kerosene.
  3. Pour the mixture into a special container.
  4. 2-3 puffs of smoke should be released into each hive for complete mite treatment.

When using this device, it is important to protect your respiratory system. The product can cause allergies and skin irritation, so they must be used. The treated hive should be left until the smoke has completely subsided.

The effectiveness of using the medicine is checked with a regular sheet of paper. To do this, before the procedure it must be laid on the floor of the hive. 3 hours after using a smoke gun with a solution or spraying in the standard way, dead mites will be visible on the leaf. Their number depends on the severity of the lesion.

It is advisable to burn the remains of the parasites, and perform the procedure if necessary, combining it with other preventive measures. These measures include spraying the hive with pine decoction, using essential oils and extracts.

Restrictions, contraindications for use

Since the solution in the smoke gun is a self-igniting substance, you must be extremely careful. You need to beware of mechanical damage to the device, as this may lead to leakage of the working solution. During treatment, it is forbidden to drink, smoke, or eat. It is recommended to wear a gas mask or respirator.

Attention! If there are interruptions in the operation of the smoke gun, you must immediately contact a company that specializes in gas equipment.

Does the product affect product quality?

The procedure must be performed before the honey collection. Some beekeepers believe that this should not be done as it may negatively affect the quality of the product. But, as research has confirmed, “Bipin” has no effect on the condition of honey.

Before processing the entire apiary, it is advisable to first process one bee colony, 2 streets and observe them for 24 hours. In addition, it is advisable to carry out all this with the help of a veterinarian. After using the drug, about ¼ of the apiary may die. If this happens, it means that the conditions for using the drug were not met or it was too cold.

So, “Bipin” is one of the best medicines now for the treatment and prevention of bee diseases. For effective results, you just need to follow the instructions and also remember the safety precautions.

How can you apply Bipin to bees?

There are several ways to use the drug. I use regular 1 ml or 20 ml syringes. It is better to take more syringes so as not to be distracted by drawing up the drug again while standing over an open hive. It's good to have an assistant. One takes the medicine, the other treats the bees.

But if the beekeeper works alone, then it is better to immediately draw diluted Bipin into syringes at the rate of 10 ml per 1 street of bees.


If there are few bees in the street, apply less than 10 ml to them.

I do this:

  1. I take the lid off the hive.
  2. I move the insulation aside.
  3. I wrap the canvas so that 2-3 streets open, spray bipin on the bees, 10 ml per 1 street.
  4. I cover these streets with another canvas, opening new frames.
  5. I treat it again with Bipin's solution and so on.

Helpful advice

If the bees behave aggressively and fly off the frames, then you need to open one street at a time.

You can also use a plastic bottle. The needle from the dropper is fixed in the lid, the tube from the dropper should remain 10-15 cm outside. Bipin's solution is poured into the bottle. It is very easy to spray the drug onto the bees through the dropper tube by squeezing the bottle.

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