Instructions for use of Alphos Mole fumigation tablets and dosage

Operating principle and purpose

When in contact with moisture underground, the tablets begin to synthesize a caustic gas that has an unpleasant odor. The substance spreads up to 4 meters. Its effect lasts for several days.

The pungent aroma clogs the mole's nose - this organ of smell in moles is very sensitive. As a result, the animals are forced to flee the site. After about 2-3 days there will be no moles left. Gas tablets are often used for preventive purposes. This must be done if there are rodents in neighboring areas. The drug is effective not only against moles. It can be used to combat the following categories of parasites:

  • rats;
  • hamsters;
  • mice;
  • gophers.

With the help of the substance it is possible to protect vegetables, cereals, and flower plants from rodents. The drug can also be used to disinfect grain stocks that are stored in warehouses. This helps protect them from ticks and weevils. The drug successfully copes with flies, ants and other parasites.

No. 4 – Ecosniper LS-997MR

Price: 2000 rubles

Repeller with excellent technical characteristics. Its area of ​​action is an impressive 15 acres, one set of batteries lasts for three months, and only a couple of weeks is enough to completely expel moles from the surrounding area. The device emits ultrasonic waves in a random order - their frequency and duration are always different, which means that moles have no chance of developing tolerance to them.

It is worth noting that this device is easy to use - you don’t have to dig it out to change the battery pack, just remove the battery compartment. The device is not afraid of rain and snow, is not subject to a corrosive effect, and mechanical damage can only be caused by deliberately knocking on it with a shovel. A very powerful and effective device that can eliminate the problem of moles and other pests in a matter of days.

Ecosniper LS-997MR

Advantages and disadvantages

Insecticidal tablets have many advantages:

  • the substance helps fight rodents and insects;
  • the composition protects cereals, flowers and vegetables from moles;
  • The substance has a rapid action.

See also

Instructions for use and composition of Decis, insecticide dosage and analoguesRead

However, the drug also has some disadvantages. The key disadvantage is the toxic effect. The product is dangerous if it enters the body. It can cause serious poisoning of the body.

Another disadvantage is the need to strictly comply with processing requirements. This should be done in dry and windless weather.




I'm just shocked by these pills. They help, it's true. It was not I personally who used it, but my neighbor. His moles moved onto my field, although there was a repeller. Apparently Alphos scared them more. I had a fight with my neighbor, so friends, don’t do this. But the pills work 100%.



Personally, I didn’t poison moles; my husband did that. He tried to set traps and scarers, but nothing helped. But Alphos helped, quickly and safely.



I'm not very good with chemicals, but the seller convinced me that it was safe. True, just in case, the husband used a chemical suit during processing.



Moles simply overwhelmed my garden, I no longer knew how to fight them. Alphos tablets only helped, and within a couple of weeks the animals ran away.

Alevtina Vasilievna

Leningrad region

Oh, I want to say that there is deception all around. Alfos helped against moles, but after 2 months they returned. Such a remedy is dangerous and so of little use, it’s a shame.

Dosage and use of the drug

For the use of a substance to be effective, it is necessary to focus on the object of treatment. To get rid of moles, mole rats, and hamsters, it is recommended to remove the molehill with a shovel. This is done before the hole appears. Then place the composition in the hole to a depth of 20 centimeters and sprinkle with soil. To achieve quick results, it is necessary to treat all molehills.

You can also water the mound made by the mole. As a result, the soil will subside and the wormhole will be completely exposed. At this stage, you need to put the Alphos Krota tablet and push it with a stick to the bottom of the hole. Perform similar actions for all mole hillocks.

To destroy ants and other soil parasites, the tablet should be placed in an anthill. It is recommended to do this directly in areas where parasites accumulate at a depth of about 10 centimeters.

To destroy mites, weevils, and aphids, you need to use 3 tablets per 1 ton of grain. In this case, it must be covered with film for 2 days.

Expert opinion

Zarechny Maxim Valerievich

Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best country expert.

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It is important to consider that the drug cannot be combined with insecticidal substances, since its effect may be enhanced by exposure to carbon dioxide.

The rate of exposure of the composition depends on the gas content, air temperature, type of parasites, and soil structure. Processing must be done in the morning. It is important to ensure that there is no wind. Do not apply the composition immediately after precipitation. If the application mode is followed, the composition does not have a negative effect on the germination parameters of seeds of different types of crops.

See also

Instructions for use and composition of Phosphine TAB, dosage of the product and analoguesRead

The result is positive, but it does not guarantee getting rid of problems.

I am sure that all summer residents and gardeners, to put it mildly, do not like moles. And really, why love them? There is no benefit, but a lot of harm - anyone who wasn’t upset when they saw piles of loose earth on lawns or beds is simply an “iron man” without emotions.

When you suddenly see a dug up lawn in the morning, you just want to strangle and drown all the moles. But in fact, these animals are quite harmless. But if you destroy them, more terrible individuals will appear - mole crickets. Therefore, moles do not need to be destroyed. They can simply be “moved” to the edge of the site.

I’ll write right away that I tried a lot of methods: jars on rods, electric repellers and all sorts of plants (by the way, of the three methods the most effective). It's not the same. Only with the plants something still works out - I planted a row of marigolds along the edge of the bed, and the mole will not go there. Doesn't like the smell. But in the spring, before the marigolds have bloomed and the soil is damp and soft, the animals have time to “frolic” and dig through everything that is not needed. And in the fall, when the flowers have faded, moles become more active.

And finally, I found an all-weather, round-the-clock remedy - Alphos Krot + tablets.

But before using them, you should understand how a mole digs holes. The animal usually settles under the roots of a large bush or tree, so it will not be possible to reach it with your bare hands.

But for “hunting,” moles dig feeding passages close to the surface. When they push out the earth so that it does not interfere with their movement, they get the earthen piles that everyone is used to seeing.

So, in order to discourage the mole from the area, you need to carefully remove the earth from the pile with a shovel and find the entrance to the hole. Sometimes you can open the stern passage. After this, you need to put 2-3 tablets in the hole and cover the entrance with earth. For greater and faster effect, you can moisten the tablets.

When interacting with water, it releases a most disgusting odor, similar to acetylene. This gas is acetylene; it used to be used to cook metal, extracting it from calcium carbide by filling it with water. This gas is so heavy that it sinks to the lowest point of the hole, that is, just to the mole’s lair. The animals are forced to leave this place. No matter how many times I used it, the moles never returned to the hole, at least not in the same year.

Here is the result - the mole is alive, the lawns are intact! Just like the saying about sheep and wolves.

But it is important to remember that while moles live on the site, they protect it from many pests. But the mole does not eat cultivated plants

If this is noticed, then most likely it is a mole rat - a rodent similar to a mole. It can also be driven away with the same tablets.

There are 30 tablets in a tightly screw-on tube.

I strongly recommend the product. Good weather to everyone and a bountiful harvest!

Precautionary measures

The drug is suitable for limited use. If it enters the digestive system or respiratory organs, it is very dangerous. When using the composition, do not pollute water bodies or food sources. The area needs to be treated in the morning. This is done only in calm weather.

The product belongs to the second hazard class. If the composition enters the body, there is a high probability of acute intoxication. In such a situation, you need to immediately consult a doctor. If the composition gets into the respiratory system, it is necessary to remove the person from the danger zone.

All work related to the use of the drug must be carried out using protective equipment. Drinking, eating or smoking is prohibited during work. After completing the procedures, the face and hands must be washed with soap.

The substance must be kept in a dry and cool place. This is done separately from medicines and food. It is important to keep the substance out of the reach of children and animals.

Mole himself

Let's get to know the pest itself first. The mole is a mammal and belongs to the order of insectivores. This in itself means that this animal is by no means a fan of trying root vegetables on our site or, especially, the root systems of plants, which it simply does not care about.

The mole feeds exclusively on insects and worms, which it hunts in the earth. And this miner could be considered a useful animal, but its underground lifestyle is coupled with the need to constantly expand underground highways, sometimes stretching for tens of meters from one area to another.

In addition, this animal, while hunting for its underground “game,” is well aware that its best chance of profiting is right near the root systems of plants and root crops, since many worms, insects and their larvae live there.

Thus, instead of being useful, the mole causes considerable damage to gardening, causing damage to the underground part of plants, their root systems, and also touches root and tuber crops, collecting its prey on them or simply ramming them when laying the next turn of its underground communication system.

But the pest itself is very small in size, reaching a maximum of 15-20 cm in length. This is a mouse-like small animal, covered with short, straight-growing hair, with a small tail, a very sensitive nose and powerful, digging-like paws with claws.

The mole, I must say, moves very cheerfully and confidently in the earth's thickness. His whole essence and body structure make it easy to identify him as an underground dweller. The smooth fur does not create unnecessary friction for the animal when moving; at the tip of the nose there are several very sensitive whiskers capable of picking up the slightest vibrations.

By the way, a mole can also easily move backwards. In this it is helped by the same vibrissae located on the tail that are on the muzzle. The mole can be considered to have almost no eyes. We use the word “almost” because some subspecies have eyes, but they can only distinguish between light and dark, nothing more.

The mole also has four limbs necessary for digging. The front ones, reminiscent of excavator buckets, especially stand out. The animal also has excellent hearing, like all blind creatures. His ears are hidden under a skin flap and fur to prevent soil from getting inside.

This is what he is, a pest. Quite funny in appearance, but very harmful in reality. Next, we move on to a review of all the most well-known methods of countering these underminers.

What can be replaced?

Effective analogues of the product include the following:

  1. Detia is a biological substance that is produced in the form of balls soaked in essential oils.
  2. “Phostoxin” – the active component of the drug is considered to be aluminum phosphide. According to the mechanism of action, the drug is completely identical to Alphos Krot.
  3. Klaus - the composition is produced in the form of a liquid concentrate, which is made based on castor bean and citronella oils.

"Alphos Mole" is an effective remedy that helps cope with many pests. In order for the use of the drug to produce results, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Mole himself

Let's get to know the pest itself first. The mole is a mammal and belongs to the order of insectivores. This in itself means that this animal is by no means a fan of trying root vegetables on our site or, especially, the root systems of plants, which it simply does not care about.

The mole feeds exclusively on insects and worms, which it hunts in the earth. And this miner could be considered a useful animal, but its underground lifestyle is coupled with the need to constantly expand underground highways, sometimes stretching for tens of meters from one area to another.

In addition, this animal, while hunting for its underground “game,” is well aware that its best chance of profiting is right near the root systems of plants and root crops, since many worms, insects and their larvae live there.

Thus, instead of being useful, the mole causes considerable damage to gardening, causing damage to the underground part of plants, their root systems, and also touches root and tuber crops, collecting its prey on them or simply ramming them when laying the next turn of its underground communication system.

But the pest itself is very small in size, reaching a maximum of 15-20 cm in length. This is a mouse-like small animal, covered with short, straight-growing hair, with a small tail, a very sensitive nose and powerful, digging-like paws with claws.

The mole, I must say, moves very cheerfully and confidently in the earth's thickness. His whole essence and body structure make it easy to identify him as an underground dweller. The smooth fur does not create unnecessary friction for the animal when moving; at the tip of the nose there are several very sensitive whiskers capable of picking up the slightest vibrations.

By the way, a mole can also easily move backwards. In this it is helped by the same vibrissae located on the tail that are on the muzzle. The mole can be considered to have almost no eyes. We use the word “almost” because some subspecies have eyes, but they can only distinguish between light and dark, nothing more.

The mole also has four limbs necessary for digging. The front ones, reminiscent of excavator buckets, especially stand out. The animal also has excellent hearing, like all blind creatures. His ears are hidden under a skin flap and fur to prevent soil from getting inside.

This is what he is, a pest. Quite funny in appearance, but very harmful in reality. Next, we move on to a review of all the most well-known methods of countering these underminers.

How not to poison moles

Fighting moles.

I would like to give some advice on how not to overdo it with baiting animals on the site. It is known that the need for invention is cunning, but not all “folk” methods are equally useful.

So, what methods of destroying underground inhabitants should not be used:

  • pouring kerosene into holes and setting it on fire;
  • supply of exhaust gases from vehicles to the molehill;
  • use of smoke bombs;
  • pouring food waste and waste products into a molehill;
  • flooding holes with water.

Moderation should be observed in everything, do not forget about this.


To get rid of rodents, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller

. The operation of the device is based on the technology of electromagnetic pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets.

Review of popular brands

Manufacturers offer various remedies for moles and shrews on the site: tablets, poisonous baits, ultrasonic repellers. The most popular of them are:


The fumigation insecticide begins to emit heavy gas upon contact with the soil, spreading throughout all passages, penetrating into hard-to-reach places. Two to three tablets are placed at maximum depth. The hole is filled with earth.


DETIA with essential oils, safe for people and soil, but effective against moles. The balls are buried at a distance from each other in the hole. Poisonous toxins immediately begin to evaporate. To achieve results, the procedure must be repeated at least 2 times per season.

"Russian Trap"

Bait in the form of paraffin briquettes is used to expel shrews, moles, rats, and mice from a summer cottage. Contains: active brodifacoum and fragrances with a suffocating effect.

ARGUS (gel)

One tube (30 g) is sufficient to distribute at the entrance to each burrow. The active substance is brodifacoum. Causes paralysis.

"Alphos Krot"

An effective drug against moles, hamsters, and gophers. It releases alphos (heavy gas), which gradually displaces air, settling to a soil depth of 3–4 m. The drug will not leave behind new mole spots after 7–10 days. Animals will become afraid and leave the area. For use:

  • scatter around the area, throw into holes;
  • sprinkle with earth.

The result can be observed within 20 hours after use.

The tablets are used according to the instructions. Do not open the packaging indoors.

"Stop the Mole"

A toxic chemical with migratory properties that quickly fills burrows. 2-3 tablets are placed in each hole and covered with earth. It is better to carry out procedures during the day (from 12:00 to 16:00). Predators immediately leave the dug up areas.

"Green House Antikrot"

Poisonous gel concentrate is a poison against shrews and moles in a summer cottage. Contains active bromadiolone. One treatment with placing 15 grams into a mole hole is enough, and the desired result will not take long to arrive.

Alternative remedies

Fighting moles with phosphine has a number of serious disadvantages:

  • The area where the drug acts is unsuitable for long-term stay by completely healthy people.
  • Visits by children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and the sick are risky for the health of both visitors and their offspring.
  • The MRL for phosphine in products from the site will almost certainly be exceeded.
  • On an area of ​​up to 400-500 sq. m around the injection site, beneficial soil organisms are destroyed.

Due to these shortcomings, it is better to fight moles using alternative methods. The first is creolin. Also not sugar or pickles for potatoes, but less dangerous and quite effective, see video:

Video: fighting moles with creolin

The folk remedy, rotten fish, also performs well. The mole is in no way a piscivore, and its nose is much more sensitive than a human’s. This product does not kill, but reliably drives away the animal. Herring heads work best, see story:

Video: rotten fish against moles

And finally, if you know how to track a mole, you can take it to the mole trap. Ready-made mole traps are commercially available, but homemade ones are just as good, see video:

Instructions for use of DAKFOSAL Antikrot for exterminating insects:

From the family of insects, it is necessary to distinguish all flying and crawling ones, which, as a rule, feed on the seeds of cereals, legumes and fodder silage. The potato moth is a pest of tuber crops, preferring, however, potatoes.

For potato tubers you need three DACFOSAL Antikrot tablets per four hundred kilograms of potatoes. Arrange the potatoes in bulk if not in a container. Cover with film and place the drug under it.

When processing cereal seeds, 1-3 tons of grain should be treated with three DACFOSAL Antikrot tablets, and the heaps should be covered with film to increase the effectiveness of the action. Also close doors and windows to eliminate drafts.

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