Ultrasonic repeller Pest reject from bedbugs: instructions, advantages and disadvantages

The Pest Reject ultrasonic repeller is a special device for getting rid of rodents and insects from premises and adjacent areas. The operation of the product is based on a combination of magnetic pulses, electricity, and ultrasound. Thanks to this unique operating principle, the Pest Reject repeller of dangerous insects is completely harmless to people and their pets; it does not require recharging or special technical support. The device can be used around the clock throughout the year.

We suggest purchasing the unique Pest Reject rodent and insect repeller today at a price that will pleasantly surprise you, and tomorrow you can forget about the constant struggle with uninvited “guests” at home. Protect yourself and your family - order the Pest Reject repeller from our website.

Ultrasonic repeller Pest Redject

Many of you think that they live in their own home and are the rightful owners.
But this is absolutely not true, various living creatures have already adapted to poisons and poisons so much that they feel like full owners of your living space. This was a real tragedy for me until I ordered the Pest Redject ultrasonic repeller on the official website. But I'll start from the very beginning. Good day, my dears! I lived most of my life in an apartment in a multi-story building. We sometimes fought pests in the form of Prussians; they came and went. But I am a terribly squeamish person and obsessed with cleanliness. Therefore, you yourself understand that the Prussians did not stay with me for long and walked away. And then my husband and I were finally able to fulfill our dream and bought ourselves a house, leaving the apartment to our daughter. Everything is great, enjoying nature, finally our own garden and gazebo. The house had a beautiful and high-quality renovation, and it seemed that nothing could darken our dream. Suddenly, at the very first autumn cold, I began to hear a terrible rustling, mice came running to us.

I cannot convey to you my condition, it is so stressful for me. I understand that I am already old and have seen a lot of things in my life, but mice turned out to be my phobia, just like the Prussians in their time. I was not going to put up with them and let them live with us under the same roof. Early in the morning, after a sleepless night, I decided to go out into my front garden and tidy up my roses; our neighbor was also nearby. We got to talking with her, asked about rodent poison, and she said that they had been using the Pest Reject ultrasonic repeller for a long time. They turn it on both in the garage and in the house so that mice don’t get anywhere. My neighbor gave me hope for a possible quick and effective solution to my problem.

Experts' opinion

Reviews about the use of insect repeller are mostly negative. The fact is that not all pests communicate with each other via ultrasound. Neither bedbugs, nor cockroaches, nor flies, nor ants have organs that allow them to produce sounds of a certain frequency. This means that the device in question will be useless in the fight against these pests.

Bedbugs will live in the apartment together with humans and will not feel the effects of ultrasound. You can try to remove them for a long time, there will be no results. For this reason, there are negative reviews about such devices when it comes to fighting bedbugs and other crawling insects. Ultrasound also has no effect on cockroaches, but many users note that when the repeller is used for a long time, the pests lose orientation, crawl out during the day, and move chaotically.

Experts say that cockroaches are a type of insect that survives in any conditions. They tolerate cold, heat and even radiation, not to mention ultrasonic radiation. It is known that cockroaches feel free inside household appliances. This means that the electromagnetic field does not have a negative effect on pests.

Mosquitoes actually transmit ultrasonic signals to each other. This means you can try using a repeller to get rid of these parasites. Users in most cases are dissatisfied with the performance of this type of device, but there are also those who are ready to continue using it. This may be due to factors:

  • There were no other pests in the house except mosquitoes, which means that ultrasound really helped get rid of parasites,
  • Along with the repeller, auxiliary means were also used, for example insecticidal preparations,
  • there are few insects, and all of them were destroyed by humans.

In any of the cases, natural factors played a role, and not the use of a repeller. But such a device has a negative effect on rodents. Experiments were conducted to identify the most effective devices, and it turned out that today's popular repellers actually produce results in the fight against rats and mice. Rodents try not to fall within the range of the device, even if bait is placed in this area.

Description of the device

The Pest Reject device has a compact size, stylish and modern design. The body of the device is made of high-quality plastic. This is confirmed by the neatness of the workmanship; there are no protrusions, roughness, protruding wires or parts. The accuracy of execution is confirmed by the well-joined doors of the device. You can’t just take it and open it; the product reliably hides its filling inside the body. It is characterized by almost silent operation, occasionally emitting quiet clicks that do not disturb the people present in the room to relax or go about their business. To turn on the device in operating mode, you need an electrical outlet. The Pest Reject insect repeller is equipped with night lighting.

The main advantages of the device, as indicated by consumer reviews:

  • complete environmental safety for use in homes;
  • power consumption – 4 W/h;
  • works from a standard home power supply, there is no need to purchase chargers and batteries;
  • lack of addiction among pests to the effects of the device;
  • efficient work on an area of ​​200 m²;
  • noiselessness;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • can be used around the clock.

It’s easy to figure it out and start using the Pest Reject system; the instructions describing the product and rules of use are translated into Russian.

The super repellent Pest Reject does not have a negative effect on domestic dogs and cats, but in small domestic animals - guinea pigs, hamsters, domestic rats and others - it causes discomfort and depression.

Terms of use

Let's look at the step-by-step algorithm for use:

  1. Hide the packaging and read the instructions. It's in Russian.
  2. Inspect the device to ensure there is no mechanical damage. If they are, you need to demand a refund or replacement of the device.
  3. The plug is stationary, so Pestri Jack will fit into any outlet.
  4. When connecting to the network, make sure that all indicators are lit. This will mean that the device is intact and working.
  5. The device is designed for 220 V power, so you need to make sure that there is enough power in the room.

The device can work continuously. If it overheats, turn it off for a while. Overheating may be due to higher power in the network or voltage fluctuations.

Good to know! The differences are insidious and can cause the device’s microcircuits to burn out. If repair work is planned on the site, it is better to turn off Pestri Jack.

Places and conditions of use of the device

Customer reviews indicate that the device ideally frees homes from bedbugs. After all, these blood-sucking insects with their bites can cause stress in a person, which negatively affects his nervous system. There are cases when parasites become carriers of certain diseases.

Pest Reject performs its duties well and frees the house from bedbugs, ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, as well as mice and rats. Consumer reviews indicate that the device is effective in both modes.

Device operating conditions:

  • the temperature in the room can fluctuate in the range -30…+40°C;
  • air humidity – 20-90%;
  • continuous work cycle can last 5 years;
  • atmospheric pressure – 730-750 mm Hg.

Electromagnetic radiation has a depressing effect on household pests

The device is effective over an area of ​​200 m², which can be one or several rooms. The type of buildings does not matter. The device works well in:

  • residential premises;
  • administrative buildings;
  • common areas;
  • production workshops;
  • kindergartens, schools, hospitals, sanatoriums;
  • trade enterprises;
  • in garages, basements, and on the ground floors of houses.

The product allows computer and telecommunication networks to get rid of cockroaches and mice.

Super repellent Pest Reject does not have a negative effect on domestic dogs and cats

Who needs this device?

The device is suitable for all people who have pests in their home. Pest Reject helps:

  • from bedbugs;
  • from fleas;
  • from cockroaches;
  • from beetles;
  • from mice;
  • from spiders;
  • from mosquitoes;
  • from other insects.

The tested device is allowed to be used in an apartment, a private home, warehouses and industrial premises, shops and public catering establishments. Suitable for use in open areas in vineyards, orchards and vegetable gardens. Pest Reject is used on farms in chicken coops.

Operating principle of the Pest Reject ultrasonic repeller

According to official data from the manufacturer and according to the instructions included in the kit, the device emits ultrasonic waves , that is, sound outside the audible range of the human ear with a frequency of over 20 kHz. This device is not limited to ultrasound alone, and according to the manufacturer, Pest Reject also creates electromagnetic pulses in the electrical network of the room , which supposedly also repel bedbugs and cockroaches.

If we turn to entomology (the science of insects) and ask any entomologist whether ultrasound is capable of scaring off bed bugs or cockroaches in an apartment , then the answer we will hear is a firm no - it is not capable. Bed bugs and cockroaches do not naturally use sound waves to communicate and interact, so ultrasound means nothing to them. Moreover, in nature there are species of wild bugs that parasitize bats, including those living in caves. And as you know, bats use echolocation to navigate and fly in space, which is impossible without ultrasound.

As for electromagnetic pulses in the household electrical network of an apartment, the sensitivity of insects to such impulses is similar to the sensitivity of humans and pets, so if this repeller creates an unbearable sensation for bedbugs or cockroaches, then a person will not be able to stay in this room.

According to the physics course for the 8th grade of high school, any live electrical wiring creates an electromagnetic field. In the apartment there are many wires in the walls and simply lying on the floor, each of them creates its own field, and together there is a common electromagnetic background in the apartment, where bedbugs and cockroaches feel comfortable along with humans. Consequently, Pest Reject supposedly creates electromagnetic pulses , which actually exist in the apartment without it, which means this device is a dummy !

The cost of the Pest Reject ultrasonic repeller hardly exceeds $1 US , and with wholesale purchases from China, you can order hundreds and thousands of devices for $1.5-2 and successfully sell them in Russia. For example, in St. Petersburg the price of Pest Reject is from 500 rubles per piece . Now you can imagine what kind of super income you can get by selling this dummy. Now it becomes clearer to you why there are so many sites with positive reviews that are simply paid for and included in the advertising budget for the product.

Hence the extreme popularity of the ultrasonic repeller Pest Reject , which everyone has heard about and probably seen colorful advertisements in TV stores. On the Internet, upon request for a device, there are hundreds, or even thousands of sites with laudatory reviews, where everyone praises and is not overjoyed at such a miracle of purchasing for little money. However, there are no official research results, quality certificates, etc.

About the significant disadvantages of old methods

Rats, mice and insects cause inconvenience to people in apartments and private homes. In addition, pests spread dangerous infectious diseases, so when rodents are discovered, it is necessary to immediately begin exterminating them.

Old folk methods of fighting have significant disadvantages:

  1. Biological method when getting a cat. If there are a large number of rodents, the animal is powerless.
  2. Mousetrap . Not everyone is able to charge the device correctly. You must wear gloves when working, otherwise the human smell will scare away the animal. The mousetrap needs to be constantly checked and recharged. The owner must be constantly present in the premises. If the rodent is not removed in time, an unpleasant odor will begin to emanate from it.
  3. Glue . A rodent, running onto the sticky layer, becomes glued and cannot escape. Death occurs only after three days. At the same time, the animal constantly squeaks loudly.
  4. Chemical method : acute and cumulative poisons. The main disadvantage is that the rodent can crawl into any hard-to-reach place and die. However, there is no way to get rid of the terrible smell.

Advantages of Pest Reject

  • Efficiency. Pest Reject distributes ultrasonic electromagnetic (digital) pulses throughout all electrical wiring in the house. They affect the central nervous system of rodents and insects, causing them to feel discomfort. After one or two weeks, the pests leave the apartment or house forever. By connecting Pest Reject in one room, you can protect the entire house - an area of ​​up to two hundred square meters is exposed to electromagnetic waves.
  • Compact and simple. Pest Reject does not exceed 95 millimeters in length and 65 in width, and thanks to this it does not look bulky or awkward. The device is easy to use: just plug it into a properly functioning outlet. No battery replacement or regular switching on/off is required. Pest Reject is also equipped with LEDs, allowing you to see it at night.
  • Safety. Unlike pesticides, fumigators, gels, toxins and sprays, Pest Reject has absolutely no effect on humans. Emitting low-frequency waves, it also does not cause discomfort to pets: dogs, cats, birds, lizards and other animals. The body of the Pest Reject is made of plastic, it cannot be disassembled without the help of tools, which makes the device safe for children if they suddenly show curiosity and try to play with it. Due to the fact that rodents and insects do not die, but voluntarily leave the apartment, the user does not have to bother with cleaning up corpses or struggling with feelings of disgust and unpleasant odors.

Clinical researches

Pest Reject - a repeller of cockroaches, rodents and insects - is a unique device of its kind that has been created over many years. Upon completion of all numerous experiments, the new invention for eliminating pests in the house received documentation, which confirms its quality, safety and guarantees the effect of its use. But the manufacturer did not stop there. To dispel all doubts of skeptics about the new device based on the State Enterprise “Ukrmetrteststandart”, large-scale laboratory and mechanical tests were carried out in Moscow. Employees of the metrology organization observed how Pest Reject works for a month, and medical experts studied the effect of the device on people. As a result of the experiments, an amazing result was obtained:

  • in 100 study areas infested with pests, the elimination of harmful fauna was recorded by almost 99%, and egg laying and newborn offspring were destroyed by 100% in pest nests;
  • out of 1000 volunteers who took part in the research, not a single side effect was found under the influence of the unique device.

Such results made it possible to assert that a better and safer device does not yet exist. After all, all the capabilities of analogs promised by competitors are not confirmed by research, and they cannot boast of such results. According to doctors, the Pest Reject ultrasonic pest repeller is the first invention of its kind that has no real effect on humans, does not harm internal organs, and does not interfere with the functioning of the heart. Experts' conclusion - buy Pest Reject without any doubt, because only it can protect your home and give you comfort. According to consumer reviews, Pest Reject gives a quiet life without painful bites and itching, and also protects against the development of many infectious pathologies caused by rodents and mosquitoes.

Turning on the repeller

After purchase, most users may have problems turning on the device (as some suppliers lose the instruction insert from the packaging or even sell it without it). Manufacturers have tried to simplify it extremely, without forcing buyers to spend several hours figuring out how the device turns on, how to use it and which button to press for it to start working. It is enough to take a number of simple steps that even a child can handle:

  1. Plug the device into a properly functioning outlet.
  2. Make sure that the built-in LED lights light up, indicating that the device is working and allowing you to see it at night.

How does the device work on cockroaches?

Cockroaches are nocturnal insects, so their senses have adapted to the dark and help avoid the threat of death from nocturnal animals that also use ultrasonic waves for navigation.


The cockroach perceives ultrasound not only with the hearing organ, which is located on the last segment of the insect's abdomen, but also with other parts of the body. On the legs of a cockroach there are sensitive hairs that detect air vibrations. Ultrasonic waves cause these hairs to vibrate, causing the cockroach discomfort and forcing it to move away from the source of irritation.


Only adult insects have sense organs, so the repeller does not affect insect larvae and eggs. To achieve this, you need PestReject to work for a long time, at least 1-2 months, until all clutches of cockroaches turn into adult insects capable of “hearing” ultrasound.

It is worth emphasizing once again that the owner of Pest Reject will not detect insect corpses, which is perceived by some as a lack of effect. The Pest Reject cockroach repeller only drives insects out of the apartment.

Fact or Fiction

Often the reasons for negative reviews about the drug are the purchase of counterfeits and long delivery times. Positive reviews claim that the device is quite effective; the main thing is to buy it from a trusted manufacturer . You also need to follow the instructions, otherwise excesses cannot be avoided. It is best to go to the official website of the company and place an order there, only in this case the quality and efficiency of the device is guaranteed.

Practice shows that repellers work as they should, so there can be no room for doubt

According to the instructions for use of Pest Reject, you should not expect an immediate effect from the repeller. Many consumers have negative impressions because they expected the effect the same day they turned on the device. But this is impossible. It takes some time to achieve tangible results.

The cost of the Pest Reject repeller ranges from 500 to 3 thousand rubles. who want to make money on naive buyers demand an inflated price for goods

And the low cost suggests that it is definitely a fake. Today the price for the repeller on the official website along with a discount is 1390 rubles.

This video talks about an ultrasonic insect and rodent repeller:

The secret of action

Pest Reject will fit into any interior; it is stylish and compact, has a smooth body without protruding wires, which is especially important when there are children in the house. Its action is based on low-frequency magnetic radiation. A second after switching on, the impulses penetrate into the farthest cracks in the room and begin to negatively affect the nervous system of pests. Rodents do not die immediately: first they leave the territory, so cases when lifeless carcasses are found behind a cabinet are excluded.

The pest repeller only works effectively in medium-sized enclosed spaces

Pest Reject can be used over a large area, although the device has low power and consumes little energy. If the house is two-story, then it is worth installing one device on each floor.

You should not expect an instant visible effect from Pest Reject: insects, like rodents, begin to leave their usual habitat after three days of operation of the device. Flies and mosquitoes will also have no desire to fly into an open window. Only people and their pets will feel comfortable near the device.

Device characteristics

The repeller has a clear advantage: if you purchase it, there will be no need for other investments. Pest Reject runs on mains power and does not require any maintenance or additional equipment. If you use it correctly, then there will be no problems with repairs.

The main characteristics of the device are as follows:

  • Pest Reject is compact, measuring 6.5 cm x 7 cm x 11.5 cm;
  • weight is 160 grams;
  • radiation frequency 50−60 kHz;
  • coverage area up to 200 sq. m;
  • operates from a 220 V network;
  • The body is made of high quality white plastic.

The repeller is very easy to use, it also comes with instructions in Russian.

Customer Reviews

“Pest Reject” is the best device for combating unpleasant, harmful insects and rodents, and is a leader among all its competitors. This is evidenced by numerous positive customer reviews. Let's list some of them.

Victoria Ledneva from the city of Saratov says:

“I recently purchased the sensational Pest Reject insect repeller. During the entire summer, not a single mosquito or fly flew into the apartment, although the windows were wide open. The little child slept peacefully in the crib, not a single insect bit him. Although the neighbors constantly complained about the inability to sleep with the windows open due to the large number of winged bloodsuckers.”

Alexey Ageev from Lipetsk shares his impressions of using the device:

“The device is universal and performs its functions perfectly: the mice disappeared from the house in one day. And what’s remarkable is that in the grocery store located below us on the ground floor, they also disappeared, to the surprise of the sales workers. The only drawback is that the device broke down after 4 months for some unknown reason (possibly due to a voltage drop in the network). But during his work, not a single mouse appeared either in my apartment or in the store below us. In general, you will have to buy another device.”

Rosalia Moskvina from St. Petersburg writes:

“Recently, cockroaches began to crawl into our neighbor’s apartment and from time to time catch my eye. I tried all sorts of means: I put poison pills and poisoned her with dichlorvos - nothing helped. I recently heard about the Pest reject device, which repels insects and rodents, so I purchased it and installed it at home. Now not a single cockroach comes to us. Surprisingly, the neighbors began to say that they, too, had fewer of these animals. They want to buy such a device for their apartment.”

"Yurax" is a reliable and effective drug that is suitable for disinfestation and decontamination. The pine moth is a persistent pest of coniferous forests. Read about measures to combat this insect here.

Summer is not only a great time to relax, but also a time of activity for flies. If you are tormented by these annoying insects, then find out how to get rid of them by reading the article at https://stopvreditel.ru/doma/sredstva/kak-izbavitsya-ot-mux-v-dome.html link.

What is the advantage of this device?

This device has many more advantages and benefits compared to other pest control products. Let us list the reasons that speak for themselves and indicate the priority of this device:

  • it is non-toxic and safe for adults and children;
  • does not harm domestic animals - cats, dogs and birds;
  • practical to use, does not require recharging, is powered from the mains;
  • effective in combating all types of insects and rodents;
  • compact and attractive in appearance, has night light bulbs;
  • The electromagnetic radiation of the device covers about 200 square meters. meters.

By purchasing a Pest Reject device, you can throw away poisonous cans, tablets and powders, gels that had to be used at risk to the health and life of household members, children and pets. Pest Reject is a device of a new era, modern, efficient, safe, stylish.

After just a couple of weeks of its use, the effectiveness of the action will be noticeable - the unpleasant “inhabitants” of the house will leave its territory voluntarily and never return.

The only warning to lovers of decorative mice, rats and reptiles. If you have such a living creature at home, you will have to take it out of the house to protect it while the device is working, because these pets will not like the effect of the repeller and may harm it.

Advantages of the device

Every owner dreams of forgetting, like a bad dream, about the pests that used to be in the house or apartment. When all the rodents and insects disappear, the person will understand that he made the right choice.

In addition, the Pest Reject ultrasonic radiation device is recommended for the following reasons:

  1. In addition to expelling pests, diseases and various infections will leave the house.
  2. In the summer, there is no need to close the window at night: mosquitoes will not fly in and bite no one.
  3. There will be no need to worry about regularly changing the plates in the fumigator.
  4. There will be no need to hide food from the table to prevent insects from crawling on it.
  5. The device can work continuously all day long.
  6. Its price is lower than similar options.

This is interesting: an electronic insect repeller.

The Pest Reject repeller is one of the best options for dealing with unexpected guests. The device is safe and of high quality, with its help life will become more comfortable.

Rules of application

The main rule to follow when using this device is to protect your pets. So, if you have guinea pigs, rats, hamsters and other rodents in your house, they must be taken to another place while the device is operating. Since the action of Pest Reject is aimed at combating not only insects, but also rodents, your pets in cages and terrariums may feel discomfort. Long-term exposure can significantly harm their health. As for dogs, practice shows that a working Pest Reject does not cause them any discomfort. Fish are also not afraid of the device’s action.

The owner of the device has the ability to configure the required operating mode. Naturally, it is selected depending on which pests you have declared war against.

How to apply

You can buy the device on our website around the clock. We work seven days a week and without lunch breaks.

To place an order you must:

  1. Fill out the fields at the bottom of the page, indicating your full name and phone number. Be sure to write the country prefix.
  2. The manager will process the application and contact the client. Will tell you about current discounts and promotions. If necessary, he will explain the principle of using the device.
  3. If the buyer is satisfied with everything, the consultant will confirm the order.

The client purchases products without a trade markup at the cost of the manufacturer. The price does not change after placing an order.

Where can I use Pest Rejekt?

Since Pest Reject does not require any special operating conditions, it can be used almost anywhere. There is an opinion that such devices are not recommended to be turned on in places where food is eaten. However, this does not apply to this device. It can be installed in the kitchen without any problems. Its action does not in any way affect microwave ovens, refrigerators and other appliances that come into contact with food. In addition, you can safely leave food on the table and eat with the appliance turned on.

Also, many believe that similar devices are not intended for use in bathrooms and other rooms with high humidity or the likelihood of strong steam formation. However, this opinion is considered erroneous. Pest Reject will work properly, regardless of humidity and air temperature.

During operation, the device does not emit any toxic substances. This allows it to be used in medical and children's institutions. Even for pregnant women, it does not pose any danger.

How reliable are the reviews about the device?

It's no secret that the bulk of reviews about any product are published either by the manufacturers and sellers themselves, or by their competitors. Depending on their interest, laudatory or angry statements are made publicly available. Sometimes you come across such pearls that it becomes clear: the person has no idea what he is writing about. For example, the owner of a cafe chain reports that he does not cooperate with sanitary services, and the Pest Reject device protects him from parasites. And who gave him permission to open public catering establishments without an agreement with the SES?

Reviews from people who use Pest Reject for bedbugs are mostly negative. Considering that these insects live in bedrooms and children's rooms, the radiation from the device has a long-term effect on sleeping people. For months, people rest in the ultrasonic field, and the parasites both sucked blood and continue to suck. Many users, disappointed with the device, invited exterminators, and they solved the problem in one day.

Those who have used the device against rodents are also generally dissatisfied with the result. Modern cats can be spoiled and do not want to catch mice, so an “electronic cat” is often purchased for apartments and cottages. Most reviews say that after all the methods of independent control, the owners threw out the white flag and called the pest control service. There are comments that tell how rats chew through the floor and walls near the device.


The best reviews should be sought not on websites, but from friends and acquaintances. Talk to people who already use the device and can give you an unbiased opinion about it.

Who does the Pest Reject protect against?

The insect and rodent repeller Pest Reject has proven itself in the fight against various pests, including:

  • rats and mice;
  • moths, mosquitoes and flies;
  • cockroaches and ants;
  • spiders, fleas and bedbugs.

Such a device does not kill pests, but creates an unbearable situation for them in the affected area. As a result, harmful insects and rodents leave their habitable places in search of a new, more comfortable home for them. For people and pets (except for representatives of the class of rodents and reptiles), the repeller is completely safe and does not cause them the slightest discomfort.

Why do you need to fight insects?

Insects are a necessary element of nature, participating in food chains and benefiting plants. There are a huge number of species: caterpillars that become butterflies, bees, dragonflies, bumblebees, grasshoppers and others. However, in this class of animals there are creatures that are disgusting to humans and even pose a danger to his health:

  • Cockroaches . They often appear in apartment buildings, where not every neighbor can boast of cleanliness. They multiply quickly, smell food from a great distance and can mistake anything for food: soap, plastic, leather goods. The danger of pests is that they can bite, causing a serious allergic reaction in people; they are also carriers of helminthiasis, gastroenteritis, dysentery, salmonellosis, pneumonia and other terrible diseases.
  • Ants. Most often, people encounter garden and “house” ants. The danger of the former lies not in themselves, but in the aphids they move, causing damage to plants; the second type spoils food and is simply unpleasant for residents. They carry the pathogens of typhoid fever, tuberculosis and polio.
  • Bedbugs. Like cockroaches, these pests can come from untidy neighbors, but from time to time people themselves bring bedbugs into their homes by purchasing an infested mattress or pillow in a store. They carry syphilis, typhus, hepatitis B, HIV, tularemia and tuberculosis, which is dangerous for home owners. Their bites can easily be confused with mosquito bites, but bedbugs bite several times along a traceable trajectory.
  • Mosquitoes. To many, these summer insects seem harmless, but actual research has shown that their danger is very high: some species carry filariasis, fever, tularemia and many parasitic diseases.

In addition to insects, rodents often come into human homes:

  • Rats . Some species can reach 60 centimeters in length including the tail and weigh about half a kilogram. Rats attack people and can kill cats and children. At the same time, they carry plague, leptospirosis, typhus, tularemia, rabies and other dangerous diseases.
  • Mice. House mice, unlike the other creatures considered, coexist peacefully with humans and are timid. These are nocturnal animals that do not cause much harm to human health, but the damage they cause is expressed in food spoilage.

The danger of insects and rodents to humans is great, so at the first sign of pests appearing at home, you need to urgently take measures to remove them.

Pest Repeller: switching on, how the device works

What is Pest Repeller? This is a new generation ultrasonic repeller. It is an effective method of combating not only various rodents, but also all kinds of insects, spiders, etc. The device is a unique alternative to fly swatters, mousetraps and poisons.

The principle of its operation is very simple: when turned on, the device begins to create an ultrasonic signal that is practically not perceived by the human ear. This signal creates discomfort for most pests (both rodents and insects).

At the moment, there are only a few devices from different manufacturers in the world. Pest Repeller is one of them. It is patented in the United States. The effectiveness of its work has been noted in rooms up to 70 square meters. meters. Some sources talk about the effectiveness of the device over an area of ​​up to 200 square meters. meters.

Internal structure of the device

When connected, the Pest Repeller turns the entire electrical network in the house/apartment into one large electromagnetic device. The device has a special microprocessor built into it, which, using pulse technology, changes the electromagnetic field of all electrical wiring in the house, turning it into a “source” of fear for pests. This means that they feel unreasonable fear while in the field of action of the device.

Within the first week, the switched on device begins to have a positive effect.

Turning on the device for operation is very simple: you just need to connect the plug of the device to a socket with a voltage of 220 V and wait until the indicator light lights up (first green, then red).

Remember that this device is not a panacea, so it is necessary to optimize the conditions during its operation:

  • when turning on the appliance, close all windows and interior doors;
  • carefully cover food products so as not to attract pests and insects;
  • When bringing food, animal feed, or things into the house, be careful not to bring insects with them;
  • It was noticed that in the first days after starting to use the device, there was an increase in rodent activity - the manufacturer assures that this is a normal phenomenon, indicating that they will soon disappear.

Customer reviews are extremely contradictory

Distinctive features

The Pest Reject rodent repeller stands out for its huge number of distinctive features. This allows it to stand out from the crowd of all products used to protect the home from pests. The main distinguishing features of the device are as follows:

  • It does not have any negative impact on the health of children and animals, therefore it can be used in various conditions, regardless of the number of people in the house.
  • It operates from the mains, so the device does not require recharging and constant replacement of batteries, from which owners of other similar portable devices suffer.
  • Provides excellent efficiency, allowing you to rid your home of a large number of pests and bedbugs. With this device you can save a lot of money by ordering the services of specialized companies.
  • Pests never get used to the operation of this device. Regardless of the frequency of use and the number of pests in your home, you can always repel them with the help of the device.
  • The device provides the largest possible area of ​​action, making it possible to repel pests in large houses and apartments before they get inside.
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