What bait to put in a mousetrap - 6 favorite foods of mice and rats

Moving uninvited guests into an apartment or private property does not bode well for a pleasant neighborhood. People try to get rid of rodents as quickly as possible. Purchased mouse bait or a homemade trap does not guarantee their capture. It is important to know what to lure a mouse with.

What smell attracts mice - a strong, pleasant aroma of a natural and fresh product can lure a rodent into any trap.


When asked what mice love most, experts answer lard. Rodents can easily recognize high-calorie foods, which they can fill up quickly and for a long time. Lard is considered the most effective assistant in catching mice. To enhance its attractiveness, the treat is lightly fried with a match to make the smell more captivating. It is necessary to use fresh lard with an attractive aroma; the smell of old and stale lard repels them.

To save money, you can put the skin with the remaining lard in the rat trap. Such bait will not deteriorate for a long time and will retain an appetizing smell for the mouse.

Bread crust and sunflower oil

Sometimes the solution to a problem is so simple that one cannot believe in a positive result. Many people experiment with varieties of cheese and sausage, trying to lure pests into a trap. Meanwhile, rural residents have long identified the leader among mouse baits. They, like no one else, know what a mouse invasion is and how to fight it.

The mouse brethren are best caught on bread with a drop of sunflower oil. An important point is that the products must smell. It is recommended to use fresh white bread, or rather, its crust. Also, not any oil will do, but only unrefined sunflower oil. As an alternative, you can use refined oil after frying the meat.

Some people put food separately in the mousetrap - one bread or one butter. This can also be done, but then the effectiveness of the bait decreases.


Along with sunflower seeds, walnut kernels, peanuts or peeled hazelnuts are used as bait. The main thing is that they are without spices and flavorings.

Additional Information! Based on the list of treats that rodents love most, you can prepare an effective mixture for a mousetrap. You need to grind 1 oatmeal cookie, several corn sticks, a dozen peeled sunflower seeds and mix with 1 tsp. halva.

Best Ultrasound Devices

These models are usually made in China. The bottom line is that they repel rodents. Due to ultrasonic waves, mice are affected. They become uncomfortable being in the range of the device. That is, they independently leave this region. You can buy these priors in many specialized stores.

Important . Such devices have a limited range. It is also necessary to periodically change the batteries if they do not operate on 220 V. Gadgets have a limited range, so to protect a large area from mice you need to buy quite a lot of devices. They are really effective.


This device allows you to get rid of not only mice, but also insects. There is a fairly large operating area here, which is a very important advantage. The useful area is 200 sq. meters. However, items such as curtains, carpets and other furnishings that absorb sound can reduce the usable area by almost half. Manufactured in China. It is safe to use in an apartment. The device does not have a negative effect on cats, dogs or people. You may also be near a pacemaker. This is true for all models operating on ultrasound. However, if you have other rodents at home: hamsters, guinea pigs, it is recommended to abandon this device. The gadget works from the mains. However, the energy consumption is small. There is an indicator that allows you to understand whether the gadget is working normally. The price does not exceed 500 rubles.


  • made in China;
  • up to 200 sq. meters;
  • work from 220 V.


  • can be used at home;
  • low price;
  • compact gadget;
  • there are indicators;
  • really effective device;
  • works up to 3 years.


  • depends on the electrical network.

REXANT 71-0007

A very good gadget that is suitable for repelling rodents in the country. It has a large usable area and is very convenient to use. A built-in solar battery allows you not to waste electricity. However, during prolonged bad weather, the device may stop working. The manufacturer has provided a water protection level of IP68. To use, you just need to leave the gadget in the ground. It will get rid of rats, mice, moles and other rodents. Ultrasonic radiation extends to 30 meters. Durable plastic is used in production.


  • for street use;
  • there is a solar battery;
  • radius 30 meters;
  • IP68.


  • adequate price;
  • easy to find on the market;
  • effectiveness has been proven experimentally.


  • If the weather is bad for a long time, the efficiency decreases.


This is a product from a Russian manufacturer, which is considered one of the most popular today. It is used at home and in the garden. With its help, you can forget about the existence of mice and rats for a long time. Operates on voltage 220V. Capable of protecting against rodents over an area of ​​up to 150 square meters. meters. However, with the presence of sound suppression elements, this area is reduced.

Important . In the first days it may seem that there are more mice. But that's not true. The ultrasound causes them to become more active as they begin to experience discomfort. That is, they come out of their holes more often. However, after a few days there will be almost no pests left on the site.


  • made in Russia;
  • up to 150 sq. meters;
  • works from the mains.


  • easy to find in many stores;
  • works efficiently;
  • large area of ​​action;
  • uses energy economically.


  • depends on the electrical network.

Features of catching rodents

The choice of bait depends on the type of structure. If it has a hook, then it is necessary to attach a dense product (lard, sausage). The animal will pull the treat and the mousetrap will work. She will easily gnaw the seeds and nuts and run away. If the trap snaps shut due to the weight of the rodent, any bait can be used.

There are several types of devices for catching animals:

  1. A mechanical mousetrap includes metal elements attached to a rectangular wooden base. You need to securely attach the treat to the trigger lever. Insert the holder into it so that at the slightest contact it jumps off. The rodent follows the smell of the bait, touches it, and touches the trigger. The clamp slams shut, holding the victim tightly.
  2. A live trap allows you to release a caught mouse away from your home without harming it. Once in the trap cage, the door slams shut, and the mouse remains locked, with no chance of getting out.
  3. An electronic mousetrap kills a rodent with an electric shock. Such traps are effective for places where a large number of mice live (industrial premises, food warehouses). The device can be powered by mains or batteries.
  4. The repeller distributes high-frequency waves, making the presence of rodents uncomfortable. It dulls the animal’s instincts, creates uncomfortable living conditions, and forces it to leave the territory. Constant operation of the device will give the desired effect. Ultrasound is safe for people and pets. Such a device, installed in the attic or veranda, can even get rid of bats. Sometimes it is installed in greenhouses where jade vines are grown - a favorite delicacy of bats. The main thing is to use a high-quality device from a well-known class=”aligncenter” width=”960″ height=”720″[/img]

Advice! To catch mice, a device on a wooden base is used; for rats, a heavier metal structure is needed.

It’s easy to make a trap for an animal with your own hands from scrap materials. There are several ways to catch a rodent:

  1. Place a bucket of water at the edge of the tabletop, on which a sheet of paper with bait is placed. Half of it should lie on the table, and the second (with bait) should hang over the container with liquid. The mouse, under the influence of the smell, approaches the bait, the paper overturns, and the rodent falls into the water.
  2. A plastic bottle used as a mousetrap eliminates contact with the caught animal. You need to cut off the neck, put a treat on the bottom, and place the container horizontally on a table or shelf. Part of the bottle with bait should lie on the edge and hang down a little. The structure is attached to the table with a strong thread. When the rodent is trapped, the bottle falls under its weight and hangs on the rope.
  3. A glass jar is placed upside down on the edge of the coin, and bait is placed under the jar. The mouse follows it inside, the coin falls, and the container falls onto the neck, blocking the animal inside.

Interesting! To exterminate mice, an unusual mixture of flour with gypsum or alabaster in a 2:1 ratio has long been used. Near the places where rodents move, place 2 plastic lids, one of which contains this mixture, the other contains ordinary water. The mouse absorbs flour with plaster and washes it down with water. Alabaster or plaster, in contact with liquid, hardens right in the animal’s stomach, which is why it soon dies.

Baits are used to attract rodents into the trap, but are sometimes mixed with poisonous agents. The drug “Nutcracker” is considered the most effective means of fighting mice. Used indoors and outdoors. It does not have a pronounced odor, but attracts mice. The consistency resembles stiff dough or green plasticine.

A mouse poisoned by poison can die anywhere; it is not always possible to find it. A terrible smell will spread in the house, corpses may end up in hard-to-reach places, under floors, in holes, in cracks. In addition, such means of bullying are dangerous for children and pets.

Making poisonous bait for rats

To hide a poison such as Krysid or Zookumarid, you can use the following compounds:

  1. Beer or milk. Mice and rats cannot resist beer, so it is a good basis for poisoning.
  2. Various meat-based soups.
  3. Raw minced meat with lard or egg.
  4. Boiled egg, finely chopped.
  5. Dough with spices and various seasonings.

Poison is added to the specified food base in the amount specified in the instructions. If beer or milk was used, then the poison is simply diluted in liquid poured into a saucer. When consuming other foods, they are rolled into balls, after adding poison. For example, take 0.1 kg of minced meat, mix with 850 g of white bread, and add 50 g of Zookoumarin. Mix everything well and roll the resulting mixture into dense balls. You must work with gloves.

The bait is installed on cardboard in the place where the rats were seen. Measures must be taken to keep pets and children away.

Catching mice with glue

A popular extermination method is the sticky trap. Special glue for catching rodents is sold in stores. It is applied to a sheet of cardboard, which is left in places where the rodent moves. One touch with the composition ensures a strong grip of the rodent with the trap, from which it will not detach.

It is not necessary to use bait for this trap; otherwise, it is recommended to place a non-perishable product (lard, a piece of bread dipped in vegetable oil) in the middle.

What about cheese?

The idea that rats and mice love cheese most of all has spread thanks to cartoons. You can see a rodent chasing a cheese treat in Tom and Jerry, Chip and Dale, and Ratatouille. Perhaps a mouse with cheese looks more aesthetically pleasing than one with lard.

Be that as it may, real rodents don't like cheese. It is a myth. Of course, if the mouse is hungry, it may bite into a piece of cheese. But other baits work much more effectively.

If you decide to catch a mouse with cheese, use a smoked product. It attracts rodents much better.


With the onset of cold weather, mice and rats move into people's homes in search of food and warm shelter. They live in barns, warehouses, attics, chicken coops, storage rooms, apartments and houses, where there is something to eat.

In order to prevent the appearance of rodents, you must follow the recommendations:

  • sweep up crumbs on the kitchen floor and table;
  • regularly take out the food waste bin;
  • do not leave bags and containers with cereals and pasta open, and remove spilled grains in a timely manner;
  • empty utility rooms of garbage and old rags;
  • close the gaps between the wall and baseboards, next to the sewer pipes.

To effectively exterminate rodents, it is important to consider what kind of bait mice like. A suitable trap, knowledge of the behavior and taste preferences of cunning rodents, and installation of several traps are the main measures for catching gray pests. It’s easier to prevent rodents from entering your home than to hunt uninvited “neighbors.”

Special traps with bait

If a person does not want to bother with installing a mousetrap and bait himself, then he can buy a finished product. Some manufacturers produce ready-made traps with bait inside. Such systems are chemically and environmentally safe, since if a child or pet accidentally tries the poison, nothing will happen to them.

The mechanism itself is designed only for a rat or mouse that has climbed into a trap. The bait is reusable, it can be changed, and it does not lose its aroma. If after the death of the rat there is no bait left in the trap, then the kit includes fresh bait, which retains its properties attractive to mice for 12 months. You can use any of these traps, for example, Supercat from Swissinno. The trap comes with instructions that allow you to properly install and equip the device.

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Clean House Granules

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Glass jar and coin trap

This homemade mousetrap from a jar is simple and can also be made from a saucepan, and if desired, the coin can be replaced with a large button or a metal washer. A coin (button, washer) serves as support for the raised edge of the jar. A strong thread with a hook at the end is glued or tied to the support. A rod is installed inside the container (you can use wire, a twig, etc.), through which the thread is thrown. The bait is put on the hook.

Attracted by the aroma, the mouse pulls the hook with the bait, after which the thread tightens and pulls the support out from under the can. For maximum effectiveness, the bait should be placed at a distance of 2-4 cm from the surface. The disadvantage of the trap is that it requires reloading. That is, having “covered” one mouse, the can ceases to be effective.

In a simpler version, the bait can be glued to the wall of the jar, then when you try to get to it, the mouse will shake the jar, which will lead to the support falling.

In order to remove a caught rodent, it is convenient to slip a sheet of cardboard under the triggered can.

Other ways to get rid of mice are described here.

How to understand that there are mice in the house

The main symptom is mouse droppings. In appearance, it resembles dark rice granules about 6 millimeters long. For comparison, rat droppings are about twice the size—about 12 millimeters in length.

Another clear sign of mice is chewed food boxes, dirt and strange debris on the shelves.

If one mouse runs somewhere, most likely there are several more hiding in the house. Since one rodent was able to enter the room, others probably did as well. In addition, their number is increasing very quickly.

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