Antiparasitic products Inspector Total C For dogs from 1 to 4 kg

How do the drops work?

Inspector drops on the withers are not only for dogs; they are successfully used to eliminate cat fleas. Their use is justified in case of insect attacks:

  • fleas;
  • demodectic mites;
  • ear mites;
  • sarcoptic mites;
  • ixodid ticks;
  • lice eaters;
  • lice.


Inspector Total C for dogs and cats successfully fights many types of helminths.

The product owes a large number of positive reviews to its versatility. Experts recommend it when many external and internal parasites are detected.

Who should not use the Inspector

Modern developments that are used to create drops have made them as safe and accessible as possible for all breeds of cats. Despite this, the manufacturer identifies some categories of animals for which the use of insecticide is unacceptable.

Inspector Total K for cats instructions prohibit application to:

  • cats under 7 weeks old;
  • lactating females;
  • pregnant women;
  • weakened after illness;
  • suffering from an infectious disease;
  • animals with individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Composition of the drug

Drops Inspector
There are two active ingredients (components) in the drops: moxidectin and fipronil. These are low-toxic substances that do not harm animals.

Fipronil is a phenyl compound. It impairs the absorption of chlorine by organisms, damaging the nerve impulse transmission system, blocking the parasite's body systems. This condition quickly leads to death. Moxidectin affects the functioning of nerve cells. As a result, the activity of the insect's muscles is disrupted, paralysis and rapid death occur. The drops contain 2.5% moxidectin and 10% fipronil - this amount is sufficient to destroy a significant number of pests.

Efficiency and effect of the drug

Drops for the treatment of fleas and worms "Inspector" during tests showed effectiveness against more than a dozen different parasites, including lice, lice, and round intestinal worms. The combination of fipronil and moxidectin disrupts the normal metabolism of “guests” and blocks the exchange of signals in their nervous system. Subsequently, muscle paralysis develops, leading to failure of breathing, feeding of parasites, and then death of individuals.

The effect of the drug extends not only to adult parasites, but also to juveniles, which in the future will emerge from larvae and eggs. This eliminates the danger of re-development of the disease after the destruction of sexually mature bloodsuckers and intestinal flukes.


Like most medications, it is permissible to use Inspector drops with certain reservations. So, contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • age up to 7 weeks;
  • illness or recovery period, time after whelping or taking medications with lactones;
  • intolerance to the drug.


For dogs prone to allergic reactions, drops should only be applied under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Release forms and indications

The remedy for flea bites “Inspector” is available in several versions. Each of them is selected in accordance with the weight and height characteristics of pets, designed to combat parasites (worms and fleas) in cats and kittens.

There are 2 forms of release, focused on the weight of the animal:

  1. “Inspector” for body weight up to 4 kilograms. Optimal for adult small cats and older kittens. Before use in young animals, make sure that their age matches that indicated in the instructions.
  2. Drops for cats weighing 4 kilograms or more. The Inspector bottle has a pipette shape.

The drug acts as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, this is confirmed by clinical experience of use. Indications for use are not only obvious symptoms of infection, but also the natural desire of the owner to prevent the disease.

But it should be remembered that in addition to “cat” drops, there are also preparations intended for dogs. They have different proportions and composition, aimed at large body weights. They should not be used on cats.

Side effects

Drops Inspector
If the instructions for use of drops Inspector for dogs are followed exactly, the likelihood of adverse reactions is minimal. If the dosage is exceeded, itching or redness of the skin may occur. These symptoms go away on their own.

Allergy sufferers may experience a reaction to the drug, although this happens in exceptional cases. If this happens, the drops must be washed off and the pet must be given an antihistamine.

Precautionary measures

It is necessary to use the flea remedy Inspector in strict compliance with the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. Despite the high level of safety, side effects may occur. They appear as:

  • itching;
  • redness;
  • nausea;
  • development of an allergic reaction.

In this case, treatment should be stopped and the area where the drops were applied should be washed with running water. To quickly relieve your cat's condition, give her an antihistamine.

Use for various diseases

Depending on the type of parasite, the technique or frequency of application may vary.

  • To treat ticks, lice, fleas and lice, Inspector must be applied once. As a preventive measure and maintenance in the summer, secondary use after 30-45 days is permissible. If infested with fleas, treatment is carried out once a season.
  • To get rid of ear mites, you should apply the product once. Before use, the dog's ears must be cleaned with cotton swabs, removing dirt, oil and mite feces. If the disease was detected in an advanced stage, after a month it is necessary to treat the ears again.
  • To destroy subcutaneous and scabies mites, the drug is applied twice, with a break of 30 days.


Only a doctor can increase the number of applications.

Owner reviews

Ksenia-M: “We recently bought these drops for the first time. We chose them because of the price: they are relatively inexpensive. I can’t speak about the effect - it turned out that our dog was itching not because of parasites. But the drug has almost no smell, the animal tolerated it well, there were no side effects. True, it’s inconvenient to apply: a lot of solution flows out of the pipette at once.”

Daria Savina: “I used these drops for all 7 years of my dog’s life. But I was disappointed with the last treatment. The veterinarian strongly advised us to additionally use antiparasitic collars and give the animal a deworming pill. I waved it off. And she paid the price: first she removed ticks after a walk, and then also removed fleas after overexposure. In general, I will look for another remedy.”

YuliaYa1977: “I like it because of its complex action: in one fell swoop it gets rid of worms, fleas and ticks. True, I don’t believe in 100% effectiveness - I still check the dog for insects after walks. But it works well. What’s confusing is that you can’t wash and cuddle your pet for several days; you even have to plan your walks so as not to get caught in the rain.”

Application procedure

Inspector drops for dogs, instructions for which are included in the package, should be applied according to the recommendations of a specialist.

  • The drug is applied to dry, healthy skin. Most often it is dripped onto the withers, where the dog cannot lick the product. To ensure that the Inspector gets onto the skin without remaining on the fur, the hairs are pulled apart and the drops are applied directly to the skin.
  • To treat small breed dogs, just drop a drop in one place on the withers. For large dogs, the dose should be distributed over 4-5 points.

After treatment, you should not wash your pet for at least a week. If the animal lives in an apartment, it must be treated.

Applying flea drops

General information

Inspector drops are manufactured in Russia; the manufacturer is the Ecoprom company.

The drug is intended for external use only. Available in the form of a solution, which is a light yellowish or colorless oily liquid, which is packaged in polymer pipettes of 0.4; 1; 2.5; 4 ml. These pipettes are packaged in polymer blisters, which are placed in cardboard boxes along with instructions.

“Inspector” - drops for such animals that must be stored in the manufacturer’s packaging in a dark, dry place, away from feed and food, at a temperature of - 0°C - 30°C. After opening the package, the drops must be used immediately; storing them open is unacceptable. The drug remains valid for 3 years from the date of production.

Rules for working with the drug

Inspector drops for dogs, reviews of which confirm their effectiveness, are packaged in convenient bottles with a pipette. But when working, you must follow safety rules with chemicals.

  • You cannot handle your dog in the kitchen;
  • After work, you should wash your hands well with soap;
  • while using the Inspector, you must not eat or drink;
  • Do not allow children to pet the dog for 4 days so that they do not touch the drug;
  • In case of contact with skin, wash the area thoroughly with soap and water.

How many times should I use the drug?

The rules for applying the drug “Inspector” (drops for dogs) were presented above. The instructions, however, also give instructions on how often it is necessary to treat the animal against fleas, lice and ticks.

To rid an animal of parasites, it is enough to apply the drops just once. However, if you want to prevent re-infection, then treatment should be carried out every 4-6 weeks during the entire period of activity of blood-sucking parasites.

The drug begins to act after 24 hours. Therefore, if you decide to walk your animal in places where there is a large concentration of ticks, then the treatment should be carried out a day before the planned walk.

To destroy an attached tick, you need to apply 1 drop of the drug to the parasite itself and the place to which it has attached. It should fall off within 20 minutes. If this does not happen, then after the specified time has passed, carefully remove the tick using tweezers and destroy it.

Storage method

Drops should be stored in dark places out of reach of children. The medicinal properties of the Inspector last up to three years. Inspector drops are a low-toxic product of a new generation. The mixture of safety and effectiveness makes it so popular among owners of dogs and other animals.

The following drops have shown good results in the fight against fleas in pets:

  • Barrier;
  • Dana Ultra Neo;
  • Blokhnet;
  • Celandine;
  • Leopard.

Reviews of the drug from dog breeders

Evgenia, Surgut. Every summer we go with the whole family to the dacha. Our Linda, although she is a titled beauty and a participant in many exhibitions, also loves this period. After all, it is at the dacha that she can run freely around the area near the house. The only downside is that she inevitably meets yard dogs, who happily share their “property” with her - fleas. The nearest store had only one flea drug - Inspector. You had to take it at your own risk without consulting a doctor. The product turned out to be excellent. The fleas were removed and we were able to sleep peacefully until the end of summer, knowing that our Lindochka was under reliable protection.

Tamara, Birobidzhan. Ice is a fairly active pet who lives in our apartment. He is one of the large dog breeds that needs constant movement - the Hungarian Kuvasz. Therefore, three times a day we take him to an enclosure specially designated for walking, where he meets other brothers. Naturally, from time to time we bring home fleas, and sometimes ticks. Inspector was not the first drug that we tried in the fight against parasites. But it was he who took pride of place in Ice’s first aid kit. The treatment is easy, the drug is reasonably priced, and the effectiveness is high. We now recommend this product to all our friends and neighbors.

Dog owners speak positively about the drug Inspector.

Mikhail, Barnaul. Since we live in Siberia, we have a pressing problem with seasonal insects such as mosquitoes and midges. We are not protected from traditional parasites - fleas and ticks. In view of this, we needed a drug that would become a universal defense for Bach. It was scary to conduct tests on our own pet, so we turned to a specialist with this problem, who advised us to use the Inspector. Surprisingly, this product exceeded our expectations. Firstly, it was extremely easy to use, and secondly, it is truly effective against most known parasites found in dogs.

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