Tsifoks for bedbugs instructions and how to dilute the product

Tsifoks against bedbugs is used by SES workers for professional treatment of the premises. Currently considered one of the most effective drugs. Subject to compliance with disinfestation rules, it is allowed for independent use at home.

Tsifoks instructions for use and how to dilute the drug

The product is sold as a concentrate. Before use, prepare an aqueous solution. Useful for 8 hours. Since it is used for different types of insects, the ratio is different in each case. It also depends on the extent of the damage.

  • Bugs – 50 ml;
  • Fleas – 50 ml;
  • Ants – 50 ml;
  • Rat and scabies mites – 50 ml;
  • Flies – 100 ml;
  • Cockroaches – 50-100 ml.

Tsifoks - how to breed

The Tsifox instructions indicate the ratio of 2 ml of 0.05% drug per 1 liter of water for a large number of bedbugs. In other cases, a 0.01% solution is sufficient. This is 0.4 ml for the same amount of water.

The concentrate is poured into water and mixed thoroughly for 5 minutes. Then it is placed in a sprayer and disinfected. For a non-absorbable surface, 50 milliliters of solution is sufficient. The absorbed surface must be treated with one hundred milliliters.

Let's sum it up

If we draw conclusions from all of the above, we can note the high effectiveness of the drug at a low price. Tsifoks shows good results, and this is perhaps the most important parameter. But despite this, toxicity and possible health hazards must be taken into account. If you choose this product, then the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and completely protect yourself and the people living in the apartment.


  • https://GdeKlop.ru/insecticide/klopy/tsifoks-ot-klopov/
  • https://rusfermer.net/dom-kvartira/vrediteli-vd/klopy/borba-s-klopami/sredstva-ot-klopov/cifoks.html
  • https://netzhukam.ru/klopy/sredstva-ot-klopov/sredstvo-ot-klopov-cifoks.html
  • https://domovod.guru/borba-s-vreditelyami/sredstva-ot-vreditelej/cifoks-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu-i-kak-razvodit.html
  • https://misterklop.ru/klopy/sredstvo-ot-klopov-tsifoks-otzyvy-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu
  • https://usatym.net/tarakany/cifoks-ot-kleshhej-klopov-i-drugix-nasekomyx-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu-kak-razvodit/
  • https://klopvon.ru/klopy/cifoks-ot-klopov-kak-razvodit-gde-kupit-cena-otzyvy.html
  • https://StopKlopam.com/tsifoks-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu/
  • https://KlopVred.ru/klopy/sredstvo-tsifoks-ot-klopov/


Digital price – where to buy

The drug is sold in polymer containers of 0.1 l or glass containers of 5 l. The cost depends on the region of residence and the displacement.

  • “Tsifoks” - the price of 500 ml is 400 - 655 rubles;
  • "Tsifoks" - price 50 ml 90 -200 rubles.

buy Tsifoks in Moscow for 550 rubles with a capacity of 0.5 liters.

buy Tsifoks in Krasnodar for 180-200 rubles with the same capacity.

After identifying the drug, a natural question arises: “Tsifox – where to buy it?” . It is sold in specialized stores, hardware departments and on Internet sites. You can purchase the drug at a lower price with free delivery without leaving your home. Digital is easy to buy. The main thing is to use it correctly.

Tsifoks instructions for use - precautions

The use of the drug requires the presence of a protective suit, gloves and a respirator. As a last resort, masks. The product is toxic and can cause poisoning.

Food and utensils must be removed from the premises. As a last resort, cover with cling film.

There should be no children, other people or animals in the room during processing.

After completing the procedure, it is advisable to take a shower, wash your hands and wash your face.

The room is ventilated for 30 to 60 minutes. Wet cleaning should be done no earlier than after 9-12 hours.

Preparing the apartment for processing

All preparation is made in advance. First, you need to remove all things from the closets. Food, children's toys and dishes should be placed in plastic bags. Household appliances must be covered with thick films. To prevent a short circuit in the wiring, it is recommended to de-energize the room.

Residents and pets must leave the disinfestation site. Indoor flowers must be taken out of the territory of the room being treated or covered tightly with bags.

People and animals can return to the premises only after the premises have been completely cleaned and ventilated.

Reviews of digital media from experts are extremely positive. This is a professional product, so the manufacturers stated that the user will be satisfied with the effect of the substance. People who have used Tsifoks provide exclusively positive reviews on the forums.

If your war against insects has reached a dead end and is not bringing any results, then professionals confidently recommend the use of Digitalis for the effective destruction of bedbugs. After all, in order for bedbugs to leave your home forever and no longer bother you, you need to use truly killer substances.

Bedbugs are poisoned with tsifoks not only at home. It is also used in specialized services, because this drug is considered the most effective. For bedbugs, the tsifox is the biggest enemy and the most effective killer.

Tsifoks - customer reviews

Each drug is tested on the Internet before purchase. We found out the name and started looking for reviews. Manufacturers can write whatever they want on the packaging. Buyers provide a realistic assessment. Regarding digital, the reviews are mostly positive. Proper use and intended use is the key to excellent results. Grateful customers are eager to share their opinions with others.

You can come across negative responses, but they are written “according to a template,” that is, simply to ruin your reputation. Like, it’s not effective, it doesn’t work. However, the opinion of the majority is taken into account.

Tsifoks instructions for use - reviews

Tsifoks reviews about it are positive. It is used by both special services and ordinary people.


“A wonderful remedy. Works 100%. Only the instructions indicate that it should be diluted with a large amount of water. I make a more concentrated solution. I had to use it twice. The first time cockroaches appeared. The second is bedbugs. It worked in both the first and second cases. You just shouldn’t spend the night indoors that same day. Evaporation occurs and is fraught with poisoning. I carried out disinfection in a protective suit and a respirator!”


“The bedbugs came to me from the neighbors. I suffered with them for a long time, then I called the “rescue” service. The guy disinfected it and sent me out for a walk for about three hours. I asked what he treated with, and he said Cypermethrin. It is part of Tsifoks. I bought it for myself. Bedbugs live in the neighborhood - there is a chance that they will appear again. It is necessary to treat doorways, window sills and all cracks on the wall and floor. I do this once a month for prevention. The bastards are sick of me with their bites - I’m afraid of a repeat!”


“I poisoned bedbugs with digital in a rented apartment. I got a surprise. I did not specify where they came from. I bought the product and began to destroy it. I cleaned the entire room. I had to spend the night with a friend. The smell was very strong. The next day I felt it, but not like that. The store assured that it is not dangerous to humans. It didn't affect my body. The bugs are dead. There was no need to do a second disinfection. The product is very good. Effective. I ordered it online. There was no time to run around the city looking!”


“We have bedbugs in our summer cottage. It's summer time, but you can't stay in nature. They are not allowed to sleep and are tormented by bites. The husband promised to deal with them and kept his promise. I bought a digital phone. They advised him at the store. A week later we enjoyed nature and our cozy house. The drug helps remarkably. Kills bedbugs with a bang!”


“I live in a hostel. Bedbugs bother me from time to time. I'm fighting digital. It works quickly and surely. The bugs disappear after 10 days. Two disinfections are required with a break of 5 days. First, all adult individuals are destroyed, then only those that appear. In my case, it is not possible to remove them completely. You need to poison the entire hostel at once. And so, they disappear and appear again after a while!”


“I read about this drug on the Internet. It was not found in the stores in our city. I ordered it online. I'm pleased with the result. The price is reasonable. Availability is poor!”

Many people recommend this remedy for bedbugs. Read >>>!

How to remove bedbugs from an apartment

In the case of a small number of insects, it is necessary to treat the places where parasites were noticed. Be sure to pay attention to furniture frames, the backs of paintings, carpets, rugs, baseboards and walls where wallpaper has peeled off. Thoroughly disinfect the sleeping area - bed or sofa.

In case of severe contamination of the premises, treatment is carried out not only in the sleeping area, but throughout the entire apartment. Window sills, doorways and sewers must be treated.

How to get rid of bed bugs in a multi-story building

Bedbugs do not appear on their own. They must be brought to you or there is open access to insects from neighbors. This happens most often. Disinfection of a separate apartment will not show good results. After some time, the insects will appear again.

The whole house is treated. All residential and non-residential premises. Ideally, the sanitary and epidemic service is called for these purposes. As practice shows, residents struggle with this problem on their own.

The boy was bitten by bedbugs while he was sleeping

Why do bedbugs not bite everyone?

Bed bugs choose victims with delicate, thin skin. It is easier to bite through and looks attractive. Children, women and men with sensitive skin are susceptible to bites.

The varying degrees of a person's allergic reaction give the impression that bedbugs do not bite everyone. For some, bites lead to severe itching and redness. In others, the skin lesions are barely noticeable.

The bug samples the blood of all residents. He chooses the “tastier” one and makes all subsequent meals there.

When bites are detected, the first question arises: “ What should I apply to prevent bedbugs from biting ?” Insects are afraid of strong pungent odors. You can scare away with essential oils. Suitable:

  • tansy;
  • mint;
  • Melissa;
  • sagebrush;
  • carnation;
  • geranium;
  • eucalyptus;
  • basil;
  • tea tree;
  • rosemary.


Instructions for using Tsifoks against bedbugs provide for treating the premises in accordance with the rules.

  1. Clean the house, vacuum, wash the floors.
  2. Move furniture away from the walls.
  3. Remove pets from the apartment.
  4. Cover aquariums and terrariums tightly.
  5. Cover sockets and ventilation grilles with cling film.
  6. Remove food, clothing, dishes, and bedding.

Disinsection is carried out with open windows, since the product is highly toxic with a strong unpleasant odor. Initially, bedbug nests are sprayed, then the places where the parasites hide - baseboards, the back of furniture, walls, peeled wallpaper. Finally, the floor and ceiling.

Upon completion, you can close the windows and leave the room for at least 2 hours. Upon return, ventilate well. It is recommended to do partial wet cleaning 12 hours after disinsection only in places where hands can touch. You are allowed to spend the night in the apartment every other day.

On a note!

The action of the poison is neutralized by an alkaline environment. Add baking soda to warm water. For 1 liter of liquid, 1 teaspoon of the product. Stir, pour in liquid soap.

After 14 days, it is recommended to re-treat to consolidate the result. General cleaning should be done only after a month.

Tsifoks - how to breed against mosquitoes

Tsifoks against bedbugs is used much more often than against other insects. Effectively fights mosquitoes. The solution is prepared in the same way. For one liter of water, 0.4 ml of 0.1% concentrate. Or 2 ml of 0.05% concentrate. The liquid is placed in a spray bottle.

Tsifoks against mosquitoes, reviews


“Cool tool. We use it outdoors. We just make less concentrate. Spray on clothes. We don't take children with us. Used only on adults. They poisoned mosquitoes in their summer cottage. I had to stay overnight, and they were in darkness. While they were outside, the room was treated. We ventilated before going to bed and slept peacefully!”


“Very good mosquito repellent. Diluted in the ratio specified in the instructions. You don't need more concentration, and you don't need less. Diluted and sprayed on clothes. Insects did not bother us at all. Mosquitoes circled around but didn’t land on us. Enough action for a day. You need to spray carefully so as not to get it on your skin. It’s better not to use it on children – it’s still chemicals!”


“It’s a little scary to try against mosquitoes. They write that disinfection must be carried out in a protective suit, gloves and a mask. And then spray your clothes and sit in them. I don't want to breathe poison. The mosquitoes will die, no doubt about it! And it can have other effects on your health! I don't take risks and I don't recommend it to others. Lots of other mosquito repellents!”

Bedbugs in the apartment


“I had to deal with this drug. We were relaxing in nature, a friend took a mosquito repellent. The insects were blown away by the wind. It became calm and fun. Then I felt nauseous and dizzy. Vomiting ruined the whole holiday. I do not recommend using it for these purposes. It’s fraught with consequences!”

Composition and release forms

The remedy for bedbugs Tsifoks is a 25% solution of the active substance cypermethrin. This is approximately 2-3 times more than in other chemical products based on this insecticide. In addition, the manufacturer included emulsifiers, fragrances and solvents in the composition.

The drug is available in liter and half-liter bottles, as well as small 50 ml bottles. Inside contains an almost transparent, slightly yellowish liquid with a strong specific odor.

Other drugs for bedbugs

Karbofos remedy for bedbugs

Modern insecticide. It is used to destroy insects in residential and administrative or industrial premises. Complete elimination of parasites is possible in 3 disinfections. In terms of toxicity level it is classified as middle class. When using, be sure to have protective equipment. Available in liquid and powder form.

kakrbofos for bedbugs

Surfaces are treated using a spray gun. A significant drawback is the strong smell. After treatment, be sure to ventilate the room for 30-60 minutes.

It completely evaporates within two weeks. If insects are present, disinfection must be repeated.

Foresight tool

Forsyth is a multi-purpose drug that is used against many pests. Often used to combat bedbugs. A significant disadvantage is that it does not destroy insect eggs, it only affects the adult individual. After a certain time, you need to treat the room again. This is done to completely destroy insects.


It is considered a low-hazard substance. However, it is better to carry out disinfection in a protective suit. Inhalation of vapors may cause poisoning. Headache, dizziness, and nausea appear. It is necessary to treat the room as quickly as possible and go out into the fresh air. Ventilate the home for an hour.

Dust powder for bedbugs

Dust is a product that has been proven over the years. In terms of exposure time it is inferior to modern means, but in terms of duration it is superior. To kill the insect, the powder must get inside. That is, the bug needs to try it. Retains properties for a long time - it will protect old and newly born bedbugs.

Quite simple to use. There is no need to make a solution and spray - just apply the product in those places where insects were noticed and where they may appear.

Modern dusts are odorless and vaporless. Relatively safe for humans.

Chalk Mashenka

The drug has been used for a long time and, among many modern insect repellents, does not lose its effectiveness. The product is presented in the form of a chalk. Does not have a specific smell. It is necessary to lubricate the surfaces and the drug will begin to act. It is most often used to control bedbugs. They lubricate the backs of the sofa, the frame and the legs of the bed.

A favorite and effective remedy for harmful parasites that has saved more than a single family.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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