Instructions for using the drug Raid to control bedbugs in the house

Having discovered blood-sucking parasites in their home, most people try to deal with the problem on their own. Moreover, hardware stores offer a huge selection of insecticides. One of the most popular options is the Raid bedbug aerosol. Let's figure out how to use this insecticide correctly.

Bed bugs are incredibly resilient creatures, they quickly adapt to adverse conditions and have the ability to develop resistance to poisons. Therefore, insect control is a difficult task. However, if the degree of infection of the apartment is low, then you can do without the help of professionals. One of the most popular drugs is Reid.

Gentle means

If you managed to notice bedbugs at the initial stage of infection, then to destroy them you can use any available means - dusts, crayons and universal aerosols.
Surely among them you will find a remedy that will rid you of parasites and help restore a calm moral environment to your home. Of the variety of universal aerosols, consumers most often choose the “Raid” product. The drug has a wide spectrum of action and can be used to kill any flying and crawling insects. Although it is not as toxic as highly specialized drugs, you should follow safety precautions when using it.

In the pencil class, it is the best at killing bedbugs.” The drug does not have a specific odor; the active substance it contains does not immediately cause death in insects. Due to the slow action, the insect manages to infect several of its relatives, which greatly increases the efficiency of treatment.

In the dust category, the drug “Clean House” has proven itself well. The product is sold in bags weighing 50 g. Its retail price is 12 rubles. To treat a one-room apartment, on average you need about 5 sachets of the drug. It is used by spraying on horizontal surfaces. When the product gets on the body of an insect, it dies after some time, but not before it manages to infect a group of its relatives.

People have been fighting bedbugs for many decades. During this time, many different drugs have been created to combat parasites at home. The range of insect repellents is quite wide, and they all differ in their principle of action and effectiveness. Because of this, it is very difficult for the average consumer to choose the most effective remedy for bed bugs that could quickly destroy them.

Therefore, owners have to try many different products before they find the best bed bug treatment that can actually help them solve their problem. After all, when choosing a suitable drug against house bugs, you need to take into account the degree of infection. If there are too many insects in the room, then only highly specialized, potent drugs can help destroy them.

Procedure for processing

When using Raid in a residential area, you should strictly follow the rules noted in the spray instructions:

  • Initially, the bottle with the product must be shaken thoroughly;
  • Before processing, remove all objects from the surface;
  • The product should be sprayed at a distance of no more than 30 cm, the surface should become slightly damp, a few seconds will be enough for this;
  • after applying the aerosol, you need to leave the room, open the windows and ventilate it for about half an hour;
  • when there are pets, they also need to be taken out to avoid poisoning the animal;
  • to prevent a re-invasion of parasites, it is recommended to spray window and door openings with a spray (this will prevent insects from entering the apartment from the outside);
  • It is also important to treat dog and cat bedding against fleas and carpets - these things become an excellent place for insects to live.

Before the procedure, you need to remove the aquarium and the cage with the parrot from the room, since a raid against fleas can lead to damage to their health. The fight against parasites should be comprehensive; it is worth treating the pet’s fur with special products.

After disinfecting a room, marks often remain on the floor and furniture. To do this, you need to prepare a soap solution: put 1 tbsp per 1 liter of water. l. soda, wash surfaces with it.

Active substances and mechanism of action

The popular product contains three active substances that work in a complex manner. These are cypermethrin, prallethrin, imiprothrin, the latter component is one of the newest substances and began to be used not so long ago, but in a short period of time it has become quite popular due to its effective effects. It is used in the fight against many pests.

The active substances are aimed at damaging the nervous system of the parasite. When an insecticide comes into contact with an insect, the chemicals attack protein compounds, significantly slowing down synthesis. Next, the nervous and autonomic systems are affected, paralysis and then death occur.

The product can enter the insect's body in two ways. The first is direct contact. If a bug comes into contact with a chemical, the product adheres to the chitinous covering and is then absorbed into the body. The second is the respiratory tract. In this case, the insect inhales the aerosol, which settles on the mucous membrane, and the chemicals penetrate the body. The second option significantly speeds up the time of exposure to the poison.

It should be said that the insecticide is capable of completely destroying the larvae, but, unfortunately, it is absolutely safe for eggs. Therefore, after 2 weeks it is necessary to repeat the treatment of the room in order to destroy young individuals.

Signs of poisoning and first aid

Fragrances mask the unpleasant odor of insecticides, but do not assume that the product is completely safe. Individual sensitivity to the components of the Reid product can lead to poisoning. Signs of intoxication are:

  • muscle weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache.

Animals may experience muscle contractions, tremors of limbs, and drooling.

If signs of poisoning occur, wash with soap and soda solution. Rinse the nasal cavity and rinse the mouth. Take activated carbon or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If signs of poisoning do not go away after a few hours, you should contact a medical facility.

Remedies for poisoning

Raid is effective against fleas and other arthropods, but its effectiveness against bedbugs is somewhat lower than that of other insecticides. This is evidenced by consumer reviews.

Spray Raid against fleas, reviews of which are mostly positive, enjoys well-deserved popularity, as it has a number of advantages over other means of fighting insects.

Reid for bedbugs

In a fairly wide range of insecticidal products from Reid insects, aerosols against crawling insects can be used against bedbugs. The composition of the spray includes additional substances that ensure that cypermethrin adheres tightly to the surfaces being treated and prolongs its residual effect.

If we talk about residual action, then this characteristic describes the quality of the product, expressed in time terms. In other words, this is the time during which the insecticide is able to maintain its lethal effect on the surface after treatment. The longer the residual effect of the product, the more effective it is considered.

This characteristic is especially critical for bedbugs, since the chemical formula of the substance is not able to penetrate the dense shell of bedbug eggs in order to kill the larvae developing in them. And after 2-3 weeks, bedbugs will begin to hatch from these eggs again and increase their colonies.

The "Raid" line of products includes an aerosol against flying and crawling insects. The manufacturer claims that it can be used against any parasites, including bedbugs.

Any remedy for bedbugs has positive and negative properties. The Raid aerosol also has these qualities.

Advantages include:

  • Convenient use - the product in the can is easy to use, and its spraying does not require any preliminary preparation or preparation of the solution;
  • Efficiency against insects - the components included in the “Raid” product effectively affect crawling and flying insects in the apartment;
  • Long duration of exposure - this aerosol, thanks to the combination of insecticides, has a long residual period of action;
  • Safety of use - if the instructions are followed, the aerosol does not have a dangerous effect on people and pets.

At the same time, the product has significant disadvantages:

  • Universality of use - the company positions the aerosol as a drug against all insects, and not specifically against bedbugs. As a result, if the infection is severe, it may not give the desired result.
  • Pungent odor - despite the addition of several fragrances, after use in the room there is still a heavy, suffocating odor that needs to be aired out for a long time;
  • Oil film - after spraying, an oil film remains on furniture and surrounding objects, which can only be washed off with a solution of soda and soap.

Release forms

The “Raid” remedy for bedbugs is available only in the form of a universal aerosol “From flying and crawling insects”. It contains anti-parasite components - cypermethrin, prallethrin, imiprotrin, as well as a special solvent and flavorings. The latter can have different scents - lavender, flowering meadow, etc.

IMPORTANT! In addition to aerosol, the product line of this brand also includes insect traps and gels. However, against it. bed bugs

bed bugs

they won't work.

The thing is that the principle of operation of these drugs is based on luring the parasite with poisoned food, and bedbugs are not interested in anything other than human blood.

The composition of the drug "Raid" includes three components that ensure the destruction of insects:

  • Cypermethrin - attacks the nervous system of the parasite, preventing the spread of impulses and thereby causing paralysis. This substance is most active during the first 24 hours after spraying. However, the destructive effect remains for approximately 2-3 weeks, decreasing its effectiveness daily. Resistant to sunlight and oxygen;
  • Prallethrin is also a nerve agent insecticide. Its effect on bedbugs is similar to cypermethrin;
  • Imiprotrine is a toxic component that causes instant poisoning of the pest.

During a meeting between an infected individual and a healthy one, the toxic substance can be transferred. Thus, after some time the entire colony is destroyed.

Due to the fact that cypermethrin retains its effect for a long time, re-treatment may not be necessary. However, due to the versatility of the product, its strength may not be enough in the event of a large-scale bedbug infestation.

Therefore, you need to evaluate this factor in advance and, if necessary, purchase a more effective drug, or order services for the destruction of parasites from specialized companies.

Advantages of the product

  • Proven high effectiveness against fleas (many experiments and studies have been conducted).
  • The drug begins to act as soon as it hits insects. “Raid,” upon contact with the body of an insect, penetrates its body, infects it, and the infected flea poisons its relatives.
  • Affordable price.
  • Simple and easy to use.
  • Safe.
  • The effect of the product is long-lasting (after use, the drug continues to repel fleas until they disappear completely).
  • Nice smell.

How to use

Before treating the room, you need to take some precautions:

  1. Isolate food, dishes and household appliances.
  2. Hang the bed linen so that the aerosol treats it too; after treatment, you need to wash all towels, bedding, pillows and blankets. Dry and steam iron on both sides.
  3. Place outer and bulky clothing in vacuum bags for at least a month. If parasites live in these clothes, then without access to oxygen they will suffocate and die.
  4. Close ventilation and cracks to prevent bedbugs from migrating to neighbors and returning after a while.
  5. The person who will process the apartment must wear a respirator, gloves, goggles and special outerwear.

Room treatment:

  • The cylinder should be held vertically.
  • Treat each area of ​​the room with a jet of aerosol for at least 7-10 seconds of continuous spraying.
  • You should go around the room in a circle.
  • At the end of the treatment, spray a little product in the middle and leave the room.
  • Leave the room locked for a day.
  • After a day, come back and immediately open the windows for ventilation.
  • Ventilate for an hour, and only after that proceed with wet cleaning.
  • All surfaces must be thoroughly washed with soapy water and baking soda.

10-14 days later, after treating the premises, it is advisable to repeat the procedure.

If after treatment the bedbugs do not disappear, re-treatment should be carried out using special means designed to combat bedbugs.

Aerosol Raid in the fight against bedbugs will show the best result if the insect population is small and the person knows exactly where it is concentrated, that is, where the insect nest is located. For medium or large numbers of parasites, it is recommended to use it in combination with other anti-bedbug medications (dust, spray, emulsion, etc.).

Customer Reviews

Marina, 32 years old, Kazan.

“My dog ​​brought fleas. I removed fleas from the pet itself, and a friend advised me to clean the apartment of these parasites with “Raid.” The price, of course, is not the cheapest, but it is not critical either, it is average. I bought Raid with Lavender. I sprayed the flea eggs on the eggs and went for a walk with the dog. At first the smell seemed a bit heavy, chemical after all, but when we returned from the walk (we walked for about an hour), there was no smell of anything at all! And I didn’t have a headache, as usually happens from chemicals. A few hours later I found dead fleas on the sofa. This has already made me happy! So the drug is good and effective. I really liked it!”

"Raid" against fleas - a remedy that guarantees the complete destruction of nasty parasites

Valentina, 40 years old, Borisoglebsk.

“I don’t know how, but fleas have appeared in my house. I chose “Raid” because I heard positive reviews. Let me start by saying that the smell is unpleasant. There was no smell of lavender there! The stench is overwhelming. Plus, I sprayed the product on a wooden floor, and only then saw some terrible stains. I felt it and it was like pouring vegetable oil on the floor. It took a long time to wash and scrub the floor, which didn’t add any joy. But, for the sake of truth, I will say that there are no traces of fleas. And they have been gone for a long time. Maybe there is something just as effective, but with a good smell and not oily? I would like to try".

Oleg, 36 years old, Voronezh.

“I live in a hostel. I recently noticed fleas on my bed. It turned out that a drunkard neighbor brought it. And there were fleas all over the floor. Together we decided to try Raid for fleas, since it seems to be very effective. The price is normal, our Dichlorvos, of course, will be cheaper, but you have to pay for efficiency. We needed two bottles of aerosol for the entire floor. The smell was normal, but Dichlorvos was a hundred times worse. We sprayed it and went outside for a walk. We were gone for about twenty minutes, during which time the smell completely disappeared. There were no stains, marks - there was nothing! But we quickly noticed that the fleas were gone. Even those who jumped on sofas and clothes. In general, I'm pleased. "The Raid is a very good thing."

Instructions for use Raid

The flea raid, the instructions for use of which are written on the surface of the container, should be used when the apartment is not heavily infested, since the concentration of insecticides in the aerosol is low. In case of severe damage, it is better to use professional means of fighting fleas and other parasites.

Reid tool

One can of Reid is enough to treat a room once. The drug should be sprayed, placing the can 20-30 cm from the surface. It is necessary to treat areas of accumulation and possible presence of fleas until droplets of the product appear on the hard surface and until the tissues are lightly moistened. Carefully spray the areas where parasites accumulate and the area where the pet's bedding is located with an aerosol. Then you need to treat upholstered furniture, carpets, floors, walls, baseboards. To erect a “barrier”, the product must be sprayed around window frames, door frames, cracks in the floor, along the perimeter of air vents to prevent fleas from entering from basements and attics.

The room should be treated by closing the windows and doors to prevent large consumption of the drug and its weathering. The spray forms tiny droplets in the air that can enter the respiratory tract of the person doing the treatment. Therefore, you should use personal protective equipment - a respirator or a cotton-gauze bandage and goggles. Cypermethrin irritates the skin and mucous membranes, so the body must be protected from contact with Reid.

The room must remain closed for at least 2-4 hours. The same amount of time will be required to properly ventilate it.

Cypermethrin negatively affects the condition of birds and aquarium fish. Therefore, they should be removed from the premises during the period of disinsection of the apartment from fleas and other parasites. If the aquarium cannot be removed, then it is covered with glass and the compressor is turned off. During treatment, animals must be removed from the premises.

Repeated treatment is carried out a week after the first. This time is necessary for the larvae to emerge from the eggs. If necessary, the third treatment is done 21 days after the first procedure.

Flea larvae

The fight against fleas must be comprehensive, so it is necessary to eliminate fleas on the animal that carries them using special products for cats and effective drops for dogs.

What you should know

The use of the drug Raid against fleas requires compliance with certain precautions:

  • The use of the composition near a gas oven and other hot objects is contraindicated.
  • Due to the fact that the composition inside the bottle is under pressure, it must not be opened or damaged.
  • You should also not allow the Raid insecticidal composition to come into contact with dishes, bedding, food and children's toys. Ideally, it is better to remove them from the premises in advance. If this is not possible, all of the above items should be packed in plastic bags.
  • The permissible amount of Raid against fleas per treatment should not exceed one bottle.

Those who have already been able to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug leave extremely positive reviews about Raid flea spray.

Reid flea remedy

Advantages and disadvantages

Each household pesticide has its own strengths and weaknesses, and when choosing a product for independent use, it is important to take them into account so that the result is exactly what the consumer expects to see. Advantages of Raid against bedbugs:

Advantages of Raid against bedbugs:

Simplicity and ease of use. The pesticide is available in ready-made form; to treat a room, just shake the canister, place it vertically and spray in the desired direction.

Instant effect on insects. Thanks to the composition of the drug, bedbugs do not have time to scatter to other rooms or neighbors; most of them fall dead in the first minutes of treatment.

Relative safety

If you follow all the precautions specified in the instructions, the toxic chemical is not dangerous for pets and people.

Budget cost. The price of a bedbug raid is on average 300-350 rubles. Can be used as prophylaxis

Disadvantages of aerosol:

  • Low efficiency with large insect populations. Raid is not a highly specialized product, so its effectiveness is lower than any other drug developed specifically to combat bedbugs. At the initial stage of bedbug infestation, it is effective, but with a large population of parasites it is powerless.
  • Strong specific aroma. The aerosol has a very corrosive and unpleasant odor, so it can only be used with personal protective equipment (respirator, goggles and gloves).
  • Big expense. To treat one standard room in an apartment, one cylinder is enough, but when treating the entire apartment, several cylinders will be required, and this is not economical.
  • Reusable room treatment. Pesticides do not kill the larvae in the embryo, that is, they are harmless to bedbug eggs. Therefore, after the initial treatment, another one will be required 10-14 days later.

Composition and properties

Raid is a universal insecticide; it can be used against any insects that settle in houses and apartments.

Advice! It is recommended to use Raid against bedbugs if the degree of infestation of the premises is low. It is better to treat heavily infested apartments with highly targeted drugs designed specifically to combat bedbugs.

The drug contains three active components and additional additives that are used to mask the odor and prevent delamination. Active Ingredients:

  • Cypermethrin is an insecticide from the pyrethroid group. It is an intestinal contact poison for insects; if it enters the body of an adult or larva, it causes paralysis. Remains active after application for a month, as it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. Bedbugs do not develop resistance to cypermethrin even with repeated treatments.
  • Prallethrin. This substance is a synthetic pyrethroid with a broad spectrum of action. It is highly toxic to flying insects, but bedbugs are quite resistant to this insecticide.

  • Imiprotrine. Another modern insecticide that effectively enhances the effect of other pyrethroids.

Remedies for cockroaches (video)

According to the aerosol form it has the following advantages:

  • acts on adults and their larvae, effectively destroying them;
  • has a prolonged effect and is able to work and poison insects for 1-6 months;
  • most of the population is destroyed instantly in the first hours after spraying.

The very form of packaging in the form of an aerosol also has undeniable advantages over products in the form of gels, ointments, and liquids. Working with a spray can is much easier and more convenient. In addition, the product can get into rather hard-to-reach places, since it is sprayed finely and the vapors spread everywhere.

One of the disadvantages of the product is its strong smell.

Rules of application

The aerosol should be sprayed with gloves and a respirator to avoid inhaling its vapors and getting poisoned

It is especially important to observe this condition for people with hypersensitivity to chemicals (allergy sufferers)

Before work, you must close all the windows and doors. All products should be sealed and put away. It is best to remove pets from the apartment. The room must be treated methodically

It is especially important to process:

  • baseboards;
  • place near the ventilation grille;
  • area near pipes, sink, garbage can;
  • The backs of furniture, especially kitchen cabinets, are where cockroaches like to live.

After treatment, you must close the house and leave for three hours. There is no need to open the windows. After returning, the house is thoroughly ventilated, and all surfaces are washed with soap, water and soda. On the back surfaces of cabinets, in the area of ​​pipes, trash cans, and baseboards, the product does not need to be thoroughly rinsed off.

special instructions

Very often, reviews of Raid aerosols are not very flattering. Some users claim that it helps get rid of cockroaches for a short time and that the result is to treat once a week to maintain the effect.

In case of low effectiveness, it is necessary to check whether the application rules recommended by the manufacturer were followed.

Disadvantages of the product

There are not so many disadvantages of the product, and they in no way overshadow the advantages of the flea product.

  • Despite the aromatization, many have a strong chemical smell.
  • After spraying the aerosol onto hard, non-absorbent surfaces, the product leaves an oily residue. They need to be washed off with a soap and soda solution.

Despite the aromatization, many have a strong chemical smell

  • "Raid" is contraindicated for people prone to allergies.

From all of the above it follows that “Raid” against fleas is a remedy that guarantees the complete destruction of nasty parasites. After use, you just need to ventilate the room.

To make a more informed choice, we advise you to read the article on our website, in which we talk about the most popular and effective flea sprays used for indoor treatment.

Composition, release form

Raid is available in bright red cylinders with a capacity of 300 ml. This quantity is enough to treat several rooms - kitchen, bathroom, toilet, corridor. Consumption: 20 ml per 1 sq. m. The shelf life of the chemical product is 2 years. After the first use, the aerosol must be used up within a year. The country of origin is the Netherlands; the product is produced under license in Russia.

The active substances are insecticides: cypermethrin, imiprothrin. The concentration of each is 0.1%. They belong to the third class of hazardous substances; when used correctly, they do not threaten the health of people or pets. The effect is gradually lost under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

Where to buy Raid

The products are so popular that they can be bought even in places where they shouldn’t be. Aerosol bottles are often sold in grocery stores, hardware stores, household chemicals departments, and specialized supermarkets. If desired, the aerosol can be ordered online. There is a discount when purchasing several bottles. On average, one bottle is enough to treat a room. If there are 3 of them in the apartment, you will need the same number of aerosol bottles. Re-processing is mandatory. In general, the entire procedure for destroying parasites will require at least 4 bottles.

Despite all the disadvantages, Raid is widely used to combat bedbugs. Buyers on the forums tell us how effective the result is.

Raid against cockroaches - instructions for use

Raid spray against cockroaches should be sprayed not into the air, but onto the floor, baseboards and other places where living creatures accumulate. Before starting the baiting, shake the container well. It is advisable that the surfaces with which the exterminator works are first moistened.

Houses for mustachioed guests can be easily placed around the apartment. They can also be mounted on the wall using Velcro. Since the poisonous bait wears out over time, traps must be changed every 3 months.

The gel is squeezed onto the substrate or directly onto the surface in a thin layer, paying special attention to baseboards and areas near plumbing fixtures. As the substance dries, it needs to be renewed

An important question of interest to the owners of infected apartments is whether the Raid is dangerous for humans. Since the products in this line contain toxic substances, they do require protective measures. When poisoning animals, you need to wear gloves, a mask and a protective suit.


The drug contains toxic substances, and along with them flavorings. The absence of a pungent odor gives a deceptive feeling of its safety. Indeed, low concentrations of cypermethrin and other insecticides are not dangerous to human or animal health. However, the individual characteristics of the organism should be taken into account. By definition, an insecticide can cause poisoning, which manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • vomiting

To avoid trouble, you need to seriously prepare for pest control. Buy a respirator, rubber gloves, and glasses to protect your eyes. Wear a suit with long sleeves and trousers. In case of contact with skin, the insecticide can cause irritation.

Some people prefer a regular towel instead of a respirator. They just cover their mouth and nose. It's not entirely safe, it's not at all convenient. The procedure for disinfestation against bedbugs takes a lot of time. The final result directly depends on the thoroughness of the process.

It is allowed to enter the room after ventilation. You should wash the places where a person’s hands come into contact with water with the addition of soda and soap. In other areas, the toxic substance should remain.

Preparation of the drug and features of sanitary treatment

Instructions for use contain a detailed description of the entire apartment disinfection process:

  • Before treatment, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in order to ensure better adhesion of the product to all surfaces. Washing the floors and furniture will help destroy some of the eggs, speeding up the process.
  • Bed linen, soft toys and bedspreads cannot be treated with insecticide, as they come into contact with the skin. If the product gets on the sheets or pillowcases, they should be washed with hot water and rinsed thoroughly. The same requirement applies to pillows and blankets.

Before and after treatment, children and pets should not be allowed into the room, as the product must be given time to settle on the treated surfaces

It is also better to remove aquariums and flowers from the room during disinfection. It is important to treat furniture and sofas along the back wall, so we move all the furniture away from the walls and apply the product to the wall and furniture, treat all the cracks and baseboards behind the bed and cabinets with clothes and books. For prevention, the solution is diluted in a ratio of 1 part insecticide to 10 parts water. In case of severe infection, the concentration can be doubled.

After careful treatment, the parasites disappear after three, maximum eight days in case of severe infestation. Repeated treatments are not required. After disinfection, floors can be washed after three to four days to remove dead parasites.

The product does not kill bedbugs instantly, but this is precisely the advantage of this drug. It guarantees 100% destruction of the entire colony of parasites.

Room treatment

Treating premises with Reid does not cause any difficulties. You need to shake the can vigorously a couple of times and start spraying. You need to spray the product in places where bed bugs are most likely to live. The aerosol should be sprayed generously; spray over one point for 2-3 seconds.

Advice! Calculate in advance how many cylinders of the drug you will need during disinfestation. On average, one 400 ml cylinder is enough to treat 20 square meters.

Disinsection is carried out by spraying the spray on the following surfaces:

  • interior designs of bedroom furniture;
  • the inside of mattresses and soft upholstery of sofas (the product does not leave stains on the fabric);
  • skirting boards;
  • all the cracks on the walls and floor;
  • door frame perimeter;
  • place under the windowsill;
  • the back walls of furniture, with a strong degree of infection - the inner surfaces of cabinets, freed from things.

After treating the room, you need to leave the apartment for at least 3 hours, after closing all the windows. Upon returning, you should organize through ventilation, and wash all surfaces that people come into contact with in everyday life with a solution of soda and soap. Skirting boards, back surfaces of furniture and other hard-to-reach places do not need to be washed, this will extend the life of the drug.

How to use Raid?

Aerosol Reid has several basic rules for use and storage.

  • Before purchasing, calculate how many cans you will need to treat the room - a 400 ml container is enough to treat 20 m2.
  • If you are not going to use it immediately after purchasing, then you need to store the can in a shaded place and avoid direct sunlight. It is also prohibited to keep the aerosol near sources of heat and fire, since the insecticides included in its composition are highly flammable.
  • Prepare the apartment for processing - take out all things, vacuum the room and carry out wet cleaning in it.
  • If you will be cleaning kitchen surfaces, you should remove all food and utensils. Move cabinets, tables and sofas away from the walls, as bedbugs love to nest on the back surfaces of furniture.
  • Before treating living rooms, all pieces of furniture must also be moved away from the walls and all soft parts must be removed.
  • It is better to take aquariums and terrariums out of the room.
  • When using Reid spray, you must wear personal protective equipment: mask, rubber gloves. If the work will be carried out in a large area and the processing will require time, then an industrial respirator should be used.
  • Before spraying the drug, open all windows and disconnect all household appliances from power sources.
  • Shake the can several times to mix the active ingredients and form a homogeneous mass. Spray the product at arm's length so that the surface to be treated is about 30 cm away.

If you know where exactly the bedbug nest is located, then pay special attention to this place

Don't forget about secluded places: baseboards, backs of upholstered furniture, cracks, and so on.

After completing the procedure, you should immediately leave the room. It is better to leave the windows open so that the treated surfaces dry faster. To extend the life of the insecticide, it should not be washed off for two weeks. But tables, chairs, stoves and kitchen work surfaces should be wiped down with soapy water.

Do not allow the aerosol cloud to enter your respiratory tract, as a large amount of insecticide can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, do not forget about the mask and try not to inhale the contents of the can. If the spray gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes, they must be immediately rinsed with running water.

Aerosol against flying and crawling insects Raid “Max”, spring meadow, 300 ml

Preparation for processing

Using Raid against bedbugs is very simple. The drug itself is completely ready for use, but the premises need to be prepared. Recommended:

  • remove bed linens and mattresses;
  • disassemble sofas and folding chairs;
  • it is necessary to move furniture away from the walls;
  • Next you need to inspect the walls; if there are places where the wallpaper is coming away from the walls, then it is better to tear them off. Clusters of insects are often found under the wallpaper;
  • it is necessary to remove all decorations from the walls - paintings, panels, etc.;
  • if there are carpets in the room, then they need to be removed and processed separately (for example, taken to dry cleaning;
  • if the degree of infection of the apartment is high, then you need to remove all things from cabinets and cabinets, remove shelves and drawers from them.

Precautionary measures

If Raid spray is used correctly against bedbugs, the product will not cause harm to the health of people and animals. However, the product may cause allergic reactions. Important:

  • carry out treatment of premises in the absence of people and pets;
  • work in protective clothing that covers the body as much as possible. It would not be superfluous to protect your respiratory organs with a mask and your eyes with goggles;
  • It is recommended to wear rubber gloves on your hands;
  • You can return to the apartment after thorough ventilation.

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