Bars drops for cats against fleas and ticks: instructions for use

Russian (AVZ) develops and produces medicines for domestic and farm animals. It produces insectoacaricidal products: sprays, shampoos, collars. An effective drug is “Bars” - drops against fleas and ticks for cats, the instructions for which must be studied before using the medicine. There is a product for treating kittens. It has a softer effect. "Leopard" kills not only adult ectoparasites, but also their larvae. The drug is also used to prevent infection.

Advantages and disadvantages

Medicine cannot be completely harmless. It has both pros and cons. It must be used if the animal has ectoparasites or is likely to become infected with them. The insectoacaricidal agent is well tolerated by dogs and cats if used correctly.

The following advantages of drops for cats “Bars” are highlighted:

  • high efficiency;
  • ease of application;
  • low level of toxicity;
  • innovative formula with a wide spectrum of action;
  • the ability to dose the medicine depending on the weight of the animal;
  • low concentration of active components;
  • synergy of active ingredients (strengthening each other);
  • prolonged action (protection up to 2.5 months).

The disadvantages of the drug are:

Poisoning of cats with an insectoacaricidal agent is possible. This happens with individual intolerance to the components or overdose. Therefore, before treating your pet, you must take into account all the pros and cons of the medicine.

Features of using Bars drops for kittens and puppies

For the youngest pets, the Bars line of drops includes the release of anti-tick and flea products under the Bars Forte brand. The line differs from the usual product not only in composition, but also in the reduced concentration of the active substance fipronil. The composition of Bars Forte is supplemented with an insect growth regulator, which makes it possible to more effectively combat ectoparasites.

Features of treating puppies and kittens with Bars Forte drops include:

  1. Strict consideration of age. Before reaching 10 weeks of age, kittens and puppies cannot be treated with Bars or Bars Forte drops.

    To safely treat kittens and puppies with Bars drops, you need to wait until they are at least 10 weeks old and use only the Bars Forte variety.

  2. Particular care in dosage and strict adherence to instructions: for a puppy or kitten weighing up to 1 kg you will need only 0.18 ml of the product (about 4 drops).
  3. The ability to bathe your little fluffy as many times as needed: shampoo and water do not reduce the effectiveness of Bars Forte drops.

    The composition of Bars Forte drops allows your pet to perform water procedures without restrictions.

Otherwise, the methods for treating a puppy or kitten with Bars Forte drops against external parasites do not differ from treating an adult pet with Bars or Bars Forte drops.

Composition and pharmacological properties

The veterinary drug is available in the form of a solution for external use. The dispenser pipette contains 1 ml of insectoacaricidal agent. The liquid is oily, yellow or light yellow in color.

At the same time, 3 components of the drug are active:

  • fipronil - 10 mg/ml;
  • dicarboximide (MGK-264) - 1 mg/ml;
  • diflubenzuron - 1 mg/ml.

The composition also includes excipients:

  • isopropyl alcohol - 50 mg/ml;
  • Tween-80 - 30 mg/ml;
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone - 30 mg/ml;
  • polyethylene glycol 400 - up to 1 ml.

The drops are distributed over the fat layer on top of the skin, accumulate in the sebaceous glands, without entering the systemic bloodstream. This ensures long-term protection against ectoparasites.

Fipronil blocks GABA-dependent receptors of fleas, lice, lice and ticks. The conduction of nerve impulses in their bodies is disrupted. This leads to paralysis and death of ectoparasites. It takes 7-10 hours to completely kill insects.

Thanks to diflubenzuron, the synthesis of chitin in parasitic individuals slows down. The process of molting and egg-laying is disrupted. Hatching of larvae from eggs becomes impossible. Adults do not leave offspring.

Dicarboximide is necessary to enhance the effectiveness of fipronil and diflubenzuron. With minimal doses of active substances, maximum impact on ectoparasites is achieved. At the same time, the harm to cats remains minimal.

The active components of the drug are classified as moderately hazardous substances. If you use the drops correctly, there will be no harm to cats. The main thing is to follow the instructions and monitor your pet for several days after instillation.


Bars drops for cats and dogs
Bars flea drops are classified as combined insectoacaricidal agents. Protects against blood-sucking parasites and also prevents helminthic infestation. The remedy Bars for fleas acts on sexually mature individuals and larvae of different ages.

  • Fipronil negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system. Blocks the transmission of impulses, provokes paralysis. After a few seconds, death occurs.
  • Diphlobenzuron affects the reproductive processes: the rate of egg laying, the development of larvae. Does not allow molting to take place and does not allow females to lay eggs.
  • Dicarboximide acts as a synergist. Strengthens the effect of two active components.

When applied to the skin, Bars flea drops accumulate in the sebaceous glands. Over the course of 2 hours, apply evenly over the entire surface of the skin. Insecticidal substances do not enter the general bloodstream, which reduces the risk of side effects.

Indications for use

Many people believe that Bars drops are effective against fleas and ticks (exclusively). However, this opinion is wrong. The drug has a wider spectrum of action. Indications for its use are:

  1. Entomoses. This is an infestation of fleas, lice and lice.
  2. Otodectosis. This is an ear pathology caused by microscopic mites.
  3. Cheyletiellosis. This disease is otherwise called stray dandruff. The pathology is caused by microscopic mites of the genus Cheyletiella, which feed on the keratin layer of the skin.
  4. Sarcoptic mange. The disease is also called pruritic scabies. The causative agent is the microscopic subcutaneous mite Sarcoptes canis.
  5. Notoedrosis. The disease is often referred to as cephalic scabies. The causative agent is the subcutaneous microscopic mite Notoedres cati. These parasites most often affect the scalp and the edges of the ears.
  6. Infection with ixodid ticks. This parasite reaches 2.5 mm. It can increase 10 times in size if it attaches itself to an animal. Ixodid ticks carry piroplasmosis, which is often fatal.

Drops can be used on cats from 2 months of age. If a pet lives on the street or goes for walks, treatment with an insectoacaricidal agent is carried out for prevention once every 2.5 months.

Reviews from owners and veterinarians

In order not to be afraid to use Bars drops, you can read reviews about this product from veterinarians and pet owners. If we talk about experts, they believe that Bars is one of the best remedies in the fight against blood-sucking parasites.

Doctors advise owners to follow dosages carefully and not increase them without further advice. Veterinarians also recommend wearing special masks over the mouths of kittens so that they cannot lick the drug and get poisoned.

Owner reviews can be found on various forums and Internet sites. In 90-95% of cases they are positive. The owners agree that it is enough to apply the drops once for the cat to live peacefully for more than 3 months without unnecessary worry from fleas.

Negative reviews about Barca are rare. Symptoms of poisoning occurred only in 3–5% of cases, and this was due to improper use of the drug. Many people believe that if they treat their cat with a large amount of the product, they will get rid of fleas faster. But this is a mistaken opinion.

In conclusion, we can say that Bars (leopard) drops and spray for cats are considered one of the best means for protection against fleas and other parasites. For a low price, a person receives a high-quality drug with which you can quickly deal with ticks, insects, and fleas.

Dosage of the drug

After treating the cat with any insectoacaricidal preparations “Bars” against ticks, lice and fleas, apply no earlier than a month later. Otherwise, you can cause an overdose, since the active components of the previous medicine still remain in the fat layer of the animal.

Drops must be dosed according to the cat’s weight:

  • up to 1 kg - 0.3 ml (10 drops);
  • from 1 to 3 kg - 0.6 ml (20 drops);
  • over 3 kg - 1 ml (whole pipette).

If the cat is a large breed (Maine Coon, Savannah, British, Siberian) or is overweight (over 6 kg), the exact dose of the medicine should be checked with a veterinarian. To get rid of fleas, 2 droppers (2 ml) of drops may be needed.

If the cat lives or goes for a walk outside, it is recommended to wear a “Leopard” collar 7 days after treatment. It consolidates and prolongs the effect of drops against fleas, lice and lice for 5 months, against ticks - for 4 months. The pet must wear it continuously.

Dosage and method of administration

Apply to animals once by drip application to dry, intact skin at several points in the back between the shoulder blades or in the neck at the base of the skull (in places inaccessible to licking by animals) in doses indicated in the table.

Type and weight of the animal Volume
of the drug in the pipette, ml
, ml per animal
Number of
pipettes required for processing, pieces
Dogs appropriate volume volume 1.4 ml
from 2 to 10 kg 1,4 1,4 1
from 10 to 20 kg 2,8 2,8 1 2
from 20 to 30 kg 4,2 4,2 1 3
more than 30 kg 5 5-10 1-2 4-7

When treating large dogs (over 30 kg), BARS® drops against fleas and ticks are dosed at the rate of 0.1 ml/kg, using pipettes of different volumes. The protective effect of the drug lasts for 1-2 months. Repeated treatments of animals are carried out according to indications, but not more than once a month. When treating otodectosis, the auricles and ear canal are first cleaned of earwax, exudate and scabs, then 4-6 drops of the drug are instilled into each ear. To distribute the drug evenly, the auricle is folded lengthwise and its base is lightly massaged. The remainder of the drug in the pipette is applied to the animal’s skin between the shoulder blades. In advanced cases of otodectosis, complicated by otitis, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed and the auricular application of BARS® drops against fleas and ticks is repeated after 7-10 days.

Flea Drops Application Guide

The medicine is distributed throughout the fat layer, which is located on top of the skin.

Therefore, the animal cannot be bathed 3 days before and 3 days after treatment. Otherwise, the fat layer may be washed away, the drops will have nothing to distribute or they will be washed away.

For cats, flea treatment is applied in the following order:

  1. The pipette is opened. To do this, its tip is broken or cut off with scissors.
  2. The fur on the withers is parted with your fingers to provide access to the skin. In this case, the animal’s head should be fixed.
  3. The required amount of the drug is applied to the withers. For cats of large breeds, medicine is also dripped between the shoulder blades.
  4. The area to which the drug was applied is well massaged. This helps the drops absorb faster and distribute evenly.

Before applying the medicine, you need to make sure that the fur is dry and clean, and that there are no wounds, scratches, etc. on the skin. Otherwise, the pet will be in pain and allergic reactions are possible.

If it snows or rains, then the animal should not be allowed outside for 5 hours from the moment of treatment. The drops will not yet have time to be completely absorbed, so they may wash off.

For 3 weeks after treatment, it is not recommended to bathe the cat using shampoo, soap, etc. Washing may weaken the protective effect of the insectoacaricidal agent.

Precautionary measures

Despite the lack of facts about characteristic side effects or complications after treatment with Bars, its active components nevertheless belong to hazard class 3 poisons and require a number of measures to minimize the risk of poisoning.

Important! The product is poisonous to fish, turtles and rabbits!

For animals, such measures are dictated by the nature of their natural nature and the factor of living together in a family.

  • If the dosage is chosen incorrectly and it is exceeded, then signs of intoxication of the dog or cat's body are possible: vomiting, excessive salivation, muscle weakness, trembling. Then you need to wash off the product with shampoo, give activated charcoal and take your pet to the veterinarian.
  • Similar symptoms can occur when drops enter the animal's mouth through licking. You need to do the same as with an overdose.

Important! During the first 24 hours, do not allow anyone, especially children, to pet a recently treated pet, and do not do this yourself until the wet marks from drops on the fur disappear!

Individual protection measures against poisoning are also necessary for the owner who carries out the treatment.

  • During treatment, you should not smoke, eat or drink if there are traces of the drug on your hands.
  • After applying the drops, the first thing you need to do is wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • If you are allergic to the components of the drops, then you need to take any antihistamine.

Important! If the drug is ingested and signs of illness appear, it is better to call an ambulance or urgently seek medical help at any medical institution with instructions for the drops on hand, so that the doctor can quickly find an antidote.

How to use drops against ixodid ticks

Unlike other parasites, ixodid ticks are more likely to attach to dogs. However, cats are also at risk. The parasite gets onto the animal's fur and skin from grass or ground, sometimes from a tree or low bush.

Ixodid ticks are active from March to October. At this time, the ground is not covered with snow and has an acceptable temperature for the parasite. If the winter is warm, then this type of arachnid is active all year round.

To protect cats from ixodid ticks, insectoacaricidal treatment must be carried out every month. This applies to animals that go outside for walks. At home, infection with ixodid ticks is unlikely.

If prevention was not carried out on time, ticks can be found on the pet’s body. In this case, the use of Bars drops has its own peculiarities. It is necessary to carefully move the fur apart. A few drops of the medicine should be applied directly to the tick.

After half an hour, the parasite should die and fall off on its own. If this does not happen, you need to take special tweezers and unscrew the tick counterclockwise. It is important that the parasite comes out with the head. Otherwise, inflammation may occur.

After the tick has fallen off or been twisted out with tweezers, you need to contact a veterinarian. The cat could become infected with diseases carried by this parasitic arachnid species.


Bars drops against fleas for dogs
The use of Bars drops is prohibited in a number of cases:

  • lactating females;
  • pregnant cats, dogs;
  • puppies, kittens up to 10 weeks;
  • sick, weak, recovering.

A direct contraindication to the use of acaricidal drops is the presence of individual intolerance to the components. If it is present, an allergic reaction develops, which is manifested by irritation of the skin at the sites of application, lacrimation, salivation, and convulsions.

On a note!

Often after using the product, the animal’s appetite is disturbed, anxiety, irritability or drowsiness appears. The condition normalizes on its own without special therapy within 2 days. If this does not happen, you need to seek help from a specialist.

Treatment with drops for ear scabies

The drug is used to treat otodectosis. However, it should only be used with the permission of a veterinarian.

To rid a cat of ear mites, the product is applied to the skin in the withers area and directly into the ears. Even if one ear is affected, both should be instilled.

Before treatment with drops, the ears are cleaned of wax and waste products of microscopic mites, which look like black dirt. For this, special sprays are used, for example Auricap. Cleaning must be deep, so it is advisable to use cotton swabs or medical clips with cotton wool wrapped around them.

3-4 drops of Barca are instilled into clean ears. Then the ears must be thoroughly massaged. This will help the medicine distribute faster and prevent it from splashing across the surface of the coat.

Otodectosis can be complicated by inflammation. In this case, you will need antibiotics, immunomodulating agents, etc. Therefore, you should not treat the animal yourself. It's better to see a doctor.

Treatment of otodectosis

Bars ear drops will relieve your pet of otodectosis (ear mites). First, clean your ears of dirt with the same solution and drop 3 drops of the product into your ear.

To prevent the medicine from leaking out and have time to take effect, fix the cat’s head for a few minutes.

Treat both ears this way, even if only one is infected. Do not use if the integrity of the animal's eardrum is damaged.

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