How to choose and use repellents correctly?

Dear pharma. workers, hello!

Today we will talk about repellents:

  • What are they?
  • What does it contain?
  • What should a customer ask for insect repellent?
  • What should you warn him about when selling repellent?
  • Some tips for selling.


Repellents are products whose task is to scare away insects and prevent them from feasting on our blood. And the point is not that we feel sorry for some 0.005 ml for them, but that they do not know how to eat us unnoticed or without consequences.

Bloodsuckers cause pain, itching, swelling, redness at the site of the bite, and some individuals can cause serious illness.

That's why man created repellents.

The word “ repellent ” comes from the Latin “repellentis” - repulsive, driving away.

Repellents are used to treat exposed areas of the body, clothing, protective nets, and tents.

A single application to the skin provides protection against insect bites for an average of 2-5 hours. Therefore, if a person spends a long time in nature, then the treatment must be repeated after some time. And clothing treated with repellent can retain its protective properties for 2-4 weeks if not washed.

Duration of action of repellents

The duration of action of the repellent depends on several factors:

  • Active substances and their concentrations.
  • A type of blood-sucking insect. For example, ticks are more resilient than mosquitoes. What repels mosquitoes does not always impress ticks.
  • Meteorological conditions: wind, high air temperature. In the heat, a person sweats intensely, and the repellent is removed from the surface of the skin faster.

Mosquito repellents for pregnant women

The issue of using repellents during pregnancy has not been studied enough. Experts have different opinions about the effectiveness and safety of the compounds. We can say for sure that IR3535 is approved for use by pregnant women as the least toxic option among the entire line of mosquito control products. American experts indicate the safety of DEET at a concentration of 5-10%. The drug should be recommended for pregnant women, but it can only be applied to clothing.

DMF and Picaridin are strictly prohibited for use by pregnant women. It is worth paying special attention to products with DEET as the main active ingredient. Keep in mind that this repellent may include DMF for added protection. Therefore, before purchasing, you should carefully read the composition.

What is included in repellents?

The most popular products usually contain the same substances with minor variations:

Diethyltoluamide. Abbreviated as "deta". One of the brands of repellents is called DEET, although diethyltoluamide is not included in all products in this line.

Deta was developed in 1944 to protect military personnel in regions with large numbers of blood-sucking insects. This is a moderately toxic substance. It weakens the insects' sense of smell and disorients them, preventing them from perceiving other odors with which they search for prey.

Deta can cause skin irritation, difficulty breathing, headache, and burning if it comes into contact with the eyes or mucous membranes of the mouth. The substance is absorbed through the skin and can cause severe poisoning, including coma.

In repellents for children, deta is present in a concentration of 7-10%, for adults - in a concentration of 15-30%. But there are super-strong repellents containing 50% diethyltoluamide.

In some countries it is allowed for children from 6 years old, in our country - from 2 years old. Protects against insect attacks for 3-8 hours depending on the concentration.

Deta is capable of destroying plastic and synthetic fibers, so it is recommended to apply it only to clothes made from natural fabrics.

IR3535. IR translates to Insect-Repellent. It has a very long chemical name, but for us it is not important. I couldn’t find any information about what the numbers 3535 mean.

Refers to BIO-repellents. Created based on the natural amino acid beta-alanine. Safe and non-toxic. In Russia it is approved for children from 3 months and pregnant women. Suitable for sensitive skin. It does not have a strong unpleasant odor, but insects sense it and do not like it.

Provides protection for 2 hours.

Alphacypermethrin and permethrin. These are not only repellents, but also acaricides, i.e. means that destroy ticks (cause their paralysis). As part of repellents, acaricides enhance the effect of diethyltoluamide. Low toxicity for humans.

You know permethrin from anti-pediculosis drugs (Medifox, Veda) - it also acts on lice.

Essential oils. These are natural repellents. They are inferior in effectiveness to chemical ones. Having a rather pungent odor, they mask our own odor and make us unattractive to insects.

Oils of fir, geranium, clove, lavender, and citronella are used to repel mosquitoes and midges. The duration of the protective effect is short - up to 2 hours.

To enhance the effect, vanillin is added to some repellents.

They may also contain allantoin, aloe, D-panthenol - additional substances that moisturize, soften, and heal the skin.

Chamomile, calendula, string, and citrus-scented fragrance are used as fragrances to give the product a pleasant smell.

Rating of the best effective means

The best mosquito repellents are produced by reputable companies that have been on the market for a long time. Below is a short ranking of mosquito repellents. Based on customer reviews, the following brands can be named.

  • OFF

A company with a representative office in Russia and the CIS countries. Produces a wide range of drugs to combat bloodsuckers. There are options for adults and children. Among the names are Off Extreme, Extra Protection, Smooth and Dry and others.

  • Gardex

The company specializes in the production of devices and chemical compositions against mosquitoes. There is a wide range of repellents to combat blood-sucking insects: mosquitoes, ticks, midges and midges. Among the names are Gardex Naturin, Baby, etc.

  • Mosquitall

Produces a line of relatively inexpensive repellents. In terms of efficiency, they are not inferior to more expensive analogues. Among the names: Mosquitall Gentle protection for children, Nature and more.

  • Taiga

Produces a wide range of drugs to protect children and adults. There are products in the form of fumigator plates, spirals, lotions and sprays.

  • Komaroff

A line of household mosquito repellent chemicals for the whole family. There are sprays, aerosols, lotions of various price categories for children and adults.

The TOP of the best mosquito repellents includes manufacturers who offer the largest number of insect repellents. Their effectiveness has been tested by millions of users, all products do not go beyond the average price range and have drugs for both adults, children, and allergy sufferers.

Which mosquito repellent is best depends on the specific situation. Whether it will be a group outing or a walk with a child around the city on a hot day. When bloodsuckers are active, but not as numerous as in the forest, on the river. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition, the manufacturer, and also study reviews about the product. A lot of valuable information can be gleaned from reviews in video format.


There are three brands of repellents most often available in pharmacies: DEET, Gardex, Mosquitall.

Each of these brands is divided into series.


Baby Deta series (from 1-2 years):

  1. Mosquito repellents in the form of a spray and aerosol with aloe vera and allantoin: repel insects and soothe the skin after bites. Does not contain alcohol. It contains the safe substance IR3535, which I wrote about above. Protection up to 2 hours.
  2. Anti-tick spray is only used on clothing. Protection – up to 15 days.

Baby Data series (from 2 years old).

Light green bottles.

This series includes spray milk and cream. Does not contain alcohol. An additional component is aloe vera (moisturizes and softens the skin). Protection up to 2 hours.

Deta Aqua series (water based)

These are products for adults:

  1. Spray and aerosol against mosquitoes. In addition to death metal, they contain a natural repellent: fir oil. Protection up to 4 hours.
  2. Tick ​​and mosquito repellent spray contains a higher concentration of deeth. Enhanced with fir oil and vanilla. Protection up to 6 hours.

Data Extreme Series

Super strong repellents.

  1. Aerosol against ticks and mosquitoes - for clothing only. Protection up to 15 days.
  2. Aerosol against mosquitoes, ticks, midges for treating exposed skin and clothing. Protection up to 8 hours. Does not contain alcohol.
  3. Aerosol against all flying insects and ticks. Protection for up to 5 hours, when applied to clothing – up to 5 days.


Gardex Family

Contains 15-18% deeta, aloe vera. There is an alcohol-based product and a water-based product, as indicated on the bottle. Pregnant, breastfeeding and children under 12 years of age are contraindicated. Protection up to 4 hours.

Gardex Baby

  1. Mosquito spray for children from 3 months. Contains safe biorepellent IR3535. Does not contain alcohol. Possible for pregnant women. Not recommended for nursing mothers. Protection up to 2 hours.
  2. Mosquito spray for children from 2 years old. Contains deta 7%, chamomile and calendula extracts for a pleasant scent, allantoin to soften the skin. Valid for up to 3 hours. No alcohol.
  3. Aerosol against ticks and mosquitoes - only for treating clothes of children from 2 years of age and adults. Protects against mosquitoes for 15 days, against ticks – up to 10 days. In addition to deet, it contains alphacypermethrin, which not only repels insects, but also destroys them.

Gardex Extreme

Super strong protection.

  1. Aerosol against all flying insects and ticks. Protects skin for up to 4 hours, when applied to clothing for up to 30 days. Deta 31% + essential oils of geranium and fir. On alcohol.
  2. Aerosol against midges and mosquitoes. Protection up to 4 hours. Deta 15% + vanillin, which also repels insects with its smell.
  3. Aerosol for ultra-long protection against insects – up to 8 hours. Deta – 50%. Can be applied to skin and clothing.

Gardex Extreme pliers

Aerosol is for use only on clothing and equipment. Protects against insect attacks for up to 15 days.

It contains alphacypermethrin and permethrin - substances that not only repel, but also destroy ticks.

Gardex Natural

Gentle mosquito repellent spray with natural composition. Contains essential oils including citronella, geranium. Protection up to 2 hours.


Protection for the whole family

Aerosol and spray against mosquitoes: deeta 18-20%, with alcohol. Protection up to 4 hours.

Protection for children

  1. Milk spray against mosquitoes – for children from 3 months. and pregnant women with succession and allantoin. Protection up to 2 hours. Contains IR3535 (safe biorepellent), string, allantoin, D-panthenol. No alcohol.
  2. Mosquito repellent cream for children from 1 year. Protection up to 2 hours. Contains IR3535. No alcohol.
  3. Mosquito spray – for children from 3 years old. Protection up to 3 hours. Deta 7.5%, series, allantoin. No alcohol. Suitable for sensitive skin.
  4. Aerosol against ticks and mosquitoes for children from 2 years old for treating clothes. Up to 15 days of protection. Deta 7.5%, alphacypermethrin, alcohol.

Natural protection

There is one mosquito repellent aerosol in the series. No death metal. Contains aloe and chamomile. On alcohol. Protection up to 3 hours.

Hypoallergenic protection

Aerosol and mosquito repellent cream. Contains IR3535 plus orchid extract (soothes the skin). On alcohol.

Suitable for sensitive skin. Protection up to 2 hours.

Tick ​​protection

Aerosol and spray. For clothing and equipment only. Contains deet and alphacypermethrin. Protection up to 15 days.

Essential oils

The scents of many essential oils are used to repel mosquitoes, midges and other blood-sucking insects. The most effective essential oils in the fight against midges are the following:

  • geranium;
  • lavender;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus;
  • citronella;
  • carnation;
  • rosemary;
  • thyme;
  • basil and others.

Natural repellents are widely used to protect babies under one year of age from insects. Apply drops of oil to the child's skin and rub lightly. Oils also have a calming effect on insect bites. To get rid of mosquitoes indoors, you can light an aroma lamp with essential oil.

Tips for choosing a repellent for the buyer

  1. If the buyer asks for insect repellent, specify which insect repellent.
  2. If the buyer finds it difficult to answer the first question, ask where he plans to use it: in the forest, in the park, a universal mosquito and tick repellent is suitable; in the city and at the dacha (if the dacha is not in the forest), you can get by with a mosquito and midge repellent.
  3. Find out whether repellent is needed for a child or an adult? If for a child, then what age is the child.
  4. Please clarify: is the product needed for application to the skin, treatment of clothing, or both? When applied to the skin of children, it is safer to use the product in the form of a cream.
  5. Do you buy repellent for short walks or long stays in nature? For short walks, products with a duration of action of up to 2-3 hours are suitable; for long stays in nature, it is better to offer those that provide protection for 4-8 hours.
  6. Pay attention to the icons on the repellent packaging. They usually contain all the information the buyer is interested in: what insects it protects from, how many hours it lasts, from what age it is allowed, whether it contains alcohol, whether it can be applied to the skin, or whether it is intended only for treating clothes.
  7. If you are asked for a repellent for a pregnant woman, choose one that is suitable for children from 3 months.
  8. If you are asked to recommend a product for an allergy sufferer, if there is no hypoallergenic repellent in the range, recommend a product from the children's series.
  9. For fishing or hiking, offer a universal repellent with maximum protection, which is suitable for treating exposed skin, clothing, and tents.

Ultrasonic repellers

Ultrasonic mosquito repellers
The principle of operation of the device is to emit ultrasonic waves at a certain frequency, which is extremely unpleasant for mosquitoes. Insects feel discomfort under the influence of these waves and fly away.

Repellers are capable of emitting waves over an area of ​​up to 100 square meters. The effectiveness of the device has not been officially proven. It is difficult to measure how accurately a device falls within a certain frequency range. Prices for repellers vary greatly depending on the number of settings and the manufacturer - from 300 to 2000 rubles.

What should the buyer be warned about when selling repellent?

  1. When dispensing repellent in the form of an aerosol or spray, warn the buyer to first apply the product to the palm and then to the skin.
  2. Repellent should not be sprayed on the face.
  3. If there are wounds, scratches, or abrasions on the skin, you need to bypass these places during treatment.
  4. The product is not applied to the skin under clothing. Only on open areas of the body and clothing.
  5. When selling a product containing deetha, tell them that it should only be used on clothing made from natural materials. The active substance destroys synthetic fibers and can ruin clothes.
  6. When selling repellent for a small child, warn them not to apply the product to their hands , because Children often put their hands in their mouths.
  7. When selling a clothing treatment, tell the buyer that the protective properties will last for several days if the clothing is not washed and stored in an airtight bag.


These products can only be used outdoors or in well-ventilated areas. When using them in a room, it is necessary to hermetically seal all food, drinking water, an aquarium with fish, remove pets and leave on your own. The fumigant is used for the time indicated on the package. After which you should thoroughly ventilate the room.

Never leave fumigants on overnight. The insecticides included in their composition have a cumulative effect, that is, they are able to accumulate in the body. Over time, the dose of repellent can reach toxic levels for your body, and not just for mosquitoes.

Insect bites. Secret risks

  • There is often redness and slight swelling at the site of the bite. This is a common inflammatory reaction to the penetration of foreign proteins from insect saliva into the upper layers of the skin. However, sensitive people may develop a more serious condition called allergies. In this case, painful itching and burning, rashes like urticaria appear, and in especially severe cases, shortness of breath, coughing, and even respiratory arrest develops.
  • It is not uncommon for adults and children to scratch the bites. Through the resulting damage, bacterial flora can penetrate into the layers of the skin - infection. This can lead to prolonged suppuration of the wound, which can only be overcome with intensive treatment.
  • In European countries, insect bites are irritating and mostly harmless, but they can be life-threatening in some other parts of the world and lead to serious and even life-threatening conditions. insects can be carriers of blood-borne infections. Mosquitoes can infect malaria and yellow fever, lice can infect rickettsiosis, and ticks can infect Lyme disease and encephalitis. And this is not a complete list of dangerous diseases.
  • Recently, episodes of such diseases have become increasingly diagnosed in Europe. Thus, last year, outbreaks of tropical fever, uncharacteristic for this region, were registered in the south of the European part of Russia. Every year, humanity suffers large material losses and human casualties from tropical diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, since there is no vaccine for many diseases yet. These risks can be avoided if you take timely precautions and avoid bites.
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