How should you wash your apartment after treatment for bedbugs?

After treating the apartment for bedbugs, very limited cleaning needs to be done in it, after which people will be able to stay in the room safely, but at the same time the bedbugs will be poisoned if any single individuals of them remain alive. To do this, you need to wash some surfaces, but in general, cleaning should be minimal so that as much of the product as possible remains in those places where bedbugs can run.

Dead bugs in the apartment after treatment

Let's figure out step by step what needs to be done in the apartment after treatment for bedbugs, when, how and what kind of cleaning needs to be done in it, and when there is no insecticide or bedbugs left in it.

When can I return to the apartment?

After baiting the bedbugs, you need to return to the apartment before nightfall . The specific minimum period during which the premises must remain closed and people should not be in it depends on the method of baiting bedbugs:

  • If the treatment was carried out with a cold fog or a hand sprayer, then you can return 2-3 hours after completion of the work.
  • After treatment using hot fog, you can return to your apartment after 5-6 hours, and ideally after 8 hours.

This is partly why, by the way, we try to schedule treatments using hot fog for the first half of the day, so that before the evening the owners of the apartment can return to it, carry out limited cleaning and sleep peacefully in it.

2-3 hours after a cold fog and 5-6 hours after a hot one is the period during which the entire insecticidal preparation settles on surfaces in the apartment and has time to dry. After this, the product does not remain in the air, and you can safely stay in the room without personal protective equipment.

Give the drugs time to work

From 1 to 3 hours, or better - 12

Most insects will be killed during treatment. But it is impossible to process absolutely all individuals. For example, when treating against bedbugs or cockroaches, it is important to wait time, allowing the insects to get out of hard-to-reach places onto the treated surfaces. We recommend waiting at least 1-3 hours, but the best option is to leave the room for 12 hours to ensure maximum effectiveness.

What should you do immediately upon returning?

First of all, after returning to the apartment, you need to:

  • Ventilate all rooms with a cross-flow of air. Simply put, organize a draft so that all rooms are ventilated. You need to ventilate the room for at least half an hour, preferably an hour and a half.
  • If clusters of dead or dying bedbugs are found somewhere, then collect them with a broom and flush them down the toilet.

After baiting bedbugs with certain preparations (mostly domestically produced), a characteristic chemical odor may remain in the room, which only weakens, but does not disappear after ventilation. There is no need to be afraid of it - the smell itself is not dangerous and cannot lead to poisoning; it is emitted by a dry preparation on walls, floors and furniture. From those domestic poisons that our specialists work with, this smell disappears in 2-3 days, including from soft furniture elements. This means that you should not try to get rid of this smell immediately, during the first airing.

Therefore, by the way, although imported drugs are a little more expensive (and their treatment is a little more expensive), they are also preferable, since after treatment with them there is no smell left at all and you can be quite comfortable in the apartment immediately after returning.

Hot fog treatment

At first - half an hour to an hour - during ventilation there should be only one person in the room wearing a respirator, or at least a cotton-gauze bandage. If there is no respirator, then you need to enter the room, open all the windows, remove the bags from the ventilation grilles (the disinfectant secures them here before etching), leave the front door open and leave. For the next half hour or hour, you can stay near the front door, but outside the room. After this, all people can enter the apartment and begin cleaning it. Children and pets can only be brought into the premises after cleaning.

Collect defeated insects

You will need:

  • Disposable gloves
  • Shoe covers
  • Scoop and brush
  • Garbage bag

You will find insects on the floor and open surfaces. You need to get rid of them like regular garbage. Take them out to the trash container immediately after cleaning. Check all easily accessible places where you saw them or were suggested by our specialists. We'll deal with hard-to-reach places a little later. It is better not to use a vacuum cleaner or similar equipment so that the remnants of what is being cleaned do not remain in the device.

How to clean an apartment after disinfestation?

The main task of the first cleaning of the apartment after poisoning by bedbugs is to remove the drug from those surfaces that are most often touched by people and pets, but leave it in the maximum number of places where insects can run. This ensures that even if some single bugs survive the baiting, they will die due to several contacts with dry poison in the following days.

According to the experience of our clients, the safest and most effective are:

  1. Wipe the surfaces of tables and oilcloth on them with a damp cloth. It is better to wash tablecloths immediately.
  2. Wipe the armrests of the chairs.
  3. Wipe off the product from the door handles.
  4. Remove all bedding from the beds and put it in the wash. This includes removing and washing pillowcases from pillows and duvet covers from blankets.
  5. Remove curtains and curtains and wash them.
  6. Wash all dishes and cutlery that were in open areas and could have been exposed to the product.
  7. If small children or pets live in the house, it is advisable to wash the floors in the center of each room - where children and pets most often sit, lie, or play.

These surfaces should be washed with water to which a little soap has been added. It is advisable to wash them twice - the first time with soapy water, the second time with clean water to wash off the soap.

Medicine and dead bedbugs in a sofa drawer

This type of cleaning will take about half an hour or an hour, and after it you can carry out normal life activities in the apartment absolutely calmly.

All bedding removed from beds and sofas, as well as clothes and soft toys that have been exposed to the drug, must be washed in a washing machine.

It is important to understand that the drug itself, after drying, does not leave marks on surfaces and does not threaten anyone with poisoning. Therefore, there is no need to intensively clean the apartment - it is enough to simply minimize the amount of product in those places that people touch most often.

How to get rid of the smell after baiting bedbugs

Controlling parasites is a complex process. This is due to the fact that during the life of insects, odor is released, and additionally, after disinfestation, unpleasant consequences also arise. Improvised means, in particular, soda, help solve the problem. In addition, it is often used to kill bed bugs. Sodium bicarbonate is combined with aggressive substances (turpentine, etc.). After using such a mixture, it is also necessary to use a soda-based solution to eliminate unpleasant consequences.

Is it possible to spend the night in an apartment immediately after treatment?

It’s not possible, but it’s necessary! On the first night after treatment, it is extremely important to stay indoors and sleep on a sofa or bed in case some isolated bedbugs survive here. These parasites will look for a person in order to feed, and in their search they will run along surfaces on which the fresh, most active drug is located. If there are no people in the housing on the first night, such surviving bugs will limit themselves to short forays and return to their shelters. The next day, the drug will already begin to erode, “fizzle out,” and even while actively wandering around the apartment, the bugs will have less and less contact with it, and its effect on them will be less and less effective. Therefore, the first night is the most effective for their destruction, and at least one person needs to be in the apartment during it.

If after treatment the apartment is cleaned as indicated above, it is absolutely safe to spend the night in it. It is enough to make the bed with clean linens, and in the rooms in which people sleep, leave the windows, or at least the vents, open.

On a note

Our practice shows that on the first night, single bedbugs can remain in apartments after our sanitary treatments in 24-25% of cases. In half of them, these single individuals die on the first night, crawling out of their shelters and crawling along a layer of dried liquid. A live person indoors stimulates their activity, increases the distance they run, and increases the likelihood of their death.

Traces of bedbug activity in the filling of the sofa
If one of the residents in the apartment is panicky afraid of bedbug bites, then the legs of his bed should be wrapped at night with adhesive tape, which is hung to catch flies, and the bed itself should be moved away from the walls and other furniture so that bedbugs from -behind the baseboards, or from under the parquet, they could only climb onto the bed using the legs. Trying to do this, they will stick to the tape and die even faster than they would die from the action of a dry insecticide.

As a rule, SanMariDez disinfectors treat sofas and bedbugs with special care, and therefore no living insects are ever left on them. If bedbugs can survive somewhere, then these are places in the room where it is very difficult to blow out the drug - cracks under parquet, or under a wooden floor in a private house, sockets, gaps behind wardrobes. And if there are no bedbugs on the bed and it is reliably protected from bedbugs with adhesive tapes, then even in such rooms no one will bite a sleeping person.

Practical experience

In practice, we have had cases when, during treatment, a sofa or bed had to be thrown away, and the owners slept on mattresses directly on the floor for the first few nights after treatment. It has never happened that any of them were bitten by bedbugs, since all the parasites were destroyed by a disinfectant, but for complete protection from bites, the mattresses in this case can be surrounded with the same adhesive tape on the floor, and the bedbugs will stick to it.

What is pest control

Disinsection is a concept that refers to any action aimed at exterminating harmful insects. So the destruction of bedbugs is disinfestation.

There are two types of disinsection:

  1. Fighter. This type is resorted to when bedbugs are found on any object (house, apartment, warehouse, etc.), that is, the object is already infected. Based on an analysis of the situation and determination of the degree of infestation and localization of parasites, a set of measures is being developed to eliminate pests and further protect the premises.
  2. Preventive. The purpose of this type of procedure is to prevent the appearance of bedbugs. This is a simpler type of sanitary work, since it is carried out on an uninfected site. The service takes less time and costs less.

Whatever type of disinfestation is carried out, we are talking about the use of chemicals. Therefore, safety precautions must be strictly observed in any case.

When is it necessary to thoroughly clean the premises?

It is necessary to completely clean the room after baiting bedbugs after 5-6 days, if during this time neither live parasites nor their bites on people were found.

If there are live bugs in an apartment, or from time to time people discover bites on themselves, you need to find out what kind of parasites they are - survivors of persecution, or those that entered the room from neighbors. Depending on this, subsequent actions need to be taken. We talked about this in detail when we looked into how quickly bedbugs die after treatment...

If there are no bedbugs left in the apartment, then 5 days is enough to make sure of this. After this, you can do a complete wet cleaning:

  • Vacuum all floors, baseboards and carpets (including those that were rolled up before disinfestation);
  • Wash the floors in all rooms;
  • Wash baseboards, window sills, lower surfaces of window sills;
  • Wipe the back and side walls of furniture (including cabinets and bookshelves) with a damp cloth;
  • Remove mattresses from beds, wipe the frame and frame with a damp cloth, and wipe the inside surfaces of linen drawers in sofas;
  • Wipe the door frames with a damp cloth;
  • Vacuum carpets hanging on the walls.

In general, this should be a full-fledged general cleaning, during which all surfaces sprayed during treatment will be washed.

After such cleaning, you can be sure that there are no bedbugs or insecticide in the apartment

There is no need to wash upholstered furniture with anything special after treatment. It is enough to vacuum it several times during regular cleaning. After this, there will be no dry insecticide left on its surface.

Wash the floors

You will need:

  • Disposable gloves
  • Shoe covers
  • Bucket and rag
  • Floor cleaner

If possible, move furniture away from the walls. Clean the floors as usual. Follow the detergent concentration as recommended on the packaging. If the coating allows it, first treat it with a damp cloth so that the cleaning product covers the entire surface of the floor, then wipe dry. Replace furniture if it has been moved.

What should you do with clothes and things in closets?

In our experience, there are almost never bedbugs in closets with clothes. Over 15 years of work, out of six exterminators, only one saw bedbugs in such cabinets, and that happened in catastrophically infested apartments. For this reason, wardrobes are treated with insecticide only from the outside, with the doors closed, and the drug does not get on the clothes themselves. Therefore, there is no need to do anything with it after sanitation.

If some items were hanging openly in the room and the product could get on them, then they will need to be washed and then safely worn further. When washing, all the insecticide is washed off from the clothes and when put on, the body will not come into contact with the product.

Bring back the comfort

Now it’s time to put everything in its place: wash the dishes, wipe down small household appliances and decorative items, hang up clean curtains.

The fight against insects is over and you win!

How to prevent re-infection

Cleanliness in your premises and on the territory of your neighbors is the key to the absence of harmful insects. Insects can be brought indoors on clothing, but the likelihood of this is negligible.

If you did everything according to our instructions and the insects are annoying again, then we can conclude that they came to you from outside. Talk to your neighbors, show them by your example that getting rid of insects is simple, inexpensive, safe and fast.

offers a wide range of services for sanitary treatment of premises, vehicles and equipment. We have modern equipment and strict adherence to processing technologies. By contacting us, you can always be sure of the high quality of disinfestation, disinfection, deratization, site protection, ozonation, removal of mold, unpleasant odors and demercurization.

What should I do if there is a strong odor left after treatment?

As a rule, a strong chemical smell remains if bedbugs are poisoned with cheap drugs - this is a common problem for the most economical customers who want to remove bedbugs for 1000-1200 rubles. Any self-respecting exterminator, simply for his own peace of mind, uses products that either have no odor at all, or the odor, after use, disappears in 2-3 days. At least at SanMariDez, all specialists work only with such products, and therefore after our treatments there are no problems with odor - even if very odorous domestic products are used, the smell after treatment ceases to be felt on the third day.

Agran is one of the smelliest, most inexpensive and most frequently used bedbug baiting drugs in Moscow.

However, those unlucky enough to deal with bedbugs sometimes have to deal with the smell separately. This is a topic for a separate big conversation, since the complexity of such deodorization varies in different cases: sometimes the smell can be relatively easily eliminated with improvised means, but sometimes to eliminate it you have to throw away the sofa, or even deodorize the room separately.

By the way, such deodorization is one of the sanitary services that all serious private SES provide. We also carry out this type of odor removal, and of all orders for deodorization, approximately 12-13% are calls to an apartment, where the unlucky owners called the same unlucky disinfectors, they poisoned (and sometimes did not poison) the bedbugs, and for several weeks now the entire apartment, furniture, wallpaper and floors in it mercilessly stink of cheap Agran or Averfos. And it is impossible to remove this smell if you simply wash the apartment, carry out wet cleaning and even wash all the things: the smell is tightly absorbed into the wallpaper, into upholstered furniture, even into linoleum and carpets.

In our experience, after such stinking insecticides, the only way to get rid of the smell is through a deodorization procedure: the room is treated with a special dry mist made from a preparation that neutralizes insecticide molecules on any surfaces and materials. This deodorization is very reliable, but costs the same as a full bedbug treatment.

Alas, by the time they order disinfestation, most clients do not know about such smelly nuances, and in pursuit of savings of 500-600 rubles, they condemn themselves to deodorization for 2000-2500 rubles. Despite the fact that after deodorization, the apartment will need to be washed again as thoroughly as after disinfestation.

Therefore, if you want to exterminate bedbugs once, clean up two days later and live peacefully in a clean apartment without foreign odors, immediately contact a service that will exterminate bedbugs the first time, and will do it cleanly and professionally.

Cold fog generator, method description

Disinsection with cold fog, compared to the use of sprayers and atomizers, is more effective, both in the final result and in monetary terms in general.
After all, basically the same insecticides are used, but in smaller quantities and more productively. The specificity of disinsection is that the insecticide is released under high pressure and smaller particle size. When processed by a generator, the particle size ranges from 30 - 80 microns, which essentially forms a cloud of fog. Which evenly fills the entire volume of the room and settles on the surface within a few hours. When treated with a spray or spray bottle, the particle size is hundreds of microns; under their weight, they settle immediately. Fog treatment varies from cold to hot, depending on the generator used. Hot fog generators have a heater, with the help of which an even smaller particle size of the cloud is obtained from 5 - 30 microns. Cold fog generators are produced both professional and small household. Prices for a household generator start at an average of 20 tr. and if frequent processing is necessary (private hotel, recreation center, etc.) they will pay for themselves. Hot fog generators are produced only for professional processing and are very expensive, with prices starting at 80 tr. Interesting fact: The bug lives not only close to humans, it is found quite often in the wild, in caves inhabited by bats, where there is high humidity and lack of light. It is noted that there it feeds on the excrement of mammals; the bug can also live in rodent burrows and bird nests.

Preparing the room for baiting bedbugs with baking soda

It is recommended to follow the standard steps for using any type of product (and soda-based solution):

  1. In order to thoroughly treat the apartment, it is necessary to ensure that no food, hygiene items, or personal belongings are left on the premises. Everything that should not come into contact with chemicals is taken outside the room and covered with film.
  2. Closets are emptied of things.
  3. Furniture is moved away from the walls, allowing access to back walls and baseboards.
  4. The mattress needs to be removed from the bed. The sofa and chairs are dismantled whenever possible.
  5. Children's toys should be washed at high temperatures, dried and covered with polyethylene. The same must be done with bedding and clothing.
  6. All large textile items that were stored at home when infected with parasites must be treated with a steam generator, taken out into the cold or taken to dry cleaning.
  7. If there is an aquarium at home, it is moved outside the room or closed.
  8. The carpet is also removed from the room. It is subjected to heat treatment.
  9. The curtains need to be removed. They are washed at high temperature.

If possible, carry out minor cosmetic repairs: restore the integrity of the wallpaper, fill cracks in the floor and walls with cement mortar, check how tightly the baseboard adheres to the surfaces.


cover the ventilation holes so that bedbugs do not start looking for a way out during treatment.

Furniture is moved away from the walls

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