Recommendations after treatment against cockroaches

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Cleaning an apartment after disinfestation is as important a stage in removing insects as chemical treatment. Although complete wet cleaning is not carried out immediately after treating the room with hot fog, you can start cleaning immediately after the initial ventilation.

You can take care of the general cleaning yourself, or use the cleaning service after disinfestation. The Moscow city disinfection service "Des Eco-Mos" performs professional cleaning in an apartment or building after:

  • disinfection;
  • disinfestation;
  • deratization and other disinfection measures.

Cleaning the apartment after disinsection of cockroaches, bedbugs or other harmful insects is of particular importance. Chitin bodies, larvae and eggs of pests must be removed from surfaces to avoid re-infection.

The cleaning service "Des Eco-Mos" specializes in cleaning after disinfection procedures. Our employees will not just clean the premises until they shine, but will ensure that the effect of the insecticide lasts as long as possible - without danger to people and pets.

What to do immediately after disinfestation in the apartment

There is no need to do anything immediately after disinfection measures: just open the windows wide open and go for a walk for 1-2 hours. Cleaning after disinfestation of cockroaches and other parasites is carried out only after thorough ventilation. Otherwise, there is a high probability of chemical poisoning through the respiratory tract.

After ventilating the premises with a through air flow - do not forget, you need to ventilate all rooms, including the kitchen and bathrooms - you can begin cleaning. On the first day it is advisable to:

  • vacuum or sweep away the bodies of dead insects along with the eggs;
  • if you did dry vacuuming, change the dust bag;
  • wipe the surfaces with which you most often come into contact - tables, kitchen countertops, etc. – a disinfectant solution of soda and soap foam;
  • wash the dishes if you did not put them in an airtight storage;
  • wash or rinse clothes and underwear;
  • If food or drinks remain freely available, throw them away: they are unsuitable for food.

It is recommended to start general cleaning after disinfection no earlier than 6-7 days after treatment. It is necessary to pause to give the rare surviving insects the opportunity to get to the surface and try to lay eggs. Even in dry form, the insecticide is fatal to parasites: if they come into contact with the dried layer of poison, they will soon die.

What to do with clothes and toys?

Of course, it is best to pack all clothes, shoes, toys and other personal items in plastic bags before processing. But many don't. After all, there is a risk that cockroaches will hide in them, and then everything will start all over again.

If your items were treated during disinfestation, then they must be thoroughly washed at high temperature - approximately 80 degrees Celsius. Don't forget to remove the tulle and curtains, bedspreads and bed linen, and wash it all.

What is included in cleaning an apartment after disinfestation?

Cleaning after disinfestation is carried out to make the premises safe and pleasant to stay in. Basic cleaning includes services:

  1. Dry cleaning of surfaces. After applying the insecticide, the apartment is filled with dead insect bodies. Cleaning up after treatment for cockroaches, bedbugs or other pests that multiply rapidly reveals astonishing volumes of chitinous debris, even in cases where it seemed that there were few insects in the house. The pest control service will collect the dead bodies with a vacuum cleaner, along with half-living larvae and eggs. Places that are inconvenient to vacuum clean are cleaned manually.
  2. Wet cleaning. It is not carried out on all surfaces, but only on the most important ones - where you will store dishes, work or eat food. If there are small children in the house and they like to play on the floor without carpet, you can wipe the floors at the same time. For deep cleaning, surfaces are covered with a soap solution, then treated with a steam generator.
  3. Cleaning radiator grilles, split systems, lighting fixtures. As on open surfaces, after chemical treatment they become clogged with the bodies of dead insects.
  4. Cleaning the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Cleaning the apartment after treatment for bedbugs and other pests includes mandatory cleaning of the kitchen and bathrooms. Even if the insects were nesting in other rooms, during chemical disinfestation they will rush into the vacant rooms in search of protection. After dry cleaning, surfaces are disinfected.
  5. Taking out the trash. Professional pest control leaves behind a lot of garbage; Even more of it is formed if the rooms were not thoroughly cleaned before spraying the drug. Upon completion of the work, our employees will remove everything unnecessary: ​​return to a clean, insect-free home.

At the customer's request, cleaning after disinfestation may include additional services for an additional fee. This includes washing ceilings and windows, washing dishes with a special solution, dry cleaning carpet, furniture, etc.

However, we do not recommend deep cleaning in the first 1-2 weeks after spraying the insecticide . A dried layer of the drug on hard-to-reach surfaces, in furniture filler or carpet pile acts as a toxic chemical barrier against surviving insects.

Disinfection and cleaning of apartments IN NORMAL CONDITION:

As already mentioned, SK ENGINEER is one of the few organizations in Moscow and the Moscow region that combine the activities of a cleaning company and a professional pest control service . If you want to destroy unwanted insects and, at the same time, improve its aesthetic condition, then call us +7 (495) 120-4435 .

This table shows our prices for these services, and please note that we can carry out cleaning for you using two algorithms - supporting and general . The list of operations for each of them is available by clicking on the name.

Type of service / Price, rub. Disinfection (from bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, flies) Maintenance cleaning spring-cleaning

1 room

1 800 1 600 2 500

2 room

2 300 2 300 3 500

3 room

2 800 3 000 4 500

Is it possible to sleep on treated beds and sofas?

Chemical treatment of a room against bedbugs, fleas and some other parasites includes impregnation of sofas, beds, blankets and pillows. For this purpose, cold or hot fog generators are used. They release tiny droplets into the air, which slowly settle on surfaces and seep into fabrics.

Linen does not undergo this treatment: it is removed and boiled in advance, or washed in a machine at high temperatures. It is also recommended to wash unused sets of linen in advance: in case parasites have laid eggs in the closet.

You need to sleep on beds, sofas, and folding chairs treated with insecticide from the first day. If you are concerned about the smell, use two sheets and two duvet covers. Use a double set for the first 3-4 days - during this time the smell will disappear.

Please note: even if the bed smells a little like chemicals, it is absolutely safe to sleep on. The preparation penetrates through the upholstery without lingering on the surface. The poison will be dangerous only for surviving bedbugs, which will be lured to the surface by the warmth of the human body. Don't be afraid of bites: the particles of dried insecticide will finish off the parasites before they can reach you.

How much does general cleaning after bullying cost?

The price is calculated individually. Depends on the area and condition of the premises, the list of necessary services, the timing of the order and the conditions of the work. To clarify the details, you need to select a cleaning company, contact its representatives and describe the situation in detail. This way you can find out the approximate cost of service. The exact price will be announced by the appraiser after inspecting the property and visually assessing the complexity of the planned work.

To obtain detailed information and subsequently order general cleaning in Vladivostok, contact representatives of our company, receive extensive advice and arrange a time for the specialists’ visit. Next, all that remains is to provide access to the premises and get the desired result in the optimal time frame.

When can you ventilate your apartment after treatment for bedbugs and cockroaches?

Ventilation is carried out after maintaining the period during which the drug settles on the surface. This is about 3-4 hours for cold fog, and at least 6-7 hours for hot fog. After spraying the drug, the room is sealed: you can only be in full protective equipment and breathing masks - respirators.

Primary ventilation makes the apartment safe. Although the insecticide still covers the surfaces, after ventilation, people and pets are freely allowed into the room; You can open the aquarium and bring in plants. Only the wet insecticide, which saturates the air during the disinfestation process, is dangerous to humans. The dried layer of the drug, diluted in a large amount of water, has a low concentration: lethal to insects, harmless to people.

The recommended ventilation time depends on the season of treatment:

  • in the cold season, the atmosphere in the room is completely renewed in an hour;
  • in summer, late spring, leave the rooms to ventilate for 2-3 hours: warm air moves more slowly, there is less wind.

To allow air to circulate freely, leave doors and windows open (except the front door), and remove the ventilation damper. Make sure all areas are open, including the bathroom, pantry and kitchen. While the apartment is being ventilated, the air remains toxic, so you shouldn’t sit at home: it’s better to go outside or visit.

How long does general cleaning take after removing cockroaches?

Since the volume of work is large, even if several specialists are invited, the time required to provide the service will be at least a couple of hours. It is very important to complete the task as efficiently as possible, therefore haste is unacceptable. Although it is possible to speed up the process by involving more cleaners. Coordination of this aspect is carried out at the stage of placing an order or during an appraiser’s visit to the site.

How to remove odor after disinfection

If you look at the full official instructions from any product, you will definitely find in it step-by-step guidance on how to use the room after treatment. If the product is more or less modern, performing these steps will significantly reduce the intensity of the odor.

  • After treatment, leave the room for a period of 1 hour to 24 hours, depending on the chosen drug and treatment method.
  • Upon returning to the apartment, it is ventilated for 1 or more hours.
  • All hard surfaces and objects that a person will come into contact with are wiped with soap and water or a soda solution.

The smell is microscopic particles of the substance that emits it, so if you think the stench is too strong, you need to remove the product from as many things as possible and continue to ventilate the house regularly. Wash all textiles in the apartment, wipe all hard surfaces and floors several times.

Helpful advice

If you need to solve the problem urgently, the only way to completely remove the smell after disinfection in 1 day is to carry out additional professional treatment specifically for it.

How to protect yourself?

Before the process of treating residential premises against cockroaches begins, you need to think through and select the safest places for storing food supplies. For the destruction of cockroaches to be effective, it is also desirable:

  • cover ventilation ducts and other communications with fine-mesh grilles;
  • put constantly used clothes and shoes inside the closets;
  • empty the shelves of various decor.

Thorough cleaning after pest persecution is no less important than the chemical sanitation of the home itself. In addition, it is important to constantly maintain cleanliness and order in the living quarters in the future.

To protect yourself as much as possible from possible adverse consequences, you need to do the cleaning efficiently, carefully cleaning various areas, including secret ones:

  • the floor under beds and furniture;
  • corners of kitchen cabinets;
  • storage areas for unused items (mezzanines, closets, etc.).

Experts promise to eliminate harmful insects within 21 days. If this does not happen, then you need to contact the organization that carried out the disinfestation. Demand re-treatment, which will be free if the owner of the premises has not violated the procedure after disinfestation.

It is necessary to follow the recommendations given by the professionals who carried out the pest control procedure, as well as adhere to the above rules. This will ensure the maximum effect of treatment and the speed of eliminating the cockroach threat in the home.

How to get rid of odor after disinfection if cleaning doesn’t help

If you discuss the issue with the smell of the product in advance when booking a procedure at the SES, the presence or intensity of the smell will not come as a surprise to you. In the official service, which enters into an agreement with the client for the provision of certain services, upon request, you will be provided with all the information about the process and subtleties of processing in your apartment in the most detailed and transparent manner. If treatment in the price category you are interested in involves the use of a product with a strong odor, the consultant will warn you about this.


If you order the extermination of insects from SES “Des Group”, then a specialist can tell you how to get rid of the smell after disinfection (disinfestation) at the stage of choosing a treatment method and product. If you have previously contacted any other service without first finding out the issue with the odor of the drug, you can also order a service to eliminate the unpleasant odor from SES Dez Group.

Smell after disinfection

Disinfection is the destruction of bacteria, viruses, harmful microorganisms and odors.
Disinsection is the destruction of all types of insects. These are two different concepts, but they are often confused. In the context of this article, they will be used as synonyms, although in reality we will be talking specifically about the chemical smell that remains after baiting insects. Disinsection, whether you carry it out yourself or order the necessary services from the SES, can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant, persistent odor. Why is this happening?

The products contain various toxic chemicals. Some of them, alone or in combination with other ingredients, can produce that same pungent, persistent and unpleasant odor that is felt after disinfection. In this case, all funds can be divided into 3 categories:

Newer scented or unscented insecticides tend to cost more but may be less toxic. To remove the odor to the maximum or reduce its intensity to the required level of compensation with fragrance, the work of chemical specialists is necessary when developing the product and the installation of additional equipment in production. These factors can increase the cost of fragranced and unscented products; in addition, the cost is also affected by the country of manufacture of the drug. Another reason why the product is odorless may be the use of exclusively natural ingredients in it, but such preparations have relatively low effectiveness in relation to chemical ones.


Safety regulations

  1. When processing apartments, it is strictly forbidden to be present without personal protective equipment.
  2. Treated areas must not be used until they are cleaned.
  3. People suffering from various allergies should not enter the treated premises until they are fully ventilated and cleaned.
  4. Smoking and eating are prohibited in treated areas until they are cleaned.
  5. If insecticides get into the respiratory tract, rinse your throat with water to avoid chemical burns and absorption of the drug.
  6. If drugs get into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with water.
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