Why do you need pest control for bedbugs and how best to prepare for it?

The occurrence of bedbugs in an apartment or house is always an unpleasant event for any resident. The bites of these blood-sucking insects make you forget about normal life and relaxation. A bitten person sleeps poorly and often tosses and turns, and in the morning he notices “paths” on his body from the bites of these parasites. It is not always possible for people to destroy bedbugs in their homes on their own. After all, it is very difficult to find a nesting site for bloodsuckers. This is the main problem: these insects reproduce instantly, and their larvae turn into adults ready for reproduction in just a month and a half. Therefore, calling a professional service to exterminate bedbugs is the most competent decision in this situation.

What is the essence of disinfestation?

Disinsection against bedbugs
is a set of various measures to destroy parasites, during which infected premises are subjected to special treatment using insecticidal agents. It is worth considering that all drugs used to neutralize bedbugs are completely safe for people, but have a negative effect on the body of bedbugs. Disinsection may also include the destruction of blood-sucking insects under the influence of high or low temperature (hot or cold fog technology).

Disinsection of premises from bloodsuckers differs from disinsection from ants, cockroaches and other pests. Bedbugs are parasites that feed only on the blood of animals, birds and humans. These insects will not be interested in baits poisoned with a special poison. After all, their body cannot digest anything other than blood. That is why aerosol sprays, which penetrate into cracks and all hard-to-reach places, are considered the only effective weapon against bedbugs. There are also drugs with long-term effects. They settle on the selected surface and destroy the larvae emerging from the eggs of bloodsuckers.

Professional companies involved in the fight against bedbugs most often use the following methods:

  • exposure to insecticides;
  • freezing bedbugs;
  • heating the surfaces on which insects live.

Spraying insecticides in the house is the most difficult of all procedures for exterminating bedbugs. However, at the same time, it is also the most effective procedure. As a rule, state sanitary and epidemiological services use exactly this method.

In this video you can see the result of the master’s work and the effect of our drugs:

After all, these insects are not only annoying, but also dangerous to health. Our specialists will answer any questions that are important to you and relieve you of problems with insects. Phone numbers for inquiries: +7 (495) 508-24-86

Processing method Cold fog Cold Mist + Barrier Protection** Hot Mist + Barrier Protection** Cold fog

hot fog,

barrier protection**,

antibacterial treatment *



1 room apartment 1600 rub.2600 rub.3600 rub.5600 rub.
2 rooms apartment 1800 rub.2800 rub.3800 rub.5800 rub.
3 rooms apartment 2200 rub.3200 rub.4200 rub.6200 rub.
4 rooms apartment 2600 rub.3600 rub.4600 rub.6600 rub.
Guarantee period1 year2 years3 years5 years
* Antibacterial treatment of premises against diseases, such as salmonellosis, gastroenteritis, asthma and diphtheria, which are carried by dangerous insects. Treatment includes a chemical disinfection method.

Initial stage of disinfestation

Before ordering a service for disinfestation of premises from bedbugs from a professional service, you must definitely ask who will do the preparatory work before treatment, and who will help with cleaning after disinfestation. Typically, sanitation companies only deal with the actual cleaning of rooms. They do not prepare premises for disinfestation and do not clean after it. This means that home owners need to carry out the initial stage of disinfestation themselves. It is as follows:

  • Thorough wet cleaning of the premises;
  • Sorting out accumulations of things;
  • Clearing all the nooks and crannies in the rooms, because this is where bedbugs nest;
  • Cleaning clothes and textile items in thick plastic bags;
  • Covering dishes and food with cellophane film;
  • Moving cabinets, chests of drawers, wardrobes, bedside tables and tables away from the walls;
  • Covering electronic and household films in a special film;
  • Covering aquariums and terrariums with a special glass lid (if available), de-energizing the compressor.
  • Freeing the apartment from pets.

It is also recommended that apartment owners carry out disinfestation of personal belongings themselves.
All clothing, fabric items, curtains and drapes must be washed at a temperature of at least 45 degrees Celsius. When washing, you need to use powders and gels with an antibacterial effect. If the owners do not want to wash the above items themselves or they do not have the necessary conditions for this, they, of course, can turn to dry cleaning.

You can also treat all textile items using a steam generator. If this is not possible, pillows, blankets, mattresses and other fabric items will in any case have to be taken to the dry cleaner or replaced with new ones.

Of course, there are companies that do the preparatory stage themselves. However, it is better for home owners to take care of thorough preparation themselves to avoid damage to property by pesticides.

How does disinfestation happen?

Disinsection itself occurs by spraying pesticides over the entire area of ​​the contaminated premises. Exterminators treat sofas, sleeping places, cornices and curtains, spaces between walls and furniture, floor and ceiling baseboards especially carefully.

All windows and doors are well closed before treatment. This is necessary so that the insecticide does not break down into substances that are not dangerous to bedbugs with the help of incoming oxygen.

Very often, the pest control service works in all areas of the apartment, including even bathrooms, kitchens and bathrooms. As a rule, service workers use modern equipment and therefore processing takes place very quickly.

Of course, owners and pets are not allowed to enter the apartment after disinsection treatment. However, this rule only applies to certain types of processing. For example, if disinfestation was carried out using the “cold fog” technology, you are allowed to stay in the premises of your home after four hours. But it is worth remembering that in order to enter the apartment, you need to ventilate it well for at least an hour.

Types of bedbugs

In total, there are several thousand species of bedbugs in nature, but only a few prefer to live together with humans:

  • Bed bug that lives in apartments, hiding in secluded places in bedrooms, in bedding, sofas, baseboards and even under wallpaper. Bed bugs must be destroyed using modern methods and means of disinfestation.
  • The stinging bug lives in hot climates. Its bites are extremely painful, causing severe allergies and panic attacks.
  • The triatomine (kissing) bug is a carrier of a dangerous parasitic disease (Chagas). When bitten, trypanosomes, parasitic microorganisms that cause disease, enter the human body. Lives in hot regions.

Some types of bugs that feed on plant sap do not directly harm humans, but cause damage to agriculture by damaging cultivated plants. These are cabbage, berry, wood and turtle bugs.

Other species practically do not overlap with humans, living in the wild.

If insects are found, it is recommended to warn your neighbors. This is important, since one hundred percent destruction of bedbugs in an apartment is only possible when treating the entire entrance or house, including technical rooms, basements and attics.

What to do after treatment

After completion of disinfestation treatment, apartment owners should thoroughly ventilate the premises and clean them. After all, final cleaning is not usually the responsibility of professional processing services.

The first step is to clean all dishes and household appliances from insecticide that accidentally got on their surface. To do this more effectively, you need to use an alkaline composition. It is what helps remove toxic substances.

You should know that after sanitization it is not recommended to immediately wet clean the floor and other surfaces. The thing is that the liquid can wash away the insecticidal composition, which has a negative effect on the eggs and larvae of bedbugs. It is better to wait one or two days and then start cleaning the floors. So all the parasites will definitely die. You should also wipe all the furniture with a cloth soaked in water. It is recommended to pay special attention to glossy surfaces, glass and mirrors. After all, it is on them that a white coating remains - traces of sprayed pesticides.

It is important to remember that upholstered furniture, mattresses and other textile items cannot be treated with water! This way you will wash away all the insecticidal preparation that is needed to prevent the appearance of bedbugs in the future. It is better to vacuum the ceiling and floor skirting boards, walls, as well as the floor itself in the most powerful mode. This way you will be able to remove all the dead bodies of insects, their larvae and eggs.

Is repeated disinfestation necessary?

Companies that deal with the destruction of bedbugs are always required to provide a guarantee for the work performed.
However, it is better for apartment owners to protect themselves from the reappearance of bedbugs. This is done by following all preventive measures. It is better, of course, not to carry out general cleaning of the house within 30 days from the date of disinsection treatment. After all, the larvae that remain die only after they reach maturity. Therefore, it is so important not to wash off the toxic chemical composition from the walls, ceiling and baseboards. The visible effect of the treatment can be noticed already a week after disinfestation: the activity of bedbugs gradually decreases, and in the end not a trace remains of them. If, despite observing all preventive measures, pests reappear in your home, it is recommended to contact the same service that carried out the first treatment. Usually, companies give a discount on repeated disinfestation or even carry it out free of charge.

Advantages and disadvantages of calling professional pest control services

No one usually doubts the benefits of calling the sanitary and epidemiological service, although the price of its services seems high to customers:

  • Processing services always use only professional equipment and special means approved by Rospotrebnadzor. If you purchase pesticides for bedbugs yourself, you will need to spend no less, or even more, money. At the same time, the effectiveness of exterminating parasites with your own hands will not be guaranteed.
  • Pest control companies always use poisons that are not harmful to people or pets.
  • Professional sanitization services always achieve lasting results.
  • Service workers know exactly how to exterminate bedbugs even in hard-to-reach places. And this is unlikely to happen with independent processing.

In addition to the high price, calling a professional service has another disadvantage.
Pesticides force blood-sucking insects to move into a neighbor’s apartment, and from there return back. Of course, this happens extremely rarely, as well as people repeatedly turning to the pest control service. Once you have discovered bedbugs in your home, there is no need to waste a minute. The bug goes through all five stages of its development in just a month and a half. Because of this, the number of bloodsucker colonies grows very quickly. The apartment, which was once clean and comfortable, turns into a breeding ground for bloodsuckers, and the life of the household becomes a complete nightmare. Contacting a professional processing service is the only quick solution to the problem that homeowners will definitely not regret.

Disinfection against bedbugs for legal entities

Room area*Price
100 m²from 35 rub. per m²
100 – 300 m²from 31 rub. per m²
300 – 500 m²from 27 rub. per m²
500 – 1000 m²from 24 rub. per m²
1000 – 2000 m²from 16 rub. per m²
from 2000 m²Check the cost with the operator
Room area*Price
100 m²from 34 rub. per m²
100 – 300 m²from 31 rub. per m²
300 – 500 m²from 27 rub. per m²
500 – 1000 m²from 24 rub. per m²
1000 – 2000 m²from 16 rub. per m²
from 2000 m²Check the cost with the operator

*Minimum departure cost is RUB 3,500.
*Check the cost of annual maintenance according to SanPin standards with the manager

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