Removing bedbugs: poisoning bedbugs with a guarantee in Moscow

The bedbug disinfection service eliminates insects from apartments, private houses, and enterprises using the cold or hot fog method, guaranteeing excellent results after the first disinfestation. Experienced specialists also treat premises with long-acting compounds (barrier protection) and disinfect the premises. The use of certified drugs prevents risks to the health of people and animals; the best products do not leave any odor or streaks. Services are provided by specialists quickly, confidentially, and at an affordable price.

What you need to know about bedbugs

Large cities have become excellent breeding grounds for bedbugs. This may surprise you, but one of the most relevant services in the capital is bedbug extermination services. To get rid of bedbugs in Moscow, we are called by administrators of hostels, hotels and dormitories, as well as owners of apartments and private houses. Over the past few decades, the population of these parasites has been increasing exponentially. The SES annually receives over 20 thousand applications for disinfestation from residents of Moscow and Moscow Region. Owners of houses and apartments most often face the need to call a bedbug service.

Treatment has become more complicated because bedbugs quickly develop immunity to various pest-harassing chemicals. We have to look for new derivatives to reduce resistance to treatment agents.

To get a consultation

There are over 30 species of bedbugs, each of which has its own type of food and habitat. Most often, people are annoyed by bed bugs. These are domestic parasites with a flat brown body. Adult, well-fed individuals usually grow 6-8 mm in length. Most of all they look like apple seeds.

See how a sofa is treated for bedbugs:

Bedbugs are especially active at night and in the morning - from 3 to 5 o'clock. However, if a bedbug colony is hungry, it can go out “hunting” at any time of the day. Bedbugs have an excellent sense of smell, so finding a victim is not difficult. The bug makes its way to an open area of ​​skin and launches its proboscis. The food item does not feel the bite, since the pest injects an anesthetic substance. The bug takes about 5–15 minutes to feed on blood. After eating, it swells and crawls away to hide for 5-10 days. During this time, the adult insect digests food, mates and lays eggs.

In total, a female bedbug can lay over 500 eggs in a lifetime. Insects place their eggs in different places in the room, where they are difficult to detect. Finding and getting rid of such “nests” is the most difficult. A bug grows from a larva to a mature parasite in 40 days.

The danger of bedbugs is that they perfectly adapt to almost any external conditions and multiply quickly, causing huge problems for home owners. Often people don’t even care how much it costs to exterminate bedbugs; they are willing to pay any price just to get rid of the blood-sucking insects.

By the way, regardless of age, bedbugs can survive for a long time without food at all, so they will not die even if you leave the apartment for a month. Bedbugs enter a state of suspended animation, which lasts up to 12-18 months. So, if you want to starve the pests to get rid of them, this is clearly not the best option. The only effective, fast and safe method of destruction is a professional bedbug disinfection service in Moscow.

On your own or with the help of specialists

The treatment can be carried out independently, but it requires the purchase of a large range of drugs at once. And there is no guarantee of achieving results:

  • Household insecticidal chemicals. The goal is large interior items. Aerosols and sprays have a very limited effect. In most cases, the products are very toxic to humans.
  • Heat treatment. The goal is bedding and clothing. Bedbugs die at a temperature of 50 °C. Just in case, set your washing machine to 60°C. However, not all things are designed for such treatment.
  • Freezing. The goal is clothing and underwear made from the most delicate fabrics. After packing things in plastic, leave them in the freezer for at least 4 days. At temperatures from −17 °C and below, bedbugs die.
  • Encapsulation. Sealed packaging for six months. The goal is things that you can do without for a long time. On a starvation diet, bedbugs will last no more than 5 months.

All this should be done together. As well as the fact that too much trouble awaits you. It’s much easier to trust professionals: the results from the disinfection service will be faster and with a guarantee.

Bedbug extermination prices

What is the price for exterminating bedbugs in an apartment from our SES, you can see in the price list on the website. The cost depends on the following factors:

  • processing area;
  • disinfestation methods;
  • guarantee period.

Please note that when ordering the extermination of bedbugs for more than 1 apartment, we give a discount on treatment, so you can cooperate with neighbors who also want to remove parasites.

To order bedbug disinfestation at an economical price, call us or submit a request through the website. Our specialist will answer all questions and advise on price.

Our advantages

The Unified Disinfection Service of Moscow EDSM is:

  • A team of professional, certified specialists;
  • Use of the latest imported chemicals that provide a long-lasting and sustainable effect;
  • Use of products that are safe for humans and pets;
  • Possibility of urgent departure;
  • Processing that does not spoil expensive decorative materials in a renovated room;
  • Affordable cost of services;
  • Refund if there is no result.

For detailed information about services, contact an SES EDSM consultant.

Destruction of bedbugs in the apartment

Processing methodcold mist or micro irrigationcold fog + barrier protection*hot fog + barrier protection*cold + hot mist + barrier protection*
1st apartment1600 rub.2600 rub.3500 rub.5500 rub.
2nd apartment1800 rub.2800 rub.4000 rub.6000 rub.
3rd apartment2200 rub.3000 rub.4500 rub.6500 rub.
4th apartment2600 rub.3500 rub.5000 rub.7000 rub.
Warranty service
1 year2 years3 years5 years
  • When ordering more than 1 apartment (collective order) 10% discount
  • Discount for pensioners 10%
  • 10% discount when ordering from the website

* Barrier protection is the treatment of possible entry points for insects from neighboring premises. To get a consultation

Find out the exact cost of your peace of mind

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Pet owners are at greater risk - insects can cling to the pet's fur while walking in the fresh air. If you are on frequent business trips, visit hotels, hostels, or have lived in a hostel for some time, the likelihood of bringing “uninvited guests” into your home increases hundreds of times. This is explained by the fact that residents in such establishments often change.

All of the above establishments must necessarily enter into an agreement to receive services from companies that deal with the destruction of bedbugs and cockroaches. The frequency of disinfection is determined by specialists.

The price of exterminating bedbugs in enterprises

Room size1 year warranty
Up to 70 m23900 rub.
From 71 to 170 m24600 rub.
From 171 to 300 m25500 rub.
From 301 to 400 m26550 rub.
From 401 to 500 m28050 rub.
From 501 to 700 m29450 rub.
From 701 to 1000 m212750 rub.
From 1000 to 1500 m214400 rub.
From 1501 to 2000 m220,000 rub.
From 2001 to 3500 m225,000 rub.
From 3501 to 5000 m230,000 rub.
From 5001 to 10000 m240,000 rub.
From 10000 m250,000 rub.

To get a consultation

Why should you trust us to disinfect bedbugs?


We guarantee complete anonymity. Nobody will know about your problem

Official guarantee

Guarantee for all types of work. We issue documents and certificates.


Only harmless and eco-friendly drugs are used


Our company has been successfully providing its services for more than 7 years.

Quality control

We manually recognize the quality of each order both during and after the process.

Cost of processing a cottage (house)

Room size1 year warranty
Up to 70 m23400 rub.
From 71 to 170 m24900 rub.
From 171 to 300 m26500 rub.
From 301 to 500 m210500 rub.
From 501 to 1000 m215300 rub.
From 1001 to 2000 m217200 rub.
From 2001 to 3000 m222200 rub.

To get a consultation

Steam treatment cost

AN OBJECTPRICE (1 type of pest)PRICE (2 types of pests)
Dorm room450 rub.600 rub
500 rub650 rub.
550 rub.700 rub
Three bedroom
600 rub750 rub.
650 rub.800 rub

Free consultation

Causes of bedbugs

Bedbugs can get into any apartment along with old furniture, clothes from the market or second-hand stores. In addition, pests may well move to you from your neighbors through the communication system in the house, especially if they have just asked for bedbug removal services. Insects escape from a destructive environment, where they want to get rid of them, and end up with you. Now the fight against parasites is already your headache.

Bed bug removal specialists

Leonid Berezhnenko

More than 9 years of experience in the field of disinfection; the specialist has specialized education in the field of “Disinfection.”

Alexander Volzhanin


More than 10 years of experience. Has a certificate of education in the program “Disinfection, disinsection, deratization.”

Vladimir Egorov


More than 7 years of experience in the specialty. Received additional education in the specialty: “Disinfection.”

Bedbugs can also attach themselves to a pet's fur or a person's shoes while walking outside. Particularly at risk are hostels, dormitories, hotels and inns, as their occupants change frequently. It is difficult to say when and to whom the bugs attached themselves. This process cannot be controlled in any way, so Rospotrebnadzor authorities obliged these organizations to contact insect extermination services and enter into an agreement for bedbug removal services with regular preventive treatment. This is a reasonable price for effective pest control and peace of mind for guests.

What to do to prolong the effect of disinfestation

Preventive recommendations:

  • Ventilation of the room. Open windows 2-3 hours after treatment.
  • Wet cleaning. It is carried out no earlier than after 2 weeks (or at least 2-3 days). On the day of treatment, it is allowed to wash off the product only from surfaces where it can get into food. General cleaning is recommended only after complete removal of bed bugs.
  • Wash all items at temperatures above 50°C. Anything that cannot be washed normally should be taken to the dry cleaner. If this is not possible, pour boiling water or steam over it.
  • Keep the bed at least 30 cm from the walls for a month. You can also use special mattress covers or furniture covers.
  • If you have free time, inspect books, bags, toys and electrical appliances for bedbugs. Bedbugs can hide anywhere, but if you tap or shake them, they will certainly reveal themselves.

Bedbug habitats

Bedbugs feed on blood, so they usually settle close to their potential victims - people and animals. Their colonies quickly spread throughout the house, so disinsection must be carried out everywhere. Pests nest comfortably in hard-to-reach places:

  • cracks in floors, ceilings, furniture;
  • under baseboards;
  • on bookshelves;
  • behind picture frames or wallpaper;
  • in closets with clothes;
  • mattresses;
  • household appliances;
  • soft toys, etc.

Bedbugs hide well, but you can still find them (most likely if you work for a professional pest control service). During the day they hide in the darkest places, but during the “hunt” they often catch your eye. Turn on the light in the middle of the night, and brown insects are clearly visible on the bed. It is useless to crush them one by one, as this will not get rid of a whole colony of bedbugs.

The presence of bedbugs can also be guessed by the following signs:

  • blood stains on bed linen - appear, for example, if you accidentally crushed a pest while sleeping;
  • the musty smell of pheromones emitted by bedbugs is similar to the smell of cheap cognac;
  • bedbug feces - look like brown balls and smell unpleasant;
  • dead chitin after molting - yellowish husk, like from seeds;
  • Bedbug bites are red, symmetrically located stripes on open areas of the body, which quickly disappear and itch very much.

If you find sufficient evidence of the presence of a bedbug colony in your home, it’s time to call the bedbug service, especially since even in Moscow the price of exterminating bedbugs in an apartment is affordable for any owner with average income. The cost of disinfecting an apartment from bedbugs is disproportionately small compared to a quiet life without blood-sucking insects.

To get a consultation

How to prepare for processing and what to do after?

(recommendations of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the DEZUSLUG Center)

People and animals

For 2 hours it is necessary to ensure that there are no people or animals in the room.

Food, dishes and kitchen accessories

Place food in the refrigerator; Take the dishes out to the balcony or wash them after processing.

Children's toys and bedding

Place children's toys in bags and change bedding after disinfection.

What after treatment

Leave the premises for 1 hour. After treatment, ventilate the room for 1 hour.

Why bedbugs are dangerous and why you shouldn’t delay pest control

Sometimes people are allergic to bedbug bites, and then the skin becomes covered with swollen red spots. But even if you don’t have such a reaction, the appearance of pests creates psycho-emotional problems in the form of sleepless nights, constant itching and fear of insects crawling on your body. For these reasons at least, you shouldn’t delay removing pests and call the Moscow bedbug extermination service. Disinfestation lasts only a few hours, and bedbugs disappear, if not forever, then for a very long time

In addition, it is worth getting rid of bedbugs, because insects carry dangerous infectious diseases:

  • Hepatitis B;
  • tuberculosis,
  • brucellosis;
  • tularemia, etc.

For these reasons, it is important not to delay treatment for bedbugs and call disinfection specialists.

How to prepare an apartment for disinfestation

A day before the visit, our specialists contact you by phone to confirm the date and time of the visit. It is advisable to prepare for the arrival of the disinfector:

  • Carry out a thorough cleaning. Place clean clothes and food in the closet. Carpets can be rolled up, paintings can be removed from the walls.
  • Move furniture away from the walls by 20–30 cm. Place mattresses against the wall. Lay out the sofas, or better yet, take them apart.
  • Wash bed linen at temperatures above 50 °C or boil.
  • Warn the exterminator about delicate coatings that require special handling.
  • Provide access to water.
  • Children, pregnant women, nursing women and the sick leave home for several hours, taking their pets. The aquarium must be covered, stopping the air supply. If you want to be present during processing, you must use a respirator.

Benefits of calling a bedbug extermination service

In our service, you can order bedbug treatment with a guarantee and travel throughout Moscow, the price of which is from 1,600 rubles per apartment. This is a quick way to effectively get rid of household and bed bugs. Considering that you will spend a lot of time on self-processing without guaranteeing results, ordering services from a disinfection service is much easier and sometimes even cheaper. Often people have been struggling with this problem for years, but lose hope and still call us, because we offer:

  • quick disinfestation of any premises;
  • processing even in hard-to-reach places;
  • guarantee of complete removal of all individuals: adult bedbugs, larvae and eggs;
  • use of the latest equipment;
  • highly effective methods of disinfection of bedbugs, safe for the environment, people and animals;
  • all activities are carried out in accordance with SanPiN

A one-year warranty is included in the cost of bedbug treatment!

Thanks to professional processing tools and more than 10 years of experience, we take on even the most complex cases and set reasonable prices for our services.

Our service specialists know how to get rid of bedbugs even where other pest control services cannot. And the price of pest control services compares favorably with many competitors. At the City Disinfection Station, the result is guaranteed. Modern equipment for exterminating bedbugs allows you to treat large areas in a short time. Premium pest control products have a prolonged effect, so not a single bug will survive the work of our service.

Reviews from our clients

  • I never thought that Read more...bedbugs are so difficult to deal with. Every week I used more and more expensive chemicals against them, with zero results. As a result, my wife called the specialists of this company, who, quite cheaply and in just a couple of hours, seem to have rid us of the pests forever. I recommend to everyone. Vitaly, metro station Nagornaya
  • Hello! As Read more...promised, I’m leaving my review, thank you guys for your help, you know, my family has forgotten my work with you, who the bugs are, good luck to you! m. Novogireevo, Victoria N.
  • For our children's wedding, we gave Read apartment, which we bought at a reasonable price. When we started the renovation, we noticed that along with the apartment we also got bedbugs. It’s good that we noticed this immediately and called a disinfectant. He cleaned up the premises, and now we know that our newlyweds will live in a clean apartment. The procedure itself was fairly quick, and we spent little money on it. We were warned that if the insects reappeared, under no circumstances should we try to remove them ourselves, but it is better to immediately invite specialists. Yes, we ourselves would not take on this work, because we do not understand it at all. Reutov, Andrey N
  • I am a pensioner and am forced to rent out a room to visitors. Usually I came across clean people, but about three years ago I rented it to such tenants, after which bedbugs appeared. I thought that was it, I’d just die with them, because getting rid of bedbugs is very difficult. Okay, a friend suggested contacting the emergency services. I called a worker by phone, who came the next day and cleaned all the cracks and baseboards. I didn’t really see it because I went to a neighbor’s house. After the treatment, I was told that when there are a lot of bedbugs, I need to do it again. I think, since this is the case, it’s better to do everything right away, as knowledgeable people say. She called again a few days later. Thank you. Everything is fine now. It’s a pity that I don’t know what kind of tenants we’ll get next time, but even without this, it’s impossible - the pension is just pennies. Lyudmila Egorovna, Moscow
  • Don’t be afraid to contact Read more…a disinfection company, they personally helped me a lot. The bedbugs simply disappeared, and we sleep peacefully at night. Some may be unlucky, but our family is very grateful. The main thing is not to wash everything right away, let the apartment be completely disinfected. Raisa Alekseevna, Elektrougli
  • We bought an apartment, but, unfortunately, it came with bedbugs. This is just terrible, we regretted it a hundred times, we had to call for disinfection. After 2 treatments the bugs died. If they appear again, we will call again, since there were a lot of them. Inexpensive and convenient. I did not regret that I contacted this company. Julia, Reutov
  • We thought for a long time what to do, More details...whatever we did to poison the bedbugs, what the sellers found in the store assured that it would be effective and would help, but that was not the case. Thanks to the guys, they came, they helped, the bedbugs disappeared, we sleep peacefully. Tatyana Mikhailovna, Kolomenskaya metro station
  • I never tire of being amazed by those people, More...who invite charlatans in order to get rid of bedbugs, cockroaches and other evil spirits. They either have a lot of money, or they have steely health, especially nerves. Do you want to live with these most terrible human companions? Live and don’t complain, but I personally don’t need that. Sometimes you have to at least turn on your brain and understand that this is just funny. When cockroaches appeared in my elderly parents’ apartment, I immediately contacted a disinfection service. They told me how to prepare the room and I took my parents with me for a few days. The disinfectant arrived at 10, as agreed, and began processing. I then closed the apartment, and the next day I arrived, put on gloves, cleaned everything and washed it with regular floor detergent, and took the carpets outside. Fast, inexpensive and convenient, that is, the service kept its promise. Elena, Moscow
  • Hello! You carried out Read treatment for bedbugs in the spring, I specifically decided to wait a while to see if they would appear again. Didn't show up and the warranty is still valid! So thank you very much for saving me from these parasites! Evgenia, Moscow

Read more reviews about us on the page.

We work seven days a week and will come to remove bedbugs at any time convenient for you. Our exterminators will inspect the premises, draw up a work plan and select the best treatment methods. After this, we will accurately calculate how much disinsection against bedbugs costs, agree on the price with you and sign a service agreement, which details the working conditions and a guarantee for up to 3 years. If necessary, our specialists will carry out re-processing completely free of charge.

Entrust your bed bug extermination problems to the professionals! To get a consultation

Author of the material: Leonid Berezhnenko

Disinfector has more than 9 years of experience in the field

Why should you contact GERADEZ?

Because our company is:

  • 6 years of successful work in the pest control market;
  • more than 100,000 apartments and houses freed from pests;
  • only effective and safe chemicals;
  • one-year warranty and quality control;
  • trips even on weekends and holidays;
  • consultation at any time of the day.

Price Guarantee

The price corresponds to the price list and is not subsequently adjusted. The cost of work will not increase, even if the pest problem is extremely advanced.

Result guarantee

The terms of the guarantee are fixed in the contract and do not change during inspection - re-processing within 1 year is COMPLETELY FREE. No hidden fees or additional conditions.

Information about funds

The consumer has the right to know how the disinfectant works. We will tell you in detail about the drug, and show you the label, instructions and certificate for verification.

Quality monitoring

In pest control, we go all the way to victory, and after payment we don’t give up - the manager checks the results of each treatment within a month.

A complex approach

We combine chemistry with alternative pest control methods. We do everything possible to suppress pests that have developed immunity to poisons.

Where do bedbugs live?

In daylight, an apartment infested with parasites appears free of insects. They hide well: an ordinary bedbug can shrink in width strongly enough to move freely in the cracks between wallpaper or behind baseboards.

Most often, insects choose as shelter:

  • beds, sofas, couches - any sleeping furniture that is often used by a person;
  • mattresses, pillows, bed linen;
  • free space in the floor, walls, under wallpaper;
  • grooves of wooden or padded furniture;
  • dark cabinets, especially wardrobes or bookcases;
  • old window sills: the bug will not take root on a plastic window sill, but it is comfortable under solid wood;
  • picture frames, large books, clothes, soft toys.

Parasites look for dark places where they will not be disturbed by humans. They do not like any direct light: artificial lighting, like daylight, causes a reflexive attempt to hide.

Chemical treatment of bedbugs in the house is carried out using methods that ensure the penetration of the drug into the most secluded places. To prevent the bloodsuckers from returning, after treatment they clean clothes, linen, and soft toys - possible sources of re-infection.

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