TOP 10+ insects similar to bedbugs - photos and names

  • By Vil Malinoshevsky
  • About bedbugs

Our experience shows that a person who lives in the city and at least sometimes travels abroad needs to know what house bugs look like. If only because these insects may end up in his apartment and they immediately need to be correctly identified and removed as quickly as possible. And even if the insects found in the house are not bedbugs, to understand this, you need to know what a house bug looks like.

Bedbug nymph of last instar

Honestly, a person who has ever seen a house bug and knows that it is a bug will never confuse it with any other insect. Is it possible to know what, for example, an adult bedbug looks like, but then get confused and then not recognize its small nymph. And if you don’t recognize a bedbug in the nymph, you won’t take the right measures in time, won’t start fighting them and give the bedbugs a chance to survive.

We have had many cases when people mistook, for example, woodlice and borer beetles for bedbugs, a couple of times people sent photos of carpet beetle larvae under the guise of house bugs - they don’t look like bedbugs at all, but not knowing what bedbugs look like, people may even mistake such insects for them.

Therefore, it is enough to look at the video and photo of bedbugs at different stages of development to understand how they differ from other insects that can be found in the apartment, and then be able to recognize them at the first meeting.

What are house bugs like?

The most important thing and the first thing to start with is: let’s define the concept of what a house bug actually is. Strictly speaking, there is no biological species with this name. In common parlance, house bugs are bedbugs whose entire life cycle and reproduction occurs only in human housing. Of the several thousand bedbugs known to science today, only one species is capable of living and reproducing in human housing in Eurasia, in particular in Russia and Ukraine: the common bedbug, in Latin Cimex lecturarius. No other bedbugs live permanently in human housing. At least in the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere. Sometimes shield bugs can fly here, or soldier bugs or predator bugs can crawl here, but they are not able to live permanently, much less reproduce, in human housing.

This means we need to figure out exactly what bed bugs look like.

What are the varieties?

There are many subspecies of insects. Some of them are pests. In total, there are about 4,000 species of bugs from the stink bug family.

There are many types of stink bugs

The main types of insects are presented in the table.

Forest greenThe insect feeds on sap from trees and shrubs. Also prefers cultivated plants. The shield bug often occupies gardens and lives on raspberries. Is a pest.
CruciferousLooks like a soldier bug. The invasion of the parasite leads to the complete destruction of cultivated plants on the site.
PearEats fruit trees.
CucumberBody length does not exceed 3 mm. Settles on the lower leaves. The insect can jump over a long distance.
HorseflyIt parasitizes almost all garden crops.

Among the representatives there are both beneficial and parasites.

What do bed bugs look like?

The photo below shows a cluster of bed bugs:

You have probably noticed several very characteristic features of the appearance of these insects:

  1. Their body is strongly compressed dorsally, that is, from the back, but quite wide horizontally. Simply put, they appear to be flattened on top;
  2. House bugs do not have wings. This is a characteristic feature of domestic bed bugs - they do not need to fly, but at the same time they need their body to be as flat as possible and allow them to climb into even the narrowest crevices;
  3. They have a simple and inconspicuous coloring. Adults are dark brown, older nymphs are also brown, but slightly lighter, and the smallest nymphs are generally pale yellow.

Here we see bedbugs in an enlarged form, at close proximity. Their actual sizes are 5-7 mm in length in adults and from 1 to 4 mm in length in nymphs.

Simply put, an adult bedbug is approximately the size of a small button and, by the way, has approximately the same body shape, flat when viewed from the side and rounded when viewed from above. In the video below you can get a good idea of ​​the size of the bedbug relative to your finger:

The largest adult bedbug easily fits entirely on the little fingernail of an adult. By this feature, it is easy to distinguish it from street stink bugs. They are larger and, at a minimum, will not fit on the little finger.

This is the most common characteristic of bed bugs in general - size, body shape and coloring. But there are features of their appearance depending on their age and some other factors. Moreover, sometimes the same bug can differ from itself in different states so much that it can be mistaken for different insects.

Is stink bug dangerous for people?

It is believed that insects living in gardens do not pose a danger to humans. The proboscis is soft and cannot pierce the skin. Despite this, cases have been recorded of the shield bug biting people. Against this background, scientists are trying to establish whether there are mutated forms that arose as a result of crossing the shield bug and the bed bug.

Triatomine bugs live in the tropics. Insects harm not only plants, but also mammals and animals. They are carriers of diseases.

Appearance of hungry and engorged parasites

The most striking differences are noticeable between hungry individuals, who have not eaten for a long time, and sated individuals.

At a minimum, the body covers of bedbugs are translucent, which, coupled with the absence of wings, makes the pumped blood in their abdomens very noticeable.

Simply put, a hungry bug is simply brown, but a fed one is already red, because this same blood is visible through the covering of its body. Moreover, if in adults the difference, although noticeable, is not so striking, then in larvae the body is greatly transformed after saturation. Before feeding they are pale yellow, after feeding they are scarlet, looking like droplets of blood with their paws.

For example, look at a nymph who is just starting to drink blood - here she is yellow and translucent:

...and at her a few minutes later, after her entire intestines were filled with blood:

She is bright scarlet, completely different from herself a few minutes ago.

You probably noticed that after saturation, the bedbug's abdomen became somewhat elongated. This is not an illusion, this is how it is: due to the elasticity of the joints of the segments, the abdomen stretches when the intestines are filled with blood, which allows the bug to receive the maximum amount of food in one blood sucking. Since you are lucky enough to find a victim, you need to take everything from it. As a result, a short, round and flat bug, after saturation, becomes long, elongated and inflated.

On the left is a hungry bug, on the right is a fed one

By the way, in this state it is very easy to crush him, since such a body filled with blood is less durable than a flat and emaciated one. Therefore, sometimes people can crush bedbugs while tossing and turning in their sleep. And in the morning, noticing small blood stains on the sheets, they may realize that they have bedbugs living in or near their sleeping area. In general, if you simultaneously find some unfamiliar insects in the bedroom and a blood stain on the bed, then most likely these insects are bedbugs.

By the way, in hungry bugs that have not eaten for several weeks, the body becomes so flat that it looks like some kind of dry crust. In general, it does not seem that any organs can function normally in this body. But normally, such exhaustion rarely occurs: bedbugs usually have the opportunity to feed with their normal frequency, once every 2-3 days.

Mating hungry bugs

TOP 10+ insects similar to bedbugs - photos and names

Bed bugs are often mistaken for other insects because they look very similar to some common household pests. One of the easiest ways to identify bedbugs is by their appearance.

Bed bugs have a flattened body that ranges in color from reddish brown to dark brown, oval-shaped eggs, and six legs. If you think you might have bed bugs, try to identify them with these three questions: 1) What species are they? insect? 2) What size is it? 3) How many legs does he have? 4) In what areas does it live?

Hunting devices In this photo we see how a device (hunters call this bag a “carcass”) is tied to the jaw of a bug. On large bedbugs you can find very specific hunting devices, which are very similar in appearance to such bags. For example, on the Anopheles insect shown in the illustration, we see a special tooth that is used as a weapon.

Such a tooth is used to drill and bite through the skin of the victim. Bug hunting uses this particular tooth, although they can also use the sting, for example, to pierce clothing or bedding. As we saw in this photo, most species of clopomorphs use this type of teeth for hunting. The second way to determine the type of insect is to pay attention to their location. Long arms of bedbugs Many bedbugs can be recognized by their long arms.

Moreover, females usually have long arms, so males do not have this feature. In individuals of the genus Desideratus, long arms are only visible when they become adults. Usually we see large females who are very aggressive towards something. Why These Insects Are Like Whales Mammals are mammals in the sense that, unlike plants, they cannot feed on organic matter from the soil.

For example: if you draw a line above the ground, you get a silhouette that we call a whale. This optical image of a whale is based on the fact that as whales get bigger, their tail growth decreases. Wings of whales They need long wings in order to fly. Insects can fly only because they bend certain tissues of their body with their wings. For example, the amoral bug has triangular wings, which helps them use energy as efficiently as possible during takeoff.

Bed bugs are not very good at eating fruits and vegetables, so many of them feed on house plants. It was previously thought that bedbugs were interested in dairy products, but judging by previous research, they mainly feed on blood and lymph. You may hear a buzzing sound similar to the sound of a mouse's whiskers as the bug digs around in the bed.

This is evidence that they are looking for food. There are yellow-brown spots scattered all over the bed, which form in places where parasites relieve themselves. In addition, you may notice quite large holes in the mattress and carpet and sawdust scattered around, which make the bedbug home even more noticeable. If you notice these parasites, simply burn your bedding.

Another way to spot a bedbug is in a room full of ants, as they usually feed in areas that are contaminated. It is easy for bedbugs to penetrate into the heart of the anthill, where they will suck the juices from the body. This will allow you to easily spot them. You can also look for insect mushrooms and their larvae, which you can find in abundance in bedbug habitats. If the parasites were very noticeable, you might want to talk to local entomological researchers.

Between October and March, the bug lays about 300 eggs in the soil. They show dull brown spots. Clutches of eggs are laid over several days and are usually left exposed. They then accumulate in a dark place, while the bug lays eggs again. The process may take several months. If a bedbug travels through a room, you can easily spot it by the marks left by the ticks on its body. You can also call insects by tapping the corners of the room with your hand.

Striped bugs are tiny bug-like insects with silky skin. They are very similar not only externally, but also physiologically. Bedbug stripes all over the body, including wings and legs, indicate gender characteristics. The color of the bug depends on its habitat: in the dark and in absolute darkness they become lighter, and in the light they become darker;

Cockroaches are aggressive, deadly creatures. They have adapted to hunt almost any living creature. Among all insect pests, cockroaches are considered one of the most dangerous. They attack their prey with quick, powerful strikes accompanied by a loud, high-pitched screech;

Ugh, cholera! “They look like skinny flies or little animals,” people say, “but they are very poisonous and dangerous.” This is true. These harmless bugs are real chimney sweeps; they survive in pipes and under the window sills of houses in order to get to the life-giving moisture and then die. They reproduce uncontrollably and can live next to humans for a long time. Note that these insects are not the only ones that kill you in your sleep.

Vacuum cleaner - good, very good. Surprisingly, all bedbugs are vacuum cleaners because they love being able to stick their proboscis in and out of their plastic boxes. Bedbugs attack people and find a gap between the boards on the walls and ceiling in which they can hide. They eat everything from saliva to blood and are active bedbugs.

Batteries are much, much better. The biggest source of bedbug bites is batteries. Bloodsuckers primarily attack people living in old houses with constantly open doors or windows. If the room you live in is too cold or too hot, you may find that the bug has bitten you.

Even if you decide to be careful and not open your doors or windows, this does not mean that you can be considered invulnerable.

I took great care to ensure that my apartment was as insulated as possible and that my hollow body was completely closed to air. Fortunately, I didn't encounter any problems.

Plants around the house are another good option. Since people most often close their doors and windows, someone is bound to keep them open. If there is a plant on the windowsill or balcony that can protect itself from a bug, then go outside and look for it. Collect it on the ground in the area where it grows.

Bottom up if you can. If the bug cannot get to you while you are sleeping, then it has a chance to do this after you wake up. Falling asleep and not waking up from bites is quite a big challenge. _______________________________________

Red cockroach. The list of his exploits is long. The despicable cockroach is capable of entering the house through any window, dropping from a tree, and from underground - reaching anywhere and even reaching food located on the stove burner. Drawers and closets with linen should not be loaded into the hidden corners of our house, as well as from the wardrobe - this is where he lives, emptying and filling supplies every day. Modern scientists, not without reason, believe that the red cockroach settled throughout the planet even before the invention of printing.

We have been observing this phenomenon in Europe for the last few centuries. As a result of science, trade, and disease, many countries in Asia and Africa experienced significant population increases. And what, among these creatures living in an environment alien to them, not a single cockroach was found? But as soon as Europeans were introduced to civilization, numerous rumors appeared about these “unclean creatures who destroyed the Bible and created the modern world.”

In a sense, these myths are true. But if only everything were so simple! Scientists have discovered an RNA gene in European cockroaches that is responsible for moving from crevice to crevice. This means that we were able to find these insects, which almost always live in the homes of Europeans. However, representatives of the African race of cockroaches retained the Indo-European genetic program.

Domestic cockroaches have no spinal cord, no brain, no sense organs - their nervous system is almost completely absent. But the unsightly creatures are outwardly similar to the real inhabitants of the Earth, however, they have significant differences from them - they are of metamorphic origin, differ in eyes, hearing and sense of smell, speak different languages, have their own philosophy and morals.

Oddly enough, the famous English cook and gourmet Robin Hood dedicated his life to the fight against red-haired, but short and narrow-eyed parasites. Since time immemorial, the inhabitants of England have been frightening naughty children with the “red cockroach” so that they do not break the rules of behavior and carefully hide their toys, and a horseshoe over the fireplace in the owner’s house is not a mockery, but a symbol of confidence. And although the Scottish character is Norwegian, the myth of his bravery is a product of entirely English origin.

“Eat more, don't sleep more” - this is the main motto of Robin Hood, who first appeared in the 16th century. He saved the widow who refused him the courage when he came to her to demand half of the inheritance, when the poor thing was shot in the legs in the evening, and he could not bend them... but now this woman is already waiting for his son, Tristram, to visit. And for breakfast they will have...

Remember? This is about cockroaches: “Seth is a cockroach, known for his cowardice and deceit. His forefathers were pitiful vile creatures, and their descendants became giants. There is something in his appearance that makes the soul tremble. Set is a terrible monster, and his strength is terrible” - this is how “cockroaches” were described in ancient writings. In the East there are legends about subtle intelligence, deceit and courage. And they are often depicted.

“Gena, as a child I was a real hero. I once ate a whole pet cockroach. We lived then in a small town in the north of Scotland called Sandyman. Summer was in full swing, and in our house cockroaches were visiting our neighbors. Our mother loved fried potatoes and always wanted to feed them to her only daughter, who complained that there were too many of them when she was a child. Cockroaches that came to us along with potatoes. _________________________________

Bloodsucker. The bloodsuckers have a round abdomen that is light yellow in color with black spots. Female insects are a favorite object of the hunter, hunted mainly for their bites. They produce 20-50 pieces. per day. Therefore, catching a bloodsucker even in forests where there are no roads will not be difficult.

The maximum damage caused by the bloodsucker is the destruction of young trees. When bitten, a strong nervous reaction occurs, in which the victim becomes paralyzed. In order to prevent bloodsucker bites, it is recommended to wear clothes made from natural materials so as not to harm your health. It is not recommended to eat exotic fruits before visiting forests.

Infection with ticks in dogs and tick-borne encephalitis. Today, two types of ticks are known to carry the dangerous virus. One is an encephalitis tick, the second is a dog tick. Unlike human ticks, dog ticks and encephalitis ticks, for example, can be parasitic for a long period of time.

The danger of contracting tick-borne diseases arises not only because they are spread through the blood, but also because of how they are transmitted. The peculiarity of ticks is that they can attack a person only from the “straight” side. The tick feeds directly on blood, and most animals capable of carrying the disease die, especially if they are sick. The first signs of the disease appear a few days after the bite.

Dogs and ticks are the most common victims of ticks. These are infectious animals with damaged skin and unprotected hair follicles and brain. Moreover, dog ticks are carriers of tick-borne encephalitis, which is found exclusively in dogs.

Over the past few years, an increase in tick-borne infection cases has been recorded in different parts of the country. In Belarus, due to the favorable ecological situation in forests and the high level of biological protection of animals, the incidence of animal diseases is predominantly mild and moderate, which is facilitated by the increased activity of wild ticks at this time of year.

On the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the main source of infection is bloodsucker bites. _________________________________

Mite. Immediately after the onset of heat, mites make a sharp squeak and can be seen on the skin of people and animals. The tick can be removed using sprays and tweezers, and the eggs can be temporarily laid in the grass.

In spring, ticks are activated literally throughout the entire month after the snow melts. During this period, it is not too late, if not already too late, to do prevention. And it should be done in advance. If, nevertheless, a tick bites, you need to remember how this parasite is removed, and if everything is done correctly, there will be no unpleasant consequences.

Well, for those who do not have a summer house, or even a city plot, plants are treated with special insecticides. It should be remembered that only a specialist will determine which drugs are suitable for your plant, and whether they will be effective in your case.

In the spring, you can find ticks in the forest, fields, parks and asphalt. A tick is a small insect that attaches itself to the skin and gradually penetrates it, feeding on blood. In spring, ticks are especially active; they lay eggs from which larvae develop. Usually these larvae live in the trunks of trees and bushes, where they feed on sap.

How to protect yourself from ticks? To protect yourself from dangerous insects, you should behave as follows: - Wear long sleeves, gloves and avoid rubbing the skin. -Do not dress in short shorts or skirts outdoors. -When going out into nature, you need to carefully inspect your clothes and shoes for dents and abrasions. -If possible, walk barefoot on the grass, in areas treated with a special reagent. -Wear waterproof and waterproof trousers, jackets and shorts. -Before going into the forest, you need to thoroughly disinfect your shoes.

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis. Vaccination against tick-borne infections is a common measure for preventing tick-borne infections. Every year about 60 million people are vaccinated in our country. Vaccination against ticks is done in some countries in Africa and Asia. But in Russia, vaccination can only be done in state clinics that are equipped with modern certified drugs. Blood is drawn in a special disposable tube, maintaining sterility. All these actions must be confirmed by a medical examination for possible contraindications to vaccination.

To get vaccinated, you need a passport and a certificate of incapacity for work. A distinctive feature of vaccination is that it uses two vaccines: dry and liquid. The vaccine used in dry form is called the “African Type Vaccine”. In order to give an injection, an active liquid vaccine, which contains a weakened tick-borne infection, is injected into a special syringe. _____________________________

Head louse. Lice and nits cannot exist and reproduce in animal fur or in nature, since they are parasitic organisms that can only feed on human blood. The clinical picture is as follows: redness of the skin, pityriasis versicolor or lichen planus, pustular diseases of the scalp and hair, accompanied by itching and scratching.

Treatment of lice in children and adults. Children are treated for head lice using only certified personal protective equipment. In the process of treatment and treatment for lice in children, the age, weight, gender and lifestyle of the patient are taken into account. If it is impossible to use personal biological protection equipment, if the lice do not leave the affected hair, resort to medicinal treatment of the scalp.

Professional treatment for lice at the ANTIVOSH clinic will help you get rid of head and pubic lice. Treatment of head lice in children makes it impossible to transmit the virus through the bloodstream. Effective treatment for pediculosis at home without the help of a specialist is impossible. To remove hair, you need to use various preparations for dif and nits. These drugs are based on natural ingredients that are so necessary for the human body. All medications for head lice are divided into two types.

Medicines of the first type are used for deworming cats and dogs, taken orally. Such drugs are not intended for children and adolescents, as well as pregnant women. It should be noted that drugs of the first type give very good results only with professional treatment. To detoxify the body and eliminate the symptoms of the disease, lice heads use various drugs that paralyze the vital functions of the parasites.

These drugs include: vermox, viper, ammonium sulphate, tomaxo, toxaphene, boric acid, carotoline, pyrazodone and aversectic acid.

Used intravaginally: When treating children with pediculosis using external preparations, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the attending physician. It is important to strictly follow all recommendations. ________________________________

Book louse. These are small insects with a width of 2-4 mm. They do not have a shell on their heads, which allows them to move from one place to another without any problems. Most of the time they live under human skin, which is a kind of swim bladder for them. This situation quickly leads to poor circulation, subcutaneous hemorrhages and, as a consequence, skin and its death. The main method of combating book lice is the destruction of disease carriers in infested minks or posting special individual leaflets.

Hornets are insects of the order Orthoptera. The largest in size among all straight-billed birds. Their body is up to 15 cm long. The wingspan can reach 55 mm, less often 30 mm. The color of the wings is dark green, sometimes with an admixture of brown or black spots. Males are most common, while females live and breed in small burrows. A characteristic feature is that the 8th antennal segment is located on the edge of the abdomen. Hornets lead a hidden lifestyle and fly to Africa for the winter.

Scolopendras are one of the most poisonous insects on the planet, which are one of the main distributors of a disease called sleeping sickness, as well as distributors of a number of other infections that cause disorders and mental disorders.

There are about 200 species of scolopendra, and less than 1/100 of all known species on Earth remain in the world. The main habitats are caves, but some of them can live in more open places. Scleroderma beta belongs to the species Scleroderma beta, common in Australia.

Although hermit crabs are solitary organisms, there are also subspecies of hermit crab species. Thus, the water crayfish (Artiodactylus spelaeus) has an incredibly long body, reaching a length of 60-70 centimeters. This is the largest representative of the crayfish family. This species is found only in water bodies of southern Australia. Occasionally it settles in other places on the planet. However, more often the water crayfish lives in water, preferring stagnant bodies of water. In nature, the renegade water crayfish reaches up to 25-30 cm in length. But at home it can only be grown in aquariums with a suitable water size.

These miniature creatures, measuring no more than 15 mm in size, are also the dominant parasites on the planet. Of all known insects, they are the ones that evolved to become predators, not prey for lunch. Snakewings (Gymnopilus recurvilis) appeared relatively recently, only about 50-60 thousand years ago. The main reason for the existence of these insects was their immune system.

Currently, about 1.5 thousand species of these creatures are known. They live on trees, bushes and even rocks. These are mainly ovoviviparous species.

The suborder of arachnids (Arachnida) is characterized by an incredibly diverse appearance. There are more than 50 thousand species. Most of them belong to the Hemiptera family, which is represented mainly in groups. ______________________________

Pubic louse. Getting infected with pubic lice is easy, but getting rid of them can sometimes be very difficult. Pedicus pubis is very dangerous and therefore requires mandatory treatment, as well as regular prevention.

Currently, the best specialists in the field of pediculosis work in the medical department. We carry out diagnostics and treatment using modern drugs and the latest technologies. Our doctors and obstetrician-gynecologists are highly qualified and master modern diagnostic and treatment methods.

The cost of treatment for pediculosis depends on the complexity of the disease. It all depends on the severity of the symptoms and the neglect of the process. We always have discount programs! We maintain affordable prices and care about the convenience of our customers. And we guarantee the high quality of our services!

From an early age, a child needs care, which means that it must begin from birth. How he will eat depends largely on the upbringing of his parents. It’s not for nothing that popular wisdom says: “If you don’t educate, you won’t be evil.”

We will help you raise your child to be clean, kind and obedient. In our center you will be provided with qualified medical care that will save you and your loved ones from the disease - pediculosis.

Our doctors use only the best and proven methods for treating head lice. Today there is no disease for which a cure cannot be found. But treatment of head lice is a long and constant process. It is important to remember that even with mild lesions, such as axillary or pubic pediculitis, treatment requires complex treatment and often does not go away without consequences.

Causes of pubic lice. Pubic lice usually appear in children and teenagers. Since they have delicate skin, a fragile body is easy prey for lice. Therefore, every year in places where there are large concentrations of children, you can meet bald children. In their body, unlike an adult, the pubic louse lives its entire life.

Moreover, both sexes are infected equally, in the absence of measures to combat pediculosis.

The pubic louse is a parasite of the lice found in their sebaceous lubricant. Therefore, it is not surprising that their heads are surrounded by whitish-brown mucus, which is a favorable environment for parasites to live.

To produce offspring and thrive, pubic lice must feed on blood. Therefore, its females lay eggs on the body of people. Moreover, not only on children's heads.

Blood sucking is not just a problem for children. Adults also suffer from this problem. Especially in the warm season, in the steam rooms of public baths. In warm weather, in this case, there are a lot of lice. To avoid getting lice pubis, it is advisable not to go to swimming pools, baths and saunas where there are a lot of people.

Since the female pubic louse lives in the uterine body of the louse for several days, infection in an adult occurs several days earlier than in a child.

Vaginal pubic lice multiply very quickly in a favorable environment, especially in a place protected from the sun. They prefer a hole that is easy to climb into and that is always warm and humid.

Most women suffer from pubic lice, not knowing that infection occurs through the bites of blood-sucking insects. When in crowded places, you should pay attention to people suffering from pediculitis. If you find a pubic lice in your hair, immediately contact a specialist, as this problem can have a very negative impact on your health and the infestation of your loved ones.

What do bed bugs look like at different ages?

The smallest nymphs differ slightly from adult bedbugs and from older nymphs. When enlarged, in a photo or video, when closely zoomed in, they look like small yellow bugs, and when viewed with the naked eye, they look like small yellow spiders.

By the way, it is the nymphs of the first instar that people with poor eyesight may not be able to see with the naked eye. The length of these nymphs is about a millimeter, and due to the yellow color of the body covers, they actually blend in with the boards of the bed frame or with light-colored bed linen. But in any case, they are very different from adult, broad brown bugs.

Look at a hungry young nymph - you can see that her body is translucent and not at all as dark as that of an adult bug. In general, it does not look very much like a bug, and therefore, when such nymphs are discovered, people do not always recognize them as bedbugs.

That is, we have already found out that bedbugs can look slightly different in different states and at different stages of their development. Let's make this intermediate summary of the shapes, sizes and colors of bedbugs that you may see in the house:

  1. An adult hungry bug is flat, wide, brown, 5-7 mm in length, similar to a dark button;
  2. An adult, well-fed bug is slightly swollen, wide, burgundy, the color of thick blood, elongated, its body is slightly worm-shaped;
  3. An older hungry nymph is similar to an adult hungry bug, only slightly smaller and lighter in color, light brown. After satiation, it looks like an adult, well-fed bug;
  4. A hungry nymph of 2-3 instars is small, 2-3 mm in length, flat, translucent, inconspicuous, pale yellow in color;
  5. A well-fed nymph of 2-3 instars, similar to a drop of blood with a head and paws, quite elongated in length;
  6. The smallest nymphs are the first instar, having just emerged from the eggs. They are generally extremely small, difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, although noticeable in principle, and their body shape is generally difficult to identify.

If you encounter any of these insects in your apartment, then you know that this is a domestic bed bug.

Parameters to rely on when choosing funds

All chemicals are formulated for individual use. There is no universal remedy that will eliminate the problem under any conditions and degrees of neglect. List of criteria for choosing a product:

  1. First of all, safety. Due to the fact that many stores sell substances for household use, high toxicity can lead to negative consequences on the body of residents.
  2. Efficiency is the very property that is most important when choosing a product. If the drug does not produce results, then its use will be ineffective.
  3. Deadline for destruction. If you need to get rid of “unwanted guests” in a short time, it is recommended to use aerosols.
  4. Price. The phrase “quality - price” is not always true. Funds should be selected not by amount, but by quality.

How to properly destroy bed bugs. Video:

How are female bedbugs different from males?

It is possible to distinguish between a female and a male only at the imago stage, that is, in adult insects. Bedbug nymphs are not children of people who have all their systems formed and only grow as they grow older. Their reproductive system is fully formed only after the last molt, and only then can one consider the differences between males and females.

On the left is a male, on the right is a female

In females, the end of the abdomen is rounded and symmetrical, and in males, on the last segment of the abdomen, a copulatory organ is visible, which is turned to the left side and looks like a kind of tip on the abdomen, which, due to its curvature, breaks the symmetry of the abdomen. But in general, bedbugs do not have any radical differences between the sexes; unless you look closely, these differences are not noticeable.

By the way, we are sometimes asked the question of what the queen of bedbugs looks like. It doesn't look like it, because bedbugs don't have a queen. They do not have a social structure and any kind of hierarchy in which there would be a queen, as the main breeding female, by analogy with ants and bees. All female bedbugs are the same, they all swarm in a common nest, and they all reproduce with the same intensity.

How harmful is the parasite?

Some insects negatively affect the plants they live on. The representative eats leaves and fruits, leaving behind brown marks. When stink bugs invade, the entire crop can be destroyed. Favorite treat: raspberries.

Bed bugs love raspberries

The insect leaves an unpleasant odor from the glands on the berries and leaves. With a lack of glands, the insect switches to agricultural crops, namely cereals. Often a representative lives in an apartment.

When an insect enters an apartment, it does not harm residents. The only negative is the unpleasant aroma from the parasite.

What does a bedbug nest look like?

You can also see what a bedbug nest looks like. The video below shows several of these nests on the sofa:

Again, nest is not quite the right word to describe the places where they gather, since a nest is more often understood as some kind of organized and to some extent equipped dwelling, if not as complex as a wasp nest or an anthill, then at least reminiscent cricket hole. Bedbugs do not have this, because they do not exhibit any creative activity. But nevertheless, in the most suitable places they accumulate in large quantities, live here for a long time and such accumulations are clearly visible.

At a minimum, in these shelters there are a lot of bedbugs themselves of different ages, and due to the large number of them here it is easy to notice. There are also large quantities of skins shed during molting, the remains of dead insects, eggs and excrement. That is, this entire accumulation is quite motley, disgusting, and cannot be confused with anything else, since no other insects accumulate in such quantities on sleeping places and near them.

From experience, we will say that most often they either do not notice them at all, or they find them but do not mistake the smallest nymphs for bedbugs. Firstly, they can literally hide in the narrowest fold or near a seam on the fabric, and secondly, they are so different from adult bedbugs that they are not considered bedbugs.

We often have clients who see these larvae and say they are not bedbugs because bedbugs are supposed to be wide, round and brown. You need to understand that there should be no insects in the room in general and especially on the bed, no matter how they look. And most likely it will be bedbugs that live in the sleeping place, for which it is important to get to the sleeping person as quickly as possible. Therefore, if you find any insects on the sofa or bed, you must get rid of them as quickly as possible.

Specifics of bedbug reproduction

If cockroaches start in a house where the sanitary condition leaves much to be desired, then the little bloodsuckers will settle even in clean housing. They enter the room in different ways:

  1. It will not take much time to penetrate from a neighboring apartment, because a single female is capable of founding an entire colony.
  2. Infestations with furniture happen even when purchasing new furnishings, but usually harmful insects hide in old cabinets or beds, making nests in crevices.
  3. The bloodsucker can be brought on clothes; it is enough to spend the night in an infected hotel for it to settle on your jacket. If you find yourself in an unfamiliar place, you should not put your jacket on the sofa - the fresh smell of a person will attract parasites.
  4. Even small rodents can carry a harmful insect that can feed on their blood.

Once in the room, the bloodsuckers begin to master it. The female lays up to 500 eggs, and she does not need regular fertilization! The high survival rate of the species is determined by a special method of reproduction, which allows maintaining numbers even in unfavorable conditions.

During insemination, called traumatic insemination, the male attacks the female, pierces the chitin and injects the seed. It remains in the female’s body and is used as needed. One fertilization is enough for the female to lay eggs throughout her life.

Differences between different types of bedbugs

It is interesting that there are quite a lot of types of bed bugs, more than a hundred, and they are all very similar in appearance and without special knowledge and special equipment, that is, for a non-entomologist without a microscope, it is almost impossible to distinguish them. Of these more than a hundred species, only two can constantly live in a person’s home, near his bed, and bite him, while almost a hundred others do not live near the bed and do not bite a person.

They are called bed bugs simply because the first species in this family was the common bed bug, as a human companion and synanthropic species, and it received its name for its characteristic way of life and unique habitats. And it was separated into a separate family, since it was noticeably different from other hemipterans.

Then, when scientists began to describe other species of the same family, but living in bird nests, in colonies of bats in caves, in rodent burrows, they were forced to call them bed bugs simply because of their biological relationship. It so happens that there are many types of bed bugs, they look similar, but most of them are not bed bugs in their way of life.

This is, for example, what the swallow bug looks like, which lives in the nests of swallows:

And so - Cimex hemipterus, the second species in the family, which feeds mainly on human blood, but is found mainly in the tropics:

In fact, no one except entomologists needs to be able to distinguish between types of bed bugs. If you have bedbugs living in your house, it doesn’t matter what species they belong to - they must be destroyed immediately. But being able to distinguish them from other insects is sometimes useful, just to take the right measures to destroy them in time. Plus, in most cases, people want to know what house bugs look like when they encounter some kind of insect in the house, but cannot understand whether it is a bedbug or not. So, what can bed bugs really be confused with?

What are the methods of struggle?

The fight against the parasite on the site must be comprehensive and timely. Basic methods:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical.

The chemical method involves the use of chemicals. Solutions are available in the form of sprays, powder and liquid for creating solutions.

With the mechanical method, the usual collection of insects by hand is recommended. Additionally, the use of traditional methods is allowed. When fighting, the main thing is an integrated approach.

Do-it-yourself baiting of bedbugs and cockroaches

Independent baiting of bedbugs and cockroaches can be carried out using pest control agents or folk remedies. If you want to get rid of parasites quickly and there are a lot of them, it is more advisable to immediately move on to radical solutions and use insecticides.

Folk remedies for cockroaches and bedbugs

There is no universal, more or less safe and at the same time likely to be effective folk remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches; you need to use your own method against each species.

From bedbugs

It is impossible to completely eliminate bedbugs using folk remedies, but some measures are suitable for local pest control.

  • Freezing individual items in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator at -15°C for at least 5 days can kill larvae and pests.
  • Small pieces of furniture, such as chairs, can be washed with hot (60°C and above) water and 72% laundry soap.
  • You can use a steamer to process things, after which you need to wash them.

Before any temperature exposure, make sure that it will be safe for the fabric or material of the item/item.

From cockroaches

The most effective folk remedy for cockroaches is bait with boric acid. Required:

  • Boric acid powder.
  • Food bait - potato pulp, banana pulp, eggs, jam, etc.

The acid powder should be mixed until smooth in a 1/1 ratio and placed in the form of small drops or pieces on substrates in secluded places where you often see cockroaches.


Boric acid is dangerous. Do not use it near food or place mats in the open where small children and pets can reach them.

Special remedy for cockroaches and bedbugs

Ready-to-use products can be narrow-profile - intended only for fighting cockroaches or only for baiting bedbugs, or universal and affect both parasites at once. Preparations that can poison both pests at once can be in the form of aerosols, sprays or concentrates.

Aerosols/Sprays Concentrates
Raid Lavender K-Otrin WG 25
Combat MultiSpray Agran
Raptor 17 types of insects Bug beetle
Dr. Klaus universal insect repellent Medilis Cyper
Delicia Contra Insect Universal GET Total

These products are given here as an example; the choice in retail stores and online is actually much wider; you can easily choose a drug that suits you in terms of volume and price. Aerosols and sprays are completely ready for use. Concentrates require manual mixing in the correct proportions, as well as a good sprayer that will provide a fairly fine droplet size.

Head and pubic lice

Human lice love to settle on the hairy parts of the body - on the head or pubic area. They need this to attach their offspring - nits - to the hairs using a special adhesive substance. Lice do not live in bed, but constantly live on the person himself and regularly feast on his blood.

If a louse falls from a person, it will almost certainly die without food. A lice bite is not as painful as a bug or other parasites, so at night it is almost impossible to notice skin punctures from lice. But when the number of lice is significant, they can cause a lot of unpleasant moments for the owner. Head and pubic lice do not tolerate dangerous infections, but the itching from them can be severe, and bacteria can easily penetrate into scratched wounds.

To remove lice, there are now a huge number of products in pharmacies - shampoos, creams, sprays. They have a pediculicidal effect - they kill adult insects, weaken the protection of the egg shell, and make it easier to comb out nits and lice corpses. For the treatment of pubic lice, there are separate remedies that will quickly get rid of parasites in the intimate part of the body.

Treatment of apartments from bedbugs and cockroaches: call the service

Treatment of apartments against bedbugs and cockroaches is carried out using the fog method - professional-grade preparations are sprayed through special generators, ensuring maximum permeability of the product and its uniform application.

  • SES "Des Group" has been operating since 2014.
  • Services are provided under a formal contract.
  • The entire treatment of the apartment is guaranteed.
  • Disinsection can be carried out with hot or cold fog with the installation of barrier protection.
  • Selection of drugs for the situation allows you to effectively combat even resistant (having developed resistance) pest populations.

You can call the service for bedbugs and cockroaches urgently or schedule treatment for the next convenient day for you. This can be done by calling the Dez Group contact numbers. Dial the number yourself or leave a request for a call back from an SES consultant. We will call you back within 5 minutes after receiving your application.

Scope of work Method Processing cost
Studio apartment Cold Fog / Hot Fog / Barrier Protection From 1500 ₽
Two-roomed flat Cold Fog / Hot Fog / Barrier Protection From 2100 ₽
Three bedroom apartment Cold Fog / Hot Fog / Barrier Protection From 2300 ₽
Legal entities Cold fog / Hot fog / Barrier protection / Required package of documents From 9 ₽\m2



Who else can bite in bed at night except bedbugs? Of course, ordinary fleas. Most often, owners of cats, rats, dogs and some other pets have to worry about the appearance of fleas in the house. Such parasites can jump almost a meter in height, and during the day they bite people mainly on the legs. Flea bites are very sensitive, and people scratch them vigorously due to the unbearable itching. Blisters from bites take up to 21 days to heal.

Ground flea bites are very painful for humans and take almost a month to heal

Help: Sand (earthen) fleas live in attics, basements and cellars, so those who live on the first and last floor or in a private house should check the premises for the presence of these insects.

The main source of flea nutrition is the blood of an animal, and cat fleas prefer to live on cats, canine fleas prefer to live on dogs, etc. Therefore, such insects do not live on humans, but they may well bite at night. In extreme situations, for example, after an animal has been evicted from an apartment, fleas can also parasitize humans.

You should look for fleas in places where garbage accumulates, under rugs and rags, and in animal bedding. Insects come to a person’s bed at night, as well as in the evening, at dusk. Usually at night, bites occur on the back, neck, shoulders, and stomach. Fleas leave behind red spots with a bloody dot in the center. Sand and earth fleas behave the same way - they drink blood at night, and it is almost impossible to catch them with your hands.

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