Cucaracha for cockroaches - an effective remedy against longhorned beetles

Uses the popular drug Cucaracha against cockroaches. Self-use at home. Treatment with solution, spray, powder, gel. How effective is the product? Danger to people and pets. Tips and tricks.

When faced with a problem such as cockroaches in your home, you want to take any measures to get rid of these unpleasant guests as quickly as possible. You have to turn to insecticides for help, of which there are a large number on the market. But before purchasing any product, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics, advantages and features so that the fight against cockroaches is as effective as possible. A popular remedy among consumers is cucaracha for cockroaches, which is presented on the market from two manufacturers at once.

What composition

This cockroach repellent contains the following substances:

  1. Cypermethrin - the substance has a long-lasting effect, up to 1 month. It is enough for insects to crawl next to this product, and the concentration of the substance will begin to act.
  2. Malathion - paralyzes the nervous system and poisons the respiratory tract.

Cucaracha enters the insect’s body through the intestines or by contact with the body. Adults bring this dangerous poison to their nest on their paws, thereby infecting their fellows.

Cucaracha production

Cockroach medications are available in several forms. To increase efficiency and accelerate the desired result, it is recommended to use 2 products with different mechanisms of action in parallel.

Granules and gel

Cucaracha granules

The active substance is chlorpyrifos. Acts by contact-intestinal route. The shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture. The drug is odorless. Scatter the granules in places where cockroaches are most concentrated. Definitely behind furniture, along baseboards, near sinks and toilets. Food additives are used to attract insects. The package contains 100 g of product. Cockroaches begin to die within 2–3 days.

Gel Cucaracha

Produced in gel form. The active substance is the broad-spectrum insecticide imidacloprid. Fragrances are used to attract the attention of insects. Food additives cause cockroaches to eat the poison. Death does not come immediately. Pests eat poison, get dirty, infect others, and feed their young. After 3 - 5 days, pestilence begins. In 3 weeks, the entire population of cockroaches dies out.

Lay out the gel in dotted lines in places where insects accumulate, along the trajectory of movement. The drug retains its properties for 2 months. Add as you eat or renew the protection after 60 days.


Cucaracha against cockroaches in the form of a bait trap is based on chlorpyrifos. The active substance is in containers. Glue in any convenient place. There are holes on the sides into which insects can freely crawl. Infection occurs through food contact. The shelf life of the bait is 5 years from the date of manufacture; after placement, it is changed after 3 months.

Bait and spray


Available in concentrate form. Dissolves in water at room temperature. There are several active substances: tetramethrin, alphacypermethrin. The shelf life is 2 years from the date of manufacture. Disinsection is carried out with the windows open, then closed and left to act for 2 hours. The toxic properties last for 3 weeks. If the room is heavily infested, it is recommended to repeat the treatment after 2 weeks. Poison from cockroaches destroys mature, immature individuals, and larvae after birth.

All about the pros and cons of the drug

List of benefits of Cucarachi against cockroaches:

  • acts quickly;
  • this cockroach poison has a long-term effect and retains its properties for up to 30 days;
  • belongs to the category of universal remedies, since Cucaracha is used to remove not only cockroaches, but also flies, fleas, bedbugs and ticks;
  • affordable product;
  • economical in consumption - one bottle of 50 ml is enough to treat a two-room apartment;
  • The insecticidal agent does not disintegrate under the influence of UV irradiation, as well as at high temperatures.

Description of the product

This product is a potent insecticide that is highly effective. On the market you can find the drug cucaracha from different manufacturers - these are August and D.D.K. Of course, each of them has its own advantages and characteristics; they are considered completely different drugs, although they are aimed at fighting cockroaches.

The advantage of insecticides is their perfectly selected components, which eliminate the possibility of addiction. They act in a contact-intestinal way. When used correctly, you can effectively clear a room of large colonies of cockroaches. Consider the insecticide from D.D.K.

How to use the solution correctly

Do you want to get rid of red-haired and mustachioed friends? – So, do not forget to strictly follow the instructions for use.

Basic Rules:

  • do not fill the entire apartment with solution;
  • It is enough to spray in the most focal places - in the kitchen, in the toilet and in the bathroom;
  • treat baseboards, floors, the back of furniture and the walls of heating devices;
  • Before applying the drug, carry out a general cleaning of the entire apartment, thereby depriving the insects of food and increasing the chances of their destruction.

Analogs from other manufacturers

Domestic and foreign products are available for sale in the form of spray, aerosol, granules, gel, and traps. Instead of Cucarach you can buy:

  • Exil (formerly Global);
  • Dohlox;
  • Spray Clean Home;
  • Traps Kombat;
  • Delicia.

The price of analogues is from 100 rubles.

Cucaracha is a professional drug with a wide spectrum of action. Used to kill insects and prevent their appearance.


Cucaracha for cockroaches is a toxic product and unsafe for the health of pets and people, so we recommend that you carefully read the safety rules:

  • due to the content of toxic substances, it is not recommended to drain the remaining drug into the sewer system, as aquatic inhabitants will suffer;
  • Before preparing the solution, put on special protective equipment - gloves, a respirator, goggles and a suit;
  • people and animals should not be present during disinfection;
  • if you have an aquarium, cover it with a lid;
  • after disinfection, it is advisable that no one spend the night at home the first night, and if this is not possible, thoroughly ventilate the rooms;
  • before direct processing, pack all hygiene items in plastic bags;
  • wash off the product with a soda solution and laundry soap.

Well, if you don’t want to use Cucaracha against cockroaches, use traditional medicine recipes. For example, the same boric acid and an egg. Or write down this recipe for making an effective trap.

Cooking instructions:

  • take a clean jar and pour a little beer into it;
  • Lubricate the inner sides of the container with Vaseline;
  • leave the jar open overnight. In the morning you will see insects trapped.

Useful materials

Read other articles about cockroaches:

  • To successfully combat these parasites, you need to know where they come from in your apartment, what they eat? What is their life cycle and how do they reproduce?
  • The most common types here are red and black. How are they different and what to do if you see a white cockroach in your apartment?
  • Interesting facts: what nicknames did people come up with for these insects; did you know that there are flying species; some myths about where the mustachios disappeared and what it could mean?
  • Can cockroaches cause physical harm to humans, such as biting or getting into the ear and nose?
  • A detailed article about how to get rid of them, the most effective methods of control and prevention.
  • There are now many treatments on the market against these parasites. Therefore, we wrote an article about how to choose a drug that is right for you, described the best products available today, and compiled a rating of insect repellent drug manufacturers.
  • And of course, we couldn’t ignore all sorts of folk methods, in particular the most popular is boric acid.
  • Well, if you yourself cannot cope with uninvited guests, then we recommend turning to professionals. They have modern fighting technologies and will save you from misfortune once and for all.
  • Find out if electronic repellers help?
  • Means that have proven themselves against these parasites: powders and dusts, crayons and pencils, traps, gels, aerosols.

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What to remember

  1. Remember that these “whiskered parasites” love untidy crumbs, dirty dishes, and food lying open in the kitchen. For them, such an environment is the most favorable for living and reproduction. Therefore, if you want to get rid of them, regularly keep your apartment clean (do not leave crumbs and a mountain of unwashed dishes overnight, seal the garbage in a bucket).
  2. Maintain cleanliness and sanitation regularly.
  3. Don't keep food on the table. Store all foods in containers.
  4. Take out the trash every day.
  5. Before going to bed, be sure to dry your sinks, shower, or bathtub. This way, you will block the parasites' access to the water source.
  6. Turn off the taps so that water does not flow out of them in vain.
  7. Wash the floor daily with a disinfectant to ensure no crumbs remain.
  8. If you are unable to get rid of cockroaches yourself, use pest control services. The specialists of this service will quickly complete the task, although you will need to pay for it.

See you soon in the next article!

Mechanism of action

Thanks to the active substances that are included in the composition, the mechanism of action is quite simple, but at the same time very effective. It is as follows: when the drug is on the surface, the cockroach comes into contact with it, and the active substances remain on the chitinous shell. After this, the pesticide begins to act on nerve impulses. First, the cockroach is paralyzed, and then death occurs. The period from infection with poison to death takes several minutes. Pests also transmit the substance to each other through contact, and when they get into nests, they infect a large number of individuals.

After application to the surface, the active components are most effective for the first two hours. But the effectiveness does not decrease immediately, it persists for five weeks, it’s just that the activity of the components gradually decreases. If correct and complete treatment of the room is carried out, then it is possible to get rid of colonies in one procedure.

Remember that working with the product is only possible when using protective equipment. Be sure to protect your skin and respiratory system.

Subsequent cleaning

Cleaning is carried out no earlier than 24 hours after disinfestation. We ventilate for about 3 hours, open the windows and doors.

  • Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dead insects (it is advisable to burn the vacuum cleaner bag).
  • Wash floors, walls, furniture with soap or soda solution (work with rubber gloves).
  • To achieve 100% effect, it is advisable to repeat the disinfestation procedure after 7 - 10 days.


We checked into the dorm, and my roommate started complaining that someone was biting her and showed her the bites. On the Internet we found similar photos of bites that turned out to be bedbugs. We complained to the commandant and it turned out that we were not the first victims. We have poisoned the Cucarach floor, for the 3rd month we calmly hope that it will stay that way.

Victoria, Orel.

Good afternoon. I would like to share my impressions of using Cucaracha. A problem called bedbugs have reached my home, I blame the new neighbors for moving in recently. I decided to buy some product and went to the nearest hardware store. The choice fell on Cucarach, who returned home and prepared the apartment for processing. When I had processed everything I left the house to spend the night with friends, the next day upon my return I opened everything for airing and started cleaning. We came across corpses of insects, a week later I noticed small ones and carried out a secondary treatment. So far everything is calm, as far as I don’t know, the remedy is working.

Ivan, Kirov.

The impression from using Cucarach is twofold: it helped and it didn’t. We bought it, processed it and left for 2 days. Upon our return, there were practically no corpses, but the first couple of nights we slept well and were happy. But then the bedbugs returned, perhaps they had already developed immunity to this composition and needed to look for something new. It used to help, now it doesn’t, maybe you’ve gotten used to it.

Anna, St. Petersburg.

An anecdote on the topic: The most useful pets are fish. “They don’t bark, they don’t bite, they don’t bring fleas, they don’t snore in their sleep, and they go to snacks with a smile.”

Mode of application

Concentrated Likhodey emulsion is diluted with water in ratios corresponding to the sensitivity of various pests. The exact proportions are indicated in the instructions included with the product.

Rooms infested with insects are treated by spraying or wiping surfaces, carefully working through cracks in walls, door frames, along baseboards, under window sills, in ventilation holes, along water and sewer pipes, in garbage chute areas, behind false panels, the back sides of furniture, paintings, refrigerators. Carpets and pet bedding need to be treated from the underside.

When fighting flies, attention should be paid to their breeding places - cesspools and waste areas. Against mosquitoes, it is necessary to irrigate open reservoirs and flooded basements of houses with a solution. The seams of upholstered furniture, floor surfaces and walls to a height of up to one meter are also treated against bedbugs and fleas.

To consolidate the result, re-treatment should be carried out after 20-30 days.

The amount of Likhodey k.e required for the preparation of working emulsions

Species of arthropod Concentration (%) AI Concentration (%) of working suspension according to formulation Amount of product (ml) per (l) water
1 l 10 l 100 l
Cockroaches 0,150 0,5 5,0 50 500
Bedbugs 0,075 0,25 2,5 25 250
Fleas 0,075 0,25 2,5 25 250
Flies imago 0,075 0,25 2,5 25 250
Flies larvae 0,150 0,5 5,0 50 500
Mosquito imago 0,075 0,25 2,5 25 250
Mosquito larvae 0,010 0,03 0,3 3 30
Rat ticks 0,075 0,25 2,5 25 250


Cucaracha granules are packaged in bags of 30 g and 100 g. The bags, as a rule, are accompanied by pieces of plastic onto which the substance will need to be unloaded in small portions. You can open the package only after you have gloves on your hands and clothes on your body that are as closed as possible. Goggles and a respirator are desirable, but not required.

Method of application: a small amount of granules on plastic substrates (if they are not available, you can take ordinary sheets of paper) are laid out around the apartment in those places where cockroaches like to walk.

You cannot use plates or other utensils for this, with the exception of disposable plastic ones, which must then be disposed of. Favorite places for cockroaches are the surface of kitchen cabinets and shelves, the area around the trash can, and the space under the refrigerator. The latter is especially true, since in modern models there is a container with water in the lower part of the rear surface that accumulates during automatic defrosting. This is an ideal watering hole for cockroaches, so bait placed under the refrigerator is guaranteed to achieve its goal: in three days the apartment will be free of insects. All that remains is to sweep them onto a dustpan and throw them away.

When working with granules, you must be especially careful so that neither children nor pets get the product. You can't pour this poison down the drain.

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