Xulat – a remedy for cockroaches, bedbugs and other insects

The drug “Xulat” is a new word in the fight against uninvited guests of human homes: fleas brought by beloved pets, ants, headaches for suburban residents, as well as flies, bed bugs and, of course, cockroaches. A distinctive feature of this product is the presence of as many as 3 active ingredients with different spectrums of influence.

Its components are placed in microscopic capsules, which makes them safe for humans. The Spanish company producing this product, Quimica de Munguia, is a direct supplier of pest control products to the military forces of many EU countries.

“Xulat S25” and “Xulat Micro” - are there any differences?

Now in Russia you can find two versions of “Xulata”. Which one to choose? This version of the drug received its name due to the 25% concentration of the active substance – chlorpyrifos. The drug appeared on the Russian market in 2009. It was one of the first imported microcapsule insect control products. On sale you can find packaging exclusively in 1000 ml. Its use is permissible only by pest control workers. Destroys bedbugs, mosquitoes, flies, red ants and many other insects.

The high level of quality and efficiency allows the use of “ Xulat S25 ” in catering establishments, in food production, in people’s homes and apartments. In 2009, Xulat C25 was practically the only drug suitable for use in educational and medical institutions. For such establishments, it is permissible to use disinfectants of no higher than hazard class 3.

In 2011, demand led to supply, and imports of the drug increased. The product was a great success among commercial enterprises, but the main active ingredient, chlorpyrifos, was also used in other insect control products. And over several years of exposure, the insects developed immunity, so in places where such products are frequently used, “Xulat C25” became less effective, or its effect became short-term. What provoked manufacturers to invent the next generation drug - “ Xulat Micro ”.

Xulat Micro - an updated remedy for cockroaches and bedbugs

Xulat Micro, a descendant of Xulat C25, was first imported into Russia in 2013 and has proven itself to be the best.
The microcapsule was even smaller in size and had a unique carbon surface. Now there were 3 active ingredients. This combination made it possible to influence even insects with immunity, and for a longer period. On sale you can find “Xulat” of both the first and second generations; the new drug has not supplanted the previous one for the reason that these are, in fact, two completely different products. The manufacturer promises the following relevance of these two varieties:

  • “Xulat S25” will be relevant no less than until 2022 inclusive;
  • "Xulat Micro" until at least 2025.

Release form Xulat Micro

"Xulat Micro" is available in packages of 1000 and 30 ml.

First packaging option: liter plastic container. Designed for processing by professionals in large production and other premises. The cost of this amount of product is about 5,000 rubles.

Second packaging option: size 30 ml. Suitable for independent use. You can treat your apartment for cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, bed mites and other parasites. Despite the small volume, the coverage area is by no means small: 45 square meters. The cost of such a “mobile assistant” is around 600 rubles.

Safety first

Despite the fact that “Xulat” is intended to affect only blood-sucking and other parasites, it would be useful for people to take advantage of the safety rules. They are standard and do not require much effort to remember:

  • remove from the room where the treatment is carried out all poultry, fish, dogs, cats and other animals;
  • close access to the children's room;
  • pack dishes and food in plastic before spraying begins;
  • apply the solution only with gloves, a reliable respirator, and protective clothing with long sleeves;
  • thoroughly ventilate the room after treatment, then perform wet cleaning;
  • Rinse eyes with clean water if the product gets in contact;
  • If you handle Xulat carelessly, which causes signs of poisoning, you should go out into the fresh air and take a couple of tablets of activated carbon.

Advice : Cat owners should be more attentive to their pets throughout the treatment: four-legged friends are extremely sensitive to pyrethroids.

Composition of "Xulat Micro"

Piperonyl butoxide is a pesticide that prevents insects from developing resistance to disinfestation. It also promotes faster penetration of the other two main components of “Xulat Micro” through the insect’s cover, this greatly increases the effectiveness of the drug.

Tetramethrin works by blocking the central nervous system of the insect, that is, the individual stops feeding, moving and orienting itself in space. After two, maximum three days, death occurs due to poisoning by accumulated tetramethrin.

Cypermethrin is found in almost all drugs with this functionality. Previously used on a gigantic scale for pest control in open areas. Causes blockage of the respiratory system, as a result of which the object dies. The component also successfully penetrates inside the individual with food and water, which is no less effective.

Cockroaches no pasaran!

For the last couple of decades, chlorpyrifos has been used in the war against parasites. Need I say that during this time the cockroaches managed to develop resistance to this insecticide? Mutation is a natural mechanism of nature that preserves even this seemingly unnecessary branch of evolution. What are the advantages of Xulat?

  • addiction in insects occurs 300 times less often than from the use of other drugs;
  • poisoning occurs in the first hours, and does not last for a day;
  • A single treatment is sufficient in most cases;
  • long-term effect: from two to six months;
  • safe for the health of people, children and pets.

Indeed, “Xulat” is no more toxic than ordinary table salt for humans. At the same time, it brings certain death to unwanted inhabitants of the home.

Tip: However, it is still not recommended to season the soup with it. While the drug is in effect, people, cats and dogs should not be in the room. The chemicals will do their job without dirt: after drying, no more traces and odors will remain than water. After all, the drug solution is as transparent as H2O.

Advantages of Xulat Micro in the fight against insects

The microcapsule reliably locks in all odors.
The water in which the capsules are located does not smell by definition. It is impossible to guess from the smell that disinfestation has been carried out. The drug shows almost 100% results in killing cockroaches, bedbugs, flies, ants, which makes it one of the most effective drugs at the moment.

The microcapsule is so small that it cannot harm a person or pet. But we should not forget about precautions when spraying a room, because inhaling microscopic particles of “Xulat Micro” is still extremely undesirable for a person; we recommend wearing a moistened gauze bandage or a respirator with a filter.

Duration of exposure: after spraying, the substance is active for about 6 months.

Microcapsules of the drug Xulate adhere tightly to the limbs and shell of the insect

After applying the drug to the surface, the water evaporates and leaves tiny capsules. Insects walk over the treated surface, and the balls stick to their chitin. Thus, the individuals themselves spread the poison to their nests. The particles of the drug are so microscopic that the insect will not be able to get rid of them.

Remove parasites “one-two-three”

Xulata microcapsules contain a deadly threat to insects that ruin people's lives. After the solution dries, the active ingredients remain on the surface, like a thin, invisible veil. Parasites run through it, spreading poison throughout the apartment. The chitinous cover does not protect their bodies from the effects of poison.

The secret of the drug’s lethal effect is a triple dose of substances that are lethal to parasites. This means that three high-power insecticides simultaneously enter the battle against unwanted inhabitants of the home.

  • Cypermethrin. Affects the central nervous system of insects. It is characterized by intestinal and contact action, thereby acting more effectively against bedbugs. Unlike cockroaches, these creatures feed on blood, not paying attention to the poisoned bait.
  • Tetramethrin. Has a contact type action. Accompanied by paralysis and death within a few hours or less. An insecticide belonging to the class of pyrethroids.
  • Piperonyl butoxide. Enhances the effect of pyrethroids, increasing the complex effect of insecticides up to five times. Improves the penetration of the drug through the protective coverings of cockroaches and bedbugs.

The success of Xulat lies in the fact that pests do not have a chance to develop resistance to three components of the drug simultaneously. Even if some insect population does not respond to tetramethrin, the other two ingredients in the lethal composition will do the trick.

Pros and cons of "Xulat Micro"

The product can hardly be called cheap, but still refers, rather, to drugs of average cost.

Does not tolerate high temperatures.

The sun's rays destroy the capsules, so the product works in an open area for up to two months.

Does not kill unhatched insects. In severe situations, disinfestation will have to be repeated after two weeks.

The remedy does not act instantly. It will take up to four days for all active components to work.

In rooms with high humidity, the effectiveness of Xulat is reduced.

Xulate C25 and Micro do not act on cockroach larvae, so after a month it is necessary to re-treat.

Precautionary measures

The practical safety of Xulat Micro does not become a reason to ignore safety measures when working with insecticides. Therefore, compliance with the recommendations is an important condition for using the drug. This:

  • use of personal protective equipment listed earlier;
  • mandatory observance of the time during which you cannot enter the premises;
  • disposal of unused working solution;
  • Upon completion of work, you should rinse your mouth with a water-soda solution and take a shower.

Important! The working solution loses its effectiveness after 5 hours. Therefore, it is useless to store it. The insecticidal agent itself in the form of a concentrated suspension retains its properties for 3 years from the date of release.

Using Xulat Micro

In order for the product to work 100%, you need to use it correctly. You will need the following equipment:

  • spray bottle up to 1 liter;
  • medical syringe without needle;
  • protective mask.

Your actions:

  1. Fill the syringe with the required amount of product. Follow the dosage strictly!
  2. Mix with lukewarm water according to the proportion indicated in the instructions.
  3. Close the spray bottle and shake the solution vigorously for at least 60 seconds.
  4. Distribute the solution evenly over all surfaces.
  5. Open windows and doors to ventilate the treated area for an hour. Wipe frequently touched items with a damp cloth.
  6. All you have to do is wait, in a maximum of four days all the insects will die.

Where can I buy the drug and how much does it cost?

To purchase an original product, you need to pay attention to quality certificates. The declaration of conformity contains information about the manufacturer and a detailed description of the drug. Xulat S complies with GOST standards, has passed clinical trials and accreditation.

Prices vary by region:

  • in Moscow the product costs 750-800 rubles;
  • in St. Petersburg the price starts from 780 rubles.

You can buy Xulat in specialized stores in the household chemicals departments.

Reviews of Xulat C25

“Xulat C25 coped with the destruction of insects that swarmed in the entrance of a dysfunctional house. The main thing is to find the source of the spread - in this case it was the apartment of an elderly woman who carried home everything, all sorts of junk from the trash heap. They cleaned her apartment, treated the entire entrance and breathed a sigh of relief. I haven't been bothered by cockroaches for three months now. But grandma’s cockroaches in her head won’t calm down, she again tries to bring all sorts of rubbish into the house, we argue with her, they even showed her on NTV. But this is not about her. Xulate C25 is truly a powerful tool!”

“I bought a small bottle of Xulat C25 to treat a two-room apartment. It was quite enough. I sprayed it according to the instructions, after 3 days the cockroaches completely disappeared. And after the first day they walked around like they were drunk. The product has virtually no smell, which is a big plus.”

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