Innovative technologies for disinfestation - dry fog: reviews and advantages of a modern method of treating premises from insects

New methods and means make it possible to more effectively combat pests and parasites. Dry fog from insects is an innovative technology for exterminating flies, cockroaches, fleas, and other unpleasant “neighbors” that penetrate a person’s home.

The high intensity of impact on pests is combined with low toxicity of the drugs. Dry fog does an excellent job even where carbamates, organophosphorus compounds and pyrethroids have failed. The modern method of treating premises allows you to forget about the existence of harmful insects for a long time.

Dry fog: what is it?

The technology was developed in the USA; manufacturers from this country offer the highest quality equipment for spraying active liquids. The insecticide, poured into a special apparatus, acquires a particle size of no more than 15 microns. Active components penetrate into any holes and crevices where large particles of drugs do not fall when applied using traditional technology. The premises are processed by specialists from pest control companies.

Dry fog, according to many professionals, is the most effective way to combat pests and parasites living in houses, apartments, and offices. The technology allows you to spray the compositions even in large rooms: production workshops, warehouses.

On a note! Some types of equipment have such high power that they can process a large area in 15–20 minutes. A good fog machine produces up to 200 cubic meters of fog per minute. But for disinfestation of apartments, offices, and private houses, very powerful devices are not needed. Specialists use portable equipment - a Burgess thermofogger. Breakdowns and failures during operation are rare; reliability is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Hello, dear forum users!

My name is Vladimir Ulyanov, I am the founder and director (Odessa, Ukraine), the official distributor of the ProRestore Products corporation in Europe and the CIS countries.

In view of the fact that this respected forum (where I have often assisted our clients in their responses to the evidence base of dry fog) issues are raised that directly affect the activities of our company, both in relations with our clients and in relation to the ProRestore Products products themselves (quality, characteristics, specificity), and in view of the fact that these issues can be radically twisted by various “well-wishers,” I want to clarify all these processes.

First of all, in order for anyone to really understand the issue and have grounds for discussions on our activities and directly on the work of our products, it is necessary to understand the origins of this business area, its development in our market, and have truly real and valuable experience working with ProRestore Products products .

At the moment, I am the source of perhaps the most complete information on the topic of “dry fog” in our market throughout the existence of this topic, starting from the delivery of the first batches in 2009 to the present. Yes, there were people who started this business with me, but left the race, there are people who joined later, there are a bunch of all sorts of “gray”, “white”, “purple” sellers and dealers in Russia and other countries that emerged later, but, I have an absolutely holistic and truthful picture of this entire movement from the beginning to these times.


Name Electro-Gen MINI

We came up with the name Electro-Gen MINI together with my former colleagues from Kyiv. Officially, the manufacturer simply calls the small device Electro-Gen. In the early stages of promotion, we came up with the name “AUTO” - Electro-Gen AUTO (those who have been in this topic for a long time should remember), and later the well-known “MINI” appeared. Made simply for ease of positioning in the market. Therefore, when Americans forward requests to us from our region, they do not understand, they ask what kind of Electro-Gen MINI the client wants, because there is nothing like it in the line ;)))

The term "dry fog"

Our company also gave wide popularity to the concept of “dry fogging” from the name of the devices – dry fogging device. Although some people still call this process “dry steam”, although the difference is fundamental (also discussed on the forum).

Origins of “dry fog” in the CIS

We began to develop the topic of “dry fog” in the Russian and Ukrainian markets in 2009. The first distribution company, Air Ukraine, was organized. Its founders were me and two other founders from Kyiv. Accordingly, the company's activities were carried out from two independent offices - Kyiv and Odessa. by agreement with our company, it provided us with exclusive sales rights in Europe and the CIS countries.

At the end of 2013, due to violations of the basic ideas and principles of activity and systematic deviations from the standards of quality of customer service by the Kiev employees of the company and the management of the Kiev office, it was decided to reorganize the distribution company and concentrate all distribution rights in Europe and the CIS countries in Odessa ( I was the founder). ceased to have any representative or distribution powers, as did its representatives.

About SmellWell

At the beginning of November 2013, an exclusive distribution agreement was concluded with the company SmellWell, or rather it was just an individual entrepreneur from Khabarovsk (and some other LLC with a legal address in Moscow), granting sales rights in Russia for 1 year. Under the terms of this agreement, SmellWell agreed to make planned purchases throughout the year to meet the established annual purchase volume for the exclusive dealer. In principle, nothing special, standard world practice of distribution-dealer relations. As a result, SmellWell made the first and only purchase and then for another half a year asked for a deferment for the next planned purchase, which was never made, completely merging.

We met them halfway in everything, because we really hoped and believed that this was a worthy business partner and that we would be able to build long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships.

We even took an unprecedented step (for which we later paid): at the request of SmellWell, we posted data about them on the official website of the company, as our representatives in Russia. After we revoked SmellWell's dealer status due to their failure to comply with the terms of the dealer agreement, we removed their company information from the official ProRestore Products website. After this, the Americans and I had a banal misunderstanding: they decided that we (by removing SmellWell from dealers) had completely closed the Russian market as a sales area, and in addition to this, in parallel, SmellWell began to enter “ProRestore Products” in a roundabout way, and as I understand it, tell them some “interesting” stories about crazy volumes of purchases (although the Americans know how to keep their word and until now have not been fooled by millions of offers from many “supposedly” clients, for which we thank them). As a result of all this fraud, the Americans again registered SmellWell on their website for the Russian market. Although there (in contacts) SmellWell aimed at the whole of Eurasia, failing to restore order and build sales even in one country.

Therefore, our company and I personally were connected with SmellWell only by one purchase of products and a short dealership, which ended before it began.

In fact, for my part, I consider this situation as ordinary amateurism (and maybe deliberate fraud). And now the boomerang of their dealer work and thus receiving distribution from “ProRestore Products” is returning to them in an avalanche of dissatisfied and dissatisfied customers, which can be observed on the same forum.

Prospects for the development of the “dry fog” direction

Although the development prospects for SmellWell (building a clear sales system, developing regional dealer and service centers, ensuring constant supplies of products) with mutually beneficial cooperation with us were simply enormous, they did not take advantage of the opportunity. And so, in fact, the Russian market for ProRestore Products products today presents a depressing sight, a very “loose” situation: in addition to the super-official SmellWell, there are also a bunch of incomprehensible underground counterfeit sellers who simply constantly unbalance the market with some incomprehensible prices and incomprehensible products (for example, the well-known Paradema from Moscow has already gone so far as to offer propane foggers with Thermo-55, without even bothering to read the instructions for them, people, take care of yourself from this!). As a result of such unprofessional marketing activities, the profitability of this market will reach such a low point that entrepreneurs simply will not be interested in working for pennies (it’s easier to put a deposit in a bank), and the business that worked with the end client (providing services) will suffer the most, since there will be have an established customer base and demand, but will not be able to work normally in a situation of unbalanced and rare supplies.

The most important thing: I don’t want to offend anyone, I’m only talking about real facts and situations. Of course, I’m not a saint, when we began to develop this topic, many mistakes were made, there were incidents with clients (which is why the conflict between the founders arose), but in business the main thing is to benefit from your experience, not to make repeated mistakes, and most importantly The main thing is to treat clients responsibly and with dedication, as a human being (those who know me personally will not let me lie).


Guys, if there are substantive questions, there are proposals for cooperation, then I am always happy to discuss it and this communication provides mutual benefit. There are various work schemes for both retail customers and wholesale customers (we offer a well-established practice of working from our warehouse in the USA for direct official delivery (for customs clearance or who has what opportunities)).

And I ask everyone: please, without stupid and empty polemics, fiction and twisting, because trying to twist the real facts and the real state of things that I know about and that I created is the same as me starting to deny some facts and situations from your life, or I will begin to deny the plausibility of Gagarin’s flight into space due to mass psychosis;))

Fair wind everyone! Good luck in business!

Operating principle

The cold fog generator produces microparticles that penetrate into every corner of the room. High-power aerosol treatment of residential buildings, workshops, and utility rooms gives excellent results.

How does a dry fog generator work:

  • an insecticidal solution with a smoke-forming base is converted into tiny particles (up to 10–50 microns) at the same temperature as in the room to be treated;
  • after spraying, the smallest drops remain in the air for 3–4 hours;
  • the first stage of disinfestation - artificially created fog slowly rises;
  • gradually the drops fall down, filling any, even the most inconvenient places (ventilation ducts, sewer risers, holes intended for technical needs). The substance settles on the canvas, which cannot be achieved using other processing methods;
  • Upon contact with insects, the invisible mist quickly kills fleas, cockroaches, and other parasites and pests. One of the advantages is the destruction of not only adults, but also larvae and oviposition;
  • the settled microparticles dry out over time, leaving no traces. Insects crawl on treated surfaces, the substance gets on their legs and antennae, and the entire colony gradually becomes infected and dies.

Find out about the possible causes of bedbugs in your apartment, as well as how to get rid of blood-sucking parasites.

For an overview of medications against parasites in the human body and the rules for their use, see this article.

Business idea

There are many enterprising people who dream of starting their own business without special skills or significant start-up capital. In this case, a dry fog business can be recommended to them. Feedback from those who have already begun to try their hand at this business confirms that today this service is in demand in the consumer market. Beginning businessmen are also attracted by the fact that the equipment necessary to work using the “dry fog” technology is mobile. This allows you to provide services not only in the car service center. The purchased equipment is quite suitable for field work on processing not only cars, but also apartments and offices.


It is no coincidence that dry fog is considered the most effective way to kill harmful insects. Many companies professionally engaged in pest control purchase devices and liquids to create cold steam.

Positive points:

  • high speed of room processing – 15–20 minutes is enough;
  • microparticles penetrate into any zones and structures;
  • long-term inhalation effect is the result of slow sedimentation of microparticles of the drug;
  • cold fog envelops all surfaces, including the ceiling;
  • no traces after spraying: the drops are so small that there are no stains on cabinets, upholstered furniture, wallpaper, flooring, documentation, folders in office premises;
  • the optimal level of humidity is maintained, objects do not experience a negative impact (the surface does not get wet);
  • the residual effect of the insecticide lasts from 40 to 60 days (depending on the brand of the drug);
  • product consumption is reduced several times compared to traditional processing;
  • no need to move furniture: microparticles “cover” the entire treatment area;
  • there is no human contact with dangerous insecticides;
  • “fog therapy” against harmful insects helps even in cases where compounds with a high toxicity class are ineffective.

Business Features

How popular is the dry fog technology? Reviews of the business given by entrepreneurs who have started providing such services indicate its seasonal fluctuations. This applies to the structure of orders and their quantity. During the winter period, there are the highest number of applications for processing premises. Orders come from residents of apartments in which there was a fire, as well as from new residents who discovered a persistent smell of animals, tobacco or mustiness in their rooms. In the summer, the demand for car interior treatment increases. This is due to the fact that the cladding begins to spread odors more intensely as the air temperature rises. As a result, an entrepreneur can receive from 20-30 orders per month in winter and up to 60-70 in summer.


Innovative technology has virtually no negative properties. Exterminators and clients are satisfied with the effect of cold steam, which destroys parasites and pests in residential, industrial and office premises.

There are several nuances:

  • treatment of contaminated areas is carried out only by professional exterminators;
  • Special equipment is required (high temperature dry fog generator). Specialists use Burgess devices of electric or gas modification;
  • To fill a dry fog generator you need a special liquid. The preparations contain a glycol smoke-forming base and an effective insecticide.

Electrogen mini

When operating this device, you can select modes for two types of spraying. One of them is cold, and the second, when attaching a thermal nozzle, is hot. This makes it possible for this device to produce sufficiently high-quality spraying of any liquids intended for the “dry fog” technology.

Electrogen mini is quite effective. And this is all thanks to the dense, directed, finely dispersed flow created at the outlet.

The positive side of working with this device is that it is comfortable to hold in your hands.

What insects is it used against?

Cold steam is harmful to the following types of parasites and pests:

  • fleas;
  • cockroaches;
  • ants;
  • midges;
  • flies;
  • bedbugs

After spraying an insecticide, resistance to the drug is rarely observed; many insects quickly die under the influence of toxic fumes. Repeated disinfestation is rarely required.

Learn about the causes, control measures and prevention of head lice in children and adults.

How to make and use a homemade mole repeller on your property is written on this page.

Go to the address and read about the use of copper sulfate in gardening against pests and parasites.

Reviews of bedbug repellents


“We killed the bedbugs the first time. As for me, it is the best sanitary service in Moscow and the region. 40 minutes of processing, then the apartment remains closed for 3 hours, then I return to it, ventilate it, sweep away the corpses of all the killed parasites with a broom, and try to breathe a sigh of relief, but it doesn’t work. The smell lasts until the night, I sleep with it all night, I go to work wearing it. Only in the evening does it seem to disappear. Now I breathe a sigh of relief. No bedbugs, no smell. Moreover, I initially wanted to ask for treatment with an odorless product, but the operator said that “scented” products are more reliable. After such complete removal of bedbugs, I trust SanMariDez completely, but I want to believe that in the future they will invent a drug that is reliable and odorless, more suitable for home use. And then the destruction of bedbugs will not cause any negative associations at all. Thank you for your work!”

Oleg, Mytishchi

Disinfector's comment

In fact, even now there are odorless products that are quite effective against bedbugs. And we work with them. But they are quite expensive; processing with them turns out to be more expensive than processing with odor.

Plus, at some sites it is not possible to use these products due to the fact that similar drugs have already been used here.

There was exactly this situation in your apartment - before us here, six months ago, bedbugs were poisoned with a product with a similar active ingredient. You reported this to the operator. Why, in fact, the operator warned against using an analogue. As you can see, the warning was correct - the drug based on a different insecticide worked flawlessly.

Filling the drug into the hot fog generator

And one more thing - your apartment has not been treated with the most “fragrant” product. If the smell disappears within a day, that's good. We often order the most inexpensive treatments with domestic products, after which even with the most careful treatment the house smells for a week. And some colleagues in other services use such “vigorous” preparations, after which their clients call us to carry out deodorization and eliminate odor. So in your situation everything was very delicate.


“A very good master Alexey worked for us. I checked the furniture, baseboards, went to the car, and brought a steam cleaner. I went through all the cracks with this steam cleaner, all over the bed, and boiled bugs started pouring out from under the mattress. This all took about 30 minutes. Then I sprayed the apartment with cold fog for the same amount of time. I don’t know if it was worth doing this, because not a single bug could survive under fallow. And so, without the cold fog, destruction would be even cheaper. Well, okay, the main thing is that the bedbugs were removed. On the first night, it seemed like someone bit me, but my husband didn’t have a single bite, and the next morning I didn’t understand whether someone had bitten me or not. And then we didn’t notice any bites or bedbugs at all. Now I am writing this review three weeks after treatment, there are no bedbugs in the house. And thank you very much for this.”

Tatyana Nikolaevna, Moscow

Exterminator's comment

Do not underestimate insecticides or overestimate the effect of a steam cleaner. There are no bedbugs or their bites precisely because the room is treated with a cold fog with a powerful insecticidal preparation. The steam cleaner killed some of the bedbugs, but it is almost impossible to destroy them all: they sit too deep in their hiding places, and the steam no longer penetrates to this depth. It cools and settles on the walls. Therefore, only part of the bedbugs can be destroyed with a steam cleaner, while the rest must be killed with an insecticide. Actually, this was done, and it was due to this that all the bedbugs were destroyed.

Treating a sofa with a steam cleaner

How the premises are processed

Despite the ease of use of the composition, it is worth following the rules so that the dry mist shows maximum effect. Experts do not recommend experimenting and pouring the smoke-generating base into a regular sprayer or spray bottle. Only a dry fog generator with electric or gas heating is capable of creating microparticles of the drug.

Processing Features:

  • before the procedure, the owners hermetically package the food, remove the aquarium from the room, and remove animals and household members;
  • Before use, shake the composition with smoke-forming properties, fill the generator tank, and according to the instructions, heat the product to a certain temperature;
  • the concentration is selected by the exterminator depending on the type of insect;
  • spray microparticles throughout the room. For 1 cu. m volume of a room, office or warehouse, 0.25 to 4 ml of smoke-forming base is sufficient. Average consumption for a room of 15 square meters. m. with a ceiling height of 270 cm will be from 20 to 160 ml;
  • close the room for 10 hours. Isolation is a prerequisite for maximum effectiveness of disinsection and human safety.

Precautionary measures:

  • before spraying the composition, be sure to wear protective overalls, plastic goggles, a MAG 1 filter mask, and rubber gloves;
  • Do not allow microparticles of the drug to disappear onto the skin, mouth or eyes;
  • During treatment it is forbidden to drink, eat, or smoke.

First aid:

  • If cold steam gets into your eyes, rinse them with running water or a 2% soda solution;
  • after contact with skin, wash off the active composition with soap suds and rinse well with water;
  • If accidentally swallowed, immediately induce vomiting, drink 4-5 glasses of water, after dissolving activated carbon in the liquid (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight). Visit your doctor as soon as possible.

Electrogen 2000

This device is 7 times more powerful than the one discussed above. At the same time, its main difference is the ability to work with compositions based on water. The Electrogen 2000 equipment package includes a remote control powered by an electrical network. The device has a fairly high number of settings that allow you to create additional convenience during its operation. All functions are configured using the remote control.

The device is capable of working autonomously. In this case, all settings for it must be specified in advance.

Review of effective formulations

The Russian company Paradem produces several types of working solution for pouring into the tank of a dry fog generator. The viscous emulsion contains a Dry Smoke glycol base to produce smoke and a potent insecticide to kill pests and parasites.

For each composition, the type of apparatus for which the finished emulsion is intended is indicated. The working solution is poured into the Autonomous propane fogger Burgess and Thermo-Fogger mini Burgess generators.

Dry Smoke brand products (varieties of dry fog):

  • Confidant. Level of impact – strong, insecticidal drug Confidant (active ingredient – ​​imidacloprid). The finished product is light yellow in color and does not require dilution. The composition is in a white plastic bottle, the weight of the product is 0.8 kg. After treating the room, clean the equipment: the product forms a noticeable deposit. The storage temperature of the composition is from + 5 to + 30 degrees. The average price is 2880 rubles.
  • Paragraph. Composition with an active effect on parasites and pests, insecticidal agent Paragraph, active ingredient – ​​lambda-cyhalothrin. Shake the finished product before use; there is no need to dilute it. The working solution is in a plastic bottle, the weight of the drug is 0.8 kg. Residual effect – up to 60 days. Suitable for treating premises even when organophosphorus compounds are ineffective. Store the product at a temperature of +5° C... + 30° C. Average cost - 2100 rubles.

Search for clients

Initially, the service of purifying the air in car interiors, offices and apartments must be performed among your friends. If they like the effect that dry fog technology gives, the feedback from grateful customers will spread further. Relatives and acquaintances of acquaintances will know about you. They will become regular customers in the future.

To develop your business you will also need advertising. It also attracts customers by pointing out the benefits they receive from the services.

The mobility of a dry fog machine allows you to save money on renting a room. The service can be provided in any environment where there is a power source for the equipment. But this is not necessary either. You can find a way out of the situation even if there is no outlet. To solve the problem, it is enough to buy a converter that connects to a car battery, costing only 2,000 rubles.


The opinions of owners and specialists about cold steam are only positive. Professionals accurately and competently carry out disinfestation of any premises. If a company does not skimp on equipment, uses high-quality smoke-forming mixtures and modern insecticides, then parasites and pests quickly disappear from apartments, offices, and private homes.

Owners do not need to remove stains that often remain when spraying traditional compounds with a spray bottle. Another advantage is that the fog gently penetrates into remote corners, cracks, and ventilation ducts, where it is almost impossible to reach when spraying the working solution during self-treatment of the home.

Owners are advised to read reviews about the work of company specialists who perform pest control using cold steam. If you have good equipment and special mixtures, the processing result will be excellent.

If cockroaches, flies, ants, fleas or bedbugs are actively breeding in a home, warehouse or office, the help of professional exterminators is needed. The best option is to contact a company that uses innovative technologies to combat parasites and pests. Dry fog against insects is effective and quickly destroys dangerous “neighbors” living near humans.

Business organization

For those who want to have a profitable business, the use of “dry fog” technology (elimination of odors) is quite suitable. Reviews from those who have already organized this business indicate that first you will need to purchase equipment. An Electro-Gen device for generating dry fog will cost a novice entrepreneur $1,700. e. Five gallons of special liquid are purchased with it, the volume of each of which is 3.8 liters. Next, you should study the instructions for using the device and begin its practical use.

What kind of liquid is there?

Today on the market you can find a huge variety of liquids offered for dry fog treatment. When choosing the most pleasant aroma for you, it is worth considering some additional nuances.

The main thing to pay attention to in this situation is the fact that not every scent is able to mask any odor. There is a risk here of simply combining both pleasant and unpleasant odors. When choosing a suitable scent, you should consider the following recommendations.

  • The smells of smoke and tobacco effectively eliminate the smells of apple, cream, coffee, anti-tobacco and citrus.
  • Odors of sweat or excrement of humans and animals - eliminates orange, rose and citrus.
  • The smell of spoiled food is cinnamon and citrus.
  • A neutral scent, such as freshly cut grass, is suitable for eliminating not very strong odors or simply for refreshing a salon or room.
  • In addition to the listed unpleasant odors, there are many different ones, for example, odors after repairs, smoke after a fire, dog hair, plastic or rubber, and to eliminate each of them you can choose an individual scent.

How to properly treat the interior of a vehicle

Treating the car interior is not a complicated procedure at all, which will require approximately 40 minutes + ventilation time. The process of cleaning the interior from odors will look like this:

  • The car is driven out onto the street.
  • The interior is cleaned as well as possible. We wash all the seat covers and wash the floor mats. We empty the ashtray and collect all the existing garbage.
  • All unnecessary items are removed from the interior, and obvious stains should be washed as thoroughly as possible.
  • Close the windows and all doors tightly.
  • Open the trunk and introduce fog inside. We close the trunk very tightly.
  • We open all the doors one by one and supply smoke to each one until the entire interior is completely filled.
  • We close the car and leave it for about 40 minutes.
  • If the smell was too strong, it is worth re-processing.
  • We open all the doors and ventilate the interior very well.
  • We thoroughly wipe all plastic and metal surfaces in the cabin. This should be done if a thin oily coating appears on these surfaces after treatment.
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