Instructions for use of Neostomozan and methods of processing

The most effective drugs designed to combat ectoparasites of animals include Neostomazan. Many pet owners have already seen the high effectiveness of this product. If used correctly, the drug will be absolutely harmless for all warm-blooded animals. Used to kill various parasites:

  • lice;
  • fleas;
  • flies;
  • ticks.

The drug is also used to treat psoroptosis, ear scabies, demodicosis, otodectosis, sarcoptic mange. The product can also be used for preventive purposes, which helps prevent the occurrence of such diseases.

Composition and effect of the drug

The product is available in the form of a concentrated emulsion. Before use, prepare a solution in the dosage specified in the instructions. The concentrate must be diluted immediately before use, or at least within 2 hours after preparing the solution. Under other circumstances of use, the drug loses its effectiveness.

The active components are new generation synthetic insecticides:

  • Tetramethrin – 0.5%;
  • Transmix – 0.5%.

Excipients enhance the effect of the main ones.

Neostomazan is packaged in containers of different capacities:

  • ampoules for treating animals, 2 ml, 5 ml;
  • bottles with a volume of 200 ml;
  • canisters from 1 to 5 liters for room treatment.

Can be used for preventive purposes against fleas in animals. The action of the drug Neostomazan is contact. When harmful insects come into contact with it, the latter receive a dose of poison, which leads to the destruction of the membranes of nerve cells. The drug blocks nerve impulses and disrupts the functioning of the peripheral nervous system. Fleas experience paralysis, then death. Using the drug when treating an apartment allows you to cope with larvae that live independently of adult fleas. Efficiency is achieved through versatile action. At the same time, the animals, the premises where they live, the sleeping place, and the apartment are processed.


The use of entomosan C in the treatment of chicken feathers can cause poisoning by the active substances of the drug. Intoxication is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • loss of appetite, complete refusal to eat;
  • tearfulness;
  • weakness, lack of usual activity;
  • labored breathing;
  • convulsions, trembling;
  • loss of orientation in space;
  • violations of motor coordination.


In severe cases and in the absence of experience in helping birds, it is advisable to involve a veterinarian for treatment. But, if the symptoms are not very pronounced, you can help the laying hens on your own. What to do:

  • Avoid contact of the bird with the poison.
  • Apply enterosorbent through the beak (the same as is used for humans - smecta, activated carbon, enterosgel).
  • Give the bird plenty of clean water or a weak solution of baking soda (½ teaspoon per 3 liters of water).

Note! Symptoms of poisoning completely disappear within 3 days if the birds are provided with proper care. But it is better to avoid poisoning, because chicks, old birds and birds weakened by disease may die

Treating animals against fleas and ticks

The effect of the drug Neostomazan is aimed at most harmful insects. By treating it against fleas, you can protect it from ticks, lice eaters, and other parasites. The product is deadly to insects, safe for warm-blooded animals and people, provided it is used correctly. To treat animals, use ampoules with a capacity of 2 ml, 5 ml. Before use, you must prepare a solution. To dilute the concentrate, use water at room temperature. To treat cats and small dogs, 1–2 ml of concentrate is sufficient. To treat dogs weighing over 20 kg, 5 ml is used. The solution is prepared according to the dosage. 1 ml. Neostomazan is diluted in 200 ml of water. Therefore, to dilute 5 ml you will need 1 liter of liquid.

Animals can be treated using a sponge or a container with a spray bottle. In the first case, the wool is well moistened and a little rubbed into the skin. In the second case, spray the product onto the fur, moving it apart against the growth of hairs. The entire composition will be evenly distributed on the surface of the coat within 20 minutes.

  • It is prohibited to pet the animal within 48 hours after treatment;
  • to prevent Neostomazan from entering the stomach by licking it from the fur, it is recommended to wear a muzzle for half an hour during treatment and after it;
  • You can bathe your pet only after 2 days, limit the use of soap products;
  • Animals must be treated in the fresh air;
  • hands must be protected with rubber gloves, the body - with a protective suit with long sleeves and trousers;
  • If several animals are being processed at the same time, limit their contact while the wool is drying.

The next treatment of animals against harmful insects is carried out no earlier than 10 days.


Neostomozan helps get rid of lice, fleas, scabies, ixodid mites, and mosquitoes. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1 ml of concentrate per 200 ml of water. The drug should be moistened with the animal's fur by bathing or spraying. In the latter case, use a spray bottle. Lice, fleas, and ticks die within an hour. A single treatment protects the cat from re-infection for 3 days. Treatment against scabies mites is repeated at intervals of 10 days until the test result is negative twice. When treating otodectosis, the solution is poured into the auricle and both ears are treated.


The drug is used to combat lice eaters, fleas, scabies, ixodid mites, as well as flies and mosquitoes. To prepare a solution, 1 ml of Neostomozan is added to 200 ml of water at room temperature. The amount of the finished solution is calculated based on the size of the dog and the length of its coat. Treated by bathing and spraying. The spray is applied until the coat is completely moistened. Within an hour the parasites die. The protection is valid for another 3 days. Repeat the course if necessary after 7-10 days.


The instructions for use are extremely simple. Dissolve 1 ml of the drug in 1 liter of water and stir thoroughly. Pour into a spray bottle and spray the animal's body. After 2 weeks, repeat the procedure.


Cattle are processed outdoors. 1 liter of the prepared solution is consumed per animal. Concentration – 1 ml of the drug per 1-1.5 liters of cold water. If scabies mites are present, the treatment is repeated after 7 days. Neostomozan is used in the same way for horses.


To treat a goat, prepare a solution at a concentration of 1 ml per 1 liter of liquid. Spray the animal's fur until completely moistened. About 1 liter of the finished product is consumed per adult animal. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after 10 days.


The drug is used to treat ear scabies. 1 ml of concentrate is diluted in 1 liter of water. To treat one ear, 1.5 ml of the finished product is required. Pour into the auricle. Repeat the procedure every 7 days until complete recovery.


To treat poultry against fleas, ticks, and other parasites, use a solution prepared in the proportion of 1 ml of the drug per 1 liter of cold water. The chickens are thoroughly sprayed until the feathers are completely moistened. After 7-10 days, the procedure is repeated.

It is prohibited to handle sick, weakened, or convalescent animals. Meat can be eaten if more than 5 days have passed after processing; milk can be drunk 3 days after disinfestation.


Neostomozan® is used in the form of an emulsion, which is prepared immediately before use by adding water.

The working emulsion at a dilution of 1: 1000 is mixed at the rate of 1 liter of the drug per 1000 liters of water. To prepare a working emulsion of 1:200, add 5 ml of Neostomozan® to each liter of water.

When preparing large volumes of working emulsion, the calculated amount of Neostomozan® is thoroughly mixed with 10-20 liters of water, and then, after the formation of a stable emulsion, poured into a sprayer tank or a floating bath, add water to the required volume and mix thoroughly.

Neostomozan® aqueous emulsion is prepared in containers not intended for food purposes. Animals are treated outdoors at a temperature not lower than 18°C ​​or in well-ventilated rooms with open windows.

Before mass treatment of animals, each batch of the drug is tested on a small group (10-15) of animals of varying fatness. If the animals do not show signs of toxicosis within 2 days after treatment, they begin to treat the entire livestock.

Pigs with sarcoptic mange and hematopinosis are sprayed with Neostomozan® working emulsion at a dilution of 1: 1000 with a consumption rate of 3 ml/kg, but not more than 300 ml per animal. Treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 7-10 days.

At the same time, the working emulsion of Neostomozan® in a dilution of 1: 1000 is used to treat surfaces in premises in the absence of animals with a consumption rate of 300-400 ml/m2, where pigs are kept.

To control flies, Neostomozan® at a dilution of 1: 1000 is used in the absence of animals by applying fine droplets to surfaces with a consumption rate of 60-80 ml/m2.

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At the end of the treatment, the room is kept closed for 1-1.5 hours, after which the windows and doors are opened and ventilated for 30 minutes. Dead flies are swept away and disposed of. Feeders and drinking bowls are thoroughly washed with a slightly alkaline soda solution, and then introduced into the animals’ premises.

The shelf life, subject to storage conditions, is 3 years from the date of production, after the first opening of the package - 6 months, the finished working solution - 24 hours.

Storage: in tightly closed original packaging, separate from food and feed, away from heating devices and open flames, in a place protected from light at a temperature of 5°C to 25°C.

Treating the room where the animal lives for fleas

Dogs can live in the house or in a special kennel near it. If a pet runs freely in a person’s home, the entire apartment or house will have to be treated. Living in a separate booth makes everything much easier. The solution is prepared in accordance with the size of the booth. Usually 5 ml of concentrate per 1 liter of water is enough. The mixture is stirred well for 15 minutes. Pour into a spray bottle or container with a spray bottle. Particular attention is paid to the litter. If it is made of fabric, it should be treated and washed in hot water after 30 minutes. To prevent re-infection of the pet and the premises, a flea treatment is carried out once a month.

To treat premises, a solution is prepared in a ratio of 5 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. The quantity is calculated based on the area. The consumption of the finished product on a hard surface is 50 ml/sq.m. m. This means is used for disinfestation in pigsties, cowsheds, flocks, and chicken coops.

At the time of processing, animals are removed from the premises. Thoroughly spray walls, window sills, ceilings, and floors. After 2 hours, remove the bedding, wash the feeders with an alkaline solution with laundry soap, baking soda, and ventilate. Animals are allowed to be released on the same day after cleaning. The protective properties last for about a week.

Entomozan-S instructions for use for cats

If your cat (or dog) has sarcoptic mange or notoedrosis (mite infestation), then wipe the affected areas of the skin with a 0.01% solution of the drug using a cotton swab or sponge. If a large area of ​​skin is affected, you need to treat one part of the body first, and a day later another part. You can repeat the procedure three times until complete recovery with a break of ten days. To prevent the cat from licking the drug from the skin, you need to put a special collar on it, which can be removed only after the fur is completely dry.

If the cat is affected by ear mites, then before treatment you need to clean the ears, removing the crust and scabs using a swab moistened with a 0.05 percent solution of the drug. After this, 1 ml of the drug is instilled into each ear and the shell is massaged for uniform and deep penetration of the drug. If one ear is affected, both still need to be treated. Repeat the procedure in a week.

Treating your apartment against fleas

The amount of solution depends on the area of ​​the room and the purpose of the procedure. When treating an apartment against harmful insects for the purpose of prevention, 1 liter of solution and 5 ml of concentrated Neotomazan are sufficient. To treat a large area to get rid of fleas, you may need 2 liters of solution with 10 ml of concentrate. When treating an apartment, surfaces should be taken into account. On soft, fabric, with pile, 2 times more solution is consumed. The prepared solution of Neostomozan is poured into a spray bottle.

The destruction of fleas begins with disinfestation of the pet's sleeping area. Spray the rug and floor well. When treating an apartment, you should take into account that fleas live under the floor, in cracks in the wall. But they rise no higher than 1 m from the floor surface. The spray bottle must be held at arm's length. There should be about 20 cm to the surface.

The second important point in treating the room is the larvae. They look different and live separately from adults. They hide in a pet's rug, near the toilet, under boxes of vegetables, or a trash can. All this must be processed without fail. After this, destruction is carried out along the entire perimeter of the room - floor, furniture, walls, baseboards, doorways.

Maximum time should be devoted to processing the premises, since the final result depends on the thoroughness of the destruction. After the procedure, it is necessary to ventilate the room for 3 hours. You should enter it only after this time has passed. Carry out wet cleaning in places where hands may touch. General restoration of order should be carried out 3 weeks after the complete destruction of parasites.

Repeated disinsection is carried out after 10–14 days. The concentration of Neostomozan can be reduced. Dilute 5 ml per 3 liters of water.

Advice from experienced poultry farmers

In case of parasitic infections, you need to act quickly and effectively, otherwise there is a risk of losses, especially among young animals. Experienced poultry farmers are uncompromising in the fight against parasites, and this is what they advise.

  • Before breeding entomozan for chickens, you need to conduct a visual inspection of the bird. If there are signs of infectious diseases other than parasites, you need to show sick animals to a veterinarian. During illness, treatment is strictly prohibited!
  • To avoid frequent attacks by parasites, it is recommended to use slaked lime and peat as the basis for bedding.
  • After processing, you cannot slaughter immediately. Chicken meat will contain substances toxic to humans for another 10-11 days.
  • After treatment, you need to thoroughly wash the drinkers and feeders, because the remaining poisons can cause severe poisoning in the bird.
  • In order for the poultry farmer to avoid poisoning, it is recommended to take enterosorbents in a higher dosage before processing.
  • It is easier to prevent infestation by parasites if you install sand and ash baths in the barn and in the walking yard.
  • It is advisable not to keep animals of different species in the same room.
  • It is recommended to keep chicks separately from adults for at least 1-1.5 months. Parasites that do not cause harm to mature livestock can provoke outbreaks of fatal diseases in young animals.

Preparations for preventive treatment should not be used too often. They will be replaced by effective prevention and maintenance of proper sanitary and hygienic conditions in the poultry house. If you follow all the rules for using drugs, the risks are minimal!


Neostomozan is an analogue of the drug Neogard, and in the absence of one of them, you can safely replace it with the second. Active components of Neogard transmix, tetramethrin. Refers to low-toxic substances. Used for treating animals and premises. Effective against fleas, lice, ticks, mosquitoes, flies. Used for the prevention and treatment of scabies. The solution is prepared in proportions of 1 ml of concentrate per 1 liter of water. Has a specific smell. Do not use on sick, weakened animals. The drug is difficult to find on sale.

Neostomozan is often replaced with Delcid. A domestically produced insectoacaricidal agent for treating animals against harmful insects and premises. The active component is the pyrethroid deltamethrin, the excipients are nefras, neonol, tween. Before use, dilute with water. For fleas, lice, ixodid ticks, midges, spray once; to treat scabies, repeat the procedure 2-3 times with a break of 7-10 days. To prevent cats and dogs from licking, put on a collar or tighten the jaws with braid for 20 minutes.

In addition, there are products on sale with similar effects, but with different active ingredients. You can buy the drug in a specialized store, veterinary pharmacy, or order online.


Marina, 43

One fine day we had a global problem - the dachshund had a lot of fleas. I decided to try neostomozan. The product doesn't seem to be new. I read a lot of reviews on the Internet.

I liked that you can treat not only the animal, but also the pet’s habitat. There are many medications for removing parasites and they vary in price, but medications to disinfect an apartment are already expensive.

This factor won me over. I didn’t notice any significant differences with other medical innovations. I was just confused by the poisonous smell during treatment, and I couldn’t stop sneezing.

When the floor dried, the specific aroma evaporated. My son didn’t even feel anything, although he is asthmatic and allergic. After one use the problem was solved.

Roman, 28

My wife is a Pekingese lover. We have two of them. From time to time we are faced with the need to eliminate fleas and tick-borne manifestations. Walking outside and interacting with other dogs contribute to rapid infection.

We used flea shampoos. We decided to buy the product because we needed to treat the area where the animal was located. The pharmacist advised me to try it. The price suited me.

There was a case when we smelled a bug smell. We cleaned the room without any problems. I agree with the previous commentator - the aroma of the poison is terrible, but it dissipates quickly. This is probably the biggest disadvantage of this medicine.


Precautionary measures

Carrying out disinfestation with Neostomozan against insects involves the use of personal protective equipment. Protect hands with rubber gloves, respiratory tract with a respirator, and skin on the body with clothing. After disinfestation against parasites, it is necessary to remove personal protective equipment, wash your hands with soap and wash.

Neostomazan has a specific, pungent, unpleasant odor. While working, you can take short breaks and go out into the fresh air. If dizziness, weakness, or headache occur, destruction must be stopped. Rinse your mouth with soda solution, take an activated carbon tablet.

In animals, the first time after using Neostomozan the following is observed:

  • loss of appetite;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • weakness;
  • increased salivation;
  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the skin.

Symptoms resolve within 3 days. If a severe allergic reaction occurs, you should take your pet to a veterinarian.

Important! Precautions, or What to do if..?

Remember that Neostomozan, although a flea product, is still poison. Therefore, processing must be carried out with gloves. It will be better if your family members, and especially children, go for a walk or visit. None of us are perfect, and therefore everyone can make mistakes. If you notice that after treating your cat, she becomes lethargic and begins to drool, this is a sign of poisoning. This means that you either prepared a too concentrated solution, or the cat licked itself. In this case, you need to give her plenty of water with the addition of activated carbon.

If the animal refuses to drink on its own, drink it using a syringe without a needle. This way you will reduce the concentration of the drug, which means making it non-toxic. Be careful when using such products and always strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions, and then such cases will not happen. Let your home be clean and safe!

Methods of using an aqueous solution

Entomazan emulsion is used to treat domestic animals:

  • cattle;
  • rabbits;
  • sheep;
  • goats;
  • cats;
  • horses;
  • dogs;
  • pigs;
  • birds;
  • fur animals.

The method of processing and dosage depend on the type of animal. An aqueous solution of Entomazan is used for wetting the skin, fur of an animal, bathing, and spraying. Treatment is carried out in fresh air, at temperatures above 17 degrees Celsius. When bathing, special baths are used in which animals are immersed for 60 seconds. Lubrication with an aqueous solution of Entomazan is carried out in strips with intervals of 1 cm between them. For spraying you will need a spray bottle or a spray bottle. The choice of method depends on the size of the animal and the personal preferences of the owner. This factor does not affect the effectiveness of animal treatment.


Alfacron-10 is a wettable powder containing 10% azametifos, which belongs to the group of organophosphates. The drug has low toxicity for mammals, is easily and quickly metabolized and hydrolyzed in water. The drug is toxic to bees and fish.

For spraying, 500 g of alphacrone-10 are thoroughly mixed with 4 liters of warm water and treated against flies on 100 m2 of floor or 200 m2 of wall surface.

For spreading, take 250 g of alfacrone-10 and mix with 250 ml of water. Approximately 2% of the surface is treated for every 100 m2 of floor or 200 m2 of wall surface. The drugs are used on the day of preparation. The antidote is atropine. When working with alfacrone-10, it is necessary to observe personal preventive measures.

Terms of use

There are rules that you can use to protect yourself from danger, so follow them strictly:

  • Do not under any circumstances carry out the treatment procedure without special clothing that protects your face, body, eyes and hands;
  • after you finish all the procedures, be sure to wash your hands and face, and also rinse your mouth and nose; the clothes you use need to be washed;
  • Do not eat or smoke during treatment;
  • do not work with Entomozan-S for more than six hours a day;
  • If during the procedure the product gets on your skin or eyes, immediately rinse them with plenty of running water; if the substance gets inside, drink several tablets of activated carbon and several glasses of water; doctors also recommend taking a laxative so that the drug is eliminated from the body as quickly as possible;
  • It is not difficult to understand that you have been poisoned by this medicine; you will notice nausea and dizziness; in this case, stop spraying immediately and go to the hospital.

According to consumer reviews, this substance is very effective. It does the job perfectly. But many owners say that it must be used wisely. You only need to prepare the correct proportions and monitor the condition of the animals. In general, as consumers note, the product is safe for them, but there are cases of intolerance to the active components. Take care of yourself and your pets, and use Entomozan-S correctly!

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