How to properly use the drug "Bars Forte" to protect dogs from parasites

The improved formula from Agro Vet Protection drops Bars Forte for dogs is suitable for puppies and pregnant animals. The new formula reliably protects the dog from fleas, ticks, lice and other external parasites. And the natural components in the composition prevent the development of an allergic reaction and intoxication. The insectoacaricidal drug Bars Forte for puppies and adult dogs is available in the form of drops in plastic disposable pipettes in volumes of 0.1; 1 and 1.8 ml. The drops are liquid, yellowish in color with a small amount of natural oil from plants.

The composition of the medicine includes:

  • fipronil - inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses and paralyzes parasites;
  • diflubenzuron - reduces the production of chitin, which affects the formation of the egg and the development of the larva;
  • natural oil of one of the subspecies of lemongrass - citronella, kills the larvae and eggs of external parasites and has a pronounced repellent property (repels mosquitoes, ticks and other blood-sucking parasites).

After application, the drug is effective for at least 2 months. It is permissible to store an open bottle for no more than a day in a cold place. Unopened drops have a shelf life of up to one and a half years. Storage is permissible at a temperature not exceeding +30 degrees in a dark place inaccessible to animals and children.

Description of the drug

"Bars Forte" is an insectoacaricidal remedy for Russian. The company's products have been known on the domestic market for more than 20 years and are famous for their optimal price-quality ratio. Drops "Bars Forte" are intended for the prevention of infection by ectoparasites, as well as the treatment of the following diseases:

  • sarcoptic mange;
  • notoedrosis;
  • insectosis;
  • cheyletiellosis;
  • otitis caused by fungi or bacteria.

The drug has a low degree of toxicity and is practically not dangerous for pets. The period of protection against fleas is 3 months, against ticks – 1 month.

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BARS FORTE – spray for dogs against ticks, fleas, lice and lice AVZ (100 ml)

BARS is a Russian trademark, which since 1993 has been developing and producing medicines for animals.


The drug contains fipronil and has pronounced activity against the larval and mature phases of development of fleas, lice, hair lice, ixodid and sarcoptic ticks that parasitize dogs.

After applying the drug to the skin and hair, fipronil, which is part of it, is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, accumulates in the epidermis, hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the animal’s body and has a long-term contact insectoacaricidal effect.

The mechanism of action of fipronil is to block GABA-dependent ectoparasite receptors, disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and death of insects and ticks.


For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes against entomoses (lice, fleas, hairworms), sarcoptoidosis, damage by ixodid ticks, as well as to prevent attacks of ectoparasites on animals. Spray "Bars Forte" provides protection for animals against ixodid ticks for at least one month, and against fleas and other insects for at least two months.


Animals with infectious diseases and recovering animals, pregnant and lactating females, as well as puppies under 10 weeks of age are not subject to treatment.


When using the drug according to the instructions, no side effects or complications are observed. If the animal's individual sensitivity to the components of the drug increases and complications occur (excessive salivation, lacrimation, vomiting), the treatment is stopped and the drug is washed off with water and detergent.


Animals are treated outdoors or in a well-ventilated room with open windows (vents), away from open fire, after removing cages with ornamental birds from the room and covering aquariums with fish.

Before use, shake the bottle with the drug and, holding it vertically, press the spray head, directing the aerosol torch at the surface to be treated from a distance of 20–25 cm.

To destroy insects and prevent attacks on animals by ixodid ticks, spray the entire body of the animal against hair growth, slightly moisturizing the hair (in animals of long-haired breeds, the hair is lifted by hand). The dose of the drug, depending on the condition of the coat, is 0.5–1.0 ml per 1 kg of animal weight, which is achieved by 1-2 presses on the spray head of the bottle. Covering the animal's eyes, treat the ears and chest, lightly rub the drug around the eyes and nose with the tips of your fingers (in gloves), then treat the neck, torso, limbs, belly and tail. 20 minutes after treatment, the animal’s fur is combed with a comb.

To destroy ixodid ticks on the body of an animal, the drug is applied to the tick and the place of its attachment to the skin (one press on the spray head). If the tick does not fall off spontaneously within 20-30 minutes, it is carefully pulled out with tweezers and destroyed.

For preventive purposes, treatments are carried out according to indications, but not more than once every two months against insects and not more than once a month against ixodid ticks (during the season of their parasitism).

In order to prevent re-infestation by fleas, bedding, blankets and other animal care items are treated with a spray at the rate of 2 ml (four clicks on the spray head) per 1 m² of surface to be treated. For three days, the animal is not allowed to come into contact with the treated items, and before subsequent use, they are washed (washed) with detergent.

When dogs are affected by sarcoptic mange, the drug is applied to the affected areas of the body, previously cleared of scabs, covering the borderline healthy skin up to 1 cm at the rate of 1 ml (two presses on the spray head) per 10 cm2 of the affected area of ​​the animal’s body.

Treatment is carried out two to four times with an interval of 7–10 days until the animal’s clinical recovery, which is confirmed by two negative results of acarological studies.

Animals with large affected areas are treated in two doses with an interval of 1 day, applying the drug to the affected areas of first one and then the other half of the body.

To treat dogs with ear scabies (otodectosis), the external auditory canal is cleaned of scabs and crusts, then, directing the aerosol torch at the inner surface of the auricle, 1-2 presses are applied to the spray head, after which the auricle is folded in half lengthwise and its base is massaged. . The treatment is repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 5-7 days. Both ears must be treated, even if only one ear is affected by otodectosis.

For otodectosis complicated by otitis, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated.


Animals should not be allowed to lick the product until the fur is completely dry. To prevent licking of the drug, the animal is put on a muzzle, a cervical collar, or the jaws are secured with a loop of braid, which are removed after the skin and hair have completely dried. The animal should not be bathed for 48 hours after treatment.


Store the drug in a dark, dry place, inaccessible to children and animals, away from food products, away from heating devices, at a temperature from 00C to +300C.


LLC NEC "Agrovetzashchita S.-P.", Russia.
Information about the composition and ingredients, color scheme, technical and other characteristics, country of origin, appearance and delivery package of the product is for reference only and is based on the latest information available at the time of publication. Delivery of this product is carried out to all regions of the Russian Federation.

Composition and release form

The manufacturer produces a whole line of insectoacaricidal products “Bars Forte”:

  • drops for adult dogs (1.8 ml plastic pipettes);
  • drops for puppies (small droppers of 1 ml);
  • ear drops (20 ml polymer bottles);
  • spray (100 and 200 ml spray bottles).

The main active ingredients of the drug are fipronil and diflubenzuron. Additionally, the composition also includes citronella, alcohol, PEG, PVP. Glycerin with castor oil is also added to the spray. Ear drops are distinguished by the presence of miconazole nitrate and enrofloxacin in the composition.

Drops for puppies

Drops for adult dogs

Ear drops


pharmachologic effect

The insectoacaricidal drug "Bars Forte" is a combined agent that eliminates not only adult ectoparasites, but also their larvae along with egg clutches. According to reviews from many users, the product has a repellent effect, so it is also effective against mosquitoes and cockroaches.

Fipronil, which is part of Bars Forte, blocks the central nervous system, which leads to muscle paralysis and death of the insect. Deflubenzuron stops the development of larvae, negatively affecting the formation of the shell, and also destroys egg laying.

Once on the skin of a pet, the product accumulates in the fat layer, but does not affect the circulatory system. Excreted along with sweat, the substance comes into contact with parasites, leading to the rapid death of the latter. As for ear drops, the antibiotic, together with miconazole nitrate, prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation of the ears.

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Indications for use

Insectoacaricidal drops and spray Bars Forte against fleas and ticks are prescribed to prevent infection by ectoparasites during the period of their activity (from March to October), when affected by ticks.

And also for therapeutic purposes for the treatment of:

  • notoedrosis;
  • sarcoptic mange;
  • cheyletillosis;
  • entomoses.

Ear drops are prescribed for the treatment of acute and chronic otitis media of a fungal or bacterial nature.

Drops against fleas and ticks retain protective properties against fleas for up to 3 months, for ticks up to one month. The effect of the spray is shorter: it protects against fleas for a month, and against ixodid ticks for no more than 2 weeks.

Dosage and procedure for use

The dosage of the insectoacaricidal drug depends on the weight of the dog, its age and breed. So, the average calculation by body weight is presented in the table below:

Dog weight, kgFipronil dose, mgDose of diflubenzuron, mgNumber of pipettes, pcs.
<190,184 drops (0.5 ml)
1-55011x1.0 ml
5-10901,81x1.8 ml
10-201803,62x1.8 ml
20-302705,43x1.8 ml

In order not to harm your pet, carefully read the instructions for use before applying the drug!

Insectoacaricidal drops

"Bars Forte" in the form of drops is intended for external use. It is applied to the dog’s dry withers, spreading the fur so that the drug comes into contact with the skin. Two days before the start of treatment and the same amount of time after it, it is not recommended to subject the animal to water procedures. The algorithm for applying an insectoacaricidal agent consists of several stages:

  • carefully examine your pet for any skin injuries - if any, postpone the procedure until the wounds have completely healed;
  • cut off the spout of the plastic pipette;
  • use a comb to spread the fur and use point movements to distribute the drops to places where the animal cannot reach with its tongue.

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The active substances of Bars Forte begin to act within 30 minutes after contact with the skin. As a rule, one treatment is enough, but if there are a large number of parasites, the procedure can be repeated after a month.

Ear drops

Ear drops are used as prescribed by a veterinarian if a dog is diagnosed with fungal or bacterial otitis media. This should be done this way:

  • After moistening a cotton swab with an insectoacaricidal agent, carefully clean the animal’s ears;
  • instill the drug into both ears according to the dosage indicated on the package;
  • cover the ear and massage a little at its base so that the product penetrates inside.

The ears are dripped every morning and evening for a week. In advanced cases, the course is repeated after a seven-day pause.

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Ectoparasite spray is often used for prevention or for mild insect infestations. Processing is carried out as follows:

  • take the dog outside;
  • put on a veterinary collar to prevent your pet from licking off the product;
  • Shake the bottle thoroughly, distribute the drug over the animal, parting the fur with your hands;
  • After half an hour, comb the dry coat and remove the protective collar.

To completely get rid of pests, the procedure is carried out 3-4 times with a break of 1-1.5 weeks. To prevent infection, the dog's area and accessories are also sprayed with a spray.

Instructions for use of Bars Forte drops for dogs

Detailed instructions about Bars Forte for dogs are included in each package of the drug. Before use, you must make sure that the animal does not have an allergic reaction. It is not recommended to use the product if it has been stored or transported incorrectly.

Drops are prescribed for dogs and puppies from two months of age as a therapeutic effect when infected with any type of ectoparasites and as a preventive measure before vaccinations.

Method of application against fleas and lice:

  • apply the drug to places on the body that are inaccessible to animals for licking: withers, base of the head, neck;
  • the fur in selected areas moves apart;
  • drops are applied in small portions to the skin.

After application, it is important to distract the dog for 10–15 minutes so that the animal does not lick the medication.

Treatment for ear mites:

  • The dog's ears are first cleaned with a cotton swab and antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide;
  • A few drops are placed in each ear. If only one ear of a dog is infected, then both are treated anyway;
  • the product is evenly distributed inside the ear using light massaging movements along the upper part of the shell.

After treating the animal, the floor in the apartment or house and the animal’s bedding are disinfected.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the low level of toxicity, Bars Forte has a number of contraindications:

  • age up to two months;
  • period of lactation and pregnancy;
  • animals with weakened immune systems, sick or recovering;
  • pets prone to allergic reactions.

If your pet has previously been treated with another insecticidal preparation, it is prohibited to use Bars Forte until the previous product has expired.

If the drug is used strictly according to the instructions, side effects, as a rule, do not occur. An exception may be an allergic reaction. In case of overdose, the following signs are observed:

  • severe itching;
  • redness of the skin;
  • excessive salivation;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • vomit;
  • tremors or convulsions.

At the first alarming symptoms, wash off the applied product with plenty of water using a special shampoo. Do not self-medicate, but immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Side effects and contraindications, special instructions

The drug has no contraindications other than hypersensitivity to the active components. It is also used with extreme caution in pregnant animals 7 days before birth. Side effects develop with the wrong dosage, manifesting themselves:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • loose stools;
  • tremor;
  • swelling of the mouth, eyes, nose.

If allergies occur, weeping eczema, irritation, and itching may occur. In this case, you should immediately wash the animal with baby soap.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all medicinal drugs, Bars Forte has its pros and cons.

The advantages of an insectoacaricidal agent include the following:

  • convenient packaging;
  • reasonable price;
  • natural ingredients in the composition (citronella oil);
  • low level of toxicity;
  • additional repellent effect.

However, there are some disadvantages:

  • sharp, specific smell;
  • pipettes are too fragile and easy to damage;
  • risk of an allergic reaction;
  • intoxication due to overdose.

Dog breeder reviews

Many breeders treat their dogs with Bars Forte.
Igor, Doberman breeder . For a long time, due to cheapness and distrust of domestic manufacturers, I did not use either spray or drops. I was surprised when, after developing an allergy to an expensive imported product, one of the dogs had to use Bars drops. The result exceeded expectations - it works quickly and is easy to apply. Transferred to Bars Forte and other dogs.

Peter, breeder of Giant Schnauzers . I don’t use Bars Forte spray. The wool of rubber bands is difficult to process. But I'm happy with the drops. I use it for both treatment and prevention. The mites will fall off on their own, just use a brush. The fleas disappear and do not return when the instruments are processed.

Irina, Chow Chow breeder . Sprays and drops are a real torment for us. I try to use it only for medicinal purposes. In addition, Bars Forte has an unpleasant smell. But ear drops have helped more than once.

Storage and precautions

An open pipette cannot be stored, and therefore the drug must be used immediately or discarded. The closed bottle is placed in a dark, cool place, away from food, children and pets. The shelf life of hermetically sealed product is two years from the date of issue.

When working with Bars Forte, you should follow some safety rules:

  • always use rubberized gloves;
  • if the substance gets on your skin, wash it off with plenty of running water;
  • do not pet the animal for the first 24 hours after treatment;
  • do not use the spray near bodies of water, as the substances included in its composition are dangerous for aquatic life;
  • Dispose of empty pipettes by wrapping them tightly in plastic.

If an allergic reaction occurs, consult a doctor immediately!

Operating principle

Bars drops for fleas are a low-toxic product that does not pose a threat to the health of humans and warm-blooded animals. When the medicine is applied to the skin, it lingers in the top layer and also penetrates the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The active components of the drug are not absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore they are not capable of harming the pet. The effect of the drops begins 24 hours after application and lasts for 4 weeks.

The medicine initially causes paralysis of adult parasites, and then death due to circulatory problems. Also, the active components of the drugs penetrate the protective shell of the larvae, which leads to a stop in their development and death.

Reviews from owners and veterinarians

“I have been working as a veterinarian for many years and during my practice I have tried various insecticidal preparations. I usually recommend Bars Forte drops for prevention or for mild ectoparasite infections. But this company’s ear remedy helps a lot even with advanced otitis media.”

Sergey, 42 years old, Krasnodar

“We live in our own house, and the dog constantly walks in the yard, so fleas are a common problem for us. To minimize insect attacks, I treat Felix with Bars Forte spray for prevention, and in the summer-autumn period, when there are especially many parasites, I use drops.”

Natalia, 27 years old, Rostov-on-Don

“Our Bonya is a domestic dog who rarely goes outside. So when I discovered ticks on her, I panicked. The veterinarian recommended insectoacaricidal drops “Bars Forte” with citronella essential oil. I never thought that such a cheap product could be so effective. Now I try to always keep it on hand just in case.”

Anna, 33 years old, Perm

The insectoacaricidal line of products "Bars Forte" collects a lot of positive feedback from dog owners. The drugs are not only affordable, but also have a low level of toxicity and high efficiency.

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Analogues of Barsa forte

  • Surolan. The active complex consists of miconazole, prednisolone, and the antibiotic polymyxin B. To treat otitis media, the solution is applied to the ears twice a day for 2 to 3 weeks. The medicine has many positive reviews from dog and cat owners.
  • Aurizon. Complex solution for the treatment of otitis. Contains the antibiotic marbofloxacin, the fungicide clotrimazole, and the corticosteroid dexamethasone. The minimum course lasts a week with daily ear treatment. If the symptoms do not go away completely, then treatment continues for another 1 week.
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