The spider is not as scary as it is unpleasant - we evict the uninvited guest
The living nature that surrounds us in everyday life is divided into many individual plant species,
Cattle Anatomy: Head Skeleton – Skull
The cattle skull is large and massive. It has the shape of a rectangle. Top side of rectangle
Autumn fly fly: features of the annoying insect
Insects are a significant nuisance to humans. Flies are one of the most common uninvited guests
What poisonous species of spiders are there in Russia - list, characteristics and photos
Yellow pouch spider Found in the Rostov and Volgograd regions, it was recently discovered in Bashkortostan.
feed grain
What is feed wheat? Features of selection and use
The development of livestock farming necessitates an increase in the amount of feed for livestock. According to statistics, for these
Aphids on cabbage
Why do aphids appear on cabbage and how to get rid of them?
Aphids are a dangerous parasite from the order of hemipteran insects that feed on the sap of young plants. This pest
Karbofos type of packaging
We poison bedbugs using Karbofos. Advantages and disadvantages of the drug, instructions for use, safety measures, reviews
In the market of insecticides (preparations for killing insects), there is a constant change from one drug to another,
Tsetse fly: what diseases it carries, life cycle.
The tsetse fly is the most dangerous fly species, causing deaths every year
duck food
What to feed ducks at home: feeding patterns and classification of feed
Under natural conditions, the menu of a wild duck differs significantly from the usual diet of poultry. Few
Agran remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, mosquitoes, flies, wasps, 1 l
Product description Agran is a powerful drug designed to combat insects. He stands out positively
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