Agran remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, mosquitoes, flies, wasps, 1 l

Product description

Agran is a powerful drug designed to combat insects. It positively stands out among others with its formula, which acts gently and quickly. Agran's price distinguishes it from other similar substances. Pest control services have been using it for a long time, but the insecticide is also suitable for home use. Agran is produced in India, and its quality is superior to many European products. The drug has a shelf life of about two years, and the 1 liter volume makes it easy to use. You can buy Agran of original production from us.

Mechanism of action

Two active ingredients from different chemical classes ensure maximum effectiveness of the drug:

a) CYPERMETHRIN (chemical class pyrethroids) has a contact-intestinal effect and has a high initial activity. Paralyzes the nervous system of both larvae and adult insects. It does not have a systemic effect, but remains for a long time on treated surfaces (20-30 days), as it is quite resistant to high temperatures and ultraviolet rays. Not resistant.

b) CHLORPYRIPHOS (chemical class - organophosphorus compounds) is the most persistent of the organophosphorus compounds. Chlorpyrifos enters the insect's body through the respiratory tract, stomach or outer integument. Chlorpyrifos, entering the body, phosphorylates certain substrates (for example, protein enzymes contained in nerve tissues) and disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses. As a result, convulsive muscle activity (tremor) occurs, which turns into paralysis, leading to the death of the insect. Chlorpyrifos, in comparison with other organophosphorus compounds, exhibits a pronounced intestinal effect. The duration of action of chlorpyrifos is up to 40-70 days. It remains in the soil for up to 60-120 days. In addition, it can be adsorbed by soil organic matter and remain stable for almost two years.

The product has acute insectoacaricidal activity for 24-48 hours and a residual effect for 3-5 weeks.

Mode of application

Preparation is required to properly use the poison. It includes the preparation of the solution, preliminary preparation of the room for treatment and the treatment itself. Preparatory work includes cleaning bed linen, carpets and personal belongings. It is necessary to hide all food products to avoid contact with the substance.

Compliance with safety precautions includes wearing safety glasses, gloves and a respirator.

The dosage for preparing the solution varies depending on the type of pests that you need to remove. The dosage of the poison is 1:100, so Agran is mixed at the rate of 10 ml per 1 liter of water. This amount can be increased or decreased if necessary.

For maximum effect, it is necessary to apply Agran to all hard-to-reach places: baseboards, window sills, door and window frames, the floor under the bed, cracks in the walls. After the procedure, you need to ventilate the treated area well and wash everything with a solution of soap and water.

The amount of Agran required for the preparation of working emulsions:

Insect type Concentration (%) according to DV Concentration (%);

working emulsion

according to preparative;


Amount of product (ml)

per (l) of water

1 l 10 l 100 l
Cockroaches 0,550 1,000 10,00 100,0 1000
Bedbugs 0,275 0,550 5,50 55,0 550
Ants 0,275 0,550 5,50 55,0 550
Fleas 0,137 0,275 2,75 27,5 275
Flies imago 0,275 0,550 5,50 5,50 550
Flies larvae 0,275 0,550 5,50 5,50 550
Mosquito imago 0,137 0,275 2,75 27,5 275
Mosquito larvae 0,137 0,275 2,75 27,5 275
Rat ticks 0,275 0,550 5,50 55,0 550
Wasps 0,550 1,000 10,00 100,0 1000

Treatment of premises from various insects

The use of a product against certain types of insects may differ slightly due to the habitat of different species.

  • Bedbugs. The processing procedure is the same in almost everything, except that when fighting bedbugs, special attention must be paid to the places where linoleum lags from the floor, places where wallpaper peels off from the wall, baseboards, the cavity between the wall and the baseboard, and carpets. You should also determine in advance the places where these insects most actively accumulate in your apartment.
  • Cockroaches. Treatment against cockroaches differs in that in this case it is necessary to pay special attention to places with the greatest dampness, as well as to the joints of pipes (provided there are no leaks) of the water supply, heating and sewerage systems.
  • Mosquitoes. Depending on the building (private house or apartment in a high-rise building), they treat either only the inside of the premises, or both the surfaces of the walls from the street and from the inside. You should also treat the basement, not forgetting to coordinate this with other residents.


Despite its low toxicity, the drug should not be used without protective gloves, a respirator and goggles. It is recommended to prohibit pets from entering the premises until it is completely cleaned.

If basic safety measures are observed, it has no toxic effect on humans and pets. To achieve maximum effect, you must adhere to the established instructions for use.

This product requires special preparation when used. You must carefully read the instructions for use and follow safety precautions.

Using anti-tick products in the countryside

The sequence of treating an area against ticks is not very different from a similar process indoors, so the instructions will be presented in abbreviated form.

  1. Wear personal protective equipment.
  2. Dilute the product using the data from the dosage table.
  3. Spray the product.
  4. Leave the area for 2-3 days.

Perhaps the most important thing when treating an area for ticks is to prevent the insects from coming back again. To do this, you can use small obstacles, as well as plants whose smell repels ticks: wild rosemary, catnip, tansy.

Precautionary measures

It is important to understand that the use of insecticides can be dangerous if precautions are not taken.

  • When processing (even using protective equipment), it is not recommended to delay the process, as this can cause poisoning.
  • You should not remain in the room after the procedure is completed.
  • Agran should be stored out of the reach of children.
  • During processing, only those people who participate in the process and use personal protective equipment should be in the apartment.
  • At the end of the treatment, you should take a warm shower; wash clothes.
  • When treating rooms with children and pets, you should remove them from there.
  • Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from participating in the treatment (reasons below).

More information about PPE: when using insecticides, it is recommended to use safety glasses, a respirator, gloves, and thick, long-sleeved clothing

Recommendations for treating rooms where children live

The author warns. The best way to protect your child when treating a room with insecticidal agents is to send him to live with your relatives or friends for a while. The fact is that children are doubly susceptible to the negative effects of active substances, since, firstly, the child’s body is at the stage of active formation (and its disruption is fraught with health problems in the future), and secondly, young children always try to try something to taste. And this is not a problem under normal conditions, since in the first years of life children try to use every opportunity to explore the world around them, but this can be dangerous when processing an apartment. Since Agran has a long, prolonged effect, it is better for the child to stay away from home for about a week.

When cleaning, don’t forget about toys. Simply covering them with something will not be enough to prevent infection.

Also, the author’s opinion should be supported by factual data. Thus, studies of the effect of insecticidal agents on humans (including children) have been conducted for quite a long time and allow us to say that they have the greatest negative effect on the growing organism. This also applies during pregnancy.

The degree of exposure to humans is still unknown for certain, however, there are many studies on warm-blooded animals that indicate that when exposed to chlorpyrifos (one of the active ingredients of Agran), the growth of the fetus as a whole (especially the skull bones) slows down, but the division of heart cells accelerates and lungs.

The situation is similar with cypermethrin, but to a much lesser extent.

Recommendations for treating premises with pets

Unfortunately, it is impossible to explain to a pet why it is forbidden to taste something, but animals by their nature are much more resistant to poisons, and therefore they can be returned to the apartment after the initial cleaning is completed. Of course, if there is an opportunity to leave the animal somewhere outside the apartment, then it is better to take advantage of it. And if not, then it will be enough to thoroughly wash the floors and other surfaces treated with the product. It is also recommended to purchase a special insect repellent for your pet, since in many cases it is pets who cause various types of pests to appear in the home.

Contraindications, symptoms of poisoning, first aid

Main contraindications:

  • Childhood.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Serious illnesses.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Cramps.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Weakness.
  • Nausea.
  • Impaired coordination of movements.
  • Increased salivation.

If you experience at least one of these symptoms, you should urgently call an ambulance.

For various types of poisoning, the following measures should be taken:

  • If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them with water and also drip atropine.
  • If it enters the respiratory tract (for example, if a person has inhaled poisoned air), it is necessary to rinse the mouth with a soda solution and change clothes.
  • If the substance gets into the gastrointestinal tract, you should drink a 2% soda solution (several glasses) and induce vomiting. Next, you can take 10–15 tablets of activated carbon.

Summary of the Precautionary Clause

This addition is required in order to clarify some details for particularly impressionable readers. The fact is that the above facts about the potential dangers of chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin are presented solely for the purpose of conveying to the reader the reasons why it is necessary to take all precautions even when using relatively safe products like Agran. Compliance with precautions will lead to the fact that the product will not cause any harm to people, but will only become a tool with the help of which these people will get rid of a much greater danger - insects that carry a huge number of infections, and simply irritate any resident.

How to use Agran against bedbugs

According to the instructions for use, to kill bed bugs you need to take 5.5 ml of Agran per liter of water, that is, 9 liters of water are required per fifty-milliliter bottle of the product. However, professional exterminators believe that this dose is not enough and advise almost doubling it (dilute 10 ml of product in a liter of water).

When treating a square meter of area, you need to take 50 ml of the product if the surface does not absorb moisture, and 100 ml of the working solution if the surface absorbs water well (mattress, chair, sofa). If, in addition to bedbugs, it is necessary to destroy other types of insects, then the solution must be prepared with the highest of the required concentrations.

Before treating the premises, you need to find out how bed bugs got into the apartment. Often insects come to “visit” neighbors, running through sockets, ventilation, joints of sewer or heating pipes, cracks in doors, floors, and walls. As long as the path is open, the neighboring bugs will try to “conquer new territories” and it will be impossible to get rid of the insects.

It is necessary to seal all the cracks, block all possible paths. It’s good if the treatment is carried out simultaneously by all the neighbors who have bloodsuckers living with them. Before using the drug, you need to prepare the room for treatment. All furniture should be moved away from the walls to allow access to the backs of cabinets, baseboards and outlets. You need to take things out of the cabinets and pack them in plastic bags so that they do not smell and you can wipe the inside of the furniture.

Treatment should be carried out especially carefully in the kitchen; the Agran bedbug remedy should not be allowed to get on dishes or food, so they also need to be put in bags or taken out of the apartment. Bedding and mattresses must be removed from beds. Agran must be diluted with ordinary warm tap water in a suitable container, and then pour the working solution into the spraying device

Agran must be diluted with ordinary warm tap water in a suitable container, and then pour the working solution into the spray device.

If the treatment is carried out independently, then you can take a household spray bottle, which is used for spraying plants, a bottle of window cleaner, or a garden sprayer. The working solution should be sprayed onto baseboards (it is advisable to unscrew them), walls, carpets, mattresses, upholstered furniture, bedside tables and cabinets (inside, above and outside).

If there is parquet in the room, then it needs to be completely treated, but laminate and linoleum can only be sprayed around the perimeter. We must not forget about processing paintings hanging on the wall, carpets, and bookshelves. If nests were discovered during the work, then the product must be sprayed there especially carefully.

Thanks to their sense of smell, bedbugs find human synthetic clothing and hide in it, so they can avoid destruction or move to another house. Bedbugs can also hide and lay eggs in electronic equipment, pet hair, boxes, and books.

To get rid of bed bugs that have settled in soft toys, blankets, clothes, bedding, shoes, backpacks, you need to dry the items in the dryer at medium or high temperature for 10–20 minutes. Processing should be carried out with open windows. After disinfestation, the windows should be closed and it is advisable to leave the room for at least 3-4 hours. Then you should ventilate the apartment and carry out a thorough wet cleaning.

There will be a strong smell in the room, so it’s better not to stay there overnight.

A female bedbug lays up to 5 eggs per day, which is 250 to 500 eggs per life cycle. The full development cycle from egg to mature individual is 30–40 days; under unfavorable conditions, this time period can increase to 80–100 days. Repeated treatment should destroy all larvae and nymphs that have hatched from eggs. It is best to carry it out 15–20 days after the first disinfestation.


An effective remedy for cockroaches has the following composition:

  • Cypermethrin (a poisonous component that affects the nervous system of Prussians);
  • Chlorpyrifos (a toxic chemical of the latest generation, affects the nervous and respiratory systems, paralyzes the insect, leading to death from suffocation);
  • Fragrances (they are bait for arthropods, they spread an aroma that pests like, and they also add a flavor to the poison, so that individuals eat the bait with pleasure);
  • Stabilizers (allow the drug to retain its properties and contribute to a long shelf life).

The insecticide may contain preservatives; they maintain the stability of the aroma and brightness of the taste.

Precautionary measures

It is very important to take precautions, since it is easy to get poisoned by Agran (both through contact with the product and through inhalation of caustic fumes)

Synthetic surfaces cannot be treated with Agran - they will be damaged

Precautionary measures:

  1. There should be no strangers or pets in the treated area.
  2. Remove food, clothing, dishes, and household accessories from the premises.
  3. Open all the windows in the room being treated and close the door (so that the vapors of the product do not spread throughout the apartment).
  4. During treatment, do not eat or drink, smoke, or rub your face or eyes.
  5. You need to work in a change of clothes, which then need to be washed.
  6. After completing the work, wash your face and hands twice (with soap), rinse your mouth.
  7. If you experience nausea, vomiting, headache or dizziness, cough or increased salivation, consult a doctor (consult remotely at the clinic reception). These may be symptoms of Agran intoxication.

How to use Agran against bedbugs

According to the instructions for use, to kill bed bugs you need to take 5.5 ml of Agran per liter of water, that is, 9 liters of water are required per fifty-milliliter bottle of the product. However, professional exterminators believe that this dose is not enough and advise almost doubling it (dilute 10 ml of product in a liter of water).

When treating a square meter of area, you need to take 50 ml of the product if the surface does not absorb moisture, and 100 ml of the working solution if the surface absorbs water well (mattress, chair, sofa). If, in addition to bedbugs, it is necessary to destroy other types of insects, then the solution must be prepared with the highest of the required concentrations.

Before treating the premises, you need to find out how bed bugs got into the apartment. Often insects come to “visit” neighbors, running through sockets, ventilation, joints of sewer or heating pipes, cracks in doors, floors, and walls. As long as the path is open, the neighboring bugs will try to “conquer new territories” and it will be impossible to get rid of the insects.

It is necessary to seal all the cracks, block all possible paths. It’s good if the treatment is carried out simultaneously by all the neighbors who have bloodsuckers living with them. Before using the drug, you need to prepare the room for treatment. All furniture should be moved away from the walls to allow access to the backs of cabinets, baseboards and outlets. You need to take things out of the cabinets and pack them in plastic bags so that they do not smell and you can wipe the inside of the furniture.

Treatment should be carried out especially carefully in the kitchen; the Agran bedbug remedy should not be allowed to get on dishes or food, so they also need to be put in bags or taken out of the apartment. Bedding and mattresses must be removed from beds. Agran must be diluted with ordinary warm tap water in a suitable container, and then pour the working solution into the spraying device

Agran must be diluted with ordinary warm tap water in a suitable container, and then pour the working solution into the spray device.

If the treatment is carried out independently, then you can take a household spray bottle, which is used for spraying plants, a bottle of window cleaner, or a garden sprayer. The working solution should be sprayed onto baseboards (it is advisable to unscrew them), walls, carpets, mattresses, upholstered furniture, bedside tables and cabinets (inside, above and outside).

If there is parquet in the room, then it needs to be completely treated, but laminate and linoleum can only be sprayed around the perimeter. We must not forget about processing paintings hanging on the wall, carpets, and bookshelves. If nests were discovered during the work, then the product must be sprayed there especially carefully.

Thanks to their sense of smell, bedbugs find human synthetic clothing and hide in it, so they can avoid destruction or move to another house. Bedbugs can also hide and lay eggs in electronic equipment, pet hair, boxes, and books.

To get rid of bed bugs that have settled in soft toys, blankets, clothes, bedding, shoes, backpacks, you need to dry the items in the dryer at medium or high temperature for 10–20 minutes. Processing should be carried out with open windows. After disinfestation, the windows should be closed and it is advisable to leave the room for at least 3-4 hours. Then you should ventilate the apartment and carry out a thorough wet cleaning.

There will be a strong smell in the room, so it’s better not to stay there overnight.

A female bedbug lays up to 5 eggs per day, which is 250 to 500 eggs per life cycle. The full development cycle from egg to mature individual is 30–40 days; under unfavorable conditions, this time period can increase to 80–100 days. Repeated treatment should destroy all larvae and nymphs that have hatched from eggs. It is best to carry it out 15–20 days after the first disinfestation.

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