The principle of action of borax against cockroaches, the danger of use for humans.

Cockroaches that have settled in a private house or apartment cause not only aesthetic inconvenience. Parasites are carriers of dangerous diseases, so the fight against them must begin immediately after the discovery of the first individual.

The most effective means of killing cockroaches are made from chemical components that are harmful to humans and pets. It is for this reason that many people prefer to use a safe folk remedy - borax.

There are several effective recipes that can be easily prepared at home.

Boric acid

Orthoboric or boric acid is the most popular insect repellent among people.
It is highly toxic to cockroaches and, when used correctly and consistently, can completely get rid of insects in a couple of weeks. It can be used in 2 ways:

  • Powder in the form of tracks crumbles on those planes where cockroaches travel. Arthropods soiled in powder clean their legs and involuntarily swallow a certain amount of powder inside. This is enough for death from poisoning to occur. The powder can be sprinkled around food baits. Heading towards them, cockroaches will definitely stain their paws with poison.
  • The second way to use boron powder involves adding it to any food bait. Boiled egg yolk, boiled potatoes, dough. You can make small balls or cakes from the bait along with boron powder, placing them in different places in the room. As cockroaches find and eat them, they will gradually become poisoned.

Boric acid is moderately toxic, practically does not cause allergies, and has no unpleasant odor. It can even be used to disinfect wounds. In a word, cheap, accessible and safe. It is these properties that boric acid owes its popularity.


Your efforts will pay off if you act long and consistently.

Cockroaches have a lifespan of 100 to 200 days. During this time, females lay five egg oothecae, each containing about 36 eggs. And the hatching rate is high. Therefore, one large-scale operation in which larvae and adult cockroaches are destroyed is not enough. It is necessary to regularly clean your apartment and use insecticides. A gap of two weeks is optimal. During this time, new cockroaches hatch, do not give them the opportunity to reproduce.

Borax based recipes

Poisonous baits are prepared using acid to kill parasites. The substance itself is odorless and tasteless, so it does not attract parasites.

Food products are used as additional ingredients: sugar, flour, eggs, gelatin, potatoes, etc. The “delicacy” is placed in places where parasites most often appear. Let's look at the most common recipes.

Borax and egg yolks

This method is the simplest, you will need to do the following:

  • mix raw yolk with borax (50 g of powder per yolk);
  • mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained;
  • the composition is laid out in small slides on a board;
  • The bait is placed in places where barbels move.

This method is relevant for small numbers of parasites. We must not forget that the “food” spoils quickly, so you will need to periodically prepare new ones.

If the cockroach population is large, then borax with yolks loses its effectiveness.

Borax, sugar and starch

This recipe is characterized by a longer effect compared to the previous version.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • borax – 220 g;
  • powdered sugar – 70 g;
  • starch (preferably corn) – 65 g;
  • vanilla sugar for an attractive aroma – 25 g.

First, the bulk components are mixed, then water is added little by little. The mixture should be thick and hold its shape well.

Subsequently, small balls are molded from the finished composition, which are laid out on sheets of cardboard, and not on the floor or other surfaces.

Borax, potatoes and eggs

To use another effective and simple recipe for cockroaches with borax you will need:

  • boil one large potato in its jacket;
  • peel the tuber, mash to make a puree;
  • hard boil an egg, peel, chop, add to mashed potatoes and stir;
  • add 30 g of borax.

Small lumps are created from the finished mixture, and then laid out wherever the Prussians were seen. If necessary, a new bait is prepared, spoiled balls are replaced with fresh ones.

To do this, close the taps tightly at night and remove condensation and remaining liquid in the bathtub and sinks.

An aqueous solution of borax is poured into small containers and placed under pieces of furniture, in the sink, near the trash can. Insects will come here to quench their thirst.

Similar manipulations are repeated daily, before bedtime. In the morning, the containers are removed, and all surfaces where they were located are wiped with a wet cloth.

Preparatory activities

Before getting rid of cockroaches at home, you need to carry out preliminary preparations. This is necessary so that the insects cannot return after a certain period of time.

  1. Cockroaches love to live in dirt, among food waste. Therefore, you need to do a thorough cleaning in your apartment or private house. Remove trash and sweep up any crumbs, including behind the refrigerator or tables.
  2. It is necessary to sort out all the cereals and pack them hermetically in containers or bags. Food shelves must be perfectly clean.
  3. It is necessary to wash the floor, baseboards and walls, where possible, with soapy water.
  4. If there are cracks in the house through which cockroaches can re-enter the home, you need to seal them.
  5. Check for leaking pipes in the bathroom or kitchen. Cockroaches love moisture, so you need to exclude access to water.

Once your home is ready, start removing the cockroaches.

The most popular dusts: review

Due to its popularity, dust is produced by many companies. Products of various brands may contain pure dust or contain enhancers and additives. To understand which brand to buy the drug from, check out the most popular products on the insecticide market.

Clean house

In the rating of the review of the best insecticides of 2022, the dust brand “Clean House” occupies a leading position. Sold in blue bags of various dosages. It works on the basis of tetramethrin, cypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide.

To understand how much product will be needed, it is enough to know the area of ​​the room being treated. Information on calculating the drug based on the required area can be found on the packaging. For example, for a room with an area of ​​10 sq.m. you will need 50 g of powder

The packaging also indicates the method of use of the substance and precautions. For 50 g of Clean House dust you will pay 50 rubles


The drug is intended for treating large areas, often non-residential. Sold in 1 kg bags. Capable of destroying not only cockroaches, but also other pests. The main active ingredient is alphacypermethrin. The product begins to work 48 hours after treatment and remains effective for 60 days. Buying Acaritox will cost 1,500 rubles.


The drug has intestinal and nerve-paralytic effects. Works on the basis of boric acid and karbofos. The method of use and dosage is no different from analogues. The packaging contains instructions for use and recommendations for calculating the product depending on the area of ​​the room. For 50 g of powder you will pay 50 rubles.


The powder is available in various dosages, the weight of which is determined based on the area of ​​the room. A product of the third class of toxicity, which contains boric acid and cypermethrin. Most people who have tried tornado control note that to eradicate the entire population of cockroaches, it is necessary to repeat the treatment after 2-3 weeks. The price of a 150 g bag is 30 rubles.


The product is considered low-toxic, but quite effective. The main active ingredient is acetamiprid, a substance with enteric contact effects. The drug is sold in packages of 250 g, costing 1,500 rubles.


The powder is sold in bags of 25 g or 1 kg. It actively affects insects already on the first or second day after application. Alphacypermethrin, which is included in the composition, destroys cockroaches due to intestinal penetration. The drug fights cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes and their larvae.


Like other dusts, phenaxin is designed to kill cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas and flies. The effectiveness of the product is due to the work of fenvalerate and boric acid contained in the composition. For the best results, the manufacturer recommends preparing aromatic baits based on the powder. The cost of a 125-gram sachet is 50 rubles.

Chinese dust

The product, according to people who have tested it, is considered more effective than its Russian counterparts. In fact, Chinese dust contains the same components as domestic ones, but their action and processing results are no different. In addition, such a product is difficult to buy in a store; you will need to order it on online resources for Chinese goods.


A distinctive feature is the absence of toxic harm to humans. The powder is suitable for use by allergy sufferers or people suffering from respiratory diseases. The drug destroys the chitinous cover and causes dehydration of the insect's body due to the diatomaceous earth contained in it.


The product is used to exterminate cockroaches and cockroaches in the apartment, as well as to remove pests from the garden. The powder contains a strong insecticide - fipronil, which causes a nerve-paralytic effect on the insect. To die, a cockroach only needs one contact with the regent. Experienced exterminators also recommend preparing aromatic baits based on the powder. In this case, the insecticide will enter the insect’s digestive tract. In this case, the effectiveness of the drug will double.


The main active component of the substance is dried Dolmatian chamomile flowers. The uniqueness of the drug is its complete lack of toxicity for humans. When it gets on the cover and into the cavity, the active component causes disruption of the internal organs and immobilizes the insect's body, as a result of which the cockroach dies.

Description of the substance

Boric acid is a powder, but the particles look more like flakes than grains. The color of the substance is white, there is no smell or taste. To assess how effective it is against cockroaches, you should learn more about this product: chemical formula, scope of application, hazard class, principle of action on cockroaches and effect on the human body.

Properties and Features

The chemical formula of boric acid is H3BO3. The compound represents a group of weak acids. Boric acid can be classified as a poorly soluble substance. A change in structure occurs only upon melting (temperature above 170 degrees). This process is accompanied by a change in chemical composition and loss of water.

Boric alcohol against cockroaches is less effective than powder, this is due to the smell of alcohol

Boric acid is obtained from a number of sources: geyser, mineral water, natural mineral sassolin. The quantity of this substance is limited. The hazard class of this chemical compound is III. This means that it gets rid of cockroaches, acting better than a number of hazard class IV insecticides, which include less toxic substances.

The powder is characterized by antiseptic properties; as it heats up, it changes structure, turning first into metaboric and then into tetraboric acid. The well-known substance borax is often confused with boric acid. This misconception is based on some similarity in names. However, borax is sodium tetraborate or the salt of tetraboric acid. Based on the principle of their effect on cockroaches, these substances are similar. Their external signs are also the same (white powder).

Mechanism of influence on pests

A solution of boric acid is effective if added to edible baits.

Poison against any cockroaches with boric acid is a truly effective remedy. This is due to the structure of the substance: small scales have fairly sharp edges, which, upon contact with an insect, cause non-healing wounds.

These particles stick to cockroaches and also enter the stomach with food. Different methods of influencing insects are one of the advantages that distinguish boric acid from a number of analogues.

Before use, you need to understand how the product works. If an insect eats it, the internal organs will suffer, they will be abraded, and as a result, the basic functions of the body will be disrupted. Boron in the chemical compound contributes to visual impairment and negatively affects the functioning of organs, which leads to paralysis and death of the insect.

Is boric acid dangerous for residents?

Before using the product, you need to assess the degree of its danger to humans and animals. The powder can be safely used even in homes where there are children. Fighting cockroaches with this substance gives good results, but is completely safe for the human body, since it is an antiseptic with which you can effectively treat wounds and scratches. However, direct contact may cause skin irritation.

How to defeat a cockroach?

Cockroaches are distributed throughout the world. They do not like light, cannot tolerate cold and die below -8 oC. Cockroaches are omnivores: they can eat soap, paper, and leather. Some individuals live up to five years.

The war between man and cockroaches has been going on for thousands of years, but so far no one has been able to eradicate this creature: cockroaches surprisingly easily adapt to pesticides, multiply extremely quickly and are unpretentious to food.

Recently, biologists have been amazed to discover that cockroaches, like spiders, are almost insensitive to radiation. So, unlike us, they will calmly survive any nuclear disaster...

Meanwhile, cockroaches are not at all peaceful neighbors and inconspicuous parasites, but, rather, enemies of humans. They contaminate and spoil food products, and their waste products cause allergic reactions. In addition, cockroaches sometimes damage electrical and radio equipment by shorting its contacts.

Among the numerous pesticides that have long been used to combat the cockroach tribe, borax and boric acid have not lost their importance: cockroaches still cannot get used to boron compounds. These substances dehydrate the body of cockroaches, and if there is no water nearby, the nasty insects die.

Therefore, when using boron-containing poisons against cockroaches, do not forget to make sure that there is no moisture in the apartment available to them: so that water taps do not leak and water does not stand open in bowls or cups.

Here's how poisoned baits are prepared from borax and boric acid:

  • borax is mixed in equal parts with flour and granulated sugar;
  • 1 g of boric acid is lightly moistened with water and bread crumbs are added;
  • mix equal amounts of boric acid and grated potatoes;
  • mix 2 tablespoons of boric acid with one egg yolk; roll small balls the size of a pea from the resulting thick mass;
  • mix 1 teaspoon of boric acid and 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar with 2 tablespoons of semolina porridge or mashed potatoes and place in saucers.

Boron baits are placed under sinks, near the trash can, in the corners of the kitchen, along baseboards and around food cabinets, in the bathroom. After 2-3 weeks, the bait is replaced with fresh ones, preferably of a different composition.

Important! Another simple but effective remedy against cockroaches is bait made from a mixture of equal amounts of dry alabaster (calcium sulfate hemihydrate) and flour. This mixture is sprinkled on the habitats of cockroaches.

Once in the insect's body, alabaster hardens, turning into gypsum - dihydrate calcium sulfate, and the cockroach dies.

If there are few cockroaches or there is a danger that they will come to you from your neighbors, it is better to use natural substances containing repellents that repel cockroaches.

This is exactly how green bay leaves and fresh cucumber peelings act on cockroaches. The anti-roach active ingredient in bay leaves is cineole, and in cucumber peelings it is the aldehyde trans-2-nonenal.

Pyrethrum powder also helps in the fight against cockroaches; black cockroaches also cannot stand the smell of red and black elderberry flowers. Small bouquets of these flowers will immediately drive cockroaches out of the kitchen. In the villages of central Russia, bunches of flowering rye are hung on the kitchen walls, the smell of which is also unbearable for cockroaches.

Cockroach traps - a sticky mass with bait or even simple glass jars have proven themselves to be quite worthy means of achieving this goal.

A sticky adhesive mass is applied to thick paper, tracing paper or cellophane in the form of a round closed strip 2-3 cm wide. Food bait is placed in the center of the circle. Traps are laid out at night in places where cockroaches accumulate; During the day, traps with attached cockroaches are destroyed.

Another type of trap is a regular glass jar. It is wrapped in paper on the outside or placed in a corner against the wall so that cockroaches can climb into it. A piece of rag with bait is placed at the bottom of the jar: bread soaked in kefir, sweet crumbs, etc.

Advice! From the inside, the upper edge of the jar is greased with any fat so that an oil ring 5-10 cm high is formed. Cockroaches that fall into the jar will not be able to climb its walls, slippery from fat. It is believed that such a trap is many times more effective than various pesticides.

But all methods of fighting cockroaches will be useless if plates with leftover food, a dirty sink with a leaking tap, an uncleaned garbage can, open pots and bags of food are left in the kitchen overnight. In such an environment, cockroaches will not pay any attention to the baits placed.

Homemade traps

Homemade traps for cockroaches have been made for a very long time. They were designed even before house traps began to appear in stores. Here's how you can make similar traps with your own hands:

  1. Take a glass jar with a capacity of 500 milliliters. A little honey is dripped onto its bottom, and the inside of the neck is lubricated with vegetable oil. The cockroaches will smell the bait and climb into the jar, but they won’t be able to get out.
  2. Take a strip of thick cardboard. Tape is placed on it so that the sticky side is at the top. A bait is placed in the middle of the strip; the same honey can serve as it. Of course, industrial traps are stickier than tape, but the cockroaches caught will remain on it.

What it is?

Dust is a powdery substance that has strong insecticidal properties. It has such a great effect on living organisms that it comes in 50 gram packs. This volume of anti-cockroach poison is enough to treat 10 square meters of a room that is infested with pests.

All products in powder form are called dusts. But this is a wrong statement. At first, such drugs were called DDT; they had a reduced amount of harmful components.

Dust powder against cockroaches does its job well. Its composition contains special additives that allow you to kill long-horned beetles for a long time. Just one application allows you to get rid of annoying longhorned beetles forever. This substance has no expiration date, it always works regardless of temperature changes, the main thing is not to use it in high humidity.

Freezing out an apartment

One of the most effective folk remedies for cockroaches, known since ancient times. These insects originated from the tropics, so they can live and reproduce only under favorable temperature conditions. They are completely unsuited to low temperatures, and even more so to frost. Therefore, an excellent remedy is to lower the room temperature to -5 degrees. In just half an hour the insects will be destroyed.

But you shouldn’t think that parasites will sit and meekly wait for death. No, they will strive to escape to warmer places. Therefore, there will be a greater effect if the air temperature is lowered to -10 degrees. In this case, the Prussians will die within 2 minutes.

This method is applicable if the outside temperature is -12 degrees or lower. Then you just need to open the windows in the room and leave it like that for 3-5 hours.

The disadvantage of this method is the possible damage of the cold to home appliances and wallpaper, which may come off the walls. But the most unforeseen consequences can occur with heating pipes.

If you decide to try to remove cockroaches using this home method, it is recommended to wrap the pipes with warm blankets, foam rubber or other heat-insulating materials so that the water inside does not freeze.

Boric acid is the best folk remedy

You can consider another viable option. This is boric acid/borax. The substances have similar structure and properties. They work the same way and give excellent results. Boric acid powder is slightly soluble in water, odorless and has no pronounced taste. This product is not dangerous for humans and animals. This is due to the fact that the substance does not contain highly toxic compounds.

However, boric acid in its pure form is unattractive to cockroaches. If you scatter the powder throughout the room in the hope that the insects themselves will encounter the poison, there is a chance that the substance will be tried by the pet. There is nothing wrong with this, because boric acid is just an outdated antiseptic. However, it is still better to avoid getting it into the digestive system.

To attract cockroaches and protect your pet, boric acid is mixed with egg yolk or other product, formed into balls and placed in hidden corners in different parts of the room. The insects will crawl on their own, and dogs and cats will not be able to reach the poison. However, results should be expected within 1-2 weeks. Boric acid acts slowly.

Operating principle

Borax affects insects only after entering their body. Sometimes the acid is used in its pure form, the crystals scatter in places where cockroaches accumulate.

Powder particles stick to the paws and body of the barbel, cause damage or penetrate inside when trying to clean itself.

Borax against cockroaches is also used in the form of a solution; the acid does not dissolve in water, but sinks to the bottom. Treating surfaces with such a concentrate creates fatal platforms for cockroaches, which will probably get dirty and taste the poison.

After insects enter the body, borax immediately begins to act, affecting the nervous system, quickly leading to its complete destruction.

As a result, the functioning of all vital organs stops and paralysis occurs. Cockroaches will no longer be able to survive; quick and inevitable death occurs.

Danger to people and animals

Like any other insecticide, Combat is toxic and can harm humans and pets. Aerosol forms should not be used in areas where people with upper respiratory tract diseases, allergic reactions and asthma live. Refrain from using toxic forms if pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and small children live in the premises

The insecticide is no less dangerous for pets; use with extreme caution to avoid contact

Always use protective equipment; in case of contact with skin or mucous membranes, rinse with plenty of water. If you experience any adverse symptoms, go out into fresh air and consult a doctor.

Ammonia as a deterrent odor

Ammonia is not an insecticide. It will not kill cockroaches, however, it can scare them away and force them to leave the apartment. The fact is that the olfactory senses of insects are much more developed than the human senses of smell. For Prussians, ammonia serves as a powerful deterrent, which they literally cannot stand. To achieve a pronounced result, even a small amount of the appropriate liquid is enough.

That is why it is recommended to carry out wet cleaning more often and wash floors with the addition of ammonia to the water. In this way, it will be possible to force cockroaches to leave the apartment in entire colonies. However, you need to be prepared for the “gratitude” of the neighbors to whom these pests will move. The use of odors is analogous to specialized deterrents.

The best remedy

Cockroach gel is the most effective insecticide designed to kill adult parasites. The composition of different gels may vary somewhat; insecticides such as fipronil, cypermethrin, and diazinon are more often used. Also, effective gels against cockroaches contain a fatty base, which prevents the product from drying out and allows it to act for several months. The drugs are sold in tubes with an elongated spout, which ensures ease of use.

Gel syringes

Insecticidal gels for cockroaches in a syringe are the most convenient to use products that retain their toxic effect for a long time. Their composition contains not only toxic substances, but also components that attract insects. The most popular product in this group is the drug Global, which includes chlorpyrifos and cocoa butter.

A distinctive feature of Global gel is its unpleasant taste, which eliminates accidental consumption of the toxin by pets. However, if this does happen, a small amount of the product will not cause any harm to the pet. For removing cockroaches in a room whose area is less than 80 square meters. m., using one tube is enough.

Tubes with gel

Anti-cockroach gels, presented in soft plastic tubes equipped with a convenient spout, are no less convenient to use. To apply the selected product, simply press lightly on the packaging. When used wisely, one tube is enough to treat a room with a total volume of at least 60 square meters. m.

The most popular remedy in this group is Raptor for cockroaches, which has a brown color and a distinct vanilla smell, which directly attracts parasites. The composition of the drug includes chlorpyrifos, vegetable fats. It is thanks to the presence of fats that the surface of the gel does not dry out for a long time, maintaining its insecticidal properties.


Among the best gels for cockroaches are those whose composition includes natural substances. Consider Kombat. This gel for cockroaches contains a mixture based on vegetable fats, aromatic substances, and the active insecticide hydramethylnon. A distinctive feature of this toxic drug is its high efficiency, which fully justifies the considerable price of the drug. Using the Combat product allows you to quickly get rid of parasites and prevent the reappearance of pests.

Cockroach cream

Some cockroach repellents come in the form of a creamy substance or paste. These include such as Kapkan or Fas. The composition of the given gels contains a complex combination of two insecticidal agents that are especially effective. The only drawback is the high level of toxicity. The use of these creams can cause poisoning of pets and people

Accordingly, when using toxins, it is important to take precautions and also store the gel out of reach.

Syringe with glue

To kill parasites, you can use insecticidal syringes for cockroaches, which also have adhesive properties. The Clean House product is quite effective. To remove insects, you need to apply this gel to areas where parasites are especially often localized. When a cockroach comes into contact with the active substance, the particles of the latter stick to the legs of the insect. When the individual returns to the nest, a massive infestation of parasites occurs.

It should be remembered that insecticides presented in the form of glue do not have a detrimental effect on parasite eggs

Accordingly, to destroy parasites, it is important to carry out additional treatment of the apartment after two weeks


Even as a child, I remember how my grandmother poisoned cockroaches with boric acid. Now I can’t leave positive reviews about the storm, since a large concentration of locusts in my kitchen live happily even with the baits laid out. We have to use modern powerful poisons.

I tried poisoning cockroaches with brown tea. Did not like. A labor-intensive process, but the result was not impressive. It is faster and more effective to use any cockroach gel.

In the case of a large pest infestation, a cheap chemical will not be able to cope with the entire colony. New generations will develop faster and the number of cockroaches will not decrease.

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