What kind of customer feedback has the cold fog method received?

Bed bugs are parasites that cause a lot of trouble for owners of apartments and private houses, being carriers of infections and a source of allergies. Traces of bloodsuckers can be found inside upholstered furniture, furniture seams, mattresses, behind wallpaper, baseboards and in other inaccessible places.

Previously, getting rid of bedbugs was considered a difficult task due to the lack of effective methods to combat them. Today, new technologies are emerging that allow you to get rid of the problem in a very short time. The most effective way to destroy insects is to contact a pest control service, which will help eliminate the problem as quickly as possible.

The staff includes only experienced professionals who use innovative methods of eliminating parasites in their work. Killing bedbugs with cold fog is considered one of the current methods of getting rid of insects and also allows you to get rid of flies, mosquitoes, and ants.

Cold fog and how it works

This method is widely used by service employees involved in the disinfestation of any objects, including residential buildings and office premises. Cold fog is based on spraying using special equipment that generates fog using insecticidal substances. Thanks to spraying, small particles of poison settle over the entire surface, including hard-to-reach places.

The technology is called cold because it uses a temperature close to the ambient temperature.


Innovative technology has virtually no negative properties. Exterminators and clients are satisfied with the effect of cold steam, which destroys parasites and pests in residential, industrial and office premises.

There are several nuances:

  • treatment of contaminated areas is carried out only by professional exterminators;
  • Special equipment is required (high temperature dry fog generator). Specialists use Burgess devices of electric or gas modification;
  • To fill a dry fog generator you need a special liquid. The preparations contain a glycol smoke-forming base and an effective insecticide.

Advantages of this technology

The cold fog method is positively assessed by professionals and consumers of such services, as evidenced by numerous reviews on the destruction of bedbugs with cold fog.

Prerogatives of technology

  • a positive result, as a result of which the problem is solved immediately after the procedure;
  • guaranteed safety provided that all requirements of our employees are met;
  • possibility of using different chemical solutions;
  • uniform settling of insecticidal particles over the entire surface;
  • the versatility of this method used to kill bedbugs and other insects, including cockroaches, flies, ants;
  • economy, allowing the drug to be used rationally;
  • practicality, since the sprayed substance does not leave stains.

Cold fog technology is not always the key to achieving the desired result. This process will be effective if the insecticide is chosen correctly. Its effect should apply exclusively to insects, but not to the inhabitants of the living space.

A big advantage of our company is the use of drugs that can wear off soon after the procedure.

Disinfection against cockroaches by the SES service

In many ways, the difficulties of self-harassment are due to the fact that red and black cockroaches try to get into the house by any means. They run from neighbors, come from basements, through technical holes and cracks in the walls. Arthropods are especially attracted to dampness, mold, and garbage cans that cannot be kept out for a long time.

Ordinary dusts or aerosol cans, which a person uses most often in the fight, may be powerless against such an invasion. Do not forget about the dangers of many insecticides. Some of them are very strong poisons and can cause serious health problems. The main symptoms of poisoning are nausea, vomiting, headache, and breathing problems. In the most severe cases, the patient loses consciousness.

But even if the exterminator observes all safety measures, the smell may remain for a long time, causing allergies in family members. It is especially not recommended to kill cockroaches in Irkutsk apartments yourself if there is a child in the family. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, older people and those who experience respiratory problems can also be harmed by self-harassment.

Killing cockroaches without an odor is unlikely; even the least toxic chemicals often have a strong aroma. In such cases, treatment with cold fog or other professional methods becomes a real salvation.

There are several arguments in favor of ordering the extermination of domestic cockroaches at the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station of Irkutsk:

Professional pest control of cockroaches in Irkutsk will allow owners to preserve property: the products used do not leave marks on upholstered furniture and other surfaces. But the main thing is health and nerves, which can be preserved thanks to SES specialists.

Additional features

There are no significant differences between cold and hot fog treatments. The difference between these two methods lies in the different depth of penetration of small particles into cracks and other difficult-to-pass places. However, at the end of the procedure the result will be identical.

The cold fog generator saves effort and time during the treatment process. And all this thanks to the latest equipment, which is used by employees using high-quality and effective drugs.

What to do after disinfestation

The exterminator will tell you about your next steps. But basically they are as follows: after treatment, the time of which depends on the area of ​​treatment and the hot or cold method, you should ventilate the room. Carry out initial wet cleaning of the most contact surfaces with a soap solution (countertops, furniture, door handles, etc.). Wash the floors after 2 weeks, and carry out a complete wet cleaning of the apartment no earlier than 3 weeks.

Stages of sanitization

Our clients receive all the necessary recommendations during the initial consultation. During the procedure, the inhabitants of the apartment along with the animals leave it for approximately 4 hours.

Before processing, owners should provide employees with open access to difficult-to-pass areas - interior furniture walls. Household items, porcelain, glass, toys must be placed in thick plastic bags.

The room disinfestation process begins shortly after the application is created, and covers the following stages

  • diluting the necessary substances in water and pouring the concentrated solution into the generator;
  • treatment with a solution of upholstered furniture, the area between the floor and the baseboard, the space between the wallpaper.
  • After work, owners need to wipe floors, doors, windows and other areas with which people and animals come into direct contact. Walls, cabinets, floors, baseboards must be thoroughly washed, textiles washed, all dishes and other accessories washed.

Hard-to-reach places that will not be accessible can be left untouched. This provides additional protection against larvae, which often persist after disinfestation.

After three weeks, it is advisable to re-treat for the purpose of prevention. It is important here not to give the bedbug larvae the opportunity to grow and lay new eggs.

Safety regulations

The big advantage of professional pest control is its relative safety. It is within our competence to use the safest options for exterminating bedbugs with cold fog in Moscow.

Self-sanitation can lead to intoxication of people and pets. An error in the procedure can cause allergies if the drug comes into contact with the skin or respiratory system.

To reduce the risk, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • remove all residents of the apartment for the duration of the procedure;
  • during processing, the company employee puts on goggles, rubber gloves, a high-quality respirator that protects the respiratory system, and special clothing that covers the entire surface of the body;
  • If the drug gets on the skin or respiratory tract, you must leave the room, wash the affected area with soap and water, wash your eyes, rinse your mouth, drink water after dissolving activated carbon in it.

As you can see, it is unsafe to use cold fog without special training. Our experienced employees know how to carry out disinfestation and what equipment is best to do it with.

Difference of methods

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During treatment with heated steam, the penetration level of the active ingredients is higher, so the effect is stronger. The advantage of the hot method is the slow settling of water dust. Treatment with a “hot” cloud is best performed when there is an increased concentration of bloodsuckers or in large rooms. Hot generation units are used only by trained personnel of special companies.

Cold steam devices include devices for home use. But the effect of the procedure is determined by the device, nuances that are not always taken into account by non-professionals. To kill bedbugs, is it better to use hot fog or cold fog? A specialist can assess the contamination of the method. Based on this, he will tell you which method will be the best.

Prerogatives of our company

We have formed a team of professionals with solid experience in this field. All employees have certificates indicating advanced training.

Our company provides a range of services for removing indoor parasites, including bedbugs. Thanks to well-coordinated work, the service establishes contacts with clients instantly and soon begins work.

In the process of disinfestation of residential or office space, we adhere to the main principle - safety for the health of clients and exterminators. Contracts are concluded with the owners of city apartments, country houses, office and service premises.

Additional benefits of our service include:

  • individual approach;
  • flexible prices;
  • observation of the object for several months after the procedure.

Prices for exterminating bedbugs with cold fog are relatively low. You can verify this by reading the price list posted on the website. When applying collectively, for example, from neighbors of an apartment building, a discount is guaranteed.

Before sanitary treatment, negotiations are held with large organizations regarding an individual schedule, quality control of work, and monitoring of the treated area.

We care about your comfort, therefore, we work at any time of the day and on holidays. This organizational policy helps maintain continuous production and save your time.

At the request of our clients, we are ready to provide certificates of drug quality and other documentation indicating the legitimacy of our activities. Company employees accompany the facility until the insects are completely destroyed.

With the help of professionals and with the help of innovative technologies, our company is able to treat a large area from bedbugs and other parasites in a short period of time.

Preliminary activities: preparing the premises

Preparation has two goals:

  • Maximize the safety of apartment residents;
  • Allow fog access to the back walls of furniture, corners and the space under the baseboards.

The set of preparatory measures boils down to the following actions:

  1. Remove residents and pets from the premises. The aquarium must be insulated, covered with a tight lid and the compressor turned off. The best option is to temporarily remove the aquarium from the apartment.
  2. Hide all food in the refrigerator, seal it tightly or take it out. Place all personal hygiene products in bags and tie them.
  3. Prepare the living space: remove bedding, move furniture, remove mattresses, roll up carpets, lay out pillows. Open access under the baseboards. Be sure to take out all the toys.
  4. Wash bedding and clothes at high temperatures, dry them, seal them tightly or take them out of the apartment.
  5. Close the windows, front door and hood tightly.

In apartment buildings, neighbors should be notified about the upcoming pest control. It is advisable that they temporarily block the ventilation duct.

When the room is prepared, wet cleaning is performed - the absence of dust will improve the effect of the toxic chemicals. Active components will not be retained by dirt particles.

It is not necessary to take out indoor plants. Cold fog is an excellent prevention against ticks, scale insects and whiteflies.

Review 2

Kolenkova N. P.

Our hotel has always enjoyed an impeccable reputation among visitors, many of whom have become regular customers. The reputation of the establishment was somewhat tarnished by the appearance of bed bugs.

By contacting yours, we solved the problem quite quickly. We express our special gratitude to the team of exterminators who sanitized the office premises and hotel rooms in a short time.

Before carrying out the work, the management of the establishment had reasonable concerns about the impact of chemicals on the health of visitors. However, all our fears were in vain. Thanks to the unique technology of eliminating bedbugs with cold fog, we have solved the problem without negative consequences for the health of clients and staff.

Review 3

Marina I.

A couple of months ago, our family received an inheritance from our grandmother - a country house. Imagine our disappointment after discovering bedbugs in old furniture and bedding. The first thing that came to our mind was to get rid of the parasites ourselves. However, a friend dissuaded me from hasty action by recommending yours.

Having filled out an application on the service, the manager immediately contacted us to conduct an initial consultation. Soon after this, specialists arrived and solved the problem using a special technology - cold fog.

We were pleasantly surprised by the prices for services that are affordable for people with average incomes. Thank you to your employees for their quality work and individual approach. I will recommend you to my friends and colleagues.

If there are cockroaches at home

If you find these insects in your apartment, you should urgently begin to fight them. Firstly, you need to put things in order by carrying out general cleaning or minor repairs. This is especially true for the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. It is also necessary to get rid of deposits of old trash, you should take out the trash can every day, do not leave food open on the table, and wipe the sink dry at night.

In order to destroy pests throughout the apartment, you need to lay out crayons, scatter powders, and use special aerosols and traps. However, treating the room with conventional chemicals may help in the short term; After a short time, the parasites again occupy the already inhabited space, crawling out of cracks, air ducts, baseboards and other inaccessible places. It is quite logical that after the ineffectiveness of the treatments carried out, the question will arise: “What helps against cockroaches?” What substance is capable of penetrating into the smallest cracks, settling on any surface and destroying indoor pests, their clutches of eggs and larvae? This is steam. After its all-pervasive effect, apartment cockroaches do not have the slightest chance of survival.

How to contact us

You can order pest control by phone or on the website. A short period of time after completing the online application, a manager will contact you and schedule a time for sanitization.

More details about the company's services can be found directly on the website. Here you can find information regarding the range of services of the Biotrix sanitary service, and there is information about the drugs used to eliminate bedbugs and other parasites.

Write, call, order pest control services. We are ready to cooperate with everyone who asks for help.

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Ways of penetration of cockroaches

Where and why do cockroaches come from? There are plenty of ways for parasites to enter a residential area.

Insects can leave their previous home after persecution or enter the apartment through garbage chutes, ventilation ducts or through existing cracks. If the conditions of stay turn out to be favorable (plenty of food and drink, comfortable temperature, the presence of secluded corners), cockroaches will happily continue to live and breed in a new place.

An uncleaned table, a dirty trash can, exposed food, a wet sink, a small puddle on the stove or a leaking tap are factors that encourage cockroaches to firmly establish themselves in an apartment with such “ideal” conditions.

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