Boric acid and yolk from cockroaches: proportions, recipe, rules of use

Cockroaches can easily be called one of the oldest insects on earth. They can be red or albino, large or not very large, but for humans they are equally unpleasant, and living next door to them is not at all attractive.

These pests are excellent opportunists. They enter homes in a variety of ways and can survive well in any conditions. And the worst thing is that they can multiply very quickly, and the survival rate is extremely high.

Black and red cockroaches in the apartment have always been a problem for its owners, which they wanted to solve as quickly as possible. People are ready to use all possible methods to drive away mustachioed pests. The fact is that, in addition to their aesthetically unpleasant appearance, they pose a certain danger to human health. Moving wherever they want, they carry a lot of bacteria and microbes on their paws. After which they end up on the dining table and dishes. Therefore, the fight against the Prussians is a very necessary measure. The process of expelling cockroaches is very labor-intensive and does not always end positively. Harmful insects have learned quite well to adapt to all kinds of poisons. What kind of means has not mankind invented in the fight against this scourge! And along with special drugs, traditional methods are also popular. The leading position is occupied by products whose main component is boric acid. Its demand is due to the effectiveness of its use and its composition, which is safe for humans. But in order to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever, you should start exterminating them as soon as they are discovered, otherwise you will not be able to do without strong and toxic substances. Today there are many different ways to do this. Let's look further at how to get rid of cockroaches in the house using boric acid.

Boric acid and its characteristics

Before using this drug to kill pests, you need to understand what it is. Boric acid is a colorless powder, somewhat similar to flakes. The powder can hardly be dissolved in water, and it is absolutely tasteless and odorless. Relative safety allows people to actively use it for their needs. Basically, acid is an indispensable assistant for humans in the fight against cockroaches. The powder is used as a poison - you can use it in its pure form, or you can prepare bait by mixing it with various foods.

Acid is sold in any pharmacy, packaged in 10 gram bags. Due to the lack of odor, the drug can be discreetly placed in the bait without scaring off the Prussians. This is the method of pest control.

Let us next consider what recipes exist with boric acid for cockroaches.

Advantages and disadvantages

The constant advantage is the low price of borax. A person with any income can afford such a product. The recipes are also easy to prepare. For a small number of Prussians, this control option will be effective in getting rid of random individuals. However, in the event of a massive invasion, this remedy will be ineffective. Therefore, it is necessary to combine it with other effective insecticides: gels, aerosols, concentrates.

The main disadvantage is the danger of using the powder in a house where there are children or animals.

The effect that boric acid has on cockroaches

Scientists have found that this chemical has the most harmful effects on insects, being pure poison for them. After eating it, the insect after a while becomes completely paralyzed and dies from suffocation. Therefore, in order to achieve results, you need to make the pest eat the acid. To exterminate cockroaches in an apartment, one small package is enough - it’s enough to get rid of a whole horde of mustachioed guests.

Interestingly, the substance has exactly the same effect on ants.

There are several different methods to combat harmful neighbors:

    Boric acid can be used in its pure form. Use various baits where boric acid is the main component. Apply powder solutions in the form of poison.

Often it is not necessary to use a substance in the form of a poison. Practice has repeatedly shown that scattering acid in places where Prussians gather and move is quite sufficient. For example, they are often located under baseboards. Moreover, the cockroach just needs to run over the powder, and the chemical particles remaining on its legs will fall into the shelter. And when he cleans his paws, the destructive powder will enter his stomach - and the result is guaranteed. The main thing is to exclude the possibility for it to get liquid, because with large water consumption there is a chance that the insect will survive.

Let's look at how to use boric acid against cockroaches. The recipe is very simple.

How to prevent insects from re-invading

To ensure that the fight against an unpleasant neighborhood does not go in vain, and the longhorned beetles go away forever, after their removal, preventive measures must be taken.

  • It is necessary to periodically treat the places near the risers, ventilation openings, and electrical outlets with a dry mixture.
  • From time to time it is necessary to make new egg and other traps, which should be placed behind furniture and in other secluded areas.
  • It is worth maintaining constant order in the apartment, since Prussians do not like to settle where there is a lack of food.

After cockroaches are hatched, they may reappear as the eggs laid mature. Therefore, the recommended methods need to be repeated periodically to kill uninvited guests.

The use of effective recipes based on boric acid will help get rid of pests for a long time. And preventive measures will protect a person’s home from unpleasant insect attacks in the future.

Instructions for use

Algorithm of actions:

    Of course, the first thing to do is buy a bag of acid at the pharmacy. Then carefully prepare for the expulsion of the mustachioed guests. Dry the sink, limiting the cockroaches' access to water. Close the taps tightly enough to avoid the slightest possibility of leakage. Hide all wet wipes and sponges. Next, spread the bait in places where Prussians mainly live.

There are many recipes for its preparation. A mixture of boric acid and yolk is very often used - it helps against cockroaches. To prepare the bait, it is customary to use only the yolk. It helps remove the smell of acid and stimulates the appetite of pests. Although it seems to a person that the drug does not smell of anything, thanks to its subtle sense of smell, the cockroach will smell it. Let's look at some simple ways to prepare deadly treats for unwanted neighbors.

Boric acid, potatoes and yolk

A very effective remedy for cockroaches. Potatoes, yolk, boric acid - its main components - simple ingredients, found in every home.

First you need to boil one egg and potatoes. Then peel the finished products and grind them into puree. Equal proportions of boric acid and yolk should be observed. Mix the resulting mass with a tablespoon of boric acid, and then form into balls. Place the finished bait in the corners and do not forget about a dry surface throughout the kitchen.

How to make boron balls against cockroaches at home - step-by-step instructions

Make “tablets” from the composition prepared according to one of the recipes. Size no more than 5 mm. Do not cut into large pieces. Cockroaches respond better to small crumbs.

Over time, the mass dries out and begins to crumble. To make it easier to clean up, place portions on a tray. Cut the sheet of paper several times until you get pieces the size of a matchbox.

An egg with boric acid against cockroaches is the best way

There are many methods in the collection of folk recipes to get rid of Prussians. But this one beats all the ratings. He has been helping me out for many years, there have been no misfires. The yolk arouses the interest of insects, stimulates their appetite, and the oil helps to form small portions.

The only negative: if you make a mistake with the proportions, the blanks crumble into small crumbs.


  • chicken egg yolk – 1 pc.,
  • boric acid – 3-4 sachets,
  • unrefined sunflower oil - 1/4 teaspoon.

From this amount you will get 20-30 pea-sized baits. They are enough to clean the kitchen and bathroom. If you want to distribute throughout the apartment, double or triple the amount.

What to do:

  1. Boil the egg hard.
  2. Cool.
  3. Separate the yolk.
  4. Mash with a fork in a small saucer.
  5. Mix with the contents of the sachets.
  6. Add oil.
  7. Stir.

Oil gives the mixture plasticity and additionally attracts uninvited guests with its smell. A few drops are enough. If you increase the amount, the paste will become liquid and leave greasy stains - do not overdo it!

Boric acid with potatoes and eggs against cockroaches - proportions

Another popular method. Poison for cockroaches made from boric acid and yolk is an easy way to forget about unpleasant “neighbors” for a long time. It rolls easily and is stored for a long time.


  • a tablespoon of cooled mashed potatoes,
  • boiled yolk,
  • a pinch of sugar
  • 50 grams H3BO3.

Puree makes the mass plastic. Cockroach balls with boric acid and potatoes do not crumble over time. If the consistency is too thick, add a couple drops of milk.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly with a pestle in a porcelain mortar, divide into 1-2 gram portions and shape them into a compact shape. Scatter cockroaches in hangout areas and wait for the results.

An aqueous solution of boric acid with powdered sugar

The method is classified as “liquid”. It is rarely used. It is suitable for those who go on vacation. In other cases, I consider it too labor-intensive. The idea is to force the cockroaches to drink the solution instead of regular water.

What to do:

  1. Dilute the pharmaceutical powder in H2O. Proportions: 10 g per 250 ml.
  2. Add 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar. It will fight off the smell of boron, which insects smell but we don’t.
  3. Shut off the water supply to the apartment. Remove flower pots (and wet soil), sponges, and napkins. Wipe down the sink and shower.
  4. Place saucers with the solution where you saw cockroaches.

Leave the apartment for a few days so that “the process can begin,” as the first and only president of the USSR prepared.

Important: concentrated liquid may cause skin irritation. Wear gloves.

Recipe with raw yolk and sugar

So, we need some sugar, boric acid and yolk. Cockroach poisoning is done as follows. Break an egg and pour 30 grams of the substance into it. Then add 50 grams of sugar and stir until smooth. To make it easier to make balls, you can add a small amount of flour. Next, as in previous recipes, we place them wherever pests may be.

It is very important to make sure that your new “pets” are hungry and pounce on treats. To do this, you must maintain cleanliness, do not leave crumbs and other food items, and also take out the trash on time. If you don’t do this, then all your efforts may be completely in vain, and the balls will remain untouched.

Proportions can be increased in proportion to the area of ​​the room. After the Prussians taste this masterpiece, they will die a few days later. Before this, the cockroaches become slower and begin to catch your eye even during the day.

Boric acid and yolk are excellent against cockroaches, but when using this product you must follow some rules.

average price

Purchasing boric acid does not require large financial costs. A 25 ml bottle of solution will cost about 10 rubles (the popular Reid product, for example, will cost you ten times more).

The product in sachets weighing 10 grams will cost about 40 rubles. We advise you to immediately buy several bags of boric acid.

It is necessary to poison cockroaches with boric acid in places where insects most often move. Don't expect instant action if you want to get cockroaches out of your home. The folk remedy is effective when there are few cockroaches, and in general the apartment is clean and well-groomed. In other cases, there is no point in wasting time preparing such a poison, but it is better to purchase ready-made forms of insecticides, for example FAS or Combat.

So, today we found out how to get rid of cockroaches using boric acid, how to poison cockroaches with boric acid and what conditions must be observed when using it. Here are several recipes for the simplest remedy for cockroaches: boric acid and an egg. Use them in your fight against these insects or combine them with others, and perhaps after some time the cockroaches will be on the verge of extinction.

Rules that must be followed when using boric acid in the fight against cockroaches

The edible bait should be laid out for at least a week, and if after the lapse of time there are still untouched balls, they should be replaced with new ones.

Boric acid should never be used in alcohol form. It has a very pungent odor that will repel insects with a well-developed sense of smell.

To enhance the effect of baits, you can scatter trails of powder in places where pests are most often found. You should definitely do this in the bathroom and under the sink, as cockroaches are drawn to water.

Advantages of the substance and user reviews

An absolute advantage, judging by the reviews, is the cost of the acid, which is several times lower than other substances. Also the advantages of the substance:

    The drug helps not only to destroy uninvited guests, but also promotes their sterilization, which eliminates the possibility of their subsequent reproduction. It has no odor, which makes the substance a fairly comfortable method of pest control for households. Preparing bait does not require special skills, takes little time and does not require additional protective equipment. It poses virtually no danger to humans.

Product effectiveness

Borax is not capable of destroying a large colony of cockroaches that have settled inside a living space. The action of the acid is targeted and does not affect the nests and offspring of parasites.

The product does not provide a long-term effect, like modern chemical preparations that have proven themselves in the fight against insects.

Borax is suitable for killing cockroaches that crawl around the apartment in search of food.

Sodium salt is ideal for destroying a small group of parasites, preventing their further reproduction, and is also an effective prophylactic agent.

In other cases, when the problem has become large-scale and you have to fight not with a few individuals, but with an entire colony of Prussians, borax will not be a salvation. Acid can be used as an additional agent.

To eliminate a massive infestation of parasites, it is better to seek help from professional exterminators.

Disadvantages of the substance

So, we found out that boric acid and cockroach yolk are a very effective and fairly cheap method of fighting cockroaches. But there are also some nuances here.

For a fatal outcome, a sufficient amount of acid must accumulate in the cockroach’s body. In terms of time, this can take from 1 to 3 weeks, and this is a considerable period of time.

The obvious disadvantage of the substance is that it has absolutely no effect on insect eggs. To combat them, more powerful means are needed, such as liquid concentrates.

In addition, if you compare boric acid and crayons or gels, only individuals who have had direct contact with the powder can become poisoned. Do not forget that the insect will avoid the poison if it is poured in too large piles.

In addition, there are cases where the drug turned out to be completely ineffective due to frequent use. Cockroaches quickly get used to and adapt to the poison.

Despite its recognized effectiveness, the substance helps in about half of the cases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The pharmaceutical drug has more advantages than disadvantages. Here are the main advantages of the insecticide:

  • Ease of use.
  • No unpleasant odor or harmful fumes.
  • Relatively harmless to humans and domestic animals.
  • High efficiency. The result lasts for 2-3 months.
  • No addiction.

The last point is especially important. Cockroaches develop tolerance to most store-bought products. And boric acid always works without misfires.

The disadvantages include the lack of effect on laid insect eggs. Only individuals who have eaten acid or come into contact with it can become poisoned. In addition, the result will become noticeable only after a few days. Many are not ready to endure for so long. Frustrated, they write angry reviews.

Safety precautions when using boric acid poisons

Despite the fact that the drug is called “acid,” it has nothing in common with the usual understanding of this word. It is harmless to the skin and does not leave any burns.

The chemical is not considered particularly dangerous for children or pets. Previously, it was even used as an antiseptic. But it often caused allergies, and it was soon replaced by more suitable means.

If we compare it with other poisons for baiting cockroaches, we should also say about its safety for the human body. However, contact with boric acid is strictly contraindicated for children under three years of age. If it happens that a pet accidentally eats the bait, then nothing fatal will happen to it, but it is better not to allow this to happen.

Pregnant and lactating women, people with kidney failure and inflammatory skin diseases are also better off not interacting with this drug.

If the incident cannot be avoided, the person may experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, skin rashes and headaches.

Necessary Precautions

Boric acid is relatively harmless, but it can cause a pestilence. But if the drug gets into the human digestive tract, into cracks or scratches in the skin, it can cause severe poisoning. Accordingly, when preparing poison, it is necessary to observe safety precautions:

  1. Work in rubber seals.
  2. Protect your mouth and nose with a gauze bandage to prevent accidental inhalation of the powder.
  3. Place the poison in places where children or pets cannot reach it.

Prevention of new infection

If you managed to remove pests from your apartment, it is not a fact that they will not return again. This is especially true for situations where mustachioed neighbors live in the next room. To prevent the re-infestation of cockroaches, the following recommendations should be followed:

    In a place where communications are concentrated, it is sometimes advisable to do prophylaxis using boron powder. Periodically lay out fresh bait from a mixture of acid and chicken yolk. Keep your home tidy and clean.

How to avoid the return of cockroaches

If cockroaches have left your apartment, this is not a reason to relax; perhaps they have simply migrated, going to the neighbors. At first, the mustachioed will still visit their habitable home, expecting to find the same conditions of a prosperous and comfortable life. Therefore, preventive treatment of square meters is not just necessary, but should be present by default.

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