Raptor cockroach trap: reviews, application features, effectiveness

Cockroaches are among the most tenacious and indestructible insects on the planet, which have adapted to many chemical means of combating them. But experts are constantly inventing new drugs to combat them. One of them is the Raptor cockroach remedy, which is available in several forms and, according to customer reviews, allows you to effectively and safely destroy uninvited “red neighbors”.

Universal aerosol

Raptor professionally protects against various types of insects, providing long-lasting effects and instant action, penetrating into hard-to-reach places.


Active components:

  • Cypermethrin. Substance of contact-intestinal action. Has a wide range of effects.
  • Tetramethrin. Its effect extends mainly to indoor pests. It enters the body through the respiratory system, paralyzing the nervous system.
  • Imiprotrine. Acts on pests instantly.

Universal aerosol
Universal aerosol Raptor effectively fights 17 types of pests.

How to use

It is recommended to shake the can well. This will allow you to get the best effect when treating rooms. Next, a series of steps are followed:

  • the bottle should be held vertically in your hand;
  • treat areas where cockroaches accumulate at a distance of 20 cm;
  • doors and windows must be closed for 20 minutes;
  • cleaning is carried out half an hour after ventilation.

It is recommended to re-treat contaminated premises after a month. The universal Raptor is sold in a 275 ml can. From the date of production it is valid for 3 years. The cost of the drug is about 380 rubles.


Reviews of Raptor traps confirm their effectiveness if there are not very many cockroaches.

The neighbors always have Prussians, so you have to think about protection. I buy traps Raptor Professional destruction. They help well, I change them once a quarter.

Olga, Voronezh

I’m tired of fighting cockroaches; folk remedies and aerosols have little effect on them. A colleague advised me to purchase the Raptor Express system. The manufacturer did not deceive - complete elimination of pests. I am very pleased and recommend it to everyone. And the price is quite affordable.

Alina, Krasnodar

I trust Raptor products, but I’m not happy with their traps. For the prevention and destruction of an accidentally crawling cockroach, they may be suitable. But to exterminate the colony, you need to connect concentrates.

Karina, Solnechnogorsk

Raptor traps

Another remedy against cockroaches is traps in the form of plastic boxes in which poisoned bait is stored. The traps have holes where the cockroaches crawl in, attracted by the bait. The composition of the product includes toxic enteric contact substances that have a prolonged effect. They do not kill the cockroach immediately, so the barbel goes to other individuals and infects them. After some time, the colony begins to rapidly decline, and the process continues to grow. And at the same time the trap is valid for up to six months. And all this time there is no need to further treat the house, and the cockroaches will die.

Traps have many other advantages. Their main advantage is that these devices are absolutely safe for people and animals: the possibility of any poisoning is reduced to zero. They are also convenient and quick to install. This distinguishes traps from gel and aerosol.

Installation Rules

For an area of ​​10 sq. m need to install 2-3 traps. A standard pack of 6 traps is enough for an average apartment. It is enough to simply place the products in places most frequently visited by cockroaches. For greater safety, they are installed in places inaccessible to children.


  • Gel and aerosol may leave barely noticeable marks on light-colored surfaces.
  • Some time after drying and cleaning the apartment, the aerosol product begins to lose its properties; repeated treatments are required.
  • The active ingredient in the aerosol, cypermethrin, is quickly deactivated in the sun, so treating an apartment on a sunny day is less effective.
  • The last minus of the Raptor aerosol, paradoxically, is directly related to its advantages. The active substance cypermethrin is an analogue of a natural insecticide, which is highly toxic to insects, but is low-hazard to humans and the environment. Cypermethrin is environmentally friendly, but it quickly breaks down into harmless substances when exposed to air and sunlight.


    Aerosol against crawling insects

    Consumers most often purchase Raptor aerosol, as it is convenient to use during processing. It effectively kills cockroaches when the insecticide is sprayed directly onto the insects. The aerosol quickly disappears and leaves no traces.


    The Raptor contains:

    • cypermethrin (a widely used insecticide);
    • tetramethrin.


    The product has a contact-intestinal effect. Cockroaches are not addicted to it, since the use of the main active ingredient, cypermethrin, began to be used recently.

    Terms of use

    Treatment of premises against cockroaches using Raptor aerosol against crawling insects is carried out sequentially, according to the following algorithm of actions:

    1. Preparation of premises. Cleaning is carried out: the products are carefully closed and hidden in an inaccessible place.
    2. Determine the area of ​​disinfestation. People who do not take part in the process of baiting insects, children and animals should not be in the apartment or house.
    3. Windows, doors, and ventilation openings are closed.
    4. Direct processing is carried out. Aerosol spraying is carried out in those places where cockroaches were most noticed: under sinks and bathrooms, around sewer pipes, in the trash can area, behind cabinets.

    The aerosol can should be shaken vigorously, surfaces and targeted areas should be treated at a distance of at least 20 cm. Windows and doors should not be opened for 15-20 minutes, after which the premises should be ventilated. It is recommended to use protective equipment during processing.

    The aerosol is sold in a 350 ml bottle. Shelf life – 3 years (from date of manufacture). Price from 153 to 240 rubles.

    When to use an aerosol: pros

    If, due to certain circumstances, you have an urgent need to exterminate cockroaches quickly and efficiently, then Raptor spray is exactly what you need. This product allows you to get rid of all the insects running around the apartment within a few hours.

    An excellent solution for families with small children or pets. After airing and wet cleaning, there is not the slightest risk that curious kids will “taste the poison.” When using powder insecticides or traps, such a guarantee is unlikely to be obtained.

    In one treatment it is possible to destroy all insects in the room, regardless of their number.

    The procedure does not require special preparatory work or any professional skills.

    It only takes a few minutes to empty the can.

    The result will not take long to arrive. In just half an hour you will be able to observe the first results of your work.

    Which product from the Raptor line should I choose?

    In order to choose the right insecticide from the Raptor line of products, it is necessary to take into account various factors

    Of course, it is impossible to take into account all the criteria at once, so consumers should highlight the most important for themselves:

    1. Aerosol Raptor will help cope with cockroaches if you need to quickly kill such insects. A feature of this product is the need for repeated treatments, as well as ventilation. In addition, the spray will not be as effective if the procedure for getting rid of bloodsuckers is carried out in the summer, when it is very hot. In this case, the drug will evaporate very quickly. When using the aerosol indoors, only one person should remain in it. There should be no animals or other people in the rooms.
    2. Raptor trap. This product is quite safe and can be used for a long time. This medication will not help if the parasite population is too large.
    3. Gel Raptor. This drug is not only safe, but also quite effective. Can be used to destroy a huge number of parasites. The peculiarity of the drug is that it cannot be used if a very quick effect is needed.

    How not to buy a fake instead of the original?

    Today there is a great demand for traps to get rid of cockroaches, so the chances of purchasing counterfeit goods instead of the original ones increase. Most often, scammers counterfeit products from well-known brands, such as the manufacturer of insecticidal preparations Raptor.

    It also happens that a fake at first glance is no different from a real trap, and all its flaws are discovered only after some time. To protect yourself from such troubles, purchase insect traps should be made only in those stores that you trust.

    Do not buy the drug at those retail outlets where the cost of the trap varies greatly in one direction or another from its average market price in the region.

    High efficiency aerosol

    Spray Raptor against cockroaches with increased efficiency is a professional means for exterminating insects. Has the following advantages:

    • massively exterminates the insect population;
    • instant action;
    • ease of use;
    • penetration into hard-to-reach places.



    The spray with increased efficiency belongs to the new generation of drugs. The main active substance in the Raptor aerosol is Cypermethrin. Upon contact with it, it affects the cockroach's stomach. Crawling through areas treated with an aerosol, insects become infected with a substance that instantly penetrates the chitinous cover into their body and almost immediately kills the pests. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years.


    Before using the product, you should carefully study the instructions for use and strictly follow them:

    1. Calculate the amount of aerosol. One Raptor can with a capacity of 350 ml is enough to treat 50 square meters. m.
    2. Vents, windows, doors are closed before processing.
    3. Shake the can well and spray the product in places where cockroaches are most concentrated: in the area of ​​the sink, bathroom, baseboards, water pipes, direct the stream into existing cracks. It is recommended to treat furniture, walls and countertop surfaces.
    4. Hold the bottle with its contents vertically, at arm's length.
    5. Leave the room for half an hour, then clean.

    To achieve the greatest effect, judging by the reviews of the Raptor aerosol, you should spray it wherever pests have been noticed. The spray is sold in 430 ml cans.

    Positive aspects of using this device

    Let's look at what properties traps have:

    1. The small size and weight allow the product to be used quite simply and in any place where uninvited guests gather.
    2. Installation of the device and raids of the cockroach family do not pollute the location.
    3. The substance contained inside is absolutely inaccessible to children and pets.
    4. They have the maximum effect on parasites.
    5. Use can be long term.
    6. Available to consumers at any point of sale.


    Raptor for cockroaches in the form of an aquafumigator is a unique product that has no direct analogues. A special container is filled with water, a jar with the active substance is placed, with holes at the top. During the chemical reaction, toxic smoke with small droplets of moisture begins to be released. Settles on the surface, penetrates cracks, and impregnates soft tissues. The action lasts 2 hours.


    The instructions for use are simple: install the Raptor aquafumigator in the center of the room, wait until smoke begins to emit, leave the room for 2 hours. Then ventilate, carry out wet cleaning, leaving the product to work in hard-to-reach places. The effect of the poison is finally neutralized after 2 weeks. For the final destruction of cockroaches, repeated disinfestation should be carried out.


    • ease of use;
    • efficiency;
    • instant results.


    • weak prolonged action;
    • specific smell.

    The active ingredient is a modern insecticide developed by Japanese scientists, cyphenothrin. The shelf life of the aquafumigator is 3 years from the date of manufacture. It should be stored away from moisture and direct sunlight. Smoke bombs are analogues:

    • checkers Quiet evening;
    • Samuro.

    Where do cockroaches come from in our homes?

    An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar - this saying applies perfectly to cockroaches. Their appearance is usually sudden: just yesterday nothing disturbed your solitude in the kitchen, but today an arrogant red-haired guest runs across the table and tastes every crumb, slowly hiding when the light is turned on. The first question that residents ask themselves is where did this misfortune come from? There may be several possible answers:

    Neighbours. If among the residents of your house there are citizens with a dubious penchant for cleanliness, it is likely that mustachioed guests dropped in for a glimpse, naturally moving from one apartment to another. Garbage chute. An abundance of food and warmth are the best breeding grounds for red cockroaches. Of course, in search of a new habitat, they are gradually mastering apartments. Purchases brought from the store. Owners of retail outlets rarely take care of pest control, and the ubiquitous cockroaches quickly take up residence in ventilation and food packaging. Several of these individuals, brought from a supermarket in a bag, can become the founders of an entire colony

    Particular attention is paid to household appliances: red mini monsters love to live in the intricacies of knots and parts, where no one disturbs their peace. Hotel rooms. Do you often travel or go on business trips? Carefully inspect your belongings and suitcase after arrival - it is quite possible that several red-haired illegal immigrants arrived with you. Postal and Internet parcels

    With their help, cockroaches have learned to travel around the world, moving between countries and continents. Therefore, do not rush to unpack your long-awaited purchase - it is better to subject it to careful processing on the balcony, and only then bring it into the living room.

    Step-by-step instruction

    Shake the can vigorously.

    Calculate the required amount of product for your premises.

    Spray the product in places where insects accumulate

    Pay special attention to baseboards, cracks, kitchen modules, and plumbing and sewer pipes. Also, don’t forget about household appliances; cockroaches prefer to settle in places that are so safe for their life.

    It wouldn’t hurt to treat the surface of the floor, countertops and even walls.

    You've probably noticed that it only takes a few seconds for cockroaches to scatter to secluded places if you unexpectedly disturb their evening stroll through your kitchen. This “super speed” is explained very simply, each Prussian does not just run away chaotically, but moves strictly along a certain route, along his own well-trodden path. This means that it is necessary to influence their horns so that part of the toxic composites enters the insects’ bodies through their legs and accelerates their death.

    Close windows, vents, doors hermetically and leave the room for 30 - 60 minutes. There is no need to increase this time period, because the chemical elements contained in the composition undergo half-life very quickly.

    After the specified time has passed, ventilate the apartment well. Now you can return to the room.

    How to get rid of domestic cockroaches in an apartment? The best solutions from RAPTOR.

    An unpleasant property of cockroaches is their tenacity. Even an injured individual is able to recover and continue life with broken legs and deformed wings. Cockroaches are insensitive to radiation, sudden increases or decreases in temperature, dry air, radiation from household appliances, and other troubles that are harmful even to humans. Therefore, when developing new formulas of chemicals to destroy red-haired settlers, experts expected to act to defeat, leaving no chance for the nimble enemy to survive.

    Simple, fast and effective. It is enough to treat places where insects are likely to accumulate to put them to flight. Be prepared for an unpleasant surprise - the vast majority of individuals will run out into the fresh air, and you will immediately see all the unwanted inhabitants of your home.

    The drug contains tetramethrin, cypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide, which are harmful to cockroaches. A specially added flavoring muffles the pungent odor of the mixture for humans, but does not reduce its effectiveness in the fight against mustachioed enemies. The active substances easily penetrate the cockroach’s body, disrupt the functioning of major organs and have a depressant effect on the nervous system. As a result, the animal quickly dies. Spraying an aerosol allows you to cover a significant area of ​​the room, and one cylinder is enough to treat all the nooks and crannies of the kitchen and a couple of rooms. Among the main advantages of this method are:

    • Instant action;
    • Ease and convenience of use;
    • Cost-effectiveness;

    Important: when using an aerosol, observe personal safety requirements. The ubiquitous cockroaches will not fail to try the delicacy from RAPTOR, which hides a deadly filling

    Gel Raptor is considered one of the most effective means of control, allowing you to permanently evict unpleasant mustachioed tenants from your home

    The ubiquitous cockroaches will not fail to try the delicacy from RAPTOR, which hides a deadly filling. Gel Raptor is considered one of the most effective means of control, allowing you to permanently evict unpleasant mustachioed tenants from your home.

    The active component of the gel is lambda-cyhalothrin. Pests will not miss the smell of the bait included in the gel. A special additive maintains the moisture content of the drug for many days, thereby extending its validity.

    The target of the RAPTOR gel is the nervous system of mustachioed saffron milk caps. Having tried the delicacy, the cockroaches continue to move around the room, but very quickly they experience paralysis and inevitable death. At the same time, gourmet individuals infect their neighbors in the population, and the population suffers irreparable losses. Among the main advantages of the gel it is worth noting:

    • Guaranteed action due to the presence of food attractants and highly effective active substances;
    • Duration of action – up to 6 months of protection after application to the surface;
    • Lightweight and easy to use. It is enough to apply the gel in dotted lines in the habitats of cockroaches, and later, after it has completely dried and achieved its intended purpose, remove it during wet cleaning.
    • Minimal toxicity, no strong chemical odors.

    Precautions when using cockroach repellents

    To achieve maximum effect, you must adhere to the instructions. Spray cans with the product must not be stored in areas exposed to sunlight or at sub-zero temperatures. Work must be carried out with gloves. A respirator will provide respiratory protection from the negative effects of the product. Safety glasses will help protect your eyes.

    If this cannot be avoided, rinse them with running water and seek medical attention. After inhaling fumes, you need to stay in the fresh air. After a certain time after the action of the drug components, the room is ventilated.

    Knowledgeable people recommend installing special grilles with mesh after exterminating insects. They will become a barrier to the entry of insects into the room. All cracks must be sealed. The apartment must be kept clean. It is forbidden to leave leftover food on the table.

    Analogs from other manufacturers

    Many companies are engaged in the production of poison for cockroaches. The following products are popular among consumers:

    1. . The trademark was founded in 1956, the country is the USA. It produces insecticides. Raid against cockroaches is an effective remedy that can quickly and effortlessly destroy them. It creates a barrier for 4-6 weeks. It goes on sale in the form of aerosols, gels, and traps.
    2. Clean house. A domestic product that easily copes with numerous pests without giving them a chance to survive. Available in different forms: aerosols, crayons, powders, gels, traps.
    3. Battalion commander Brand of the Henkel concern, production facilities are located in Korea. The product in the form of an aerosol has an effect on cockroaches, ants, and bedbugs. Sprays are safe and easy to use. Due to the presence of a flexible nozzle, spraying can be carried out anywhere. The products are sold in the form of gels, traps, and aerosols.

    Dichlorvos Raptor should be used with caution, having first determined whether there is an allergic reaction to its constituent components. When treating premises, do not allow the spray substance to come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes.

    It is almost impossible to get poisoned by the drug. In case of headache, nausea, or watery eyes, it is recommended to take the sorbent, and if it comes into contact with the skin, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

    Tools Overview

    Aerosols differ from each other primarily by the manufacturer’s brand, name and active substance. The range of prices for drugs is quite large: some of them cost less than 100 rubles, while for others you will have to pay more than 500 rubles. Moreover, the low price does not mean that the drug is ineffective. Having considered the features of the main trade names and tried them in practice, you can choose “your” best product.

    "Dichlorvos" (Produced in Russia)

    Perhaps the most famous means of combating unwanted insects in the form of an aerosol, used in the post-Soviet space for several decades. Dichlorvos, despite its persistent and extremely unpleasant odor, received such popular love due to its high efficiency. This insecticide is sold in every hardware store at an affordable price.

    Destruction of cockroaches

    The protective barrier against cockroaches created by the aerosol lasts on average 2 weeks. It was achieved thanks to the nerve-paralytic effect of active substances that instantly destroy insects and remain on the surface for 14 days.

    "Raptor" (China)

    The Chinese-made aerosol is considered universal: it affects all insects that infect a person’s home and does not cause addiction to them. The insecticide contains three active ingredients:

    1. Peronyl butoxide, which enhances the effects of the other two components, which increases efficiency;
    2. Tetramethrin, which causes respiratory arrest after a cockroach comes into contact with it;
    3. Cypermethrin, which is a contact-intestinal poison. It began to be used recently, so insects have not yet developed resistance, and they are most vulnerable to this substance.

    After contact with Raptor, the death of cockroaches occurs within 24 hours.

    Combat Super Spray Plus (Russia)

    This aerosol is produced in Russia, but using German technology by subsidiaries of the German company Henkel Home. The active ingredients included in its composition are imiprotrin and cyphenothrin. Manufacturers claim that they even penetrate the shell of cockroach eggs, which makes it much easier to control insects in the house. The product also has disinfectant properties: it kills harmful microorganisms, including mold fungi. One cylinder is enough for 65 m2. The convenient nozzle with which the cylinder is equipped helps to easily treat all cracks and crevices.

    "Baron" Russia

    Baron contact insecticide is produced in the form of a spray with a convenient dispenser. Its active ingredient is fipronil in a “lethal” concentration - a nerve poison that affects insects. When it gets on cockroaches, it penetrates their durable chitinous cover and leads to paralysis of the nervous and respiratory systems. The insect dies in a matter of seconds. The disadvantages of this product include its high price (the spray costs more than 1,100 rubles) and the inability to purchase it in brick-and-mortar stores: you will have to order “Baron” from the official website or from other online suppliers.

    "Raid" (Russia)

    The Reid brand of insecticidal products is quite popular and can be found on the shelf of almost every hardware store. The manufacturing plant is located in Russia, but the technology and formula are provided from the USA. The cost of the product is very affordable: 250–300 rubles.

    The aerosol contains a whole combination of poisons, according to the chemical classification, belonging to the group of pyrethroids. They have a paralytic effect on the nervous system. Aerosol "Raid" has a prolonged effect: surviving individuals become sources of infection with toxic substances for others. Therefore, the home is protected for several months.

    "Clean House" (Russia)

    Aerosol “Clean House” is a modern Russian-made product aimed at fighting cockroaches. The positive effect is provided by the combination of two main substances: cypermethrin and tetramethrin, which lead to the rapid death of insects. In addition to the aerosol, the line of insecticidal products in the fight against cockroaches includes gel, chalk and dust in powder form.

    Aerosols and sprays against cockroaches allow you to quickly treat entire rooms, including secluded corners. If one procedure is not enough, it must be repeated after 10–14 days. With repeated treatments, it is recommended to change the brand of the product so that insects do not develop immunity to the active substances. When you can’t get rid of cockroaches despite all your efforts, you will have to turn to specialists for help.

    Prolonged effect – gel against cockroaches

    Remedies for Prussians, which have a gel structure, are distinguished by their precise action. They act on the intestines or directly on the chitinous membrane of the parasite. If destroying the population of such insects is not an urgent task, then cockroach gel is the best solution for treating your home.

    The effectiveness of the drug is based on the contact of the parasite with the active component of the drug. This substance is called lambdacyhalothrin. Once a cockroach gets dirty in it, it infects all the pests in the population, spreading the toxic substance. In addition, crawling parasites actively eat the gel and result in death. Dead Prussians are eaten by their relatives, become infected and die.

    Gel Raptor has various reviews, but everyone who has used the product comes to the same opinion: this product is one of the most convenient for use in everyday life. Room processing will be very convenient. A special thin tube dispenser will help you cope with an infestation of cockroaches. It penetrates even the most inaccessible areas of an apartment or house. In addition, you need to take into account that the drug is very economical to use, since it is applied pointwise and not in a wide line.

    This gel can be purchased at any hardware store. The product has a pleasant fruit aroma and is not able to leave behind greasy marks. It is easy to wash off from any surfaces. Simply wipe the Raptor with a damp cloth. Before you start using the drug, you should read the instructions for use.

    Instructions for use

    First, read the instructions for the device. Then clean the rooms thoroughly, trying to reach hard-to-reach places. Print the packaging before placing traps, otherwise they will lose some of their properties.

    The next steps are:

    1. Place Raptor devices in the nesting and breeding areas of cockroaches determined through observations, as well as on their travel routes.
    2. Consider the consumption of devices in the amount of three pieces per ten square meters of housing. If the population is large, install them twice as many.
    3. If you decide to use traps, it is not recommended to use other means at the same time. Especially aerosols that repel cockroaches from devices.
    4. After two months, the devices should be replaced with new ones to increase the success of the procedure.
    5. Correct calculation of traps for the footage of an apartment or other premises guarantees the success of the event.
    6. Dead individuals must be collected and disposed of immediately.

    Why do more and more consumers prefer Raptor traps? Probably because this method of combating cockroach infestations is more modern and safe, does not require time and effort, and brings results. The fixtures have a neat appearance and do not spoil the design of the home. They are affordable and time-tested, have positive reviews and are recommended by experts.

    Advantages of the drug and its disadvantages

    Similar to other cockroach killers, Great Warrior gel has a list of advantages and disadvantages that should be considered when purchasing it in a store.

    Among the undoubted advantages it is worth highlighting the following:

    • low cost of the drug. This makes it accessible to people with different income levels;
    • the gel belongs to the category of means for killing cockroaches with a very high degree of effectiveness;
    • The drug "Great Warrior" is easy to use. No special skills are required to work with it, and instructions for its use are on the packaging itself;
    • The gel does not leave stains on the surfaces being treated and is easily removed.

    However, in addition to the advantages listed above, the gel also has a number of disadvantages:

    • the presence of an unpleasant odor undoubtedly causes discomfort to all household members and pets;
    • The toxic components contained in the product can harm the health of apartment residents. Therefore, it is imperative to follow safety precautions and not allow pets to come into contact with treated surfaces;
    • It is impossible to use the product to carry out preventive work on all areas of a house or apartment at once.

    Dmitry, Noginsk:

    “Six months ago we began to notice the appearance of cockroaches in the apartment. We tried many different means to destroy the Prussians. But not a single drug helped us. When we once again came to the store in search of an effective remedy for cockroaches, the consultant advised us to purchase the “Great Warrior” gel. To be honest, we didn’t really count on a positive result. Fortunately, we were wrong. All the Prussians were destroyed within a few days! Since then, not a single parasite has been noticed in our apartment.”

    What to choose

    In order to get the maximum possible positive effect, it is necessary to choose the right form of the product to combat cockroaches.

    First of all, the following criteria must be taken into account:

    1. The period during which it is necessary to get rid of pests. If you don’t have time to wait for a long time, it is recommended to use an aerosol. Gels take second place in this indicator.
    2. Having small children or pets makes you think about safety. Gels pose the least threat; traps are absolutely safe.
    3. Causes of cockroaches. If they suddenly appeared in the apartment and moved away from neighbors who began to poison them, then it is necessary to use only an aerosol. This will allow you to quickly destroy the population before it has time to adapt to a new place and lay eggs, and will also create a protective background. Otherwise, the cockroaches will continue to migrate, finding a safe place for themselves.
    4. Ease of use and features. If there is no time to carry out the treatment, then the main assistant is traps, which you just need to stick to any surfaces in the apartment. It is also not always possible to remove all people, and processing can be carried out in the presence of third parties; not only traps, but also gels, as well as aquafumigators, are suitable for these purposes.

    Gel "Raptor"

    The gel is a fairly viscous substance in the form of a cream. The gel contains the substance lambda-cyhalothrin. It is an intestinal contact poison with a nerve-paralytic effect. It enters the body of cockroaches through direct contact and together with food. As soon as the cockroach eats the gel, the process of blocking nerve impulses begins. Accordingly, he develops paralysis and dies.

    In order to force cockroaches to eat the gel, attractant substances are added to it, which have a taste and smell attractive to insects.

    The gel-like substance does not allow the product to dry out and keeps it in working condition longer.

    Pros of the gel:

    • leaves no traces on surfaces, as it is completely colorless;
    • the thick substance allows the gel not to spread, which is why it can be applied in dots and dotted lines;
    • efficiency;
    • low toxicity;
    • processing can be carried out without removing the products.

    Processing rules

    The gel is applied to baseboards and places where cockroaches are most often found, with dotted lines of 2 cm. One tube is enough for 10 square meters. m. area. The gel can be left to act for a long time. It is better to work with gloves. If the gel gets on your hands, you just need to wash them with soap.

    Description of the product

    The drug is known as an effective aerosol that allows you to clear a room of fleas. Refers to modern insecticides that use two active substances at once. This allows you to achieve good results when treating a room at any degree of infection.

    You can purchase the drug ready-made in aerosol form. All manipulations that need to be done before use are to shake the container and get rid of the protective membrane. One bottle with a capacity of 350 ml. will be enough to treat a room with an area of ​​40 square meters.

    This spray does not leave any traces on the surface after application; you can apply it to furniture and not be afraid that the product will damage it. The advantages include the smell of the spray. Most insecticides have a strong, unpleasant odor, but in the case of raptor it is absent. The composition includes special flavors that remove unpleasant odors. The aroma of the insecticide disappears quickly. Can be stored for 3 years from the date of manufacture. During storage, do not expose to sunlight.

    Gel "Raptor"

    Raptor cockroach gel is no less effective than an aerosol and has several features.


    Gel Raptor

    The drug contains the active component lambda-cyhalothrin. This insecticide is not so common, but it is effective. The drug also contains food attractants, which act as bait and make the composition attractive to pests. You can also find a preservative in the composition, which preserves the activity of the components, and a gelling agent, which retains moisture and prevents drying.

    How does the gel work?

    The active component has a detrimental effect on the central nervous system and causes paralysis. But the effect is delayed, so that the infected pests, unsuspectingly, return to their habitats and infect other individuals. As a result, the entire population dies.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The gel has a number of advantages:

    As reviews show, the product is really effective. It allows you to destroy all pests. The gel form is characterized by low toxicity and relative safety for animals and people

    The active components do not enter the air, therefore they cannot penetrate the respiratory tract or mucous membranes (provided there is no close contact with the gel). Since the gel contains food attractants, pests will definitely pay attention to it. Long lasting effect. Since the gel does not dry out, its activity remains for a long time. Ease of use

    It is enough to apply the composition to the surface. The narrow spout of the tube makes application very convenient.


    • Not the most economical expense. One package is enough to treat a room with an area of ​​no more than 10 square meters, which is less than one average room.
    • This form is not suitable for quickly eliminating pests; complete destruction may take several weeks.

    How to use?

    The gel is applied to the feeding and following areas of the cockroaches with a dotted line (about two centimeters of the composition and about 2-4 centimeters of free space).

    The cost of a 75 milliliter tube is about 230-240 rubles.

    Follow the instructions when using

    The principle of action on a cockroach

    The Raptor cockroach trap is a plastic box, the walls of which are equipped with holes. It is through them that the insect gets inside and is attracted by the appetizing aroma of the bait.

    By eating or simply touching it, the cockroach automatically becomes a carrier of the poisonous agent. The poison enters the insect’s body through its chitinous integument or through the digestive system.

    The effect of the active components does not occur immediately, but after some time. During this period, the poisoned insect manages to infect many more of its relatives.

    Thanks to its unique consistency, the bait retains moisture for a long time and does not lose its attractiveness to cockroaches.

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