Cold fog for bedbugs: reviews, instructions for use and effectiveness

There are currently many ways to treat residential premises from domestic insects - parasites, and technologies for getting rid of domestic bedbugs and cockroaches do not stand still. There are two quite effective technologies for treating housing and places where bedbugs may accumulate - these are hot fog disinsection technologies and cold fog technologies for the destruction of parasitic insects.

Treatment of the room with cold fog against insects

Signs of bedbugs in the house

Many people notice signs of bedbugs, but do not know what these phenomena signal. But how can you determine that these insects have infested your home and quickly respond to the problem? Signs include:

How long does it take for bedbugs to die?

On the websites of sanitary and epidemiological services, there are often negative reviews that several days after cleaning, insects continue to bite and, therefore, the cold fog procedure is ineffective. This opinion arises due to ignorance of the stages of development of bedbugs. Most adults will die immediately after contact with the chemicals. But new ones may appear from the clutches after 3-4 days, and after two weeks they grow and begin to cause inconvenience to people.

One female lays about 20 eggs at a time. And not a single service will give you a guarantee that it has not put them aside, for example, in a distant outlet behind a closet. That is, new hatched and grown pests are biting you. Or you received parasites from neighbors whose apartment was also infested.

Therefore, experts advise not to carry out general cleaning for half a month, because the drugs used have a prolonged effect.

If after this period the insects still haunt you at night, then re-treatment with another insecticide is necessary.

Bedbugs die within half a month.

What it is?

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Bedbugs usually live in secluded, hard-to-reach areas of apartments. Treating your home with classical means does not always lead to a positive result. Sprayers and atomizers do not provide full coverage of the insect's habitat. Some pests die, and some individuals hide under the wallpaper, in crevices where poison particles do not enter.

According to reviews, cold fog for bedbugs is an effective method. With it, the room is filled with small drops of insecticides. To supply the active substance, special devices are used - generators. The temperature of the sprayed cloud is the same as in the apartment, which is why the technology is called “cold”.

Droplets of insecticidal fog during the operation of the generator are 10-80 microns. The air flow provided by the device distributes the working solution over 30-10 m in seconds. The indicators are determined by the class of the generator.

In addition to cold fog for bedbugs, there is a hot method. The methods differ in the type of generator used:

  • The cold method design has a pump that heats the air flow, as well as a chemical solution injection system. The insecticide is supplied to the nozzle from a separate container. Due to air pressure, a drop of the drug is divided into a fine aerosol.
  • The hot fog design operates on the same principle. The difference is the additional heating of the liquid. The temperature reaches 70-80 degrees, and the particles will be 0.5-5 microns in size.
  • "Kukuracha"

    The liquid contains two strong substances - malathion and cypermethrin. The drug is bluish in color, which makes it easy to distinguish it from fakes. The unique composition allows you to avoid addiction among pests. This makes it possible to repeat treatments using the same product. The drug is very toxic because the concentration of substances is high. Special care must be taken when working. It should be taken into account that the product has an unpleasant odor and the room must be ventilated after treatment. The positive effect of “Kakarachi” will be noticeable already on the 3rd day and lasts up to 30 days. The drug is available in 50 ml bottles (concentrate) and costs about 250 rubles.

    Difference of methods

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    During treatment with heated steam, the penetration level of the active ingredients is higher, so the effect is stronger. The advantage of the hot method is the slow settling of water dust. Treatment with a “hot” cloud is best performed when there is an increased concentration of bloodsuckers or in large rooms. Hot generation units are used only by trained personnel of special companies.

    Cold steam devices include devices for home use. But the effect of the procedure is determined by the device, nuances that are not always taken into account by non-professionals. To kill bedbugs, is it better to use hot fog or cold fog? A specialist can assess the contamination of the method. Based on this, he will tell you which method will be the best.

    Advantages of contacting our company

    Our company provides pest control services using cold and hot fog. Applications are accepted from clients from Moscow and the Moscow region. The advantages of contacting us are:

    • high quality of services provided. The company guarantees the effective destruction of insects and parasites;
    • depending on the concentration of insects and the characteristics of the room, the most suitable treatment method is selected;
    • The price of services is affordable for any customer and depends on the volume and complexity of the work.

    If an increase in the population of insects and parasites is noticed in a residential or commercial property, it is necessary to order disinfestation. Our company offers its services to private clients and organizations, provides a full set of documents for inspection authorities, Rospotrebnadzor, and performs work on a day and time convenient for the customer.

    Cold fog effect

    What is the effect of cold fog treatment for bedbugs? After spraying, the cloud with the active component remains in the air for up to one and a half hours. Small particles of poison spread throughout the home, get into ventilation, and cracks in ceilings. The aerosol will be on the walls and floor.

    The toxic agent, once in contact with insects, causes their death. The effect is determined by the type of pest control product used. In 1 procedure, arthropod bloodsuckers are removed. Cockroaches, ants and other insects are also eliminated.

    According to consumer reviews, cold fog against bedbugs brings excellent results. Although the effect may vary, it all depends on the type of insecticide. It is important that pesticides meet the following requirements:

  • Efficiency. Pests can become accustomed to negative conditions, and surviving individuals may not respond to the same toxins. For a secondary procedure, you need to choose a new remedy.
  • Safety. It is necessary to verify the certificate that there is no harmful effect on people.
  • No pungent odor. Some products emit “fragrances” that last for several months.
  • Range of action. Not all bedbug repellents are suitable for killing bedbug eggs.
  • Before treating bedbugs with cold fog, you need to choose a quality product. It is advisable to entrust this to specialists who are able to select an effective poison. The specialist takes into account the number of pests, the time of their appearance, the type of housing, the previous method of control, as well as other factors.

    Is it possible to sleep on treated sofas and beds?

    After treatment, you can sleep on all sleeping places - sofas, beds, mattresses - without any additional measures. If you wish, you can lay 2-3 sheets on them, wrap the treated pillows in 2-3 pillowcases, but in general there is no need for this: the drug absorbed into the upholstery does not enter the air and does not penetrate the human respiratory tract.

    Moreover: you need to sleep on treated beds. If there are surviving bedbugs left in the room, they will try to get close to the sleeping person at night, and therefore will crawl on the beds and mattresses. Here they will come into contact with particles of dried insecticide and sooner or later they will be poisoned. If a person does not sleep on the bed, insects will not climb here and the likelihood of their death will be less.

    Duvet covers and sheets that people sleep on that have been treated with the product should be washed and dried. There are no bedbugs on them, but they may retain the smell of insecticide.

    All this is true for ordinary beds and sofas, and for cribs. Your baby can sleep safely on a clean sheet and a clean pillowcase, covered with a blanket and a clean duvet cover, even if there is a treated mattress underneath.


    According to reviews, before treating an apartment for bedbugs with a cold fog, 2 goals are set:

  • safety of premises occupants;
  • gaining access of fog to the back walls of furniture, corners and areas under baseboards.
  • High-quality preparation is required, which consists of performing the following actions:

  • Residents and pets must leave the premises. The aquarium should be insulated, covered with a tight lid and the compressor turned off. Better yet, remove it from your home for a while.
  • Food must be removed from the refrigerator, sealed or taken out. Personal hygiene products are placed and tied in bags.
  • It is important to prepare the living space: remove bed linen, move furniture, remove mattresses, roll up carpets, lay out pillows. It is necessary to open access under the baseboards. Everyone takes out the toys.
  • Bed linen and clothes are washed at high temperatures, dried, packaged and taken out of the apartment.
  • Windows, front door and hood are tightly closed.
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    If the house is an apartment building, you need to notify neighbors about the procedure. It would be better if they temporarily shut off the ventilation. After preparing the room, you need to do wet cleaning. Due to the absence of dust, the effect of the procedure is improved. Active substances are not retained by dirt particles. Indoor flowers may not be tolerated. Cold fog is considered an excellent prevention against ticks, scale insects and whiteflies.


    One of the safest drugs (4th danger group), which has earned its popularity. It is a suspension with suspended particles of permethrin. The toxic effect applies to insects at any stage of the life cycle, including eggs. The disadvantages include gradual action. The effect after treatment may not be noticeable immediately, so it is recommended to repeat irrigation every 4-5 days for a month and a half. The effect of the drug lasts up to 15 days. This product is recommended to be used in conjunction with barrier protection methods. The price for 1 liter of the drug ranges from 600 to 100 rubles.


    According to reviews, it is advisable to entrust the poisoning of bedbugs with cold fog to special companies. You can find out the service number at the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. They will also tell you how much it costs to call the SES. Usually the cost of the service is 900-2500 rubles.

    If you have a household generator and all the nuances are known, processing can be done independently. Poisoning bedbugs with cold fog is carried out according to the following instructions:

  • It is necessary to dilute the pesticide according to the rules specified by the manufacturer. You should get a solution. The cold method uses concentrated liquids against bedbugs.
  • The generator tank is filled with the mixture, and the device is connected to the electrical network.
  • The premises are being processed. Particular attention should be paid to baseboards, corners, and wallpaper joints. The entire room is filled with fog - the insecticide penetrates into the cracks between the sofa cushions and under the furniture.
  • We must wait for the fog to settle. This usually takes 40-90 minutes.
  • It is necessary to open the windows to ensure cross ventilation. The duration of intensive air circulation is at least 60 minutes.
  • Carry out wet cleaning using a soda-soap solution. The resulting composition is used to wipe doors, furniture, handles - furniture that is often touched by residents.
  • This completes the procedure. It is important to follow all stages of the procedure, as they affect the result.


    Alisa, Evpatoria: “I have my own business - a small but beautiful hotel with 10 rooms. I always monitored the cleanliness, but bedbugs suddenly appeared, and getting rid of them turned out to be quite difficult. Guests began to write bad reviews, people refused to check in. They called a special service, they treated all the premises with cold fog. Now we remember that time like a bad dream. It’s good that the hotel’s reputation is no longer in danger.”

    Evgeniy, Moscow: “I took on the task of baiting bedbugs myself. I read on the Internet about the “cold fog” treatment method, borrowed a generator from a friend and filled it with insecticide. The procedure was successful, and no more insects appeared.

    Margarita, Tver. Because of bedbugs, the whole family could not sleep peacefully. We tried using aerosol and chalk, but nothing helped. For a long time they could not decide to disinfestate with a cold fog, fearing that it could be dangerous to health. But in the end everything went quickly and without consequences. The insects completely disappeared, but just in case, we re-treated them, as the experts advised.”

    Cold fog is a modern and effective way to get rid of bedbugs. A generator intended for domestic needs is available for free sale, so you can carry out the treatment yourself; if you follow the technology, this procedure is effective and completely safe.


    According to reviews, cold fog against bedbugs should be used only with safety in mind. The specialists have the appropriate equipment: overalls, respirator or gas mask, gloves. If there are no personal protective equipment, the risk of poisoning and allergies increases.

    If bedbugs are destroyed independently by cold fog, then preparation is required:

    • a high-quality respirator - the substances of the insecticidal cloud are very small, so the classic cotton-gauze bandage does not protect the respiratory tract;
    • plastic glasses;
    • tight closed clothing, shoes;
    • gloves

    After completion of work, clothes must be washed. Even if you feel slightly unwell or feel sick, you should leave the room, wash your hands, face, and rinse your mouth. Taking activated carbon is effective. If these measures do not bring results, you must go to the hospital.

    Self-application of the method at home

    Household steam generator.
    The prevalence of this method of killing bedbugs has led to the fact that manufacturers began to produce household steam generators for sale. People are actively buying them in stores. But you need to know: the safety of self-processing housing is greatly exaggerated. The selection of the desired poison and its concentration depends on many conditions, which only a SES specialist can take into account.

    An incorrectly formulated solution can lead to allergic reactions and even severe human poisoning. It is difficult to independently comply with sanitary and hygienic standards in domestic conditions. Only an experienced worker can analyze possible places where parasites and their clutches accumulate.

    The savings on calling a specialist here are conditional. After all, to carry out high-quality pest control you will need not only a fogger and a toxic solution, but also special protective equipment. As a result, you will pay more, while risking harm to your health.

    What then?

    With high-quality treatment, bedbugs die after a cold fog. After returning to your home, you need to carry out a partial wet cleaning. Requires rinsing dishes, wiping furniture and equipment. To reduce the chances of survival, the floors are not washed for 1.5 weeks, and the walls must be wiped with a damp cloth after 3 weeks.

    The backs of furniture, corners and baseboards also do not need to be washed for a long time. The chemical must remain longer - insects that are hidden far away come into contact with the poison when they emerge. The eggs of females are usually hidden in such areas.

    Reviews confirm that the cold fog method for bed bugs can be repeated if the insect population is large or there are large cracks in the house. The procedure must be performed after 2 weeks. Some companies recommend that you always carry out double disinfestation to ensure a long-term positive result.

    Pros and cons of the method

    “Foggy” disinfestation is a rather labor-intensive process. Preparing an apartment for processing and subsequent cleaning takes a lot of time and effort. The need to leave your home while the chemicals settle also causes a number of inconveniences. For residents exhausted by bites, the exposure time of the drug is often perceived as an eternity.

    But, from the point of view of the effectiveness of exposure and the time of death of insects, it has no equal. The same fine-droplet spraying, which does not kill bloodsuckers, but only infects them, shows a weaker result and requires more time for complete cleaning.

    The procedure for cold extermination of bedbugs is expensive relative to the purchase of dry chalk or aerosol. But, if you calculate how many cans of household poison it will take to treat an apartment, then the gain in price will not be significant.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    According to reviews, killing bedbugs with cold fog has its own characteristics. The advantages include:

  • Efficiency. The toxic substance enters the insect habitats. The effectiveness of the method has been proven in practice - the population dies within a few hours.
  • High processing speed. The devices can fill an entire home with a fine aerosol in a few minutes.
  • Versatility. Compared to the hot method, the cold method can be used in various rooms. With “thermal” spraying, the humidity and temperature rise dramatically, which negatively affects items in the home.
  • Wide action. The method is effective for bedbugs, as well as all household pests.
  • Safety for items. After treatment there will be no streaks or stains. But it is preferable to remove furniture and interior items that react to high humidity from the premises.
  • Availability. The work of specialists is paid at reasonable prices. It is more profitable to contact a company than to buy a generator and carry out the procedure on your own.
  • But the processing also has disadvantages:

  • Careful preparation and “preservation” of things is needed.
  • The pungent odor persists for a long time.
  • Bedbug eggs are not completely destroyed - it is preferable to repeat the procedure.
  • During disinfestation, sensors, for example, a fire alarm, can be activated. Therefore, it is preferable to turn off the system during the processing period.

    The method is not effective enough in the formation of air currents that blow away the aerosol. Mechanical ventilation must be turned off. It is advisable not to use the method in ventilated, open areas.

    What to do with clothes, children's toys and dishes?

    After baiting bedbugs, individual items and items in the room are either washed or not touched at all.

    So, clothes that were directly in open areas and on which the drug came into contact should be washed or at least rinsed in water so that the smell of the product does not remain on it.

    Clothes that were kept in closed closets during treatment do not require washing - the drug did not come into contact with them (usually we do not process closets, except in the most egregious cases of infection).

    Before processing, we recommend that children's toys be hidden in bags and not processed. Bed bugs almost never settle in them, and it is very difficult to wash them after treatment. The same toys that have been treated with the product can be washed in a washing machine - if their filling does not lose its structure after this, then they can be played with.

    Bed bugs almost never settle in soft toys, and if a single individual ends up here, they die when processed and the aerosol gets on the toy.

    Dishes in closed cabinets in the kitchen usually do not undergo any treatment, since, firstly, bedbugs usually do not settle in kitchens and no treatment is carried out here, and secondly, in closed cabinets the product does not get on them. However, if the treatment was carried out in all rooms and even in the kitchen, especially with a hot mist (which penetrates even the narrowest crevices), it is advisable to wash the dishes after it with plain, clean, warm water.

    Ordering work from specialists

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    Insecticides that poison humans should not be used in residential areas. But often chemical components that are harmful to humans are effective against parasites. When spraying such substances through a generator, risks arise: the poison remains in the room for a long time and remains after ventilation. In the future, particles may enter the body and lead to poisoning.

    Toxins spread throughout the home, not just one room. Therefore, particles can get into the eyes and into food. During processing, for a better effect, professionals increase the concentration of the working substance sprayed into the air, which increases the above risks. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with these nuances, check the quality and safety certificates, and only then you can order services and enter into contracts.

    Airing the apartment

    After proper ventilation, people (including children of any age) and pets can be in the room. When ventilated, the insecticide is drawn out of the air into the ventilation or outside, and the insecticide that settles on surfaces dries out and no longer poses a danger to humans.

    You need to ventilate the apartment for at least 1 hour. If the baiting was carried out in the warm season, it is advisable to ventilate the room longer - up to 2-3 hours. This will guarantee safety for people and pets.

    There is no need to be in the apartment during ventilation. It is enough to simply open the windows and doors wide, remove the ventilation damper and go outside or into the entrance.

    Chemistry used by specialists

    As can be seen from the reviews, cold fog treatment against bedbugs with the help of specialists is the most effective. Professionals use special products, which are important to handle correctly so as not to harm your health. The best drugs include:

  • "Microfos". The product has a broad effect and can be stored for a long time. It is a professional insecticide, it contains the main component - chlorpyrifos. The drug has low toxicity, is odorless, and is considered safe for humans, birds, and animals.
  • "Fufanon." This is a professional product, so you should not use it yourself. Its toxicity class is 3. It contains an organophosphorus substance called melathion. The product kills bees and fish. Therefore, it cannot be used near these living beings. After the procedure, you need high-quality wet cleaning and ventilation for several hours.
  • "K-Otrin." The drug has a broad effect and is available in the form of granules that should be dissolved in water. The product is highly stable and effective. It leaves no traces. The active substance is deltamethrin. Its percentage is indicated on the packaging - the higher the concentration, the more effective the product.
  • If signs of poisoning appear...

    Let us repeat once again: in our practice there has never been a case of poisoning of an adult or child, or domestic animals with insecticidal agents with which we treat the apartment. However, theoretically, poisoning can occur if safety rules are violated (a person without a respirator enters the apartment during treatment or before ventilation is completed), or if there is a high sensitivity to the drug.

    Signs of poisoning are:

    • Salivation
    • Tearing
    • Bleeding from the nose
    • Dizziness
    • Nausea
    • Unpleasant taste in the mouth

    If any of these symptoms appear, you need to go outside and breathe. Here the condition quickly returns to normal.

    It only makes sense to use agents such as activated carbon or other sorbents if the insecticide gets into the digestive tract. This practically never happens.

    Small pets (mice, hamsters) and various cold-blooded animals (amphibians, reptiles, fish) can be quite sensitive to the agents. The former only need very small amounts of the product to cause poisoning; the latter are very sensitive to insecticides due to the specific nature of the enzymes in their body. Therefore, by the way, before treatment, aquariums must be tightly covered with a cover glass and cloth so that the insecticide does not get into the water.

    Symptoms of a bedbug bite

    The bites of these insects are easy to identify because they have clear characteristics. They usually attack at night or after sleep. A bite is detected by:

    • itching;
    • redness;
    • swelling;
    • a large number of bites;
    • the presence of bites on open areas of the body: face, neck, hands.

    If there are bedbugs in your home, you should urgently begin exterminating them. With timely treatment, you will be able to protect yourself from the harm that insects can cause to humans.

    Types of generators

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    Based on functionality, generators can be:

    1. aerosol type. In such devices, liquids with agents dissolved in them are broken into small drops as a result of the action of an air stream. It is created using an air compressor, which requires electric current to operate. The air masses compressed in the compressor release a stream directly onto the liquid at a very high speed. Devices of this type are relatively cheap and easy to use;
    2. disk type. In these devices, fog is formed due to a rotating disk. The liquid is forced onto the disk, and due to the influence of centrifugal forces, it is converted into an aerosol. The size of the mist particles can be adjusted by the rotation speed of the disc. This equipment has a more complex structure compared to aerosol equipment, as a result of which they require higher quality maintenance and operation. At the same time, these devices are characterized by low noise;
    3. ultrasonic type. The peculiarity of this unit is that the fog is formed due to oscillatory waves having a frequency in the ultrasonic range. The design assumes the presence of a device that generates ultrasound using electric current. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, the liquid is divided into tiny elements, forming an aerosol.

    Ultrasonic generators are lightweight and compact, because they require a minimum of space and can be easily rearranged if necessary. There are also larger installations, but they are intended for industrial conditions. Ultrasonic generators quickly create a powerful mist that effectively treats the required space.

    Consequences of bites

    The bite itself is unpleasant, but it still has more negative consequences. Usually after this an allergy appears. This is especially difficult for children to bear. Allergies are identified by:

    • redness;
    • rash;
    • itchy skin;
    • burning wounds;
    • attacks of suffocation;
    • increased body temperature;
    • runny nose.

    If you do not respond to irritation in a timely manner, anaphylactic shock is likely. In addition, when scratching wounds, purulent processes and inflammation appear. This increases the risk of various infections.

    Due to regular bites, hemoglobin in the blood may even decrease. This especially applies to young children. Psychological problems are among the unpleasant consequences. They appear as:

    • fear and disgust of insects;
    • fear of bites;
    • dislike yourself with bites;
    • intolerance to symptoms of bites;
    • obsessive thoughts about the presence of insects in the bed.

    These problems cause panic attacks, nervous tics, breakdowns, insomnia, fatigue, and decreased concentration. Efficiency also decreases, and nightmares appear.

    Is there a need for re-processing?

    Chemical disinfestation performed by professionals uses high-quality certified products and modern equipment. But even after the most thorough treatment, eggs and adults may remain. They will be active until contact with the insecticide occurs.

    The need for re-treatment depends primarily on the effectiveness of the first disinfestation. Many SES use long-acting preparations, so you will be able to understand whether your home needs to be sprayed again no earlier than a month after the first visit of specialists. As for finances, some companies provide reprocessing for free. Biotrix is ​​one of these.

    During re-treatment, exterminators restore the thickness of the insecticide layer. As it is erased, the pesticide ceases to destroy bedbugs, so sometimes there is a need for another disinfestation.

    Operating principle and features of the hot fog generator

    The hot fog generator (thermomechanical generator) is designed quite simply and has practically no moving parts, which ensures a high level of equipment reliability.

    In its most general form, a thermomechanical generator consists of a pulse-reaction engine, a carburetor, a nozzle, a fuel tank and a tank for working solution. A tube extends from the tank, supplying the working solution to the nozzle, which in turn receives hot gases from the engine. Hot gases moving at high speed mix with the working solution, which turns into a vapor state. As this steam exits the pipe, it comes into contact with relatively cold air and immediately condenses into tiny droplets. Thus, particles of insecticidal aerosol no larger than 25-30 microns in size are formed.

    Thanks to its autonomy and reliability, the hot fog generator is an excellent tool for treating open ground, territories, etc. However, the use of thermomechanical generators also has limitations - this equipment is not suitable for indoor use. The restrictions are related, firstly, to the fire and explosion hazard of using these devices indoors, as well as the undesirability of polluting premises with exhaust gases and solid fuel combustion products.

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