Gels for fighting cockroaches - a review of the best and effective means

Gel is one of the easiest to use means for getting rid of cockroaches in an apartment. It is odorless, safe for people, inexpensive and good at killing insects. The principle of operation is quite simple: the cockroach eats the gel and goes to the “nest” of its relatives, where it spreads the poison and poisons the entire colony. One tube or syringe is enough for several treatments and the cockroaches will disappear for a long time.

Gel in a syringe

The most effective gel against cockroaches

Where to apply?

Precautionary measures

We will look at the most effective gels against cockroaches, as well as ways to use them in the apartment.

Features of the composition of gels against cockroaches

The filler in such preparations is fat masses - they provide a long-term effect and protect the gel from drying out. Attractants are added to the composition of the drug; these are aromatic ingredients, thanks to which the cockroaches think that the poison is very tasty, and they greedily absorb it and carry it on their paws to the nest. The active substances of the contact and intestinal insecticide (usually cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos, fipronil, diazinon, hydramethylnon, diflubenzuron, deltamethrin) affect the digestive system of the insect, and then paralyze and kill it.

It should be understood that tubes with gel, unlike aerosols, will not help destroy a clutch of cockroach eggs, but are dangerous only for adult individuals. Their eggs are packed in special ooteca capsules (30 pieces each). The capsule is filled with protein, which feeds the hatched cockroaches. Ootheca can withstand low temperatures and the action of strong poisons, so treatment with the gel must be carried out 2-3 times, so that after the death of adult individuals, the new generation that appears will die without having time to lay a new clutch. The applied gel lasts for about two months, but we would recommend reapplying the poison once a month to achieve maximum effectiveness.

If you are concerned about cockroaches, we recommend checking out our review article on all types of effective cockroach repellents.

Review of popular tools

To make it easier to navigate the wide range of anti-cockroach gels, below are brief reviews of the most popular drugs with their prices:

  1. Max Force gel is not only a highly effective drug, but it also shows quick results. Most of the cockroach population will die within the first day after treatment; the remaining insects will gradually die over the next few days. The guaranteed period of protection is several months, so there is no risk of pests re-emerging from the remaining eggs. Due to this indicator, this option is recommended primarily for people living on the first floors of apartment buildings, since they are the ones who are more susceptible to living in the neighborhood of cockroaches. The product is sold in tubes with a volume of 20 ml, the cost varies from 650 to 800 rubles.
  2. Globol gel has a convenient tube design; thanks to the sharp tip, you can easily carry out targeted application and allow the substance to penetrate even into the smallest crevices. Cocoa butter is used as the main food and aromatic additive, so the drug has a slight odor that does not have a repulsive effect. One of the components is a bitter additive that will repel pets from treated surfaces, eliminating the risk of poisoning. However, if a small amount accidentally enters the digestive system, nothing bad will happen, since the product has a low level of toxicity. The product is produced in 75 ml tubes, the approximate cost is 150 rubles.
  3. Raptor gel is produced by a well-known company that specializes in various antiparasitic and insecticidal products and has been operating in the corresponding market niche for many years. One of the advantages of this option is a unique effect that can provide protection against cockroaches for 6-8 months. The volume of one tube is 75 ml, which should be enough for high-quality treatment of several rooms at once. The approximate price is 140 rubles.
  4. Absolute gel is available in large tubes, the volume of which is 125 ml, so it is recommended for treating large apartments or premises. Insects begin to die in the first days after treatment, but a full-scale epidemic occurs a few weeks later, after which not a trace remains of the cockroaches. The approximate price is 130 rubles.
  5. Gel "Domovoy" is a budget product of domestic production, which, despite its low cost, shows good results. Available in 30 ml packages, which is usually enough to treat an area of ​​50 square meters. The price of one syringe is about 30 rubles.
  6. Gel "Dohloks" is an analogue of "Domovoy", but with a wider spectrum of action. This drug is very popular not only due to its low price, but also its versatility, which can equally successfully exterminate cockroaches, house ants and other types of insects. After treatment, the room will be provided with high-quality protection for 1.5-2 months. One tube, the volume of which is 30 ml, costs about 40 rubles.
  7. Combat gel is very popular, which is easily explained by its stable quality; this product invariably demonstrates the most positive results. One of the components included in the drug is goose liver, which allows you to effectively attract insects to the bait, due to which the epidemic spreads very quickly among them. The cost of the product is about 100 rubles .
  8. Gel "Kapkan" has a unique composition, which includes several types of different insecticides, which allows you to destroy cockroaches, even if they have developed immunity to one of the substances. During processing, the product does not actually stain the surface and is easily washed off with plain water. Sold in 75 ml tubes, the cost is in the range of 30-50 rubles.
  9. Gel “Clean Home” is another effective product, the main active ingredient of which is chlorpyrifos. The result of its use is noticeable within a day after treatment, and the complete destruction of all cockroaches occurs after 1-1.5 weeks. One tube has a volume of 35 ml and costs about 50-70 rubles.
  10. Gel "Fas" is a thick beige jelly that is equally effective not only on cockroaches, but also on all types of insects living in apartments. The composition includes cypermethrin, which can also have a toxic effect on larvae, so no additional measures will be required. Available in 75 ml tubes, the drug costs about 30 rubles.

How to use gel against cockroaches?

The anti-cockroach gel is packaged in a syringe or tube with an elongated spout for ease of use. Thanks to this form, the gel can be applied even in hard-to-reach places, such as under a radiator or under a stove. The gel can be applied in a continuous or dotted line, or in droplets.

By squeezing out the contents of the syringe, the gel is applied in dotted lines to the baseboards around the perimeter of the apartment, as well as around places where insects are likely to live. You can also apply the drug to vertical surfaces and walls, having previously protected them with adhesive tape or tape. The distance between the drops of the gel should be no more than 1 cm. However, it can be increased to save up to 4 cm in case of low contamination of the apartment.

Some types of gels are difficult to wash off from treated surfaces after two months or leave indelible marks, so we recommend applying the gel onto cardboard leaves, which can then be easily collected, thrown away and replaced with new ones.

The gel remains active for 2 months. After this period, the processing can be repeated. You should not use one drug more than three times, as cockroaches can get used to the active substance and stop reacting to it. You also need to be careful when applying to avoid possible contact of the toxic substance with the intestines and skin.

How to use the drug?

There are two main ways to apply paste against domestic insects.

Method 1. Squeeze small drops of the product from a syringe and place them where cockroaches run - on the back walls of furniture, plumbing fixtures, baseboards, door frames, sewers and ventilation pipes. The distance between droplets is 5-10 cm, the size of one drop should not exceed 5 mm.

Method 2. Cut a sheet of paper into several strips, apply drops to them and place them in places where parasites may accumulate.

The consumption of the product depends on the degree of infestation and the size of the room.

When using insecticidal gels, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • If insect control occurs regularly, the product is changed each time. Each new product will need to contain different insecticides.
  • During disinsection, block all access to water for insects - this will significantly increase the speed of getting rid of uninvited guests.
  • To be safe, combine the gel with any other drug. The main thing is that its composition is completely different.
  • The paste must be applied with rubber gloves - they will not allow the poison to get on the skin of your hands.

  • If poison gets on the mucous membranes, they should be rinsed well. If the gel gets into your mouth, rinse it with water and drink activated charcoal.

Advice! The active ingredients in insect repellent paste are highly sensitive to sunlight and bright light, so the tube should only be stored closed and at the temperature indicated on the package.

Where to apply the gel?

A logical question arises: where to smear? Where you most often see cockroaches and where they can hide and breed. Don't miss the following places:

  • the entrance door to the apartment (you can lay out cardboards near the entrance, or coat the door threshold with gel both from the outside and from the inside);
  • floor skirting boards;
  • under the bed, sofa and closet;
  • under household appliances (refrigerator, toaster, microwave, stove, etc.);
  • on the kitchen countertop, especially next to the sink;
  • near hoods and air ducts (you can coat the edges of the hood).
  • and other places where cockroaches are often found.

Preparing the solution

When all of the above points have been completed, and the apartment is cleared of guests, it’s time to move on to the main issue - preparing the emulsion.


Forsyth is a highly concentrated product, it is important to know how to prepare the emulsion

Detailed instructions indicating the proportions are always included with the insecticide. It should be remembered that Forsyth is used for both preventive and antiparasitic purposes. For the main treatment, a highly concentrated solution is used: 50 ml of liquid per 1 liter. water. To carry out prophylaxis in an apartment, 25 ml of the substance per 1 liter of water is enough.

The water temperature should be 50-65 degrees Celsius, but not higher. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the drug will decrease.

The resulting emulsion must be sprayed throughout the apartment, not forgetting floor cracks, upholstered furniture, and gaps between the wall and the floor

Pay special attention to the space behind the refrigerator, wall kitchen cabinets, under the sink and where the trash can is “hidden”. It is in these places that cockroaches prefer to “build” their nests. Once every inch of your living space has been sprayed with the chemical solution, isolate the area and leave it for 2-3 hours

After time has passed, open all windows and doors and wash the surfaces of the kitchen tables with soap and water to prevent the drug from getting on your skin.

Once every inch of your living space has been sprayed with the chemical solution, seal off the area and let it sit for 2-3 hours. After time has passed, open all windows and doors and wash the surfaces of the kitchen tables with soap and water to prevent the drug from getting on your skin.

Spray the resulting solution on all possible places where cockroaches accumulate, as well as nesting sites.

Rules of application and safety measures

Although cockroach gels are practically safe for humans and do not have a pungent odor, care should be taken when treating the room so that the gel does not get on the mucous membranes, much less penetrate the esophagus. A child or pet can put everything in its mouth into its mouth, so try to smear the gel in a place where children cannot get dirty on it, much less taste it (this can lead to poisoning). After treatment, wash your hands with soap and hide the syringe with any remaining gel away from children's hands, pets and food.

Lambda zone

This is a Korean microencapsulated product that not only kills existing pests in the house, but also prevents them from returning to the home (which happens when the house is heavily infested with such pests). The product must be diluted with water, pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle and treat the entire apartment with it. During such treatment, it is strongly recommended to use personal protective equipment to avoid irritation to the skin and mucous membranes. Reviews of this product note that it allows you to protect your apartment from the reappearance of insects for six months.

Gel "Hector"

Gel bait against cockroaches Gektor is applied in drops of 5-7 mm, four drops per square meter of room. Gel composition: Fipronil – 0.05%, food bait, preservative. The drug effectively destroys the entire colony of cockroaches and deprives the pests of the ability to reproduce. The poison has an effect even if the cockroach did not eat the bait, but simply touched it.

The main advantage of Hector gel against cockroaches is that it is effective even against resistant individuals (those who are immune to most types of poisons). If other means don’t help, Gektor will definitely help out!

The effect of the drug lasts up to 2 months.

Average cost: 530 rub .

How does it work?

Despite the fact that now on store shelves you can find a huge number of different gel-based drugs, their composition and principle of action are not very different from each other. Which one will be the most effective against mustachioed invaders? To understand this issue, let's consider the main ingredients included in the insecticidal gel.

Gel composition

Any gel against cockroaches has the following approximate composition:

  • insecticide;
  • fatty substance;
  • bait.

The main active ingredient is a contact or intestinal insecticide. This could be chlorpyrifos, hydramethylnon, fipronil, lambdacyhalothrin or any other chemical that has insect poisoning properties. In the overall composition, it occupies no more than 2% of all components of the gel. Moreover, the stronger the poison, the less quantity is used. For example, the cockroach remedy Domovoy contains 0.5% chlorpyrifos, and Cleanbate gel contains 2% hydramethylnon. It is also often practiced to combine two insecticides in one tube. In this way, a higher effectiveness of the drug is achieved.

The liquid consistency of the gel is provided by the fatty substance present in its composition. It also prevents the drug from drying out after application, which ensures that the poison lasts a long time and is attractive to insects.

Bait is an essential ingredient in any insecticidal gel. With its help it is possible to attract insects. Often these are aromatic substances - attractants.

Depending on the manufacturer, the gel may also contain additional elements. For example, a bitter substance that prevents a child or pet from eating it.

Interesting fact! Despite the fact that cockroaches are equipped with fairly powerful jaws that can bite off a piece of dried bread crust, they still prefer food with a liquid consistency. These preferences were taken into account when developing insecticidal gels.

Operating principle

The principle of action of the insecticidal gel is based on the spread of poison among a colony of insects. A cockroach, coming to the smell of the bait, eats the drug and goes to its nest, carrying away particles of the toxic substance on its paws. This is how the insecticide spreads. After its death, the insect becomes food for its fellow tribesmen, poisoning them.

Gels can be called long-acting products, since you won’t get a quick effect from them. However, this property provides a stable result, since the insecticidal substance slowly but surely spreads to the entire colony, including newly hatched larvae. The validity period of such a drug is 1.5-2 months. after application to the surface. Insects begin to die within 1-2 days after eating the poisoned bait.

Compared to aerosol and powder preparations, the gel base has the following advantages:

  • long-term effect;
  • attractive to insects;
  • low toxicity;
  • ease of application to the surface.

Advice! In order to apply the gel to the vertical surfaces of walls and furniture without staining them, you can use masking tape. At the end of its validity period, it is simply deleted.

Gel "Global" (Globol)

The drug contains chlorpyrifos, which is one of the latest developments by chemists in the field of contact insecticides. Special additives allow it to retain moisture for a long time and not dry out, remaining active. The duration of action of the poison is quite long - over 35 days, the trap drops will begin to exert their deadly effect on cockroaches. The drug does not have an unpleasant odor.

Average cost: 350 rub .

Why might the gel not be effective?

Even the best gel for killing cockroaches may be ineffective if you do not take into account several important points:

  • expiration date (an expired drug may not have any effect on insects);
  • low concentration of insecticides (may be insufficient, especially if we are talking about a large colony);
  • resistance (perhaps the drug contains an insecticide to which cockroaches have already adapted);
  • improper use (in the hope of getting a stronger effect, some ignore the instructions for use of the drug);
  • expecting results too quickly (depending on the chosen product, the effect may appear within a few hours after treatment, but it will take more than one week to remove the entire colony).

Even if the gel acts quickly and intensively, it will not be possible to get rid of cockroaches if the factors that provoke their appearance are not eliminated, for example, free access to food and water, leaking taps, dirty dishes accumulating in the sink, an overflowing trash can.

Gel "Forsyth"

presents its product as the most environmentally friendly: this product has little contact with the air in the room and produces almost no vapors that are inhaled by people. Forsythe kills adult cockroaches but does not harm their nests. The effect of the chemical lasts up to six months. The active substance of Forsyth is cypermethrin. All gels containing cypermethrin belong to the group of contact-intestinal insecticides. They paralyze the nervous system of pest larvae and adults. The gel is in a syringe with a capacity of 30 g. Before use, please read the instructions. Cockroaches die within a few days after disinfestation.


  • there is no unpleasant odor;
  • safety for others;
  • inexpensive price.

Cons: not the most convenient way to use.

Average cost: 80 rub .

“Raptor” helps get rid of parasites

If there are cockroaches in the room, it is difficult to get rid of them. Especially at night, when no one bothers them, they are in full swing in apartments and offices.

They are most attracted to areas such as the kitchen and bathroom. They are not above crawling into the waste bin, exploring the sink and the pet's food bowl. Every crumb of food left on the table will not go unnoticed; their paws will be everywhere, carrying the remains of rotting food and dirt, which means that every person can become infected with a dangerous disease.

Of course, it is impossible to put up with such a neighborhood, because it is dangerous for health and life. Therefore, scientists are trying to find ways to combat cockroaches. Many methods have been invented, but many people prefer to purchase chemicals, since it is preferable to poison cockroaches with them. As practice shows, this method is the most reliable, giving a significant positive effect.

Modern industry produces many insecticidal preparations. From this abundance of funds, buyers usually single out the Raptor brand. Having appeared more than 20 years ago, this group of products was immediately noted by consumers, as the fight against cockroaches became many times more effective. But this is not surprising, because Japanese and Italian scientists took part in the development of the funds.

Everyone will now be able to choose the drug at their own discretion, since they come in the form of aerosols, traps, and gels. What all these agents have in common is the effect on the respiratory and nervous systems of insects and, as a result, paralysis and then rapid death.

According to sales statistics, the gel is in greatest demand. It is considered a professional remedy that allows you to cope with large infestations.

The effect is based on the fact that the cockroach will definitely eat the liquid left for it, after which, of course, it will turn into a carrier of a toxic substance. Therefore, the toxic components act gradually. Since the cockroach lives in a population, it will begin to infect its fellows, and the pupation process will not be able to be completed.

Gel "Brownie"

The gel is almost odorless. The main destructive substance of the insecticide “Proshka Domovoy” is fipronil (0.05%). Also, in addition to the active component, the recipe for this gel includes special ingredients for attracting cockroaches. They try the gel, and when it enters their body, the insecticide begins to work. Cockroaches die, but not instantly, but gradually - a day after the parasite returns back to its colony and manages to transfer part of the poison to its relatives.

Average cost: 75 rub .

Operating principle

Gel for cockroaches has a contact-intestinal effect. Infection of Prussians occurs at the slightest contact with the poison, getting it inside. The drug disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, causing paralysis and death. There is no immediate effect, so insects continue to eat the gel for several days. A chain reaction process works when dirty Prussians pass on a dose of poison to their relatives.

The aroma attracts the attention of cockroaches. Prussians have a good sense of smell, so they sense the faintest aroma of food. For humans, it is practically imperceptible, so it does not cause discomfort. Food additives force cockroaches to eat poison better than any food.

On a note!

The gel base is not afraid of sunlight, room temperature, and remains in its original form for almost 2 months.

The insecticide is safe for humans. Active substances do not enter the air and do not cause deterioration in health. Even with accidental penetration into the stomach, poisoning does not occur, since the dose of the toxic substance is too small. Allowed to be used indoors with pets.


  • ease of use;
  • long-lasting effect, quick effect;
  • safety;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • economy;
  • does not leave marks on the surface being treated and does not damage the coating.

The disadvantage is the lack of effect if the gel bait is poorly positioned.

Gel "Absolute"

This gel is a low-toxic product. It can be used in public canteens, municipal institutions, schools and hospitals. The action of “Absolute” is based on the principle of transferring poisonous particles from one cockroach to another. Toxic components are actively digested and distributed throughout the cockroach’s body. Therefore, “Absolut” is one of the most effective insecticides.

Average cost: 270 rub .

The effectiveness of the insecticide

The effectiveness of insecticidal chalk against cockroaches is directly related to the conditions and quality of its application. If there are a lot of such insects in an apartment or private household, then chalk is unlikely to save the residents from them.

A cockroach pencil significantly reduces their population, but does not eliminate them completely. It should be borne in mind that the toxic components of the drug do not act immediately.

Thus, cockroaches die only if they run around on the chalk for a long time, and then carry it on their paws to their nests, where they later die.

Cockroach chalk is considered a slow-acting remedy. It systematically, rather than instantly, destroys these household pests.

You also need to keep in mind that such a pencil is a toxic insecticide. It should not be applied to kitchen counters, or near bowls of pets (cats, dogs, etc.) or near plates or other utensils.

Cockroach chalk prevents the proliferation of these parasites, and in case of a small infestation of an apartment or private household, this drug completely clears the entire living space of them.

However, more often these insects resist such poison well.

The fact is that cockroaches develop specific resistance to chalk pencils over time.

Therefore, in order to get a long-term positive effect, you need to use chalk from fresh chemical poisons that cockroaches have not previously encountered.

Otherwise, such a pencil quickly ceases to work, and small parasites do not die and continue to live peacefully in the apartment.

Gel "Medilis Anti-cockroach"

A new product that has already proven itself on the positive side among customers. As the manufacturer explains, when developing the gel formula, the latest discoveries in scientific disciplines that relate to pest control were used. Release form: 30 ml syringe.

The duration of action of the gel is up to two months. New ingredient (AI) – zeta-cypermethrin. Non-toxic and can be used in schools, gardens, hospitals.

Average cost: 90 rub .

Precautionary measures

As when working with any other pesticide, all manipulations with Mashenka chalk should be carried out in compliance with the necessary precautions:

  • Do not touch the surface of the toxic pencil with bare, unprotected hands. You need to work with it wearing protective silicone or rubber gloves. It is allowed to hold the chalk through the packaging film.
  • Do not treat storage areas for dishes and food, the inside walls of cabinets, etc.
  • Maintain personal hygiene: do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat during treatment.
  • Do not apply the product in areas where small children and pets are frequented.
  • After finishing work, wash your hands thoroughly with any detergent.

Gel "Raptor"

You need to drip the gel into the places where parasites like to gather and where the main trails are located. This guarantees long-term protection, because when insects come into contact with the gel-treated parts of the room, they become carriers of the drug and soon die. Alpha cypermethrin in Raptor resists temperature and solar radiation and lasts a long time, so the treatment area should be protected from children and pets.

Average cost: 300 rub .

Trap Sturm-gel-paste

Insecticide against ants and cockroaches, supplied in 30 g syringes. Can be used in hotels, businesses, and residential premises. This is a tool for professional use, which is often used by employees of specialized companies.

This attractant gel contributes to the death of the population 10-12 hours after they eat it. One infected insect transmits a dose of poison to others. Even the corpse of a cockroach that has died from this poison remains dangerous for its relatives.

The drug is applied in drops. It is necessary to treat all places where parasites can settle or crawl.

Syringe or tube: which is better?

Most gel tubes are equipped with a special narrow nozzle, which makes their use convenient. But you can squeeze out every last drop of the product from the syringe, which means its consumption is more economical.

There are a huge number of good gels against cockroaches and ants, and it is difficult to recommend anything specific. It all depends on your budget, personal preferences and the size of the area where pest control is needed. Buy only high-quality drugs from well-known brands and follow safety precautions when working with them.

Call a poisoner for 300-500 rubles. (Moscow) - they will poison you in an apartment with a guarantee and they will never come again, even if the whole house is covered in cockroaches. And if they suddenly come, they will poison you again for free. PS “Maybe we have some mutated cockroaches??” - NO - it’s just that new ones come from neighbors, and then they go to the neighbors to die.

- Try to seal the cracks; - Throw poison where it is fundamentally impossible to repair; - And call another POISONER - (you can find out from friends or in the advertising newspaper there are plenty of them)

I had such a story. “dirty” lives downstairs... and there were a lot of cockroaches. and most importantly, nothing helped.. for the last 3 months I’ve probably had a thousand of them. I've tried everything. nothing helped.

. then my mother died. and the cockroaches disappeared.

and when not long ago I was cleaning. then I found just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, but a dead cockroach((((sorry for such a story.. but cockroaches either lead to discord.. or to death. And I also thought.. that they were crawling from the neighbor.

but the Clean House aerosol used to help me. he cleaned up... and cleaned up... from wasps. from cockroaches. flies ants.

Try it. It helped me before. GOOD LUCK.

Cockroaches are unpleasant and harmful neighbors. They can carry and spread intestinal infections. Getting rid of them is problematic; they will cling to every crack in the apartment and are very tenacious. Even if a cockroach loses its head, it will live without a head for some time until it dies of hunger. Cockroaches breathe with all the cells of the body; they have no blood, so they are not afraid of high blood pressure. A female cockroach can retain a seed after one mating and fertilizes itself several times. This is just some background information about the parasites that we will have to fight; gels produced by different companies will help us with this. We will look at the most famous and effective gels against cockroaches, as well as methods of their use and customer reviews.

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