Insect and rodent repellents BROS, instructions for use

Bros ant powder is rightfully one of the popular means in the fight against these small insects. It includes:

  • active substance chlorpyrifos 2% (2 grams per 100 grams of powder);
  • food additives that serve as bait for insects;
  • denatonium benzoate;
  • other components.

The powder or dust is used dry or dissolved in water. Manufacturer: Bros Poland. The powder is available in plastic jars of 100 and 250 grams. The average price for 100 g is 200 rubles, for 250 g - 400 rubles.

Bros from ants and cockroaches

Ants and cockroaches are annoying pests that can become a real problem in your home. It is very difficult to get rid of them because they build their nests in several places at the same time. If you encounter such a problem, act quickly and immediately, and a good ant repellent in powder or aerosol form will help you with this. Remember that cockroaches are carriers of serious infectious diseases, and can also aggravate asthma and cause allergic reactions. “Bros official representative in Russia” - Bros products against ants and cockroaches Are you looking for an aerosol against cockroaches and ants? In our company you can profitably purchase high-quality and highly effective Bros products against ants and cockroaches. The Bros brand produces fast-acting and effective disinfestation products of various types: gels, powders, aerosols, pastes. The products fully meet all established quality standards, are certified and are original.

How to use

Like any toxic substance, poison for ants in an apartment requires special handling and caution.
Regardless of the form in which this product was purchased, it is strictly not recommended to touch Rubit with bare hands. Before processing the room, a person must wear special thick rubber gloves. In the case of powder, you will also need a respirator.

Rubit Zindan

Each release form has its own method of application. If the choice is Rubita Zindan:

  1. Carry out a complete cleaning of the house, wash all surfaces, remove everything unnecessary.
  2. Place the poison on substrates in the following places: next to water, near the trash can, baseboards, in drawers, on shelves, on tables, window sills, the backs of furniture, equipment.
  3. After use, discard the substrates and wash surfaces with soap and water.

Rubit Profi Spider in granules

Rubit granules are an effective remedy for house ants. When using, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Clean the area in advance to remove any form of contamination.
  2. Clear the places where ants appear.
  3. Wear gloves to prevent the product from accidentally coming into contact with your skin.
  4. Sprinkle a small amount of granules onto the substrates and place these traps in all possible places.


Before using powder to poison insects, you should wear a respirator and rubber gloves. Next you need to follow the following instructions:

  1. Clear access to places where ants are found.
  2. Remove all products.
  3. Wash the entire room thoroughly, removing old food, ant excrement, etc.
  4. Repair plumbing, pipelines and other equipment where ants may be located.
  5. Remove animals from the premises or hide them so that they do not accidentally inhale the powder.
  6. Scatter the powder in the places most visited by ants, placing sweet baits (honey or chocolate) there.
  7. To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to dilute it in water and additionally wash the walls and floor.

Insect control

This drug was originally used to control mosquitoes . It was believed that it affects insects even in the larval stage of development. Currently, the drug has also proven to be quite effective in the fight against aphids, mites, cockroaches, ants, flies and even lice.

In agriculture, it is used to get rid of insects in areas where grain varieties, cotton, vegetables, fruits and nuts grow. Flower growers have also found use for it, using the drug in flower beds and lawns, where mainly decorative flowers grow.

The developed drug was also adopted by veterinarians who treat dogs, horses, sheep with chlorpyrifos and disinfect premises for various types of animals. It was possible to achieve such success in the fight against insects in various areas thanks to the use of a special enzyme in the preparation itself , which paralyzes the nervous system of insects.

A large number of both domestic and foreign drugs are produced based on this substance. They all have the same effect, paralyzing insects , only the names are different. Considering the fact that the drug enters the body of insects through the respiratory tract, the question arises: is chlorpyrifos harmful to humans?

Gel against ants: one individual “takes it” - all die

According to reviews from those who fought the ant phenomenon, ant gel is one of the products with the highest effective effect. The effect is based on preliminary luring of the insect and subsequent poisoning of those insects with which the ant comes into contact.

Such products include the Raptor gel against ants, which allows you to exterminate ants in the kitchen, apartment, staircase, basement and other rooms in a few days.

To achieve the desired result, read the instructions on the products. This could also be a gel against cockroaches and ants, allowing the ants to reach the nest and infect the entire colony.

Absolute gel will get rid of ants!

Choosing a gel ant repellent is the right step towards victory. Gel is more effective than powder or crayons. According to reviews of those who have used the Absolute gel against ants, the insects disappear after a few days and do not appear again.

The action of the gel is based on the biological characteristics and behavioral characteristics of an adult. Gel for an ant is a tasty morsel that the insect will attract to the uterus. It is precisely because an ant feeds another ant from its mouth that a rapid and massive infection of the entire colony occurs.

“Absolute” from ants is an effective means of mass destruction of ant colonies.

"Dohloks" from ants - your reliable protection

Among the many insect gels, one can highlight the Dohlox gel against ants, which allows you to effectively treat ant paths, nests and other areas where insects accumulate. Allows you to radically change the way you look at fighting ants.

The “sweet” poison paralyzes the ant within the first few minutes, but the insect manages to run to the queen and reward her with prey. The effectiveness of the product is quite high and does not require repeated use. If ants appear again, know that Dohlox has nothing to do with it, the gel has completed its task. Most likely, your neighbors also decided to chase the ants and force them to change the location of the nest.

Buy "Global" from ants! Protect your home from invasion!

On the modern insecticidal market, you will be offered a wide selection of remedies for house ants. According to reviews, the most effective are gels, including the German-made Global gel against ants of various types.

The gel acts like all other “sweet poisons” - it attracts ant foragers to poison all members of its family.

“Global” is applied against ants so that pets cannot “feast” on it, and also out of the reach of children.

Once on the ant’s paws, the gel is transferred to the location of the nest and uterus. The ant himself will feed his queen poison.

You won't be bothered by ants: "Raptor" is on guard against ants!

Many aerosols leave an unpleasant odor after working with them, but “Raptor” from ants smells like mint and does not irritate human olfactory receptors.

The product is available in the form of an aerosol and gel. By comprehensively using both forms of Raptor against ants and cockroaches, you can eradicate insects from your home or apartment and never share your home with them again.

You can exterminate ants using Raptor by following the rules described in the instructions for the product

But do not forget about precautions - after all, this is a toxic substance

Ant repellent gel “Rubit Zindan”: use it correctly!

When using gels to combat domestic ants, try to follow the instructions on the packaging. Anti-ant gel “Rubit Zindan” should be applied along the migration routes of insects and near the intended location of the nest. You won’t have to wait long for the result: just a few days – and the fight against ants will be over.

The ants gladly carry poison to their queen, without even suspecting that they are becoming “killers of royalty.” Having eaten the poison, the queen dies, and the ants scatter and look for new queens. Thus, “Rubit Zidane” will help and protect against ants when new families of foragers appear.

Buying DEET will not get rid of ants!

DEET ant control products do an excellent job of repelling red and black ant species. The smell of the product simply repels insects; they do not appear while diethyltoluamide (DEET) molecules are in the air.

When insects appear, fighting ants with DEET is not very effective, since after the product evaporates, the ants will come again.

If, of course, the entire perimeter of the house or apartment is periodically treated with this product, then ants may not appear. According to reviews, this is what happens. However, once you have ants, DEET cannot remove them.

When choosing a way to fight ants, choose a reliable one - contact professional disinfectors!

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Description and features of the drug

The drug Bros is a granular powder, the color of which can vary from pure white to gray. There is a characteristic smell. The active substance of the drug is the organic component chlorpyrifos. Its concentration is 1 g per 50 g of product.

In addition, the composition includes:

  • food additives that attract pests;
  • denatonium benzoate and other additional ingredients.

Penetrating into the body through the respiratory system, chlorpyrifos paralyzes the nervous system of ants, which leads to their death. This substance is a contact insecticide; for greater efficiency, it “works” in several directions:

  1. The ants taste the powder and die.
  2. Particles of the substance stick to the chitin layer and the limbs of insects. The poison enters the ant colony, where it spreads among other individuals. Not only ordinary ants die, but also the “queen queen”, who produces up to 40,000 eggs per day.

When used correctly, ant repellent powder leads to the extinction of the entire insect population. Usually pests completely disappear 1-2 days after disinfestation.

How to get rid of ants on trees

Some types of insects happily settle on fruit trees. There they “keep” colonies of aphids that feed on sweet juices. Before fighting ants in the countryside, aphids are removed from trees.

Several methods are used:

  1. A fishing belt is made from a sheet of roofing felt or other flexible material. The tape, up to 40 cm wide, is smeared with grease, petroleum jelly or birch tar. Using this sticky side, tie a belt around the circumference of the tree, leaving a small gap at the bottom. The trap is changed as the mixture fills and dries.
  2. Rub the trunk with garlic pulp and hang garlic “braids” on the branches. The pungent smell will repel aphids and there will be no ants.
  3. Cut the tire in half and dig it into the soil around the tree. Pour water into the tire, the barrier works against aphids and other flightless insects.

Release form and storage conditions

The Polish company BROS produces the drug against Bros ants. There are two packaging options - 100 and 250 g each. The manufacturer claims that one 100 g jar is enough to destroy 25 ant nests.

The product is packaged in a plastic container with holes in the lid, which makes it easier to use.

To store the powder product, you need a dark, dry place that is inaccessible to animals and children.

When purchasing an insecticide, it is important to pay attention to the indicated expiration date. After its expiration, it is prohibited to use the drug!

The most famous analogue of Bros powder is the German product Expel.

Bros ant powder

The product is in the form of food granules. The special components included in the composition make this drug especially attractive to cockroaches. The effect is noticed immediately after the first applications. It is a universal remedy. Can be used in both dry and liquid form.

Aerosol against cockroaches

Instant effect, helps get rid of the entire population. Aerosol Bros is characterized by a long-lasting effect at the site of application. In addition, it destroys adult insects and eggs.

Bros catcher belt

Designed to catch ants and other insects that damage trees. The belt itself is applied directly to the tree itself, which is very convenient to use. The trap has an adhesive coating on both sides. It is moisture resistant and remains effective for up to 3 months.

Ant spray: good for open areas

When buying an ant spray, you can rest assured that your choice is correct if the room where the treatment will be carried out meets the following conditions:

  • access to ant trails in open “terrain”;
  • you can freely approach the skirting boards;
  • the ability to get to the places where ants are located behind tiles or panels.

You can remove ants using a spray only when the product directly hits the individual. If it is not possible to get to the paths and the nest of insects, then treating the room from ants will have low effectiveness. In addition, it is worth keeping in mind that the aerosol is not suitable for all types of ants.

Aerosol "Combat" from ants will help repel insects

The effectiveness of the Kombat aerosol against ants is that its strong smell drives away insects. This product is not suitable for killing ants. According to reviews, the ants will leave your apartment, moving to your neighbors, but after a while you will be able to see them again in your home. This is especially true for those who rarely do wet cleaning and keep food in free access.

The aerosol can be characterized by the aroma of mint or lemon, which also helps to expel small bugs scurrying around everywhere.

Ant repellents are more effective when available in gel form.

Security measures

The drug is quite toxic. It belongs to the second class of substances hazardous to humans. When treating rooms, you need to open the windows. Use personal protective equipment: respirator, rubber gloves, gown. You can wear pants and a long sleeve shirt.

Chlorpyrifos poisoning is indicated by abdominal pain and blurred vision. The drug can also affect the nervous system and muscles. First aid includes taking a 2% solution of soda, activated or white carbon. To clear the intestines, induce vomiting. If the product gets on your eyes, rinse them with plenty of warm water. Then instill them with Atropine or its equivalent. Be sure to consult a doctor.

1–2 weeks after disinfection, a thorough cleaning should be carried out. Wash all surfaces with soap and soda solution.

Chlorpyrifos is a universal insect repellent. Its correct use will help to quickly and permanently rid your home or summer cottage of pests. Follow the instructions and observe safety precautions.

Precautions for use

Organophosphorus preparations, including the ant repellent Bros, do not remain active for long. The active substances do not penetrate the root system of plants, and therefore into the fruits.

But if the insecticide is safe for representatives of the flora, then it can cause some harm to humans. You can avoid this by adhering to the following recommendations:

  • It is better to treat street plantings with the drug when the weather is dry and windless;
  • Before the event, it is advisable to wear a hat and tidy up your hair;
  • If Bros powder is used indoors, it should not be applied near sleeping areas, play areas, dining rooms, or doorways.

Preparations containing chlorpyrifos belong to the second and third levels of danger:

  1. If they enter the human body, they can cause severe intoxication. The person may require medical attention. The antidote for chlorpyrifos is atropine sulfate.
  2. If Bros gets on the skin, carefully remove it with a cotton swab soaked in an alcohol solution.
  3. If your eyes are damaged, they should be immediately rinsed with plenty of warm, running water.

If the mucous membranes are irritated or intoxicated by chemical vapors, doctors advise going out into the fresh air for a couple of hours. First you need to take off the clothes you were wearing.

Chlorpyrifos - instructions you must read

The effects of the drugs last for one to two months. In the soil, chemical compounds persist for up to 120 days. However, some experts express the opinion that the drug is stable for two years. You should be prepared for the fact that if you regularly use this chemical to treat a certain area, some insects may develop group resistance.

Nowadays, a wide range of chlorpyrifos poisons are produced for agriculture. Pay attention to whether the drugs you purchase have been registered. As practice shows, certified products are really effectively used against sucking and gnawing types of pests that occur, for example, in sugar beets - these are leaf aphids, flea beetles, meadow moths, common beet weevils, cutworms, cutworms or carrion beetles.

Vinegar solution for treating the garden

You can cope with an ant invasion on a plot of land using several types of vinegar:

  1. Apple. You should choose a liquid with an acid content of 6%. It can be used undiluted.
  2. Dining room. Vinegar 9% must be mixed with water in a 2:1 ratio.
  3. Table with added oil. For one liter of acid you need to add several liters of sunflower oil. Then add a little water to the product. Instead of sunflower oil, you can use flax seed oil.
  4. Apple low percentage. The acid must be mixed with water in equal proportions. This solution is suitable for spraying tree leaves.
  5. Table with the addition of soda. This is a strong mixture that can quickly kill insects. Soda is poured into the anthill, and then table vinegar is poured.

More concentrated solutions are suitable for treating the anthill and the area around it. Weak mixtures are necessary for disinsection of trunks, leaves of trees and shrubs. It is not difficult to destroy ants in the garden using folk remedies with the addition of vinegar.


First you need to prepare the room for disinfection. Do a wet cleaning in the house. It is not recommended to live there or wash surfaces for the next 7–14 days after disinfection. Wash bed linen and curtains at +90 °C. This will kill the adults. Provide free access to the back walls of the furniture: move it away from the walls and, if possible, disassemble it. Place all available products in resealable containers or plastic bags. Collect children's clothes and toys in sealed bags.

Prepare a solution: 50 mg of concentrated product per 10 liters of water. For more convenient application of the drug to upholstered furniture and curtains, use a sprayer. You can take an old spray bottle. All surfaces where insects may be must be treated. Pay special attention to baseboards, cabinets, upholstered furniture, carpets on the walls, cracks in the floor or ceiling. Apply the solution around the perimeter of all walls at a height of 30–40 cm from the floor.

After treating a room with chlorpyrifos, you should not stay in it for 7–14 days.

Sometimes 1 procedure is enough. After 3-4 days, you need to vacuum all areas. In some cases, 2 or even 3 treatments are required. It is allowed to repeat disinfection after 10–12 days. Watch how the pest population decreases. Regular use of chlorpyrifos can lead to insect addiction: they develop immunity to the substance.

Preparatory procedures

Using bros ant repellent is quite simple, following the instructions. Before the event, it is recommended to pay attention to the preparatory work:

  • All pets and birds should be removed from the premises and children should be taken away;
  • No food or utensils should be left here. It is advisable to take them out of the room or pack them and place them on the shelf of a lockable cabinet;
  • it is necessary to provide access to places where insects are located. It is better to first find out where the ants' nests are located.

It is imperative to take care of personal protective equipment - gloves, a mask or a respirator.

Composition and action

Chlorpyrifos is a 48% solution of the active substance. In its pure form, the product has the appearance of white crystals that dissolve in water at a temperature of +25°C. The active ingredient is chlorpyrifos, it also contains fragrances, a solvent and an emulsifier. The product has no odor. You can purchase a container with a volume of 1 or 5 liters. For industrial purposes and disinfection services, 25 liter canisters are produced. To purchase chlorpyrifos, a special permit or certificate from a legal entity is required.

The product is used to kill bed bugs, ticks, aphids, cockroaches, flies, ants and even lice. It affects not only adults, but also their larvae. Entering the insect’s body through the respiratory tract, the substance enters into a chemical reaction. As a result, the pest’s nervous system is paralyzed and it dies.

The substance also acts on eggs. The development process stops, and the shell simply dries out over time. However, this occurs if the product is applied near the site of egg deposition. Otherwise, a strong shell can protect them, and the insects will hatch within 3–4 weeks. Chlorpyrifos is very persistent in the environment. In the air, the drug remains active for 1.5–2 months, in soil – about 120 days. Therefore, when new individuals hatch, they will receive a dose of poison and will soon die.

Advantages over other means

One of the main advantages of Anteater over other means is its relative safety. It belongs to the second class of chemical hazard and is practically harmless to humans. Also, the product does not harm the soil and does not accumulate in it. All microorganisms living in the soil remain unharmed.

The insecticide poisons insects in a short time. Three days after using the product, results will be visible. The effectiveness of the product is the same both in the form of a solution and in the form of a powder.

One Anteater capsule is enough to destroy 5-10 anthills.

Use the product outdoors and indoors, taking all precautions. In order not to waste energy and money in the fight against ants, you should regularly carry out preventive measures in your apartment, house and on your property.

Dishes must be washed immediately after eating, and crumbs and leftover food must be removed from the table. The floor is washed with a damp cloth or vacuumed. Keep kitchen cabinets clean. Food waste is collected in a dustbin and thrown away regularly. All cracks are insulated, complicating access to the room

In order not to waste energy and money in the fight against ants, you should regularly carry out preventive measures in your apartment, house and on your property. Dishes must be washed immediately after eating, and crumbs and leftover food must be removed from the table. The floor is washed with a damp cloth or vacuumed. Keep kitchen cabinets clean. Food waste is collected in a dustbin and thrown away regularly. All cracks are insulated, complicating access to the room.

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