What kind of drug is Sichlor and how does it help fight cockroaches and bedbugs

Sichlor is an emulsion concentrate in the form of a clear, light yellow liquid containing as active ingredients the pyrethroid cypermethrin in an amount of 10% and the organophosphorus compound chlorpyrifos in an amount of 20%, as well as emulsifiers, solvents, and fragrance - up to 100%.

The product belongs to the 3rd class of moderately hazardous substances, and the working solution belongs to the 4th class of slightly hazardous substances.

Sychlor is used to kill bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas, mosquitoes, flies and rat mites. It is allowed to be used at the following facilities: in municipal facilities, in basements, in residential and industrial premises, in children's and medical institutions.

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Sichlor - a powerful insectoacaricide

Sichlor is a modern product designed to combat insects in residential premises, basements, and medical institutions. Specialized services also use it for wastewater treatment and waste disposal.

The manufacturing company is Dutch. The development belongs to Russian scientists, namely M. Kostina, M. Maltseva, E. Novikova. The drug was obtained from the Research Institute of Disinfectology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

ActivityAgainst bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, mosquitoes, ticks, as well as insect larvae and adults
Release formyellow transparent liquid in a plastic bottle, 1 l
Active substanceCypermethrin, Chlorpyrifos
Prolonged action3-5 weeks
Hazard Class3rd class (moderate)

Product description

The modern product is a high concentration emulsion. The color has a light yellow consistency, and one bottle contains 1 liter. The powerful insecticide is characterized by versatility and helps against almost all types of parasites. This poison is considered an indispensable tool for summer residents. It’s worth buying Sychlor and independently evaluating the following positive qualities:

  • An all-out attack on the unwanted inhabitants of your home;
  • Versatility;
  • High efficiency;
  • Always in stock;
  • Low price.

Effective composition

Sichlor is a combination drug. It contains two active components that complement each other:

  • Cypermethrin (10%). Included in most modern medications for bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches and ticks. Disturbs the nervous system of adults, adults and larvae. Most active on the first day. Then its effectiveness gradually decreases. Can be valid for up to 30 days.
  • Chlorpyrifos (20%). An organophosphorus compound that, when ingested by an insect, causes paralysis and death after a few minutes.

The product also contains fragrances, solvents and emulsifiers. It has a pungent odor, which prevents accidental use for other purposes.


The product is produced in Denmark. It is a highly concentrated caramel-colored emulsion with a pronounced aroma. Includes:

  • chlorpyrifos 48%;
  • solvents;
  • emulsifiers.

Sinuzan is packaged in plastic canisters of 5 or 20 liters. In a closed, sealed container, the shelf life is 3 years. It is used not only to kill cockroaches, but also other synanthropic insects: bed bugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, ants that have developed resistance to pyrethroids. It is used for disinfestation of residential premises, preschools, schools, medical institutions, basements in the absence of people. Belongs to class 3 of moderately dangerous drugs. Neglecting safety rules can cause poisoning. You can order cockroach repellent from the online store. Many websites offer 1 liter containers for sale. The price varies in the range of 1700-2000 rubles.

Sinusan product Benefits of Sinuzan:

  • high efficiency - most of the insect population dies in the first hours after treatment;
  • prolonged action up to 1 month;
  • affects imago, larvae;
  • moderate price in comparison with analogues;
  • the smell disappears after 3 hours of airing.

Features of application: instructions

The concentrated emulsion is diluted with cool water before use. For every 1 liter of water add 2.5-5 ml of the drug. Dosage recommended by the manufacturer:

Sichlor dosageAmount of drug per 1 liter of waterAmount of drug per 10 liters of water
Bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants5 ml50 ml
Mosquitoes and flies imago5 ml50 ml
Fly larvae3.5 ml35 ml
Rat ticks and mosquito larvae2.5 ml25 ml

VredStop.ru magazine recommends first clearing the room of debris and only then carrying out the treatment. This will make your work easier and increase the effectiveness of baiting cockroaches and bedbugs.

Instructions for use:

  1. Wear personal protective equipment: gloves, respirator, suit, face mask, headscarf.
  2. Dilute the drug in water according to the dosage. Mix evenly.
  3. Fill the spray device: hand or backpack sprayer, cold or hot fog generator.
  4. Treat sleeping places (without bedding), carpets from the inside out, holes and cracks in walls, thresholds, near baseboards from a distance of 20-30 cm.
  5. All places where arthropods are found are subject to treatment, as well as possible routes of movement and secluded corners for nests.
  6. If the number of cockroaches is high, it is recommended to treat adjacent rooms. Walls are treated against fleas to a height of 1 m.
  7. After treatment, the room must be left closed for at least 2 hours. After 2-24 hours, it is ventilated for 2 hours.
  8. After 24 hours, wash the drug off the surfaces using a solution of soda ash (50 g per 1 liter of water) and a rag.
  9. 1-3 hours after wet cleaning, animals and people can be allowed into the premises.

Absorbent surfaces are treated with a solution at the rate of 100 ml per square meter. On non-absorbent surfaces, the consumption is halved - to 50 ml per 1 m2.


Bottle 1l

Active ingredient: chlorpyrifos 20%, cypermethrin 10%

Additional components: fragrances, solvents, emulsifiers.

Sychlor , light yellow liquid.

The drug Sichlor is used:

  • to kill cockroaches,
  • to kill ants,
  • to kill bedbugs,
  • to kill fleas,
  • to kill flies,
  • to kill mosquitoes,
  • to kill rat mites.

The drug Sichlor is used on objects of various categories:

  • in places where flies breed (garbage chambers, garbage disposals) and mosquitoes (flooded basements of houses, sewage),
  • in the practice of medical disinfestation.

The insecticidal substances Sichlor are known for their nerve-paralytic effects. Insects are subject to paralysis and rapid death. At the same time, it complies with all safety standards for humans and warm-blooded animals.

Precautionary measures:

  • Treatment of premises should be carried out in the absence of people, pets, birds, and fish. Food and utensils should be removed or carefully covered before processing. When processing workshops of industrial enterprises, first remove and carefully cover products that can adsorb the drug. After treatment, the room should be well ventilated for at least 1 hour in the absence of people.
  • Processing in children's food establishments should be carried out on sanitary days or weekends. After disinsection, the premises should be wet cleaned using a soap and soda solution. It is possible to stay indoors 1-2 hours after completion of treatment.
  • Premises treated with the product cannot be used until they are cleaned, which is carried out later than 3 hours before using the facility for its intended purpose. Cleaning is carried out wearing gloves, using a soda solution (30-50 g of soda ash per 1 liter of water).
  • Those working with the product must observe the following precautions: before starting to work with the product, the exterminator provides instructions on safety precautions and first aid measures. Persons carrying out disinfestation, packaging of the drug, and preparing emulsions must use personal protective equipment.
  • Personal protective equipment includes: a cotton hat or overalls, a headscarf, an oilcloth or rubberized apron and oversleeves, rubber technical gloves or cotton mittens with a film coating, hermetic safety glasses (PO-2, PO-3, monoblock), universal respirators “RU-60M” ", "RPG-67" with an "A" cartridge. Approximate protection time is at least 100 hours.
  • After finishing work, work clothes should be shaken out outside and washed. Wash it as it gets dirty, but at least once a week, after soaking it (to neutralize dirt) in a hot soap-soda solution for 2-3 hours (50 g of soda ash and 27 g of soap per 1 bucket of water), then Wash in fresh soap and soda solution.
  • When working with the product, be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Smoking, eating and drinking in the treated area is prohibited. After finishing working with Sichlor, rinse your mouth, wash your hands and face with soap and water.
  • Every 45-50 minutes of working with the product, you need to take a break for 10-15 minutes, during which you need to go out into the fresh air, taking off your overalls, respirator or gas mask.
  • It is prohibited to use products for treating premises that do not have a passport indicating the name of the product, date of manufacture, percentage of active substance, as well as approved Methodological Recommendations and a Certificate of Conformity.

Attention, precautions!

Detailed instructions are included with the drug. Before use, you need to study it carefully. The product can cause severe poisoning, headache, irritation of the respiratory system, mucous membranes and skin.

Precautions when processing with Sychlor:

  1. It is necessary to use a universal respirator with a cartridge of grade “A”.
  2. Unprotected people and animals must leave the premises.
  3. Food, aquariums, dishes, and personal hygiene items must be taken outside the treated area.
  4. The insecticide is sprayed exclusively on the surface (not into the air). You cannot stay in one place for more than 2 seconds.
  5. During treatment, it is prohibited to drink, smoke, or eat.
  6. Every 45 minutes you need to go outside and breathe fresh air (10-15 minutes).
  7. After treatment, you should immediately leave the room, take a shower and rinse your mouth.
  8. The remainder of the drug should be stored in the original bottle in a well-ventilated area at a temperature of 0+25 degrees (away from food, children and animals).

Toxicity level

Before the sale of the drug began, Sichlor was subjected to numerous studies. As a result, it was established: • If it enters the stomach, it belongs to hazard class 3. Considered moderately dangerous. May cause nausea, dizziness, headache, vomiting, and rarely loss of consciousness. • According to the degree of volatility, classified as class 2. • According to the degree of impact on the skin – class 4 or low-hazard substances. Causes slight redness upon contact with skin. If the product gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes or nose, the irritation will be much stronger.


The drug Sichlor has many analogues. For example, "Agran". It contains the same components. “Tetracin”, “Averfors”, “Aggressor”, “Sipaz Super” are slightly different in composition. The choice of professional remedies for bedbugs and cockroaches is very extensive. But perhaps the most popular drugs are “Executioner” and “Zonder”.


To kill bedbugs, use 0.15% (DV) aqueous emulsions of the drug. If the premises are insignificantly infested with bed bugs, only their habitats are treated; in case of large occupancy and in the case of wall cladding with dry plaster, the places where they may be located should also be treated: cracks along baseboards, borders, places where wallpaper lags, around door and window frames and ventilation grilles, cracks in walls, furniture, as well as carpets on the back side. Do not treat bedding. Simultaneous treatment of all premises is carried out only in dormitories, where frequent introduction of insects is possible. Repeated treatments are carried out when bedbugs are detected.

Reviews about the drug

There are not many reviews about Sichlor. Few people decide to use it themselves. Here's what they write about him:


“Helped me get rid of bedbugs and cockroaches. I have been renting out an apartment for a long time. I was in another city. When the tenants moved out, I was horrified by the number of insects. Apparently, they poisoned this horde with something, since the usual “Raptor” did not work. I chose Sychlor because of its two-component composition. I treated it with a garden sprayer while wearing a robe and a respirator. Left for a day. All the insects died. I collected a quarter of a bucket!”

Olga Alekseevna:

“Since 2022 I have been using Sichlor for prevention. The neighbors are swarming with them. And our exterminators removed all the insects. A friend advised me to use Sichlor along the baseboards and borders with neighbors during general cleaning. Helps. Cockroaches don’t come near us.”

Advantages and disadvantages


  • The composition of the drug is effective even in rooms densely populated with bedbugs;
  • This product has a fairly long residual effect, which helps fight bedbug eggs, it lasts up to 5 weeks;
  • After spraying, no traces remain on the treated surfaces.


  • Quite a noticeable smell;
  • May damage varnished and painted surfaces;
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