Global anti-cockroach remedy: composition, instructions for use

The presence of cockroaches in a house or apartment not only causes discomfort, but can also cause significant harm to the human body. Prussians are carriers of various infections. On their paws they carry pathogenic microbes and bacteria, contaminating food, since their habitat area is large. Once cockroaches appear, home owners want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. An active search begins for means that will not only destroy uninvited guests, but also will not harm health.

Why are cockroaches so difficult to kill?

Cockroaches are very tenacious and unpretentious in everyday life. It doesn’t matter to them what to eat; they are able to survive for a long time by absorbing polyethylene or even their own excrement. Much more important for these insects is the ability to drink. That is why the main places where cockroaches are located are the bathroom and kitchen. They live under drains, under sinks, in baseboard crevices, etc.

Poisoning insects with various aerosols is considered ineffective, because cockroaches have one interesting feature: after inhaling harmful fumes, they go into suspended animation, during which they do not breathe. But as soon as fresh air enters the room, the cockroach regains consciousness and runs away. In addition, the young generation of insects, which is still in a special capsule, is not exposed to the aerosol at all and continues to develop, even if the female has died. That is, if a female, pregnant with a capsule with offspring, died somewhere in a crack, and you did not remove her from there, then with a hundred percent probability the young cockroaches will hatch and after a few molts they will turn into adult insects that will give new offspring and again fill the room .

Over a long period of time staying close to humans, cockroaches have developed the ability to get used to various poisons. That is why it is necessary to destroy the entire colony of insects in the house at once, because if this is not done, the next generation of pests will appear that have innate immunity to one or another poison. And therefore, old and seemingly proven methods of getting rid of parasites stop working.

Cockroach repellent "Global"

But everything changed with the arrival of the German-made Global anti-cockroach product on the Russian market. With it, it has become much easier and faster to get rid of unwanted neighbors, since it does not leave cockroaches a chance to survive. Global cockroach poison combines quality, fast action and effectiveness in killing insects.

Today, every now and then new recommendations appear on how to get rid of unwanted insects in the house. The leader in the lists of effective drugs is the Global gel against cockroaches; reviews about it are only positive; cockroaches disappear after the first use of the product. It is also noted that there are not many dead insects. Of course, individual insect corpses come across, but the disgusting need to sweep up hordes of dead cockroaches disappears. They simply disappear from the home.


If you notice that cockroaches have begun to appear in your apartment, and you know where their nest is located, then you can use Global aerosol or spray to get rid of them.

The aerosol has an immediate effect on parasites. This drug was developed for use in apartments and houses. However, aerosols are toxic and can cause harm to humans if the following safety precautions are not observed:

  • When spraying an aerosol, it is necessary to use special protective equipment for the respiratory system. The product should be sprayed from a distance of about 15 centimeters on the insects themselves and on their nests;
  • before starting treatment, it is necessary to send all household members and pets for a walk, remove all indoor flowers and an aquarium with fish from the room;
  • After finishing processing, you should wash your hands thoroughly;
  • When the treatment time has expired, the room must be ventilated.


The Global cockroach repellent is a dark beige paste (gel) in a 75 ml tube. The drug is in demand, in particular, also because it is very economical - one package is enough to treat an apartment of up to 70 square meters. m. And the price of Global paste against cockroaches is about 300 rubles per unit. In addition, the product is safe for pets, which is extremely important for animal lovers.

On the original packaging of the Global anti-cockroach product, the manufacturers placed a branded round holographic sticker to avoid counterfeits. The name is written in Latin letters, the country of origin is indicated: Germany.

The kit includes a nozzle with a long thin spout; it allows you to apply the product in doses in hard-to-reach places:

  • behind the baseboard;
  • behind the sink;
  • between the bathtub and the wall;
  • in cracks on the floor, etc.

Important information! This year (2016), the name of the drug changed to “Exil”, but the packaging design remained unchanged - the new product is easily recognizable as the German gel for cockroaches “Global”.

Rules for using gels

To completely get rid of bedbugs and forget about their existence, just applying the drug is not enough. Even the best bed bug gels are effective in combination with the following measures:

  1. Wet and dry cleaning of the apartment.
  2. Visual inspection of rooms and furniture to identify bedbug nests. You should inspect sleeping areas, as well as recently purchased interior items, with special care. Often blood-sucking guests enter a house with used furniture.
  3. If sprays or aerosols are used in the complex, you should pay attention to the composition of the drug. You should not purchase products with the same active substance, as bedbugs develop resistance to chemicals.

The principle of applying gels against bedbugs, regardless of the manufacturer, is the same for everyone:

  • processing is carried out using rubber gloves;
  • it is first necessary to prepare the room for disinfestation;
  • the bottle is opened immediately before application;
  • the product is applied dotted along the entire perimeter of the room, special attention should be paid to the space near the sleeping places, along the baseboards, near peeling wallpaper, paintings, carpets;
  • Often the gel is first applied to small pieces of paper and then laid out.

What is the secret of the drug’s effectiveness?

Global gel against cockroaches (the composition is described above) does not give parasites the opportunity to get used to the poison. The fact is that its action is slow, it affects the nervous tissue of the insect, but does not kill immediately. The calculation is made so that the parasite has time to bring the poison to the habitat of the remaining cockroaches. Thus, a cockroach, having decided to profit from the Global gel, crawls on it, then returns to the colony, bringing the poisonous agent on itself and infecting others along the chain.

It is noteworthy that cockroaches can eat a dead relative. If he was poisoned, then particles of poison will enter the body of the cannibals, after which they will also die.

Insects affected by poison become slow, get confused in space, crawl out of hiding in the light of day, etc. Death occurs a few hours after poisoning.

Exil (Globol) – a successful successor

According to official information, due to the large number of counterfeits, Globol gel underwent rebranding and became Exil gel in 2016. This is a light green color and odorless gel.

The kit, unlike the previous version, does not include a spout for application. The gel is produced in Russia, under a German license, in 75 g tubes.

The main active ingredient is identical to the Global gel, as is its concentration, but the other components are different. 1 tube is designed for a room of up to 75 m², the product is valid for up to six months.

Sold with a certificate of conformity.

Method of use

Apply with a dotted line on the substrate or in places where insects are located. The effect is noticeable after 2 days, complete destruction of the population in the treated area after a few weeks. To destroy the last generation of pests or wandering Prussians, repeat the treatment after a month.

Security measures. Keep away from people and animals, avoid contact with mucous membranes or inside the body. Use standard safety equipment (gloves, goggles).

How to use

First, you need to knead the tube with the gel in your hands until you feel that the Global paste against cockroaches has become soft inside. Then unscrew the cap and, if desired, screw on the nozzle with a thin spout. Now you can apply the paste.

There are several ways to use Global paste against cockroaches:

  • apply with a dotted line in insect habitats, the distance between the points will be up to 10 cm;
  • apply the paste on sheets of paper in the form of dots, place the paper in hard-to-reach places - on cabinets, under the bathroom, etc., the good thing about this method is that in this case children and pets will not get to the gel;
  • Due to the fairly thick texture of the gel, paper with it can also be placed on vertical surfaces using tape - behind the refrigerator, behind the TV, etc.

Precautionary measures

The low toxicity of the drug does not eliminate the need to use standard protective measures when working with it.

  • Keep Globol out of the reach of children and pets.
  • When processing the room, use rubber gloves.
  • If the gel gets on your skin, rinse the affected area with plenty of running water. If the drug gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, in addition to rinsing, use atropine-based drops once.

If Globol gets into the child's stomach, give the child a large amount of water with baking soda added, induce vomiting and immediately consult a doctor.

How to make cockroaches disappear forever?

In apartment buildings, getting rid of insects turns into a whole epic. After all, to effectively combat parasites, it is important that all neighbors simultaneously decide to exterminate all cockroaches. But often this is physically impossible - some are on vacation, some rarely appear in the apartment, and for others the proximity to cockroaches does not cause any inconvenience. In this case, you can try to secure only your apartment.

Apply Global cockroach repellent in places where insects are located - under the sink, under the bathtub, in crevices near the baseboard. Treat all cabinets and surfaces where insects can crawl. Place traps - sheets of paper with Global gel applied to them - in hard-to-reach places: under the refrigerator, under the bathroom, etc. Place such traps on vertical surfaces - behind the refrigerator, behind cabinets, etc.

After this, think through all the ways that insects can enter your apartment from neighbors and treat surfaces or place improvised traps there. Such places could be:

  • a common house riser in the bathroom or kitchen;
  • ventilation;
  • apartment threshold;
  • adjacent wall with neighbors.

In addition, you can treat the common staircase with Global gel.

To destroy an infestation of cockroaches in a private home, you will need two or more tubes of Global paste, depending on the size of the room. You need to treat the same surfaces as in the apartment, but, in addition, it is advisable to coat the cracks in the porch with gel and place traps in the attic and basement of the room. You can also treat the foundation; this will protect the house from some other insects, such as ants.

Don't give cockroaches a chance to come to the liberated area and breed again!


Globol schaben paste (Global) has helped me out more than once. As soon as cockroaches appear, I immediately apply it along the baseboards, and they disappear. True, when the supplies ran out and I tried to buy a new package, I ran into a fake. The gel is a completely different color and smells different. I suspect that it will have no effect. Now I'm looking for where to get the original one. Vladimir

I live in an old panel house, and cockroaches constantly pester me. We tried everything. Of course there is an effect. But after a while the invasion begins again. I accidentally came across reviews about Globol schaben paste and decided to try it. As a result, cockroaches disappeared from both me and my neighbors. Marina

It's a shame that it's so hard to find a real Global these days. This tool has helped me out more than once. Even when I lived in a dorm, there were practically no Prussians in my room thanks to him. I recommend it to everyone. Oksana

Not many drugs based on chlorpyrifos are produced. This insecticide has proven itself as a reliable remedy against all types of cockroaches: red, black and even American. It is relatively safe, therefore it is used not only for sanitary, but also for household disinfestation; approved for processing in children's and medical institutions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages of the drug “Global” for cockroaches include:

  • pleasant chocolate smell - after using the product there is no need to ventilate the room;
  • low level of toxicity - it is not dangerous for pets; in addition, the manufacturers made sure that the pet would not even have the desire to eat the paste - a special bitter substance was added to it;
  • economy - a small volume is enough to process fairly large areas;
  • does not lose its characteristics throughout the entire validity period;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • absence of many dead insects;
  • several possibilities for using the gel - pointwise and in the form of traps on sheets of paper;
  • high efficiency in destroying insect colonies;
  • commercial availability;
  • the main substance retains its effect for up to 60 days.

The only disadvantage of the product, according to user reviews, is that the high popularity of the Global gel leaves the possibility of purchasing a counterfeit product. To avoid this, it is better to order pasta from a trusted seller online or purchase it in specialized stores, where you can view the quality certificate.


Since counterfeits of this product are quite common, you need to know how to distinguish it from the original so as not to make a mistake and not waste your money. First of all, it must be said that when producing a tube, the manufacturer applies special quality marks to it that cannot be faked.

The company recommends not buying goods from dubious outlets, where there is always a risk of purchasing a counterfeit.

The best option is to purchase on the official website or a trusted resource that has positive reviews from those who have already had experience using the product. This way, you will insure yourself against purchasing low-quality poison, which means you won’t waste your money.

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