How to get rid of cockroaches in a hostel - on your own or with the administration

Cockroaches in dormitories are a very common occurrence, but their presence is by no means the norm. Compared to apartments and private houses, the situation can be many times aggravated by excessive crowding of people and a not particularly careful attitude to the everyday aspects of living together according to the principle “not yours, don’t mind.” Each hostel has regulations governing the rules of residence, which include sanitary rules for residents, but the extent to which they are followed depends on the specific institution. The worse the sanitary situation in the building and the more deplorable its condition, the greater the likelihood of cockroaches appearing.

How to get rid of cockroaches in a dorm depends on how you look at the issue.

  • If you belong to the administration of the hostel, then you need to call the SES and carry out treatment for cockroaches in the entire building.
  • If you live in a dormitory, you need to report the presence of cockroaches to the commandant and take some independent pest control measures in your room, which will be described below.

With the second option, there is a high probability that you will not be able to carry out professional insect control only in your room or block without the knowledge of the hostel administration, but you can try to coordinate it. In any case, when cockroaches appear, you must first inform the commandant or manager.

What to do if nothing changes?

If appeals to the commandant or the board do not bring results, in educational institutions you can contact the rector, in other dormitories - to the higher structure of the organization providing housing. When this does not help, you can file a complaint with the Ministry of Education (for student dormitories) or Rospotrebnadzor.

What are the features of fighting cockroaches from other premises?

If there are cockroaches in a hostel, then knowledge of the biological characteristics of the species will help in the fight against them:

  • the need for constant access to water. Cockroaches will leave the dorm if you fix leaking pipes, plumbing, and wipe the sink, cabinets, and showers dry.
  • The ability to detect food odors over a long distance. Parasites will leave the hostel if you carefully pack food after eating, remove all leftovers, and wipe down countertops.
  • Lack of regular cleaning and clutter. Pests will not multiply in a dormitory where all residents regularly wash dishes, throw out garbage every day, and clean with disinfectants.
  • Fear of low temperatures. In winter, it is possible to clear the hostel of cockroaches if you leave the windows open before leaving. This will allow you to “freeze out” the insects.

Cockroaches are rarely confined to one room, room, or floor of a dormitory. The population is dynamically growing and spreading. The large area of ​​infection affects the speed of solving the problem.

To achieve effective destruction of parasites, there must be coordinated actions among all residents of a floor, block, section or building.

Most popular questions

When residents do not know how to get rid of cockroaches in a dorm room, they can seek help from the SES or private companies that provide paid services for insecticidal treatment of the premises to eliminate pests.

Where to complain

Dormitories are most often occupied by students who do not always know where to complain about unsanitary conditions. To begin with, they can contact their supervisor with such a problem.

If this does not give any result, then they further complain to the persons responsible for the cleanliness and repair of a particular building. If this does not have an effect, then the next in line is the head of the university.

What to do to get the administration to take care of the problem

All verbal complaints, as a rule, go unheeded. It’s better to get everything in writing right away. This approach can force the administration to react faster.

You also need to ask those responsible for making decisions on disinfestation of the building/floor/room to notify the applicant of consent or refusal.

Removing cockroaches from a hostel is a labor-intensive process that requires effort and a disciplined approach from all residents.

But in the end, this will not only return the feeling of home comfort, but also protect against infectious diseases and chronic allergies caused by these insects.

How difficult is it to kill insects in a dorm room?

The problem with exterminating harmful insects in a dorm is that it is very difficult to reach an agreement with all neighbors and act in concert. Ideally, for the complete and effective destruction of cockroaches, it is necessary to carry out pest control throughout the entire hostel at the same time.

Treating just one room will not bring the desired result. Your time and energy will be wasted. The Prussians will still come from other blocks in search of new territories with food.

If agreement with other residents has not been achieved, it is still worth trying to organize a fight. Here a new difficulty arises - you will have to find on your own the largest possible number of existing and potential pest shelters. The process takes time and care.

How cockroaches move around dorms

On the territory of the hostel, all conditions for a comfortable living have been created for pests, thanks to which they can freely settle in any areas:

  • basement;
  • attic;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • rooms;
  • staircases.


Is it possible to get rid of or poison in the hostel better together with neighbors

When insects appear, there is a desire to immediately carry out local treatment - only your living space, but it is important to stop in time. This method will not bring results. There are cockroaches in the hostel all the time.

Even if you destroy pests at home, they will come again from your neighbors. For this reason, COMBINED PROCESSING IS RECOMMENDED.

Exclusive methods of extermination

One of the rather radical, little in demand, but really effective methods of pest control is freezing the premises. It is known that adults and their eggs die at temperatures of -5°C. It is necessary to create such conditions indoors. To do this, you need to leave the windows in the room open for a couple of days during the cold season.

Such freezing is almost never used in a hostel for obvious reasons:

  • The need for additional protective measures to preserve the heating and water supply systems.
  • Possibility of bullying only in winter.
  • Reluctance to turn the room into a refrigerator.

Despite these significant negative aspects, it should be noted that in this way you can actually destroy an entire colony of Prussians. However, in a hostel environment this is practically impossible, since pests simply move to another floor. It is impossible to freeze out all the rooms in the corresponding building in winter.

You can poison cockroaches in a hostel, the main thing is to choose a specific method or a combination of several methods.

An angry hostel tenant tells how to poison cockroaches with boric acid:

Rules for self-disinsection of a room

To obtain the desired result, all actions are performed sequentially. If you skip one of the stages, some insects may remain or the risk of poisoning animals and people will increase.

Read the instructions carefully

The most important step is to read the manufacturer’s recommendations on the use of the product that will be used during disinfestation. From the instructions you can find out how much of the drug is required, whether re-treatment is needed, and whether the insecticide kills the embryos inside the edema.

Handle only with personal protective equipment: gloves, respirator, safety glasses

To work with any drug, prepare rubber gloves. A respirator, glasses, and a hat will be needed if you plan to use an aerosol, concentrate (spray), or powder. In this case, the active components are released into the air, can enter the respiratory tract, and settle on the hair.

Prepare the premises, take away children and pets

Processing is carried out if the following conditions are met:

  • plants, an aquarium, pets - everyone is moved to a safe place (to neighbors, friends);
  • food is put in the refrigerator;
  • dishes, personal items (hygiene items) are hermetically packed in plastic bags;
  • the equipment is covered with film (especially the back walls);
  • There should also be no children at the site during disinfestation.

Bullying agents

Alone, learning about methods of how to deal with cockroaches in a dorm and applying them is almost useless. That is why it is very difficult to completely remove insects in such a place. It is advisable to immediately agree with neighbors on the floor or at least in adjacent rooms so that all pest control measures are carried out together. Everyone needs to poison insects on the same day - this will significantly increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

To bait pests, the following products are usually used, sold in specialized or hardware stores:

  • Emulsions
  • Concentrated suspensions
  • Sticky traps
  • Gels

The choice of drugs for “Prussians” is huge. Most products work like this: one insect becomes infected by contact, after which it spreads the active substance of the drug throughout the colony. As a result, all pests die within a few days. There are other methods of influencing insects - for example, using the drug "Dichlorvos" a high concentration of poison is created in the air, and the pests simply die. True, in a dormitory with many residents, it is hardly possible to use means of this type.

Important: It is recommended to carry out another insect repellent treatment after a certain period of time with the same preparations that were used. This way you can definitely remove cockroaches that have just been born and those that have survived.

The most effective means that can be purchased for bullying “Prussians” in a dorm are:

Gel Globol . This drug is of German origin and is very concentrated and strong. A drop of gel is enough to kill 50 pests. Therefore, it is quite possible to chip in with your neighbors and buy one tube of the drug for everyone. It needs to be applied to areas where insects most often live, and after 1-2 days, sweep away their corpses. The drug is harmless to humans and animals.

Get . This is a concentrated liquid insecticide that completely kills the entire colony of cockroaches. The capsules it contains slowly dissolve and manage to infect all individuals. Even six months after use, the drug remains active, but is harmless to people. One bottle is enough to irrigate 200 square meters. premises.

Solfisan . This concentrated emulsion attracts pests, while killing cockroaches and absolutely all insects in the room. The action lasts up to 3 months without risk to humans, and there is no danger even for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. The poison kills pests in just a few minutes.

Trap Kombat . The product helps get rid of insects in 14 days. Cockroaches do not develop immunity to its active substance, and the trap is completely safe even for children; it can be placed next to food and utensils. Traps just need to be placed around the room, and soon there will be no trace left of the “Prussians”.

Help: You don’t have to buy well-known and inexpensive crayons for killing cockroaches in a dorm - they work poorly, and many pests have already developed immunity to them.

You need to know this: 2 effective remedies for cockroaches!

Why is a pest bite dangerous?

The most common symptoms of a cockroach bite are:

  • Red bumps are one of the main symptoms. These red bumps are slightly larger than a mosquito bite and have a scab-like appearance. You should not scratch them as this can cause severe inflammation.
  • The bites also cause redness and a rash.
  • In addition to swelling and rashes, over time a group of edema appears at the site of the bite.

The most common places where cockroaches bite are nails, eyelashes, feet and hands.

Researchers have found that cockroaches bite 50 times harder than their body weight! This allows these pesky insects to chew on hard materials like wood and leave nasty marks on your skin.

Cockroaches will eat anything. If they don't have enough food or if there is a large infestation of cockroaches in the house, they may bite a person.

Cockroaches are attracted to various foods in your home, especially those that are decomposing. Roaches are attracted to the chemicals released from flour and sugar, so one of the first steps to prevent bites from American or German cockroaches is to keep work surfaces free of food waste and trash cans tightly covered.

It may be difficult to distinguish cockroach bites from other insect bites. Most species of cockroaches are more active at night, so in the morning you may only notice bite marks on your arms, legs, or other parts of the body. The inflammation is usually caused by an allergic reaction to the bite. If germs or bacteria get into the wound, infection may occur.

Scientists have discovered a number of health hazards associated with cockroach bites. One of the most serious complications of a cockroach bite is a wound infection. Cockroaches carry many strains of harmful bacteria, including the Staphylcccusaureus strain. More than 170 different strains of bacteria have been found in Prussians. Some other types of microbes found in cockroaches were Escherichia cli (E.cli), Salmnella typhi and Shigella dysenteriae.

Manifestation of an allergic reaction

The appearance of pests often causes allergies in humans. There are several ways cockroaches can enter the human body, the most common being the following three types:

  • ingestion of insects with food;
  • inhalation – allergy to cockroaches;
  • contact – when pests are found in household items.

Allergic reactions to cockroaches

Attacks of suffocation in cases of identified allergies are observed during the accumulation of cockroaches, at which time it is necessary to urgently get rid of them. To prevent the development of an allergic reaction to insects, the following rules must be observed:

  • plumbing must be in good condition;
  • do not allow dirty dishes to accumulate on tables and in the sink;
  • There should be no garbage anywhere, as this is the main source for cockroaches. There will be a lot of living creatures there;
  • Garbage containers must be tightly closed, this also applies to garbage disposal containers.

Avoid accumulation of dirty dishes

By following the tips listed above, cockroaches will not appear, allergies, and other troubles from the penetration of insects in the house and hostel will not occur. Soon they will leave the clean home.


How dangerous are cockroaches and how to quickly get rid of cockroaches


In a hostel you can not only poison insects, but also influence them in other ways. There are resonant repellers on sale - small devices that affect the nervous system of cockroaches. They emit magnetic impulses, which are very unpleasant for the Prussian’s body.

Cockroaches do not die from the repeller, but their living conditions indoors will become unbearable. For a person, the effect of the device will be unnoticeable; it also does not affect devices or equipment; it has no shelf life restrictions. The price of the devices can be quite high (from 600 rubles), but they last for a very long time.

Ozone also has a negative effect on cockroaches, so you can purchase an ozonizer against them. One purchased device will be enough to repel cockroaches from all neighbors. It is necessary to ozonate all rooms where insects were noticed, for about 30 minutes once a day for a week.

Folk remedies

People have a number of recipes that get rid of cockroaches forever. If pesticides kill them, then boric acid - a simple but effective remedy - causes terrible itching and pain throughout the body. Even if the insect survives, which sometimes happens, it will definitely leave and never return to the room.

There are several options for using boric acid:

  • Buy boric acid powder at the pharmacy, sprinkle it on sinks, toilets, next to the sink, in general, all places near water. You should also sprinkle the trash can and baseboards. Typically, no more than 50-60 g of acid is needed to sprinkle a room. Unfortunately, some pests will move to neighbors in search of water and survive.
  • Take boric acid powder and combine it with a raw egg. Knead the “dough” and form it into 1 cm balls. Dry them and place them wherever pests live. It is advisable to do the procedure in the evening, because cockroaches mostly walk around the room at night. Even if the insect touches the ball with its antennae, it will be doomed and, moreover, will begin to infect others. In a week or less you will have to sweep away a lot of insect corpses.
  • The acid powder should be combined not with the yolk, but with boiled potatoes, and for a brighter aroma, add a little beer. Next you need to proceed in the same way as described above.

For other folk remedies for cockroaches, see here, in the article 17 options and other useful tips.

Can “mustaches” be etched?

In fact, getting rid of cockroaches is a complex procedure. Many people prefer to live with insects rather than breed them. Many climatic zones of Russia serve as a real paradise for pests; it is quite difficult for residents to get rid of annoying insects. In this case, it is inappropriate to give up.

The bathroom should be dry to prevent cockroaches from infesting

The bathroom and kitchen should be very dry. Cabinets and household appliances must be clean. Trash cans and woodpiles should be removed near the house. After all, from these places to the house lies the shortest road.

It is recommended to provide a dehumidifier for your home and apartment, after which the room will become drier, thereby less attractive to cockroaches.

The windows should be covered with mosquito nets and the front door should be kept open as little as possible. All of the above measures will help prevent insects from entering your home. It will take eight weeks to completely get rid of cockroaches.

If the pests have appeared recently, two weeks will be enough for destruction; the main thing is to use good pest control products. Insects are very afraid of toxic substances, so they should be placed in places where cockroaches often visit.

Getting rid of cockroaches with toxic substances

Professional processing

If there are no results from the methods described above, in agreement with the management of the hostel, you need to invite a team of specialists from the SES. They will perform pest control against cockroaches using professional products. Since all drugs act for a long time, there is no need to be afraid that the “Prussians” will return in the next few months. They usually charge 500 rubles or more for a room, which is a small amount considering the peace of mind and the absence of pests nearby.

To prevent cockroaches from returning, you must always keep your room clean, be it a dorm, your own house or apartment. Pests easily live without food, but die without water, and the absence of even a drop from the tap or on the table is a sure way to prevent infection of the room.

Manifestation of an allergic reaction

Prussians can cause stomach and intestinal infections, allergies and itching.

A very common skin reaction to a sting is an allergic reaction. A cockroach bite can cause inflammation, itching, redness and swelling of the skin.

Cockroaches have been found to be one of the most common sources of allergens worldwide. In addition to causing allergic reactions in many people, cockroaches can also cause asthma and allergic rhinitis.

Food contaminated with bacteria can cause illness, nausea and diarrhea.

Several studies have identified cockroaches as a potential source of food poisoning. Cockroach-infested foods can cause Helicbacter pylri infection. This strain of bacteria causes abdominal cramps and stomach ulcers. Outbreaks of salmonella poisoning have also been linked to cockroach infestations.

Rules for holding sanitary days in the hostel

The management monitors the condition of the premises and the entire facility. Rules for sanitizing premises:

  • wet cleaning is carried out every day;
  • common areas are cleaned by specially trained personnel, and those bathrooms that are provided for personal use (adjacent to rooms) are entrusted to residents, as is the cleaning of residential premises;
  • the inspector assesses the condition of the rooms, kitchen, bathrooms, and takes action if the rules are violated.

How to maintain the effect after killing cockroaches

It’s not enough to just get rid of harmful guests; you will need to carry out regular household activities to eliminate the possible appearance of unpleasant “guests” again. It is worth following a few simple rules:

  1. Don't collect trash . The accumulation of waste attracts living creatures. It is an excellent source of food for insects.
  2. Cut off unrestricted access to water and food . This includes regular washing of dishes (food particles remain on the plates) and wiping the sink and bathroom dry after intended use (Prussians have the ability to find even small drops of water).
  3. Maintain cleanliness in the kitchen, hallway and bathroom . These rooms should be practically sterile. Dirt in common areas is an ideal breeding ground for insects.
  4. Clean your room regularly . All areas must be kept clean at all times. If many people live in a room, there is a very high probability of contamination of not only the furniture, but also the floor.
  5. All boxes must be tightly closed . Cockroaches are capable of making nests everywhere. Any container, especially one rarely used, is a potential home for pests.
  6. Clean the sewer regularly and close the drain . All drain holes must be closed with a stopper or grates with small mesh installed.
  7. Replace door seals, remove gaps and cracks . All leaks are completely sealed, which blocks the path for “uninvited guests.” This way, cockroaches will not get inside the room from neighboring blocks.
  8. Prevention . If the above conditions are met, chemical treatment should be carried out once every six months. This action will consolidate the result of the fight against insects.

Cockroaches can become a serious problem. Having chosen one room, under favorable conditions, they rapidly multiply and occupy nearby territories. It is very difficult to get rid of these insects in a hostel (not every resident is ready to keep things clean). But trying to protect your room from “guests” through thorough cleaning and preventive measures is quite possible.

Places suitable for pests to live and live in

Pests love rooms where there is moisture and warmth. It is not uncommon to see cockroaches in dorms. At night, like bedbugs, they look for food; during daylight hours, insects are away from the human eye; they are afraid of people. Basically, all cockroaches prefer to be in a colony. There are several common pest habitats to consider:

  • The kitchen is considered the main place where insects lead their lifestyle. In this place there is enough food for them in the form of crumbs, papers, garbage, plastic, soap. There are cockroaches behind the sink, refrigerator or stove. If you move cabinets, trash containers, shelves or baseboards, annoying parasites will run out. Habitats of cockroaches
  • Cockroaches also gather in the bathroom. Thanks to water, insects live their lives well. Water is their main source; cockroaches live for a month without food, and it’s hard to live even 2 weeks without drinking. A crowd of insects gathers near the bathtub, behind the sink and toilet. An excellent place is the washing machine and ventilation shafts.
  • In some cases, the living room and bedroom serve as an excellent home; if there are food residues there, it will be a real paradise for pests. We urgently need to purchase strong remedies.

The cockroaches leave behind small black dots and dried skins; these remains show how the insects walked. Lost chitin affects food, dishes, washing wallpaper and furniture. Pest infestation may cause an unpleasant odor in a room or dorm. If cockroaches appear in an apartment or house, you must begin to destroy them and urgently poison them. Insect reproduction occurs instantly.


Elena, 21 years old, Krasnodar We were treated for cockroaches in our dorm only once while I lived there. Then cockroaches suddenly began to appear from everywhere, and before my neighbors and I even had time to complain, we arrived from the SES.

Oleg, 30 years old, Perm Our dorm kitchen is old, but the men and I work together to keep it clean. There are no insects here yet, but this was not always the case: after a severe infestation of all the rooms, people in white suits came and poisoned everything. It took us a long time to find dead cockroaches in the corners.

Olga, Orenburg We suffered in the dorm for 3 years with this garbage, but the problem is that one half of our building was a dorm for students, and the second for workers, and from there shelves of cockroaches were breaking into us. They saved themselves with boric acid balls, sticky houses, drew with different pencils, in short, everything. They couldn’t get rid of them forever, it helped temporarily, but this is understandable, there was a beneficial environment for them there. Now I live in a rented apartment and “as soon as I remember, I’ll shudder.”

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