Insectoacaricide BI-58: a powerful drug against pests, application and reviews

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Published: 07/14/2020


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The main enemy of vegetables, fruits and berries is pests. Dozens of species of insects and arachnids cause irreparable damage to the crop: they gnaw young greenery, buds, flowers, eat away the bark of trees, gnaw roots, and spoil fruits. They carry dangerous fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

Suffering from pest infestations, gardeners are looking for a product that will kill most insects, and at the same time mites, in one fell swoop. Summer residents discuss the effectiveness of drugs with neighbors in the area or on forums of like-minded people. And it is often called the only salvation of BI-58.

Experts at Modern Estate are alarmed by the popularity of a truly effective insectoacaricide among owners of private household plots. There are several reasons for this. For those who are already using one of the BASF BI-58 series products or are just looking at them, asking the price of the drug, the information from the article will save you from danger.

  • 1 Description and characteristics
  • 2 Compatibility
  • 3 Solution
  • 4 Safety and risks
  • 5 Storage conditions
  • 6 Analogs
  • 7 Methods of application for different crops
  • 8 Important information
  • 9 Reviews


  • Purpose
  • Composition and dosage form
  • Mechanism of action
  • Regulations for the use of “BI-58, CE”
  • Compatibility
  • Analogues of “BI-25, NEW/TOP, EC”, preparations containing dimethoate
  • Safety
  • Advantages and disadvantages of use

"BI-58, KE" - insectoacaricide. Currently represented by two modifications: “BI-58, NEW, KE” and “BI-25, TOP, KE”. PV material purpose, composition, mechanism of action, regulations for use, dosage, safety, compatibility, etc.

Storage conditions

The safety data sheet contains the following criteria for storing the drug:

  • temperature limits - from minus 10 to plus 25 degrees;
  • shelf life in warehouses is 24 months;
  • the protective abilities of the drug are not guaranteed when heated or exposed to direct sunlight;
  • the properties of the insectoacaricide are lost when the permissible storage period is exceeded.

The manufacturer warns that the drug should be stored:

  • where accidental access by children and animals is excluded;
  • within the specified temperature limits;
  • in a ventilated area;
  • in warehouses equipped with a grounding system.

Used containers are disposed of in accordance with hazardous waste requirements.


The preparations of the BI-58, KE series are developed and produced by the BASF concern, a world leader in the chemical industry. Used mainly in agriculture.

Has a wide spectrum of action to protect fruits, vegetables and ornamental crops from most insect pests:

  • leaf rollers;
  • gall midges;
  • aphids;
  • mites (spider mites, kidney mites);
  • bedbugs;
  • leafhoppers;
  • scale insects and false scale insects;
  • codling moth and leaf-eating caterpillars;
  • stem flies;
  • thrips and many others etc.

Methods of application for different crops

Agricultural enterprises use the insecticide “BI-58” to protect hectares of cereal or fruit and berry plantings. Therefore, the regulations indicate doses in liters (l/g):

CultureNorm (l) consumption per 1 haTime of processing
Cereals100-2001 - according to germination, 2 - vegetation
Apple trees600-8001 - before flowering, 2 - after
PlumUp to 1200After flowering
Grape500-10001 - before flowering, 2 - after
Raspberries, gooseberries, currants600-1200Before flowering

There is no information in the regulations for cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, garden strawberries, roses, and ornamental shrubs. But since in the gardens of private owners these crops more often than others require protection, summer residents use a drug that is not recommended for private household plots at their own peril and risk.

Composition and dosage form

Active ingredient: dimethoate , dosage 400 g/l, chemical class: organophosphorus compounds (OP). Preparative form – emulsion concentrate (EC).

Examples of manufactured drugs “BI-58 NEW, CE”

What are the benefits of the pesticide?

The drug BI-58 for plants appeared on the market a long time ago, and thanks to its versatility, it quickly gained popularity and established itself as a reliable and safe insecticide for humans. It compares favorably with a number of other drugs, the action of which is also directed against parasites.

Insectoacaricide BI-58 has the following advantages:

  1. Effective against a wide range of pests. So, it quickly copes with spider mites, aphids, thrips, leafhoppers and bedbugs.
  2. Compatible with fertilizers and fungicides. The exception is alkaline products.
  3. Can be used at different temperatures.
  4. Not phytotoxic.
  5. The result after treatment occurs almost instantly.
  6. Creates long-lasting and reliable protection against several types of ticks and other insects.
  7. Profitable price. The drug BI-58 costs much less than similar insecticides.
  8. Possibility of processing throughout the entire growing season. However, one rule must be followed: stop spraying 3-4 weeks before harvest.
  9. Consumption rates can be selected and varied.

True, the BI-58 product has some disadvantages. Among them it is worth highlighting the following:

  • The presence of a pungent, strong odor.
  • If the dosage is not observed, there is a risk of causing damage to the plant. Manufacturers classify BI-58 as hazard class 3. However, experienced gardeners claim that the product most likely belongs to class 2. It is highly undesirable to use the drug indoors in increased dosage. Therefore, when treating indoor crops, it is better to choose a more gentle product.
  • The insecticide is dangerous for bees. It also has a negative effect on fish. Therefore, it is prohibited to use it near water bodies. But for warm-blooded animals the substance is slightly toxic. When the product gets on human skin, it slightly damages it. But the mucous membranes are extremely sensitive to dimethoad. So, when working, it would be a good idea to use additional protective equipment and use the BI-58 very carefully.

Mechanism of action

Insectoacaricides of the “BI-58, KE” series have a systemic effect - they are absorbed by plant parts and then acropetally distributed throughout the entire plant. Dimethoate penetrates plants through the root system and above-ground organs, and spreads through plant tissues by ascending and descending currents.

The method of entry into the insect’s body is contact-intestinal.

a) Intestinal action : sucking insects die due to feeding on plant sap. Thanks to the high systemicity and uniform redistribution of the active substance within the plant, protection is provided from harmful insects, including on newly growing parts of the plant.

b) Contact action : the drug has a pronounced contact effect on insect pests located on the surface of the plant at the time of treatment and actively acts through the integument of the insect.

Like other organophosphorus insecticides, dimethoate affects cholinesterase, an enzyme that transmits nerve impulses. Cholinesterase binds, as a result it loses its activity and cannot cause hydrolysis of acetylcholine. If cholinesterase is blocked by a pesticide, then free acetylcholine accumulates in the synaltic cleft, the normal passage of nerve impulses is disrupted, and tremor (convulsive muscle activity) occurs, which turns into paralysis.

Important information

In an effort to save strawberries or grapes, tomatoes or fruit trees from pests, gardeners in the spring buy the BI-58 insecticide after reading the description and admiring reviews of summer residents. But they don’t pay attention to the details: lack of certificates from sellers, expired registration periods, packaging volume. This is what dishonest manufacturers of counterfeits are counting on.

The editors of the site once again urge readers: before spraying plants with a potent product, check the manufacturer’s official information:

  1. The registration period for “BI-58” marked “New” on the territory of the Russian Federation ended on July 16, 2019 (see screenshot of the document - important conditions are marked with red dots).

But this option is still more often sold in specialized stores. Remember that the shelf life of “New” is only 2 years. That is, even an insecticide released in the last year of registration in 2022 may have a maximum expiration date on its packaging of 2022.

  1. Currently, a product labeled “Top” is approved for production and sale.

  1. The "Declaration of Conformity" specifies the packaging - a 5-liter polymer canister.

BASF did not produce any ampoules of 5 or 10 ml. That is why the regulations specify hectares and liters. Any other packaging is counterfeit.

  1. Even if we assume that some company bottles real insecticide into ampoules, it is important to remember that after opening the original packaging, this drug quickly loses its effectiveness in the air.

It is possible that under the big name of a German company, someone is packaging a high-quality chemical product in ampoules for private owners. But the risk of poisoning strawberry beds or eating an apple after being treated with a product of unknown origin is much higher. If you doubt the quality, the best option is to replace it with an analogue one. The video contains a report from a summer resident who found himself in a similar situation.

Regulations for the use of “BI-58, CE”

Treatment is carried out by spraying during the growing season.

The timing, dosage, cost rates and frequency of treatments for various crops in agricultural production are summarized in the table. Before calculating the dosage for use on private farms, the dosage is approximately calculated from the following ratio: 1l/ha = 10ml/10l. water.

CulturePestDosageConsumption rate
GrapeGrape leaf mite, leaf rollers, scale insects1.2-2.8 l/ha6-10 l./ 100m2
Apple tree, pear treeBeetles, mites, leaf rollers, false scale insects, copperhead, fruit moth, codling moth, aphids, scale insects, apple flower beetle0.8-1.9 l/ha2-4 l./ 100m2
PotatoAphids, leafminer, potato moth1.5-2 l/ha2-4 l./ 100m2
Flax, alfalfaCodling moths, thrips, armyworm, mites, bugs, leafhoppers0.5-0.9 l/ha2-4 l./ 100m2
RaspberriesGall midges, mites, aphids, leafhoppers0.6-1.1 l/ha6-12 l./ 100m3
Wheat, oats, ryeCereal flies, pest bug, leopard, aphids, thrips1-1.2 l/ha2-4 l./ 100m2
Sugar beetFleas, mites, bedbugs, aphids, leafminer moths, leafminers, leafhoppers0.5-1 l/ha2-4 l./ 100m2
CurrantGall midges, leaf rollers, aphids1.2-1.5 l/ha2-4 l./ 100m2

Regulations for the use of insectoacaricide "BI-58 NEW, KE"

The validity period of the drugs in the “BI-58, CE” series is 10–15 days.

Number of treatments – 2 times.


Correctly prepare the drug BI-58 for use according to the following scheme:

  1. Considering that time is limited, first pour water into the spray tank to ¾ of the volume. At the same stage, additional water-soluble components of the mixture (fungicides, insecticides) are introduced.
  2. Based on the dosage indicated in the instructions, the measured amount of the chemical is dissolved in 1 liter of water.
  3. The mother liquor is poured into the main volume, not forgetting to stir the mass of water all the time.

Processing begins immediately.

Analogues of “BI-25, NEW/TOP, EC”, preparations containing dimethoate

a) Preparations containing dimethoate“Alpha-Director, KE”, “Binadin, KE”, “Bishka, KE”, “Danadim Expert, KE”, “Danadim, KE”, “Di-68, KE”, “Dimetron, KE”, “Dimetus, KE", "Dimefos, KE", "Dishance, KE", "Evrodim, KE", "Rangoli-Duncan, KE", "Rogor-S, KE", "Sirocco, KE", "Tagore, KE", " Tod, KE", "Fostran, KE"
b) Mixed preparations containing, including dimethoate"Danadim Power, KE", "Kinfos, KE", "Tibor, KE"

Read more: Summary table of used INSECTICIDES (by class and active substance)

Precautions when working with the drug

  • When working with such poisons, you need to be careful and use protective equipment: a respirator, goggles, rubber gloves.
  • After treatment, wash and change clothes.
  • The remaining solution must be disposed of.
  • The drug is poisonous to bees, animals and fish, so you should not pour the remaining solution into water, or spray it during the flowering period of plants.
  • The emulsion should be stored out of the reach of children and animals. Keep them away from the drug solution.
  • Parts of treated plants can be consumed only a month after spraying.
  • If you have symptoms of poisoning (nausea, dizziness, drowsiness), you should immediately call a medical team.

Advantages and disadvantages of use

Among the advantages of using "Bi-58" it should be noted:

  1. Unique ratio - moderate toxicity for warm-blooded animals and strong contact and systemic insecticidal effect for insects
  2. Protective effect against all groups of insects, including plant mites
  3. No odor, almost no fumigant properties due to low volatility
  4. The drug has both contact and systemic activity
  5. Good compatibility with other pesticides
  6. No phytotoxicity, does not inhibit the plant
  7. Can be used over a wide temperature range

Disadvantages to consider:

  1. The high level of danger of the pesticide for bees requires the adoption of appropriate protective measures.
  2. Systematic use of BI-58, as well as other drugs based on dimethoate, causes acquired group resistance in insect pests.


The manufacturer notes that the product is mixed with fungicides without loss of effectiveness if crops require not only protection from pests, but also a cure for infection.

Compatible drugs:

  • Topaz;
  • Home;
  • Raek;
  • Speed;
  • Horus;
  • Abiga Peak;
  • Strobe.

Ideal compatibility with insecticides of the pyrethroid group, which include:

  • Decis;
  • Fastak.

Do not mix with alkaline preparations.

The world's first supersonic bomber - the B-58

The B-58 Hustler is the world's first long-range bomber capable of flying at supersonic speeds. Was in service with the US Air Force in the 1960s. At the time of its creation, the maximum speed of the bomber (M=2) corresponded to the speed of the fastest fighters of its period. At the same time, due to a number of existing shortcomings, its operation was relatively short-lived, but the bomber was still able to occupy a prominent place in the history of world bomber aviation. From 1956 to 1962, 116 aircraft of this type were produced in the United States. In March 1949, the Air Force Aeronautical Research and Development Group (ARDC) issued requirements for the development of a supersonic long-range bomber. The design of the new aircraft was undertaken by two well-known companies: Boeing and Convair, which are the main manufacturers of aircraft for the needs of the American Air Force. The task at hand turned out to be quite difficult. Only by 1951 did the companies manage to complete the development of their technical projects. On February 1, 1952, the customer sent the company a collection of updated performance characteristics required for a new long-range supersonic bomber. Based on the requirements of the documentation, it was necessary to develop and build a bomber capable of flying in any weather conditions at low and high altitudes at speeds that would exceed the speed of sound. The aircraft's flight range was determined to be 4 thousand nautical miles, and the bomb load was 5 tons. In addition, the new bomber was supposed to be a multi-purpose vehicle. The creation of the first aircraft took no more than 5 years.

Taking these wishes into account, the engineers of the two companies finalized their projects XB-58 and XB-59 and submitted them to the competition. A comparison of the two presented aircraft was carried out at the Air Force Research Center. As a result of the comparison, the Convair aircraft won. On December 10, 1952, this aircraft received its official designation B-58; in the same year, Convair managed to receive an order for the production of 18 of these aircraft.

The B-58 bomber was designed according to the “tailless” design and had a mid-mounted delta wing with large sweep angles. The shape of the aircraft fuselage was chosen taking into account the area rule. About 15% of the plane's surface was covered with stainless steel skin, which did a very good job of preventing the bomber from heating up. Under the plane of each wing, 2 J57-P-15 engines were suspended on one pylon. However, this power plant layout did not last long. It was soon determined that due to the danger of overheating of the lower surface of the wing where the internal engines were installed, there was a real danger of fuel fire in the aircraft's wing tanks. Quite quickly the decision was made to install turbojet engines on individual pylons. The B-58 used rather unusual main landing gear, which had 4 pairs of wheels on each landing gear. The height of the landing gear was several meters, which was due to the bomber having a fairly large landing angle, as well as the requirement to ensure a free suspension of weapons, since the aircraft did not have its own bomb bay.

The crew of the B-58 long-range bomber consisted of 3 people - a pilot, a navigator-bombardier, and a radio operator-defensive systems operator. Initially they were placed in separate cabins equipped with ejection seats, but later they were placed in a single pressurized compartment. Each of the three workplaces had an individual opaque hatch that opened hydraulically. The operator's and navigator's compartments each had 2 small rectangular windows in the sides, which were made to prevent the crew from experiencing claustrophobia. However, according to the pilots themselves, they simply did not have time for such nonsense, as well as for rest, during the flight: the bomber’s equipment required constant attention from the crew.

The B-58 was the first production supersonic bomber in aviation history and therefore contained a large number of innovations. Its creation was an attempt to reverse the established trend in those years, which led to an increase in the mass of aircraft to perform the required tasks. The relatively small size of the bomber made it quite inconspicuous - its ESR - effective dispersion surface (the most significant parameter when detecting an aircraft by radar) ranged from 1/10 to 1/30 of the ESR of the B-52 bomber, depending on the angle in space.

The design of the bomber was very complex and novel. The body and wing were a single unit: the fuselage frames smoothly merged into the wing spars. During a long flight at supersonic speed, in addition to high-speed air pressure, the aircraft is subject to acoustic and thermal loads. In order to ensure acceptable rigidity and structural strength, the wing was made with no less than 33 spars. At the same time, the step between the elements of this peculiar “skeleton” was only 280-330 mm. The leading edge of the wing had a 60-degree sweep. It was well proven on previous Convair aircraft.

In fact, the Hustler's wing was an F-102 interceptor wing that was proportionally enlarged. At the same time, due to the relatively small thickness of the wing profile, the fastening of engine pylons, the layout of power elements and landing gear posed a serious problem. At the same time, the bomber wing did not have takeoff and landing mechanization. To increase stability and slightly improve its performance at high angles of attack, which were typical for all tailless aircraft during landing, the leading edge of the wing was made with a twist.

About 80% of the entire aircraft skin was made up of laminated laminated panels made of 2 sheets of duralumin, having a thickness of 0.25 to 1 mm, which had a layer of cellular filler. In places that were most susceptible to heating, the “honeycombs” were made of duralumin, and in other places - from fiberglass, which also had a high thermal insulation coefficient. The panels were assembled using rubber-phenolic and epoxy-phenolic glue, and very expensive new technologies were used to form them. The B-58 Hustler bomber had a very frequent and powerful power set, which was similar to that of a ship. The skin was attached to the “skeleton” of the aircraft using titanium and steel rivets, which ensured the rigidity and smoothness of the external surfaces required for supersonic flights. It is worth noting that the large amount of work done by the designers bore fruit; the Hustler airframe turned out to be record-breaking (even today) light with a high level of rigidity.

The B-58 bomber was almost always used with an external sling under the fuselage. In this case, the aircraft could use: MC-1C - a guided missile equipped with an inertial guidance system and a liquid engine. The missile could be equipped with either a warhead with a charge of conventional explosives or a nuclear warhead. The launch range of the MC-1C missile directly depended on the flight altitude (it should have been from 10,668 to 18,288 meters at the moment the missile lifted off from the aircraft) and ranged from 16 to 257 km. To launch such missiles, the crew had to lift the bomber to a high altitude, where it became a good target for enemy air defense systems. MB-1C - a free-fall bomb or ballast to improve the flight characteristics of the aircraft. Typically used during the early years of the B-58's service.

The aircraft could also use TCP - “two-component container”. One of its parts was filled with fuel, and the other contained a Mk53 bomb. There were 2 types of these containers: BLU2/B1 and BLU2/B2, which differed in size and weight. In addition, the aircraft could be a carrier of 4 Mk43 nuclear bombs belonging to the megaton class. The Hustler could also carry a container with reconnaissance equipment - MC-1. To protect the rear hemisphere of the aircraft, a 6-barrel 20 M61 Vulcan cannon with remote control was mounted on it in the rear fuselage. In addition, the bomber was equipped with electronic countermeasures against enemy guided weapons. All functions for controlling defensive weapons systems were performed by the radio operator.

Due to the complexities of operating a bomber, very high demands were placed on pilots, as well as ground personnel. Combat pilots were selected only on the personal recommendation of the wing commander and were required to have at least 1,000 hours of flight time in jet aircraft. Moreover, half of the flying hours had to be spent flying as a crew commander of multi-engine jet aircraft. In addition, due to the lack of free space in the cockpit, the pilots also had to meet weight and height requirements. Ground personnel for servicing the B-58 Hustler were also selected only from among very high-class specialists.

A total of 116 B-58 aircraft were manufactured during production, which were used in combat units until the end of 1969. It is worth noting that the pilots did not particularly like these planes. During operation, 26 vehicles were lost for various reasons (22.4% of all produced), which is a fairly large loss rate for peacetime. One of the bombers crashed in 1961 during a demonstration flight at the Paris Air Show. Despite the fact that during its operation work was constantly carried out to modernize equipment and systems, the vehicle quickly became outdated and, in the end, was withdrawn from service by the US Air Force and put into storage.

B-58 performance characteristics:

Dimensions: wingspan – 17.32 m, length – 29.5 m, height – 9.57 m. Wing area – 143.3 sq. m. The normal take-off weight of the aircraft is 68,000 kg, the maximum take-off weight is 80,235 kg. Power plant - four General Electric J79-GE-5 turbofans, unforced thrust - 4x4536 kgf, afterburner - 4x7076 kgf. The maximum speed at altitude is 2126 km/h, at the ground – 980 km/h. Practical flight range (without refueling) is 7160 km, with a full combat load - 5000 km. Service ceiling – 19,300 m. Crew – 3 people. Armament: one 20-mm six-barreled M61 Vulcan cannon (1200 rounds), combat load - up to 7700 kg.

Sources of information: - - -https://ru-aviation. -

Application area

The systemic drug was developed to combat insects in large and small agricultural farms. The chemical shows good results against both adult forms and larvae. “BI-58” is effective against the following pests:

Insectoacaricide helps to cope with parasites in greenhouses, greenhouses and indoor plants. A high concentration of the working solution often leads to burns on flowers and decorative species. To avoid problems, you need to strictly follow the dosage of the poison.

Special instructions and precautions

"Bi-58" refers to drugs with hazard class 3 for humans, that is, low toxic. The product is highly toxic for bees and has an insect hazard class of 1. Due to the high toxicity of the drug, it cannot be used on flowering trees and in gardens near which there are apiaries. Also, this powerful drug is toxic to fish, so it cannot be used in areas with plants located near water bodies and fishing enterprises.

When working with the Bi-58 preparation, you must wear protective clothing, you need to wear long sleeves, gloves on your hands, a respirator and goggles on your face to protect your nose and eyes from splashes of the solution, which can cause irritation and poisoning. .

After finishing work on spraying “Bi-58” you need to wash your face and hands with warm water and soap. If the solution suddenly gets on your skin or eyes, you should immediately rinse them with plenty of water. If the insecticide gets inside, you need to rinse your stomach: drink activated carbon tablets, wash them down with 1 liter of water and after 15 minutes induce vomiting. If after self-treatment the symptoms of poisoning do not disappear, then you need to consult a doctor.

Interaction with other tools

"Bi-58" mixes well with fungicides, especially pyrethroids, in tank mixtures. Can be mixed with fertilizers for foliar feeding. The exception is products with an alkaline reaction. The combined use of Bi-58 and fungicides reduces the dosage and consumption of both drugs, without reducing the effectiveness. This makes their use economically profitable. It is recommended to mix the insecticide with the drug "Fastak" if treatment is necessary with a large number of pests.

See also

Instructions for use of Tabazol and consumption rates of tobacco dust ashRead

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