Do mosquito bracelets help? TOP 5 best bracelets

Mosquitoes create unbearable discomfort. Especially in the warm season, when the active phase of their life begins. At the same time, they are not only unpleasant, causing a lot of discomfort with their bites and buzzing, but also downright dangerous. Insects can carry diseases - from tularemia to malaria, meningitis. They also provoke allergic reactions.

Get rid of mosquitoes in your country house
Get rid of mosquitoes in your country house

Hit from the USA. A guaranteed way to destroy all mosquitoes on the site.

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There are several methods to get rid of uninvited guests. The specific approach to solving the issue depends on what the goals are.

  • If it is necessary to secure the entire territory of a summer cottage, special powerful traps with a large range of action will be required. Chemicals can also be used to spray the area and various repellers.
  • If we are talking about getting rid of mosquitoes at home, you will need compact traps or special fumigators.

When it comes to ensuring personal safety, repellents are used. Special odor-based chemicals that repel mosquitoes. They are produced in several forms. The most popular are sprays and creams, gels. But there are other options. For example, mosquito repellent bracelets.

Features of straps

Bracelets are made from different materials. Textile and silicone are especially popular, but their effectiveness does not depend on the structure of the product or design.

It is important to use the product correctly, and for this you must first read the instructions. It is best to store the strap, as recommended by the manufacturer, in a special convenient container.

Bracelets for children and adults differ in length and size. For the latter, they are wider, which is completely natural. The color and design can be chosen to suit your taste.


Despite the huge selection of bracelets against midges, mosquitoes and other annoying insects, they are divided into two groups:

  • disposable (valid only for a certain period);
  • reusable (can serve for a long time by changing the cartridge). Children's bracelets against mosquitoes and midges are very bright and fashionable

Of course, it is better to purchase a rather expensive (from 300 rubles) bracelet in which you can change cartridges. Disposable ones have to be changed periodically, which is also quite expensive.

BugsLock mosquito repellent bracelet

The best mosquito repellent bracelets for children

When choosing a mosquito repellent bracelet, be sure to pay attention to the instructions. It will certainly indicate at what age you can wear such a useful addition to clothing. If it is not recommended to use a product to protect babies, then do not use it under any circumstances.

Products from such manufacturers receive the best reviews online:

  1. Gardex;
  2. bugslock;
  3. Bugstop;
  4. "Farewell squeak";
  5. Camping Protect;
  6. Mothercare.

What are the advantages of straps?

Let's consider the positive properties of anti-mosquito bracelets.

  • They are safe. The silicone from which the accessory is made is hypoallergenic. If the strap is fabric, then the material will be natural. The bracelets are soaked in oil, which is also a natural product that cannot harm a person (with the exception of allergies).
  • They are easy to use. Simply put the bracelet on your hand and fasten it with Velcro or a button. It is better not to cut off the excess, since there is impregnation there.
  • They are durable. Provided proper storage and use, such a protective agent will be enough for the entire season of activity of blood-sucking insects.
  • They are comfortable. A person simply puts on the strap and calmly goes about his business without feeling any discomfort. Now you can easily go with your family and friends for a picnic in a forest plantation, for a walk with the dog in the park, or for a bike ride.

Advice! After removing the bracelet, you should immediately put it in a container, where it should remain until the next time. This is necessary to prevent unnecessary evaporation of the impregnation.

Main characteristics

When buying such a stylish mosquito protection accessory, you need to focus on the age of the person for whom it is intended. Many manufacturers have simplified the choice of size with special fasteners, but still, children's products differ from those intended for adults.

Main characteristics of a bracelet for children

Using the protective equipment is very simple - just attach it to your leg, arm, clothing or even a stroller; there is no need for direct contact with the body.

Replacement cartridge for mosquito repellent bracelet

Different materials are used to make accessories:

  • fabrics;
  • silicone;
  • plastic;
  • polymers.

The design is also different:

  • replaceable cartridge;
  • built-in protective device;
  • special impregnation.

In order for the mosquito repellent bracelet to retain all its properties, it must be stored tightly closed in the package. It is also prohibited to wash or immerse in water or other liquid - the accessory will inevitably deteriorate.

About remedies against mosquito bites

Now at the pharmacy you can buy mosquito repellent in the form of a gel or ointment and a convenient bottle of spray. But they do not last as long and are not as reliable as a bracelet.

In addition, children under 3 years old are often not allowed to use them. And those who have an allergic reaction should completely forget about these bottles for the rest of their lives. But the straps will protect you anytime and anywhere.

It is only important to make sure that you or your child are not allergic to the essential oils contained in the impregnation of the bracelet.

Many people don’t understand what’s so special about this strap? Until they buy it and try it themselves, and this can be done right today.

Do you think that gels and ointments are more reliable? This is not entirely true. Mosquitoes do not land only on those areas where you have applied an odorous product. All other areas are at their complete disposal, which the insects enjoy using.

The bracelet is quite practical; it also has other advantages:

  • it is not necessary to wear it on bare skin, you can attach it to the sleeve of your clothing;
  • the rules of use are so simple that even a small child can understand them;
  • The strap can also be worn on a backpack, attached to a stroller or attached to a trouser belt.

If you do not have hypersensitivity to citronella and other oils, you can safely purchase and wear this anti-mosquito bracelet.

Professional insect extermination

For those who cannot cope with the invasion of “bloodsuckers” with store-bought products, it is recommended to turn to professional services that will quickly help eliminate mosquitoes, ticks, fleas and flies in the garden, especially near a reservoir or pond.

For treatment, exterminators use powerful insecticidal preparations that will protect site owners from “bloodsuckers” for the entire summer season: Emcitrin, Virocide, Glutex, Aspid, Super Fas, Adamant, etc. They are sold in the form of liquid concentrates or powders, which are diluted before use water. Chemical treatment of the area will destroy all harmful insects, their eggs and larvae.

This review of products will help you navigate the wide range of manufactured industrial products that are used to protect people from mosquito bites indoors and outdoors, their active ingredients and cost.

Rules for choosing a bracelet

We have already mentioned that most often shorter and less thick bracelets are sold for children. Adults, accordingly, purchase wider and longer products.

However, this is not an absolute rule. Some manufacturers make an accessory of standard length, which can be adjusted to suit you using a special clamp.

Most often, protective straps are made from materials such as:

  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • polymers;
  • fabrics.

The products also differ in design characteristics.

  1. Some have replaceable cartridges.
  2. Others are soaked in oils.
  3. Still others have a built-in capsule and insect repellent.

Regardless of the material and design features, it is important to store bracelets correctly. Only in this case are they guaranteed to protect you or your child from mosquitoes.

Efficiency and operating principle

The bracelet is impregnated with citronella oil or a mixture of citronella, geranium and lavender oils (mainly children's models). Insects cannot tolerate these odors, so they try to stay away from their source. The materials used in production are non-toxic, so small children, pregnant women and nursing mothers can use such products.

The only thing that can stop you is an individual intolerance to the smell of these oils. But there's nothing you can do about it.

Rating of the best bracelets

It doesn’t matter what material the bracelet is made of, they are produced in approximately the same way.

The workpiece is cut into ribbons of a suitable size, and then impregnated with a product that will repel midges and mosquitoes. There are also products for babies who are under one year old.


Manufacturer from Korea. The bracelet has a button clasp and can be worn on either the wrist or the ankle.

It is fixed freely to the desired length and does not cause inconvenience.

Lavender oil with citronella is used as impregnation, and the material is microfiber.

You can wear this strap for 240 hours without removing it. There is a container for it, and if stored properly, the item will last even longer than the manufacturer stated.

Parents even buy this strap for children under one year old. Or placed on things nearby.

Bugslock mosquito repellent bracelet

Gardex Baby

Children's bracelet. Available in several colors. There is a container in which the cartridge is stored.

The impregnation consists of several oils: geranium with citronella, mint with lavender. 1 plate will continuously repel insects for 21 days.

A child can wear such a bracelet no more than 6 hours a day.

The accessory is not recommended for use:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • for those who are allergic to the impregnation ingredients.

To prevent the child from pulling the bright straps into his mouth, a special bitter liquid is added to the protective structure.

Gardex Baby anti-mosquito bracelet with 3 replaceable cartridges


Designed for babies and available in 2 sizes.

The strap is impregnated with citronella. Important product information:

  • protection lasts for at least 170 hours (with continuous wear);
  • The bugstop is attached to the wrist or ankle. Can be fixed to a crib or stroller;
  • produce a thing in China;
  • You cannot use it if the baby is under 3 years old;
  • the bracelet is decorated with a small toy;
  • its cost is 290 rubles.

Bracelet BugSTOP Kids


The strap is impregnated with geranium and citronella oils, and lemongrass essence is also present. The bracelet can be adjusted comfortably on your hand.

It is so light that you hardly feel it on your wrist. Continuous action lasts for 100 hours.

Another useful quality is its water resistance, so you can leave it on when swimming in a pond or pool.

Mothercare contains no hazardous ingredients. Recommended for children over 3 years old.

Anti-mosquito bracer

Rules of application

The Farewell Squeak product has several contraindications, which relate to individual intolerance to the components and the possibility of developing an allergic reaction. Cannot be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or children under 3 years of age. But you can put it side by side or hang it on a stroller.

Mosquito bracelet Farewell squeak The mosquito repellent bracelet should only be used outdoors. The radius of action is 60 cm. Adults are allowed to put several accessories on their arms and legs at once for greater effect. You can wear it without taking it off for 7 hours straight. Retains the properties of the Farewell Squeak for 4 weeks. Protection extends to blood-sucking insects.

On a note!

It is possible to regulate the concentration of the active component. The ampoule with the active substance is pierced with a needle.

Store in a bag with a locking clasp. Failure to comply with this rule will reduce the effectiveness of the bracelet.

What is it like?

The bracelet against blood-sucking insects is a dense narrow tape up to 25 cm long, which is wrapped around the wrist and secured with a button or Velcro. The product is made from:

  • polymers and plastics;
  • rubber;
  • microfiber;
  • thick fabric or felt;
  • silicone.

The insect repellent product is also attached to:

  • handle of a bag or backpack;
  • ankles;
  • baby stroller;
  • bed rails for sleeping.

The pest protection substance is distributed evenly throughout the product or placed in a separate capsule. The active ingredient that repels blood-sucking insects is:

  1. Essential oil (releases a persistent aroma when heated).
  2. Insecticide.
  3. Natural repellent.

The product can be disposable (the oil is included in the kit or purchased later) and reusable (produced immediately with replaceable cartridges).

Ultrasonic repellers

This method of fighting mosquitoes is famous in all corners of the planet where these insects live. Thus, the principle of operation of ultrasonic repellers is that the mechanism emits a sound of a certain frequency, which female mosquitoes hear from males during “trouble”, after which, fearing possible problems, they immediately fly away.

It is also worth pointing out here that there are two types of such ultrasonic “means”:

  • Portable (powered by batteries or accumulators, you can take it with you on fishing or barbecue);
  • Stationary (most often they work on a network, are installed on the territory of a household/dacha);

Finally, it is worth revealing a not very positive nuance: due to the great demand for such repellers, cases of fraud have become more frequent regarding the sale of counterfeits with an ultrasound frequency that even professionals cannot distinguish.

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