An effective method for controlling flies: sticky tape

Operating principle

Fly tape is the safest way to kill pests indoors, closets and outdoors. The principle of its operation is very simple. Special paper is impregnated with a viscous, odorous glue, the aroma of which is reminiscent of a sweet delicacy. The adhesive tape contains non-toxic substances (rubber, oils, rosin and pine resin) that lure flying insects with the aroma. When flies land on a surface, they stick to it with their paws and then die.

On a note!

The more pests stick to the tape, the more of their relatives begin to circle around and try to sit on it. This is also taken into account by some manufacturers who print fly images on paper.

What is the danger from flies indoors?

You can’t keep track of annoying flies, at what moment they sit down on your favorite breakfast or lunch, when they stain your clean towel with their infected paws, and so on. This is the danger when flies take a fancy to your premises - they are carriers of a number of infectious, fungal and bacterial diseases. Perhaps this is the main danger from flies to humans, besides their intrusiveness, when they strive to sit on your face.

A fly can land on anything. She especially loves decay products - rotting food, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, etc. Then she transfers pathogenic microflora on her paws to clean food, objects and things in the house or other premises. After a person touches an infected object or consumes fly-infested food, the human body, in turn, becomes infected.

Tape selection criteria

There are many types of Velcro on sale, produced by different companies. A few tips and rules will help you understand the wide range and choose the right fly tape:

  • first you need to inspect and evaluate the condition of the packaging: there should be no bruises or leaks on it due to improper storage conditions;
  • the tape should be packed tightly, but easily removed from it;
  • It should be taken into account that the fly's eye is not able to clearly recognize some colors (red and violet), shades of blue are irritating to the insect, but yellow is the most attractive - it should be chosen;
  • When purchasing, you must take into account the dimensions of the room - standard for a room with an area of ​​10-15 square meters. m. you need to hang 2 Velcro strips 2 m long;
  • to increase efficiency and get rid of flies faster, experts advise hanging ribbons in the corners of the room;
  • An important indicator is the thickness of the adhesive layer on the tape, so it is better to immediately return Velcro if it is too dry;
  • When purchasing, you should look at the expiration date, because over time, the product loses its qualities (aroma and stickiness), and then flies will not land on the adhesive tape.

Preventive actions when fighting flies

In order to protect your home as much as possible from unwanted insects, you must take the following steps:

  • constantly ventilate the apartment or house;
  • protect windows and doorways with mosquito nets or gauze;
  • immediately after eating, clear the table, wash the dishes and store them in closed cabinets;
  • treat cesspools or places where waste accumulates with chlorine or lime chloride;
  • Regularly wipe doors and windows with a vinegar solution.

Using a flytrap

As mentioned above, adhesive tape is an effective remedy. It is guaranteed to rid your home of insects and has no disadvantages.

The use of other means to combat insects

There are many such means, but, as a rule, they are ineffective. One of the favorite and most common is killing pests with newspaper or a fly swatter. Of course, in this way you can swat about a dozen insects, but usually, the remaining several dozen (or hundreds) of insects are reliably hidden. Many people use pesticides, thereby poisoning not only pests, but also those around them. Some even use a vacuum cleaner, but often this method can get rid of several insects, but it costs a lot of effort and energy.

Instructions for using Velcro

Procedure for opening and applying the tape:

  • remove the tape from the packaging and carefully unfold it;
  • remove the hanging loop and secure it in the desired place (corners of the room, lamp or chandelier, handles or hooks near windows or doors);
  • It is not recommended to hang the tape too low so that when moving around the room people do not touch it with their heads or hair, which may stick due to high stickiness;
  • it is strictly forbidden to hang Velcro near heating devices and open fire, especially in a draft;
  • It is not recommended to hang it in areas exposed to direct sunlight;
  • After a lot of flies stick to it, the tape should be removed and thrown into the trash.


Some manufacturers apply such strong glue to the tape that objects accidentally falling on it (hair, chandeliers, wallpaper, etc.) can stick “tightly”.

Product description

Traditional fly traps have been used for many years to combat hated insects. Forssyth adhesive tapes work effectively, preventing flies, midges and other pests from living and breeding. You won’t even notice how the product will take on hundreds of annoying parasites while you rest or go about your business. The price of the Forsythe flytrap is pleasantly surprising; it won’t hurt anyone’s pockets. Velcro is absolutely safe; the glue does not cause allergies or rashes when it comes into contact with the skin.

Manufacturer ratings and prices for adhesive tape

Based on surveys and consumer reviews, a list of the best Velcro has been compiled:

  • Help (Boyscout) - made in Russia, the package contains 4 tapes with fasteners, hinges and a box, instructions are printed on each sleeve, product consumption - 2-3 pcs. for 10 sq. m of premises, price - about 45 rubles. for 4 units;
  • Lethal force (Russia) – sold in 4 pieces, each has a protective cardboard sleeve and a fastening button; This product has a longer validity period - 6 months, the packaging is valid for 3 years, the cost is 4 pcs. – 45-55 rub.;
  • Clean House (Russia) – the tape is sold in protective red packaging, attached to a button, the duration of quality preservation is 30-35 days; good for 3 years, price 15 rubles;
  • Fumitox (Russia) – sold in a set of 4 pcs. tapes, sleeves of purple color, the active substance attractant is applied, when opening it is necessary to pull the loop and open the “serpentine” of the tape with a button at the end, the fasteners are needed for fastening on a horizontal surface so that it hangs vertically and away from objects; for 10 sq. m you need 2-3 pcs., the effect lasts 1-1.5 months; shelf life 4 years, price 70 rub. (for 4 units);

    Adhesive tape from Fumitox

  • Flop (made in China) - sold in yellow sleeves with a small fastener - a metal button, instructions are printed on the packaging, duration of action - 1 month, shelf life 3 years, price 10-15 rubles.

Method of application and principle of operation of the tape

The principle of operation of the tape is quite simple: the object flies past and sticks with its paws to the Velcro.

The product is suspended from the ceiling or window/door opening and pulled outward using a loop. After two months, as a rule, the pests completely disappear.

It is known that Velcro can be made at home. To do this you need to use: glue, glycerin, castor oil, honey, rosin. However, the homemade remedy is considered the least effective. Here it is better to trust professionals and use proven, reliable manufacturers: Raptor, Fumitox, Mukholov and other well-known companies.

From all of the above, we can conclude that sticky tape is an effective drug in the fight against annoying insects. Moreover, Velcro is safe for humans and the environment as a whole, as it contains only natural ingredients. Adhesive tape has a long service life, and its inexpensive cost will be a pleasant addition.


Every year our family goes to the dacha. And as always, we are attacked by mosquitoes, flies and all sorts of flying “evil spirits”. In recent years, in addition to fly swatters, adhesive tapes have begun to be used. It helps well - we periodically remove the “harvest of corpses”, now the number of buzzing neighbors has decreased.

Oksana, Moscow

I recommend the Boy Scout ribbon, it is the best priced and lasts a long time. Although it says six months, it’s 2 months. already covered in flies. The packaging is enough for the season.

Maxim, Voronezh

DIY ribbon

For those who want to try making their own flypaper, the following recipe recommendations are suitable. To make it, you will need thick paper (smooth or rough), ideally a special one used for wax depilation (sold in cosmetic stores in packs of 100 pieces);

Making Velcro for flies Basic recipes for components (to choose from) for the “sticky” mixture:

  • 200 g of rosin, 100 g of castor oil, 50 g of turpentine and the same amount of molasses or sugar syrup;
  • 200 g linseed oil (sold at the pharmacy), 300 g rosin, 60 g honey or jam;
  • 10 g beeswax, 50 g honey or sugar syrup, 150 ml linseed oil, 300 g pine resin;
  • 100 g of honey (preferably unrefined), 400 g of rosin, 200 ml of castor oil (vaseline or machine), 40 ml of glycerin.

The preparation of the sticky mixture is done using a water bath, in which you need to melt rosin or resin, placing them in a tin container (so that later you don’t mind throwing out the pungent-smelling jar). The container is placed in a saucepan with boiling water, the viscous liquid must be stirred until it becomes a viscous mass. Then add the remaining ingredients, mix and keep in a water bath for a while until smooth.

The paper should first be cut into strips. The finished mixture is hot applied to the strip in a layer 2-3 mm thick. At the end you need to make a loop for hanging. If the mixture cools down when spreading a large number of ribbons, then it must be periodically reheated.

It doesn’t really matter what adhesive fly tape you use – homemade or store bought. The main thing is that it is sticky and insects will land on it, which will help to effectively get rid of them without chemicals and toxic agents.

How Velcro works

The fly fly strip is a very simple yet effective design. This is paper or oilcloth tape covered with a sticky viscous mass. The operating principle is based on the interaction of two components:

  • aromatic substances that attract insects;
  • a sticky mixture that traps flies.

Adhesive tapes are placed in places where there is the greatest concentration and activity of flies. The smell attracts insects, which touch the sticky layer, stick and soon die of starvation.

It is noteworthy that the presence of insects already glued to the tape not only does not frighten flies, but, on the contrary, attracts them.

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