Pest repellent Riddex Plus: instructions for use

The Riddex ultrasonic repeller is a modern device that, according to the manufacturer, is effective in pest control. This device emits electromagnetic pulses that repel cockroaches, ants, small rodents, etc. It is safer than toxic sprays, liquids, plates, but the question of their effectiveness remains open. Potential buyers want to thoroughly understand how repellers work and how to use them correctly. In addition, it will be useful for them to read reviews from people who have already used Riddex in business, learn about the pros and cons of these devices, and their cost.


According to the material:durable plastic
To size:95 by 60 mm
By weight:0.095 kg
By power:4 Watt
By voltage:from 90 to 250 Volts
By frequency:from 2.5 to 5 min
According to the maximum operating time:around the clock
During breaks in work:from 2.5 to 3 min
According to tolerable humidity:20-90%
According to the tolerable temperature:-30-40 degrees

Customer Reviews

User reviews about Riddex are quite contradictory. Some people claim that the device is effective and helps control pests, while others claim that it is a hoax and does not cope with its functions at all.


Karina, 30 years old I’m quite squeamish, when I noticed a mouse in the house, I started thinking about how to get rid of it. The usual methods, for example, poison or a mousetrap, do not suit me, because I don’t want to see the corpse of a rodent. After searching the Internet a little, I found information about Ridex, read the reviews, and I liked it. I bought 2 devices and installed them at different ends of the apartment. I can’t say that the device worked immediately, but after 2–3 weeks the “unwanted guest” disappeared. Then she turned on the device for 3 – 5 hours a day, twice or three times a week.

Alina, 32 years old Previously, she used poisonous bags to control rodents. But it so happened that the mouse died under the floor, the smell in the apartment was terrible. I had to tear off the boards to get it out. After this incident, I no longer wanted to use conventional chemicals. A friend advised me to buy Ridex, claiming that with its help she got rid of rodents. I bought 2 devices because our area is quite large. Indeed, after a couple of weeks I no longer noticed traces of the mouse. The advantages of the repeller include the fact that you do not need to control the presence of bait, monitor children or the cat.

Zhanna, 34 years old I needed a Riddex repeller to get rid of cockroaches. I didn’t really believe that it would work, especially since at first they were even more active. But after a month of regular use, they gradually became smaller until the last one disappeared. After that, I did not turn off the device for another 5 days, and then gave it a rest. Now I periodically turn on the device to avoid a re-invasion.


Dmitry, 25 years old I used this vaunted repeller for about 3 weeks, but the cockroaches did not disappear anywhere! In a word - a scam of suckers!

Svetlana, 33 years old I bought Riddex to get rid of rodents, but I couldn’t really test it. The device broke down within a week.

The problems described above may be caused by violating the rules for using the repeller or purchasing a fake.

Instructions for using the ridex plus repeller

In order to achieve maximum effect in pest control, you need to follow certain rules, the observance of which is required by the riddex plus repeller. Instructions for use will help with this:

  1. Remove the device from the packaging;
  2. Plug the device into a power outlet or extension cord. It is important that they are not blocked by anything. At night it is better to turn on the backlight;
  3. Riddex plus should be kept switched on at all times;
  4. It is advisable to install the device at a distance of a meter from the floor.

It is not recommended to turn off the device, for preventive purposes, even if the living creatures have disappeared. For a large room, it is worth purchasing several repellers and placing them evenly over the area of ​​the room. It takes 1-3 weeks for insects to disappear, and 2-4 weeks for rodents.

Read on the topic: Ultrasonic rodent repellers: review of the most common models

Purpose of the Riddex repeller

As mentioned, Riddex repellers are recommended for use in all rooms where harmful insects or rodents are found. Universal devices affect mosquitoes, ants, bedbugs, spiders, fleas, cockroaches, mice, rats.

It is recommended to use the device when the first traces of pests appear. After all, even if they have not yet caused damage, they will certainly manifest themselves over time. It is important to remember that insects and rodents harm not only your household, but also your health.

Insects and rodents can be found in shops, cafes, restaurants, hospitals, offices, etc. In any place they cause harm and cause material damage.

Riddex repellers are recommended for use in the following places:

  • Residential premises, for example, apartments, houses, cottages, etc.
  • Canteens, cafes, restaurants.
  • Retail outlets (market stall, store).
  • Kindergartens, schools, hospitals, sanatoriums, etc.

In addition, repellers are used to protect computer and telecommunication networks.

Advantages and disadvantages of the device

Among the advantages of riddex plus:

  • Safe for people and pets;
  • Does not pollute the air and surrounding space;
  • Completely and permanently eliminates pests;
  • Affects the vast majority of rodents and insects;
  • Dual action - ultrasound and electromagnetic waves - ensures cleaning even in hard-to-reach places;
  • Operates from a standard network and does not affect other devices;
  • Works autonomously, there is no need for additional maintenance;
  • Suitable for most spaces.


For many consumers, this device did not help solve their pest problem!

Precautionary measures

The ultrasonic repeller is completely safe for expectant mothers, children, and sick people. It does not interfere with the operation of surrounding electronic devices, such as smartphones, home appliances, wireless networks, the Internet, etc.

The device is absolutely safe for birds, fish, cats, dogs. However, domestic rodents, for example, hamsters, rats, guinea pigs, may suffer from its effects. Therefore, if you have pets from this group, you should stop using Ridex.

To prevent damage to the device, do not use it in environments with high humidity or near heat sources. It is also prohibited to cover it with a cloth.

To prevent pests from returning, keep doors and windows closed at all times. Try to constantly remove food from open areas to avoid attracting more insects or rodents. Watch what your pets bring from the street into the house. Periodically check food, animal feed, and grains for insects or traces of mice/rat.

Ridex repellers are much safer than toxic substances that are usually used to kill pests.

How to use?

How to clean your home from pests using a repeller? According to the instructions that come with the kit, to combat unwanted animals, just plug the device into a power outlet. You will be able to observe the maximum effect of use a week or two after switching on. But uninvited neighbors will never return to your territory.

IMPORTANT!!! If there are decorative or domestic rodents in the house, operation of the device is not advisable!

Advantages and disadvantages

According to the manufacturer, Ridex repellers have the following advantages:

  • It has a wide spectrum of action and affects all pests simultaneously.
  • Safe for the human body, as well as domestic animals (with the exception of decorative rodents and insects).
  • Easy to use. The device just needs to be connected to the network for it to begin to work.
  • Energy efficient. The device consumes a minimum amount of electricity (4 W) and does not interfere with the functionality of other devices.
  • Resistant to various temperatures. The device is capable of operating at temperatures from -25 to +30°.
  • Environmentally friendly. Ridex does not emit harmful toxic fumes.
  • Humaneness towards insects and rodents. The device does not destroy pests, but helps expel them from the house.
  • Large area of ​​influence. The device covers approximately 200 m².
  • Long lasting effect. With prolonged and proper use of the device, pests will leave the room for a long time.

Some users consider the disadvantage of Ridex to be that at first insects and rodents become more active and constantly catch their eye. But this is a sign that they will soon leave the area.

Judging by the reviews, some users were unable to get rid of pests using the device. However, this may be due to a violation of the rules for its use.

What does the device look like?

The innovative development has the shape of a rectangle. Fits perfectly in the hand.

There is a backlight on/off button at the top of the front panel. Below it there are two indicator lights: one in the right area, the second in the left. Once turned on they begin to glow. The green light is constantly on. Red blinks intermittently. The luminous flux is weak, does not distract, does not hit the eyes.

Below is a night light protected by glass. The light of the built-in light bulb is soft and does not hurt the eyes. Can be used in a children's room.

Below is an emblem: a small house, above which the full name of the device is stretched - “RIDDEX PLUS”. The emblem is framed by a square frame with rounded corners.

The plug is fixedly fixed at the back. Its electrical contacts are in the form of pins. Ideal for any modern sockets.

What is the RIDDEX Plus pest repeller made of?

RIDDEX Plus is a high-quality and safe ultrasonic repeller made of durable plastic that can be used for many years. There is a high-frequency repellent signal inside the device. Thanks to the sounds that the device makes, any pests have a severe panic attack.

Reviews about the product RIDDEX Plus

Ruslana, 59 years old, Rostov-on-Don

Six months ago, I realized my cherished dream, which I had been pursuing all my life - I bought a country house! But the happiness of living in nature was quickly overshadowed by the appearance of insects in the house. I was so upset that I can’t express it in words! Thanks to my son who found the RIDDEX Plus ultrasonic repeller for me. The insects immediately disappeared instantly! Now you can fully enjoy life in your countryside. Thank you very much!

Konstantin, 38 years old, Voronezh

RIDDEX Plus is the best insect repellent I have seen. Brilliant device! The bedbugs and cockroaches fled in an instant. Moreover, the repeller is incredibly easy to use - just plug it into a power outlet, and that’s it! RIDDEX Plus has become a real salvation for our dacha. We recommended it to all our neighboring summer residents, and we also recommend that you purchase this device! And you will definitely forget forever about the presence of insects in your home abode.

Snezhana, 32 years old, Pervouralsk

Before, I always looked forward to summer with horror. Not only does it become wildly hot outside, but the house also becomes filled with all sorts of insects! It’s so good that I learned about the RIDDEX Plus device this year. This repeller is a reliable protection for your home against insects. So in the summer now I no longer have any uninvited guests in my house. From now on I will live in peace. I am so glad! I will order another device like this for my dacha - let there be no insects there either.

Margarita, 49 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

What a blessing that there are no more insects in my apartment! The RIDDEX Plus device helped scare them all away. I am especially glad that the cockroaches that “came running” to us from the neighboring apartment have stopped running under our feet. Finally, my husband and I can live peacefully in our quiet home. If you are also tired of putting up with the presence of insects in your home, RIDDEX Plus is what you need! Buy the device and see for yourself its effectiveness!

Device characteristics

Ridex Plus is a small-sized device for exterminating insects , which is often used at home.

When insects hear ultrasound, they perceive it as the sound of danger, which is why they leave the occupied territory. The advantage of the device is that the developers have perfectly combined an electromagnetic field and an ultrasonic emitter, which destroys parasites but does not harm humans.

When the repeller is plugged into a socket, the wiring begins to generate a force field, after which pulses begin to flow at different frequencies.

Wires carrying current are transformed into a magnetic barrier, the size of which will be approximately two meters.

Radiation negatively affects the nervous system:

  • ants;
  • cockroaches;
  • flies;
  • mosquitoes;
  • mice;
  • rats

They eventually leave their place of residence.

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Connecting the Riddex device to the electrical network

As soon as Riddex Plus went on sale, it immediately proved its worth. Buyers agree that the device is the best, since it makes it possible to:

  • get rid of uninvited guests in the house (ants, flies, mice, rats, mosquitoes, and so on);
  • protect yourself from dangerous diseases that can be transmitted through insects;
  • in summer and spring, you can safely open windows and not worry about rodents and other parasites getting in through them;
  • do not hide food at night, worrying that pests will appear;
  • save on fumigators and poisons that were used to kill insects.

Riddex Plus creates terrible living conditions for insects that lose their appetite, sleep and stop reproducing. An imaginary danger forces them to look for another place to live.

Why is a repeller better than poison?

As mentioned earlier, the device does not kill pests, but only scares them away and forces them to leave the room. If there are rodents in the house, such as mice or rats, Riddex is the best way to get rid of them. And here’s the thing: rodents mostly move inside the walls, only occasionally crawling into and out of the building.

If you use poison, there is a chance that a mouse or rat will die inside the wall after eating the poison. And then there will be a very unpleasant smell in the house. When using Riddex Plus, which uses repelling aid technology for fighting, this does not threaten. Rodents will simply leave the walls of the room and will no longer cause discomfort.

Also, if there is a cat living in a house or apartment, there is a possibility that he will catch a mouse that has already eaten the poison. And this can have a detrimental effect on the pet's health. Toxic sprays can also adversely affect the health of both humans and animals. Besides, it's not very convenient. In order to poison pests with a spray, it is necessary to completely close the room and free it from people and animals.

After 12 hours you need to return and ventilate the room. You should also not be in the house at this time. And there is a possibility that after all the work done there will be no positive result. In the case of using a universal repeller, such situations will not occur. 100% results are guaranteed with minimal investment of time and money.

Principle of operation

The innovative device was developed by American engineers in the 90s of the last century. Unlike other means of control, designed to kill small rodents and various insects on the spot, the task of an ultrasonic device is not to destroy, but to displace pests from the habitat. It is known that mice quickly develop resistance to all kinds of pesticides, and they simply stop reacting to them, which is why the effectiveness of poisonous powders and gels is often so low.

The principle of operation of the Riddex device is based on the creation of ultrasonic pulses, which are elastic mechanical vibrations propagating in bodies of any state of aggregation. High-frequency ultrasound produces strictly directed beams that can penetrate the tissues of living organisms. By irritating the nerve endings, ultrasonic waves cause panic and discomfort in animals and insects, as a result of which they are forced to flee.

This video talks about the Riddex repeller:

Such an impact is not fatal, but is only a factor that prompts uninvited occupants to immediately leave the premises. The high efficiency of the device is largely due to the strong electromagnetic field propagating through the wires when the repeller is plugged into an outlet.

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